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Latest revision as of 02:18, 12 September 2022

Hail Unglorious Hydra
Date of Scene: 11 September 2022
Location: Midtown - New Troy
Synopsis: A group of varied heroes show up to save the day against the evil forces of Hydra!
Cast of Characters: Mary Jane Watson, Artemis Crock, Beroe Kazinski, J'onn J'onzz, Conner Kent, Grail, Natasha Cranston

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson is in Metropolis meeting Superboy for a date. Mary Jane is currently wearing a long sleeved shirt and jeans a bit more fitting for the early fall weather. She's got a bit of a spring in her step, looking forwards to spending some time over with someone she greatly enjoyed. As she's going past BatBurger, the ground starts to vibrate some. Mary Jane looks confused - Metropolis isn't prone to Earthquakes?
    Right then as from the ground start to burst up numerous drill tanks! Popping up and out and moving to start to deploy dozens and dozens of green and yellow suited Hydra troops wielding heavy weapons!

Artemis Crock has posed:
Artemis Crock is out on a patrol today, mostly because she's rather bored and likes to train hard and play hero on her free time. Clearly someone needs a life. At any rate, she's up on a nearby rooftop when drill tanks pop up out of the blue, spewing out Hydra personnel. Ohhhh great..So much for a quiet day..

Dark eyes narrow, pulling out her bow, not bothering to see what they may do first as she launches a net arrow at a few of them, hoping to slow them down at least.

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
The camera angle is catching Beroe perfectly, her torso is visible with the selfie stick pulling the phone back far enough for such a shot, and she's moving it around expertly as she's in the middle of Metropolis. Her other hand has a green metallicy soda can being held as she is talking into the camera. "That's right, me and Spritz are on tour! Going to Metropolis to visit, see the sights. And I've got the energy to make it a great time because of the only organic carbonated green tea beverage endorsed by me! I drink so much of this stuff, is it any wonder I'm so happy all the time? When life brings you... wait, a second, what is that?!"

And in the shot, over her shoulder is one of those large drilling machines popping up, looming over her and taking the shot of the building away. "Also, real quick, I'd like to thank @PetMeFashion for the Fox Ears I'm sporting today." Distractedly, she looks over her shoulder, "Alright everyone. I guess... this fun trip has turned into a hero trip."

With a few fiddles of the live streaming, Beroe sets the phone up on a nearby bench with her popsocket pulled out to work as a stand. Giving a quick pose, a V for victory going out to her stream watchers, she turns to look at what the hell is going on. Leaving the phone running.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz had been high, high above, drifting in the outer atmosphere, absorbing the signals of the world, meditating while frost rimed along his green-skinned form. Crimson eyes blink open, a flicker, as the psionic cacophany arising from below draws his attention. Mental images from the witnesses, perspectives cascading one after another, showing him the attack from a multitude of angles.

He breaks free of his very light orbit and shakes off the frost with a casual vibration of his atoms, before dipping and plunging downwards towards the chaos, arms outstretched as he goes to get a closer in person look. He doesn't see anything that necessarily would require calling in the League - especially as he quickly recognizes that he won't be the only hero on scene.

Conner Kent has posed:
Metropolis. The shinny, calm city where nothing terrible ever happens. Because who would dare to attack the city of not just the world's mightiest hero, but also where president Lex hangs his hat?

Answer: Nazis. Crazy Nazis.

And Conner was sure it was going to be a nice dinner and movies date with MJ. Just when he was arriving from New York, the ground looks full of holes. "Are those tanks with drills? Did Hydra recruit the Toyman?" And where is MJ?

There is no much time to change outfits, but he was wearing the red-S-on-black t-shirt and a leather jacket. That is going to have to be enough, as he lands between the deploying Hydra soldiers and the citizens of Metro. "Hey, you all. Who is the Hydra supreme head honcho this week? What the hell do you want?"

Grail has posed:
Guiding herself in with a bit of a flourish of her arms, Grail simply slams into the ground with the force, of well, a nearly two hundred pound woman who just lept from New York City to Metropolis. It's not that far of a leap when you get up high enough and are strong enough to throw tanks like toys. Either way, she lands with a thud and skis to a stop near to Midtown. That's when she's surprised.

She landed and /then/ the ground shook. It wasn't exactly what she expected. She looks around quickly at the area she landed in, peering at the various buildings that she had only just missed. She glances then at the Earth bursting open nearby and out comes troopers of some kind.

"Did I arrive in time for some kind of war?" She asks of no one in particular before she frowns and clenches a fist.

"Scott really should have informed me that his people were at war. What else is he and that kryptonian hiding from me?"

Natasha Cranston has posed:
        Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of Man?

    The Shadow Knows.

... Well, usually.

    Despite her reputation among her usual prey, Natasha isn't nearly as omniscient as she sometimes appears to be. But so it goes. Sometimes you have near complete information about a planned heist, up to and including the spousal infidelity of the man leading it; sometimes all your agent could deliver was a strong probability that HYDRA was planning some kind of attack on STAR labs, with little detail as to the how, or what specifically they were after.

    There is, of course, a strong temptation to just leave Metropolis' resident Kryptonians deal with the issue, but on the other hand HYDRA is well aware of their presence and likely wouldn't commit to a heist if they didn't also have a plan for dealing with the same...

    Four hours later, in the back of Benny's cab, and having been driven aimlessly across Metropolis for the past hour, Natasha is starting to regret her earlier charitable idea -- there are other cases she could be working. Benny meets her eyes in the rear-view mirror and raises an eyebrow.

    "If we're going to be heading back to New York I'll need to gas up first," he points out, and Natasha chuckles. "Fair point. Find the nearest gas station just in case, and I'll decide whether--"

    Her musings are cut short when the ground starts shaking, and before she can say anything one of the digging machines erupts from the road nearby.

    "Took 'em long enough," Benny mutters as he expertly swerves around the sudden new obstacles. "Guess this trip wasn't a waste after all. Coming up on a good dropoff point in about half a minute, Boss."

    Natasha is already shrugging into her greatcoat in the backseat. "I'll be ready," she replies, reaching for her hat. "Once I'm out, get clear -- I'll make my own way out of the cordon," the Shadow finishes as she slips her scarf and its voice mask into place.

    The sudden panic is causing a great deal of chaos on the roads, and multiple cars have already crashed into each other. Benny's cab comes to a screeching halt just in time to avoid a head-on collision, and in the confusion nobody notices the passenger door opening and closing...

    Before anyone from HYDRA can respond to Superboy's demand a sinister chuckle echoes through the area. "Directions, probably," the voice continues mockingly. "S.T.A.R. labs is a bit further to the east..."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
People are staring; likely terrorists popping out of the ground in drill tanks is a rare experience even for people in Metropolis. Then there's yelling over as they start scrambling, running!
    Mary Jane goes to curse, "Everyone, please, evacuate in an orderly mann.." She's ignored over as Hydra troopers go to form up in ranks. Mary Jane goes to then take out a gun and fire it up in the air. "SHIELD agents are en route. Everyone, file away in an orderly manner." HEr voice booming and authoritative as she keeps the gun up in the air.
    Dozens and dozens of Hydra agents are now up and out over with weapons even as the heroes respond. One o them is yelling, "We're suppoesd to be at STAR Labs!" Another one points helpfully over in the direction of STAR Labs, "it's right there." To be unceremoniously pistol whipped by the officer, "We were suppoesd to come OUT right there! For this crass incompetence.." Right as he's hit over by the net arrow and dropped, "GHHK!"
    J'Onn and Superboy are among the first to arrive through the sky. Superboy is met over with rapid fire of energy rifles shot over at him in large numbers as one of the drill tanks goes to swivel what looks like a nasty looking energy blaster at him.. Troops with flamethrowers are rapidly going to try and chase civilians!
    Grail is mostly ignored over by them - a tall alien woman is hardly out of place, and she's an unkown entity. No one is shooting at her.
    The appearance of the Shadow (or rather the /sound/ of her) has several troops stumbling about - they go to fire in every direction, not sure where the mocking tone is coming from!

Artemis Crock has posed:
Artemis Crock narrows her eyes as she listens to some of the officers saying something about STAR labs. Hmm, interesting, guess these villains are a bit full. Oh well, suits her just fine. With a grin, she grabs another arrow and fires it at the group of advancing Hydra, this time releasing a blinding smoke screen on as many HYDRA officers as she can. Spying some heavy hitters descending from the sky, she decides to leave all the..Well, heavy hitting up to them, quite happy to be support on this one.

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
A tall woman comes landing with a rumbling shake nearby Beroe, and she blinks, "At war? Are we at war? I am ... well, I'm sure we're at SOME kind of war. Right? There's... wow. Those drills must've been designed by some expert engineers, do you think they did illegal mining as well? That's a major cause of pollution, and we're all at war against unnecessary green house gases. Oh, don't worry though, I'll protect you." Yep, the girl in goth fashion and fox ears, will protect the 6'+ amazonian woman who just jumped cities?

Rushing forward Beroe stops in her tracks when flamethrowers start lighting up in the direction of citizens! She turns, "Catch phrase, come on! Hey, team, come up with a catch phrase and put it in chat! I'll use it later!" She waves over to her phone, for a second, then turns back to the citizens and reaches forward, spreading out her hands. Holes in space start opening up nearby various people starting to try and catch bursts of fire and re-direct them harmlessly upwards, instead of after citizens. A few of the holes are popping up in the way of citizens running away, though, safely depositing them outside of the range of danger, but it's a LOT of fire, and not so many portals, but growing in number as she keeps it up.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz sees the flamethrowers from a distance and rises higher to keep himself from experiencing any undue anxiety. He can do plenty from afar, especially with others like Superboy. He psi-scans quickly to find which tanks are fully automated, destroying those casually with bursts of energy from his red eyes, blasting them to pieces one by one. "I would suggest this is a terrorist attack, rather than an act of war. They wear the colors of the organization called Hydra, of which there are many disparate factions."

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner grimaces when the Hydra soldiers shoot instead of talking. What did he expect? It is hilarious they got lost, though. Probably going too deep for DPS signals.

But those are a lot of energy guns aiming at him, so he takes off again, avoiding most of the shots. His telekinetic forcefield stops a few more, but his leather jacket takes a few hits. The first casualty for September.

He is not going far, in fact he lands on the tank that was trying to aim at him. Instead, he flips the vehicle over and uses it as a shield against the soldiers firing at him.

SHIELD agents are in route already? That is great. But why is MJ screaming that?

Grail has posed:
"Oh, well, good then." Grail simply responds to Beroe and then looks over at the others as they start to fight and the HYDRA idiots are at least smart enough not to open fire upon her. She watches a moment and then simply shrugs. It's time to enact an age old idiom that many are familiar with.

"Well, not my problem then." Grail turns and sniffs at the air, "I was, after all, informed to stay out of trouble while I wait." And she starts over toward the source of what she could smell and looks at the pretzels hanging inside of the glass container that were abandoned by a flying attendant. She reaches over and casually pulls the door open (breaking the latch) and pulls out a pretzel.

"Now what is this?" She asks of no one in particular as she pulls a piece of and takes a bite before having a surprised look. She nods casually and retrieves one of the small plastic cups of cheese and eyes it carefully before turning to watch the action while dipping her pretzel in cheese.

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    A good question. Perhaps because she wants HYDRA to hear it regardless of whether it's true?

    Something to consider later; right now the priority is the civilians, and HYDRA's apparent intentions of turning a botched raid into a massacre -- why were they bringing flamethrowers on a laboratory raid anyway?

    Natasha shrugs the questions aside and gets to work.

    The flamethrowers are a bit too tricky to handle with misdirection; she'll leave them to the less vulnerable capes that have dropped in and instead goes for the ones concentrating on Superboy.

    Shooting at a moving target is hard enough when that target isn't flipping a tank for cover; it's no surprise that two of the gunners are entirely too focused on getting a shot off at Superboy that they don't notice the shadow moving along the ground near them until it rises up and solidifies just in time to grab their heads and knock them together before yanking them off their feet and slamming them into the ground. A blow to one head and a swift kick to the other and they're both out cold, and as their comrades turn toward the sudden threat in their midst the Shadow fades from view again to the sound of mocking laughter...

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Grail's food is tasty. And she has a front row seat (or stand) to all of the fun. Time to just watch the games and maybe bet money (if she has money) on what's going on! The smoke arrows from Artemis go to blast over the area, and there are several troops yelling, "WE CANNOT SEE!" Over the smoke and. . Wow. That's really gotta be something. People go to flee through the portals that Beroe is putting up. There has to be better than ehre in the midst of an active combat zone!
    As the tanks start to go up and over thanks to J'onn, several of the troopers go to blast over at him! Their bulltes no doubt going right through him ro to no remote effect whatsoever. Also their aim is awful on top of that.
    Conner's jacket has given up the ghost. At least it hasn't gone over with the mullet that he may or may not have ever actually worn over at this. More shots go to impact the tank as Superboy flips it, even as it goes to blow up over thanks to teh hits! Leaving him no doubt unharmed but almost definitely messing up the jacket beyond recovery.
    Mary Jane is continuing to gesture at people to go away, "Head out in an orderly manner and get out of here. Reinforcements are en route." REinforcements? Superboy can definitely pick that out. And Mary Jane is ever so focused on speaking now over into a commpiece taken from a pocket. That has the familiar eagle heraldry upon it..
    As for the Shadow, probably best not ot think too much on Hydra tactics. They're crazed Nazis. Even under good circumstances they're horrid shots - these circumstances definitely don't qualify as 'good' in the slightest. She's able to chop them down and take them out easliy.

Artemis Crock has posed:
Well. it seems the heavy hitters have things more or less under control. So Artemis continues to survey the scene from afar, a safe enough distance that she can strike without being seen, her best and most effective style of play.

And while the gig guns go for the tanks, she pulls out three arrows this time, aiming and firing at the occasional stray Hydra soldier that was missed, focusing more on trying to shoot the weapons out of their hands or going for shots in the arm, focused more on maiming and slowing the, down rather than resorting to lethal force.

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
Tanks exploding, a quick wince, comes from Beroe. Energy blasts are going off left and right, and she's trying to navigate the departure of the citizens, mixing portals that just shoot flamethrowers up and out off to no where in particular, and citizens to escape on the perimeter of harm's way. Though still with an eye shot direction of the action.

As she's doing this, she looks over, toward the bench with her phone, then re-positions a little, then back to the bench, then re-positions some more. With a quick smile and a thumbs up, she says, "Hey all, don't forget to like and subscribe!" With this she notices the whole pretzel theft, and her eyes get wide, and she gapes with her mouth, then sighs.

A portal opens up, she grabs something, then pulls out a debit card, then another portal, popping it in, pressing what looks like buttons, then she pulls back her card and some cash. Did she just portal to an ATM? Then another quick portal to put money tucked away on the top of the pretzel cart. "Don't worry about it, I got you covered!" Then she puts her little clutch away back where ever she pulled it from in the first place.

The delay? Thankfully didn't cost anyone their life, but a flamethrower is sweeping in her direction making her cringe a moment, close her eyes, peeking open still with one, as she's not able to move out of its way. Possible someone might save her, who knows? But she may also get cooked. Only time will tell.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz moves on from the unmanned to the manned, finding clusters of Hydra soldiers and simply putting them to sleep, a simple psionic pulse that will knock down everyone near his vicinity. With exceptions made for those he recognizes as allies, of course.

He arches an eyebrow at Grail in passing, but passes her over for now. She seemed to be a wild card and he had no need to provoke her.

Conner Kent has posed:
They miss so much. And then hit each other. "What are you? Stormtroopers?" Millions of dollars in weapons, and they didn't spend a few days at the firing range? Conner gets away from the tank about to explode in time, but then thinks better and returns to rescue the driver and gunner, and also the idiots that were shooting while staying too close to the tank. Yes, that is a leather jacket bill he is going to send to Baron Zemo.

Fortunately with the smoke, their aim is even worse. And he starts confiscating energy rifles from the closest soldiers and tossing them into burning tanks, sometimes breaking some fingers, so the Hydra agents don't try to get spare guns. Those personal energy guns are powerful enough Conner feels the blasts. He would hate getting hit by one of the tanks.

Grail has posed:
Casually, Grail seems amused by the antics of the Shadow, watching the fighting happen with some degree of interest. She seems to enjoy watching various things go flying and shakes her head at the rather high incompetence of these attackers. She looks over at the actions of Beroe and blinks as money appears behind her on the stand. She tilts her head a little at that and then rolls her eyes even as the distraction of doing so causes her to put herself in danger.

"Idiot." Is Grail's response to this before she considers simply vaporizing the man with the flamethrower. It'd be easy enough but then she'd be giving away more than she wishes. So instead, she simply tosses her cheese and pretzel into the air. A moment later she is standing right in front of the flamethrower guy.

Fire splits around her like a boulder parting a river as she stands in front of him. Her right hand grabs the tip of the flamethrower and crushes it shut before her right hand suddenly pushes forward and sends the man flying backward with speed.

Thn there's a blur of motion and she's standing back where she was, catching her pretzel and her cheese and letting out a sigh, "Honestly."

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    Mooks or not, guns are still to be taken seriously -- even if they don't hit who they're aiming for, a stray bullet can and will ruin someone's day, and their wild firing is only going to make it more likely that some civilians are going to get hit.

    Safely concealed from view again, Natasha focuses. Normally, directly pushing illusions into the mind of an entire crowd is extremely taxing, but HYDRA conditions its foot soldiers to unquestioningly follow the stronger will, and think very strongly alike.

    It makes this slightly easier -- which isn't the same as 'easy', but...

    Several HYDRA soldiers suddenly stop shooting. "Gun's jammed!" one of them yells, shaking his rifle, his finger twitching but not quite actually pulling the trigger. Another suddenly ejects his half-full magazine and starts frantically searching his pockets for a spare, ignoring the two at his belt. Two more suddenly leap away from nothing at all, hitting the ground hard and rolling for cover that isn't there.

    In the shadow of a nearby statue, a tall figure seems to materialize, keeping somewhat out of sight while reaching out with a hand to steady themselves.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Grail goes to play 'bouncy ball' with the man with the flamethrower. He goes flying backwards, moving to hit the ground as the flamehtrower explodes over around him, covering him in burning napalm jelly as he tries to scream, just wriggling over in a ball on the ground now. Grail has also managed to save her snacks at the same time! Efficiency!
    It's like shooting turkey in a barrel - or should that be shafting in a barrel? The Hydra Agents are slow, disorganized, and haven't the faintest clue as to what they're up against. For Artemis, this could perhas even be called relaxing as she's taking them out quickly and easily.
    Beroe has managed to mostly clear out the remainder of the civilians from the area, and now it's probably good to go if she wants to go back to streaming the fight! Also she could possibly interview Grail on camera. Or not. Grail is scary!
    Everyone that J'Onnz goes to make a pass at goes down hard. The Hydra troopers are not strong of mind or of will, and they go down like potatoes. All of their tanks have been crushed or exploded now, an dthere are not many active troopers left.
    Superboy goes to yank the hapless Hydra troopers free as their vehicle goes up. They definitely aim like Stromtroopers. Or like folks from the GI JOE cartoon. Maybe next time he could lfoat a few feet in front of them to see if that would work?
    Most of the Hydra troopers are down now, and there's just scattered fire back and forth. Two of them are arguing over a map as to who's fault it was that they came up at the wrong angle and missed STAR Labs.
    The remaining troopers that Natasha goes to put under her influence all have something go 'wrong' with thier guns, or are otherwise distracted, trying to find things. That just leaves the two oblivious idiots arguing over who's fault it was as they had a giant foldout map out.
    Held upsides dwon.

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
Fire is coming, it's getting hot, and then ... well, Beroe squeals pulling her arms close to her sides and ... oh, she's not getting lit on fire. Opening, blinking her eyes, she ohs again, and smiles, "Wowwie! Just, sort of, oh, and back to the pretzel. Thank you pretzel lady!" She calls back over to the cart, and then turns her sights back on the person who got flung. Yes, the Hydra person, quickly a portal opens, then he's popping up and flying into the air, "Ooops, not that way." Then another one catches him and he's coming right back in the direction of Beroe, "Nonononono!"

Then another portal, and more, popping up, as the poor man is bounced going this way and that way, even though it's just one long push for him, as if he's flying backwards but his surroundings keep shifting. Finally his momentum slows right into the side of one of the big drilling vehicles, it's a bit of a rough landing but safer than having napalm all over him.

"Whew. Almost lost that one. That was a great toss, though." Turning around and focusing on Grail, before she reaches out a hand, pushing it through a portal to grab her phone from the bench, where her hand sort of 'pops out' and then she pulls it back to her, "Did you all SEE that? I was just saved by a super heroic heroing hero, plus, it looks like I'm getting that slowing down people from a fall process. It's a bit messy still, but hey! Better than last time, but I'm sure that guy made it home safe." And she starts approaching Grail, while the battle still rages on, and the camera is pointed to herself still, "Hey, Miss, Pretzel Lady, excuse me. Mind if I ask you a few questions? Get a selfie, you know, get your name out there happy as can be?" Big grin, teeth showing.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz doesn't make a big show of avoiding the flames, merely sinking and phasing his way down into the ground when the fire gets close, then rising again once beyond its reach. Soon he just rises up again entirely, content that most of the symptoms are being dealt with. He rises high above and calls out with an enhanced voice, loud and booming, "Agents of Hydra! Surrender yourselves now and you shall receive fair treatment and trials."

Of course, they would receive that anyway, but there's no need for J'onn to point that out.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner looks around, but all the Hydra agents are unconscious, incapacitated or... looking at upside down maps. "I suppose we got lucky these particular branch of Hydra was the most incompetent ever," he squints his eyes at seeing J'onn. And that explains the exploding tanks.

With the Nazis neutralized, he goes to do some damage control. Making sure all the normal people of Metropolis escaped. Or if they didn't, helping them to get out of the destroyed area. "And where is SHIELD?"

Grail has posed:
A slow blink comes to Grail as she watches the antics of Beroe. She is standing there casually, dipping her pretzel and eating it while watching the girl approach even as she sucks in a breath and lets it out slowly. She looks at the phone before looking again at the girl and shaking her head.

"I am not sure what you are saying to me but I am not a pretzel lady. I am Grail." She states simply enough and then looks at the phone again before looking back to Beroe, "What is a selfie and why do you need my permission to go get one?"

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    The shooting seems to be dying down, and it would appear to be all over but the shouting -- and Natasha has no intention of sticking around for that, especially with the headache she's now nursing. One more breath to steady herself, and she turns around and walks away, appearing to vanish into the statue's shadow.

    A few minutes later and a few blocks away, Benny hears the passenger door open and looks into his rearview just in time to watch the Shadow pour into the back seat. "Home, Benny, if you would," Natasha instructs as she removes her hat and scarf, then leans back into the familiar leather couch as Benny smoothly pulls into traffic.

    She sighs. No new leads, and no time to find out what HYDRA was looking for. But on the other hand, no civilian casualties and a raid thwarted. Sometimes you have to take the win you can get...

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
The remaining Hydra Agents that are not unconsciuos are raising their hands up in the air and dropping thier weapons in a mass surrender at hte prompting of J'onn and Superboy. The two arguing voer the map drop it - map still held upsides dwon as it would float waay on the breeze. Almost magically at the crack of the fight being over, several SHIELD Agents would arrive in light armored jumpsuits with weapons out. Mary Jane would fall in wtih them into formation as they would jog forwards.

Oh YES Conner was probably going to have -words- with her later.

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
There's still Hydra people about, but the citizenry is all safe, so Beroe is closing in on ... Grail. "Hah! We got a name, wooo!" Beroe pushes her hands up above her head, like a cheerleader cheering, before bringing them back down, having been talking to her phone.

"Oh, a selfie, that's where I take a picture of us, with my... phone." She shakes it a bit, and probably causes more than one subscriber to complain about the camera work, "And it's just... nice, to ask, permission. Instead of just ooohing and ahhing and taking pictures all sneakily. That does happen, trust me, I know, but just better to make sure everyone's okay with it first. Nice to meet you Grail, I'm Beroe, you just saved my life. And all my followers are totally stoked about that, because otherwise, I wouldn't be able to get them more pictures, and great quality information like, Tony's Wigs, a small business in Gotham, that brought this wig to life!" And she runs her fingers through the hair on her head, to showcase it on camera, "Looks real, feels real, and that's what matters."

Then back to Grail, "Are you new here? Did you save me because you know me? You are so strong, and the way you just stood in front of that fire, is that one of your powers? Immunity to fire!?" She then turns everything around, to make sure to grab a selfie if Grail is okay with it, and she might be here for a while keeping the poor alien woman trapped (if she sticks around) in an positively toned complimentary interview. Filled with many ad breaks.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz supervises the safe surrenders, making sure that when he gives the word of the League, that word can be relied upon. He lingers curiously, unsure of what this Grail figure is or where her allegiances might lie. Always someone new coming around the bend, it seemed.