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Latest revision as of 03:40, 24 September 2022

Spilling the JLD Tea
Date of Scene: 22 September 2022
Location: Candle, Booke and Belle
Synopsis: Gabby, and Nettie meet Balder, Patience and Detective Chimp at the new JLD tea house. Tynan ninjas on through.
Cast of Characters: Gabby Kinney, Nettie Crowe, Balder, Patience Alperen, Tynan Ireton, Detective Chimp

Gabby Kinney has posed:
The transition from one place to another was proving to be a bit hard for some of the more difficult-to-read individuals. For Balder's case it was easy enough to leave a message with the Asgardian embassy to inform him of the change. For Patience it was a quick text to inform of the new location at The Candle, Booke, and Belle.

For Gabby's part she's taken to spending at leat part of her day here to be available should people need. Poor Nettie was going to be seeing far more of her than usual lately it seemed, and right now was no different as she's seated at the tea counter with her phone out going over messages, contacts, and checking for any updates.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    One steep in front of the other.

    That's right. There's a couple of different teapots that the witch has going now. The young-looking woman with the gray hair and too-bright eyes brews her tea with the utmost seriousness that is completely interrupted by a crow landing on the counter of the shop, giving a shake and ruffling a few feathers about.

    "Do you reckon there'll be anyone who wants Rooibos? I think I've got some that's just coming upon the 'too old to sell' lot and I might be givin' it out to some friends down at the park." Nettie states, grabbing a pair of gloves from beneath the counter. Just in case anyone wants to shake hands.

    The crow looks *very* dapper in a tricorne hat.

Balder has posed:
"What's this?"

Balder looks upon a note scribed by the messenger that Gabby had left with the Asgardian Embassy. No doubt this news was pertinent to Prince Balder's attention and it was delivered as soon as he returned from his ventures in other realms. Gods had business in more worlds than Earth, though it was certainly where most resided their attentions.

"I see....thank you for this."

Balder summons his axe to his hand, planting the weapon's handle onto the ground. "Heimdall!" The bifrost opens around him, beaming the Asgardian just a short distance outside of Nettie's shop, the rainbow colored light sure to draw some attention, but with people like Superman and his brother Thor flying around, it probably won't be that bad.

He's in full armor, his axe strapped to his back, a long fur-topped cloak over his shoulders, and eyes that shine with sunlight blazing forth, he approaches and knocks ever so softly on the door before opening it up. "May I come in?"

Balder. God of Light, Peace, and Prophecy. An Asgardian royal. Asking for permission.

These are strange times.

Patience Alperen has posed:
Patience Alperen has been focused on other responsibilities in recent weeks and only keeping up on the organizational changes from a disance. Distance in this case means Eastern Europe.

As fate has orchestrated it, she had returned to Manhattan earlier in the day when the text about the new.. is it a headquarters? Base? Party room? Whatever it gets called, she has the address for the new location.

Once unpacked from her trip and seeing to her laundry - thankfully black tends to hide the stains of blood and gore well - she decided to go see what the new location looked like. She also needed some coffee.

Arriving finally, coffee in hand, she steps inside and looks around curiously. She is wearing a purple hoodie, faded jeans and sneakers.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    There's a very groggy woman coming down from the steps of the Fledgling area. The big thing though about her appearence is that Ty is not dressed in her street clothes, but more like her work outfit. A sleeveless long coat with the image of Shiva with Badb Catha sitting on Shiva's shoulder. The hood of the long coat is pulled over her eyes, marked with a mystical eye emblem. She has on some tactical gear on. Apparently she doesn't know there's guests down here.

    The woman raises an eyebrow as she looks at the group in here. "...Not gonna ask. I may or may not have some work tonight...", the woman says as she looks at the group. She looks like she just dragged her butt out of bed. "Can I borrow some reading material for the helicoptor ride?", she asks.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney glances up from her phone at the knock to the doorway and question of entrance. A grin springs up in response as she recognises Balder. Lifting a hand to wave toward him she calls out, "Of course, come in! It's okay right Nettie? This is Balder," she explains breifly without much actual explanation. The fact that he's come armored and armed doesn't seem to phase Gabby at all. Patience's arrival shortly after earns a equal greeting of, "Patience! Good to see you."

Ah but the question of tea had come up. She leans over the counter a bit to regard the array of teapots currently heating up. "I don't know, what is roiboos? I'll give it a try if no one else will. I'm still figuring out what I do and don't like on a lot of things." Teas were apparently way more complex than she'd ever realized.

Tynan gets an amused grin at her arrival, too. "Sleepy?" She questions with amusement. Ah but there were guests, and she looks back to the pair just coming in.

"This is Nettie, and Corvax, and I Ty... I guess I should let them introduce themselves."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    Nettie gives a Look over to Tynan, and points at her. "Nottin' from my personal collection, but there's a basket from the donation bin under the counter here, take your pick." Nettie states to the yawning Irish lady, and gives a small smile to Gabby. "Jus' a different type, I could wax poetic on how the differences in the soil affect the plants, not to mention fermentation--" she pauses, and she looks up. Balder gives a smile, and the proprieter of the shop motions him in, though when Patience comes in, the witch gives her a curious look. She tilts her head a mo ment, her lips parting, and she gives a soft '... huh' sound.

    "Comfy, well come on, come on -- my name's Nettie, I respond to pretty much that, and this is my familiar Corvax. Please don't mind any of the rude things 'e says it's generally just because he's a grump." she gives a smile. "Scone? Tea? I'm afraid I've got not much in the way of alcohol or coffee, admittedly --" she gives a friendly smile.

Balder has posed:
Balder enters the shop, looking around. Midgardian architecture was always strange to him, though his gaze eventually settles on Gabriela. "Greetings, my young friend." He tells her, though introduced to Nettie, he turns his golden-eyed gaze to the lady of the house herself, a kind expression on his face. "A pleasure to meet you." Though he can sense the presence of magic on the woman.

"I take it you are a sorceress?" Balder questions of her. "Always a pleasure to meet a master of the mystic arts." Balder turns his eyes then to the others as they appear, such as Tynan. "Hello." Balder lifts a hand, fingers waggling somewhat awkwardly.

Then there's Patience. He may have seen her onceo r twice, but they've never actually met. "Greetings to you as well." He clasps his hands in front of him. "It appears this is a spot for great social advancement. I approve wholeheartedly." Well yeah, Balder, it's a shop.

Patience Alperen has posed:
Patience Alperen looks at those present, recognizing half of them at least. A nod is given to Gabby, "Hello. Nice to see you again. Things have been rather busy it seems." A smile is offered, "Thanks for your part in keeping things going."

She offers small wave to Baldur "Hey. Good to see you again, too! Have you been well?"

As Gabby introduces everyone, she looks curiously to Tynan then to Nettie. A brow arches at the other woman's reaction but she doesn't focus on it, looking around the shop again thoughtfully.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty...has an interesting aura if somebody were to notice it. She's human, fully, and yet has note of magic. Not very strong, especially compared to Nettie, but she has various...influences to it. There's hints of demonic and mythical creature energy mixed in. Ty stretches out. "...I already read most of them. Plus I'm probably going to be doing work for Russians tonight.", she mutters. The woman rubs her eyes a little bit.

    "A bit, aye. I've been busy studying, as well as training. Work has been a little slow, but I also havn't been training as much as I should have been.", she mutters. Ty blinks a few times, looking at the others in the shop. "Is there's any more of the gold tea left? Or do I need to ...borrow some from some poor idiot who thinks he's rich, and an ass?", Ty asks. The woman smiles a little bit. Yeah, Ty is starting to get keyed up...

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney leans one arm against the tea counter while the introductions go around a bit. Seeing people new and old alike start to mingle, even if just a bit, was helping to put her mind a bit at ease. "Yeah, a lot has changed," she agrees with Patience as she nods. A gaze flits between the two newcomers considering.

"I'm not sure how much you've both heard. Jon, Chas and Rien have all stepped down and retired to different realms." She pauses here a bit awkwardly before continuing. "So I ran around and managed to find some amazing poeple willing to help. Sara's back from her hiatus, and Nettie's come out of retirement to help. Plus she's offered this place up for a meeting space. The back rooms have ..." She pauses, turning toward Nettie. "What do you call it, Fledgling Space? For training or needing to perform rituals. Which is much needed because we found the Velvet Room had been affected more than we thought by The Rot that infiltrated."

"I'm sorry but it was the wisest decision to burn it down so it couldn't spread further. It's no longer accessable."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Well, I dunno about advancin' social engagements, but it's my shop, and my home." Nettie gives a smile to Balder. "Nettie Crowe. Witch, how do you do Balder? And Patience?" she gives a smile to each in their turn, still looking to them as she points at Tynan.

    "You be good. Don't engage in trafficking or we'll have to have words." Nettie states, and she claps her hands.

    Balder gets a see-through teacup, on a white, fluted saucer. Patience has a white teacup with a gold rim placed for her, with a saucer cast about with silvery, chain-like cracks on it. Gabby has her tea cup from last time placed in front of her, and Tynan gets a shot glass.

    "So. Tell me about yourselves; you're not faces I recognize, so I'll assume my memory's not faulting today."

Balder has posed:
"And you." Balder tells Nettie with a kind smile touching his face. "I have been well, chaos reigns across the Nine Realms and I've done my part to keep it safe as possible." Balder shrugs. "It is a sad thing, but so long as peace reigns...then all is well." He tells Patience with a chuckle, looking then to Nettie. though strangely, he looks at the see-through teacup that he's offered.

"A witch...curious." He smiles. "I do fine, thank you." He then looks upon Nettie kindly. "I hail from the realm of Asgard, my father Odin rules the Nine Realms through benevolence." Though he lives out Odin was once a mighty conqueror.

He looks upon Gabby then. "Too much. Though I understand that change brings evolution...it brings a unique realization that all will be well, no matter the severity of the change." He smiles at her.

"The Velvet Room was destroyed?" He questions. "I understand. It needed to be done...it had many effects which proved...negative."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp had to check into a bit of a thing earlier. He comes walking into the store looking about. He may smell a bit like smoke and grease paint but over all he seems in good spirits, well good for him. His cigar is between his teeth but was stubbed out before coming into the tore. He looks about to see hat going on and who is about.

Patience Alperen has posed:
Patience Alperen listens to Gabby's quick state of the state and nods. "It makes sense. It is a shame to lose access to the level of knowledge that was there. But if there wasn't a way to confirm they were free of tampering or corruption from the rot, the value becomes a liability instead. I'm sure we'll find this place just as comfortable with a little time as well."

Taking the tea she nods toward Nettie, "Thank you." She looks more than a little curious at the woman as she introduces herself as a witch. There are far worse things to introduce oneself as. She offers a smile just the same.

She sips at the tea before nodding to Baldur, "That's the way of things in all realms, isn't it? It never ends, the vigilance."

A nod and smile are given to Tynan and to Chimp as he arrives.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Tynan shakes her head a little bit. "The Russians know better then to push those buttons with me. Rather, they point me at people in their ops that don't fall in line when told not to do things. They chose to...cut ties with a good sir who thought selling poison, and using poison on certain people was a great idea. Its not a hard job, and I should be back by morning.", she tells Nettie.

    The woman pulls out a small flask, and pours out a shot. She nods her head, and takes a long pull from the flask before putting it away, leaving the shot glass full. "And Gabby, lass, there's things that can only be learned by seeing the two ways of things. You sure burning things down was a good idea?", Ty asks. Then again, she doesn't really understand much in the ways of how magic works. Mostly cause her inexperience with things, and learning from Nettie, a Demoness, and a Kitsune. She blinks a few times as she looks over as...A chimp walks in?

    "I've heard...stories that Yakuza were having...issues with a primate, but I thought...They were just making those up...", she says. THe woman rubs the back of her head a little bit. THe mercenary takes a deep breath, pulls out her half face mask, and secures it to her hood, pulling it tight. She starts to head out.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney picks up her own teacup which was one with a myriad of peacock colors. So far ashe was quite enamored of it. A sip is taken of whatever tea or drink was currently in it, trusting Nettie to have picked something she would either like or thinks she would like. Sometimes surprises were good.

"Yeah. Given there were so many rooms we didn't really know about yet, there's no telling how deep it ran. What we came across to begin with was quite sizeable."

Glancing over to Tynan all she can do is shrug. "Wasn't my choice, really. Zatanna and Constantine decided to torch it, magically. Hellfire technically," she corrects. A glance is cast to the door as she greets, "Hi Detective."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "I concur; it's for the best. Bunch of neophytes moving through the halls aetherial without knowing what's there, attracting all manner of curious creatures of the dark." Nettie states, and she sips her own tea. Her teacup is purple. The tea inside of it is also a disturbing shade of violet.

    "Those are two highly experienced magicians. I'd trust 'em with my back." Nettie tacks on as she takes a deep breath.

    "We've always gotta keep our eyes on things, those of us in the know. Get stuff out of the unknowing hands of the wee pups until they learn how to use their teeth."

    She gives a nod to Gabby "Or claws."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks over and says "Not him, the kid has a bit of an angry streak about him." He says of Tynan's comment, and to the others. "I maybe wrong but with what I had heard of the place, I would guess more destroyed the link to it and our plane than destroyed it completely, but we may never know.

Patience Alperen has posed:
Patience Alperen falls quiet as as Gabby and Nettie speak of the fate of the Velvet Room and who handled it. She sips at her tea, nodding along. She had been away; even when she has been around, she was more in the background as the others were dealing with the ending of reality her there and everywhere.

Quietly she agrees with Chimp's comment, "It could be out there, still, yes. These things have many paths to them. It will be good to keep an eye for indications it may still be there. Or ruins. It would be difficult to know what may lay within any rubble not completely consumed." Speculationg only. It may well be destoryed and gone. There is no doubt in the abilities of the two who handled it's demise.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney takes another sip of the tea while listening to Patience, and Detective Chimp. She can only nod a little in response. "Maybe, but as far as my ability to access it, that's gone. It was only the magic of the Velvet Room that allowed me to enter it anyway. It may be the same for many of us. Those that are used to traveling the astral may have more luck, but... Other than maybe scouting to see if it is still there, I personally think it should be quarantined awhile. If it does still exist."

"That thing haunted our dreams, played off our fears, twisted our selves until it had a hook in many of us. The actual power behind it is gone, but that doesn't mean it's good to revisit it." Looking to Nettie she hazards, "Someone once told me that speaking of something where you can influence reality is a way to make it real. That was Limbo. It might apply to the astral too though."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Aye, applies everywhere. Law of Attraction is just that. So's a Wiccan's Rule of Three -- what you do or say comes back to you b y the power of three. Or three times three." she states. "People forget that words have power even when you're not castin' magic. For instance," she motions to Detective Chimp. "Depositions of the Law, have the power to reveal or hide the truth, free or condemn." she then raises a hand to Patience "Or Confession. The lightening of guilt and trust to the Almighty, if you beleive in such a thing. I do. Been there. Horrible place." Nettie gives a wry smile.

    "Point bein you don' thave to be anywhere special to make your fears real."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks over to them and says "You see many a thing along the way and we handle what comes along as e find it." He looks over to the ladies and says "I'm Detctive Chimp by the ay, he ay to introduce himself.

Patience Alperen has posed:
Patience Alperen nods to Gabby, "I don't mean to suggest otherwise. We have gotten free of any further influence. Hunting it down again seems foolish." She sips her tea as Nettie shares insights.

She hears the hint about having 'been there' which cases a slight twitch of her brows. It seems, however, to be a conversation for another time and place.

Fear is as real as we give it the validity to be many times. Other times, we do not truly fear enough. Or the proper things."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney tips her teacup back to finish off the cup in one gulp. It's placed back down out of the way, and she stretches just a bit. "Okay. Much as I want to stick around for folks to answer questions... I do havet o deal with life outside of this, too. And I've been ignoring that for a bit too long at this point." A grin is flashed at the others.

"Thanks for the tea, Nettie, and for hosting again. Good to see you Patience, Detective. I need to head off for awhile though."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "I. Am terrified. Of nuns." Nettie's eyes narrow a moment, as if looking for one to actually dare to make their appearance here. "Except the tired one that prays for my soul. She's all right. If you like that sort of thing." she gives a smile, and looks to Gabby.

    "All right, Miss Kinney. Go and be well. I can handle any urgent business coming up on the overnight."