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Latest revision as of 12:42, 2 November 2022

MutantTown Townhall
Date of Scene: 02 November 2022
Location: Bushwick <Mutant Town>
Synopsis: A discussion is had OOC/IC plans are made for MutantTown. Poor MutantTown.
Cast of Characters: Roberto da Costa, Emma Frost, Kitty Pryde, Gabby Kinney, Bunny Macleod, Megan Gwynn, Pietro Maximoff, Tommy Shepherd

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa has set up an amphitheater in one of the warehouses that dot MutantTown. The fliers announced a Mutant Town Hall. They gave the date and time and the same stylized XC logo. Mutant Town now knows that this is the insignia of X-Corporation. Roberto maintains the center space and speaks to the crowd. Explaining the role of the organization in improving lives in MutantTown. Providing support, training for jobs and lives not combat, food, medical care, partnering with the comunity. Berto speaks but he also listens. he mostly listens. "So, how can we help? What can we do to make Mutant Town the best it can be?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma is there. Whehter or not she has any particular official association. Perhaps she does. Perhaps she doesn't. She's here to observe, and to lend some level of support. Also to see how MIster Da Costa handles himself. There's much to be seen from how this is proposed and how it plays out. And Emma is curious as to how Proudstar's proposals make when they're put into action.
    And ultimately waiting to see what more that Bushwick needs. Beyond fewer killer cyborg and giant robot attacks, which goes without saying.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde arrives quietly, wearing a black jacket and dark jeans. She has a pair of sunglasses on even though they are indoors. Probably seeking a bit of anonymity given she's never outed her mutant heritage publicly yet that anyone knows of.

Finding a seat, she settles in, crossing one leg over the other. She takes out her phone, resting it on her knee as she begins casually recording the events.

After a few moments, a man rises to his feet. He doesn't have anything visually identifying him as a mutant. He holds his hands held before himself, looking a little nervous. "The city services, they are slow to respond. The fire, police, ambulances. Getting the streets fixed. Fixing water leaks. Seems like it takes forever to get anyone out here to do anything from the city," he says, glancing around for support before he sits down.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney was here because she'd helped with the issue that was here a few nights ago. While she'd had quite a lot on her plate lately, she was still one that tried to keep an eye on Mutant Town when she could. The appearance of cyborg clones or whatever was certainly enough to garner her attention once again.

Plus, dammit, she was getting some of those tamales from the bodega this time.

She lingers near the back herself leaning against one of the walls to listen, and watch. And munch on a tamale still warm from the steamer. Oh yes.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "How about you buy us some senators so we gedda seat at the table?" calls one voice, heckling from the crowd.

    There's quite a few snickers, and a dimunitive shape in a dark hoodie stands up, wearing pink sunglasses, and she keeps her hands in her pockets. The sweatshirt's got the logo of a dojo somewhere in Mutant Town.

    "We got vigilantes in the streets 'cause the police don't want our beat, we got no rent control, and it's like every three months someone comes in with The Next Big Idea. We got a Golem. That does more for us than any a' tha Police do." she agrees.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn arrives, a bit later than the others for whatever reason, but no less excited to see what this is all about. She steps in and peers around, recognizing a few familiar faces. "Hmm, some kind of representation would be nice, some kind of recognition so people know the mutants here are serious, that they matter..We're not just a bunch of criminals and layabouts." She nods to Bunny, "I think she has the right idea."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa smiles and nods. listening, He raises an eyebrow at Emma, then smiles sheepishly, "My Dad was raised in the poorest favela in Rio. It's a life I never knew." He smiles at the laughter, and nods, "That is what it's about, banding to gether to find a seat at the table. That is another front that we'll work. Making sure that we have a voice. Petitioning in the halls of power for a presence. For now we help each other. That is part of this effort, I will petition in the halls of power and I will be heard. My team will record your complaints but we need real data of wait times and locations of problems. This is what our apois for!"

     Roberto frowns as the police are mentioned, "My best friend is an patrolman right herein MutantTown and he's a mutant. But you're right it's not enough. I can't guaruntee paramilitary comma does, but their will be a mutant presence to protect us. One that will work with police... if they let us." Roberto gives the room a bemused grin.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would just listen over to the group going on the ground and the question coming up. She does muse for a moment and then telepathically speak over to Katherine <<They have a point. I know a few aldermen that go for very reasonable rates if we're having to do this over on a budget>> The blonde folding her hands together and going to pay attention.
    As Roberto would elaborate over, quirking a brow over at what would be elaborated on. They had to do better here.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
There are quiet murmurs of people agreeing about needing more protection. Kitty sits quietly, recording. Another person, an older woman raises her hand, waiting until she's recognized to stand and speak. She is more obviously a mutant, with some ridges along both sides of her face, and unusual looking eyes that have pupils more like a cat's.

"I think we don't work together well, even here in Bushwick. I mean the humans and the mutants. We're at odds with each other too much," she says, before sitting back down.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "You know petitioning doesn't get us anywhere. Words are worthless without cash or power to back it up." the hoodied small figure states, looking to Megan, who's quite bright, and then back up towards the speaker.

    "Easy for you to smile about it. You don't see schoolkids beat up for having whiskers or funny colored cheeks. You don't live in roach-infested apartments. You an' everyone with useful powers and cash get to live above us in ivory towers. There's gotta be real opportunity, there's gotta be reform. There shouldn't even *be* a Mutant Town 'cause this whole mess started as relocation. We down here are as worthless to them in Albany and DC except to make promises to and about. That's all."

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Arriving rather quietly, towards the back, is Pietro. He's not coming in with fanfare, or anything overtly unusual - he's even dressed normally! He's here, mostly to listen. The concerns of the mutants here are usually fairly on point. Not everywhere is Genosha.

Finding a spot towards the back, he leans against the wall and does as he intended. Listens.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn frowns a bit. "But of course, making us more visible here might just make us a bigger target. Maybe we just need to make the streets safer." She nods to the ridged faced girl, "Right, there are humans here too who need representation." she frowns at Bunny's words. "Soo...Maybe we need to run some fundraisers or something? But make the town more marketable in the long term too."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney tucks away the last few bites of the tamale she'd gotten her hands on to replace those lost in the fight the other night. Swiping her hands clean on the sides of her pants she listens to the others quietly. At least until the fundraiser suggestion is offered up which causes her head to tilt to the side.

"If the police aren't here to help out much, why not claim right of salvage on all the guns and vehicles brought in by these ... different groups that show up and try to cause trouble, or kidnap people? If they want to reclaim it they'd have to admit what the hell they were doing in the first place to have 'lost' it here," she points out.

"Not saying to resell weapons of course, but there's always those weapon buy back programs New York holds. That'd be a hefty chunk there. Rebuild or refit an armored vehicle, that would sell great. There you go. Fundraiser."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would muse, "I do think that forming a local territorial defense militia might not necessarily go over well." She would affirm, "However, I also presume that the establishment of multiple local private security firms which are operated by people who live here and liscenced through the infrastructure is entirely appropriate. I also presume that a level of private donations could help with any sorts of restrictions there might be on funding and eqiupping such a possible venture, as well as to theoretically help with training."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde is continuing to record on her phone, though it's just resting on her leg rather being circumspect about it. Kitty does raise her voice to speak up for the first time. "I'm not a lawyer, but citizen patrols, neighborhood patrols and the like, I imagine probably already have legal statutes carved out. Though I imagine there are limits of course. Probably worth talking to some experts familiar with such things to see how much can be achieved in the system without, as she says," Kitty says, motioning towards Emma, "Having something that wouldn't go over well."

Not that it's stopped people from patrolling the area before. Including Kitty herself, if not as much of late.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa smiles, "Respectfully Avo, I disagree." He slips his hands in his pockets, "The love of my life was a human who gave her life to protect me. The people who killed her were humans willing to kill their own. I've had mutants kidnap and torure me. I couldn't turn my back on those that support us and I will alway believe in the dream of coexistence." He shrugs, and then turns towards Bunny.

    "Honestly, my powers manifested when I was a schoolkid being beaten for being black. I spent sometime on the streets when I was in my teens. I also did a lot of amazing things. Being a mutant has been a mixed bag. I do have 'useful powers' and one of them is being rich. We can deal with the roaches, by more mundane ways if not with powers. I know that the Irregulars have been running self defense classes and maintaining patrols." He nods, "Well, that's going to stop as I'll be moving into the apartment above X-Corporations Headquarters. There will opportunity, job training, and new busineses. We can bring in mutant owned businesses, new ideas and new models. No, there should not but it isn't uncommon for ethnic groups to seek each other out. You're not worthless, not one of you and I will say that to anyone in DC or Albany. I cannot promise change over night but I can promise that this is a journey we will take together."
    "I mean, I can get some bidders in line for a supped up high end Armored SUV type vehicle."

Tommy Shepherd has posed:
    Another late arrival mirrors Pietro's entrance, and with the way Tommy's features are a near-match, it prompts more than one double-take amongst the audience. Tommy is quick to find an out-of-the-way spot to linger in, arms folded over his chest as he tries to catch up on the conversation threads being lobbed back and forth between the speaker and the crowd. At the sight of a few familiar faces in the crowd, Tommy doesn't try to overtly catch their attention, but if Gabby or Bunny look his way he lifts a couple fingers in a semi-sort-of wave... thing.

    He shifts his weight from one foot to the other in a vaguely uncomfortable way, and digs his phone out of his pocket to start scrolling. Which is mostly a cover for him to pretend he's not paying attention, even though he still is.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    The small figure disappears back into the crowd, piece said and answered.

    Bunny still feels like she can trust the rich mutants about as far as she can throw the Empire State building, but at least some of her questions were answered.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney notices the pale haired speedster. Both of them. While she knew of Pietro she'd never really dealt with him. Tommy however earns a familiar grin when he glances her way, and she lifts up the grocery bag she'd snagged at the bodega. It was filled with quite a few tamales neatly wrapped in a cornhusk. One is plucked out to offer silently. A lure for the speedster.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn bites her lip, peering around at the others, stepping back to grab a snack from the buffet table. Well, she cant really think of anything to add at the moment although her gaze slides between Emma and Roberto, probably two very rich mutants who could pour a lot of money into this venture, curious to see if they have anything to add.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa quirks his head at Emma and then at Kitty, raising an eyebrow at the latter. "If only we had a band of secret ninjas to protect us. I think mutual aid societies are an excellent idea. Also maybe a couple motorcycle clubs. Setting these up in neighborhoods perhaps backed up by a few private security teams would be a short term solution. We could also use more mutants on the police force. Regardless of power level. If you apply and are rejected again let my team know." He turns to the room at large, "Thank you all for coming. Please help yourself to the buffet and feel free to raise individual conconcerns with a member of X-Corp. We're here to help."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would lgance at Kitty and go to send towards her telepathically <<They're being rather theatrical. Why don't we simply go about bribing a few politicians and local police forces? We certainly have enough capital available and that's going to be far more efficient than community outreach. It will just be a few million.>>

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    The figure in the dark blue sweatshirt's already helped herself to some of the food, and is skating out the door, tugging down the hood to show her bright, bright pink hair as she skates off into the night.