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Charity Boxing Beach Bash!
Date of Scene: 20 January 2023
Location: Beach and Boardwalk - Coney Island
Synopsis: A charity boxing show at the beach turns a little more intense than expected when a surprising guest shows up.
Cast of Characters: Solar Powers, Mary Jane Watson, Sho Oto, Beroe Kazinski, Karolina Dean, Embershroud

Solar Powers has posed:
    The sun has nearly faded from the horizon across from Coney Island. It's the middle of winter, and as such it's rather chilly - far from what most people would consider ideal for an evening at the beach. Furthermore, the beach, at this time or any other, is hardly a place that most people would associate with boxing. So, what would possibly possess anyone to set up a boxing night at the beachside on a cold January evening, and why the heck would anyone want a ticket to the show?

    Charity, of course!

    There's a warm glow over the area around where the large, aproned boxing ring has been set up, the light cast by racks that tower above the sand. Concessions have been made available from the nearby boardwalk, and there's actually a pretty decent crowd - mostly sensibly dressed in hooded clothing and coats - and donations of items of food and clothing for charity are being collected to one side in lieu of tickets or entry fees, with a bucket collecting cash donations as well.

    There's a sense of goodwill about the event, given that it's technically a free show. The lack of a price tag also means that there's more pocket money to be exchanged in other ways, though - it looks like someone might be taking bets on the matches.

    Of course, a boxing match on the beach naturally lends itself to swimwear, as do charity events, for some reason. There seems to be an unspoken theme that many of the contestants happen to be competing in their swimwear - of course, trunks are hardly unusual, but many of the contestants - most drawn from colleges - are competing in bikinis. The level of competition seems to be more friendly than professional, and the gloves seem extra padded. Upholding the purity of the sport doesn't seem to be high on the priority list for anyone involved.

    Amongst those competing is a tall, leggy blonde with bright brown eyes, clad in a pair of shiny silver shorts and a front-tied matching silver halter bikini top and brandishing what might as well be a pair of white boxing gloves on her fists that vaguely resemble marshmallows.

    She's presently trading jabs with another girl in the ring, smiling at her opponent and offering advice.

    "Make sure you keep that guard up! You don't have reach advantage, so try getting in close!"

    Whether she's being patronizing, trying to be helpful or this is actually a coaching class, Solar's approach isn't necessarily appreciated by her opponent or the crowd. She's no professional herself, after all - more of an avid amateur - but probably outclasses her opponent by far in terms of raw athleticism.

    Just as the other boxer is about to duck in for a body combination, the bell rings, signalling the end of another round. Solar smiles at her opponent and waves before going off to her corner.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
A charity boxing match is something Mary Jane finds rather fun! And for this charity, she's volunteered her time in her own way. SHe's serving as the equivalen tof one of the 'booth babes' that eare helping to showcase it. Teh redhead is wearing a swimsuit styled over in the way a cheerleader's might be, and a set of pom poms. She's got her feet over in crocs that she can slip off just in case. She's definitely not planning on going to compete herself. But she can definitely help make sure it gets plenty of attention and hoepfully that everyone participating has fun and the event does well!

She's carrying a sign advertising it and is occasionally jumping and giving a cheer to help get attention from anyone else that might be going through the area and not in view.

Sho Oto has posed:
A day to relax, keep an eye on some charity stuff, and basically make sure there's nothing illegal going on? Yes, please. Especially as Sho's got those street contacts and knows of a few ears that might be interested in the event.

That's resulted in his being dressed a bit better than his usual homeless appearance, despite the still somewhat shaggy look. A nice hotel room nearby was just a bonus that he had checked into.

That being said, his hair was slightly messy still but he was dressed in a floral print button up shirt, red swim shorts, and blue deck shoes as he wanders the crowd. He's at least got that whole swimmer fitness thing going, too, without any baggy clothes hiding him.

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
The glow of a screen well-lit up is pointed in the direction of a woman who reflects much of the light that is about. Her glossy cat girl outfit being an odd choice, perhaps, for beachwear but hey, it's covering more than a traditional bikini, and "Thank you SO much to @Pets4Love for sponsoring the tickets to this event, and getting me such a CUTE outfit." Beroe tosses a few fake punches toward her smart phone, and smiles, then offers a quick wink with a little fist up in the air, making her mimic some anime cat girls she's definitely ripping off.

"And to all of you, the fine people who follow me. Thank you for being here with me, Charity!!" She calls out loudly, then laughs a bit as she brings her phone in close, "Alright, definitely I'll upload some pictures. And if we get 1000 new followers tonight, I'll even jump in the ring and show off my footwork! Falling over, stumbling, probably! But if you wanna see me box, get your friends to add, and donate donate donate! Woooooooo!" She spins around with the phone in hand, before clicking it off.

When she finds herself nearby a red head jumping and cheering, so she jumps and cheers along with her, turning her head to MJ, with a beaming smile, "Why are we jumping? Who are we cheering for?!" Excitement is her only tone of voice.

Karolina Dean has posed:
Karolina Dean, being a huge fan of charity events and being around people in general is here to watch. Unlike some others, she's dressed for the weather in a light blue wool coat that falls nearly to her knees and a pink stocking hat that looks warm. The rest of the ensemble is completed by skinny jeans and winter suited boots.

She's stuffed a wad of cash into one of the donation buckets, and has begun milling about, smiling pleasantly as the surprisingly wholesome eye candy fight is going on. Cheerful and nice she may be, she still likes eye candy.

So much so that she nearly runs into Beroe and MJ. She catches herself, laughing awkwardly. "Sorry about that. I love your outfits! Aren't they a little cold, though?"

Embershroud has posed:
    Embershroud heard of the charity boxing event from one of her day-job persona's clients. Normally, it's something she would not only be front and center for, but she would have volunteered to put herself in the ring. Instead, she's in the distance - barely even 'at' the event - as she watches from a rooftop. The crowd, the lights, the energy all pull at her, but she keeps her distance for now. She's watching the action in the ring, the two women trading blows, with a scowl on her face. It's a charity event, certainly, but she didn't expect it to be so... amaturish. Of course, the contestants are also in bikinis, so it's not like she should be expecting much in the way of skill. Her past life was full of these sorts of events, but now...

    The round ends, and Embershroud steps up onto the ledge of the building. The match had ended - it was a charity event, after all, and nobody was playing to knockouts. Three rounds apeice, and then they change up fighters. It seemed the right moment for Ember to... make an entrance. Pushing off the ledge of the building, the dark figure launches herself through the sky, cape fluttering behind her. She descends upon the ring, plummeting at first, but then slowing until she gently lands in the center of it. She turns, masked face sweeping the crowd surrounding the ring, scowling. She knows what she must look like - some villian come to ruin everyone's fun.

    Slowly, Embershroud turns towards Solar. She speaks in a low, gravelly alto: "I'm next." Turning, the undead woman paces to the opposite corner, to fetch a spare pair of gloves. This doesn't need to be a bareknuckle event, after all.

Solar Powers has posed:
    Sitting down atop a beach ball that's offered to her in lieu of a proper seat, Solar leans back against the ropes and rests her head against the padded corner post with a deep exhalation.

    "Hey, Solar, nice job - but do you think you can cut it out with the coaching crap next time?" the emcee who's been hosting the event asks the blonde, leaning against the apron from the outside. "It's killing the drama."

    "Oh, sorry. I thought she could use some pointers," Solar says with an apologetic expression. "I mean, I'm not sure if she knows much about boxing."

    "She's not here for her boxing skill, and you're not here to coach," the emcee reminds Solar. "You're both here to look hot and make money." He rubs his thumb and fingers together in a grafting gesture.

    "For charity," Solar appends on the emcee's behalf with an optimistic smile, "right?"

    "Of course, cupcake," the emcee says.

    Suddenly, the dark figure lands in the middle of the ring, causing the emcee and Solar to both jerk their heads toward the center with matching wide-eyed expressions of surprise.

    "Who's she?" the emcee asks.

    "I dunno?" Solar replies, cocking her head to one side.

    The emcee turns around and lifts his microphone, moving back to work the crowd. "And after that technical victory by Solar Powers, it looks like we have a new challenger, folks! Let's hear some noise for... what's your name, babe?"

    Meanwhile, the girl opposite Solar gives the blonde a questioning look, and Solar replies by giving a permissively dismissive motion with one of her gloves. Taking the cue, the other boxer quickly excuses herself from the ring.

    Meanwhile, Solar gets back on her feet, bouncing a couple of times on the soles of her boots before rolling her shoulders. "Hi there! I don't remember you from the meetings. How's it going?"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson is not going over to box, being one of the cheerleaders. She goes to let out a call over, "Hey, everyone show up and have fun! Enjoy the atmosphere and remember your donations go to a good cause!" She would take a moment to wave at someone else passing by to get thier attention as Beroe would come to her, Mary Jane would squee.

"I -love- your outfit! That's amazing. Did you buy it or make it yourself?" THen quickly go to answer the question, "THere's a charity boxing match going on. Lot of people are competing to help out local groups. It's pretty relaxed." Given the attire of those competing and the large variety of competitors.

Mary Jane would grin at Karolina, "Rather much. I'm moving to stay warm and they also have some heaters setup I rotate to about eveyr ten minutes. IT's for a good cause so I can tolerate a little briskness."

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
"Sorry about what? You like it? Really?! That's so nice of you to say! And Cold?!" Beroe asks with a big enough smile that it touches her eyes and even closes them, near comically beaming, and then she is shaking her head back and forth, "No. I'm totally fine. It's so nice out! And, besides, nothing cute is ever that warm!" She laughs and keeps grinning big.

Then there's the new contestant, "Wow! A cape, what an entrance! Wooo wooooooooooo!" She tosses both of her hands into the air, cheering, zealously, in response to Ember's entrance to the ring. Then she is smiling and cheering toward the person leaving the ring, "You did awesome! For Charity! Woooooooo!" Another full on double arms up in the air cheer.

Her attention shifting to Mary Jane as well, "My outfit?! Your outfit! Cheerleaders are so cute too! And, I mostly made it! The corset was from this awesome small business called Pets4Love and the rest, really, was me! Oh, the ears too, they sent the ears." She grins and reaches up to bap one of them, smiling. "Wow! We've got the trifecta here, a blonde, red head AND raven hair, today, at least." Big smile, "You both could be models, are you? Do you cosplay? Have an insta?" Her phone is already out to exchange @s.

Karolina Dean has posed:
Karol giggles. It is the hair color trifecta here. She could enhance it further, but that's not for today. She almost absently grabs at her wrist to make sure her bracelet is still there.

"I'm not sure about that. I'm incredibly cute, but also nice and warm. Taking breaks to visit the heaters is a good idea, though."

She does a little model-esque pose and then laughs. "No, not a model or influencer. Just a college student." Among other things. "I'm Karolina, my insta is 'At-VeganSkittles'"

Of course it is.

Embershroud has posed:
    Embershroud gets her gloves on, though they clash with the mostly-black attire the undead woman wears. She's not here to kill anyone, after all. Turning back towards her opponent, Ember thumps her gloves together a few times while stalking back towards the center of the ring. She doesn't look away from Solar, instead just staring the woman down with those glowing red eyes behind her mask. The emcee asks her name, and she replies in the same gravely monotone: "Embershroud." She lifts her gloves, prepared to fight, and with a -fwoosh- they erupt into flames. The orange-red fire engulfs the gloves but doesn't burn them or her, even as it flickers all the way up her forearms to her elbows.

    She's not paying much attention to the crowd at the moment - the whole of her focus is on her opponent, the woman in the silver shorts. "I wasn't at the meetings," Ember replies to Solar, "I just thought you could use a proper lesson." She's still sportsmanlike it would seem, even tapping gloves with her opponent before she takes a step back. As soon as the bell rings, though, it's time for business. She lunges for an immediate strike, going on the offensive. She's pulling her punches, of course, but even so she still strikes like a hammer on an anvil. Embershroud isn't playing for charity - she's making a statement.

Solar Powers has posed:
    Noticing the beach ball she was previously seated upon bouncing against her heels, Solar picks the ball up and punches it back into the crowd, sending it soaring overhead to some mysterious fate. She seems fairly unfazed by the chill in the air, despite the fact that her similarly-dressed counterpart from the match before is already seeking warmth amongst the other boxers on the card who've gathered around a portable heater. A lot of donations are being exchanged for selfies in that area - for charity, of course.

    "Let's hear it for EMBERSHROUD, everyone!"

    The noise that comes up from the crowd is mixed - quite a few cheer, but there's a fair number of jeers as well, likely from those accustomed to wrestling events where there's an expectation that booing a 'heel' is the best way to compliment their chops. Placed up against the plucky blonde babyface Solar, Embershroud has clearly defined herself as such.

    "Oh, dear," Solar says as Embershroud's gloves burst into flames, hesitantly approaching as the referee backs away quickly from the blaze. The blonde offers an uncertain smile as she hesitantly reaches out to bump gloves. "That's a neat trick!"

    Solar casts a sidelong glance at the emcee, asking a question with her eyes that the man doesn't look to see as he signals for the bell to ring.

    "Let's get ready to rumble!"

    "Ow!" Solar is caught across the cheek by the swift opener from Embershroud, putting her on the backfoot almost immediately before she can get her guard up properly. After the last match, where hardly a clean hit was landed, it's enough to get a cheer from the crowd. "That was pretty good!"

    In spite of the flames wreathed around the fist that's struck her, Solar seems more wont to bruise than burn, her own boxing gloves coming up to establish a firm guard. The two boxers seem fairly matched in reach, leading the blonde to keep a moderate distance as she tests Embershroud with defensive jabs.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
There's a giggle from Beroe, "I suppose! Never really did quite last that long to ever be one. But if you're into it it's really awesome. And I guess you're doing a good job advertising for them. So dyou do cosplay professionally? Or you just mostly social media exhibition?" She would inquire to the girl and look up at the one going into the ring.

"Wow, she's really gone over the top. That's awesome. Think she's making me feel pretty inadequate with the amoutn of effort she's put in." Mary Jane's tone is playful but still in awe.

Nodding at Karolina Dean, "Lovely to meet you, Karolina! I think I can speak for us both that we love what you've done with your hair. And yes, heaters." Going to watch the first exchange of this match.

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
"Oh MY GOD! Are skittles vegan?!" Beroe lights up and her eyes get wide open, "I did NOT know that, at all, super good information. Look, super smart, college girl! Wow. A cheerleader and a college girl, uh oh, I'm gonna be outdone!" She brings her hands up closer to her chin, holding them half bent so they seem more like paws, and she faux pouts with them close to her chin.

Pulling up her phone she takes a quick selfie with her pout, and then asks, "Would you two be in a pic with me? I guarantee my followers would LOVE it. They totally like it when I'm around such pretty people! And I'm really trying to get as many of them to show up and donate as I can." A pause, "Oh, and cool, I'll send a DM real fast." She types, fast, quick, she doesn't even need to look at what she's doing, this is an extension of her own self. Type type type. DM comes in from @CuteLikeAFox. "I'm Beroe. So amazing to meet you, both!"

To MJ she beams some more, "Oh! Thanks again, yes, I cosplay professionally, and social media influence, and also fight crime! I'm really trying to moosh it all together, and though I'm no caped wonder, I still protect innocents where and when I can. Beroe, to the rescue, sometimes!" She giggles a bit, "I should really work on my tagline." A few nods of her head though, in agreement about the styling of hair from Karolina. "You ARE cute, and confident, that's awesome." Turning her head though when MJ looks, Beroe's arm reaches out to her left, and a little pink metallic portal opens up in space as she pushes her phone into it, arm disappearing for a moment, and then she pulls her arm back with a free hand. "Are those fire hands?! I didn't know Boxing could be so amazing! What's that called, the fire fist technique, or something? I'm so unfamiliar with sports." She asks, seriously.

Karolina Dean has posed:
Karolina smiles. She could be a model. A quick Google of her will show that her parents were actually pretty successful actors in Hollywood. They both passed in an accident, it seems. Her positive attitude has maintained.

"I don't have the energy to be an influencer. It's crazy how busy you guys constantly are. I will absolutely take a selfie with you, though!"

The DM hits, her phone buzzes, but she doesn't pull it out right away. The portal opens, and her eyes widen. "That's really cool! I bet that's so, so handy!" She keeps mum on her powers for the moment. "I have ... friends whove dabbled at the hero thing. It's...It's hard." A pause. "And I have no idea. I thought this was supposed to be cute girls boxing as eye candy, not ... flaming fists of fury."

Embershroud has posed:
    Embershroud has clearly done this before. It's hard to land a solid hit on her, Solar's gloves either grazing off the undead woman's defenses or swiping through the air as she ducks and weaves out of the way. Ember, for her part, is aggressive with her attacks, staying on the offensive while Solar tries to test her. The flames don't burn her opponent - at least, not this time. They're just for show, to draw attention from the crowd. It worked better than a bikini for her - and considering the way she looks, it's probably for the best that she showed up in costume instead.

    Ember continues to lay into Solar with ferocity, working combos at her midsection and then her face, alternating low and high like it's random, going for any opening she can see. It's an endless barrage of strikes right up until the second the bell rings, and then suddenly she's gone. Embershroud sweeps backwards, pushing away to float across the ring to her corner where she stops, still focused on Solar with a stare that feels like the other woman offended her somehow. Ember doesn't say a word, she just floats there in her corner about a foot off the mat while she waits for the bell to ring for the second round.

Solar Powers has posed:
    It's a much more sincere exhibition than the ones that have been put on so far, the blonde boxer given no room for motivational speeches as she's hard pressed by the mysterious interloper. She doesn't even manage to land a single real hit on the other fighter by the time that the bell rings, but keeps her cool and survives the match despite the bruises that are starting to form on her body by the time that it's over.

    Solar seems to swell with her inhalation, breathing in deep as she edges away from Embershroud, bouncing lightly on her feet as she retreats. She runs one of her gloves lightly against a bruise that's forming under her left eye as she leans back against the ropes and plops down on a freshly provided beach ball.

    "That was great. We made a killing that round. Everyone thought you'd wipe the floor with her," the emcee tells Solar. "Hey, you need an ice pack or something?"

    "I'm okay! Don't you think it's a little irresponsible letting random people with capes join in, though?" Solar asks.

    "Why, what's wrong with capes?" the emcee asks, before wandering off again to announce:

    "Looks like it wasn't such a bright idea for Solar to underestimate Embershroud that round! She'd better be careful, or it could be lights out for her in round two!"

    Solar rolls her eyes as she gets back to her feet, picking up the beach ball and punching it hard enough that it goes flying into the water.

    "Joe said we're here to look hot," Solar calls over with a light tone to Embershroud, gesturing with her gloves toward the other boxer's blazing mitts indicatively. "Looks like you got that part down!"

    A brief look of concentration crosses the blonde's face for a moment before her own white boxing gloves start to glow from within with warm orange light as the referee calls for the next round to begin.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
There would be look up from Mary Jane at the fighting, "They're just getting al ittle into it. I mean, just as most of it's swimsuits some of 'em like to show off what they can do. THey look like they're reallyhaving fun." And they're not nuking Coney Island, no matter if that might be an improvement over. She goes to watch at the first round seeming to end.

"And I can't remember the last time I used my account. I kept on having issues wiht it when I reset fmy password too many times.." The joys of being without a nice phone until the last couple years of her life. Despite having spent most of her life glued to one.

At the request from Beroe, she goes to smile and pose theatrically, pom poms held up in front of her as she would cheerfully go, "Go team!" Going through a very, very quick and silly cheer routine.

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
Oh! Eyes pop back open, smile big, Beroe grabs back into another portal, looks about the same though, and grabs her phone from there, as if it's second nature. Then she's flipping it on with the camera already going. "Say cute and sexy!" Big grin, "Cute and sexy!" Then snaps the photo, and she doesn't just take one, a few with slightly different facial expressions, "Awesome. So, many thank yous."

A pause as the question about what kind of boxing it is comes out, and Beroe looks back to the boxing, "This isn't how boxing works? Oh, I thought it was. I only follow the athletes in sports, not really the sport itself."

There's a pause as Beroe looks back to the boxing ring and eyeballs it for a moment, no recognition on her part of what 'should be' happening, and then she smiles big again and looks back and forth between Karolina and MJ. "This is so exciting! Watching Boxing with a couple BFFs!" To Karolina now, she turns, "What's useful?" Blink blink, then eyes widen, "Oh! My pockets, yeah. I love them, without pockets in..." She waves her hands to indicate her outfit, "It's handy. Oh yeah? Your friends? Are they like the Avengers? Or those bright blue spandex sorts? I also heard of these mutants saving people, which is super cool. I love Mutant town, I even helped save a person from getting kidnapped and chopped up one time."

Looking back to the fight, "They both look cool, though. Fire hands and sexy top, going at it, bam bam, boom." She does a few quick jabs in front of her, unskilled is a kind description.

Karolina Dean has posed:
"I don't really want to, um, out my friends. They're not the Avengers. Or the X-Men, though." She drifts for a moment, remembering some good times with those friends. When she can be herself. When she doesn't have to hide.

Karolina is a good listener. She focuses all her attention on Beroe as she tells her story, smiling at the enthusiasm and looking legitimately impressed, too. "Saving peoples lives is a wonderful thing. You should be proud of it."

She glances at the ring. She's no expert fighter, but one of these people is better than the other, or is at least not putting on a show. She does giggle a little at the influencer's jabs. They need work.

Embershroud has posed:
    Embershroud waits in silence for the duration of the break between rounds, and when the bell dings again she just drops with a thud onto her feet again. "Looking hot is one thing," Ember states, "It's another to act so smug with so little skill." She's pacing closer while she talks, and as soon as she finishes she's in striking distance again. Embershroud isn't hitting with her full force - she doesn't know Solar, after all, and isn't aware of any powers she might have. She's hitting hard enough to know it's felt, but at best she'd only bruise a normal human.

    "It's insulting to those of us who put in the dedication, and the time, and took all the hits while people like you stood around -looking pretty-." Embershroud seems a little angrier this time, though. The flames are creeping up her arms towards her shoulders, almost like the undead woman is catching fire herself. She seems tireless, though it's only the second round and she's been doing this her whole life, so a short exhibition is nothing. It helps that she also doesn't need to breathe. Anger makes her sloppy though, and there's a time or two when Solar would see a really obvious opening to land a good, solid hit on her opponent.

Solar Powers has posed:
    Solar tilts her head a little to one side as Ember paces closer to her. The bell rings, and the assault begins afresh - fists flying at the blonde's body and face. This time, she seems more focused and ready, and while Ember clearly has the edge in experience and technique, Solar remains calm, ducking and sidestepping more aggressively and showing more of a willingness to trade in close quarters instead of trying to fight on the outside. Despite her more aggressive posture, she's taking fewer direct hits, though she's receiving more than she's giving. The light emanating from her gloves seems fairly harmless at the moment. The crowd appear pleased to see that it's turning into an actual boxing match, and it seems fairly clearly by now that there's money going down on this fight. Mostly on Ember.

    "You're right - I'm not much of a real boxer," Solar admits warmly, her body by now marked with bruises, but still showing a sunny disposition. "I mostly just do it for fitness, and this sounded like a fun way to make some money for charity. I try to do things that feel good for me and for other people. So I'm sorry if I've made you feel bad!"

    It's about the time that she says that that Solar ducks a punch that's gone a little wild and counters with a right-handed rising uppercut - one that's quite a bit harder than she's previously let on a capacity for. As she does, her glove flashes with almost blinding brilliance, drawing a collective gasp from the crowd.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would look over at Beroe, "Oh, wow, that's totally cool." SHe would cheer. "And I just met the bothof you, so I don't feel like I qualify as a BFF but thanks for including me. And I'm just.." She would look about and then suddenly interrupt her tangent and looking up at the stage.

"Wow, shje's really getting into this." For the first time, there's just a little bit of concern in her voice. But nothing too big. Just the girl definitely seems like she's having to get a few things out of her system. Or it could just be a really epically staged display that the two had planned!

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
"Out your friends?" A pause, "I'm poly pan, so, I get it." And she nods her head, "Well, whatever they do, it's just loving others, so I'm sure with a friend like you that they're good people! No matter their orientation." Beroe goes off with the direction she is assuming, but then there's the compliment about saving people. "You think so? That's so nice of you to say, and since you are so smart, it must be true! I am proud, my mom even says that I'm doing good work. Part of it was her idea, even, she's also smart, like you, went to college, got a few doctorates in things. All I do is sew!"

Turning to Mary Jane she grins big, "Whaaaaaaaat?! We can totally be BFFs. There's so much friendship that's possible, if you just open yourself up to it! Besides, you are both good people, I can tell. I'm a keen observer." She comments, looking back to the oh-so-normal flaming boxing match that's going on, and she nods her head a few times, "Totally into it! I am too! Who's winning though, I wonder? Are there points? I hope it isn't to the death. That'd be so awkward with a charity, but it would show dedication to the cause..." She lingers on the idea, contemplating while looking up at the ring for the moment.

Karolina Dean has posed:
"It's not like that, though, now that I think about it, most of us are queer." Karolina says, looking thoughtful. "She/Her, Poly Lesbian, myself," she adds as an aside. "But no, I don't want to expose their...hero...stuff. Secrets and all that."

A glance back at the ring, and she just shrugs. "I really have no idea what's going on in there anymore." She frowns, putting a hand in her pocket, pulling her phone out. "Oh no." A big sigh. "I have to take this." She looks to Breroe. "So. Hey. if you wanna hang out sometime... slip into my DMs? It was nice meeting you both!"

She swipes her finger on the phone and answers it, beginning a low volume conversation into it as she starts to wander away.

Embershroud has posed:
    Embershroud is coming in harder, and heat is radiating off her in waves as she assaults Solar. Her jaw clenches, and she pummels the woman's defenses, really getting into it for a few moments - landing harder hits that indicate just how much she's really holding back, even now. The flames have crept up her arms and onto her shoulders, blazing like a mantle across her back.

    But then she lets her guard slip, and Solar comes in from the right with an uppercut that caught her off-step. The blow catches her right under the jaw, and the force of it actually sends Ember up into the air! The blinding flash of light made her feel stunned for a moment, and while everyone may expect her to come crashing down to the mat, instead Ember stays up there. Righting herself, she floats about fifteen feet over the ring, once more glowering down at Solar. For a moment, the crowd goes hushed, tension in the air as no one knows what might happen next.

    And then the flames go out, fwoosh, as if they never were. Embershroud tugs off the straps of her gloves with her teeth, and tosses them down to the ring. She glides back down to the ring, landing in front of Solar again. "I concede," she says, "Thanks for the spar. It was a good one." She looks towards the emcee and nods once, then without another word she just turns and... flies off, quickly disappearing off into the city.

Beroe Kazinski has posed:
With a quick wave to both MJ and Karolina, Beroe smiles off after the blonde, "I will! Totally! I love hanging out." She then looks back to the ring to see the person rise up off the ground. Float, and then concede to the loss.

If one of her ears could droop, it would, in confusion, as she looks at the ring still. A smile remains on her lips but she says aloud, and to herself at this point, "Wow, boxing is a strange sport."

With that though, she'll pull out her phone and continue to snap pictures of the event. Eventually even getting into the ring herself, to flail about and lose the boxing match she participates in. Badly. But, hey, it's for charity.

Solar Powers has posed:
    The heat rolling off of Embershroud doesn't seem to bother Solar - if anything, the same could almost be said of her, though it's more visible in the air as a faint heat mist rising off of her form like hot breath frosting in the night's chill.

    When the reply lands clean, even Solar herself seems caught off-guard by the way that Ember flies into the air and hangs there aloft, the blonde amateur staggering backward and brushing an arm across her brow as she looks up at her undead opponent. Her own gaze narrows slightly as it meets Embershroud's...

    ...but then, she's gone, leaving Solar alone in the ring with her bruises as cheers erupt from the crowd - as well as boos, likely resulting from a number of lost bets.

    Solar fights back the urge to fly off after Embershroud, blinking as she comes back to the present.

    "And the winner by forfeit... SOLAR POWERS! Another victory for Big Environment, folks! Now, why don't we see who's up next while Miss Sunshine takes a break!"

    Solar waves her gloves to the crowd and strikes a couple of poses before slinking out of the ring, immediately fussed over by a master of ceremonies and host whose insurance for the event might have been just a little inadequate for boxing matches involving actual boxing.