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Latest revision as of 08:28, 17 February 2023

Kryptonian Bird
Date of Scene: 17 February 2023
Location: Roof - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Dawn crash lands on Titan Tower in a very Divine body. Literally. Hank rages, Jinx gets punched, Invisible plays hero, and Kian tries to keep it calm. Just another day!
Cast of Characters: Hank Hall, Jinx, Kian, Dawn Granger, Mark Grayson

Hank Hall has posed:
It's cold up on the roof in February, but Hank Hall doesn't care. Watching the cool wind turn his breath visible, he stands on the corner of the roof, peering out into the city. He is wearing a tanktop and jeans, which is probably not the best outfit for the weather, but his focus is on other things.

"Where is she," he murmurs to himself, the eyes of the would-be hawk scanning the city below. As if somehow staring at the buildings and the tiny people in anger would magically answer his question. His hands are clenched in fists, and his jaw is set. Each passing moment simply builds up that rage that he had been doing such an excellent job in maintaining over the past few months.

Something was definitely up.

Jinx has posed:
Jinx has been tending to the plants up here on the roof. She figures, this is a bit of an insurance policy - there's real soul here, with real earth, real life in it. Plants. Whatever - green things with some nice smells sometimes. They just need a bit of watering from time to time. No biggy.

The little nettings and small green house roofs over each potted plant keeps them happy during the winter and during winter it's usually pretty quiet up here. She doubts that's true of summer - what with the pool and basketball court. Rich kids...

With a watering bucket in her hand she stares seeing Hank is up here too and sighs. "So much for that...," she mutters to herself and approaches. "Yo. Which one are you meant to be?"

Kian has posed:
    Kian is where Kian usually is: on, or somewhere above, the roof of Titans Tower.  Since this planet hasn't the decency to have a sensible winter, he's doing what he often does when he feels the need to be outside during the cold months: he's wrapped himself in a cocoon of infrared warmth, so he can take a flight without being encumbered by completely ridiculous layers of clothing.
    So, somewhere above the tower, there Kian is, in aught more than sandals, kilt and sleeveless shirt.
    Earth's February can go... do something with itself.
    Well, let's just say that Earth is weird.
    In any case, anyone watching skyward will be treated to the view of a birdman in full graceful flight -- what he calls 'skydancing'.  The Gods only know what music he's moving to, but there must be something, because his swoops and pirouettes are very definitely rhythmic.

Dawn Granger has posed:
There's *something* in the distance. At least, there was a second ago. Something, someone, zips towards the Tower in almost the blink of an eye. Kian looks like he might be in unfortunate crashing angle, but suddenly the objectperson steers clear. He'll certainly get some awful wind currents in the process though. Jinx is thankfully *just* out of the way where she stands near Hank as suddenly a black-haired blur smacks right into Hank with a very solid thud that should send him skidding.

Hank Hall has posed:
Turning a murderous gaze towards Jinx, Hank half-snarls at her. "Hawk." There is one of those popping blood vessels at his temple, and his chest is heaving as if he were already in mid tantrum. He could easily be confused for one of the Titans foes if not for the fact that he is not actually setting off any alarm bells at the moment. "Who the hell are you?"

And further conversation with Jinx is cut off, however, as that brief moment of distraction takes Hank's gaze away from the skyline and his search as the flying woman comes careening towards him. Knocked from his feet, he goes sliding across the roof. Ignoring the screaming pain at his side from the rooftop pavement, Hank leaps up immediately. "What the hell is wrong with YOU, lady?" he says, charging at the woman as soon as his feet are under him.

Is he getting ready to throw her off the roof? Very possibly.

Jinx has posed:
Jinx's clothes whip about her and she bats her eyelashes a few times. "What the fuck was that..." she says eloquently as usual in her British accent. Not the refined accent of Dawn Granger mind you, more artful dodger. She turns to look where the Hank -was- and now is.

So, the tower is under attack. That's meant to be her shtick! Is she meant to help in situations like this? was that part of the deal or not. She's honestly not quite sure. She lifts up a hand but.. she see's Hank seems to have this situation under control.

"Eh" she says and waves a hand, "You've got this big guy. Save the day. Defeat the villain. Yadda yadda yadda." A smirk plays on her lips as she puts down the watering can.

Mark Grayson has posed:

The sound barrier is re-established by something slowing down from extreme speed. The figure has black hair atop the head and is adorned in a yellow, blue, and black suit with some kind of glass over the eyes, no doubt to keep things from getting into them. He floats a little bit above Titans Tower, looking at the assembled Titans with a kind smile.
% Invincible.

Assessing the scene, he decides to charge after ths sudden enemy combatant. Hank is coming from one angle and Mark is sliding low for the opposite, as if to strike for the legs while he goes for that roof-throwing shove!

"Mind if I lend a hand?"

Kian has posed:
    "/Kya/!"  It's safe to say that Kian wasn't expecting someone to go hurtling past and crash into the roof.  But then, why *would* someone expect that?  Anyone at this altitude should be able to /maintain/ this altitude, either by normal means like wings, or whatever it is that wingless Earthers do to fly anyway.
    The birdman dives sharply down, snapping his wings out in a quite effective braking maneuver just before touching down on the roof.  "/Kie/, Jinx, /Kaeh/... sorry, I mean Hawk.  Is... what happened? Something... someone?... plummeted past me while I was aloft."

Dawn Granger has posed:
"Whoawhoa, not this fast, I didn't mean--" the dark-haired woman, very much a mirror image of Power Girl, stands where Hank *was* on the roof, though now he's charging back towards her while Invincible is going for the legs too. "THIS IS NOT--" She cuts herself off, zipping upward quickly but stopping a good ten feet above the ground.

"Please *stop*, I'm just trying to land, I can explain!"

Hank Hall has posed:
It is perhaps fortunate for all involved that it is Hank standing on the roof, and not Hawk. The Lord of Chaos knows what is going on, somehow, and that Hank is not actually in danger. Not that Hank really seems to care much, his face red with fury.

And so rather than an entire table, Hank merely grabs a chair and hurls it with all of his peak human strength at the flying woman. "We got enough going on here," he bellows at her. "I don't need every damn half dressed tramp knocking me over while I've got more important things to do."

He reaches for another chair.

Jinx has posed:
Jinx is fascinated as Mark appears out of no where and she realises who Dawn looks like. "Wow. You're the spitting image of Power Girl. Just kind of... dark and gothic." Acting on the assumption that Divine/Dawn is really a villain here to cause harm.

The problem that is - she looks like she's one of them pesky Titan's right now. Hanging out on the roof. She kicks over one of the pot plants and digs a bare foot in to the soil. "Sorry buddy," she murmurs to the plant, "I'll fix you up in a moment."

Magical energy swirls around her right hand as her eyes glow with mystical energy. "Hey.. whatever this is you keep me outta it okay. I'm no one's punk." This is helping? right? Besides, Hank -totally- has this.

Mark Grayson has posed:
"Oh crap."

Invincible immediately stops what he's doing and where he is, seeing the /true/ situation, and immediately, he moves in front of PG to take the chair shot right to the face. A chair that his head goes straight through. "Ow....." He rubs at his nose. "Ow ow ow...."

Why does he have to be /so/ heroic?!

Well, he's bad at it, he attacked someone just trying to land, but he's WORKING ON IT.

"Maybe this is a misundestanding? And...can we use nicer words?"

Kian has posed:
    Kian... well, Kian does nothing angrily, but that doesn't mean he does nothing forcefully.  "*Stop*!" he demands, spreading his wings and stretching out his arms to his sides, hands open in a halting gesture.
    "Everyone take a breath, no one is being attacked yet, remember what Donna says: do not extend your fist until you have first extended your open hand!"
    On the Hawk-Dove spectrum, Kian is definitely on the Dove side of things.
    He turns to Dawn, and says, with perhaps a ridiculous amount of calm, "And you are?"
    He does have a peaceful planet's honor to uphold, after all.

Dawn Granger has posed:
The woman, Divine, does her best to land firmly on the ground once she's got the opportunity. She knows Hank's coming at her with a chair, she's pretty sure she can take it, but then it occurs to her she doesn't know *what* this body can take but she's going to risk it. Suddenly, there's Invincible in the way of the chair. At least she doesn't have to figure out how durable she is quite yet.

Kian's got a bead on the situation, and thankfully things do seem a bit calmer--but she knows Hawk's not got his Dove for balance. Hopefully, at least, he'll believe her. "Dawn. I'm Dawn." She looks past the group to Hank. "Hank, take a deep breath, I know this is really confusing, but it's *me*." She's trying to be calm and focus herself. "Sorry about this body, I'm not entirely sure who this is, by the way, so if anyone knows her I'd really appreciate it."

Hank Hall has posed:
Kian is making a great effort at invoking peace. However, that does not appear to be very effective with Hank. "_I_ was _already_ attacked!" he shouts, spittle flying from his chin as he jabs his free hand back at the ground which probably still bears some small pieces of his skin.

There is a chair in the other hand, and despite the failure of the first one to strike its intended target, it is whirling upwards as if to be launched at the Kryptogothian when the words somehow manage to penetrate Hank's thick skull. He releases the chair before completing its arc (which has the unfortunate result of flinging it off in a different, less offensive, more random direction) and just stands there, staring at Divine.

It is like one of those cartoons that shows a coconut landing on a dinosaur's tail, and then an hour later it saying "ow", but Hank finally tilts his head, dumbly repeating the last word she said. "Dawn?"

He stands still, that artery still bulging, chest still heaving, fists still clenched, jaw still tight. But at least he isn't getting _angrier_.

"Dawn?!?!" he repeats.

Jinx has posed:
Jinx throws up an arm in disbelief as Mark flies in to take the blow from Hank's chair. "Oh come on. What is this tag team WWE? More biff, a touch of pugilism. Put some heart in to it."

Hank.. oh right yeah she read his bio. But who is this Dawn person though? - she didn't really care too much about their back stories when the Five decided to attack the Titan's Tower all those years ago.

"Yeah hey what now. This is the worst villainying i've ever seen," she lets her guard down. The magic fades from her and she scoops up the soil in to the planter and rights it so the plant can resume its peaceful life.

She gives a flat look to Kian, "That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard." Of Donna's words of wisdom that is. "That'll just get your fingers broken. Punch the fuckers before they can punch you. Much safer. Sort it out afterwards."

A shrug is given to Dawn though at the question of the body, "Switcheroo eh?" May be she can be helpful after all. "I saw you the other night at the.. ahem.. club. Went there with Kate. You were there with someone called Frost. Kate ended up chatting with Frost and I ended up.." she stops and grins a moment with amusement, "Bloody Victor Von Doom."

"Wait, we're not all taking this seriously are we? body swapping is an incredibly rare thing. Like, really really really really rare." She waggles arms at Dawn, "She's probably just lying."

Mark Grayson has posed:
Invincible is on the scene!

Though Kian's help is /desperately/ appreciated. "...is Donna like the wise lady?" Mark's met Donna maybe once or twice, but not really enough to hold al ong conversation to undestand her as a person. Though he keeps his full attention on Kian for a moment. "But it's really good advice."

Then o Dawn herself, disguised as Divine. He comes down with her to touch his feet on the ground and he looks at her. "Dawn? But..." he tilts his head. "I mean, I know about Power Girl. YOu look like her but with dark hair and wearing black. But, can't say I know her personally."

He shrugs. Though he's more concerned about chair-thrower Hank Hall. World heavyweight champion 900+ days and counting. He looks at the chair as it's flown in a random direction. "is uh....that gonna hurt someone?" Mark asks, pointing at it before he looks at Jinx. "I don't watch wrestling..." he tilts his head. "Isn't he kinda a dick?" Victor von Doom, anyway.

Kian has posed:
    "Nobody is hurting anyone, if I have anything to say about it!" Kian says, wings still spread wide, arms still held out.  "Anyone who has doubts about anyone else here, take my hand and we will all *know*, not just suspect!"
    He twists his arms just enough that his hands are exteneded palms up, particularly in the directions of Hank and Dawn.
    "I'm a telepath, lying through me is not possible."
    He hopes.

Dawn Granger has posed:
"I know this sounds like a joke, but it's not. It's me. You can ask me anything only I would know and I'll answer it," 'Dawn' says, putting her hands up in a gesture of 'I've got no weapons' despite the fact that her hands are, in fact, pretty dangerous. Her attention goes briefly to Jinx. "Okay, that's good. Do you have any idea who she is? A name or something? I'd like to find her and, er, politely ask her how to get a handle on her *body* for the moment until I figure this out. She flies very differently than I do and much faster and I'm not sure if there's more than that."

Dawn looks towards Invincible. "Okay, Power Girl, that's another clue. I might be able to work with that. But, yes, Dawn. Uh, Dove. I live here. Nice to meet you under strange circumstances..."

Her attention, though, goes very quickly back to Hank. She knows Hank's the one she really has to convince. "Right! That's a brilliant idea." She says, extending her hand towards Kian.

Hank Hall has posed:
With so many people standing in the way of the furious Hank, there is no way anyone will be attacking the woman claiming to be Dawn. It would certainly give plenty of time for reasonable heads to come about, and sort this thing out peacefully.

Unfortunately, that is _not_ the woman who needs to be protected.

Hank whirls around and delivers a solid fist directly to Jinx's face. "NO ONE calls my girl a liar!" he howls, saliva spewing in a cloud almost as large as the mist of his breath.

Jinx has posed:
Jinx drops back on to the ground and cups her face. Blood flows freely from behind her hands down over her chin and dripping on to her clothes. "Nuther-ucker," she says. Tears in her eyes instantly as she scrambles back up. No one gave Hank the memory that a supervillain was staying with them.

Donna did sent it out to everyone, but may be not everyone actually reads those things. And certainly no one has casually called her 'Jinx' up on this roof top meeting. Because that might have clued him in to just what kind of person he was raging against. She doesn't even bother with the dirt - no - Hank gets the special treatment.

The longer Jinx goes without giving someone or something bad luck, the more it builds up. It's her core power, her source of magical energy, and that pink energy swirls up her arm and she throws it at Hank. It's not something one can dodge - you cannot dodge bad luck. You just have to survive it.

Mark Grayson has posed:
"Okay, okay...."

Mark lifts his hands, as if trying to keep the peace, period, between Kian and Hank. Though suddenly, Hank punches Jinx in the face and /now/ Mark seems thoroughly upset. "Hey, Jackass, you don't hit people!"

...unless of couse they hit you first.

Mark looks ready to start throwing hands, his fists clenching tightly as he starts to float into the air again. It appears that things are starting to amp up again...until Jinx defends herself well enough. Now the ball is in Hank's court....and depends on how good that swing from Jinx was.

But Mark's ready to throw.

Kian has posed:
    Kian claps his hand into Dawn's without hesitation.  "/Kaeh/!  Hawk!  Give me your /qokh/ hand *now* and we'll answer this!"  Kian is not given to issuing orders, but he sounds completely sure of himself.  "There is no lying through the mindlink.  You want to know?  Give me your /qokh/ hand!"
    A translation of /qokh/ is not offered, but it has the inflection of strong language.

Dawn Granger has posed:
"Hank!" Dawn says quickly, moving in Hank's direction. It's fast, but she's trying *not* to go too fast. Divine's certainly a bit different than she is. "I don't think she's trying to stir up anything, I'm... well, I don't know who she is." To be honest, Dawn isn't really sure why Jinx is there. She keeps her hand in Kian's since the mindlink at the very least should confirm for this. "Hank, please, just come here for a moment."

Hank Hall has posed:
Fists of Fury, aka Jackass, watches Jinx tumble backwards onto the ground with a certain depraved look of satisfaction. He seems thoroughly oblivious of the bad luck juju that flows into him. For the moment. He lets Jinx be and ignores every one else to turn back towards the Divine Dawn.

He starts walking towards her as she beckons. The change over him is shockingly swift. The redness in his face begins to fade, the pulsing artery recedes. He even unclenches his fists (although a few seconds too late for Jinx's nose). "Dawn," he says, no questioning to his voice anymore. He reaches out towards Divine's cheek, his head tilting slightly.

"I didn't know where you were...I've been up here just..." He takes a deep breath. "I was so worried."

Jinx has posed:
Jinx would be laughing right now if her face didn't feel like it was exploding over and over again. "Fee you in hell Hank." She doesn't have to take another shot at him, she was trying to be 'good' all this time and not use her powers against people who don't deserve it.

But, hey, she feels justified in her response. Droplets of blood color the snow beneath her feet. She reaches down and grabs a bunch of it and presses it to her face with a groan of pain. Blurry eyes look back to the elevator.. which floor is the infirmary on again?

Mark Grayson has posed:
A frown still covers Marks face, but while Hank is getting into recovery via Divine and Kian's work, Mark floats on over to Jinx, leaning over as if to offer her help to get up to her feet. "Hey there champ, you okay?"

He rubs the back of his neck. "I can walk you to the infirmary?" Worth a shot to help, right?

Because ifh e doesn't, he's probably gonna try and punch Hank. And that's gonna be a /problem/.

Kian has posed:
    Kian exhales, releasing Dawn's hand.  Praise the Gods, sometimes Earthers react the way they should, no matter how unlikely.
    He offers a hand to Jinx.  "Come along, I will take you to medical," he says, clearly heading not for the elevator, but for the open shaft leading down into the Tower.
    "I hope I can trust the rest of you to not destroy the roof, yes?"  It's up to the Earthers to decide whether they think Kian is being sarcastic -- he was being realistic, as far as he's concerned.

Dawn Granger has posed:
"I'll make sure things stay calm," Dawn replies, though she's mostly got her focus on Hank. "I'm okay, just a little... confused as to all of this. I promise I'm here and I'm good, just... a thing we need to overcome and fix, you know?" She glances towards those headed to the infirmary briefly. "Sorry if this was super confusing!"

Hank Hall has posed:
As the tension begins to drain out of Hank, he nods slowly. "It's...confusing, but not. I--" he starts to consider the new form, and stops himself at her neck. *dontlookdowndontlookdowndontlookdown* "I woke up this morning, and the woman next to me looked like you but wasn't you, but she said she didn't know where you were, or what you looked like and -- " *dontlookdowndontlookdowndontlookdown* "I've been up here hoping to find you." He sighs. "This is just temporary, right?" *dontlookdowndontlookdowndontlook--*

Hank looks down. "Although, if it's not..."

Dawn Granger has posed:
"No, it's okay, I was confused too. Kind of a weird dream with the Hulk happened and then we were in a comic book? I saw some of the others that were there so I know some of who might be affected, but believe me, this is something I hope to fix, because--" Dawn stops, though. She looks down. Then back up at Hank. "This is *not* permanent, don't get used to it."

Hank Hall has posed:
"I mean, I hear what you're saying, Dawn," says Hank, his eyes a bit, uh, distracted. "But, you know, you can _fly_! That's fun, right?"

Dawn Granger has posed:
"I can, but it's fast. I'm not entirely sure how to control all of this. Also, her wardrobe is... interesting." Dawn shakes her head. "Eyes up here, Hank."

Hank Hall has posed:
"Yes. Very interesting," murmurs Hank in a bit of a half distracted tone. Then he hears his name and looks up reflexively. "Uh, what?" He blinks as he looks into Divine's eyes, searching, and somehow, in some way, finding some aspect of his Dawn in there. "Wait. You were dreaming of the Hulk?" He frowns. "What does he have over me, other than, amazingly, more anger issues?"

Dawn Granger has posed:
"*HANK*." Dawn says, narrowing her eyes. Thankfully not enough to accidently laser Hank. "It was the Hulk and a woman who did some magic... I really didn't recognize everyone. But there were certainly some people who got caught up in this too." She looks to Hank. "We need to figure this out with you not being angry, okay? And we need to track down the woman whose body this is." She pauses one last time. "And keep your eyes where they belong."