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The Path of Progress: A Rock And A Hard Place
Date of Scene: 04 April 2023
Location: Small Island -- Southern Indian Ocean
Synopsis: Cable and the team that he has assembled storm an island in the South Indian Ocean in the middle of a monsoon seeking out kidnapped mutants. Will they have anymore luck then on their last mission? Will they bring back any of the captives alive? And will they finally discover who is behind this all?
Cast of Characters: Cable, Monet St. Croix, Sally Pride, Gwendolyn Poole, Tabitha Smith

Cable has posed:
Not every mission is a rousing success. No matter the preparations made, or the careful planning that might go into things. No matter how well the team might perform, how much they might exceed expectations. There's just no way to be prepared for every possible contigency. Even veterans of hundreds of conflicts like Cable can't account for every possibility. So while the raid on the Madripoor facility might not have resulted in a host of freed, kidnapped mutants and an end to whoever is behind the surprisingly organized endeavor, it did at least provide enough intelligence to track down the next link in the chain.


The safeguards on the solitary laptop recovered proved surprisingly daunting -- daunting enough that even Cable with his formidable technological advances ultimately had to call upon some of his rather far-flung contacts to break the encryption cyphers safeguarding the organization. And even then the information that was salvaged was minimal in scope. Shipping manifests from a private port facility in Madripoor to an even more private island in the southern Indian Ocean. Details are scant, intelligence is limited and time is of the essence. Because Cable does not intend to be hours too late this time. Whatever this group is doing with their mutant victims, it's certainly not good. The operating rooms in Madripoor were proof enough of that. So yet again -- on short notice -- he has assembled a team.

Not that it's going to be easy mind. It never is. There will surely be security of course, but Cable is confident enough in his team's ability to deal with that. What might be a little more tricky? The fact that the short notice and urgency of the mission means that they are going to be attempting this in the middle of a monsoon. Skies dark as night, wind speeds approaching one hundred kilometers an hour and pounding rain that reduces visibility to practically nothing while also making the seas surrounding the isle swell dangerously.

Ideally, in situations like this, a teleporter might be called upon. Or even Cable's bodyslide technology. But availability and the weather conditions make that... difficult and so the ad hoc group finds themselves just off the coast, anchored securely as the ocean waters heave around them, sending the mid-sized ship heaving to and fro. Just where Nathan managed to lay his hands on this particular craft, well, it's probably better not to ask. In the distance, barely visible is the blocky shape of walls looming up out of the darkness, an abandonned colonial fortress long since abandonned. And aparently repurposed. A map of the island is spread out on the table of the cabin, marking the most likely location of any guards and weapon emplacements while another table holds a collection of advanced weaponry that Cable has chosen out for the mission at hand.

5"So that's it," the grizzled old soldier says flatly. "We have minimal intelligence on what sorts of defenses to expect and no real time for reconnisance. If they still have captives on the island I don't intend to lose them this time. The only good thing about this damnable weather is that there is nowhere for them to pull out. Not this time. So I hope you're already to get good and wet. And blow this place back to a pile of rocks," he says, voice taking on a business-like, though rather grim, note.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would nod at Cable, "Do we have an idea of what the coast is like?" They don't have intel, but that doesn't mean they don't have maps. "We can approach underwater along the shore. They'll likely beon the alert for fliers given our last go at it. So if we stay close to ground we can get a quick idea of the layout and where thier defenses are the least concentrated. Then make our way inland to hit the facility. Hopefully it will le tus bypass most of their perimeter." It's not a particularly great idea, but it is an option.

So it's with a degree of thoughtuflness and pursed lips that MOnet goes to close her eyes, recalling what she could from the layout - a tleast of the original facility. It would have been fully rebuilt from whatever colonial maps and blueprints there were of it however many decades ago when it was still manned, if not longer.

Sally Pride has posed:
It didn't matter that these were technically a different 'kind' of mutant. They were being kidnapped, enslaved and abused to the benefit of others just as herself and her friends had once been and that was more than enough reason for Sally Pride to join the party. Having the right touch of 'grey morality' to pick up this sort of mercenary work, and enough potentially reckless courage to not be bothered by the stormy weather conditions was a bonus.

Her tail flicked back and forth as she looked over the map while Cable gave the sadly brief rundown. "They're likely battening down to endure the storm. Most of our opposition may not be until we get inside... Though if we're lucky the storm will also have them not expecting 'company'."

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
Cable might literally be insane, hiring this one. Gwenpool, absolute maniac, possibly literally insane, and a mercenary. From walking dogs to beating up schoolyard bullies to joning in incredibly difficult infiltration missions to rescue captured mutants. She'll do it all as long as the check clears. Because ammo is expensive. As is camera equipment.

Speaking of which, Gwen is standing on the deck, clad in her usual with the hood up. She has a selfie stick with a GoPro in one hand, and a Tec-9 with an extended magazine in the other. Her swords are crossed over her back, and she is just strapped with guns and even grenades.

"What's up, internet! It's ya boi Gwenpool! We're here in the middle of goddamn nowhere to rescue some mutants from some shitheads! Your friend Gwenpool always says that mutants are our friends! No hate! Like and subscribe, link to my OnlyFans in the description!"

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Underwater? So glad I brought a bikini!" Tabitha comments and hmmss. "I wonder if these guys are linked to like those assholes shipping people that Jimmy, Emma and Illyana busted up a while back. The ones that wanted to use me for umm..." Bad stuff, she doesn't elaborate too much on her part of the thing. Deepfakes exist. It is not stuff that would be allowed even on Onlyfans.

"So we just sneak on up, watch for any security as we go. Be extra, extra quiet this time. Or I go swipe a jetski, and be a distraction like Cannonball and Cable last time. Stick and move."

It's probably saying something that Tabitha seems sane compared to Gwen. Or maybe Tabby is just holding back for when it's fun. "Or you can do a decent halfway internet search and find all her lewds for free like normal neckbeards. Piracy for the win, Yaaaaargh!" she yells out loud enough for the blonde in black and yellow neoprene to be heard over the video being made.

The bikini is under the wetsuit.

Cable has posed:
There are many little complications that come with trying to throw together a mission on short notice. Some of those are things like lack of intelligence -- always a bane of careful planning. Sometimes it is logistical -- like the fact that they had to sail through turbulent seas to get this far -- and have an equally unpleasant tripping back awaiting them at the end of this. And sometimes it is an issue of manpower.

Beggers can't always be choosers. And thus Cable presents Gwenpool.

All things considered, the grizzled mutant is betting that she is worth the risk. And the annoyance. Still, it's not like he's completely infalible. He's been wrong before. And so long as they actually recover some of the kidnapping citims this time -- alive -- he can live with a few idiosyncrasies.


It is possible that Cable's cheek twitches once, the slightest of facial ticks, but he otherwise does not glance towards the where his hired gun stands, instead focusing his attention on the map and the other questions about the assignment. Indeed, Nathan gestures towards the map and the shoreline outlined there. "For the most part the terrain is rocky. It's not a very welcoming place. A few valleys inland support some vegetation, enough that the fort could get by with their periodic supply back in the day. Much of the coast is cliff-face but there are beaches here, here and here," he says, gesturing to the map and there is a trail leading up from the third beach directly to the fort. Might be a little muddy given the rain, but nothing we can't handle," he assures them.

"As to how we gain the island, underwater is viable though it's going to be a little rough down there. Expect some pretty nasty currents. But I did bring scuba gear. There's also small, inflatable boats. It won't be a smooth ride and going that way is probably going to leave you just as drenched as going underwater, but the storm is going to work to our advantage too. The hum of the outboards will be lost in the rain and visibility is shit," he notes, giving a brief nod towards Sally. "We probably won't have patrols to deal with. There might be lookouts in the towers," he adds, again gesturing towards the map and the outline of the old, crumbling fortress. "But we should definitely have the element of surprise," he agrees.

Because anyone would have to be insane to try something like this in the middle of a monsoon. Or be Cable and anyone else foolish enough he's managed to rope in. Perhaps insanity is not mutally exclusive.

"So lets get in there quick and quiet. Then, if you want to cause a little havoc and make a spectacle of yourself Tabitha, go right ahead," he states blandly. "Anything else? Otherwise lets move out."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would glance at the others and then shrug, "Put on gear. We can form a line and I'll just drag everyone through the water with me. That should resolve any issues iwht the currents. Stay on radio so fi there's a risk of tangling to let me know. We can reach the cliffs, scale them, and then hopefully have a vulnerable point." By whatever manner her 'flight' worked meant she could also do so at a reduced rate through the water.

She would glance at the others for their input, suggestions, or approval before taking in the rest of them. Sally was an unkonwn to her, but if she were here then that meant Cable could work with her. A strange glance is given voer to Gwenpool as Monet decides to -not- make any sort of attempt at reading the mind of the girl. That will go very badly.

Sally Pride has posed:
Sally Pride frowns a bit more when Tabitha mentions there having been other similar situations, and wanting her for things she'd rather not talk about, which she can understand. Her tail lashes a couple of times, but considering the bizarre crew she normally runs with, Gwenpoole is just a minor annoyance. So far. She's keeping her attention on the task ahead.

She takes a moment to pull one of her blasters, check that it's fully charged, and holster it again. "Let's do this."

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
Gwenpool lowers the camera and rounds on Tabitha. "Hey, bitch! Watch your mouth! I need that income!" She lifts the machine pistol, finger on the trigger. Somehow, her mask squints. "You're -damn lucky- Old Glowy Eye over there paid me in advance."

She lowers the gun and gets in one of the rubber boats. "I haven't seen something this big and inflatable since that issue where Plastic Man got his" Convenient Sea Bird Call "Stuck in a tire pump."


She pulls the camera from the selfie stick, which she puts away and mounts it to a headgear.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"We'll see who gets inside first. Might get lucky and get busted and hauled inside and then like shut down security. I'll stay in as close a telepathic range as possible! Power dampners may be a thing."

Gwen gets a more wicked grin and there's a flash of plasma in tabitha's upturned palms. "Keep your perky little tits covered, we're being sneaky and if you're streaming, ou could be giving us the fuck away." she states and goes for her own boat. The wetsuit is dropped, plasma reabsorbed and then her hands pull the zipper down to drop he neoprene on the deck after unwedging it from ber behind. "You think what you make is gonna cover the cost of digging a bullet out of your ass? And I don't want my ass on camera either for that matter. Ig get shot because of you ya'll be doing Tiny Tina cosplay instead of Deadpool." The blond in a pink with yellow trim string bikini frowns behind her raybans, lenses tinted red. A cooler is opened, grabbing a beer and popping the lid before she claims a boat to go 'joy riding'.

Cable has posed:
Apparently Cable has decided to adopt something of a don't ask, don't tell policy with his hired gun. No matter how bizarre she might get, no matter what she might say, he apparently intends to ignore it. Unless it directly relates to the mission at hand hopefully. It's not like he hasn't had a little practice on that front of course. It seems to be a common theme in mercs with 'Pool' in their name.

"That'll work," Cable agrees with a nod to Monet, turning to finish putting together his own pack -- overflowing with all manner of weapons naturally -- that he casually slings across one shoulder, gripping it with that metal arm. "This little inlet runs straight up to the cliff face just below the eastern wall of the fort. We can enter that way and breach the walls before they have the slightest idea that we're here," he agrees, starting for the door that leads out into the rain-soaked evening, hefting one of the inflatable boats under his other arm just before slipping out. "Once we have the wall, Boom-Boom and I will take out the towers. We make a beeline for the interior and we find those captives as quickly as possible if they're present. I don't intend to lose out on bringing them home this time," he notes grimly. Then he's out the door and onto the heaving deck.

Rain lashes the deck in sheets and steady on his feet as he might be, Cable still grabs hold of the railing, making his way mid-ship, unfastening a gap in the railing before letting the raft start to inflate. Lashing it to that same rail, he drops it overboard where it tosses amidst the waves below before turning back to the others, raising his voice to be heard over the storm. "Each of you take one of these," he shouts, holding out an oddly shaped gun-like device. "They're grapnel guns. When we reach the bottom of the cliff just aim up and fire. They have guidance systems in them so don't worry about being too exact. They'll find their mark. They're practically foolproof," he says, voice just barely cutting through the wind. Practically.

With that, the grizzled soldier is over the side, easily making his way down despite the tricky footing to get in the boat and offer a steadier platform for the others to follow.

It would seem Cable is accurate about the difficulties caused by the weather at least, and while the going might be a little rough and more than a little wet, with Monet to drag them along they shouldn't run into any serious complications at the very least. Nor is there any sign that they are detected by those in the looming fortress above, their target becoming a little more obvious as they near their acension point as lights above cut through the gloom dimly.

High above. Very high above. It's a good thing that they don't have to actually climb this in the middle of this rain, these winds. Unless one somehow misses and can't fly. Then it's a loooooooong way up.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
And as the group is ready, Monet goes to dive in and simply pull them along. She's able to go through the water quickly. Being underwater helps them evade the worst of the weather, and the currents aren't an issue when you can fly and have super strength. She goes along through the sea until she's reaching over their entry point along the cliffs. Once there, she goes to send a telepathic message to confirm things..
    And then she's going to hover up and over, ready to help boost anyone that needs it onto the shore while maintaining a mental lookout for anything that might have spotted them. Primarily, she's deferring to Cable to let them know what they may be running into. He's a far, far, far more capable and even more experienced telepath thans he could ever dream of being. So hopefully an extended warning will le thtem duck and cover. They have to finish this mission cleanly.

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
Gwenpool grinds her teeth, drawing another of her guns. MP-5. Because of course it is. She glares at Tabby from her boat, fingers twitchy near the triggers of her weapons. Instead, she just yells.

"One, it's FUCKING YOUTUBE. Two: You're the one wearing a bikini on a combat mission you IGNORANT SLUT!"

She lowers her weapons and the boat takes off in the ...wrong direction? The weak little motor puttering in the rough seas going -away- from the mission site. Is she lost? No. She just realizes that there is a high chance for friendly fire on her part, and she doesn't actually want the mission to fail, so she's just removing herself.

Later, when Cable gets back to a place with reliable internet, he will have a Venmo from @Gwenpool for the full fee with a note.


Sorry I had to leave. If I didn't, I was going to shoot Tabby in the dome until she died so hard a Lazarus Pit couldn't bring her back. I hope it went well!


Sally Pride has posed:
Sally Pride accepts the grapnel gun with a nod, tucking it in with her other gear. She could probably climb rocks, but this will make the process quicker, especially with the weather. "Up, in, find the captives, get out again."

Fortunately Sally is not the kind of cat that has issues with water like some old wives' tale. The weather causes difficulty as expected on the water, but they're on their way. Mutants needed help as she was too brave/stubborn to back down because of some weather!... Monet's effort with the transition certainly helps.

Eventually they reach the coast, wet from the water and rain, but making progress. Right now she is really glad she doesn't have one of those thick flowing manes everyone pictures lions with, that would be an extra hassle right now to deal with. Just the short sideswept hair she has is being repeatedly rustled by the winds as it is.

Once on the beach she looks up a the rocks. Looks down at one hand, flexing enough to curl her claws. "Yeah, glad we're not doing this the old fashioned way in this weather." Time to get out the grapnel gun and get to climbing up up up!

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Beer and a belt for the grapnel is claimed and Tabby is settling into the miniboat. The little dinghi of a thing having it's motor fired up as Tabby takes a swig. "You know throwing bombs and shit like totally negates the whole honey trap idea I was going for right." Boom-Boom sighs.

"Least I'll kick ass and look great doing it!"

Her own telepathy added to Monet's mind link along side Cable.

Gwen gets a halting index finger mid sip gestrure. "Hope you get BANNED for violent content!" she yells. "And It's DRUNK NOT IGNORANT!" she adds and shakes her head.

There's a rev of the boat's engine.

<<So, ready to rock?>> she queriues ounding off her own readyness.

Cable has posed:
There's always something, right? No matter the mission, something has to go not to plan. "The next time I take one of Weasel's recommendations remind me jto just hurt him instead," the grizzled soldier mutters under his breath as the inflatable craft lurches and bounces its way across the waves towards the bottom of the cliffs.

Cable's not really one for dwelling on what can't be changed. Move on, take care of business. That's what matters at the end of the day.

Despite the stormy seas Monet gets them to their ascension point about as quickly and painlessly as can be expected. As promised, just about everything is soaked though the white-haired soldier's only concession to the weather is a dark poncho that covers most of his upper body -- and also helps conceal any reflection from that metal arm. Still, that glowing eye gleams beneath the hood of his outer wear as he glances up the cliff before drawing out his own grapnel gun. "Lets get this done," he says, all business-like again. And with a soft hiss of releasing compressed air lost in the fury of the storm, of rough waters pounding against the rocky cliff-face, he fires off those titanium tongs that soar off into the dark night overhead. There is no sound to let him know that they've found their mark, but moments later the high-tensile line goes taunt and with one last nod to the rest of him the soldier suddenly and rapidly begins to ascend, periodically kicking off from the rocky cliffs just enough to insure that nothing catches or snags or otherwise interupts that rapidly climb.

Reaching the top of the old stone wall, Cable hauls himself over with one hand -- even with that substantial pack on his pack, falling into a crouch on the other side. Reaching back over one shoulder he pulls out one of those guns, clicking a button as the barrel of it begins to expand, spreading out, becoming even larger -- more like a portable cannon then anything else. Someone really likes their arsenal. He waits for the others to join him then motions about, the falling rain making the courtyard below dark and obscure, with the only lights in the towers at the four corners of fortress walls. "Boom-Boom, you take out the northeast and southeast towers. I have the ones in the west," he says, voice just pitched high enough to be heard. "You two," he continues, motioning towards Monet and Sally, "Start on down into the courtyard. Looks like the main entrance is there and I can just make out a side entrance off to the side of the stairs," he says -- that eye of his apparently cutting through some of the gloom. "Make for that one. M, keep us in contact."

Cable might be a telepath -- a ridiculously powerful one in truth. But he certainly does seem to avoid calling on that gift.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Helping the others up and over, Monet gives a nod to Cable's instructions. She wuold dip her head to Sally, going to speak into her mind ~Take point~ The other woman probably has better senses thans he does and can pick up anything they go after all the faster. And then M can respond to it with her normal overwhelming firepower and perfection.

She goes along forwards then, calmly, once the group had taken the time tos weep ahead. Now.. Now they had to figure out their way in and how to fight past everything that may or may not be down in there. M takes a deep breath.. And stays on the ground rather than flying. Best not to put herself up too high and be exposed. For once, her dark skin is an asset, blending in well over with the storm and the rather miserable background at this time of night and the wonderful weather.

Sally Pride has posed:
As someone who had a lot of enforced military training (via VR but still) Sally can appreciate that all-business, keep moving ahead attitude. She reachs the top of the wall, unhooks the grapnel, and leaps down on the other side with the grace one would expect from a mutant feline. Boot heels clicking on the ground is the only sound made, and that's easily lost in the stormy weather. It would of probably been completely silent if she'd been barefoot, but that's just begging for tetinus or something worse when your usual prowling ground is the scummier sides of New York.

A tilt of the head as she takes a moment to regard Cable's weaponry. "Nice gun." That's some potent tech he's packing. If they're going to make some noise, it'll help draw attention from their own advance. She turns to look in the indicated direction, squinting a bit. Primary building but a side entrance. One of the better options they could hope for. The lioness gives a nod to Monet, and starts making her way across the courtyard. Being tawny colored and clad mostly in dark leather has it's perks at times like this.

And Monet is right on the money when it comes to senses. Her hearing is strong, and more importantly, her eyesight. Feline nocturnal vision is really handy right now, and once they're a bit closer she shouldn't have trouble spotting the door Cable inplicated for their entrance route.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabitha was already on her next beer by the time she made it to her climbing point. The grapple hook fired up and lodged in place enough that Tabby can get upside the wall on the east side. Telepathically singing in her head.

<<I'm coming up, so you better get this party started!>>

Maybe using a mix of telepathy and some extra skill at sneaking built up over the years to find that sweet sweet blind spot.

Enough that from there she can prepare to charge and send a pair of bombs at the two towers she was told to target.

<<I'll be ticked if this place turns out empty.>> she comments and charges her bioelectriic energy to start blasting.

All she needs now is the go signal.

Cable has posed:
To be sure there would be advantages to continuing their stealthy entrance, to using the storm as cover and get as deep into the enemy compound as possible before revealling themselves. And while it might seem like Cable just appreciates a good explosion or five, there are some pretty good reasons to take out those towers now. They are the high ground afterall and the courtyard below is practically wide open -- making it a deadly killbox to be trapped in. Even if they slip by now and enter unseen, coming back out -- especially if they have captives in tow -- might not be a lot of fun.

So the towers go. Permanently. The fact that the fortress is a historic site of sorts, probably more than two hundred years old, doesn't seem to make much of an impression on Cable. Then again, he is a time-traveller. More though, he is first and foremost a pragmatist. You do what has to be done to get the job done.

So the grizzled mutant soldier only waits for Monet and Sally to complete their descent and get into position before he gives the silent nod to Tabby. Then it's back to the matter at hand, lifting that cannon of a rifle and taking a bead on the nearest of the two towers. The bolt of energy that streaks out cracks through the night like lightning, illuminating the courtyard below for just a moment as it streaks into the target, smashing through stone and mortar with ease, blowing a massive hole in one side of the tower and leaving little shards of brick to rain down. For just a moment the gondola perched on top seems to hover. Then the entire structure begins to pitch to one side, the spotlight on top swaying erratically before it begins to collapse, falling with a loud crash.

Cable doesn't stand on ceremoney though, doesn't take a moment to admire his handiwork. He has already turned his attention towards the other tower, a second blast ripping through the night with much the same effect. Bright light, big explosion, loud crash and then the inevitable fall.

Scratch two watch towers.

Down below in the darkly shadowed alcove, that lone door stands. While it likely was one only wood it has been replaced by reinforced steel, a little sliding hatch obvious to allow one to peer through and see who might be on the other side. And with M's telepathy and Sally's greater than human senses both are likely to sense the fact that a pair of guards stand on the other side of the door. When the first of the explosions start, the faint, muffled sounds of movement can be heard -- at least by Sally -- and a moment later that slot abruptly slides aside. But instead of someone peering through the muffle of a rifle is abruptly jammed through.

Shoot first and ask questions later it seems.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Explosions in the background. What /is/ it with these provincial types that have no idea of the concept of patience? Ah well, it's not like M particularly cares for the 'skulking around' bits of existence either. And the heavy, massive steel reinforced door in the way.. That's something she can cut loose on.

WHAM! A fist hits into it. It partially caves. WHAM! Another fist does. The hinges warp inwards. Monet is not a Kryptonian. She is not She-Hulk. She is not Rogue. So what they could just smash through in one casual blow and send flying down the opposite end of the corridor takes her several to get through. And it's more of a 'pop off' than 'smasl through the other end'.

It also leaves her vulnerable to being peppered by bullets, which will definitely leave marks on her and hurt quite a bit deal.

Sally Pride has posed:
There's the door. Of course they couldn't be lucky enough for it to be the original, but its to be expected it was upgraded for security reasons. Explosions go off behind them as Cable and Tabitha do their thing. Sally approaches the door, then stops as she hears the movement on the other side off the door. The view port is slide open. A weapon readied...

And then Monet slams into the door. The first blow isn't enough to demolish it, but it doesn't take long for it be busted free, and while not flying across the room is likely to complicate the guard that was getting a gun ready at the slot.

Sally doesn't wait for the door to completely fall in, just enough to make a space she can get through. At which she lunges, pouncing like a big cat does. Hearing their movements she knew exactly which side of the door the other guard was standing, leaping right into him.

One arm snaps at a downward angle to knock his weapon out of a firing position. The opposite hand strikes forward, seeking to dig her claws into his face. She's not afraid to maul a few people to get the job done. Especially with what these people have been doing.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Spherical bombs of plasma energy float from Tabitha's hand in opposite directions from each other, zooming at each tower like meteors in a Michael Bay movie. Complete with the expected massive explosions.


The towers go up bright and loud raining so much debris down on the ground level below. If anyone was down there that was on patrol or actually in the towers?

Sucks to be them. Flaming chucnks of hewn stone can't be fun.

Scratch two more watchtowers.

How much of the wall Tabitha is perched on remains will probably need to be climbed down on, luckily a comfy pair of crocs in yellow protect her feet while the bikini clad blonde starts looking for a good spot to decend. <<So should we try the front door and see if we meet our friends in the middle?>> she asks over the mind link.

Cable has posed:
It's bright, it's showy and there is little doubt that everyone and their brother knows that something is going on by now. But it definitely got the job done. In a matter of seconds the quartet of watchtowers are no more. They might have stood for two hundred years against every element the island and ocean could throw against them, but it only took Cable and Boom-Boom about two seconds to see an end to them.

Even in the pounding rain a few small fires continue to burn amongst the rubble that is now liberally strewn about the courtyard. But there is not a hint of movement, though those with the appropriate senses might hear forces gathering near the main entrance.

They're destined to be disappointed however.

With the job done, Cable hastens down the rain-slickened stone steps leading into the courtyard to join the other half of the team -- not bothering to wait and check on Tabitha. He makes it a point to trust his teams to do their jobs -- until he's given a reason to think that they're not up to the task.

Fortunately what remains of the team seems more than capable, with Monet and Sally already securing them their entrance into the fort proper. When M first strikes the door there are a few, panicked shots fired off -- wild and off the mark to be sure -- but with the heavy reinforced door denting under the blow, apparently the mercenary on the other side decides that discretin is the better part of valor because by the time the door flies inward, he has stepped aside and drawn his sidearm.

Still, neither he nor his more heavily armed compatriot are prepared for Sally's entrance. And while she might not hae the sher strength of her partner, she definitely makes up for it with speed, awareness and a ruthless aggression that leaves the assault-weapon wielding man screaming as those claws dig into his face, weapon clattering uselessly to the ground.

Across the compound a general alarm begins to sound, a wailing screech that cuts even through the sounds of the storm out in the night. Inside the stone walls of the fort the sound is slightly muffled at least, the corridors fortunately lit by periodically spaced lights, electric cords dangling from the ceiling making it plain that some other more modern conveniences are at play.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
They don't have anywhere to go really at this point but down! Towards the most secure parts of the facility. That's where the hostages will be. You always want to keep the victims in the deepest, hardest to get parts through. This is where the messiness gets in. If the mutants inside are threatened.. Well, all they can do is get to them as fast as possible.

M goes simply to Sally, "Let me know as soon as you pick something up. We'll have to sweep our way through and try and find those we're here to rescue." Without much of an idea as to the security or layout, and with not as much of an idea as to where things are..

Monet goes to focus, and moves to expand her mind. ~I can pick up a.. Half dozen.~ Giving exct distance and direction is hazy, but she makes a go at it, trying to use mental 'pings' estimating where she is, where the minds are, an dtrying to orient a general direction from that to give an outline to location.

<<Numerous hostiles heading to intercept you at the front and..>> Something strange from the passage.

Monet would cock her head in the direction of whatever seems weird to her down ahd passage to gesture at the girl. Sally can definitely get a better read on things than she can.

Sally Pride has posed:
Sally Pride stoops down to pick up the rifle dropped by the guard she assailed. He doesn't have any use for it now. Or would really be able to use it with his face scratched up and possibly blinded.

They have a few moments to take stock of the situation while Cable and Boom-Boom catch up. Sally doesn't have the fancy powers Monet does, but she's got her senses. She can't scan as deeply as the telepath can, but as soon as something comes into her range it's as a good as noticed. Her frown returns when Monet starts getting numbers... and unidentifiables. She flicks the safety of the rifle and cocks it. "At least this isn't going to be boring."

She takes a few steps down the hallway, and raises the assault rifle into position. As soon as any of the guards rushing to the entrance come into view, she pulls the trigger without a second thought to keep them from becoming a problem. Even using the military hardware she was in full predator mode, no restraint for dealing with these assholes.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Boom-Boom is not far behind the others as the door is opened and as she gets closer she starts getting the same pings as Monet does. <<Huh, why isn't weird is never a good thing when we pick up a blip. Why can't we get like crazy awesome for a change?>> It's a gripe, but it would be nice.

She'll have to job to cath up with Cable but eventually she'll get there. <<Good think I didn't drink all the beer. We might be needing it after all this. We gonna have enough snacks for everyone on the trip home. Just saying what we're picking up are gonna be like starving in there I bet. Super munchies and actual like malnutrition and stuff.>> so they'll need medical attention too.

First things first, take out the hostiles.

Plasma already starting to charge at the ready to back the others up.

Cable has posed:
The corridors are not exactly spacious and while the stone passageway might run north-southm venturing south will clearly take them back under the wall they just scaled and along the outer perimeter of the fort. Any captives are unlikely to be shoved into the cramped confines that they will find there. No, there is little doubt that Monet's senses are steering them true and really, there's only one way to go. Deeper into the fort.

Not that Cable intends to do so without taking a few precautions at the very least. Which means covering their rear. And their escape route in this case. "You two," the mutant soldier says, motioning for Sally and Monet once more. "You have point. Boom-Boom, back them up. I'll be right behind you," he promises, turning to crouch in the now open doorway looking back out into the rain-soaked courtyard. Again he reaches back into that pack of his, pulling out a circular metal disk about a foot in diameter, smoothing and gleaming, laying it on the ground. Glancing at the microcomputer strapped around his wrist he taps at it for a few moments before that disk begins to shimmer, almost like it was melting. But instead it abruptly begins to extend, rising up and shaping itself into a miniature turret, complete with two barrels emerging, facing the courtyard.

Only when that is done does Cable turn to follow after the others. And the turret? It quickly proves it's worth when those large front doors swing open and a half dozen mercenaries spill out into the courtyard, the flashlights attatched to their rifles shifting wildly as they look for some sign of intruders. Which they find. In a hail of blaster fire that begins to tear into the gorund all around them. In a moment the mercenaries are pinned down, engaged in a heated firefight with the remote controlled turret.

Those in the lead are forced to be equally diligent of course and Sally has a good chance to put her trigger finger to use on a couple of occasions, the guards that appear in the hallway mowed down before they can bring their weapons to bear, keeping the path ahead open -- if a little bloody. Chances are none of the rest of them will be losing much sleep about that either.

Finally the passage opens up into a larger chamber -- perhaps intended to be the barracks messhall once upon a time. Now however it all looks surprisingly similar to what Monet and Tabitha would have seen back in Madripor -- make-shift pens set up out of fencing, complete with medical stretchers and I.V. stands. But this time only a handful of pens are empty with at least five still showing drugged individuals laying unconscious on those beds.

Near the back of the room a pair of guards escorting one of the stretchers and a small group of people of surgeon's scrubs are hastily disappearing down another passage with one of the captives. But before there is any chance to follow another shape looms up amongst the pens. A decidedly... non-human shape.

At first it might be mistaken for a robot, though there are no smooth lines here. No, this is all harsh, jagged lines, jutting pieces of metal seemingly positioned all over. The expression on it's features is surprisingly human -- and very hostile -- as is the voice that comes from it. "He wondered if you would find this place. End of the line for you. All of you," that metal-man says, lifting an arm.

And a stream of razor sharp metal projectiles launch themselves towards the would-be rescuers in the doorway.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
They're making their way through the facility. Through layered security, guards, and everything hostile. But they're too late to stop.. Whatever it is from being activated. And the hostages are still in the pens. Is this thing one of them that they were too late to save? The srugeons just taking off thier scrubs are an implication of that. That means they have to hold back on this thing if the person inside is an innocent.

Before she can act in any other way, Monet goes to shout over to the others <<Down!>> She's moving to immediately dive out of the way, if need be to drag Sally along with her. She doesn't know what those metal projectiles being launched at them are made of.. But she'd very much not want to find out by being on the receiving end ifs he can take one or not!

Sally Pride has posed:
Sally Pride had no remorse over the matter, but the large room they finally come to just reassures her being justified in that. She immeadiately bristles at seeing pens, cages, and medical equipment. It's a little too close to the Null labs she's been in, as subject and liberator in equal measures.

Monet's warning snaps her attention back to the immeadiate threat. At that point reflexes take over, and she dives and rolls out of the way of the barrage of shrapnel being fired at the doorway. Escalation and adrenaline have all that training blazing back to the forefront of her mind, and as much as she doesn't like to admit it, Null had her trained extremely well.

The lionness skids along the floor a bit before rolling back up, getting into a kneeling position, rifle still in her hands. "Guess we were sort of expected anyways." She takes a split second to make sure her aim is in a direction that won't risk the people they came for with stray fire before opening up a burst at the metal meshed man monster.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
It probably wouldn't have mattered if Tabby wore the wetsuit. It's just a wetsuit and probably as resistant to bullets as a bikini and bare and somewhat freckled skin. Comes from neing raised in a wintery mountain town.

But she's been shot at enough to know when to dive for cover as she dashes on to cover Monet and Sally. A few streams of plasma aimed from her fingertips with finer control than her bigger bombs fly like a flamethrower and a shotgun had an unholy lovehild and carry as much force and heat as a point blank round of deer slug. As much covering fire as needed in the form of volatile plasma.

At least untill it looks like tey have a boss fight. "Ugh, your pronoun game sucks. We already know what your boss is doing. And who he is." she yells out. <<Do we?>> She doesn't actually know but bad guys sometimes like to monologue and give away too much.

They could do with giving away metal flexhettes though. Giving away way too much of them as Tabitha sets up a larger ball of plasma in front of everyone. That much heat can usually slag most metals. Given enough time Tabby might even be able to melt adamantium. But that leaves a risk of a large bomb not being reabsorbed if she's not careful after using it as a shield. Luckily she can reabsorb the energy.

Why waste a boom, especially if its gonna endanger everyone after.

Cable has posed:
Just what the metal projectiles might be made from is a matter of debate to be sure, but at the very least they are sharp enough and fired with enough force that the barrage of metal embeds itself into the wall where Monet and Sally were standing a moment before -- a row of deadly metal spikes and a reminder that their foe isn't playing with kid gloves either.

As if all the mutant disappearances weren't already a pretty good clue on that front.

The counter-attack from Tabitha and Sally seems to strike two, the blasts ripping holes in the metal man while Boom-Boom's plasma streams carve out a gap right in his side. But right before their eyes those holes begin to seal, that jagged metal sliding back down over the melted away section. Those dangerous shards embedded in the wall begin to shake and vibrate in place before abruptly pulling free once, flying back through the room and striking back at the metal monstrocity standing there -- and are seemingly absorbed without concern.

"Is that so?" the beast asks with a harsh, gutteral laugh. "I somehow doubt that. But it doesn't matter either way. You'll be dead in moments," he sneers. And another barrage of deadly shrapnel launches from him, once again filling that doorway with metal death.

"Trouble I see," Cable says as he jobs down the corridor to join the others at last, peeking around the corner to get a glimpse of the interior of the room -- and the creature that stands between them and their objectives. Eyes narrow for a moment in consideration as he ducks back under cover as another barrage of shrapnel is launched their way and he lets out a long, slow breath.

"We don't have time for this," he says with a grimace, timing those periodic launches of projectiles before stepping out into the room, his non-metal hand raised up in front of him like a shield, that huge, oversized gun gropped in the other. "The captives are our priority," he adds through gritted teeth. Again a barrage of shrapnel is launches towards them -- this time with no cover. But the projectiles stop dead in their tracks a few feet from Cable, shaking for a moment as if straining to move onward before falling to the gorund at his feet.

Then that wave of telekinetic force blasts outward, catching the metal monster and hurling him up into the air and holding him there. "Move. Now."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Cable seems to have the metal monster in line, and that gives M enough of a chance to hopefully charge in over towards the perpetrators of this. HOpefully she has enough time now to go and charge at the doctor. He'll have guards, but he's likely to be not as conditioned as they are. IF he's just done the surgery or recently, he'll be shocked and disoriented.

With any sort of luck if she's able to dart around and grab him, it means she can flick all of the guards away and scatter them! She's presuming that said doctor will have a high degree of access to everything, be too terrified to fight to the last.. And ont indoctrinated enough to want to fight to the last.

She trusts the others to quickly take care or at least incapacitate their adversary. They can't move the hostages out of a hostile area, so that means they need the site secure. And hopefully to get some useful information from it.

So, presuming she's able to, M is going to blur and hopefully appear right next to the doctor, hopefully sending his guards flying away like bowling pins, and have her fist cocked up right and in front of his face!

Sally Pride has posed:
"Shit on a stick," Sally cusses under her breath as the monster draws the metal back to himself and starts to seal up the wounds previously made. She's forced to move again as more barrages are made, zinging past way too close for comfort. Then Cable catchs up, and steps in to stall another barrage that could of been an end to the mission right there.

The captives come first and they don't have time to mess around with this obstruction. She couldn't agree with the sentiment more, no matter how much she enjoys a good scuffle. Monet makes an effort to intercept the doctor. Sally bolts in the direction of the pens. It's not optimal but they might have to risk just breaking locks and trying to herd people out if the heavy hitters can't put that metal nightmare out of the way.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The cyborg? Is he a cyborg, why is he a cyborg? Starts self healing and Tabitha sends a little tune through the mindlink they all share. <<Dun dun, dun, dun DUN!>> she throws another blast in the form of a stream to try and just keep it on the monster, even as Cable starts to telekinetically hold him.

<<We need to slag him enough reforming gonna take forever. I don't I'm vaporising him but I can hope! Umm, you're got gonna get extra messed up holding this guy down right Boss?>> she asks to Cable. <<How many people can stack on a gurney and then be wheeled out Jackass style cause one by on gonna be slow making extra trips?!>> She further puts out while she just keeps as much plasma straming at the one that is more machine than man and is not Cable.

Cable has posed:
The grimace on Cable's craggy features is decidedly pronounced as he keeps the Shrapnel-Beast wrapped up in that telekinetic field. Again and again shards fire out towards the rescue party below, but each time that unseen psychic force keeps the projectiles from travelling more than a few feet before coming to a dead stop. Each time those jagged metal shards quiver for a few moments before abruptly going still and falling to the floor before with a quiet clatter.

<<I can manage>> comes the grizzled mutant soldier's reply through that telepathic link though there is a hint of strain there, as well as on his expression. In theory, given his heritage, Nathan Summers should be one of the most powerful psychics on the planet. And yet he has never really demonstrated anywhere near that potential. Today does not appear to be any different in that regard, though the metal man remains aloft, continues to fire barrage after barrage down towards them -- but each time they are caught in that telekinetic field. And though it is subtly at first the hulking mteal beast seems to be slowly... shrinking?

Sally has her priorities straight it would seem and while Cable and Boom-Boom try to deal with their assailant and M plunges after the last of the captives and the doctor, it does leave the fine other innocents in those pens free. The pens are sealed by little keypad locks -- sophisticated but probably not up to handling too much brute force. And failing that, it is just chain-link fencing -- nothing they can't cut through. Clearly the captives are being kept sedated by whatever are in those I.V. drips because they don't so much as stir as the lioness starts to work on freeing them.

The doctor, his escorts and the last patient on the gurney have disappeared down the hall in the back and when the mercenaries glance back and see Monet rapidly approaching they try to draw a bead on her, try to bring those assault rifles to bear. But she flies a lot faster then they move and even as the first shots are fired she's ontop of them, flattening them with a minimum of effort. The doctor's eyes go wide behind that surgical mask and he shoves the gurney with the unconscious mutant towards her before turning and fleeing.

Lining the hallway -- just like back in Madripoor -- a number of rooms appears to have been turned into medical suites. These ones though... some of them still show the signs of just what has been going on here. The dead, eviscerated bodies, the little puddles of blood still dotting the floor and walls from whatever butchery has been going on here. It is undeniably disturbing, upsetting. Maybe when this is all over they'll have time to be properly infuriated.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The guards are getting away. They're lower priority at the moment. They can be found and rounded up later. For now they're fleeing in hte opposite direction. Monet flies towards the doctor, moving to pick him up by the scruff of his neck and lifts him high.. Then she goes to resist the urge to pop his head off like a cork or threaten him with doing so..

And goes to fingerflick him unconscious. It will lend itself probably a rather nasty concussion.. But they need him coherent enough to answer questions, and she doesn't know the medical state of the collapsed mutant enough to do more than give them a cursory glance of evaluation. Too dangerous to move them. Presuming they're not at risk of immediately bleeding out, MOnet goes to check on the others first. Monet retches. Hard. At what she sees. She upends her guts over but has enough control to not do it /on/ any of them.

<<Another experimental area.>> Her mental tone is flat. Suppressed rage. Now is not hte time to rant. She quickly sweeps around for those few seconds while she's horrified and trying to pretend she's not to look about for any other immediate threats in the room.. Or survivors.

Sally Pride has posed:
There is too many people and too little time to be fancy. Sally is going to just rip those locks and fencing apart as needed with her claws. The logistics of this is going to be a pain in the tail with the subject's being drugged. But not something to stop over. They'll work something out.

"We're probably going to find out," she replies to the quip about stacking gurnies. That and carrying.... And it sounds like Monet found more, too. Which is good!... but also a bother because it's likely more than they were expecting to have to deal with.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The man and monster of metal that Boom-Boom and Cable are working on needs to be melted down nd stopped otherwise he may just put shrapnel and sharp objects in all their behinds the second cable drops the field.

The streams of plasma psionical;ly guided probably are not doing cable any favours either as heat builds and builds and blasts away inside the field and the shrinking monster gets smaller and smaller.

Good thing the blonde woman wears sunglasses nearly all the time. It's probably getting very, very bright as she purs on the power herself. <<Don't you dare hurl in the mind link Monet, or I'll vom too! Cable you wanna take a breather and help move bodies. I think I can keep this guy stuck smoking now.>> she mentally yells while both hands extend out in front of her. There's not just heat but some hefty concussive force. <<I'll bring the place down on him once everyone is out. Fuckers have me at four out of like five. Or is it five of six. On evil labs not destroyed properly. Balls be blue!" she states as the plasma indeed heats up to that colour.

at thi stage it might just be attrition that'll settle things between the woman and the monster.

Cable has posed:
The situation in the back is grim indeed -- not one best dwelled upon though there might be little enough choice at the end of the day. Plastic sheeting has been draped liberally about the rooms -- and with good cause given the bloody nature of the work. Even a quick glance at the recently utilized surgical suites gives quick confirmation that the six drugged minds that Monet senses are the only mutant survivors, though there is evidence of more. A room in the back holds a number of coolers and peeking inside will prove disturbing indeed; they are filled with harvested body parts. All sorts, all manners, all variety without any obvious rhyme or reason. There are occasional duplicates to be sure, but clearly they have been harvested from a dozen or more subjects. And yet the same items have not been taken from each. A mystery to be solved to be certain. Another time.

At the very least Monet has seen to it that they have a captive -- hopefully one that can spread some light on those same mysteries. And of course while the patient on the gurney remains in that drug-induced stupor, at least they are still alive.

Meanwhile Sally slashes her way into the pens and begins liberating the remaining five survivors from their forcible confinement. But she's not wrong. Getting them out, past the remaining guards, through the storm, across the rough seas and onto the ship is going to be time consuming and potentially dangerous.

Or it would be if another surprise didn't happen to fall into place. That's how these missions go. Sometimes the surprises that get thrown at one are of the negative sort, the sort that make things difficult. Sometimes though, sometimes they're of the good sort. And right now they could use a little good news.

Little droplets of sweat bead Cable's forehead and he has squeezed his remaining, natural eye tightly shut against the fierce glare coming from the metal man overhead. Boom-Boom's plasma seems to be having an effect, again eating away at him -- while lighting him up like a miniature sun. Still, that glowing mechanical eye of Cable's still peers upward, past his outstretched hand that holds the threat aloft when the wrist computer that sheathes his wrist suddenly chirps. <~Greymalkin online. Storm interference has dropped seventeen percent providing an opening~> the musical, mechanical voice tweets out.

"Everyone, gather the captives and yourselves in the center of the room," Cable calls out, slowly starting to back that way himself.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
It's tricky. Taking the people along that are injured without jostling them too much and risking more injury. Sweeping along for any more threats that they might not have run into. And this place. This huge, terrifying place that needs obliterated . But the victims within deserve closure. And they need to find who's done this and track them down. So even as Monet's mind is overloaded with sensation, she goes to simply shut down portions of it.

Parts relating to confusion, disgust, disorientation, anger, loathing.. All thsoe receptors in her brain are simply closed off as she goes along now with the rest of the group. Moving to take another sweep around for any sort of further data or risoners they might have missed..

Now time to take the people to safety, get them medical treatmetn.. Then the far, far harder bit will be coming back here and properly investigating everything.

Sally Pride has posed:
A little surprise luck finally swings their way. We'll take it. Sally breaks the pens of the other victims open, and helps get them to the center of the room as Cable indicates, supporting the ones that can't awkwardly walk with how doped up they are. This is what they came here to do. Get these victims out.

It doesn't stop the sheer rage she feels towards the people that have been doing this, but it does temper it. Until that matter can be dealt with. Hopefully they can get some better leads to the real source of this sinister circle with Monet's prize.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabitha is starting to run out of breath as more and more of her own enegry is expended and everyone gets to congregate in the middle of the area.

she doesn't let up the blasts though. Hitting constantly in loud repeativive and rapid fire sounds of blasts exploding from her palms and being directed at her target.

There's no telling when or how long it will take for the monster to reform. But it's likely Tabby probably made two enemies at least. This guy, and Gwen wherever she's gotten to outside.

Having someone video you commiting probably murder and doing violence like this is likely not a good idea. There's legal shit to consider and the Youtubde terms of services.

Soon though as everyone does gather she looks back to Cable while checking on the others in the mind link. <<Just say when and I'll dash to port out. Hopefully we don't get cronenberged like this guy on landing!>> a final single bomb starting to grow and ger ready to level this place. The age of the construction and some of the damage already done likely to make bringing a collapse a lot easier.

"Tick... tick... tick..." she starts counting down. The sphere as wide at her outstretched arm span. It can boom fine after the teleport out.

Cable has posed:
Despite any claims to the contrary it certainly seems like Cable is very nearly reaching his limit when it comes to keeping their metal man aloft and out of their hair for the time being. Certainly Tabitha is helping on that front some and the constant barrage of metal shrapnel has ceased as more and more it is a steady dribble of molten metal instead that slowly begins to spread across the floor.

But judging by things, that's not going to be there problem a whole lot longer. Nor is this particular installation going to be of much use to whomever is behind all of this, not if Boom-Boom's ticking is any indication. Fortunately -- or not -- they won't be around to see the results.

As the group and their re3scued mutants -- plus one unconscious doctor with a great deal to answer for -- gather up inbetween the shreaded pens Cable finally lowers that hand and finally lets their half-melted foe drop. Suddenly, and with a loud clang. Even now he starts to stir, starts to move, but it isn't really going to matter. "Mission accomplished," the grizzled mutant soldier says grimly, running a hand across his forehead to wipe away some of the accumulated sweat there. He pauses for just a moment to look over the half-dozen mutants they managed to rescue this time -- it's not enough, it's not nearly enough. But it's a start. "Greymalkin, bodyslide by 11." he says.

There is a flash and where an instant earlier stood a small crowd of people there is only empty space. Empty space... and Tabitha's ticking timebomb. Tick.. tick... tick... BOOM.

There is still much to do. Much to learn. Why are these mutants being kidnapped? Why are their bodies being harvested? And who's behind it all? So many questions. A mission debrief to perform. An interogation to be conducted. And six innocent victims to be returned to their homes, their families and friends around the globe.

But that will all come later.