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The Door to NOWHERE: Pandaemonium
Date of Scene: 28 April 2023
Location: NOWHERE Facility under Lake Erie
Synopsis: The crew faces Divine and her Weird Sisters. The facility is eaten by Lake Erie, but questions still remain.
Cast of Characters: Divine, Karen Starr, Emma Frost, Cindy Moon, Tabitha Smith

Divine has posed:
When we last left our intrepid heroes...

The door keeps dropping, the lightshow gone. Smoke from the detonations streams back through the now open door as the group is deposited into the arena. It's much more beat up than the images showed. Scars of conflict and battle abound here, the metal of the walls and floors carved through jaggedly. War has been done here and, it seems, will be done again.

The smoke wreathes around the man, but about two feet from his body. There's a buzz as a forcefield drops in a hiss of visual and audio static. He smiles, it's a glad-handing smile that you would get from a middle manager. It never touches his oddly colorless eyes. They're flat and dead like a shark's. His voice is pleasant enough as he steps forward.

"Thank you, Divine, for bringing us all of your ...," he smirks, almost in disbelief. "Friends to us. Though...can you really have friends? You're just a clone, after all. Not a person. No soul, you see." He brings his hands out from behind his back. In his right is a strange looking gun. Gripped in tines at the back end is a horrific looking black crystal. It seems to eat light and exude hate. "And I will prove it."

Divine is, obviously, goaded. Poked and prodded by this man who throws all of her terrors and insecurities back into her face as facts. She does not quail or cry. No, she reacts like her sister. She hurls herself at him, roaring in fury as her eyes blaze red.

The gun lifts and he takes aim, loosing a single black beam that strikes Divine in the center of mass. She drops, howling and writhing. Her screams are those of terror, rather than pain. Wordlessly fighting something as the man turns his back and snaps his fingers.

The door on the other side of the arena starts to open, hissing downward to reveal two people in silohuette. Feminine in form, there's something off about them as they stepp through. Their gaits are odd as they step into the light. Divine rises. She looks at the two and then turns to face the group with them at her back.

The two are dressed in almost prison-style grey jumpsuits. Baggy and featureless. Their faces, though, are Divine's if she were made of soft wax and bony plates at the same time. For her part, Divine's already pale skin has gone a sickly grey, and the look in her eyes is a mix of madness and blind fury and hate. The man, as he starts to head towards the other door says, voice echoing through the arena,

"Behold, our three finest creations. The Weird Sisters."

Divine looks over her shoulder at her sisters and just nods once. The two break formation, lunging out from behind her and taking a wide circle, like stalking predators. They're looking for the weakest link.

Divine, however, moves slowly and with purpose. She's stalking towards Cindy, the look on her face a terrible, mad rictus, her blue eyes shining with malice and barely restrained violence.

Karen Starr has posed:
Power Girl manages not to look either too pissed off or too resigned. Somehow, she's not surprised that this may end up with another scrap between her and Divine. But she isn't about to let her...sister? Daughter? Whatever-their-dynamic-is...well, she's not about to let her turn her own girlfriend into pudding. "Come on, you don't want to do this." She'll move to put herself in between Divine and Cindy. "Come on, think it through!"

Emma Frost has posed:
The two Weird Sisters, that they're called are inscrutable to Emma's scans. Ther'es just not much -to- them. "They're flesh golems." That seems the best that Emma can describe them. Likely not accurate, but if she had to wager a guess.. Ther'es just not much -to- them. If they even have free will or are just machine controlled genetic puppets. That means hopefully that they wouldn't be too creative in a fight, even if they were powerful.. And hopefully make some of the others not have to hold back as much.
    Emma rapidly goes to shift her attention towards Divine, whom feels -wrong- to her. Like a switch had been flipped.

Cindy Moon has posed:
There's not enough quick movement and preknowledge that could stop that black beam from hitting Divine, but rest assured that Cindy tried... She lept, but it wasn't fast or far enough. Curling into a ball quickly to roll up to her feet and spin towards the trio of sisters whom this man is calling their greatest, finest even, creation. The Weird Sisters, but one of them is Divine. Like Wish Brand versions...

While Divine is stalking towards her... with fury in her eyes. Malice and violence...

It hits like a knife seeing that on the Kryptclonians face... Then there's someone in her path. She was moving towards the Clone, staring from behind a curtain of dark hair, and goes down in a low crouch with one hand extended out. "Divine." She is no match for any of these things.. Not physically anyways. "You don't have to this.. You're better than this.. You're better than whatever they want you to be."

She for damn sure doesn't need to be defended.

And steps up beside Karen. If anyone is facing down Divine, she'll be damned if they're doing it with Cindy behind them.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The flashbangs not working as intened is something that seems to happen way to often to Tabitha's chagrin. "I did warn you guys to cover your sensitive ears." she points out and keeps her guard up.

Her X-Suit straining while she watches the other incomplete looking dark haired Kryptonian hybrid. "I don't know if this is better or worse than having to kill weaponised clones of my ex-boyfriend and his brother."

Plasma generates in her hands like a pair of small flames of bright purple energy as she pumps power into them. She is not fast enough to keep pace but she's had more than a few experiences fighting teleporters. <<Guys, you might need to work fast on unscrambling her nugget. I've seen that look Divine has on way too many shitty exes>> she beams to the mind link while she teps up to play distraction. About the best she can hope for.

Divine has posed:
Divine's pace is like a slasher villain. Slow. Purposeful. Menacing. A Kryptonian, even a hybrid, bent on violence is an engine of slaughter. In those usually gentle sapphire eyes is the promise of one thing should she get out of here as she is now.


Karen, her sister and twin and mirror does exactly what Divine would normally do in her place. Somewhere, deep inside, the tiny voice of her that remains screams out gratitude at Power Girl in between the screams of terror.

"Sister...Step aside, my love and I need to have words."

Cindy does half of the work for her, stepping out of the blonde's shadow. One of the other clones does the other half, blitzing Karen while she's distracted. The clone is strong, possibly stronger than Divine herself at the cost of, well, everything that would make her a person. A half-melted fist swings for Power Girl's face as the clone tries to tackle her away.

The other deformed, imperfect clone goes for Tabbly. She blurs, dropping her shoulder to just tackle the other blonde before she can start throwing bombs. This one seems to have enough understanding that Tabby is not tough enough to take her full strength, so she's holding back.

Playing with her food.

Emma is unmolested at the moment, giving her time to read minds. Deep in Divine's twisted mind, there's a voice screaming to be let out. It's so quiet, barely audible under the furious hate for everything.

With Karen suitably distracted, Divine closes on Cindy, towering over her, looking down at her. Cindy's words make her flinch and Emma can feel that voice get louder for an instant. Until the hate drowns it again. Her arms lash out like they're skipping frames of animation to grab Cindy by the shoulders and lift her until they're eye to eye.

"You. You, you, you. What was I thinking?" Her voice is a terrible sneer. "No one could ever," she says, starting to squeeze, applying pressure slowly, her terrible grip tightening as she goes. "Love you. Least of all me. I'm perfection. The finest creation."

As the bones start to creak, Divine's face falters, twisting in confusion. She drops Cindy, staggering back and clutching her own head as if in agony. To Emma, the tiny voice has turned into a loud roar of defiance and sorrow. When she looks up again, she's herself, but pained. She looks at Karen, yelling. Screaming.

"Kill me! Kill me before I kill her!"

Karen Starr has posed:
Power Girl looks back to Divine at her comment. "No...no, I don't think I'm going to--" And her comment gets cut off as she gets tackled from the side, with a melted-wax fist swinging for her. She throws up an arm to block the punch, and manages to blunt it but not stop it, as the blow sends her flying backwards a moment.

"Sorry..." her comment is addressed to the defective clone. "I know this isn't your fault. But I don't have time for this." That's the thing about Kryptonian-on-Kryptonian comment...it tends to be a long slugfest because they're too evenly matched. So she has to fight smarter, not harder. And...that's when Divine's calling for her. Her eyes illuminate brightly, as she lets her heat vision dart out...right at the eyes of the Weird Sister who hit her. She'll settle for flash-dazzling against her enhanced senses. Superspeed sees her darting right over towards Divine, and she'll grab for her clone's wrists, yanking with all her strength to try and pull her hands off Divine. "Snap...out...of...it!" She says, voice tight as she's actually having to work for it.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost can only whiplash around to look over at Tabitha, and quickly evaluate the girl's state. <<Tabitha, try and fry her core>> not necessarily to kill - there might still be girls in there just as much slaves as anything else here. If so taking it that way is the complete last resort. If they can be neutralized or stopped..
    Emma closes her eyes, and goes to rapidly snap her head over to Cindy to try and connect with her if she could. <<She loves you, she's fighting it>> A quick thing. And now Emma seethes and goes to focus and tries to move to switch some things up.. This is difficult telepathy, particularly when someone is in a rage.
    But the Weird Sisters have a -very- blatant signature. Almost as if not alive, something in the state of bare sentience, puppeteering.. They also no doubt -feel- different physiclaly. Emma goes to try and quickly press her way into Divine's mind - not in override, not in a direct attack. . But she tries to replace that sense over of Silk with the presence of the Weird Sisters. Of one of them. That same image, that same bit of sensory information.. It's a rough, dirty, and uneven attempt. But all she has to do is try and give Cindy enough time to try and break the grip and get free.. And disorient Divine.
    If she's truly lucky, something not accounted for within the parameters of whatever genetic override is being used here is going to short circuit it. That was the thing with programming. When something outside the system happened, it could lead to glitches.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabitha does have her upper limits and maybe the clone is toying with them as the explosive blonde is bounced hard. There's a grunt and groans as Boom-Boom bounces back and into a wall, tumbling head of hindquarters till she comes to a stop. It hurts and she's already a walking bruise. But she hasn't thrown the bombs in her hands yet.

"C'mon, my Daddy beat me harder than that... when I was twelve." she breathes slowly while she keeps on charging. The look in Tabitha's eyes, glowing with power matching the wild snear she has for the vat grown woman. The wobble in her stance.

She can't keep this up all day. She can take as much punishment as she can dish out. But can she get a chance to let off at least one blast? <<I gotta get hands on her to do that. I dunno how squishy these ladies are on the inside compared to outside.>> she ponders how to get that happening.

"Soo, you know they half cooked you right. They pulled you out of the oven too early. Think even my rack is like bigger than yours!" she tries taunting, can they get angry? Do they have body image issues.

Tabitha is going to try find out. See if that gets hands on attention.

Cindy Moon has posed:
There's a minute, infinitely small chance Cindy could have moved out of the way. She saw it all playing out in her head well before it became a threat, precognatively aware, but she doesn't move even if she were able. She stands there... well it's certainly not defiance. Clutched around the shoulders and easily hoist to eye level with the Kryptonian Clone. It's not the bone shattering strength of Divine's grip that hurts the most, a terrible almost whimpering cry of agony curling out of her as her torso is bodily manipulated under such overwhelming force.

Inwardly she knows everything Divine is saying is born from the woman, but if she's saying them, they exist somewhere in her subconscious. Whatever counter to those words are shattered when she hits the floor. Shoulder dislocated because, she's not a Kryptonian and no amount of genetically altered spider will change that.. And she stumbles back away. Far enough that something solid can support her. The fingers on her lopsided, hanging left arm fumble around, but her eyes.. twisted in a ll manner of pain.. stay on the Clone.

Then someone is speaking in her head.

A perfect storm of this is bullshit

She grabs her left bicep and twist, popping it back into socket with a shriek.. and stalks forward, "I know you don't mean any of that.." her voice has a lot of pain, "but compared to your two sisters, you're basically the Virgin Mary... Seriously, is this what happens when you leave clone juice sitting out passed the expiration date?" She's not a physical match for any of them, but she's more than capable of pissing them off and positioning herself where they might hit each other trying to hit her.

"You two-" Pointing at the weird sisters, "- are adopted aren't you? Seriously, we're all friends here, you can tell us. I've seen prettier balls of cat hair."

Divine has posed:
Divine writhes in mental pain, even as Cindy retreats. 'Yes. Good. Get away. Get far away. Stay alive,' the part of her that is still -her- begs inwardly as the violence and hate of the Black Kryptonite asserts itself again.

Just in time for Karen to grapple her. Luckily for Power Girl, Divine is nowhere near on her level. She is as far below the original as a human is to Divine. She struggles fruitlessly, eyes wild, burning red. "I -hate you so much-," she seethes. "Ignoring me. Abandoning me. Leaving me to rot!"

Using the grapple as an advantage, she draws her head back and swings it forward in a headbutt. Though the only head split open will be hers, the fury must still vent.

The way the melty clone looks at Tabitha, it doesn't seem that her taunting is doing much. She still keeps on the mutant, though, closing and drawing in a deep, impossible breath. The air temperature drops as she exhales, loosing a gout of frigid air at Tabby. Breath loosed, she zips past, leaving her back towards Tabby as she circles around to join her sister.

The other one is, yes, hunting Cindy while the Real one is beating herself half to death against Power Girl. The melted clone stalks, sneering from a face like melted wax. The other one joins in the pincer maneuver, coming at the Spider from two sides. To make it work will be all about timing, but Cindy's good at that. The taunts seem to be doing -something-, the clones make agitated hooting grunts like furious chimps.

In Karen's grip, Divine writhes, her face a sheet of blood. Ghoulish from the self inflicted wounds. As Emma actually dives deeper to try some trickery, she will notice that there is -no- technological devices in her brain. It's more like her brain waves themselves have been altered. Twisted and reversed. The kind and gentle soul that the Kryptclonian became under the affection and care of so many people has been twisted and inverted by one shot of some kind of beam. A single shot.

As for the clones, they seem to be working on some animalistic wavelength, and there -is- some kind of technological interference in their heads.

Karen Starr has posed:
"You can hate me." Power Girl tells Divine. "I have a lot of practice hating me. Only fair you get some." She winces as Divine slams her head into hers; it's more because she's worried about her clone-sister hurting herself. And, to be honest...she's worried about whatever's done this to her. Because they're much the same, and the last thing the others need would be /her/ going over to the dark side as well. "Okay. I'm not going to kill you. But this HAS to come to an end."

And so she takes a half-step back to try and pull Divine forward and off-balance (no, it has nothing to do with the chest, honest), before then driving her knee up HARD towards her twin's solar plexus. Kryptonians can hold their breath a long time, but they DO have to breathe, and if she can drive the air from her, so much the better.

Emma Frost has posed:
Well, ther'es not much in those heads.. But the Weird Sisters haev some semblance of awareness. They hunt, like animals. And animals have a degree of tactics to them. That means she has another card she can try and play. The name of the game is slowing them down now. Emma goes to focus.. And now to the two Weird Sisters, she goes to try and blast them over with it if she can hit them on a wavelength that stalkers woul dunderstand.
    Fear. Fear of prey that's stronger than they are. Fear of a target that they can't take. Hunting packs instinctively go for the weakest link. They don't want to be beaten and take losses against something out of their league. So if she can hit them to the point where they think what they're chasing is -far- beyond them..
    Then maybe she can go ahead and do something to them that will make them hesitate. What they're after can beat them to a pulp.
    They're a pack, hit them with something on the predator wavelength. you can't eat a meal if you're crippled or dead after all taking down the hulking tyrannosaurus rex.

Cindy Moon has posed:
Cindy is a bouncing ball, careful about using her still injured arm in her acrobatics. She is not nearly as strong as any of the other Spiders, but making up for that is her agility. She's fast... not Kryptonian fast, but neither are these melty faced wax clones. Adding to this that her webbing is not likely to wear itself out, she can use it in the only way that will be effective.. which will also require a lot of timing.

She's letting one clone herd her towards the other. While being keenly aware of where both are as she glances around, rolls and flips, and keeps herself just a few steps out of reach of the animalistic melty Sister. "It's like they left a Barbie doll sitting on a fernace. You better be glad you're strong because your personality sucks and you look like half a crap scented candle." Quipping still isn't her strong suit.

But it's working.

It's also keeping her from focusing on Divine.

Even if she could hurt her, which she probably couldn't, she wouldn't.

The other two though?

Totally cool with embarrassing them.

Or getting embarrassed, jury is still out.

Timing, however, is important. Lining herself up, waiting until her senses start to flare in her mind, and then she twists firing webbing from all eight finger tips at both of the melty clones faces. If she figured right, one will be trying to tackle her into the other.

If not. Let's hope her reservation drops?

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The arctic breath or whatever they call that mintry fresh stuff. That is not doing the blonde mutant much good. Boom-Boom can feel her teeth chattering and her body tensing up. The plasma keeps her from turning to a solid block of ice. But there's definite frosting covering her body, a shake of her head her adjusting her glasses so her eyes are protected.

A few shards of thin frozen air and vapor cling but she can thaw herself enough as she slowly and very tiredly starts on to the Melty Sister.

Jumping on the clone's back Tabby reaches a hand over and covers her nose and eyes. "I know right. Least you get to take the good one back with ya!" she does actually like Divine, Tabby comments with a chattering of teeth and a flood of plasma inside Melty clones. Sinuses and lungs. Fast as possible, the strength to avoid being throw off is gone but she can definitely make things very uncomfortable inside that skull. Lethal remains to be seem though.

Divine has posed:
The two clones hunting Cindy are very much like something out of Jurassic Park. They circle and communicate with each other non-verbally. Three things happen in a certain order. Well, four. It seems they've had enough of Cindy's taunts, and they begin to rush her, but as they move Emma gets into their heads, conflating and confusing. Switching their roles and they start to pull up short. They're off balance, though, which lets Cindy easily blind them with webs. This makes them both reel in near unison in opposite directions. One flails about, trying to clear her face, while the other one gets Tabby'd.

The raw heat of the plasma vaporizes the webs, but it doesn't do much good as her sinuses and lungs are immediately loaded with searingly hot ionized gas. There's a jerk, and the clone hurls the mutant from her back, but the damage is done. She wheels around like some kind of emphysema patient, wheezing rapidly as she tries to pull air in to her seared lungs that refuse to work. For the moment at least, that's two clones who are too busy with their own problems to try and murder anyone.

Meanwhile, the original and the copy struggle. Divine tries to escape, her face crimson, her teeth bared, but she's no match. The knee strike echoes like thunder in the arena, and the cracking of ribs is audible as the air leaves Divine's lungs in a rush, coating the ground in a layer of flash frozen ice. Much like the melty clone, she wheezes terribly, her struggles abating for the moment as she just tries to catch her breath.

There's a moment, here. A lull in the blistering attempts at violence. It's a time to capitalize. To finish this.

Karen Starr has posed:
...and that's at exactly what Power Girl DOESN'T want to let Divine do. She'll pivot, throwing her weight and momentum to try and flip Divine overhead and to the ground. If she manages it, she'll follow it up with a knee drop onto Divine and then keeping constant pressure so her lungs can't explain. Can't take a breath. Trying to knock out the other woman without risking seriously hurting her. She flicks her gaze over to the others...for right now, at least, they're all holding their own, or better. It'll have to suffice.

Emma Frost has posed:
And Emma quickly looks to the others, giving a firm nod over to them. Trusting them to handle Divine and slow her down. And to stop the Weird Sisters that already on the ropes. Now.. Now that Emma has a chance to -think- she's going to try and sweep her mind far and wide. Going to cast as wide a net as she can. If there's someone here watching, observing.. A true fanatic and lunatic isn't going to be watching here by network after all. They'll be here in the base to get the personal touch in of controlling their creations and slaughtering thsoe that were in their way and get the fun of seeing them die one by one.

No.. They'll be here. And Emma will find them. She sends her mind throughout the complex if she can. Trying to sense for thoughts, for activity.. For anything that might indicate if there is an individual around. Or individuals. She hopefully just has to locate that stream of consciousness. That smugness and superiority that would be if this were a normal lunatic be turning into confusion. That this couldn't be happening, that something was wrong. It won't be turning to panic yet. They're infallible, their creations are unstoppable, their work is perfect.

So Emma tries as well as she can tos weep her mind along, to track and to hpefully pick up that likely mix of emotions.. Or at least someone or -something- present. If there is any. If she can track them. There may very well be nothing - or just hidden so well that she'll never find tehm.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Cooking the inside of those lungs probably does not smell so good, neither does scorching the inside of sinuses as that volatile plasma does it's thing.

The flailing to try and breath only brought more plasma in while Tabitha was hanginging on.

Once flung off by the flailing she skids along the ground. Hitting the wall face down and shoulder and head first.

Groggily she might have blacked out a second, her glasses long fallen off and her face showing some bruising from wherre shhe landed. No bikini's for now as frozen vapors melt into water and Tabitha struggles to get back up, so far to all fours with her head looking back with a manic if beaten up grin.

Tick... Tick... Tick..." she counts down. Most of the others know what's coming now.


Cindy Moon has posed:
Cindy finishes her aerial manuever in a crouch and comes up into a sprint towards the disoriented Divine who suddenly goes tumbling over Karen's shoulder into a knee drop. The spider slides up beside the clone on her own knees. When it was clear Divine would attack her, she'd gone out of her way to stay as far away as she could. Even if she didn't mean to, that would have left scars. Now that she's, hopefully, knocked sense-ful? Is that a thing, can you get sense knocked into you? Your parents said it, but is it really a thing?

It isn't.

But this comic books hit, so whatever.

A hand comes up to rest against Divine's cheek, leaning down over her. "You're a lot better than this... better than them.. They may have made you, but you're not their belonging and you're sure not their instrument. If I do nothing at all, which is likely given all the other people here being important personalities in the super heroing community, let it be to remind you how much you mean to me.. all of the people here. I love you."

She breathes in and releases a long sigh.

Divine has posed:
Divine is hiptossed and pinned to the ground by Karen. Her mirror may as well be a mountain for all that Divine can move her. The breathlessness of it does not help at all. She struggles weakly, reaching up to swipe at the blonde's face, but she just doesn't have the gas in the tank.

The clone that Tabby filled with plasma is still writhing on the ground, struggling violently to breathe as her lungs are seared worse than Anakin Skywalker. Not that it matters. Seconds tick by, and the explosion bursts from her chest, splitting her wide open and hurling chunks of smoldering gore. Apparently the insides are more fragile than the outside! Though that may have been enough explosive plasma to level a building concentrated in human sized lungs.

The other one has retreated to a wall of the arena, clawing the webs from her face in a panic and clinging to it as she regards the group, specifically Cindy, like a frightened animal, the mental twisting taken hold. She's still dangerous, but she's not attacking for the moment.

Emma's powerful telepathy sweeps the complex, reaching through. She feels one mind. The one of the smiling, nondescript man, but it feels odd. Almost machine-like. Real and true, but also false. He seems unconcerned. Smug still as he moseys through dark hallways. Whatever dies here, whatever genetic material is left behind can be used for other projects. These beings, including the outsiders, are just specimens and toys to be used for his own gain and amusement. Losses don't matter.

Cindy slides on her knees towards the pinned Divine, the cline wheezing and struggling to breathe. She's dazed. Out of it. The sallow grey is starting to fade, but it's not gone yet. Unfocused eyes look up as Cindy speaks to her. Touches her face. She's unresponsive for a moment, trying to breathe. One hand lifts, trembling violently from either getting her ass kicked by her sister or the struggle in her own mind. Her face contorts in the struggle within as the hand creeps closer and closer to Cindy's face. Time seems to freeze as it gets close.

The hand rests on Cindy's cheek gently, still shaking, though Divine closes her eyes, tears sliding from them, and looks away.

One last twisted clone remains. What is to be done with her?

Karen Starr has posed:
Power Girl listens with her super-hearing, watches with X-Ray Vision, checking till the point that Divine seems to no longer be combative. "Can you drop that one??" She gives a bob of her head towards the clone, as she looks to Emma.

It's not until she feels confident that Divine's no longer in the fight that she'll stand and take a couple steps towards the last clone. She hopes that either Cindy can restrain it or Emma can telepathically subdue it. If those options aren't there, the only one she can see is going to be trying to knock her out. She'd prefer not to splatter the last over the room if it can be helped.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma knows these sorts of minds. She knows very well how they react. How they respond. How they think. Emma goes to close her eyes over and then goes to try and hit the mind if at all posible with a massive psionic blast. An overload that.. Is the attempt at giving them a seizure. She could do worse. Far, far worse..

But, that's not for her to decide what to do.

That's for Cindy and Divine. They were the ones that were violated.

So Emma simply attempts to if she can shut down the man's mind and render him feeble and unresponsive so they can pick him up. They can hopefully probe him for more information, if anything.. Then if at all after leave it to those that were worst hurt by him to determine his fate.

Her face is expressionless, even as she tunes out the rest of the room, trusting the group to handle the poor beast left behind. Or if it needs to be put down, then to do so gently.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
If Tabitha had eaten before she came, she'd probably have hurled watching the clone's chest effectively turn inside out. The explosive blonde is tired and nearly spent as she gets back up on her feet.

The remaining clone cowering gets a look. The one Boom-Boom did kill gets one as well before looking back. "Ugh, great. One left and she's a mess. We know where we can keep her away from here? I'm guesisng she's gonna need some. I dunno, can't call it rehab if she's never been habbed at all right?" she asks the others as she tries getting to her feet.

There's some massive brusing where Tabitha was tackled and flung around.

"I'd rather not put, ow, sonnofa, another one down. I've done this waaaaay too much. I'm getting sick of it. The last one was defense. This one might be a bit too far past euthanising." moral quandries. Can this remaining clone even have quality of life?

Cindy Moon has posed:
Cindy's hand covers Divine's on her cheek, glancing up as the other two sisters are... well they're not dealt with, persay. One of them is still standing even if she looks like incredibly terrified all of a sudden. Mind witchery, obviously. With a little frown. "Ugh... okay." She leans over and kisses Divine's forehead, rubs her cheek, and pushes up to her feet suddenly. "Gotta go scare a clone, I guess."

Capitalize on the mind magic.

By stalking towards the cowering Wax Sister in a side ways hop, lowering her center of gravity as if it would somehow change the way she moves. It does make her look a little more unnatural. Feeding into that terror that's, at least for now, so evident in her mind. Keep her recoiling away while someone with some punching power punches her unconscious.

Gotta put the lab experiment in a cage and study it, after all.

Divine has posed:
As Cindy leans down and kisses Divine on the forehead, her color seems to come back.

Then her eyes roll back in her head and she passes out. That's two problems solved.

Only one remains. The melty clone half-cowers against the wall, cloudy eyes flickering around in a panic of flight rather than fight. Cindy gets her creep on, moving in an unnatural and threatening way and the last remaining Weird Sister tenses, turning to start flailing at the wall, striking it with her terrible strength. Emma, even distracted as she is, can feel the desperation to escape, the desire to live, to survive, outweighing her desire to attack and destroy. The strange metal of the arena wall begins to bow and crack under the blows, metal starting to splinter as she tries to make her escape.

She keeps looking over her shoulder as Cindy approaches, the fear blatant in her eyes as they rool around like a terrified horse's.

The mind Emma assaults proves strangely resistant to psychic assault. She can feel him waver and stumble, the anger rising, but he does not fall. Not completely. Either this man is naturally resistant, been augmented or is simply not human. Perhaps all three.

The striking of the wall continues, the clone's fist finally punching through. She withdraws her hand and grabs the jagged edges, starting to push, the wall squealing as she tries to tear it open.

Emma Frost has posed:
And Emma goes to pause, even as she confirms the man's resistance. "The one in charge.." She gives his location telepathically to Power Girl. "If you can get him quickly? I can't get into his mind."

Karen Starr has posed:
"I can try!" Power Girl says, as Emma asks. Well, she's often been accused of the direct line approach. Using Emma's information, her own super-hearing and X-ray vision, she'll try to pinpoint their target, and using superspeed and superstrength, she will do her best to be the irresistible force, plowing through walls and doors and any other obstacle between herself and their quarry. Go go Kryptonian missile.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The last clone is trying to just escape. "Think she's gonna bring the whole place down on us." Boom-Boom wobbles with a large lack of balance as she tries and fails to spark more plasma. At full strength she proved she could take one down but now, the blonde barely has the energy to walk let alone boom. But she does have one trick to play still.

Emma isn't the only telepath in the facility, though the White Queen is trying to track the mastermind.

the panicked clone. Tabitha has to focus and conecntrate. No easy feat with a concusssion brewing again so she might not even get through. Just one reassuring command. <<Sleep, rest!>> she tries to send.

Though while she sends it, Tabitha looks ready to fade to sleep herself.

Cindy Moon has posed:
Thank goodness for Tabitha, Cindy really wasn't sure what she was going to do against the clone. Let alone one that was trying to get away from her by digging through the side of the wall. When the mental gymnastics begins, whatever happens, she's going back to Divine... Well, so long as what happens is the Kryptonian clone is out of comission.

She slides up beside HER Kryptonian Clone and hoists a black haired head against her leg, stroking that black hair back out of her face. This is why she doesn't like bunkers. Never in the hitory of her or bunkers has something cool happened in one.

This is a historical fact.

Backed up by science.

Divine has posed:
Power Girl does the missile thing, blasting through walls and taking a terribly efficient route. This is good because it lets her reach the staggered man. This is bad because some of those walls were load bearing. Something above rumbles ominously. As she catches up, her senses can tell immediately that this man is not human. He may as well be, but most of him is mechanical. A Life Model Decoy. He is easily snatched, but he still has that gun. That black rock. Karen can feel it. It feels twisted. Evil. Still, as dazed as he is, it's easily hurled away before the effects take hold and make a mostly solved problem Worse.

Tabby reaches out psychicly to the last remaining clone. She can feel the being's terror of Cindy, of everything at this point. The psyche is so fragile that it really only takes one little poke for her to just crumple into a heap, unconscious.

Divine stirs a little as her head is pillowed on Cindy's leg. "Mph...I...so sorry I...," she murmurs, drifting in and out. Being twisted into a black mirror version of yourself must be exhausting. She is so going to cry later.

Those rumbles continue until down the hall that Power Girl made, a hole bursts in the ceiling, and water begins spraying down. Then another. And another.

Time to get out of here!

Karen Starr has posed:
Power Girl feels the effects of the rock, pushing at her, the radiation. Thankfully, Supergirl went through something a few months back with Red Kryptonite. So she at least can be worried. She swats the gun away, and grabs the "man". Bot. Whatever. None too gently, either. She only bothers due to Emma asking. So she grabs him, and flies back through the hole she made. "Move it!" she says, as she gets back to the others with her prize. "Hurry the fuck up." That little micro-dose of Black K didn't make her full on evil. Just bitchy. And with that, she'll head out, not bothering to look behind her at the others. She'll be better soon. Honest.

Emma Frost has posed:
And Emma Frost would hiss over as she would hear the rumbles. She doesn't, however, say anything. Just bows her head. Now it's time to get out of here. She would send along a message to Power Girl <<A lift please?>> She's not sure that Divine's physically capable of taking the rest of them if they need it on the way out, with the tremors But the bot, the man, whatever.. They can get use from dissecting it.

And Emma Frost closes her mind to the others once she's sent along her message. Now isn't the time for further discussion or anything at all. She just braces herself over as her mind goes to lock itself down.

There is a shimmering anger to it. And rage. At her own failure here and at the pain that the others are going through. There are no promises, no words spoken. Not a mental whisper said. And she's running out of there or being carried.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
When the now sleeping clone drops and dozes the blonde breathes a sigh of relief. Though she looks at the others then at the sleeping woman. "Umm, okay. She's down, out, and alive. So like what now?" if no one else is carrying this clone. Tabitha might just draw the short straw again and moves to very, very awkwardly carry her out. Slowly too, she's not going to leave this one to die in her sleep by the drowning that all the watre flooding in will provide.

"This is gonna need like a tonne of booze when I get home. I am straight up too sober for this now!" she gripes but at least as many people as possible are getting out.

Cindy Moon has posed:
"Shhhh, it's okay. wasn't your fault. Hold on to my neck." Cindy says to Divine, hoisting one of the clones arms to wrap around the back of her shoulders. Her own go beneath shoulder and knees, then she straightens. Kryptonian's aren't exceptionally dense are they? She's going to go with no... science has not proven that yet. So Silk lifts the woman and moves as quickly as she can, which is considerably quick for someone as small is she is carrying a fully grown woman.

Weakest link. HAH.

The place is coming down and Cindy has no intentions of either of them being here when it happens.. Even running a little across the walls to keep them above the level of any influx of water from further down the hall. When the going gets a little rough, she fashions a web-harnass to fasten Divine to her more securely, to take some fo the weight off. Just enough that mobility is only impeded in so far as climbing walls requires actually thinking about it rather than reflexively running along them.

She's never done this while carrying someone before.

"We're getting out of here. Almost home."

Divine has posed:
The whole structure rumbles and shakes as the group hastily makes their way back the way they came. Every so often a jet of water bursts from the ceiling with some pressure as the lake itself seems to make its will known. Soon enough, a horrific crash, followed by the roar of rushing water comes from behind everyone as something vital gives way and the lake's fury truly pours in.

It's a hectic race against the water. The more that pours in, the more of the facility gets wrecked, which lets more water in. A terrifying sequence for most present. Soon enough, the group reaches the entrance they came in, breaking out into the waning daylight as the tunnel collapses behind them.

As the sun's rays hit Divine, she stirs again. It's at least a somewhat comical sight, this tall woman being carried by her much smaller significant other. She opens her eyes for a second. "Did we....?" Then she's out again.

Now the question is, what to do with the imperfect clone? What do you do with an animalistic, barely sapient clone made as a weapon?

With that moral dilemma active, this trip was still a success. The NOWHERE facility is destroyed, the Black Kryptonite is gone, buried under tons of rubble somewhere under Lake Erie, and there's a prisoner.

For now, things will settle down. They're never quiet for long, though.