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Latest revision as of 19:57, 17 June 2023

Resonants: Epilogue
Date of Scene: 16 June 2023
Location: Manhattan Ritz-Carlton
Synopsis: Finally that bastard Higgins retires!
Cast of Characters: Thor, Natasha Romanoff, Diana Prince, Zatanna Zatara, Daisy Johnson, Monica Chang, Zinda Blake

Thor has posed:
    'You are cordially invited...'

    It had started like that. Just a few words in an overly officious sounding invitation that was sent out. Likely composed by a computer and thrown out there at the behest of the Joint Chiefs. But hopefully it was the name that stuck out to some of those souls whose lifepaths crossed over with the man mentioned in the invitation. Captain Higgins then some months ago. Rear-Admiral now. Decorated after the turn of events, lauded by some though his role was more in the background compared to some of the big names that had made their voices known during the battle of the Starport. He was an older man, bald with a hawk-like face. In his twilight years, closer to seventy than sixty, but still with those stern features that made him look grim even in his academy days.
    Likely he balked at the need for such an event. Or at least... for it to be _here_. The Ritz-Carlton in Manhattan. It was... a bit much for a man who had grown up on a chicken farm in Maine. Ostentatious, but the Admiralty had in him a thing that they could celebrate and take no political hit on for now at least. So they chose to emphasize it. And the way to do that? Throw money at it. So the Ritz-Carlton is where they were.
    The grand hall of it was seen to well. Whatever restaurant they had gotten to cater for it had done a good job. There were four dishes in a buffet style that people could choose from and they were all rather well composed. It was a dress blues affair so the military in attendance were done up well though the civilians were given a break, business casual for them. But there was no shortage of prominent men in uniform with prominent medals. Pictures were taken over and over, and there were many younger souls that wanted a shot with the old man of the Eisenhower.
    Dinner was to be served but the affair was to be semi-informal in that there were no requirements for being seated at a particular time. An ambulatory gathering as some of the brass might only be able to show for a brief period of time before having to run off again. But the grand hall itself was as Captain Higgins might say himself, 'Classy as a buck fifty in a dime store.'
    It had a sea of tables for people to sit if they wished, to the right of the hall was the buffet, and the first of several open bars. to the left was another bar and the band playing sedately. Back of the room was the stage where around it were the official types, the press, the navy, the politicians. There was a podium. So there were going to be speeches.
    God help them.
    But the man himself was toward that stage area. But more amongst the tables as he seemed to be moving from small gathered group to small gathered group, having words and offering greetings.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
There is no sign of Natasha Romanova, aka the Black Widow. She had an invitation, of course. And this is a formal invite for someone that helped save many lives and a way to respect them and their service. But Natasha is not a sentimental type, of her many qualities (or lack thereof). Here? Here she's in the uniform of a naval ensign wearing an appropriate uniform for the event that's working over with helping to cater things and coordinate in the back. She's not a sentimental woman.
    For her own sake. For others? Here, she keeps an eye on things. TO make sure that they all have an uninterrupted night and that the man there's here to fete gets to have an event dedicated to him and to those others that helped save lives without anything happening. Natasha is sentimental..
    But not for her own sake. For her.. This is a way to participate while not seeming like she's gone soft. OF which she lost the capability to when she was a teenager. And there she is, a blonde naval ensign in a dress outfit helping to serve drinks.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana Prince is in attendance this evening. Wearing a white dress that is knee length, and sleevless, her hair tied up on the crown of her head, and a light amount of makeup adorning her facial features, the Princess of Themyscira is happily making her greetings with others in attendance. She's currently shaking hands with a few of the well dressed military types, speaking softly to them, and smiling is no rare expression for her on this evening. The tall Amazon woman does stand out in the crowd, her heels carrying her several inches over six feet in height, keeping her eye to eye with most of the alpha male type military personel that she's addressing here today.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The invitation surprised Zatanna; its officious language didn't in light of the agency emitting it - magic users being persona non gratia among the military depending on the administration and the political climate. They somehow were more suspect than 'the capes' until a military campaign needed that extra oomph. Then, they were expected to fade gracefully into the background.

Fading from the limelight was fine with the Mistress of Magic; honoring someone she admired, though she had only known him briefly, was another. The day was marked on the calendar with exclamation points. A brief foray to Paris yielded the perfect little black dress and bolero jacket, showing her slender figure and well-shaped legs to advantage. A lustrous pearl necklace glints from under the jacket.

Champagne flute in hand, the dark-haired magician stands on the periphery, watching the swirl of dress blues bedecked with service medals and war decorations around the Rear-Admiral. Catching sight of Diana, she nods and raises her glass slightly in a salute, before drifting in her direction.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
'You are cordially invited ...'

That's the kind of invitation that Daisy usually ditches to the side, only deigning to read it too late after confirmations had to be sent. Yet there had been a name which had indeed resonated with Daisy, and that was of Admiral Higgins. It was the kind of send-off party that Daisy couldn't miss. So then there had been a whole thing about Daisy looking for an actual dress uniform by asking around the more senior officers and eventually had settled with a good middle-ground with a rather sharp-looking uniform, lighter colors but no skirt. She was bearing pants along with high boots. Make-up? Mostly light, this isn't the MET gala!

Oookaaaayy, lots of familiar faces about. She waves to a few she recognizes and then strides over to where Zee and Diana are at, "Good to see you both here tonight. Welcome." she grins at them.

Monica Chang has posed:
Upon receiving the invitation, Monica had promptly set it to the side and not thought about it again. For about four days when she noticed it was still sitting on the table where she set her mail, when she bothered to remember to check it. She finally picked it up and read it. Then went through the quandry of attend or don't attend since she didn't really know him outside having assisted on his ship during the battles against the Svartalf. The RSVP was placed after 48-hours of being a wishy washy mess.

Then as the date came closer, the question of what to wear came to mind. She almost opted for civilian clothes but in the end, she found her dress uniform shoved in a closet at the very back. It had to be laundered but then she tried it on. Then almost went with civilian clothes again.

She was seated at one of the tables, having settled in once she arrived. The uniform was black, the jacket was long sleeved with several pockets and a quasi-militaristic feel to it without being military. A belt at the waist over the uniform. Then a pencil skirt that fell below the knees. And finally, a pair of old-fashioned pumps with a short heel. Her dark hair was pulled up off her neck, into a perfect bun at the back of her head, a few wisps left loose to frame her face.

Thor has posed:
    There are many in attendance tonight. A senator stands near the stage busily taking photo opportunities. A few representatives from the House. And around there's enough brass walking about to make several tubas if one were so inclined. There are some seats that are empty, a few with prominent name designations. The likes of which might amuse the Black Widow as she walks by the place setting reserved for her, though serving drinks instead of indulging in them.
    Princess Diana is one of the first to be greeted by the good Captain as he smiles to her and walks up to her, offering his hand, looking up to her as he stands a few inches shorter than her, "Princess. I'm flattered you took the time to come to this, ma'am. I'm honored." If she accepts his handshake he'll return it albeit gently.
    "Miss Zatara." The older man's smile broadens though is a touch subdued, "It's good to see you again in less chaotic circumstances. I still owe you a drink for saving my life on the deck."
    Then when Daisy comes over, "Agent Johnson. Glad you could make it."
    Around the room the music is playing softly, people move and mingle and walk about. Occasionally there are flashes for the photography. There is some visible security, but nothing too beyond the norm for such an event. Guards upon the stage dressed in their blues and looking rather suave and official. Waiters, and Waitresses, and Widows circulate through the crowd.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff is currently just one of many small people going around this event. That is the tax dollars from the defense budget at work that probably costs more than the rear admiral has ever been paid in his entire service life and it includes his pension and all other things. But that is the way that politics work. There are probably a few members of the defense industry here as well that are going to be with the Senators talking about budgetary affairs, no doubt. And some new ships to replace the damaged ones. Free food, free catering, and increased stock prices. The world works well.
    Natasha goes tos way along with some champagne over on a tray, zigging and zagging along as she would offer flutes along the tray to those in passing. It's really hard for her to get drunk anyways.

Diana Prince has posed:
The convergence of Diana, Zatanna and Daisy comes together moments before the Admiral reaches them as well. Diana is quick to smile to the two women before she's drawn to the Admiral to offer him a hand in return.

"Of course, Admiral." She tells him. "I like to make it a point of pride to come to such events, if I am able to, and as it so happened I had the time today. It has been a rather eventful year so far, but we seem to have survived it thus far." She tells him in her Themysciran accented English, showing off a slight sparkling expression for him before she regards Daisy then. "I am glad to see you again, Daisy. You look lovely tonight."

To Zatanna, Diana offers a playful grin. "As do you, I love that jacket, the pearls too." She notes of Zatanna's accessories before her eyes are sent around the party itself before returning to the Admiral.

"It is quite a celebration, one that I've seen you have earned as a very accomplished commander." She affords the compliment to him with another smaller smile chasing it.

Zinda Blake has posed:
The ballroom is full enough that one more person in uniform, more or less, is easy to miss. The uniform is dress blues, just like it said in the invitation. A crisp tunic with pressed trousers and shiny, brass buttons. The cap could be either Air Force or Army, except there are no rank insignia or medals. A simple, yellow hawk symbol is worn on the chest as well as on the cap.

Blackhawk Squadron, which has been defunct since the 1950's.

Blonde hair is worn to regulation length, just off the collar, and the unmistakable voice of Zinda Blake cuts through the din of the crowd as she greets her peers, active duty or civilian, and works her way towards the guest of honor.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna returns Diana's greeting with a warm smile, her blue eyes flashing with amusement at the compliment. "I'm channeling Jackie-O tonight. Good to see you, Diana." Nodding at Shield agent, "Hello, Ms. Johnson, glad you could make it."

Smiling in return, "I will hold you to that promise, Rear-Admiral. It is good to see you without explosions as a backdrop. Congratulations, sir."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
That the old Admiral actually knows her name is perhaps a touch surprising for Daisy. Maybe that's why she doesn't answer right away but eventually finds her wits again. "Thank you, Admiral. I was honored to be invited. Great party." a brief look around and a grin, "I see they have prepared the stage for your speech already."

Fingertips reach for a flute of champagne but then she pauses when noticing who is serving them. She could recognize that red hair anywhere! Which is why she blinks once and then chuckles to herself. "Good to see you too, Diana. And now in less dire circumstances." she smiles faintly. "Seems like we meet mostly when there's a crisis going or another. Ah well.." it's then followed by a grin to Zatanna, "Always stylish."

"If you will excuse me a moment though ..." And she wonders over to where Monica is sitting at, "You really did it..." is she talking about the full-on dress uniform including skirt?! "Come on, let's go talk with the Admiral."

Monica Chang has posed:
She had been just about to rise to her feet to join the Rear Admiral and his small social grouping when Daisy peeled off and came her direction. At the greeting, Monica had to laugh softly. "Yeah, I managed to find the thing in the back of my closet. Though not a fan of the pencil skirt thing due to no freedom of movement, I have to admit it looks sharp as hell." She rose to her feet to join her fellow agent in heading over toward the group.

As she did so, she took a flute of champagne off the tray of a passing blonde server. A moment to meet the eyes of the woman but nothing given away. Just that single instant of acknowledgement. For she knew about her fellow Widow being in attendance and the role she had chosen to play, though she'd have never known it was Natasha had that not been shared ahead of time.

She joined the small gathering, giving a nod to those already there. Then when the opportunity presented itself, she gave a bright smile to the newly minted Rear Admiral. "Congratulations, Sir. Both on your new rank and your retirement. It was an honor to be able to meet you and to serve with you, however briefly."

Thor has posed:
    "Indeed, ma'am." Higgins gives a nod and then says with a wry smile toward Diana, "My XO was asking if I could introduce him to you, but he's... run off somewhere..."
    There's a pause as the former captain, now rear-admiral looks away and calls out to one of the tables near the front, "Hon, where did Malcolm run off to? He'll never forgive me if he misses this chance."
    An older woman seated at a table raises her hand and places it next to her ear so she can hear Bernard Higgins' voice from afar, then in response she is much too polite to yell back so she just shakes her head and spreads her hands as if she had no idea where the man got off to.
    There's some small commotion as Zinda makes her appearance, for she does have a way about her though she also has a place of prominence. A veteran, a storied individual who fought in the war, and quite the photo op for the military to have the old and the new and the old meeting and showing the overlap of generations and the eternal way of the hero.
    Though Higgins turns back toward Zatanna and smiles openly at her rejoinder, "That is a debt I will entirely not hesitate to make good on, ma'am. Mark my words."
    His smile is turned back toward Daisy and he nods at the words she's given. But at the mention of a speech his eyebrows rise and he takes a deep breath, then exhales one of consternation. "Indeed, indeed. Gotta take the good with the bad though, don't ya?"
    When Daisy moseys off to shepherd a Monica on over, the older man lifts his chin. "Professor Chang. Good to see you." He says with a hint of a sly smile to him. "I've heard nothing but good things about the work you've been doing. Some of my squadron still have some of the gear you prepped for them, just in case. The equipment you and Miss Foster..."
    He then pauses and murmurs quietly, "Rest her soul..."
    Then he continues, "Well it was of great aid to all of us."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
One always coordinates with the rest of the team present ahea dof time just in case. The other SHIELD folks that needed to know about her being here knew she was here.. Not htat anything was expected. Also Monica at least would know that this let Natasha get out of having to put on the dress uniform and play politics - which might be an even bigger advantage depending on how one was into that particular part of the job or not.

From one Widow to another, there's a quick nod given even as the last flute of champagne is taken, and Natasha goes over towards the rear once more to start to get another refill to take out and pass along. with the sort of experience of someone that had worked fast food and retail, served a lot of coffee.. And was very used to the way a ship would roll in the waves to keep herself steady.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana gives Zatanna a slight smile before she looks back to the Admiral who is speaking of his second in command. She spares a glance around, but in truth she has no idea of what this Malcolm fellow might even look like. She does catch the sight of the member of the Admiral's entourage indicating that she also has no idea where he'd gone, and it just gets Diana to let out a short bubbly laugh. She shakes her head side to side then before she is offered a drink from a passing server, who gets a smile and a soft 'thank you' from the Princess.

"I promise not to leave before I get a chance to speak to them." She tells the Admiral. "I am not one who likes to disappoint, after all."

A sip is had from her drink before Diana sees Monica, and when the chance permits itself, she reaches a hand out to offer it to her. "Hello. A pleasure to meet you. The uniform looks lovely." She kindly offers along with the hand.

Zinda Blake has posed:
Zinda Blake makes her way through the crowd and eventually reaches the Admiral. She offers a smart salute, even though this is an informal event, before addressing him. "On behalf of Blackhawk Squadron, past and present, congratulations on your retirement, Sir." The blonde's Georgia drawl is thick and distinctive, as is her smile. The only thing missing from the classic look is the formal trousers instead of her trademark... and brief... skirt.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Of course, there would be agents under cover with the group assembled here. Zatanna deposes her now empty flute on a passing tray and takes another flute. After the Admiral's exchange with his wife which made her smile softly, Zatanna asks, gesturing to the crowd with her glass, "How many years of naval and military expertise do you think we have assembled here this evening, sir?"

At Agent Johnson's mention of the speech, she shares a rueful lift of her eyebrows with him. "I think you're caught unless someone blows us up first. Unlikely though, I think."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"It looks ultra sharp.." Daisy will certainly agree with Monica on that one. Even if she's not used to seeing the woman in those. There's a reason why someone wanted to call her Agent Danger Jacket.

The mention of Jane has a way of sobering Daisy up. It's no secret that Jane was quite a dear friend to her but there's a sharp nod out of the Agent after a moment. "She's missed every day." she opens her mouth to say something else but then closes it. No need to be spreading false hope about the fallen astrophysicist.

So instead she busies herself drinking out of her flute, nearly draining it, "You think?" she quirks a brow at Zatanna, "That's not very assuring..."

Monica Chang has posed:
"Oh no, not a Professor. Monica is fine," she protested quickly as she looked a little embarassed at being given any sort of title. Mention of the lost Jane Foster had a flash of sadness before she pushed it away. "I'm just glad our toys were able ot help with the situation. Current and hopefully anything in the future. Be sure to let your XO know that they can reach out at any time."

Then she felt that moment of shock as Diana greeted her and offered her hand. She took it in a firm but polite grip, none of that silly power tripping thing that happened with people sometimes. "It's a honor to meet you, Princess Diana. And...thank you. I'm just glad it still fit." And she quickly straightened her jacket, suddenly /very/ self conscious.

The words from Zee had her not quite visibly wincing as she was really hoped tonight went off without a hitch. Zinda's greeting and salute earned a smile from the SHIELD agent though she only knew the woman by reputation.

Thor has posed:
    Natasha's read of the room is a good one, she gets the angles and the sight lines, she knows the likely possible directions of overlapping fields of fire that would be the most dangerous. She has the exits mapped out mentally and possible points of infil and exfil. But right now... it seems to be what it is. No hint of an X factor or anything chaotic. To her read it seems like a gathering, albeit a partially political one. But at the least... no Brood nor Dark Elves.
    Back at the small gathering of beautiful women and one terribly lucky older man, Higgins gives a nod to the Princess, "He'll turn up, but don't change your schedule on his behalf. The man is a great XO, but once he hits shore well... he tends to leave his brain back in his quarters."
    Though that's the moment when Zinda advances through the crowd and for a moment Rear-Admiral Higgins' eyebrows lift a little, then partially widen. "Zinda Blake." Then he seems to catch himself, "Or should I say Lady Blackhawk?" He returns the salute, "This is a surprise and a pleasure."
    He seems about to say something else, but then Zatanna's question shifts his thoughts and he answers. "Too many years, not enough sailin' amongst some of 'em." A small repudiation of the admiralty perhaps. But luckily none of them are near. Yet that doesn't stop him from sharing a conspiratorial smile with the magician.
    In that moment, however, one of the young sailors in the blue and the white uniform steps up into that small circle. He does pause for a moment, looking at the circle of rather comely young women and he finds himself smiling before he says, "Excuse me, sir."
    He leans in to say something quietly to the Rear-Admiral who gives a nod, then his lips thin as he nods again. "Alright." He looks up and to the others, smiling a little to Monica as he steps back. "If you ladies will please excuse me."
    The next moment he's turned and walking away from the gathering, moving toward another circle of individuals toward the stage. One of the admirals near can be seen gesturing toward him.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Of course, it's likely safe. And admittedly while a heroic man he's still an old naval officer of no particular import. Not important enough that someone might be out for revenge, not rich enough someone might want to rob.. And any of the still-living Svartelves would be licking thier wounds and plotting revenge on THor or Loki, not some unimportant human.
    But still, there could always be things that hadn't been come up with or thought of ahead. Hence the black widow is going along with her platter of food, shifting along now that she has some fresh filled wine glasses while reading hte room and staying on alert. While waiting for the proverbial thin mint to be eaten that would have someone's belt pop off.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana's soft laughter escapes her lips in response to Monica's remark. Retrieving her hand, she gently places it beneath the base of her drink glass, revealing a soft smile. Her gaze returns to the Admiral, who effortlessly cracks another joke about his Executive Officer. The humor etches a grin on Diana's face as she playfully shakes her head. "I can only imagine. The anticipation of his arrival is growing," she responds to the distinguished Guest of Honor present tonight. As he takes his leave, Diana bids him farewell with a nod and a kind gesture before raising her glass to take another sip.

Diana's attention momentarily shifts as she spots a familiar face waving at her from across the room. Returning the gesture, she raises her hand in acknowledgement.

Her eyes then find Zatanna, her magical friend, among the crowd. "Have we finally reached a point in the year where we can breathe a little easier?" she jests, alluding to the countless trials they have faced, both around the world and beyond, throughout the year.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Mention of Jane Foster had created a flow of emotion especially among Foster's SHIELD companions which if anyone were watching Zatanna might note she did not share. She looked more thoughtful than sad. After acknowledging Lady Blackhawk with a polite smile and nod, she takes a step back at the young sailor's arrival, murmuring loud enough for Higgins to hear, "No luck. Looks like you get to take the good with the bad."

"Jinx," she says with a grin, holding crossed fingers out in a warding sign. "Must you ask questions like that, Princess? I think the Swartalf contingent will give us a breather." Her expression sobers, "Tell me that we won't, please. The Starport has been the scene of enough fighting already. How is reconstruction going?"

Monica Chang has posed:
As the Rear Admiral moves off toward the stage, Monica glances back to those around her. And she takes a moment to offer a greeting to Zinda now. "A pleasure to meet you as well, ma'am. Your reputation--and that of your Squadron--is legend."

It was one of the many things that the Widow had learned in her time in the Red Room. Though not a lot of details, more sweeping broad strokes of the historical paintbrush.

Thor has posed:
    On the stage one of the admirals, a tall man with white hair, gets up and adjusts the microphone. "Hello? Hello." Then he turns his head and nods to someone off stage before he looks back toward the crowd proper. "Excellent. Welcome, everyone. To a joyous, but also sad occasion. For tonight... we say goodbye to... a man who has done so much..."
    He proceeds to speak somewhat upon the celebration. Yet he is not what one would call a gifted speaker. Many of the people listen politely, but the room doesn't quite settle down as he continues. He speaks for a good bit of time, though it more fades into the background.
    Around the room there are photos being taken, a few aimed toward Diana of course as well as Zinda. Though there is something to be said about the aesthetics of that gathering as it likely will be in one of the periodicials on the next day, or at least in the Times' culture and fashion section.
    Several servers pass near enough to offer drinks to the gathering of worthies, and a contingent of officers nearby seem to either just be observing... or gathering up the gumption to approach the group.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Of course there are likely those that will as the speeches start possibly be nodding off. The alcohol, good food, the alcohol.. And p ossibly part of (or not) of the speaker's capabilities of droning on to match that of particularly appealing and droning bureaucrats.
    Natasha is still working over with various goblets of wine, red and white.. Though, if one has a discerning taste they're definitely rather cheap ones.

Zinda Blake has posed:
With her greeting duty complete, Zinda watches the Admiral move away. And that's when Monica approaches. The blonde offers a warm smile and her nonverbals could almost be translated into an 'aw shucks'. "Fraid you got me at a disadvantage, sister. Unless your pretty face is on some posters I ain't seen yet." She looks around, then. "I was gonna see if they got any beer in this place. Wanna join me or are you drinkin' the fancy stuff?"

Diana Prince has posed:
As a pair of impeccably dressed Navy officers pass by, they engage Diana in conversation, their expressions filled with joy. The Princess responds with a few words and a warm smile before turning her attention back to Zatanna. They discuss the challenges that the Atlantic Starport has faced since its inception and inauguration.

"Well," Diana begins, her voice thoughtful. "We should be grateful that our adversaries didn't specifically target the destruction of the facility itself, but rather focused on other objectives." Her eyes shift upward to the stage momentarily before returning to Zatanna.

"Although everything has been rebuilt, reconstructed, and reopened, we can't ignore the profound loss we suffered with the passing of our friends," Diana remarks, her voice tinged with sorrow for those who fell in the battle.

When the speaker takes the stage, Diana fixes her gaze on him, attentively listening to his speech. A faint smile graces her lips in response to certain parts before she redirects her attention to Zatanna once more.

"I simply hope that the tumultuous times are behind us, at least for now. I feared that my close association with the Starport might attract harm to it. Unfortunately, I have many enemies who would delight in seeing my efforts to improve the world fail. But the Starport cannot falter; it is too crucial to my vision for the future of our world in the coming weeks, months, and years..." Diana's voice trails off.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Stagecraft helps Zatanna appear attentive while the man introducing the retiree drones on. One of the server passes by, her red hair catching her attention. She looks around to see if any of the other SHIELD agents are near by ready to ask if that is who she thinks she is. Another look assures her that it is indeed the agent who took down one of the enemy's main space craft. Shaking her head at herself, Zatanna asks the blonde woman in the smart dress uniform she had only met in passing, "Wasn't she in the last action at the Starport?"

The conversation with Diana holds her real attention. "I have yet to see the new construction. The artifacts..." her lips purse unhappily and she leaves the sentence unfinished. They both had shared that colossal failure and the deaths that ensued.

Monica Chang has posed:
"Oh! Duh. Sorry." Monica has the decency to look embarassed at least as she offers a hand to Zinda. "Agent Monica Chang, SHIELD." In case the uniform didn't get that last part across.

"And no, you wouldn't know me. I'm a nobody. I work in R&D, specializing in artificial intelligence. So, a computer geek." A little shrug of her shoulders.

She glanced around at the servers then back to Zinda. "I'm sure they have beer somewhere." She lifted her own flute of champagne. "Though this is the first thing I came across."

Then she fell silent to pay attention to the stage and the speech going on there, dry as it might be.

Thor has posed:
    At the stage, the speaker finally wraps up his speech. He closes it out with a few final words, "And without further ado..."
    Stepping up to the podium, Rear-Admiral Higgins gives a nod of thanks to the introduction he was given by the other officer. He clears his throat, voice enhanced by the microphone angled off of the podium. He holds a piece of paper in his hand, then looks around the room with his eyes slightly narrowed. Then he straightens up, and says...
    "Good evening."
    Some of the groups in the crowd grow more quiet.
    "Don't worry," He holds up his piece of paper and says, "I intend to keep this short." And as he says that part of the paper seems to slip out of his grip and unfold with a slight whoosh of falling documents, displaying a rather long treatise in his hand. He looks up with a quirked eyebrow...
    And around the room there's some muffled laughter, some sensible chuckles given.
    "A little joke, my son Jonah's idea." He gestures with a nod toward one of the tables in the front. He points out the thirty-something dark-haired man in a fine black suit at the table grinning a bit and then waving his hand. Higgins smirks and adds, "He's the 'funny' one of the family."
    Another small round of chuckles.
    He then folds up that paper and sets it aside, an older woman in her sixties smiles and steps up to the podium, taking the prop joke speech from him and handing him a small set of cards. She gives a wave to the room as she steps back out of the spotlight. Higgins motions toward her, his smile turning a little gentle. "And my wife, Beatrice."
    He takes those cards and turns back to the podium, looking out across the room. He then sets those cards down on the desk before him, swallows. Then looks down and holds the cards out a little to the side, trying to focus. After a moment or two he reaches into his jacket pocket and produces a pair of older glasses with a clearly marked bifocal line in the middle of them. He puts them on the bridge of his nose, adjusts the way they lay on his ears, then he looks at the cards again.
    He looks up and half-smirks, "Yes, it has come to this."
    Another round of small chuckles, some of the people shaking their heads.
    He clears his throat again, looking at the cards. Then he looks closer again while adjusting his glasses. He shakes his head. "I was never good at speeches." He taps the cards together then sets them down. "So let's get the requirements out of the way."
    "I'd like to thank my family. Jonah. Bea. Jen. No matter how things were, whenever I set foot on the deck, I was always counting the days til I came back to you." He pointed at them, then he smiled a little.
    He looked out across the room, "And for the good men and women I served with. The people that fought at my side. The souls that I had... occasion to meet and learn from over these..."
    He stops for a moment, smiling a little. "These thirty some years. It's been. An honor." His voice tightens. His brow furrows firmly, expression almost looking angry, but more... controlled.
    "I look out across the room and I see the faces of people who have... endured so much. Lost more. And who kept on fighting. I see people from across so many backgrounds. Who faced the worst that mankind can experience. And overcame it. And I am honored. To see you here today. That this life of mine, can in some small way be a touchstone. Between us."
    At that last his voice tightens a little more. Then his features twist as he lifts a hand and gestures to the side. "In any case!" His smile comes back a little. He takes a deep breath.
    Then somberly he lifts a glass upward and he says, "To those who could not be here with us tonight."
    A shout from one of the side tables, "Hear hear."
    The toast is taken... and the gathering drinks.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
In her position, the naval ensign that Natasha is goes to hold the tray up in a 'hear hear' at the point for applause and ovation, before raipdly moving to dart about for those that don't have drinks and are taking refills and refreshments and sending back finished glasses to the kitchen. She's ona bit more of an alert now.
    not because she expects something, but it's always the best time to strike when everyone's attention is devoted to one place and staying still. On the speaker. So she expects no trouble. But she knows just when she'd time her own hit.

Zinda Blake has posed:
Zinda Blake smiles warmly to Monica, then. "Honey, if you're in R&D then you're a pilot's best friend." she drawls. When Monica snags a glass of champagne, Zinda does likewise. Although there's a slight nose-wrinkle at the sight of the bubbles.

Leaning in a little closer, she offers in a conspiratorial voice. "We'll send out a recon patrol later...." Then the speech starts up and she pays attention, even laughing at the jokes.

When the toast is offered, Zinda grows uncharacteristically somber. She lifts her glass along with the others. "To absent friends, and to those on the wing." The champagne disappears with a smooth gulp.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana reaches her right hand over to lightly paress it to Zatanna's left forearm. She offers the woman a reassuring smile. "We will fix whatever problems linger from all of this wretchedness that has continuously threatened our interests. We will fix all of it." She says with a steadfast confidence to her words, ever present within this woman, so it seems. When the Admiral starts his speech, Diana shifts her stare upward to him. The joke with the note has her smiling widely at it, and affording a glance to the culprit behind it at the Admiral's table. It is good to see some light hearted moments like that. She returns her stare to the Admiral then, and just quietly observes him as he speaks. She's in the process of raising her cup up to her red ruby lips when the speech does come to an end though, which causes her to pause before she raises her glass up at the sentiment shared at the end.

It is there-after that the Princess takes another sip of her drink before she draws in a light breath, feeling a measure of hope that this is indeed the capstone on the Starport's problems for the foreseeable future.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna briefly covers Diana's hand, nodding several times in quick succession at her confident words, and whispers. "That we will. That we will."

The magician's lilting laughter joins the others in the audience at the family prank played on the Rear-Admiral. His aura of command shines through the emotion he keeps at bay, she can feel him capture the room.

Swallowing back the tightness in her throat, Zatanna raises her glass with a proud smile for the newly minted Rear-Admiral and drinks the toast to the departed. She nearly misses Agent Chang's response and tilts her head and arches an eyebrow at the agent's smirking response, "Judicious. I thought as much."

Monica Chang has posed:
When the Admiral gets his moment, Monica was all ears. She laughed when appropriate and felt a tinge of something seeing the look shared between Husband and Wife. Then that smile to his son. And she found her own gaze dropping to the floor a moment as she dealt with some sort of emotions she had never expected which warmed the shadowy corners of her dark little heart.

Then the speech continued and she forced her gaze back up. The toast had her raising her flute of champagne and repeating his words then taking a sip. And an eyebrow arching as Zinda finished off her entire drink in one go. Then she glances to Zatanna, having delivered that quick response of 'she definitely was' with a hint of a smirk. But without saying too much as she didn't want to blow Nat's cover.

Thor has posed:
    With the speech done, the Admiral steps down, giving a few nods and shaking hands. A procession of officers starts to get set up along the stairway up to the stage, each standing in line to shake the hand of the man retiring tonight. There are smiling faces in abundance, and some more shots are taken for various news outlets.
    The rest of the room eases back into the natural rhythm of people mingilng and chatting while others are taking their chance to make a second run at the buffet and the prime rib that had tasted rather wonderful.
    One of the other servers steps up to Natasha and says, "Hey, if you want to take off early, I can cover. These things usually linger on and on and on..." He grimaces slightly as he looks across the room, clearly not looking forward to it.
    Yet around the Princess and her companions, other individuals are lingering and officers looking on. None quite with the courage yet or finding the _right_ opportunity to make the approach.