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Latest revision as of 04:48, 28 August 2023

A Delivery from Amazon
Date of Scene: 28 August 2023
Location: Main Room - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Donna has new toys. Mark has a troubled friend. Irie as a university to select. Yar has popcorn. Wally has cursing on his mind. Worst of all, Jinx has been visited by the spirit of Scooby Doo.
Cast of Characters: Donna Troy, Mark Grayson, Yaretzi Acama, Irie West, Jinx, Wally West

Donna Troy has posed:
    It's a pleasant day and sunshine streams in through the giant floor-to-ceiling windows that cover most of two sides of the Titan's Tower main room. It's a tribute to the engineering capabilities of STAR Labs that the giant monitor that fills a significant proportion of the wall space that isn't window remains relatively viewable; though the STAR Labs engineers are more famed for other creations, they make some really good anti-glare screen coatings.

    Although there are many Titans out enjoying the sunshine, or perhaps fighting crime in the sunshine, it's rare the the Main Room is ever empty. People come and go throughout the day and night, if only because fighting crime in the sunshine is thirsty work (and at any time is hungry work) and the kitchen area is always magnificently well-stocked. It's a great place to catch up on a little work too, or to play games on that giant monitor, or just to hang out and meet up with a few fellow team-mates.

    It can sometimes be a little hard to keep track of all the coming and going. With staircases leading up to the dorm rooms and the roof beyond, and the elevators (one with an actual working elevator, one an empty shaft for the use of flyers and other defiers of gravity, people can come and go from all directions.

    It is via the aforementioned empty elevator shaft that Donna puts in her appearance, drifting up and out into the room before landing gently on the floor and walking towards the kitchen area. She comes carrying a huge wooden crate, which she places on the top of the breakfast bar before washing her hands.

Mark Grayson has posed:
After visiting a close friend of his, Mark's worries were not assauged, instead, if anything, he feels more concerned. Not really having anyone else to talk to about it, he decided to make his way to the Titans Tower, hoping to find someone that could do some five cent psychology for him.

He steps off the elevator in the black, yellow and blue of his costume, the goggles pulled over his eyes to mask his identity as he looks around. "Hello, anyone about?" he asks, before noticing Donna as he had come in shortly after her. "Hey!" he greets.

"Need any help?" comes the question as he angles towards the kitchen, before he realizes. "Oh right, I'm Invincible."

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Golden Eagle steps off the elevator with Invincible, having bumped into as they both arrived. She lifts a hand, waggling her fingers in greeting as she offers, "Hi!", just after he's offer his own greeting. She's not even walking; she floating along as if a state of flight is just that second-nature to her -- and she does float along towards the kitchen, as well. "...and I'm Golden Eagle", she says to Donna.

Irie West has posed:
    Irie has been sitting at the island, doing some prep work for her SATs. She //could// be doing this in her room, but the main room gets all the sunshine and even though she isn't solar powered, she //does// feel more energized when studying in a sunbeam. She's wearing jean shorts with flip-flops, and a spaghetti-strap white top, with her bright red hair done up in pigtails.

    She looks up when Donna sets down the crate and gives her a big grin, "Hey, Donna! What's in the crate? Themysciran wine? Should we even have wine here? A lot of us are under age. I mean, not by Themysciran standards I'd imagine, but serving alcohol to minors wouldn't look good in the news."

    Then Mark and Golden Eagle gets her attention. "Hi!" she says brightly to them. "I'm Irie! Kid Flash when I've got the costume on. The Flash is my father. Well. One of The Flashs. Wally. Wally is my dad. It's good to see new faces!"

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna looks around curiously at the people who are assembled, a light smile on her lips. "Careful," she warns Mark teasingly. "There's only so many times you can say that before everyone wants to test it out." She gives Yar a nod too. "Guys? I know you're new, and it might feel a little bit intimidating what with all the people to meet and so on. And maybe when it comes to me, Nightwing, Raven, Caitlin and the others who've been here since day one you're expecting us to think you're all newbies and not worth remembering. Doesn't work like that."

    She finished washing her hands, dries them off on a hand towel and opens the fridge to peer inside. "Drinks, anyone? It's a warm day, pays to keep hydrated." She looks back up from the fridge with a bottle of Mexican Coke in her hand. "We've got Mexican Cola. It's the best. Or fruit juice, mineral water, snacky shakes. Irie, drinking age laws are dumb." Yes, that's the Themysciran in her talking, there's no minimum age law on Themyscira. Why would there be? There have only ever been three underage people there.

    "Anyway, yes Golden Eagle and Invincible, I haven't forgotten you. Titans isn't just a team, it's a family. Just 'cos you guys are new doesn't mean you're not part of the family."

    Donna gives Irie's hair a quick scruffing, and nods her head. "We have wine here because I drink wine. There are those of us who are old enough to do so, you know! And yes, there's some wine in there, along with a few other things. It's a care package from Themyscira that I just picked up from the Embassy."

Jinx has posed:
The aforementioned empty elevator shaft is not where Jinx emerges from. It's the other one, the one that's not empty and does a lovely DING sound before the doors slide open. Jinx is stripped down to shorts and a workout bra, boots and carrying a big cardboard box.

Her head is turned away from it because every time she turns it back to it she lets out a distress 'errlk' noise. The smell is very unpleasant. It's the kind of smell that clings to the clothing in the box rather than wafts about the room though.

She puts it down in the corridor and then pauses by a large mirror and checks her head. "Fuck..." One of those 'rotations' is taking place. Jinx coming in from the sunny day looking like she just faced down a nasty ghost but lived to tell the tail.

Awkwardly she extracts a long twig from her hair and sighs in dismay, tossing it in to the box too. "Never again," she mutters loud enough for everyone to hear.

Mark Grayson has posed:
"Oh, everyone wants to try it out at some point..." Invincible starts to admit and smirks. "I'm surprised Eagle here hasn't tried to punch me yet." That said in a light tease, before the braincells connect and he realizes. "Wait, you're Troia, right! Man, I wrote a research paper on Amazonians in high school. I think my teacher gave me a pity D because she was pretty scathing in her grading on it..."

Things Mark should probably not admit to.

A wave is sent to Irie. "Hi Irie, Kid Flash... oh neat! My dad was a superhero, back in the early 2000s. Went by Omni-Man?" He's pretty sure that noone has probably heard of him. But it also does clue those that do know that Invincible is at least part alien as well.

"I was hoping to find someone to talk to about a friend of mine..." And then Jinx interrupts, and his lips twist in concern. "Are you alright?"

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
"Oooh! I'll have a mexicola, please!", Golden Eagle says to Donna in reply to the offered drink choices. She then grins at what Invincible says, and lightly thumps him in the arm when he talks about her not punching him, yet. "... also, his moniker is literally 'Invincible', so I bet he already gets people trying to test it out. I've seen him in action... and I actually gotta say it fits him pretty well", she then says, mostly to Donna, but not really leaving anyone out of it.

She lifts one hand to waggle fingers at Jinx, offering a cheerful, "Hi again, Jinx!", to the pink-haired girl. She also floats over towards Irie and offers a hand. "Nice to meet you. I guess I should call you Irie instead of Kid Flash, 'cause you're not in costume?", she wonders.

Irie West has posed:
    "I'd like some lemonade, please!" Irie chirps. "If I have any caffeine right now I won't be able to sit still long enough to do any studying." She looks down at her books and notepad (which has about as many doodles as it has notes). "I'm also trying to decide which universities to try to go for. I'm gonna go into theoretical physics so I can study the Speed Force, and right now I've got MIT, Empire State, and Met U as candidates. Distance... really isn't an issue for me." She looks up. "Any suggestions?"

    When it's mentioned that they're a family, Irie nods enthusiastically. "Yeah! When I came here from the future, I didn't really know anybody because my Dad hadn't had me yet, and Donna and the Titans adopted me from day one! It was pretty neat! This has become my home away from home, and if I ever get the chance to get back to the future the quick way, I'd have a hard choice to make as to whether or not I'd want to stay or go."

    "Hey, Jinx!" she calls out when the pink-haired girl comes into the main room. "What's in the box? Secret magic stuff?"

    "Yeah," She says to Golden Eagle, taking her head. "I don't really have a secret identity. I tried, but I'm too much of a blabbermouth to really succeed at it. But yeah! When I'm on duty, it's Kid Flash, fastest girl alive!"

Donna Troy has posed:
    "That's right," Donna says to Mark with a wide smile. "People usually call me Donna here because that's the name I pretended to have when I first came to America. Troia is actually my real name, not my codename. People in America get very confused if you tell them you only have one name though, hence Donna Troy. I'm happy to answer to either Donna or Troia."

    Donna tosses the cola to Golden Eagle with a grin. "Good choice!" she says, while fetching another for herself, and a lemonade for Irie. After a glance at Jinx and a few moment's thought, she returns to the fridge to fetch a beer for Jinx, offering it silently to the sorceress. Other people have asked her what's going on, no need to add to the chorus.

    "When I went back to Themyscira for a few years, Mexican Cola was one of the things I missed most about America. That, the Internet, and cartoons. I've installed a satellite Internet receiver in Themyscira now, though I kiiinda went behind my mom's back doing that and she hasn't forgiven me yet. Though she also hasn't told me to remove it, so that counts as a win."

    "High School?" Donna says to Mark curiously. "That can't have been too long after Diana revealed the existence of Themyscira to the world then. There was not a whole lot of accurate information for you to go on. Easier now, what with the Embassy and Themysciran arts center to work with. Have you ever been to the Arts Center? You should go. I'll take anyone who would like to go later. In the meanwhile, here's a little bit of Themysciran culture right here. " She raps her knuckles on the lid of the wooden crate, then tears the lid off. Inside it's filled with straw padding and what's clearly a curious assortment of oddities. Only /part/ of the crate is filled with wine bottles.

Jinx has posed:
"Apparently if you start trying to turn your life around people who feared you begin calling in favors. Favors that were never meant to be called in because of said previously mentioned fear." Jinx throws up her arms in response to Mark's question. "No everything is not alright."

She huffs at Irie's question next, "Secret.. magi... NO. My cover-alls. Ruined!" This engages rant mode, "Do you know what's worse than going to a haunted community library because you owe a school teacher a favor to exorcise a ghost? HUh? Do you?" Finger pointing is happening.

"Having there turn out to be NO ghost at all, just some fuck head in a ghost suit rigging the place up like bloody Home Alone to scare away students and teachers and the public. Just so he can purchase up the property cheap to build a shit hole slum and be a shit hole slum lord."

"The fucker was literally named Jenkins. And he was old. And the WORST part? it was the kids that begged their teacher. He would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for those damn kids." Fingers go to her temples as she groans and spies the assortment of beverages. She goes straight for the wine only to be shocked when Donna hands her a cold beer out of no where.

The smell of the clothing she has abandoned in the box makes more sense now. How the smell clings to it instead of stinking up the whole room. It's skunk spray. Her foul mood can be put down to a greedy man named Jenkins attacking her in a crumbling old library and spraying her with bottled skunk spray.

She lifts up a finger defensively between herself and Donna because these small gestures of kindness get her right to the bone. She knows Donna knows. "Don't you dare go 'aww' and say you're proud of me for going ghost busting to help out under privileged youths!" She is not ready to think of herself as 'doing good' so much as today was 'settling a debt'.

Mark Grayson has posed:
"I only graduated a couple of years ago." Mark admits when Donna brings up the fact that it couldn't have been that long ago. "Though, I admit, I've kinda admired superheroes since I was a kid." And now he's here, being one. Eagle gets a nudge of his shoulder against her in return. "What's a Mexicola?" he asks curiously, before adding, "She's a lot better at all of this stuff than I am." he relents, before his attention is drawn to Irie. "I go to college, but I'm more a General Studies type..."

And before he can say more, Jinx's story is relayed and Invincible is just standing there, in slacked-jawwed confusion...

...before he outright guffaws at it all.

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
"Wow... you're from the future?", Golden Eagle says, her feet finally touching the floor as she replies to Irie. "That's... wow... I don't even know -what- to say about that...", she adds, putting her hands on her hips. "Me, I'm a legacy hero, I guess? The former Golden Eagle passed the powers down to me. I've been trying to live up to them, be worth having them."

The soda tossed her way gets caught out of the air, and she wraps a forefinger around the cap and pulls it off without the need for a bottle opener. She's ready for the little fizz-eruption that results, bringing the bottle to her lips to save any of it from spilling -- as if she's used to doing just that. She then, mouth still too full of soda-stuff to speak her reply, holds up her bottle of Mexican cola at Mark, as if in reply to his question.

After she's prevented the sinful spill of cola, and cleared her mouth of what was in it, she looks over at Jinx. "You got caught up in a Scooby-doo thing?", she asks, as her feet come up off the floor and she floats over... close enough to catch just a hint-whiff of what's going on in Jinx's box. "Oh, wow... do we got tomato juice in the cupboards?", she then questions. "Tomato juice *does* work on skunk smell, right?"

Irie West has posed:
    "The Themysciran Arts Center is really cool," Irie says enthusiastically. "They've got kangas, and you can take riding lessons! They're very bouncy, but a lot of fun to ride. And the cafeteria has authentic Themysciran cuisine! It's so good."

    Irie blinks at Jinx and guesses as to what could be worse. "Getting too hot in bed at night so you end up tossing and turning and you end up giving yourself a mega wedgie?" When the answer turns out to *not* be that she says a quiet, "Oh."

    Her eyes flick to Donna questioningly. "Um. Jinx is swearing a lot. Where's the swear jar?"

    "Yeah!" she chirps at Golden Eagle. "Speed Force shenanigans. It's not as fun as you'd think. There are //so// many things I have to not say around people to make sure that the timeline doesn't stray too far off the right path. It gets hard, sometimes."

Donna Troy has posed:
    "I'm proud of all the Titans," Donna replies to Jinx mildly. "But I was offering you beer, not praise. And please can you dispose of those," she gestures in the direction of Jinx's bag. "It smells bad. Put in an expense claim if they're ruined. Unless you want to try Golden Eagle's Tomato Juice trick."

    Donna returns to the fridge for another Mexican Coke, which she tosses to Mark. "Mexicola. Mexicoke. Mexican Cola. They use actual cane sugar rather than high-fructose corn syrup. Way nicer," she explains.

    Discussion of Scooby Doo, Donna's not going to touch. When you've been a Titan for a while, you're no longer surprised by such things. Also Scooby Doo is a bit of a sore point for Donna because when the Titans were relatively new and getting famous they made an animated appearance in one of the various reboots, and Donna hated the way she was drawn.

    "Don't look at me to enforce the swear jar rules," Donna says to Irie. "While Cait's not around to know better, I really don't care. Honestly I'm half convinced the only reason Cait learned Themysciran was so she would know when I'm swearing." She grins a little and dips a hand into the crate, pulling out a neatly wrapped bundle of arrows. "Oh, and Met U. We've had a few Titans attend there, including me. In fact I think I was the first publicly known cape to attend. They're kind of used to powered types there by now."

Jinx has posed:
Jinx glowers at Mark's response to her story of dismay. "Laugh it up and we'll see just how Vincible you can get." Thankfully there's a cold beer in her hand. She opens it and takes a long quaff. She looks around and spies her laptop sitting on the coffee table.

Taking a seat cross legged she opens it back up. It immediately resumes playing the music it was playing earlier when most of the Titans were well asleep. ~ And I know it's gunna be.. a lovely day, lovely day, lovely day, lovely day ~

Jinx scoffs at her laptop, "Betrayer!" She fiddles around with it until she finds the music app and shuts it off. Then she opens up the email program and begins two finger writing a ... pleasant ... email to one Sister Rosemary Bethany Forager of the Children's Blessed Mission School in Queens.

"It's ruined," she waggles a hand in Eagle's direction. In response then too to Donna's demands, "I shall be sending it through a portal to hell as payback for being double crossed by a elemental imp a few years ago." The ruined overalls do in fact have the name Caitlin Fairchild nicely calligraphy stitched across the top of the front pocket. There's been quite a few modifications made to them so that they fit a regular sized sorceress instead of a gangly giant Caitlin.

At the question of swearing she looks up from the laptop and stares daggers at Irie, "Fuck off with the fuckin' swear jar Irie. No one likes a tattle tale neither." Hard to imagine how Jinx could possibly be Irie's mother.

Mark Grayson has posed:
"Sorry, sorry... it is pretty funny though!" Mark has the good sense to stop laughing, or at least clear his throat so it's not /quite/ so pronounced. The mention of what Mexicola is gets a look of understanding from Mark as he sidles up to the breakfast. There's a few blinks at the languaging, but he doesn't seem to be terribly bothered by it all.

"On a more serious note, was hoping to get some advice..." he finally starts as he seems to have a good sample size to ask now. "I have a friend that I went to high school with, speaking of that. She had powers, well, for as far as she could remember. Anyway, after high school, she went overseas to do some things to try to help the Earth and all, right. Something happened there. Way bad. She doesn't talk about it, but I was able to find out that she was able to save a lot of people but couldn't save a lot as well. She came home and just kind of shut down. She's still a good friend, but she doesn't really talk about what happened and she kind of just..."

He waggles his hand back and forth in a helpless gesture. "I think she's giving up on being a hero. I'm trying to figure out if I should encourage her to get back on the saddle. Or... she seems happy with her life now. Has a place with a guy, I just. Part of me wants to leave well enough alone, right?"

Wally West has posed:

"Swear jar, front and center."

Wally slaps a swear jar in front of everybody. "Alrighty, pay up-" He calls to the offender, though he doesn't really know who it is. He turns to look at Irie. "Hey kiddo." He reaches to ruffle her red hair with a big smile on his face before he turns to look at Donna. "Heeeey Don! How's it going? Everybody behaving?" He sniffs audibly.

"Did someone make food and not invite me? Man, that hurts my feelings."

He turns to look at Mark. "The Big I! Invincible! Mr. Optimistic-Name!" He offers a fist to Mark for a dap. "How's it going my guy? Settling in okay? Haven't made yourself 'Vincible' right?"

He looks at Jinx, finger-waggling at her. "I feel like it's you." He gives a little wave to Golden Eagle. "Hey you! Golden Eagle right? Good to see you again."

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
"Oh... sorry", Golden Eagle says to Jinx as she floats back and away from the box of stinky outfit. "You're okay, right?", she then asks of Jinx, floating over to 'behind' where the laptop is -- so that she's not being rude and screen-peeking.

Looking over at Irie, she comments, "...sounds like being you's kinda complicated, with all the can't talk about the future stuff. ...and I thought *my* life was getting more complicated!"

She takes a drink from her bottle that doesn't involve catching fizz in an attempt to avoid spillage... then there's almost spillage, anyway, as she fights to not spit from laughter at Jinx's cursing... but Mark's words about his friend make the laughter fade away, probably being a big help against the spray-laugh that almost happened as she was facing Jinx and Jinx's laptop.

Then her eyes widen and she smiles brightly when Wally's greeting her. Lifting her free hand, she waggles fingers at him. "Hi, again! I don't think there's burgers here today, though... maybe we can do some popcorn up?"

Irie West has posed:
    Irie just sticks her tongue out at Jinx in a display of maturity. Feeling bold she looks surreptitiously left, then right, then flashes her the finger, blushing furiously at her own transgression.

    "That's... yeah. That's heavy," she says to Mark. "You can't force it, though. She has to process it in her own time. The best thing, really, is to let her know that you're there for her, that you've got her back regardless of what she decides to do with her future. If she's happy with where she's at, then be happy for her." "

    "Just because you have powers, it doesn't mean that you //have// to use them to be a hero," she explains. "There shouldn't be any kind of obligation that comes with them, though it seems that the world will tell you otherwise." She looks thoughtful as she twiddles with the pencil in her hand as she says, "When I was growing up with my dad, and we were getting our powers, he made it clear that he'd be just as proud of us if we decided to become, I dunno, nurses, or mechanics, or whatever. He wanted to make it clear that he wasn't pressuring us into being a superhero. That it was //our// choice to follow in his footsteps." She gets a goofy little grin and says, "But if you're dad is The Flash, how could you //not// follow in his footsteps?"

    If anything her bright mood turns even brighter when her dad appears. "Hey, Dad!" she says, grinning as her hair is ruffled even //more//. If this keeps on happening, the pigtails she's got it in will become completely undone.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna gives Wally one of her big smiles. "Just drinks right now, but I'm sure there's food in the fridge if you're hungry. Or..." snappoint at Yar. "Got a jar of popping corn in the cupboard directly above the popcorn maker. Feel free."

    Next out of the crate are a couple more bundles of arrows, a handful of metal discs with inlayed black star-shapes, a good number of bottles of Themysciran wines and spirits which get spread across the breakfast bar, and finally... a scabbarded sword. Donna greets it with a satisfied grin, and draws the sword, which glints brightly in the sunshine. She studies both sides of the blade carefully, then gives it a few practice swishes through the air.

    "It's a tough one, Invincible," Donna says sympathetically. "Learning that you can't save everyone is the hardest lesson any of us learn. There will be days for all of us where things just don't go right. Where you don't save everyone, and you may see things you'll wish for the rest of your life that you had never seen. There's no way of avoiding that. If after that experience she has decided she doesn't want anything to do with the life, then...." she gives a nod in Irie's direction. "Well, Irie's right. Nobody should feel pressured into being a hero because they've got powers. Being a hero is a choice, having powers generally isn't."

    "However if you think it would help your friend to have a more experienced hero to talk to, I'd be happy to try to help. Alternatively it might be a good idea to encourage her to see a psychiatrist. We can recommend a really good one who understands the unusual pressures the super community faces. Let me know and I'll make arrangements."

Jinx has posed:
Jinx takes a long drink from the beer can and huffs again. She shrugs her shoulders at Eagle's question, "Yeah. I guess. Just angry." At which point the swear jar is threatened her way. She lifts up her middle finger to Wally as she relaxes back in to the couch seat. Then presenting her other hand from behind her head reveals a second middle finger.

"I say leave your friend alone Invincible. Quit while she's ahead. Alive that is. Eventually she'll come across some fuckwit like Mammoth and then it'll be all over. Smoosh. Believe me that guy is too dumb to tell the difference between a friend and a foe."

"There's only one pure reason to do hero work." She hits send on the email and then shuts her laptop back down. "Revenge. Pure unadulterated brimming with fury vengeance against a shadowy mind controlling cult bent on world domination."

Overly specific and yet to truly discover the simple pleasure of helping other people. Though if anyone did catch the email it simply read:

    Dear Sister Forager,

        It was my pleasure to help you and the kids out today. We're lucky it was just a greedy slum lord who wanted to expand his real estate empire and not an actual ghost. I'll be back around tomorrow to help clean up the mess. Hopefully the kids will have a place to learn by end of week. Also, I'm glad the leg wound isn't too bad.

    Sincerely, Jinx.

Jinx is not as one dimensional as she likes to pretend she is - it's an act to keep people away from getting to know her. Classic orphan behaviour really. So is helping out other orphans who have it rough.

Her eyes go to the sword as it's drawn, "Ah. Let's see how long it takes before you dent this one on a demon." An epic smirk as she rises up and crumples the can, then tosses it to the bin, "Kobe!" .. it hits the wall and bounces off missing the bin entirely. "I said KOBE.." Pink energy surrounds her hand as she thrusts it out and captures the rolling can with magic, lifts it up, and dunks it in the bin.

Mark Grayson has posed:
"Yeah, I don't want to pressure her to return. I just remember when we hero'd together and were both on the same team. She was so happy to be using her powers to help people. I just want to make sure this is what she wants." Mark lets it go at that, and daps Wally's fist as he comes by. "It's been tried a couple of times, but yeah, I'm still bullet proof, last I checked."

He nods as he takes in the advice of the others. "When I see her again next, I'll ask." he says by way of Donna's suggestion. "But again, she may just wanting to be normal. I mean, my dad had to learn to live without his powers. I figured at some point, I may lose my own. Or maybe not, since I'm part human... but thank you all for the advice."

He watches Donna unpack the goodies with rapt attention, intrigued by the items that she's bringing out. "I was brought up more as a brawler than someone who uses weapons. It's a Viltrumite thing, I think?"

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Golden Eagle smiles when she's told where the popcorn is at, and rises up farther off the floor to flit past over everyone's heads towards the kitchen area. Setting her bottle of cola down on the counter, she turns to watch the sword be swung around -- then reaches for the cupboard, pulling out a bin of popcorn and a packet of oil and salt to put into the popper's hopper. "Uhm... I've never made popcorn using one of these... do I just turn it on and dump stuff in there? Is there a measuring cup so I put the right amount of popcorn in?", asks, turning to Donna to aim the query her way -- she's closest, after all.

Wally West has posed:
"Come on, you /know/ I'm always hungry." Wally daps Donna lightly on the shoulder (even if he did it hard, it probably wouldn't hurt her unless he was doing it at his faster speeds). "Popping corn....HMMMMM! So many decisions." Instead, Wally seems to blur over to the fridge, pulling out some hot dogs that are quickly thrown into the microwave. "Gotta keep up the calories 'fore I slow down. Gotta keep the engine running, you know?" He pats his stomach.

Lots of metabolism in that bad boy.

"They're all right though, Invincible. Powers are a gift and people have the right to use them...or not." Wally suggests then. "You know, jsut to add my voice to the choir." He seems very approving that Mark returned his dap though! "Heck yeah you are man." On being bulletproof. "One thing I wish I was: bulletproof. Thankfully, the bullets are travelling so slow that they could literally mail it to me."

He shrugs.

"But being bulletproof would help a /lot/ in case I like...slip or something."

But vibrating at high speeds makes him technically intangible, sooooo could just do that?

He turns his eyes towards Jinx, his eyes narrowing at her. "LANGUAGE!"

Irie West has posed:
    Irie looks thoughtfully at the scribbles in her notebook again. "Hey, Dad," she says. "If I go to Met U, you want to take some courses with me? I heard you want to go back to school, and I figure..." she shrugs. "It could be a bonding moment, yeah?"

    She sighs at her father, though. "She isn't gonna stop. She called me a narc 'cause I pointed her to the Swear Jar."

Donna Troy has posed:
    "Turn it on, leave it to heat for four minutes then add a quarter cup of oil, one cup of kernels, salt to taste," Donna reels off to Yar. Popcorn-making is a necessary life-skill if you're a Titan.

    Mark's issue the pressing one though. Popcorn is easy, people are hard. Donna gives him a nod. "Nobody can really know what's right for her apart from her. But she may need some help figuring it out. The important thing is to be there for her, and don't judge. There's nothing wrong with being normal."

    Donna gives a few more swishes of the sword before sliding it back into the scabbard. "Weapons take more training than brawling," she says. "At least if you want to be able to use them safely. Most heroes stick to fists because they don't want to risk causing major injuries, but I never thought that made a whole lot of sense. If you're super strong, you've got to be really careful how hard you punch people, too. I'm happy to give weapons training to anyone who wants it. Saying that you probably don't want to think about going armed into combat until you really know what you're doing, but the discipline you learn is useful when you're unarmed too."

    Jinx gets a smirk from the Amazon. Jinx knows exactly why Donna's got herself a new sword. "Worth it," she responds. Demon for sword is a decent trade.

    There is however no response to Jinx's claims of hero work being about revenge. Unless that's part of the reason for the smirk, of course. Donna's mostly giving Jinx room to breath rather than trying to push it though. She figures Jinx is on the path to coming good, but maybe it's best not to tell /her/ that.

    Donna gestures towards the microwave, where Wally's awaiting the ping that will indicate his hot dogs are ready. "That's why the kitchen here is so full," she explains to Yar and Mark with a smirk. "Speedsters. They eat so much. All that running around does strange things to their metabolisms, and they need a whole lot of calories. You should see how much ice cream Irie can get through in a single sitting. There are times when we've been to an ice cream place and I've seen the staff shaking with shock and awe when we're on the way out."

Jinx has posed:
"Snitches get Itches Irie," Jinx says as a rather menacing threat. Magic. Curses. Itches is probably far worse than stitches. Still standing, she turns around and picks up the box, "Aww nrrrglk." Quickly she turns her head away from it again.

"You know you're speaking English Wally and I'm from England so I can tell you definitively, fuck is part of the fuckin' language. NOW, time to send this fucker to hell." The ritual for that is -extremely- easy. You put it where Raven is going to walk, she sees it, eyes go wide, then she portals it away to _somewhere_. Presumably hell. BEST garbage disposal system ever.

These thoughts, this knowledge, brings a small little munchkin like giggle from her. The 'i'm up to no good' sort of giggle as she heads down the corridor. "I'd say save some popcorn for me but that's not how this place works with speedsters," she calls back.

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Golden Eagle pouts in a way that shows she's not used to using this sort of popcorn popper. "I always do popcorn on the stove...", she says, quietly, as if speaking aloud to herself. She looks the theater-style machine over, then reads the packet of salt and oil... and ends up just following the directions written on that, even pulling a measuring cup from where it hangs under the cupboard to measure how much actual popcorn she's putting into the popper. When she's done with that, she turns and floats to the sink, rinsing and drying the measuring cup off before re-hanging it... then picks up the now-empty and looks around til she finds the trashcan. Y'know, the 'new girl figuring out where things are in the kitchen' thing.

The process of all this is enough distraction that she's fallen out of the conversation, just a bit... but not so much that she's not listening and paying attention. At Jinx's words, she hesitates, then reaches for the measuring cup and sets it down next to the popper, next to the tub of popcorn that hadn't yet been put away. She even pulls out another packet of oil and salt, placing it at the ready. With that done, she starts poking into cupboards... looking for bowls to serve the popcorn into.

Wally West has posed:
"How you doing, kid?" Wally smiles at Irie. "Well-" That's a big ask! Though Wally is partially like...trying not to destroy the space-time continuum, he also loves Irie with all of his heart and soul. "Well, sure Irie. I'm more than okay with that. Besides, you and I are way overdue for some bonding. Can take some college, punch bad guys in-between homework hours?" He asks her with a smirk, though he looks at Jinx.

And he sticks his tongue out at her. "YOU HAVE TO HONOR THE SWEAR JAR!"

Yes, Wally yells, but it's good natured. Probably. Maybe. Totally. Though he turns to look at Donna wit ha smile as he hops on the ball of his feet. "C'mooooon Donna, you know you wanna give me the hot dogs." He whispers to her as he waits for the microwave to 'ding!' in completion of the cooking process. He then turns his attention to Jinx.

"Cursing is part of *every* language! C'mon, the little one has /ears/." He covers Irie's ears.

He turns to look at Golden Eagle and he starts humming. "You know, you guys keep talking about it and it's making me /seriously/ crave popcorn. Hey, wanna make me some too? We could totally share!" He offers, though he looks back at the microwave, his eyes practically widening in the anticipation of devouring hot dogs.

Hoooot Dooooogs.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna looks at Wally with a shake of the head and a familiar laugh. Wally's antics have always amused her. "Fetch your own hot dogs, it'll take me at least a couple of seconds after the oven pings and I wouldn't want you to starve!" she tells him with a grin. "Also Irie's not that little, Wally. I'm gonna bet she knows a few choice ones by now that even you don't know. School is good for learning, right?" Donna give Irie a wink.

    "Bowls in the cupboard two along," Donna says to Yar. There's a nice stack of large bowls ideal for popcorn. "And good plan, yeah. Don't put it away, because Irie and Wally will get through the first batch before the rest of us have had a chance to smell it."

    While she's talking, she rests the lid of the crate against the side of the crate, and picks up one of the strange metal discs with black enable stars embossed into them. She steps over to the other side of the room, pushes down on the black star shape to pop it out from the disk, and flings it at the crate lid. The star embeds into it. "Not bad," Donna says with a voice of satisfaction. She flicks another disk -- this time the whole disk, embossed star and all, towards the fridge. It hits the metal of the door with a clunk and sticks there. "Perfect. Trackers, magnetic or pointy. New toys are always fun."

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Golden Eagle finds and pulls out a few popcorn bowls, helped along by Donna's words, setting them on the counter next to the popcorn popper. "I was planning on sharing to begin with", she says with a smile at Wally. "...and I'm all set to make plenty, in case your high metabolism needs as much more as it sounds like it might!", she adds. She then says, in a sort of stage whisper, "...at least she's not cursing in, like, Japanese or Spanish! The cursing sounds *way* harsher in those languages, I've always thought... though at least I can understand it when someone's cursing in Spanish...", to Wally.

She watches the testing of the 'new toys', clearly curious about it, but doesn't ask about them or anything.

Wally West has posed:
Wally lets out a long, exasperated sigh when Donna tells him to fetch his own hot dogs. "One day, Donna. One day I won't have to fetch my own hot dogs. It won't happen because I'm dirt poor BUT MARK MY WORDS!" He flashes her a brilliant, warm smile. Though when told that Irie's not that little anymore, Wally huffs and scuffs his toe on the floor. "I knooow but that doesn't mean I'm gonna be happy about the cursing..." Wally shakes his head softly. "Yeah. I think we'll both get some good bonding in! I just have to time it now so I'm not too late for the school year and take enough classes to make progress but not so much that it debilitates me being the Flash."

Because the Flash is /needed/.

He blurs in movement though as he collects his hot dog and once it enters his mouth? He's practically jumping in the air. Cue freeze frame! "It's so goooood!"

Then he looks at Golden Eagle. "You're my favorite person. One of my favorite people. Don, Irie, and Cait have you beat. But keep sharing popcorn and I'm gonna have to reconfigure the rankings!" Wally smiles at GE, though she makes a good point...what if Irie is cursing in a different language thath e doesn't speak?!

"I only speak French and English! Oh man, I'm gonna have to study up. I'll be right back!"

And as they eat and make merry, Wally is rushing to google translate a bunch of curse words from different mainstream languages in case Irie pulls a fast one. Ah, fathers.