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Latest revision as of 11:43, 14 November 2023

The Walls Come Down
Date of Scene: 13 November 2023
Location: Philadelphia Experimental Correctional Facility.
Synopsis: After Sivana escaped the experimental facility, the heroes were able to stop the villains at the facility. But what nefarious plans does Dr. Sivana have for our heroes? Stay tuned!
Cast of Characters: Billy Batson, Mary Bromfield, Audra Meridian, Yaretzi Acama, Michael Hannigan, Megan Gwynn

Billy Batson has posed:
When did it go South? How did it go South? The Philadelphia Experimental Correctional Facility is in the midst of a riot. Nullifiers were turned off. Cells opened. Armories, workshops, and medical bays were looted to replace flavored gadgets. Most of the staff had no idea this was happening until it was too late.

Police from Philadelphia responded quickly. A cordon was thrown around the prison before various energy beams and weapons fire forced them to back off. There was a cheer when Shazam, once hometown hero arrived in a sonic boom and tore through the smoke of numerous fires and swooped into the yard.

There was no word yet on Shazam or any progress he might have made.

A knot of brawny brawlers, the Wrecking Crew, Blockbuster, Mammoth, and Mr. Hyde are piling on a lone figure, figure and beating him brutally. Mr. Hyde throws a savage punch and it is grabbed , stopped cold. Knuckle crack, literally and Hyde is suddenly electrified and thrown back. Lightning from the sky hits the dogpile and they are scattered. Shazam rises to his feet, his mouth bloodied but his vision clear. Villains begin to inch back. "Seriously, you guys could learn something from the Burke Brothers?"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
The Wrecking Crew pull themselves together after being blown up by the lightning, looking to get back to piling on Shazam when there's a sharp feminine whistle from behind them. "Hey boys."

The Crew turns, to see Thunderbolt hovering slightly off the ground, "I have good news and bad news for you. Good news, if you go back to your cells I'll put in a good word for you with the parole board."

The Wrecker, however, interrupts her with his telltale crowbar, knocking her back through the wall, "WE AIN'T INTERESTED IN YOUR PITY, MISSY. Come on, let's get out of here while the Big Cheese is distracted!"

Suddenly, from the wall comes the crackle of lightning, as Mary pulls herself out of the hole, eyes narrowed, "Bad news for you, Wrecker. My brother is the /nice/ one." And with that, she flies in and gives Wrecker a proper SHORYUKEN that sends him flying off. Then she turns on the rest of the Crew and it's on like Donkey Kong.

Audra Meridian has posed:
Not everyone has the advantage of supersonic speed, but when she's got an open sky Windrose can get going fast enough to make it in short order when word got out that a prison break was going on. Which was crazy. This was suppose to be the prison for the crooks that weren't super powerful or crazy and had better options for being rehabilitated, so what was going on?

But that was a question they could look into later. As soon as she comes cruising into the site Windrose sees that there is already a massive brawl going on in the yard. She sighs. "Going to have to go through that to get inside," she laments. But then brightens when she sees the familiar hero family already throwing down with some of the big guys. And spots another burly guy making his way across the field towards some of the guards trying to restore order after having raided the athletic facilities. He's got one of those tetherballs off a pole and is swinging it around by the rope like a mace to build up momentum before heaving it at the guards.

Which is when Windrose drops down in front of the guards and throws up her arms, releasing a blast of wind from her gauntlets to intercept the tetherball and sending it hurtling back to wrap around Sportsmaster instead and end by smacking the ball into his gut and bowling him over.

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
The breakout makes the news fast, as is to be expected. When Yaretzi catches it, she hurriedly makes her way to someplace secluded, where she hopes no one will see her transformation, and calls out "Cuatli!". In a haze of smoky stuff that appears, she's lost from view for a moment, leaving Golden Eagle in her place when the haze is gone. That done, she flies up into the air and makes her way, fast as she can, to where she needs to be -- helpfully guided by the occasional bolt of lightning that falls from the sky.

On her way there, she sees someone flying through the air, decidedly not of their own accord. She catches The Wrecker out of the air and flies the unconscious villain back towards the prison. Dropping him on the ground as she lands, she sees two guards helping a third, wounded, guard out of the area... and interposes herself as Unnamed Crowbar-wielding Bad Guy #47 chases after them. She makes short work of the poor guy, tossing the crowbar aside.

"Anyone got a plan on how to handle this, or are we just bashing bad guys until they're all unconscious?", she calls out towards the Caped Marvels close to whom she's landed.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Phantasm eventually got the call for help. After taking an *ahem* short cut, the Phantasm's entrance is a lot less noticeable. There's no sonic boom nor visual effects to announce his arrival. Just an itty bitty raven appearing in the night sky and soon flying into the facility.

There's plenty of places to which the bird could go but the avian creature seems to have taken a point to go room to room, bypassing the more peaceful areas.

There's no battle, or anything of that nature but soon off to the area police have marked off to be a safe place to cordon off, a rather startled Medical staffer from the prison's medical ward suddenly appears.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam catching Thunderball's wrecking ball, and slams it into the crook's face. "I'm not that much niocer, sis. Ask Juggernaut -if you can get the truth outta hi..." He gets slammed by Bulldozer but hardly moves. He throws the man into a wall. Suddenly, Thunderbolt feels it as well, a portal has formed... to the Rock. Aside from their friends and family, one other person knew about those.

Thaddeus Bodog Sivana.

Shazam lifts into the air and is gone tearing through a barred window in the blink of an eye. Michael the black bird may see it with his special gifts, a bald and strangely twisted man laughing and stepping through a door, to someplace else, a vault of stone and strange statues, bearing a potted plant of all things.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Thunderbolt frowns as she senses the portal open, but decides to stay behind to keep the villains occupied so Shazam can deal with whatever shenanigans Sivana is up to. She tries not to worry about it too much, as she gives Piledriver a piledriver of her own, knocking him flat. Then she's deep into the fray as Mr. Hyde and Blockbuster try to take their best shots, which... well, it doesn't do much to her other than keep her occupied.

Which might just be the goal in the first place, as she looks over at Golden Eagle, "Oh, hi! Um, well, I think trying to contain these guys until we can get them back under power restraints and in their cells is probably *oof* the best idea. Suggestions are welcome, for sure!" She catches Blockbuster's fist, then spins him around and tosses him into Mr. Hyde.

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Seeing Shazam heads off into the prison itself, and villains left still on their feet outside, Golden Eagle leaps into the fray, almost literally. As Thunderball's staggering backwards from having been 'teabagged' by his own wrecking ball, she flies into the backs of his legs, arms folded in front of herself to cover her head, and flips him back and over onto his shoulders.

The wrecking ball, having been bounced up into the air a bit when this second impact happened, falls down and lands squarely in Thunderball's gut. The whooshing of air makes it clear that he's had his wind completely knocked out of him, and he groans, one hand on his face and another on his middle, as the wrecking ball rolls off him an to the ground next to him. Thunderball's out of it, at least for a little while, as he catches his breath.

"Sounds good to me!", Golden Eagle calls back to Thunderbolt as she swoops up into the air in time to avoid Blockbuster being thrown into Hyde.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Latest rescue dropped off, the raven continues on his quest, seeking out those who may potentially need evac. What he ENDS up finding is some guy making a portal to elsewhere. Making a quick judgement call, which... probably could be considered stupid as heck, the bird flies after. Upon traversing to the other side, the agile bird's path adjusts to zoom up to what could be considered the ceiling. Getting a general view of what is going on.

Audra Meridian has posed:
"Thanks miss", one of the guards speaks up, while the other two step aside to show they were actually trying to protect one of the therapists. Who steps up to Windrose. "What do we do now? This is a correctional facility, not a penatentary, we don't have the security manpower to deal with this mass hysteria."

Fortunately this was a matter Windrose could deal with, helping get a proper response organized. "Then do as you were. Focus on getting staff and civilans out of harms way." She gives a small smile to try and be reassuring, as she jabs a thumb in the direction of the Shazamily throwdown and others now arriving. "Leave dealing with the rabble rousing to us."

Just in time for them to hurry off to do so, as a swarm of rats comes charging through, directed by a man wearing a fumigation mask with his prisoner jumpsuit at the back. "Goddammit, that's going to be a dozen safety violations right there." She lefts off the ground, but not before a few rats jump and hip at her ankles. Fortunately her boots at sturdy enough to not be bitten through, but she has to kick a couple of vermin off. "You all need to cool down."

She sends down a minature hailstorm, which will hit hard enough to concuss someone without severely hurting them. Its enough to send the rodents that don't get whalloped scattering in a panic as instinct to avoid harsh weather kicks in, while the Ratcatcher dives for cover while trying to get them back under control.

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Golden Eagle's swoop upwards and out of the way gets her a good view of the brawl that's going on below. From where she's floating, next to the wall and next to a barred window, there's someone else looking down on the brawl, too. This person's just a dark silhouette in a dark room, but whoever it is takes advantage of the situation... and reaches out a hand through the bars of the window to plunk what looks like a cheap plastic girl's headband atop Golden Eagle's head.

What looks like a sales receipt is duct-taped around the headband...

Golden Eagle seems to relax as she hovers, and the person in the window whispers, "Go kick some heroic ass, my pretty, while I fix myself some tea!" Whoever that is in that dark room retreats completely from view, and Golden Eagle balls her fists... and dives straight down at Thunderbolt, aiming to give her a 'reverse hadouken', as if trying to drive Mary down into the ground!

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Thunderbolt looks up, "Wha..." and then she gets hammered by Golden Eagle, not expecting *that* sudden but inevitable betrayal at all. She flies back, then catches herself, narrowing her eyes a bit. Fortunately, the Wisdom of Athena is pretty good at noticing the fact Golden Eagle has decidedly new headgear.

Since most of the other villains are slowing their efforts, she focuses on Golden Eagle, specifically launching herself back at the mind controlled heroine, looking to swing... but actually intending to feint so she can yank the offending headgear away.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam tears at the door labeled Sivana. The room is empty, except for the symbols scribbled on the wall. Shazam can feel Sivana's lingering presence in the room. He glares and then pulls his phone and starts recording the symbols quickly. The phone gets tucked into his belt and he blurs away back to the yard. He spots Golden eagle and thunderbolt throwing down. "Oh fudge. DOn't hurt her sis! She's a friend!"

Then he blurs in front of Mr. Hyde, who was trying to charge a knot of guards. The villain bounces off.

"HEY! We trashed the worst of you guys. Do you really want to keep fighting? Sit your non super asses down right now. You're supposed to be getting rehab here. Do you want 20 years added to your sentences? Do you want to take a chance on me breaking your neck or defibbing you?" A burst of lightning tingles from his chest at that.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn arrives late to the scene but with her connections with the Outsiders she was given some warning of a prison breakout..Oh, but what a mess! Marroon eyes narrow as she hovers over the situation, trying to figure out how to tackle the situation.

Spying a certain familiar red suited superhero, she rolls her eyes at Shazam and decides she better keep an eye on him, since he's prone to trouble far as she's concerned. "Figured I'd find you in the middle of this chaos." she mutters, although she sees another Shazam like heroine and that causes her ro raise a brow. "Great, there are more of you? Geez."

While most heroes are tackling guards in the courtyard, she follows Shazam into the prisons themselves but soon loses sight of him, focusing on the ones still trying to escape. "Hey come on now, settle down!" and she glides a bit lower, fluttering her wings at blinding speed, showering them in glittery pink faerie dust which will hopefully slow them down or pacify them or..Something..

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Golden Eagle is definitely mind-controlled, and... she's *better* at fighting that she normally is, somehow. While Mary's *far* stronger and definitely faster, Golden Eagle's current goal is to simply keep the headband on her head while lashing out, as hard as she can, in return. Her near-perfect motions are almost aikido-like, as she turns aside Thunderbolt's hands and uses that to help move herself about, setting up for counterstrikes of her own -- and, thanks to the mind control, she's not at all holding back! For the time being, at least, Golden Eagle's holding her own!

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Thunderbolt shouts back at Shazam, a touch annoyed as she *is* trying to pull the headband off of Eagle, but Golden Eagle is surprisingly nimble and the aikido style of fighting is throwing Thunderbolt off a bit. However, she finally sees an opening, and goes for a quick leg sweep. However, the sweep is a feint, as she then springs up with a sudden burst of speed, pulling the headband off of Golden Eagle's head. She then looks down at Golden Eagle, "Please tell me you're back to normal so we can stop fighting?"

Audra Meridian has posed:
Windrose refrains from using lightning, both because she doesn't want to inadvertantly mess up one of the Shazams, and honestly no one in this fight is the tough sort to need that sort of firepower. Not even the rat man. Instead she keeps a charge built up in her gauntlet as she dashes towards him, and grab his shoulder. The discharge is like a strong taser instead, grounding down through his body to prevent the charge from doing lasting harm but strong enough to knock him out. And once he's out cold, the rats that were under his command flee the scene of danger. "They're going to need to get an exterminator to double-check", she muses."

As the number of rampaging people with better than average abilities is reduced more of the guards can get to getting lesser criminals back into cells.

Windrose turns her head when she sees Shazam come back out of the cellblock. "Find any clues to what started all this?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Several prisoners lose all interest in rioting and watch Golden Eagle and Thunderbolt fight. "Get her chica!" "Kick her ass, you a Philly badass!!" "Looking good Lady Shazam! Really good!" The other prisoners begin to settle down and dream of unicorns. Shazam clocks one prisoner letting out a whistle. "She's my SISTER! Anyone else got anything else to say about her, now's the freaking time to say it!" Yes channeling a little for Oren Ishi there. Also, Shazam can generate lightning from his eyes if he gets really angry.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike has chosen poorly it seems. Following after the laughing bald guy has led to him more or less trying to be a fly- *ahem* bird on the wall. But it's not a lasting thing as the view of the statues, plants and a path leading further is suddenly cut off by a rather stern glare being directed at him


A wisp of something swats the raven, sending it off into a nothingness that's not part of the room he perched upon. tumbling and tumbling, the bird ends up impacting into the ground with the scenery now being outdoors. Climbing out of the bird shaped indent in the ground, he barely has time to settle as he ends up getting horse kicked by a unicorn into the dream's border.


A raven appears out of nowhere, bouncing along the flooring past Shazam.

"So-" Bounce "-glad-" Bounce "- I-" Bounce "- can't-" Bounce "- feel-" Bounce "- pain-" Bounce "- right-" Bounce "- now." The bird splats into a wall.

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Golden Eagle stops fighting, and falls to the ground with her hands to the side of her head, looking dizzied. The aftereffects of Mad Hatter's mind control must be hitting hard. While she doesn't reply verbally, it's clear that she's no longer fighting against the good guys, at the very least. Whether or not she's going to be able to fight against the bad guys some more -- that's left to be seen, at the moment.

...and Thunderball's caught his breath, getting to his feet and collecting his wrecking ball from the ground. The Wrecker, too, seems to have recovered... and is back on his feet, crowbar in hand. These guys are *definitely* the type who'd take advantage of a heroine who looks vulnerable... and they're not alone. Thankfully, *most* of the other would-be escapees are too busy being distracted by the girl-fight to chime in on the action.

The two 'big bruisers' start stalking around Thunderbolt, one on each side, clearly trying to get a shot at Golden Eagle. Thunderball, especially, has a bone to pick with her after how she bowled him over a bit ago.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Thunderbolt glances back over her shoulder at Golden Eagle, "Thunderbolt, by the way. Guess you're a friend of my brother's?" She grins at the other heroine she was (until recently) fighting. Then she looks at the Wrecking Crew. "Okay, we tried this the easy way. Now we're doing it the /real/ easy way." With that, she moves over towards Thunderball, yanking the wrecking ball out of his hands and starts spinning it on its chain, slamming the ball right into Wrecker's chin and knocking him flat onto his back.

She then spins the ball over her head, easily keeping up the momentum as she stands protectively by Golden Eagle. "Anyone else?"

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Golden Eagle says, "Yeah... I guess so. He's even taken me to the Rock", she says, getting slowly to her feet... and having to sink back to one knee as she finds out she's still very woozy from the Mad Hatter's control. "...What hit me?", she asks. "Everything went black... and then I was on the ground..."

The Wrecker gets flung back, unable to completely stop the wrecking ball with his crowbar. Thunderball calls out, "Hey! That's mine!", having been completely unable to prevent his weapon from being plucked from his grasp by Thunderbolt -- she's that much faster and stronger than him, too.

The bad guy crowd that's still watching the action jeers at Thunderbolt, even after a good dozen of them were knocked senseless when The Wrecker was knocked back -through- them -- and The Wrecker's down and out, again, too.

Audra Meridian has posed:
With most of the weirdos with some form of special abilities either taken out or losing the interest in fighting, Windrose sets about helping the staff get people back into their cells. A few still get a little uppity, but a small shock or concussive wind burst is usually enough to get the point across without severely hurting anyone. She's not no problem leaving wiping up the rest of the big bruisers to Thunderbolt. Even if she's a little worried about Shazam, but she can find out why he blasted off abruptly later. Maybe something he found inside.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
As Shazam rockets off, Thunderbolt is left to try and coordinate things. Fortunately the pixiedust has calmed most of the prisoners enough to allow them to be herded back to their cells. Or, in the case of the Wrecking Crew, punched into submission.

This is Philadelphia, after all.