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Ring in the New Year Clobberin Style
Date of Scene: 01 January 2024
Location: Central Park
Synopsis: The heroes manage to fight the bad guys and stop the zombies but someone grabs the payand collects the combat energy released
Cast of Characters: Ben Grimm, Emma Frost, Clara Jennings, Inez Temple, Betsy Braddock, Caleb Dykstra

Ben Grimm has posed:
Ben is depressed. He spent six months in some bizarre reality TV show in the middla nowhere for some charity only to have the whole ting be a scam for a super villain....well, former villain. After Ben Scrooged the ever living heck outta the guy for a week, he was sure that no court date was necessary. And the money was sent to an actual charity. Only to come home and find that there is a musical based on the random book he allowed to be Ghost WRitten. And it was tomorrow. So, he was gonna go get drunk somewhere until an old buddy called in a favor for a last minute no show on ANOTHER charity gig but his friend knew he had a soft spot for kids...the Make a Special Wish foundatoin sounded like the oringal...

Queue Scene Change to Timmy, with a Monkey's PAy, one finger remaining (guess which...) "I wish I could see my favorite heroes in a super hero battle...."

Well, Monkey Pay style, that was pretty easy...smokey ice machine level mist began to ceep over Central Park. Ben sat in his hat and trench coat, wondering why he was here instead of at the Kid's hosptial room and bbriefly wondered if his friend was joshin him, when a hand clawed up out of the grass. What the HECKLE AND JECKLE? And another....and another...Sighing, he put out a notice, "Local PD, this is Ben Grimm, yes, its really me, I know its been a while" he speaks into his whispr pin, "You're not gonna believe this but we got zombies in Central PArk...please keep it clear...."

Briefly, he wondered if this WAS the charity even but...NAH...that...NAH....

Emma Frost has posed:
Isn't Little Timmy supposed to fall down the well? Then have Lassie decide neough is enough and start to send kill teams after him? Oh well, taht's another genre (disturbing thoughts about Lassie aside). Emma Frost is avoiding some of the more populated areas because she's done that sort of thing enough times. She's just out for a quiet night of parties, champagne, and staying away from the Club just in case Selene goes to open a portal to hell. Which, so long as if she never comes back from it Emma is more than happy to.

So, happy thoughts aside, Emma Frost walks through the park, a large glass of whatever rare, expensive, and exotic wine she has with her, and in defiance of any sort of laws about open containers.

Clara Jennings has posed:
    It is just another day and Clara is in the skies of New York. Why she is here? Well, that is complicated. We will just fudge the whole date/time issue and assume she somehow does this and still gets to Gotham for an incredible party. Somehow. Maybe Dr. Strange is involved.

    This is meant to be a simple training night. Make a circuit, learn New York streets, then get back to Gotham. She has always wanted to see Central Park, though! She is going to swing down thatta way.

    She lands without a fuss. A rustle of paper can be heard, and her wings go away, flowing neatly into the shape of a briefcase in her left hand. Provided no one looks to closely, they will not even notice!

    It is about this time that she sees hands sticking out of the ground in the distance.

    Into her ear piece, she says, "Ma'am, I believe I have encountered something unusual." Even by American standards.

Inez Temple has posed:

It had to be fuckin' *zombies*.

Inez was out doing some shopping following the much-delayed payment for a job she did that ended with her feeding a man in a bear costume to a symbiote. Don't worry, he deserved it. She decided to take a short cut through Central Park, carrying the replacement ammo and weaponry she'd bought in a bag slung over her shoulder. But there had to be *zombies* and now here she is, even if she's probably not Timmy's favorite heroes. But to be fair, depending on how old Timmy is, he might be a fan regardless. Inez, dressed as she usually is in daisy dukes and a ripped up tank top with only a leather duster thrown over to pretend that she's cold, is certainly something youths of a certain age would appreciate. "T' hell's this?" She demands of thin air when she stumbles across the zombie horde summoned by the Monkey's Paw.

Was it the middle finger? Because this definitely feels like *something* is giving NYC the middle finger.

Betsy Braddock has posed:
Betsy is on the way to meet someone for New Year's. And the shortest distance between the two points is to cut through this area of Central Park. Thus she is rushing along, wearing a lovely little black dress and a pair of heels that help to accentuate her legs, even if they are horrible for the body. She had over this a long trenchcoat that was belted closed against the chill of a New York winter.

And of course something has to crop up to ruin things. She paused as she saw what looked like a hand coming up out of the ground nearby, frowning slightly even as she stretched out her telepathic 'net' to the area around her to see if she could discern what was going on.

Because this had to be an illusion. Right?

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
So, there he was, Caleb, flooring it down the highway in his '70 Dodge Challenger to get home, when just about out of nowhere, he's caught by surprise by this raging fog. Nothing too alarming, but best beware, right? So, he slows down to a more acceptable speed. And, all of a sudden...


He sees shadows right in the middle of his path, getting bumped and washed away in the wake of his path. "WHAT THE FUCK!??"

He swerves the car, this one spinning multiple times around the street - no, not street... grass!

*CRASH!*Out of the fog, and now in the overall area, the Dodge crashes against a tree.

Recovering, he finds nothing broken, nothing out of place - just his pride as a driver. But, what about the people... That's right, he hit people!

Getting off the car, he calls out, looking at the fog that now forms a wall, "Is everyone alright??" He takes his hands to his head in despair, "Oh god, I hit someone..." He heads to the trunk, for an aid kit...

And, pinned between the car and the tree, is a zombie, trying to reach for him, groaning and moaning.

"SHIT!!", he backs away quickly.

Ben Grimm has posed:
You ever wonder what happens to Zombies after they die? Well nothing for most; they?re just recycled corpses sans a soul, but a very small percentage has a tiny amount of soul energy, and those go to a kind of limbo?..you want Zombies/ We got Zombies. Voodoo Zombies. Virus Zombies. Undead Zombies. One that looks a lot like Rob Zombie in makeup but accidently dead. A Zombie Collie seeking Timmy. Chaos Zombies. Fire Zombies. Fungus Zombies. Meteorite Zombies. Franken Zombies. Abomination Zombies. You get the idea. Its the Zombie convention from heck. And they just keep on comin.

People are fleeing massively. There is much screaming and weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. That one guy with the World is Ending sign looks up to the heavens and says, ?FINALLY! SEE! I WAS RIGHT!? He is right often, isnt he? The mist continues to spread and you even have a few disco zombies with a floating disco ball above them.

Timmy loves it. He is watching on his TV as the ?Charity? that provided him a Monkey?s Paw wanted to capture the whole thing on film. Of course, the problem ladies and gentlemen with mucking around with a Monkey?s Paw is that it rarely turns out like you think. There is a shift of shimmering Energy and suddenly Timmy is there, in a very tall tree, getting a great view. Timmy blinks in confusion and shrieks in fear! This isn't what he wanted. Several zombies (including the collie) are drawn to the sound.

Ben begins scattering these guys like nine pins, smashing them left and right but the damn things keep on coming.

Clara Jennings has posed:
    "Ma'am, may I have your permission to expand my training exercise?" Clara asks. Into her ear bud. Honest. She is talking to someone. And she clearly gets something back. "Oh, there is some manner of creature emerging from the ground in Central Park." A pause. "Oh, there are probably several dozen at this point." A crashing sound. "And one very bad driver." Some more back and forth. "Yes ma'am, understood. Of course. I will not be late for the party." As if she would miss it!

    Now, what the hell is she dealing with? First thing she has to do is establish the manner of engagement. Moving closer, she comes upon someone else. She has met Betsy.

    Introductions. As a hero. She has no script for this, so it will be awkward!

    "Good evening. I am..." Oh god, she has to use her stupid name. "Charta." Wince. "Unless you are prepared to fight these creatures, I might suggest a different route. If you need help getting to a safer area, I would be delighted to assist!" She offers her hand awkwardly. Is this how it is supposed to go?

Inez Temple has posed:
"Awwwww, shit!" Inez yelps when the zombies burst out, stopping in place and knocking her hat out of her face with the knuckles of one hand. But fortunately, Inez is rarely unarmed... Even if she wasn't wearing a duster that is absolutely amazing at hiding guns, she's still got her mutant abilities.

But she does have guns strapped to her. Lots of guns! Including a sawn off shotgun loaded with dragon fire rounds. What are dragon fire rounds, you might ask?

As the zombie collie comes roaring towards Inez as she steps between it and Timmy, she pulls out the shotgun from behind her back and fire explodes from the muzzle in a burst of phosphorus that clings to the fur and skin and flesh left on the zombie and melts it.

And that, friendos, is a dragon fire round.

"Th *fuck?!*" The Cowgirl squeaks, looking around and attempting to reload.

Ben Grimm has posed:
Ben Grimm says, ""Nice to meet ya kid, get a better alias, thats as bad as Dime Store Batman, and believe me, if you dont, they will make on up for you, like THING" he punchs a bunch of zombies as more appear, like Zombies from Dead Space, shimmeroung out of a glowing portal and shampling along. He gets hit by one of shrapnel from the dragon fire ammo from Inez and smiles, "eh I need a nww Trench Coat anyay...."

Emma Frost has posed:
In the distance, there's the sound of a chainsaw revving. As if someone was already ready for this sort of thing. It's hard to make out who.. Just some sort of really ugly guy that looks like he's mostly chin. He would go to vanish into the pack, gore flying around everywhere.

Emma Frost picks up the large scale scan from Betsy going past and then she finally cues in to what's around her. "Oh lovely." She goes to chug up the remainder of the wine in her goblet before throwing the glass away. Waste not, want not. <<Some suggestions here, Elizabeth?>> Emma goes to just watch for the moment, staying slightly concealed while watching everyone else pour over into the melee. <<Lovely that we can't have a holiday wtihout some sort of catastrophe. At least it's not at thes chool this year..>>

Betsy Braddock has posed:
"Bloody hell."

That about sums up this start for an evening as every kind of zombie from every kind of media begin to crawl forth from the ground. The ones that actually earned that response were the disco zeds in truth. Because that's just all kinds of wrong.

Then Clara begins to speak to her and she turns her attention to Charta, as she had introduced herself. She gave a polite smile. "Thank you but I do believe I will be able to deal with the situation. However," she continued, tilting her head slightly as she heard a scream. "Perhaps those that are screaming might be more in need of your help."

And with that, a blade of psionic energy appeared in her hand. It was backed with both her telepathic powers, for those that had brains that could be short circuited, and her telekinetic powers so that it had substance for fighting the creatures. Then she prepared to go full Michonne.

Only to hear that telepathic touch and realize Emma must be somewhere nearby as well. A quick scan to find her then she responded to her telepathically. <<Yet.>> Because there was always something at the School! <<See if you can urge people away from the park telepathically and perhaps see if you can find a source? I believe I'll be busy...>>

And she swung for the first zombie as it came into range.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Zombies. Right. Well, Caleb has escaped vampiers before, so his survival instincs have dictated he'd be stupid not to prepare.

From under his coat, he pulls out a sword, and slices through the pinned creature. And that's when he hears the sound of... more. Out in the distance, through the fog. The figures start to show up, iridescent bulbs in the dark. And cracking and tearing is heard, and figures grow taller, or haunch.

"Oh, no..."

Some ten seconds later, he's coming out with a duffle bag, and running to the people in the closest proximity. "EVERYONE!! INCOMING!!"

And behind him, a horde of creatures that were once human, but bear hands for scythes come running after the juicy target. Yes - necromorphs from Dead Space could be seen as zombies, in a fashion.

Ben Grimm has posed:
The Zombie Betsy attacks is splattered with little difficulty. They're not just zombies but recycled ones....and a copy of a copy is...well you get the idea.

The man with the chin is having a grand old time when a familiar fellow, who did happen to be a zombie who looks an awful lot like him appears. "Remember MEeeeeeee?"

"Ah hell no!" And they begin to fight...

Despite terror of the heights, Timmy starts to really enjoy the whole thing. His wish has come true! They're all here! His ecclecitc random assortment of favorite heroes is all here! Including that hero in the catsuit he drew in crayon that no one ahs seen the other day...Meanwhile the Zombie Collie....that was not identified as to what kind it was yips...and begins to walk slowly up the tree.....

Ben smashes several disco zombies, then deadites and then zombie pirates....mutering under his breath, he grabs a tree stump out of the ground and begins wielding it as a hyper thick baseball bat...they keep coming....

Clara Jennings has posed:
    In response to Betsy's directions, Charta says, "Oh, right, of course." Charta arches an eyebrow as the blade appears. That is very impressive. She hears the screaming and races into action. Ten quick steps, a leap, and her briefcase explodes in a swirl of paper, reshaping itself into wings and she swoops upwards to protect the innocent bystanders.

    A young couple who just wanted to have a nice walk finds shelter behind a swirling storm of paper honed to a razor's edge. Zombies prove to be quite easily shredded.

    Charta deposits herself into the middle of the fight and assesses her situation. "Ma'am, I am going to need more paper." She looks over to see Ben playing baseball with a tree. "A lot more paper, if you please. Can you provide directions to the nearest stationary store?" Is there a kinkos open somewhere here?

Emma Frost has posed:
Oh this is /lovely/. <<Thank you darling. See you on the other side>> Emma's form goes to shift and harden, turning over to solid diamond as she goes to walk through the chaos. Lovely, lovely..

Then going to fly right.. Past Ben is a large cow. Yes, it's definitely a cow. That has on a.. Dark cape, large bat-wings scaled up to it's size, and a pair of long fangs from it. It goes to let out a loud MOOO of doom and flame before streaking up into the air and vanishing.

The air is then broken by a stomp. And another stomp. And a huge, beckoning roar fills the air, shaking the ground of the place. They have zombie xenomorphs, walking dead, crawling dead.. All they need is a group of zombies on unicycles.

The huge thing that is the source of the stomping arrives. Which is a huge, rotting T-Rex.

Lovely, now it's the Dinosaur Undead.

Inez Temple has posed:
"Kinkos? Fuck is this, 1990?" Inez yelps as she jumps back when a zombie cowboy (really?) lunges at her with the intent of ripping her skin off. Fortunately, although her already-torn tank top takes some damage she is tougher than cotton and doesn't even show a scratch.

the zombie cowboy, however, is not so lucky as his brains are blown out. You win some you lose some, y'know? But then there's a zombie T-Rex and the Texan stops, stares up, and her mouth opens.

"Oh my god I *am* going to ride that." She says to no one in particular, pulling a rope out of her bag and beginning to spin it.

Yes, boys and girls. She's going to attempt to rodeo the zombie dinosaur.

Yee haw!

Ben Grimm has posed:
In case no one has figured out by now out yet, giving a paw suggestions...anywho, while Ash (yes it is Ash(tm) fights Evil Ash rolling around again and again and again between a bunch of unicycle clown zombies, a zombie cow, a zombie bat....but not a zombie Batcow...yet....Ben is looking around for some kind of sense in all this. Is there some guy chanting? Some kinna telepath projecint this? There has to be...a "It's CLOBBERING TIME!" Ben takes personal offense at the zombie clowns and begins smashing them to a pulp.

Zombie Collie calmly and quietly walks around and around the tree just as if it were solid ground and then, not even before he is noticed, grabs Timmy by the nape of the neck and begins carrying him down the tree. About a hundred years away, there is a gong and a spectral Well appears, rising up from the ground.

Ben looks up and puts two and two together. "There! That's the kid I was supposed to be doin a charity even for...KID? WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?" He saws smashing another Zombie Clown but looking at zombie Collie.

Betsy Braddock has posed:
Thankfully the crazier things are being dealt with by others. Betsy is simply working her way through the typical shamblers with a few sprinters thrown in for good measure. The sheer variety of source materials is enough to make her wonder even more. It doesn't make sense for them to be so varied. At least to her mind.

No cultists in robes chanting nearby. She moves through the fog easily, blade slicing through the heads of zombies in a complete and utter mess. Her coat is unlikely to be surviving this experience. She has a few close in and has to resort to the use of blade and a few kicks to keep them clear until she can remove heads. Only to lose a heel in the process. "Those were 300 dollar shoes," she muttered darkly, now with only one heel so she was dealing with this weird step due to the difference in height on each foot.

She reached out telepathically, trying to see if she could find someone in the area casting a spell, giggling at the chaos, something!

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Caleb runs to the best of his extent, but the creatures are in no way slowing down. He goes for his coat, reaches inside a pocket, and launches a series of discs, which adhere to three the creatures on impact... And they /blow up/!, spreading guts and limbs everywhere.

A small victory. But, what des he intend to do about... The ones right behind him, followed by the ones still popping out of the fog.

The small reprieve allows him to track his surroundings... And see a flying zombie cow, followed by... ZOMBIE T-REX!??

"Okay, who the fuck woke up the dead!??", he shouts, pulling out of the duffle bag a series of guns which he keeps close by him - anything from pistols to semi-autos. "What's causing this?"

Clara Jennings has posed:
    Charta is given directions. The place is open. My god it is a kinkos! The conversation at the counter is super awkward.
    "So it'll just be these 120 reams of paper, miss?" asks the clerk at the counter in a voice so bored that it Ben Stein would seem energetic by comparison.

    "Yes, thank you."

    "Would you like a cart or help loading it in your..." He looks past her to the empty street behind her, ".. car?"

    "Oh no, thank you. I have it." She has to collect the receipt before leaving. The Conservatory has a strict policy about reimbursements, you see. But then she is off. Or would be, if not for the sudden presnse of a whole knot of zombies. They stand in a very orderly formation around a zombie wearing a red jacket.

    "Are they with you, miss? We have a strict rule of occupancy. No more than five customers at night."

    Charta blinks slowly, "I... will certainly make them aware of that, sir."

As she races in, she swear she hears a musical flare start up.

Inez Temple has posed:
Having laid her claim to the zombie dinosaur, Inez continues to spin her lasso as she circles it, before abruptly lashing out with her rope.

Now, her lariat may not glow, or be forged from Hestia's fire. She may not be an Amazonian goddess or any of that crap. But Inez is a *Texan* born and raised on a ranch, and won her fair share of Junior Miss Texas rodeos. She hooks the zombie by it's mouth, and lets out a hoot of absolute joy when it rears back, jerking her into the air. She expertly twists the rope to haul herself onto it's back, pulling with every ounce of strength in her mutant body to keep the jaw shut and guide it towards the other zombies.

"Hiiiyah! GIT!" She crows, slamming spurs into it's neck and making it squeak a roar from between it's rope-sealed jaws.

As the woman said before: Yee freakin' Haw, y'all.

Clara Jennings has posed:
    Charta has seen many things in her time in America. Many very weird things. But having zombies break out in a coordinated dance around her is breaking new ground. She watches in silent awe for a time, but then purses her lips.

    "This is absurd and unsightly. Return to the afterlife this instant or I shall be forced to put you back myself!"

    The threat has little effect. Behind Charta, 120 reams of paper flows out of the boxes, through the front door of the store, and takes the shape of a rhinoceras-sized wolf/warthog hybrid at her side.

    "Dickens, I believe it is time to show these delinquents how we deal with Zombies in London."

    Dickens does not speak, but does charge forward, tearing zombies limb from limb.

Betsy Braddock has posed:
That is not something one sees everyday and Betsy almost gets herself bit because she is staring at the woman who has managed to get onto the T-Rex. This is utter insanity. She barely manages to knock the zombie away and gets back into the flow of slicing and dicing and making julienne fries out of zombies. And was she hearing the song Thriller? Or was she losing her mind?

Working her way through them as she felt ...something on that edge of her consciousness. She tried to reach out to Emma but realized she was likely in her diamond form and thus cut off from telepathy. Thus Betsy was the one scanning, finding a scared little boy out there somewhere. She started to fight her way that direction even as she scanned his mind.

That?! That was the cause of all this? A wish made to a monkey's paw. A wish to see his favorite superheroes in action. And being the evil creation that it was, it gave the scenario but didn't summon the kid's favorite heroes specifically and thus it could continue the chaos until the wish was fulfilled.

Betsy dug deeper to try to determine who those heroes might be. All the while still fighting for her life and those of the people around her.

Ben Grimm has posed:
It happens to be, due to ridiculous coincidence (or...was it?) the EXACT heroes that are assembled here...so, Timmy is getting his wish, right in front of him....all around him.

Ben is trying to make it to him but Zombie Cyborg Football Players step out of the shadows and tackle him a seemingly endless landslide of them despite one after the other being punched up into the air like ninepins.

The dog quietly moves in and out with superntural grace until Timmy shrieks when he sees what they are going towards..."Not the well! NOOOOO! NOT THE WELL!!!!"

Clara Jennings has posed:
    Charta walks on, past the helpless, twitching remains of the zombie music video gone awry and continues on towards the park. Along the way, she is approached by a zombie that is laughing maniacally. Without even stopping, she gestures and Dickens leaps into the air, turning into a cube of paper, which then slams down so hard on the zombie that he might as well be a pancake zombie.

    "New York in Autumn is much nicer, I imagine," observes the paper master. Once again, her companion is at her side, fighting the way through a new set of zombies. Anthropomorphic ones this time. Charta has no idea who they are, but Wile E. Zombyote is flung through the air by Dickens. With a last 'Meep meep!' the Road Runner zombie's head falls useless to the ground, lopped off by a long sword made of Dunder Mifflin's finest.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Zombie dance musical. Sure, why not?

This is what Caleb thinks when some zombies break into coordinated dancing.

He sets up a firing range using as many guns as he can to shoot the creatures in their heads, or slice them up in case they come too close for comfort.

"If anyone's onto what's going on, solve it fast!", he warns. "We're surrounded, and ready to be swamped."

Off in the distance, he notices a cloud of red seeping in, and he takes a deep breath, "I have an idea what's coming, and we're on the clock..." He says, "That's a plague cloud..."

Clara Jennings has posed:
    "And what, pray tell, is a plague cloud?" asks Charta. You know, for the audience at home. She directs a few bystanders away, after Dickens retrieved them from a horde of what appears to be zombies wearing some kind of odd bulky backpacks and jumpsuits.

    These did not seem terribly threatening until they activate the unlicensed nuclear accelerators on their back and start shooting some kind of plasma bea m out.

    "Oh for bloody sakes!" exclaims Charta, having to divert all her paper into a huge wall to block the attack. It works, but it will not work for long. That is fire. She uses paper.

    "I could use some help here, if someone does not mind!"

Betsy Braddock has posed:
The monkey paw did just what they do. The heroes were here. The zombies for them to fight were here, fueled by the imagination of a child who watched entirely too much youtube and played video games that were far above his age level! Yet, that didn't reduce the danger this all represented to everyone that was out and about on New Year's Eve.

Throw in the distance for the heroes from the child, thus him not getting to SEE what he had wanted despite the pieces all in play. And thus, it was time for a bit more help with that problem. Perhaps once his wish was fulfilled, this would all stop? She could only hope as she heard the warning from Caleb. She had no idea what it meant but either way, it didn't sound good.

She reached out with her telepathic abilities and suddenly all of Timmy's heroes were there before him. Or at least illusory versions of them. Only, she made sure they were even larger than life. All the perfect lighting, any capes had a flutter as though by a breeze that wasn't in existence. Superhero poses even as they fought illusory zombies and were working their way to save Timmy.

Hopefully it was enough for the wish needs to be met and thus the wish to end.

Ben Grimm has posed:
The Well shrieks in rage...NOOOOOOOOO!!!!

Timmy was spared....today....

As the images floated into Timmy's mind he smiled! There it was, all of them, all seven of them fighting the zombies...hopelessly outmatched but fighting with courage all the same....

The dog let him down, licked him with a super gross rotting tounge, and then then ran for the well, and jumped in...

The numbers of infinite zombies was slwoly starting to war the heroes down (well....not Inez yet....) but on the shadows clouds of familiar shapes with armor and capes of things that Must Not Be, shadows of the future? Who knows.....Giant Marshmellow men and zombie ghostbusters almost form and then part like such mist and suddenly...
ZAP....just like that, all th Zombie sar egone, and Timmy is returned to his bed.

Ben smashes his stump at empy air and looks around...."Huh?"

Inez Temple has posed:
Inez was having a damn good time, dammit.

Smash smash squish went the zombies under her dinosaur as she bucked and rode him, letting out a wild, Texan hoot-and-hollar. One hand even leaves the makeshift harness formed by her rope, taking her hat off and waving it in the air...

.... only for her to fall on her ass as the dinosaur disappears, leaving her in the middle of Central Park with her shopping bags.

"God damn I love this city." She says to the sky, falling on her back before rolling to grab her hat, pick up her bags, and continue on as if nothing ever happened.

Ben Grimm has posed:
Ben curss to himself and takes his ruined trnech coat, makes sure all the heroes get on safely, especially the rookie and then mutters to himself moving on...

An hour later, but before the NYPD comes to investigate and clean p the mess, a Man in Black comes trudging on to the scene, grabbing the unseen Monkey's PAy with the now reset hands and a small blue rock in his hand now flush with psychic energy, smiling to himself before walking literally into the shadows themselves.