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Monsters Smooshing You Is Bad Mkay
Date of Scene: 08 January 2024
Location: Science and Medical Lab
Synopsis: Members of Xavier's school come together in the infirmary where Julian and Remy independently end up seeking treatment.
Cast of Characters: Julian Keller, Kitty Pryde, Rachel Summers, Joshua Foley, Remy LeBeau, Roberto da Costa, Alex Summers, Emma Frost

Julian Keller has posed:
Julian Keller has not been at the school since graduating. Money in the bank, he went and did the life of millionaire playboy. Some of the stories in the tabloids probably are true. He's been back to the states, for about a month but still hadn't returned. He had planned too, but one Emma Frost asked him to go to a certain Island with her. Hellion can't refuse a request like that.

Long story short, Julian Hellioned the heck out of things. Bravely (stupidly) trying to take on a giant lizard by himself, the result is to be expected. Him getting stepped on. That only resulted in the superficial injuries. The real TKO came when his anger over took him. The forest around him exploded and releasing that much TK energy resulted him in being knocked the f out.

The team sent to the island picked him up and brought him back to Xavier's and there he lays sleeping. That is until he suddenly sits up his eyes glowing green the memory of the previous events rushing back to him. Before he can control things. A vial shakers randomly spewing liquid onto the ground. Slowly Julian brings his hand up to his face and tries to scratch his nose. Only thing is, no hands. "Son of a bitch! Where are my hands?!?"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty had mentioned to her mother an X-men mission that had ended in quite a few bumps, bruises, lacerations, subdermal hematomas, split ends, and a particularly unattractive stye. Ok, the latter might have been more due to someone not washing their face enough.

But Theresa Pryde is familiar with Kitty's life, and as she often does, a care package shows up at the school soon enough. Theresa is nothing if not a fantastic baker, and the box brims over with all sorts of tasty treats for the battered mutants at the school.

So it is that Kitty emerges from an elevator. No, she's styling, but stye-less. That was someone else. Carrying the box with her she heads for the infirmary to give first dibs to anyone still there.

Hearing the sound of a few glass vials shaking about, she hurries to the doorway, looking in to get the lay of the land before stepping inside. "Hey, Julian," she offers in a compassionate voice.

Rachel Summers has posed:
Rachel Summers Sensing tk energy spike.. not the normal school kind, Rachel cocks her head and hmms.. So she makes her way towards the infirmary just in case they need some heavy-hitter backup.

     She grabs her spiked trench, a bit of personal armor for her .. making sure to check her scars are covered with her tk powers.. in a mirror.

     She comes down the stairs and peeks into the room to see what's going on , blinking at everybody that's here so it's clear something went down.. " Anything I can do to help? "

Joshua Foley has posed:
Once, every other month, and on an emergency medical basis, Joshua shows up at the mansion to help in the medical needs and situations. This happens to be one of his on weeks. Dressed in one of the standard uniforms, he's not earned any kind of X-Men or X-Team status, but he's willing to help where he can. As the new arrivals show up with the injured Julian, Joshua's eyes widen in a moment of shock before he regains his composure and moves to pull off his gloves to expose his hands.

"Get him on the table." he comments quickly as he rolls up his sleeves to wash his hands. He remembers meeting him once. "Julian, right? I'm Joshua." Even if Joshua did not have the bright golden skin he wears now when they met last.

There's been a few changes in the young mutant's life.

When the vial explodes, there's a grunt of frustration. "Alright, don't need you to do that." And he looks up, trying to find those who brought him in. "Are the hands the only injury? Does anyone /have/ the hands?" That would be so much easier if he could reattach them. He's not entirely sure he can grow him new hands.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     It was going to be quick and easy. At least that is what Remy tells himself as he slips into the mansion doing his best to avoid the cameras and slipping past the people inside the mansion proper. Getting into the lower level was slightly more difficult, with the hope that his code still works and it isn't going to trigger some form of red alert.

     NO alarm. So far, so good. He will be long gone before someone looks at the logs, if they ever do, and see he made a visit. He might get a nasty call later, sure. That's nothing new.

     He backs into the med lab backwards, focused more on his path traveled than he is in where he is going. Unlike him maybe, but that could be due to the gash in his side he is holding closed with a what-used-to-be-white-but-now-crimson towel. It isn't until he turns around to go for the gauze that he sees all the others, focused on some form of emergency on the other side of the room.

     "Merde.." he mutters quietly to himself. Maybe they didn't notice him yet, as he slowly starts to back out again.

Julian Keller has posed:
Julian Keller's prosthetic hands are on a table next to him. Brought in by the team that went to Monster Island. They are not as cool as anything Stark could produce, just simple looking hands that are gloved up. He lost his hands long ago, by one Sinister sort of fella.

He looks over at Joshua and squints. It has been several years since he last saw the other. "Still haven't grown?" He says with a shake of his head before looking to Kitty. "Woooah. Kitty? Is that you? Looking goood." Rachel gets a look, "You were there.. right?" His confused a moment maybe he didn't see things correctly.

Julian looks around blinking in confusion. "Where the f-am I? The school?" The only other injuries that would be notices is the large gash on his arm and scrapes on Julian's back. Nothing serious enough to cause him to get knocked out like he was.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto Da Costa walks into the medical lab, looking perplexed, "Okay, this isn't Hank's Lab... Havin a Rogue red-headed clone rip your memory apart really sucks, I still get lost down here. Hey Remy, you stealing something? all the good stuff is in the armory or the Vault." Berto nods, maybe he nods something, maybe it's a joke or he's just making small talk. It's Beto so really can't be certain. "Which was is Hank's lab? I've stumbled into Cerebro twice. Which needs hand rails and a better motion sensor on the light."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty takes in what is going on, and the arrival of Rachel. The box of baked goods is shifted to one arm so Kitty can free up another to offer for a sidehug for Rachel if she accepts it.

"You're ok. In the medical bay in the base," Kitty tells Julian after hearing his confusion. "And yep, it's me," she says, flashing Julian a warm smile. "Brought some of my mom's baked good she sent in a care package. Figured anyone needing the medical bay could have first dibs."

Meanwhile, Lockheed swoops in behind Roberto. If the Brazilian's arrival isn't enough to spoil Remy's stealthy escape before anyone notices, the tiny space dragon's is. As Lockheed swoops down to greet Remy, the sound of his wings buffeting to hover enough to pull Kitty's attention. "Remy!" she says, eyes widening at the sight of the bloody towel. "You know you're not supposed to use the white towels for that!" she says emphatically. After a moment for comedic effect, she motions the Cajun towards one of the tables. "Have a seat," she says.

Joshua Foley has posed:
When Kitty calls out at Remy, Joshua looks up. "Put him in the queue!" he grouses as his attention turns directly to Julian. "Yeah, I know. Haven't been around much." he muses, but now is not the time to go comparing notes. "I need you to hold still." And with that, he takes out a scapel and cuts open Julian's shirt. Is he about to operate?

In a sense. With the skin exposed, Joshua sets his golden hands on Julian's stomach and concentrates. The golden hue of his skin grows, becoming a glow as he gets to work. "...scrapes, cuts... I can handle this..." he comments to himself as he starts to knit Julian's skin and muscles back together with just his touch.

But then there's the matter of the hands. "I don't know..." he mutters, a frown on his features, eyes narrowed as he focuses and starts to work on trying to rebuild them, the tendons, arteries, veins forming... at first it looks like it will work, but after a few minutes, there's a shake of Joshua's head. "Come on, you can do this."

But doubt's already slipping into his voice.

Alex Summers has posed:
Alex was working in the War Room when he was notified that an old code given to Remy was utilized to access the lower levels. Expecting that since other alarms hadn't gone off, Alex didn't consider it an emergency. However, it still required an investigation.

Exiting the War Room, Alex Summers, dressed as Havok - in all black with gold trim can be seen emerging into the hallway when he saw the former X-Man entering the medical bay. Then he takes note that he's being followed by Berto. And 'Perhaps something is wrong with him.', ponders Alex and Remy requires medical attention. So, being the good little soldier mutant he is, he heads that way and into the Medical Unit. He'll push through the swish swish door and be quite shocked at all the attendees. He'll move up beside Remy and mutter something about, "Looks like you're getting a welcome home party..." but he's keeping his voice low so as not to disturb all the peeps doing their things.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     First it is literally bumping into Roberto...that might not have been that bad, he could have just slipped past and been on his merry way, but then the dragon had to come and hover over his head giving his position, and presence, away. Again, a muttered 'Merde...je suis baise'.

     There is a deep breath, one that brings a slightly pained expression to the Cajun's face as he turns to face Kitty. Remy smiles, shrugging a shoulder as he looks over at her. "Don' t'ink that the motel ain't rightly going to care, or want the towel back, cher. That is if they even find it missin' to begin wit'."

     He glances down at the towel and then back to the group in the lab. "Seems a bit crowded, non? I come back at some ot'er time, oui?" Slowly starting to back out of the room, and right into Alex. The smile on his face falters, and his dips his head to look at the ground with a small shake of his head. "Mec, je viens de recevoir une mauvaise main." Reluctantly, he reverses direction and heads for a one of the tables.

Rachel Summers has posed:
Rachel Summers Blinks " i was there? " She cocks her head " oh your thinking of my mother.. I'm not her," She says softly. She peers at Joshua. She'd heard about him but never met him .

     But one person she does know is Remy. So she just walks over and takes his hand and starts to pull him. " Sit." She says in that way that sounds way too much like her mother.

     She looks over to Kitty. "I'll take care of Remy. You tend to the others. not the first time I've fixed him up " . She starts to put down some items. "Come on, shirt off, you old pirate," She says.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto Da Costa shakes his head, "This is why i don't come down here, too many injured people." Roberto stops and blinks at Remy for a beat, "You're supposed to be good at this right?" There is the hint of a smile as he snags a a pastry, giving Kitty a nod, "Scott sending more people to their destruction or was it Jean this time?" Berto takes a bite from pastry, "Mrs. Pryde does not disappoint. Please tell her I said Obrigado for the pastry and the baby photos." Eyebrow waggle and a gring which is just the angelic side of lecherous. Berto, puts the pastry in his mouth and does the two fingers thing between his eyes and kitty's, then pulls the pastry out of his mouth to mumble "It's on." untelligibly around a mouthful of food.

     Berto finihses by noticing Josh, "Josh, how did it go with the Reavers and does Juggernaut owe you a favor?"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
"Sure thing Joshua," Kitty says back to the healing mutant. "Glad that you were around today. Looks like we sure need you," she adds with a quick smile over to the golden-skinned young man.

Alex and Roberto get nods of greeting from Kitty. "You two both ok?" she asks while giving both a quick glance that reassures they both seem hardy and hale.

A nod is given as Rachel takes charge of the Cajun. Lockheed follows him over to the table he's chosen, landing beside him. Meanwhile Kitty is turning her attention back to watch Joshua's attempt to restore Julian Keller's hands. Kitty sets the box on a counter in an empty space, deciding to wait to dispense baked goods until it is a quieter moment.

She smiles as Roberto snags a pastry. "I'll let her know," she says, patting Roberto's shoulder. Then tightening her hand like a Vulcan neck pinch. "And you better be kidding about the baby pictures," she says.

Julian Keller has posed:
"Hodl still with you coming at me with a knife?!?" Julian exclaims and tries to wiggle back from the oncoming scalpel but he's seen that look of determination on peoples faces so he's resigned to getting his shirt cut to shreds revealing his upper torso bare. "Oh, that tickles." He giggles as he is worked on by Josh. "Woah there easy goes it. Do I have to buy you dinner later?"

"Baked goods?" Julian asks hopefully looking towards Kitty. "I can't remember the last home made meal, just famous chef's cooking as of late." Tough life, Julian, tough life. He blinks suddenly distracted once again by Josh as he's starting to try to.. "Woah there tiger, don't try to do something you ain't ready for. It looks like you're going to shit your pants and no one likes that."

Joshua Foley has posed:
Joshua is really not having a fun time. As Julian's hands refuse to reform, the young man changes tactics. He grabs the bloody stumps directy. "I'm sorry, this will hurt." It's all he can say before he shoves his fingers directly into the stumps, sending up a splurt of blood that splatters on the healer's clothing and he focuses as hard as he can. "Come on..." he grits.

To Roberto, he offers a curt, "They killed me. I revived." He leaves it at that as he focuses. "Please..." he whispers. He hasn't held much of a belief in anything since the day he found out /he/ was the menance he hated so much. And yet, here he is now, focusing on trying to save Julian's hands.

And failing. His eyes widen. Then his expression falters. Sadness fills his face as he blinks his grey eyes. "I... I'm sorry." he whispers, again, aplogetic and profoundly sad. "...I can't. I can't visualize it... I can't regrow them..." he can only focus on sealing off the arms at the wrist, to at least try to save Julian himself. "I'm so sorry." he manages again.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     Seeing that Julian seems to be going though on the other table, Remy decides having Rachel play doctor is the better end of the deal.

     He looks to her with a smile and shrugs a shoulder as he moves to slide out of his signature coat, then the shirt (or what remains of it) underneath. "Of course, mon ami. You don' have to ask me twice if you want to play doctor...but I ain't that old." He gives Rachel a wink that is quickly replaced by a grimace as he peels the shirt away from his torso, the blood that has dried causing it to stick to the skin.

     He looks to Roberto and smirks, "Yeah. Supposedly. Don' help none when the people you trust turn out to be untrustworthy, though."

Rachel Summers has posed:
Rachel Summers Sighs and looks. " Witch, one of your many fans.. did this to you ? " she sighs. " With your permission," she holds up her hand and touches his forehead.. to block his pain receptors. Once that's done, she starts to clean the wound .. mostly to get a look at how bad it is!

     She smiles. " Sorry... just my memory got messed up.. to me, you are a younger version of the guy who taught me how to hotwire a car... or how to get into kitty's cabinet to get to the goodies ".

     She smiles to herself at the memories, She looks towards kitty for a moment and sends a telepathic message .oO when things calm down, I need to talk to you Oo.

Alex Summers has posed:
Even though Alex keeps quiet, he quirks a brow to Roberto's remark about Scott or Jean sending people to their destruction. It's not untrue. One of the many reasons he and Scott don't get along all the time.

Alex will follow Remy. He's not going to offer much in the way of assistance, unless Rachel wants him to do something. Instead, he'll simply ask. "Remy, what brings you back? Just need to get patched up and then take off again? Or you lookin to hang out? Either's good with me. Just a matter of protocols and security updates. You know the drill."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto Da Costa winches and squirms under the attack, "Ow. Ow. Glass cannon. Glass cannon. Nerve pinch that's low. I'll never tell." He stops and tilts his head, "I was there for that part, glad you're still alive. Yeah, most of what Nathanial Essex damages stays damaged" He frowns ruefully. Then yelps again, "Still this? Ouch. I hear that Cajun. Never as good as we think we are."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty gives a warm smirk back to Julian. "Yeah, tough culinary life," she tells him, perhaps using the humor to help keep his mind off what's happened with his hands. She turns back to the box and rummages through it. "Chocolate babka," she says, holding out on her hand with a little gesture towards him, so Julian can TK it over to himself.

Assuming she's relieved of that, she digs back in the box, but looks up at Rachel's comment. "Remy!?" she says in a criticism of what his future self does. "No one should be getting at any of my 'goodies' without me saying so!" she says, hamming up the fuming aspect of it before turning back to the box.

"Wash up, Josh, and take a quick break. Remy will be ok while Rachel works on him," she says. "Lemon tart. Mom really knocks these out of the park," she says as she offers the pastry to him.

Alex? He gets a Sufganiyot, a very light, pillowy jelly donut with a sprinkling of powdered sugar on top, though most of the loose powder has come off during shipping.

Julian Keller has posed:
It's shocking to see his stumps turn bloody, and Julian starts to panic. His eyes glow green and things start to shake around him. But his eyes wink out as the pain of what is going on gets to him stamping out potential of things going explodey. "Stop stop stop." He pleaseto Josh. "It hurts you damn shrimp. Stop!" He tries to focus, but the pain is too much and can't will his powers to work. There is a struggle, Julian isn't a good patient. But when Josh gives up and makes stumpy again Julian falls back to the bed. "Don't do that again you little twerp."

Laying back he looks over at the chocolate babka and not even thinking about it suddenly glows green and floats towards Julian. About half way there it suddenly speeds up and smashes against the wall splattering all over the place. Fine control is so hard! "Sorry," he mutters for some reason instead of blowing up.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto Da Costa nods slowly, "Yes, and her goodies are warm, moist, delectable and most of all worth savoring." He gives Kitty the shit eattingest of grins as he snags another babka, "ooh cashew caramel!" Then dodges her fingers attack and a puff of fire from Lockheed as he heads for the door. It is good to be fire proof.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     Pain receptors blocked the Cajun's face relaxes and he lets out a soft exhale of breath. "The one wit' the gun? Or knife? Both? I can't say I was payin' that close attention when it happened," he explains to Rachel with a shrug of his shoulder. "Is it a hole, or is is a slash? If I was a betting man, I'd bet on hole."

     He would win! There is a clean through and through in his side, just over the kidney and millimeters away from nicking other vital organs. The larger of the two holes is the one he held in front. Looks like he caught a bullet in the back.

     He smiles at the redhead, "No harm, tres bien. I still teach you those things, if you want to learn. Or re-learn as they case may be."

     He turns to Alex. "Question of the hour, non? I /was/ just planning on patchin' myself up and headin' out like a ghost, but plans changed. Might as well lay low here for a bit, long as it ain't going to be a problem."

     He looks over at Kitty and opens his mouth to say something, but then just closes it and smiles with a shrug and tilt of his head. "Les biens voles ont meilleur gout?"

Joshua Foley has posed:
"Sorry, sorry... I forgot." Joshua manages, shaking off his hands and grunts. He glances over at the prosthetics. He thought he could help. But... yeah, best laid intentions are the road to Hell or something. Washing his hands off, he moves over to Remy, and with no preamble, sets his hands on the Cajun's shoulders.

That is much easier to heal. He repairs the wound to Remy's side, knitting it up and ruining any chance he would have a cool new scar to show off to all the belles. "Done." he mutters, and glances to Kitty, shaking his head. "Thanks." After cleaning up, he takes a tart and fights the urge to just slump on the floor. "I need to rest." Which is why he heads towards the door. He's done all he can.

Alex Summers has posed:
After taking the sufganiyot with a bit of delight, yet not knowing what it is; yet, sugar is sugar and he's happy for that; Alex gives a nod to Remy's half request, "No problem at all, man. Glad to have you around in whatever capacity you're in for." then he quietly thanks Kitty for the pastry, donut, whatever then takes a bite.

Julian Keller has posed:
Julian Keller sits up once again crossing his arms across his chest. The look he gives Joshua could kill. Thankfully his eyes don't glow green and he just stews sitting there. He'd notice the prosthetic's on the table next to him, if it wasn't how intently he stares at Joshua as he works on Remy and then turns to leave. "I'll see you later," he says in a threatening sort of tone. A tone that he has used so many times when he was younger, that usually meant another student was going to get swirlied.

Julian watches as Joshua leaves and then sees his hands and he brightens considerable. His eyes glow green and they in turn glow green as they float towards Julian. His stumps come up and the hands oddly, unlike the baked treat, smoothly attach themselves to his stumps. His eyes wink out and there is a happy little smile as he manipulates his fingers with his mind. They do odd things however, don't quite move the way that real fingers do. His pinky goes back when his other fingers curl forward. That smile broadens when he's finally able to itch his nose. No mishaps though and doesn't poke his eye out.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty does indeed swat at Roberto who is already on his way out. She shakes her head and then rummages in the box for something for herself. She comes out with Jewish chocolate hamantaschen shortbread cookies. One is offered over to Remy and the other is for herself.

"Joshua," Kitty says, "Did you get set up with a room? If not, can grab one of the guest rooms at the boat house," she says. "You look like you need some rest. I can bring some dinner out later if you want to nap."

She uses a counter to lean back against as she eats her own cookie. "I'm sure that's fine, Remy. No one actually likely to find the school and show up?" she confirms.

Alex is given a smile back as he thanks her for the sweet treat. "I'm going to have to make up more missions just to keep Mom sending stuff," she says with a crooked grin.

Joshua Foley has posed:
"All good, I'll catch an uber back to my girlfriend's place." Joshua offers. He wants to get out of the Mansion as fast as possible. He feels bad enough at his attempt to make up for all the bullying he took earlier in his life. And he wants to be where Julian can't find him before he's fully recovered.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would enter on in, glancing about at those present. "Ah, it seems like quite the social gathering." Having been dropping in to the Mansion to offer some help in preparing for classes. Once again having offered to teach the classes on sexual education, which may or may not thrill the rest of the teaching staff to have someone to foist it off on, or that the students would have to deal with her.

"ANd is Mister Foley adjusting well to staying here or not?" SEeing his quick departure as she would move towards some of the platters out.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     Looking down at his now healed wound, Remy glances over towards the departing Joshua and offers a slight wave of thanks before looking at Alex, Kitty, and Rachel like a triumvirate deciding his fate. "You sure? I know t'ings ain't always..." he pauses, tongue sliding across his lower teeth and sucking on them slightly as he thinks for the right word to say '..amicable with me bein' 'round at times." He shrugs a shoulder. There isn't any blame in his tone, just a statement of fact.

     He looks to Kitty specifically and shakes his head. "I don' t'ink so, non? I'm pretty sure I lost the last of them in Manhattan. It's best I just stay out of the southern U.S. for now t'ough. Give it a few weeks for t'ings to chill. 'Sides, ain't anyone who would be lookin' t'is way for me."

     He glances over as Emma makes her way inside, giving her a slight nod of greeting as he goes to reach for the remains of his shirt. He shakes the bloodied thing out and thinks for a moment of putting it back on before scoffing and tossing it into one of the biohazard bins. "Best go find me a new shirt 'fore I cause a panic."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
To Emma, Kitty replies, "I'm not sure that he's staying here. Kind of wish he would. I think it would be good for him in the long run."

She lets out a soft sigh and a shrug, and takes a bite of her cookie as she turns to Remy to hear what he has to say. "Ok, good. If there are any signs of trouble, of course let us know. We're not without resources, and there's the kids to thing about," she says, though the tone suggesting she doesn't think he doesn't already know, just it's the thing that needs to be said.

Kitty looks back to Julian. "How are you coping?" she asks with a motion towards his hands, sympathy visible in her expression.

She digs into the care package, pulling out more sweets and passing them around to people.

Julian Keller has posed:
Julian Keller was probably the best student during /those/ sorts of classes. "He's being a baby," Julian says to Emma about Josh as he swings his legs over the side of the bed. The shirtless man looks down at his hands palms up and tries to touch his thumb to each of the digits. Pointer check. Middle... after some thought, check. It's a complete failure of the other two on each hand until he he growls and it sort of works. "So exhausting." He mutters before trying to stand.

Julians weebles and wabbles but doesn't fall down standing there on shaky legs a moment before taking a step. He waves a hand at towards Kitty, "All good. Need to stretch my legs." He does alright, but he's obviously week, a good nights rest and filet mignon with a red wine and brandy on a bed of baby roasted carrots with mashed potatoes would totally do him good. Sadly, if he's going to stay at the mansion for a bit, it'll be school food.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would give a nod, "Of course. Do you think that it's a good diea to keep tabs on him or not?" She would inquire. But, Joshua was an adult and could make his own decisions. Then again, with how he had been targeted for his powers, Emma did feel like they might make a bit of an exceptio when it came from experience.

"And how are you doing, Mister Keller? I do hope that you haven't gotten particularly handsy lately. You've been on better behavior?"

Alex Summers has posed:
"Totally good, Remy." Notes Alex to the query and Remy's need for further validation and valuation. "We know you're a total slouch, but you fit right in to our island of misfit toys. So yeah, hang as long as you like. But if you hang out too long, we're gonna put you to work."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde treats Julian's declaration that he's all good with a speculative eye, but as long as he doesn't seem he's going to fall, she leaves him to it. "Some rest would probably be good, you were pretty banged up. Joshua can do a lot, but sleep goes a long way too," she suggests. "Feel free to grab a treat for the road," she says, motioning to the care package from her Theresa Pryde.

The Jewish girl gives a slight grin at Alex's description of the school. And of Remy for that matter. She finishes off her chocolate hamantaschen cookie and goes for another.

Lockheed gives a few flaps, rising from where he was sitting by Remy, coming over to land on Kitty's shoulder. Kitty says to Emma, "I don't know that he's likely to do anything too rash. Just, he has a lot he's been through."

Julian Keller has posed:
"I just woke up!" Julian says looking towards Emma. "And after Joshyboy nearly messed my stumps up, haven't had a chance to get particularly handsy." He's near Kitty, and just like it was the most natural thing in the world, drapes his arm over her shoulder. "But, if the pretty lady wanted to go on a date and things got handsy? Who am I to say no." He flashes those most perfect smile towards Emma. Before removing his arm off of Kitty. "Sorry, Kitty." He says turning that smile upon her. That totally happened before Lockheed descends onto Kitty's shoulder. He likes his arm.

"Is the danger room open to all yet? Or do I need to go bat my eyes at Jean and Scott?" Julian asks picking up a treat with his fingers and popping it into his mouth. "Gods, Kitty. Your mom single? This is diviiine!"

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     Remy snorts at Alex, giving the other Summers brother a salute using a pair of fingers from his forehead. "Jus' as long as you leave me North of the Mason-Dixon Line, I'll pay my way. Always have...mostly." spouts the Cajun as his red eyes dart between folks. "You jus' hopin' to do the impossible and keep me 'round for longer than a fortnight. Guess we will have to see, stranger t'ings have happened."

     Finally, Remy take the pastry that Kitty offered over, and takes a bite from it, chewing as he looks over to Julian. "Careful t'ere. Keep up with that and you might be missin' more than just your hands, mon ami."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would glance over at Remy, "It's good to have you around, Mister Leabeau. Do forgive me, I haven't been aware if you've been present in the Mansionf or awhile or not. If you don't mind giving us somewhat of an update on your status if ti's not rude? And James has returned at least to Earth. He was of assistance with those.." Well, how did one exactly refer to kaiju waking up from naps and being ornery?

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde just gave a humored eye roll at first with Julian, but then an eyebrow goes up as he asks about her mother. "Not as far as you're concerned!" she tells him with a shake of her head, though her eyes are still showing a small bit of merry twinkle.

"But she is a great cook," she agrees. "And any of the X-men should be able to run the Danger Room for you. Though there's only a few of us who program the scenarios. Though there's a lot of being able to mix and match, bringing in adversaries to specific locations and the like," she offers.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     Remy looks to Emma, "You didn't miss anythin', Ms. Frost. I've only been here an hour, maybe a bit more. As far as my status, well, does 'On the run' count? Last job I had kinda blew up in my face. Sometimes you forget who you betray, t'en work wit' t'em again and t'ey betray you. Funny t'at'." He shakes his head, "Top of t'at gettin' framed, so...won't be popping down south for a bit to be sure."

Julian Keller has posed:
Julian Keller grin turns towards Remy, "Noted." He turns back to Kitty, "We'll see about that," Julian says with a twinkle in his eyes, giving Kitty a wink and a smile.

"Giant lizard monsters that is likely destroying Tokyo as we speak? Do the work that Godzilla could only dream of doing?" Julian supplies to Emma before he starts to make his way towards the exit. "I need to find a couch to sleep on." He says stiffling a yawn. "Unless you're going to let me sleep in your bed, Kitty? I can even take the hands off so I won't get handsy." He laughs at the look given before head out the door.

"And here's to you, Mrs. Robinson, Jesus loves you more then you know.. Whoa whoa whoa." Julian can be heard singing.