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Latest revision as of 11:40, 27 April 2020

Date of Scene: 27 April 2020
Location: Themysciran Embassy
Synopsis: It is a lovely little after party at the Themysciran Embassy. Let your soul glo.
Cast of Characters: Diana Prince, Kara Danvers, Thor, Steve Rogers, Caitlin Fairchild, Donna Troy

Diana Prince has posed:
A quiet gathering at the Themysciran Embassy tonight. One could call it a party, but it was really just mean to be a social affair where a few people could show up and enjoy one another's company. The invitation had gone out to several people, and many had shown up! But now the food had been eaten and many conversations had been conversed, people were roaming the Embassy now, or already deciding to leave for the night.

Diana, in the main sitting room, is holding a glass of wine and talking to a couple in their middle aged years. She's smiling at them both as they tell her of their latest trip around the world, and the activities they got themselves involved within there-in.

But as they separate, Diana turns and strides across the room, waving to a few more people who are passing through the hallway just beyond the room she is in.

Diana is wearing a red sweater that clings close to her form with black pants on that the sweater is tucked perfectly inside of, her hair is tied back into a loose pony tail and her makeup is colorful and accentuates her naturally sculpted beauty!

Now the rest of you pose.

Kara Danvers has posed:
The invitation had come across Kara's desk (insofar as she had no desk, and was still kind of coming to terms with the ludicrosity of sending things through the mail) and of course she'd jumped at the opportunity to attend the embassy party. The Amazons of Themyscira were a constant source of fascination for her, their warrior culture so far removed from anything she'd encountered either on Krypton or Earth. Fascinating!

Since people would be more confused why a student journalist was attending such a party as opposed to Supergirl, she's come in the latter guise. A blue tunic, a flowing red skirt down past her knees, and a long flowing cape at her back. Her blonde has been left to hang free, and she stands having a polite and hushed conversation with a waiter.

"No, thank you, I cannot drink it," she insists, looking at the offered glass of wine. She then takes the smallest sip of the glass, makes a disgusted face that she quickly turns into a smile, and sets the glass back on the serving tray, "No, thank you, I cannot drink it."

Then Diana is sweeping past, and she moves fast - perhaps too fast, since she becomes a red-blue in that moment - and is standing in front of her looking up with a beaming smile.


And nothing else. She's just kind of smiling and staring.

Thor has posed:
    Standing in a corner, with less listeners than before, but still with a fair audience, Thor gestures and regales those nearby with a tale truly worthy of its retelling. In one hand is a red solo cup, suitably half-filled with whatever Diana had been kind enough to provide, occasionally drinking in between motions.
    "And then, you see." The tall blond man in the jeans and work boots informs the Amazons with such an enthusiastic smile, "We emerged, my brother and I, from the elevator. And I yelled at the men even as they drew their weapons. And I pleaded with them, begged with them..."
    He affects the voice, so sad, so pitiful, "My brother has been injured, please. Get help!"
    The tall blond man looks around at the others, "And then as they rushed forth... I threw my brother at them."
    The Thunderer nods solemnly, grinning from ear to ear.
    "It worked, you see."

Steve Rogers has posed:
"I don't doubt it worked."

Beside Thor, appearing relatively at ease in a sleek evening jacket and pants, his dress-shirt a flattering royal-blue, Steve has some form of alcohol in a glass in his hand -- maybe champange by the bubbles. He's secretly love to SEE Loki get thrown as such, but alas, perhaps in the future and in dire circumstances he might not appreciate at the time. It's a type-two fun scenario: funny later.

A glance away from the story-teller and the grouping means he spots Diana in her red top. Lifting a hand in greeting, Steve also smiles, showcasing half a dimple. The other young woman has him momentarily watching, but soon enough, he returns to the group enamored with the tales.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin's holding a glass of cider in her hands; no liquor for the redhead. There's a smile at Thor's story and she laughs with the others at his grand finale and expressive gesturing.

"Wait, I heard this story from Lady Sif," Caitlin chimes in after the laughter dies down a bit. Her lips quirk to the side and narrow. "The bit with the giant rodents was right, but -she- said, you helped yourself to a few mugs of their royal brandy while you were in the cellar. So she was hauling you /and/ Prince Loki around by the belt, and you didn't so much yeet Loki at the crew as you chucked him at the wall and tried to box a potted plant." Caitlin sips her cider, failing to cover a grin aimed at Thor. "Or is she getting some of the details wrong?" Caitlin's voice is sweet and teasing; there's no real malice there, and considering the company of close friends, it's certainly jocular enough. A knee-length blue skirt with loose pleats billows around her leather calf-high boots, and she's wearing a modest loose-fitting white blouse with subtle yellow flowers embroidered on it and puffy, slit cut sleeves.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana had been on her way toward Thor and Steve, as it were, since that was one of her favorite sThories that the Asgardian tells. But, she's pleasantly intercepted by Kara and when she sees her she comes to a halt and summons a big beautiful smile -- more beautiful than even Janet Van Dyne could summon!

"Ooooh. Kara." She melts just seeing her. She knew she was at the dinner tonight but hadn't had a chance to speak to her yet. The princess moves to offer the young blond a hug. "I am so glad you made it." She pulls back then, you are looking well. How are things for you? Are you staying here in New York or...?" So many questions.

A look is sent back up to the others she'd been heading toward and a grin+wave is given to Steve before she smiles then to Caitlin and to Thor? Well he gets a leveled stare for a moment! Telling him to 'Behave.'

Thor has posed:
    "Ah, well," Thor lifts his drink in Caitlin's direction as his smile shifts wry, "As to that, I would entirely trust to Lady Sif's recitation of events over mine own or Loki's, she has e'er had the better memory of the three of us." So easy for him to include Loki as he indulges in the nostalgia of friendlier times, not even recognizing he does it.
    Though as he speaks for a moment his attention is drawn away toward Diana and her new... comrade? Amazon? Whomever she may be when Diana looks his way he offers a lift of his glass in greeting to the both of them, utterly ignorant of whatever message she might be trying to convey with that stare. Even as he then turns his attention sidelong towards the good Captain.
    "But indeed, and it worked well. Yet that reminds me of another tactic that Volstagg would affect when he had eaten a large amount of lentils."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"No, I have got class in the morning," Kara explains to Diana, beaming even more brightly and returning the hug when it is given, "But thank you for inviting me. I like the vases and ... the ... what is the word for them? Muhn?"

She feels about for a moment, trotting out the Kryptonese word for it as though that would somehow help Diana understand what she means. The Kryptonian fidgets a little in mild frustration as she gestures towards one of the statues set on a pillar: "These ones. The ... stone ... likenesses ... "

Her words trail off as she turns, following Diana's gaze towards Thor as he recounts his tale of heroics that were not at all brandy-soaked. Her mouth hangs open for a second, which she audibly closes before leaning sidelong to Diana and whispers too-loudly: "Who is this man?"

Steve Rogers has posed:
Smiling against the curve of his drink flute, Steve looks from Caitlin and to the sThoryteller of the evening. Both renditions of the tale have a ring of truthfulness to his ear. He shoots Caitlin a polite little smile before he speaks.

"Both tactics would work. Think we've got the imagination to figure out what Volstagg might've been thinking about battle tactics with his eating habits," says the Captain, reaching to patpat Thor on the shoulder in a friendly and well-meaning manner. His ear catches the over-loud whisper and a brief glance between Diana and her guest and then back to Thor is accompanied by a flick of brows, as if questioning if Thor heard it too.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin laughs apologetically and hugs Thor's arm so she can lean her head on his shoulder for a beat. "I'm sorry," she tells him with sincere apology if she's dinged his pride.

And then he's on about lentils and Caitlin's arm tightens pointedly. "But I'm /sure/ Loki has a version of it too, so it's probably all somewhere in the middle," Caitlin observes diplomatically. Also before the lentil story gets traction. Caitlin exudes that sensible Midwestern calmness, so much in contrast to the trashy loudmouthed belles of the South.

"So. Cap," Caitlin prompts, looking to Steve. "How've you been lately? The Avengers sound like they've been crazy busy, from what Mr. Stark talks about," she inquires. "You're still on the active roster, right?"

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna arrives late. She has a good excuse, honest. Whatever the excuse was, it seems to have prevented her from dressing up entirely appropriately for such an event, as she's dressed black leather pants and a dark blue shirt. It's chic, it's smart, it's not dinner party. She has a quiet word with one of Diana's assistants on the way in, and quickly grabs herself a glass of wine. She's clearly on the alcohol side of the party.

    Those two are the only ones at the party who'll know who Donna /really/ is, though she may be recognized by others as Troia, a prominent former member of the Titans (which is ironic, and Diana's the only one who knows that) who fell out of the limelight with no explanation three years ago.

    Donna taps Caitlin on the arm as she passes, giving her a smile and a whispered "Hi Cait," but no respite from Thor's epic sagas. She closes on Diana, giving Kara a polite smile as she interrupts. A hand on Diana's arm, a broad, familiar smile, and a quick apology. "Diana. Sorry, something came up. You know how it is. "

    They all know how it is. There you are making your way to a nice dinner party, all prepared for a pleasant evening of food, drink and conversation, when some idiot like the Condiment King interrupts your plans, and then there's the whole thing with the police, and the mustard on your dress, and...

Diana Prince has posed:
With Kara, Diana looks to the statues in question and she has to smile with amusement at the Kryptonian girl. She leans toward her and whispers softly "Busts." she tells her to confirm the word. "And yes, they are lovely. We have a lot more out in the main hall too." At Kara's enamored stare toward Thor, Diana reaches up to place a hand on the back of Kara's shoulder. "Come, I will introduce you."

She leads the young woman to the others and motions toward them. She intrudes on Thor's sThory.

"I am ever so sorry for interrupting you." Diana says to Thor with a almost positive level of sass hidden somewhere in there if you minecraft your way through her etiquette... but nevertheless! "I simply must introduce you all to Superman's cousin." She looks to Kara, "Kara, this is..." And motions to each of them. "Captain Steve Rogers, otherwise known as Captain America and leader of the Avengers. Caitlin Fairchild, a very dear friend of the Themyscirans and myself personally, and... Thor. Prince of Asgard and the rumored 'strongest Avenger' -- in his own words -- of course." She flashes Kara a light grin.

Donna's arrival makes Diana adjust her stare to her own sister. "Oh, you made it! Excellent! No apologies! Just relax and enjoy." She leans over to give Donna a one armed hug then.

Thor has posed:
    Of /course/ Thor didn't hear the overly loud whisper, for he was smiling sidelong toward Caitlin who was holding his arm in such a familiar manner, assuredly the two knew each other well as his response was to smile and lift his own arm to squeeze her shoulder in a half embrace.
    "For what, good Lady Fairchild? There are few things you could do that would make me cross. And aiding my memory is not one of them." But the twinkle in his bright blue eyes might be enough to let those nearby see the playfulness there.
    When Donna passes by he'll give her a smile and a nod of greeting, though indeed has no idea who she might well be. But it's to Steve that he nods after a moment, "Well, Captain, suffice it to say that his efforts alone during a peace conference were enough to insure a treaty's signing in the span of one hour, when we had expected to be there for several weeks."
    A short sharp nod is given as if having pronounced a ruling of some severe judgment only for that judgment to be intruded upon by Diana. He looks to her and smiles as she makes introductions, and then Thor turns his gaze upon the young Kryptonian.
    "Ah, Lady Kara. Your cousin is known to me and a noble man with a heroic bearing. I am honored to meet you." And as he says that he offers his hand, though some might not not necessarily the offering of warriors, but the more courtly turn of wrist should she accept.

Kara Danvers has posed:
As Kara is directed over to the gathering, she seems almost on the verge of bouncing on the toes of her feet. She's suddenly a little taller, and a quick glance down would show that rather than walking she's floating an inch or so above the floor. Superman's cousin indeed.

As Diana makes the introductions, Kara affords an impatient-seeming nod as though waiting for someone to get to the end of a page she finished reading ten minutes ago. She looks a little stern when she's introduced to Caitlin, looking between the redhead and Thor for a moment. Back and forth, as though watching an invisible tennis match. Or ping pong.

When Thor offers his hand in that fancified, noble way she grabs it with both hands and squeezes. Probably tighter than she should. She's been working on modulating her strength but she seems to have forgotten that imperative for the moment. She shakes it up and down before her as she speaks, looking like someone who had the idea of a handshake explained to them over the phone but hasn't really tried them.

"You are really the strongest Avenger?" she asks, staring up at him with wide, adoring eyes while squeezing his hand with Kryptonian strength, "I am also very strong. Though I am not an Avenger. Which you know, of course. I do not think I am as strong as you, either, if you are the strongest. I can lift a car? Do you lift cars? Do you want to watch me lift cars? There are cars outside. How does your hair become that silky?"

All of it spills forth like a verbal tirade, allowing no pause for answer.

Steve Rogers has posed:
A few thoughtful nods as to the efficacy of Volstagg's tactics: well done, sir.

Glancing over at Caitlin, Steve blends a shrug and a nod to the affirmative. "Feels like the team's been busier'n a moth in a mitten now 'nd then," he replies. "Most of us continue to be active roster, yes, including myself." His lift of brows is silently questioning. Why?

Diana and her coterie arrive and Steve looks away to them all, his lips slowly forming yet another polite smile. When motioned to, he nods and flashes a bright grin. "Nice to meet you, Kara. I know your cousin too, Thor speaks truly of him." He does take a moment to sip at his drink again, giving his fellow Avenger a quiet, knowing look.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin beams at Thor quite happily to discover she's not offended her friend. Her smile turns to a polite expression as Diana brings Kara over; she nods politely as she's introduced, and fingers rise and fall in greeting. The quizzical stare is enough to make the redhead a little self-conscious, though; she leans back out of Thor's space. Caitlin glances down at her drink, as if uncertain she actually got cider and not something spiked.

"Oh, that's... that's cool," Caitlin tells Steve, a little lamely. "I just, uh... y'know. Was wondering," she amends.


"Uh, would y'all excuse me for a moment?" she requests, and siiiidles one step to the side to go over to Donna. "Heeeeeelp meeee," she mouths at the raven-haired Amazon. Eyes widen pointedly and sweep around the room; Caitlin is not exactly deft at handling social parties and small talk.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna returns Diana's hug with a broad smile, and turns her attention to the gathered group of notables. She'd caught the introductions, but the faces are not familiar.

    It strikes Donna that you can miss quite a lot, being away for three years. Last time she was in America Thor was a myth, Superman was the big cheese and had no cousin, and Captain America had died 72 years earlier. Her phone had spent hours updating itself with patches too, though that turned out to be a pointless endevour as it was broken by a demon a few hours later.

    Donna is watching Kara's enthusiastic performance with an amused smile when Caitlin ninjas up to her. She gives her team mate a grin and a nod, and tucking her hand in Caitlin's arm, sweeps her right back to the group.

"Ah, the noble Avengers! Thor, Captain. Diana has told me much about you," she says to Thor and Steve, with a smile and a polite nod. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Troia of Themyscira, though I am often called Donna in America." The accent certainly checks out, a fact that Caitlin must have kicked herself not having noticed straight away when she first met Diana. "Caitlin and I were in the Titans together, back before the team broke up. And again, as the team is reforming. It is a pleasure to meet you both."

    She turns her smile on Kara, the corners of her lips rising slightly with amusement. "Kara, right? A pleasure to meet you. I fought beside your cousin once or twice. If you are anything like him, I am sure you are very good at lifting cars. I doubt that's something you need to prove to anyone here, but if you'd like I'd happily take you on a car lifting expedition some day. I have a friend who owns a very lovely car he built himself, I'm sure he'd love it if we took turns in lifting it one day."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana's wine glass is raised for another sip as she listens to Kara's focusing gush upon that of Thor. As the glass comes down from her crimson hued lips she has a smile upon them left in the glass' wake. Her dark brows raise up and she looks to Thor. "I have never seen him lift a car before. I /have/ seen him lift a video game controller once or twice though." She teases the Thunder God before she steps around Caitlin so that Donna and she can speak more easily to Kara and so that she can stand beside Steve to whom she grins softly toward.

"Where is Janet?" Diana asks of Steve then. "I was hoping to get a chance to know her a little better. I feel that she and I never get to speak. Nor you and I, for that matter!" Diana isn't drunk, mind you, she's just in a good mood. It'd take a loooot of normal wine to ever even come close to effecting her inebriation levels!

Her eyes dance back over to Thor's then and she softly tilts her head. "I missed your story. You should start it over from the beginning so that I can hear it all in its entirety!"

Wine glass sip. She's not drunk.

Thor has posed:
    The tall Asgardian with the pony tail grins a little as his hand is taken by Kara and then she /squeezes/. And at first, he's comfortable, at ease still though it's a bit firm. Even as her words are sent his way with such a curious but youthful pace. "Well Hulk might..."
    He starts, but is stopped, perhaps by the intensity growing. Eyebrows lift as the words continue and he looks a little bit uncomfortable as his brow furrows a touch, surprised then at the strength in the youth's hands, but still manages to reply, "Well the Avengers are always..."
    Then he bites his lower lip, puzzlement there but he manages to maintain his jovial attitude, "Well yes indeed, but perhaps not someone else's car, dear girl..."
    Yet the secret to the last question is not likely to ever be known for he clears his throat and looks across the distance toward Diana as one of those eyebrows rise as if asking of her for her aid oh so silently pleading.
    So it falls to him to clear his throat, "Ahem, Lady Kara. My hand?" And once released he flashes her a grin, though he scrunches up one eye for a smidge of a wince. Just a smidge. Yet that is the moment when Donna makes introductions, "Lady Troia, indeed a pleasure." He shoots a glance toward Caitlin as if asking a silent question, but then looks back and reaffirms his smile before shifting it sidelong toward Diana.
    "Lady Diana, you've heard most of my tales many times, but if you wish I would do so for you." The Thunderer then lifts his cup and then proclaims as he places a condition on his bardic services, "_If_ you refill my drink." That cheeky bastard.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara looks momentarily puzzled by Thor's reference to his hand, glancing down as though looking to see what's so interesting about it that he'd reference it expressly. Then she realises what she is doing and immediately lets go, drawing her hands back and crossing them just below her throat. Her cheeks flush pink and she looks around quite suddenly, the very picture of embarrassment.

But then Donna is speaking to her, and she seems grateful for the reprieve. She blinks a couple times, parsing the words in her head, and once again smiles brightly. She doesn't extend her hand for shaking or to do any shaking this time, maybe learning her lesson.

"Kal-El is - " she pauses, correcting herself given what the world is meant to think even if those present seem to know better, " - was the very best. I would not say I am as good as him, but I certainly try to be. Did you say Titans? You live in the big T, yes?"

She casts another look of mortified embarrassment towards Thor, still stealing glances in the Asgardian's direction. But she's slowly trying to creep out of sight, edging behind Diana to hide while still maintaining the conversation with Troia.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Perhaps recognizing a facet of himself in the young red-headed scientist, Steve opens his mouth to continue on in a more bolstering manner than simply answering Question A with Answer B. However, Caitlin is then sliding away, and the Captain closes his mouth with a quiet sigh lost in the conversational flow.

When greeted by Donna, he assumes the polite smile seen many times over the span of the night and nods at her as well. "Nice to meet you too, Donna, 'nd glad to hear about the Titans regathering. More eyes on the safety of the city, the better," he opines, lifting his champagne glass in a little salute.

His true-blues slide to Diana when she speaks up and he can't help the flash of a grin. Steve can remember times with controllers now and then in the gaming room. He replies to her quietly, "Janet's working on her latest picks for an upcoming fashion show. Busy time of year for her, what with Easter just past 'nd summer coming up. Happy to drop by with her sometime if you'd like? She'd probably be glad to meet you too. We'll put some time aside," he promises Wonder Woman, returning her soft grin with a comfortable ease.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin does seem a little more surefooted now that Donna's at her side; the Themysciran exudes that same effortless sense of grace that Diana does. It helps to settle her flustered nerves, and from their casual proximity the two are clearly close friends.

Caitlin looks up at Thor as he starts demanding drinks of Diana, and she rolls her eyes over a fondly exasperated smile for the towering Asgardian's endless antics.

"Um... yeah!" Caitlin says to Kara, answering for both of the Titans. "Yep. I mean, we used to live there full-time," she amends. "I moved out after.. a couple years ago," she amends. "I've got a condo in New York. But we're all kinda, uh--" she looks at Donna and shrugs fitfully, her shoulders evidencing themselves under the thin fabric of the blouse. "I guess we're slowly moving back into it. I've got my old room back, anyway."

She starts to say something else, smiles, falters, smiles again. Prods Donna with her elbow. Help.

Donna Troy has posed:
    "All the cities, Captain... Rogers? That's right isn't it." Donna beams an enthusiastic smile at him. "We must talk some time about setting up good lines of communication between our groups. I assume Gotham remains the personal domain of the Batman? I shall ensure we have lines of communication open with him, too."

    "You have been introduced to Caitlin I trust, Kara?" Donna knows perfectly well that she had, but seems to be making sure. Caitlin is maneuvered subtly to face Kara a little better, oh-so-incedentally covering a little more of the eyeline between Kara and Thor. "Caitlin Fairchild. /Doctor/ Caitlin Fairchild, that is. She is quite a scientist, and will undoubtedly enjoy lifting cars with us too. For years we worked together as part of the Titans..." Caitlin briefly finds herself in the spotlight of Donna's smile "... helping to prove that younger heroes have a role to play too. The tower is quite a sight on the skyline, isn't it? Alas it hasn't been occupied much in recent years, but we are turning that around these last few weeks. Already it seems livelier than ever before. We have most of the old team back and a number of eager and capable young recruits. It's a very exciting time for us!"

    Donna doesn't normally talk this much. Caitlin's elbow must be working at high efficiency.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana's eyes leave Thor and Kara's exchange to go back to Steve and she nods lightly once to him. "I really do need to do that. I would love to attend one of her fashion events. She's such an amazing designer, and her work ethic is inspiring. It seems as though she is always on a project. But still, I enjoy moments like this more than large public events. Moments where we can all simply talk and enjoy one another, as much as we are capable of." She says then as her eyes go Thor when he asks her to get him a drink, or refill it at least.

She lets a smile show on her lips and she reaches out to accept his glass before she then nods past him to one of the Embassy's employees who steps toward them and brings a refrshed glass. She desposits the exhausted one on to the tray. "Thank you, Marco." She tells the large muscley'd Marco before she motions Thor to grab a new one. "You are right though, come to think of it. I have heard all of your stories."

With a grin, Diana turns around to Kara and motions her to come with her. "Kara, I must introduce you to some more people while you are here."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara's eyes flick from Donna to Caitlin, and not very subtly back to Thor. Occasionally craning her neck to look past Diana at him, but quickly darting back so she isn't caught looking. At one point she even gets a faraway look in her eyes, her x-ray vision staring through the Princess to get a look without making it obvious. To Donna and Caitlin, it may look like she is staring very suddenly and intently at Diana's back. It's lucky that there's no actual radiation involved in those x-rays!

"You are a scientist?" Kara perks up a little at that, turning back to face Caitlin more fully, "And you are already sworn to the Science Guild? That is very impressive. I was almost sworn myself on Krypton, but ... "

A notable air of glumness falls upon her when she mentions Krypton. She looks down at her feet, no longer floating and scuffing her toe intently against the carpet. But it passes after a moment, and she looks back up to the pair with a renewed cheerfulness.

"I would like to see your big T one day if you - oh, yes, okay!"

Kara waves vigorously to the two Titans, and even more vigorously to Thor, before the turns and follows Diana further off into the room. She snags a canape from one of the passing trays, stuffing it into her mouth and shaking her head.

"This is very bad," she loudly announces to Diana through the mouthful of food, sounding happy about it despite her words, "What is it?"

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna's veneer of social grace slips just for the briefest moment as she allows herself the slightest amused shake of the head at Kara's antics, but reasserts itself quickly. There's something almost choreographed in the way she subtly removes herself from Kara's immediate attention as Diana sweeps in to move the Kryptonian on, and inserts herself and Caitlin into the Avenger's direct line of view, leaving that conversation with a "We'd love to show you around some time, Kara."

    "...And you two gentlemen too, of course. It would be a pleasure to show some of the Avengers our headquarters. If you have not seen the building before, it's quite a sight. A towerblock in the shape of the letter 'T', standing on its own island at the mouth of the Delaware river in Metropolis. "

    Donna raises a warning finger to Thor, grinning with obvious humor. "That's 'T' for 'Titans', not 'T' for 'Thor'. Even if the building does look a little like a hammer. You must promise not to attempt to pick it up and wield it, or I shall be very cross with you!"