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Latest revision as of 02:21, 1 March 2020

Date of Scene: 24 February 2020
Location: Financial District
Synopsis: A bunch of dinosaurs attack downtown but thanks to the actions of the heroes onhand, the dinos were stopped and so was a bank robbery. Who knew?
Cast of Characters: Maxima, Megan Gwynn, Hal Jordan, Cullen Bloodstone, Samuel Morgan, Gabby Kinney, Colette O'Connail

Maxima has posed:
Frankly, science was not cheap. What that means in the long run is anyone's guess. What it means in the short run is that there's suddenly havok happening in the Financial District near the First National Bank of NYC. Why? Well, for one there's what appears to be a T-Rex biting down on to a passing car and then flipping it over, causing hte people inside to scream in terror. Then there's more screams as what appears to be dozen Velociraptors come running into the street and start chasing people down. Things get even worse when a trio of rampaging Triceratops follow.

Of course, what people may or may not realize is that none of these creatures seem to fit the historical facts. They are creatures straight out of the Jurassic Park series. Built fairly similarly to that. Now, they are of course, rampaging through the streets and trying to bust into windows, doors, and the like. Even as the havok happens, the alarms from several places, including the bank begin to go off.

Meanwhile, Maxima was just walking toward said bank. She had a lot of money on her and while it was nothing that would last forever, she certainly didn't want to carry all of it on her so people on the internet said she should put it in a bank. Obviously, a well thought out idea if she ever heard one. Then there's all this havok and she looks up in time to see a Raptor racing straight for her. It comes screeching to a halt as she glares at it though and it quickly turns and races off in another direction. She then starts to look around.

"Well, this can't be normal. Could it?" She then looks back down at the phone and types in 'Creatures of New York City'.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn is just walking along and minding her own business, looking to check her measly bank account, when all hell suddenly breaks loose and suddenly there are dinos everywhere!? "Eeek! dont these guys belong in Jurassic park or something?" she squeaks, taking to the sky. They're waay too hungry looking, and she's probably a tasty morsel for even the smallest of dinos.

Of course the first thing to do, is to try and subdue them somehow, and so she glides towards a group of angry raptors, fluttering her wings quickly and carefully trying to avoid fleeing people she attempts to redirect as much of the glittery faerie dust towards them. Mabye she can give them visions of cotton candy and teddy bears or other fluffy distracting things..

Hal Jordan has posed:
Look! Up in the sky! It's Green! All the green! How is there that much green? In Brightest Day, in Blackest Night, no dinos shall escape my sight...

Wait, that's not how that goes. Regardless, there's a LOT for Green Lantern to take in. The TRex was just about to chomp an innocent person in half when a green box appears around it, and its teeth hit a green wall that wasn't there before. Green Lantern targets the carnivores first, created simple, if effective, green boxes to put them in, one by one.

Cullen Bloodstone has posed:
Sometimes, mundane life stuff has to happen, and one of those mundane life things is having to deal with money issues. For Cullen, that also means coming down to the financial district to slap a bunch of signatures on a pile of papers he doesn't even really bother to read and just trusts the guy making them isn't screwing him over. He definitely doesn't look like he's down here to take care of finances, dressed as he is in ripped bacl jeans and a sligtly too big black sweater, his headphones pulled on over his head now that he's in the free and clear for the..

Well, that's just damn inconvenient. Sometimes he questioned why he lived in this city. He watches the dinosaurs rampaging down the street with all the wonder of a disenfranchised teen watching his father mow the lawn in jorts. He reaches up and lowers his headhones to sit around his neck, looking up and down the street. He could just leave, that's always an option, on the other hand.. how often does a chance to blow off some steam like this come up. Dilemmas.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Things not to expect in New York. Friendly cab drivers, decently priced food, courteous pedestrians and clean streets. Above all, and this point must be stressed, one should not expect to find creatures from several different epochs simply running amok and trying to either eat people or charge straight at the nearest bowl of overpriced lettuce. As such, it's something of which someone might take note, as well as the general mayhem and panic of the otherwise fairly stoic New Yorkers. And honestly, Sam was just taking Bear out for a walk to the park.

    The German Shepherd, whose collar quite clearly names as 'Bear', and who is currently wearing the distinctive hi-visibility vest of a service animal, seems quite bemused by the appearance of these large things. They look friendly though. Very friendly. Look, that one is coming straight over to say hello! *Whurf!* Hi there friend! My, what big teeth you have.

    There is not a moment of hesitation. The very instant a Velociraptor makes a lunge at Bear, Sam jumps to grab his furry companion, rolls with the Shepherd in his arms, gets to his feet without a moment's pause and delivers a teeth-shattering kick to the saurian's head... all with the dog still in his arms.

    Bear finds all of this very amusing indeed.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney wasn't in the city for any reason such as the others: She was running and hiding from those who wanted her back for testing. So far successfully hiding as she'd managed to evade the 'security' that they had sent out after her and her sisters. Too successfully. She was becoming bored enough that she had risked wandering to explore the streets just a bit with her hoodie pulled up over her head to hide both hair and face.

It's pure luck that she turns a corner toward the commotion on this street to see dinosaurs of all things rampaging. Others were already beginning to jump in to aid, yet she... she had no real reason to do so.

Except, you know...

"Dinosaurs. This is *so* effing cool!"

Without much thinking of it she springs into action, running toward a wall to springboard off of it with arms outstretched to grasp an overhead city lap. A twist, a flip, and she dives toward the back of a tricerotop with a whoop and holler of sheer, unadulterated excitement. Of course this was dangerous, naturally, but if YOU had the chance to ride a dinosaur wouldn't you?

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    Amidst the column of traffic is a small black sports car fighting its way at no great speed through the traffic. The traffic is being particularly slow, and what's more, a lot of it appears to be attempting to turn and come back the way it came. The young woman driver taps her fingers impatiently on the wheel, trying to peer ahead to see what the holdup is. When the rampaging, reptilian cause finally hoves into view, she slams her hand against the dash in annoyance and forms a short word that would look to anyone watching that it starts with the letter 'f'. Fortunately the soundproofing is good.

    The driver, Colette, pulls the wheel hard to the side and weaves past a couple of other cars with the same idea of getting out of the way down a side street. She manages to get perhaps twenty feet before this new line of traffic becomes completley immobilized. With a sigh she pulls the car in to the side of the road, parking up behind the heaviest, best-looking shield of a vehicle she can find, and hops out.

    Colette walks back to the junction - on foot, the going is much easier. The dinosaur menace is still a little way up the street as yet, so a full scale panic has not quite set in here yet. Along with a crowd of other onlookers, she pulls out her phone and starts filming. In the distance she can make out a Green Lantern doing Lanterny things, but there's some crazy person riding a dinosaur a little nearer, and that's just more photogenic.

Maxima has posed:
The panic is really starting to set in when a raptor whips a man up into the air and into a windshield. He's clearly hurt and people are running harder. As this happens, Megan is trying to put powder on a trio of raptors, they appear momentarily confused before one sneezes and then snaps at the one to its right. The one to its right, obviously wandering off toward the mirror of a car and staring into it by whipping its head left to right, looking this way and that at itself. The other one appears to be chasing after someone though...with less speed than before and it appears to be making sounds of screeching that almost sound...happy? Either way, the third one, the one that can't be bothered seems to porepare itself and then try to leap at Megan with a screech that definitely doesn't sound pleased.

All the while there's a green box now around a T-Rex and it immediately tries to bite into the side before stepping back and slamming into it. Repeatedly. It's not exactly something that should completely halt the power of the Green Lantern but what might cause him pause is a blast of a laser from a window of the bank aimed right for him. Then another blast.

The raptor that was kicked by Samuel certainly didn't see that coming, it thhought it found a rather easy meal and even as it is getting up from the sudden kick, it starts letting out shouting vocalizations that sound almost like barks. Two more raptors turn their gaze toward that direction and start racing toward Samuel and Bear. Of course, another one has found something else to do as it slowly stalks toward Cullen from the side.

Meanwhile, Maxima puts her phone away and shakes her head, "No, I think these are certainly not normal." She shakes her head even as Gabby leaps on to a Triceratops. The trio not just a duo as the one Gabby lept on immediately turns and starts to buck and whip this way and that to try to get off of itself whatever just landed. Maxima, meanwhile looks to a parked vehicle and idly gestures toward it, causing the car to slam right into hte path of a Triceratops and halts its momentum. The third one is careening right for Colette's position.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn meeps and darts back as a dino leaps at her, but with all the chaos going on, she's not quite fast enough and ends up getting slammed into a nearby car. "Oof, well that wasn't very nice!" she pouts, rubbing her bruised head and arm but flutters back into the air, trying to put some distance between her and the raptors. Okay and now there are people running and chaos everywhere.

"Hey everyone, over here!" she yells at a group of fleeing people, and once enough of them are in range she shouts: "Sihal novarum chinoth!" A shimmering pink light envelopes her and a good chunk of panicked people, teleporting them to a rooftop, somewhere safe and away from the rampaging dinos.

Hal Jordan has posed:
And now there are lasers? To go with Dinosaurs? The lasers slam into his green forcefield, and that turns his attention from dinos to idiots with laser guns. Fortunately, the laser blasts were not yellow, so he's able to handle the blasts easily enough. Pew pew, huh? We can deal with that.

So he flies over to the window, and looks for idiots with laser guns. Seriously, who fires guns at people trying to save people from dinosaurs? If he can see the people firing laser guns, he's going to take their guns away with a large green hand and put them both in a green box of a 'time out.' "Seriously guys? I'm trying to save people here. Shoot me some other time."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Okay. In truth, Sam was not expecting that thing to get back up again. Usually when he hits people they stay down, so it comes as an unwelcome surprise to see that more force is going to be needed to put the thing down. Unwelcome, because he doesn't have more force available to him just right now. In fact, someone has made very, very sure of just that before he was even allowed outside. Wonderful for the safety of innocent bystanders, not so great for him right now. And now there's a multitude. Grand.

    When the raptor barks, Bear turns his head. Although he's still held in Sam's arms, the friendly Shepherd can't help but responding with a few friendly barks of his own. Hi friend! You run fast! Oh, more friends! We can play fetch together!

    Sam does not want to play fetch with the raptors.

    Dashing to the side, the teenager jumps up onto the trunk of a parked car and starts to run along the parked row, leaping from vehicle to vehicle, amazingly not setting off a single alarm. Not until he's well past the car at any rate, clearly hoping to put horizontal as well as lateral distance between him and these creatures. It looks fairly comical, given that he's still carrying quite a few pounds of barking German Shepherd in his arm. And honestly, many people in his situation would have missed the laser blast. But for the technopath, it stands out as an anomaly even among this current cacaphony of technological signatures.

    Time then to leap back to the pavement once he draws level with the bank and dash for the doors.

Cullen Bloodstone has posed:
One good thing about private accountants is you don't need to worry about silly little things like bank metal detectors. Cullen hates metal detectors, for one very good reason. He lifts the back of his baggy sweater and, what he pulls out from the holster in the small of his back could technically be called a handgun, in the same way a lion could be called a kitty. Hand cannon might be a more accurate descriptor. He slides out the clip, checks it with a nod, and slams it back into place. Not great for the big dinos, it's probably just piss them off, but it should be able to take out those raptors. He hopes, he really doesn't want to ruin his shirt today.

With a heavy sigh, he strides off into the chaos, leveling his gun at the raptor that starts slinking over his way and fires off a triple tap as he makes his wn way towards the park at a speed that generously could be called a 'casual amble'.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney successfully latches onto her dino of choice. Being as small as she was, it really wasn't that hard to find a good place to sit as she practically slides down behind the crest of horns into the gap created between it and the thick neck of the creature. "Woop, no, too low," she decides as she reaches down to pull her belt free. It's quickly cinched around the two middle horns of the dino giving her a steering-wheel of sorts. At least that's what she uses it for as she wedges her weight to the side pulling on it trying to turn it's head to angle it's path toward one of the other dinos. "Sorry, I know you're an herbivore, but those guys aren't and they're going after people so could we do a little trampling in their direction?"

Of course the dinosaur doens't reply. That would be silly. It doesn't stop her from chattering away though as she tries to find a way to control the movement while simultaneously holding on for dear life.

Colette O'Connail has posed:
    The thing that draws Colette's attention to the oncoming triceratops at first is not so much the beast itself as the increasing panic of the people standing around her. She was too busy focusing on the one with a rider, but the steadiness of her filming suffers as the crowd she's standing in starts jostling to escape. She glances up at the window from which lasers are firing, then with a sigh joins the general exodus out of the way of said careening dino.

    Colette's retreat is brisk rather than panicked. She turns back around the corner where she left her car parked, taking shelter behind the wall and peering around to watch the triceratops approach. So long as its careening path takes it further down the main street, that's fine. She's a little worried that it might try taking the corner itself, and then there's the chance of damage to her nice car and the complicated insurance claims that would entail. It never occured to her to get separate dinosaur damage cover, but hopefully it's all covered.

    From the shelter of the corner, Colette continues to film. Because seriously. Green lantern. lasers. DINOSAURS. With a crazy person riding one of them. Why wouldn't you be filming? However in the cupped palm of her spare hand, a small sphere of darkness starts to form. If the triceratops does look like it wants to take turn, a bolt or two of dark energy should at the least keep it well herded on the straight path. If she manages to avoid the heavy, bony shield of a skull frill, maybe more than herd it. She's not sure, she's never tried blasting anything close to this size before. That thing is big. Bigger than a bull elephant. Maybe a good solid blast would take out a leg, but shoulder first. Give it a reason to turn away rather than risk either knocking the thing over - or failing to. Hopefully it'll just carry on down the main street anyway and she won't have to bother.

Maxima has posed:
The people that Megan has saved are definitely confused as they had followed the pink girl in hopes of safety and then suddenly they are on the roof. They all stare this way and that even as back on the ground the Raptor that Missed Megan skids to a stop and looks back up at her in an attempt to see if it can zero in on her again. However, as it is about to leap again, it turns its head and lets out a wild shriek before it is slammed up and then falls into the path of a Triceratops being rode by Gabby and then is trampled into the ground. Anyone paying attention will see that it seems to vanish soon after it is trampled.

Meanwhile, the closer Samuel gets to the bank, the more he starts to sense something technological happening. It's something in there that has a connection to the dinosaurs outside. From where he was he couldn't sense it before but now as he gets closer someone or something in the back of the bank is somehow doing something that is making these dinosaurs be here. Once he slides inside he can see what Green Lantern can see. The guy with the lasers isn't a laser gun but he is literaly shooting it from bracers on his hands. Of course, once GL grabs for the guy he lets out a yell and is thrown into a box while another man further back starts opening fir on the Green Lantern.

Two guys are at the very back, one working on the vault and another with some kind of bracer and headpiece working fast. He looks up and yells, "Hurry up! The distraction isn't working cause Frank is a moron! Hear that Frank, you're dumb!" From in the green box there's muffled yelling.

The Raptor that was going to attack Cullen lets out a surprised noise and is immediately destroyed by that blast, at first looking to make a big mess and then vanishing. Even as in the background Gabby's triceratop rampages after two more raptors, a duo come to a stop on either side of Cullen and crouch down to glare at him. Not at all pleased that he attacked one of their packmates and start racing toward him with teeth and claws ready.

The one that Maxima gave a trip up seems to roll back up to its feet and look around in confusion before starting to take out its frustration on the car that 'attacked' it because it is sure that the car must have done it. Meanwhile, the one that is stampeding toward where Colette was comes skidding to a halt suddenly, trying to go forward only to get turned slightly and then...just the tip of its horn slowly comes for her sideview mirror and then...taps it. A moment later it suddenly rears back and then slams on to its back with a resounding tremor. The thing moans out in pain and then a moment later Colette's driver side mirror falls off and to the ground.

Meanwhile, Maxima squints at said Triceratops and then makes a low gesture, causing it to slide backwards and into a light post that falls atop it.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles at the crowd she just rescued. "Hang in there, I'll get the door. You should be safer on the rooftop though!" she vanishes again, openning the door from the inside, "Try not to go downstairs for a bit though, until us heroes can clear the area. I'll be back soon!" with a grin and a wink, she leaps into the air, diving towards the crazy rampaging dinos once more, focusing more on finding fleeing people that she can grab and teleport to safety..

Looks like some of the other heroes are more equipped for heavy hitting. "Where'd these guys come from? Can't we just port 'em back to Jurassic park?" hmm now that's an idea..She's no idea how to port through time though..

Hal Jordan has posed:
Green Lantern seems nonplussed. "Seriously? You guys can make dinosaurs and you'd rather rob banks than sell tickets? Did you not even WATCH the movies? No matter how much is in that vault, it's less than the dino revenue would've been."

Still, they've sealed their fate, so Green Lantern grabs the next guy trying to shoot him and throws him in the green timeout box with his pal. Then he flies towards the vault, to apprehend the next two guys in turn. His forcefield continues to eat laserfire as needed. They need a different color laser to be threatening, cause these traditional red lasers just aren't getting the job done. A Giant green hand will attempt to grab the vault guys next...

Cullen Bloodstone has posed:
Cullen tilts his head quizzically as the raptor he shoots just sort of.. vanishes. Diappointing, he kind of wanted a trophy, just a claw or something. He only has a couple of moments to think on it as two more raptors come barreling his way to try to put him in a pincher maneuver. His eyes flick back and forth as he quickly comes up with a plan, running would just leave two in pursuit, take one head on, leave one in pursuit. Much better. "C'mon you bloody bastards! I've faced worse." His blood is pumping now and he turns on heel running right towards on of the raptors, gun raised.

Cullen is quick, quicker than any normal human has the right to be, so he's firing off shots at the one raptor he's decided to take head on, hoping the other decides to follow him, he can deal with that one next. Hunters don't usually expect their prey to come barreling at them shouting a war cry, and Cullen hopes that throws off their instincts just a little.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Through the doors and into... ah. Sam had seen Die Hard With a Vengeance so often that by now he should have expected something like this. Trouble in the financial district? Almost certainly a distraction for a heist. A poorly executed heist at that, because the dinosaurs would have made an excellent cover for an escape, not the actual break in itself. Honestly, why bring the area to the attention of superpowered beings when you're right there, trying to open a vault? All that flashes through his head in a few moments, on his way through the door. His therapist always said that he has a very lively inner monologue.

    Bear is happy when he's released from that grip, and starts to run along with Sam who hasn't broken stride the entire time. First order of business? Isolate, then disarm, then ... well, usually that would be 'eliminate', but these days he's been told he has to settle for 'subdue'. So subdual it shall be.

    A shutdown signal surrounds him, disabling the arm bracers... oooh, he wants one of those... and disabling the communications the would-be bank robbers are using. Isolate. Disarm.

    Swift like a velociraptor, and grinning like one, Sam bears down on the criminals, shouting at the Green Lantern. "Save one for me!"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Woohoo! Twofer!" Gabby gleefully yells with one hand fistpumping into the air. It quickly grabs hold of her belt between the horns of the triceratops though. This was a bumpy ride even if she had managed to steer it in the direction of some raptors to take them out. It's now that she risks a quick look around to check up on the overall status of this situation.

People fleeing but more out of the way of danger than in it. A few watching, a few fighting, one recordin--What.

A sharp look is sent Colette's way when she realizes she's being recorded. Instantly she jerks her head away and pulls her hoodie up over herself again to hide her face which had been revealed at least breifly.

"Sorry gal, looks like I'll have to cut our fun short. Besides that I don't think you're really real. Not the way those other ones are kind of popping out of existence."

With a long internal sigh she reaches into her hoodie to pull out her Mac10 placing it right behind the triceratops neck. It partially hid from view what she was about to do even if she hesitates a moment. "I'm really, really sorry."


Colette O'Connail has posed:
    Colette looks at her injured car and sighs heavily. Still, it could have been much, much worse. A mirror? When it comes to an encounter with eight tons of cretaceous anger, a mirror is a small thing. Easily replaced. Look on the bright side though - she has video evidence to show the insurance company, and this claim is going to be /fun/.

    Colette walks up to the downed beast - not too close to avoid the flailing limbs and likely soon to be replaced lamp post, and gets a few close ups. She takes a quick selfie with the downed beast, and then turns to go back to the main street and see how things are shaping up there.

    Quite subtly, Colette gives a little flick of her wrist as she turns to leave, sending a bolt of dark energy straight into the fallen triceratops' eye socket, and strides on. Bye-bye dino. If it vanishes like the others, she probably won't even notice it doing so behind her back.

Maxima has posed:
The people up on the roof go from confused to grateful as Megan helps them get away from all the chaos that is happening below. Even as Megan goes back over to start looking down at the things happening below, she'd be the first to notice as the Triceratops on its back vanishes and then the next one and on.

At ground level, Green Lantern and Samuel Morgan are racing toward the 'Master Minds' behind this little distraction and bank robbery. The guys in the box lose their weapons and now are truly useless (more so than before). Meanwhile communication goes down and then the guy with the bracer looks up pleased with himself just in time for a massive T-Rex to appear in the large lobby of the Bank and go right for Green Lantern only to flicker out of existance like the others are doing. The guy stares in confusion as his tech gets shut down, "oh crap..."

Outside, Cullen is in a game of chicken with a Raptor that he blasts and causes it to trip and stumble, fall and then vanish. However, the one behind him vanishes, too. People start to notice all the dinosaurs are vanishing. The machine making them appear and act like, well, dinosaurs is gone and so are they. Luckily, its just in time for Gabby to not have to commit Dinocide as she is now flying through the air, the dino she was riding on gone, and is temporarily firing briefly into the ground. Sadly, Colette's blast is also for not as the triceratops vanishes before it hits. At least she got the selfie, right?

Meanwhile, off to the side of things, Maxima stares at the caranage and shakes her head, "Hopefully this isn't too common in this city." She then hmms and pulls out her smartphone and starts to look up how often giant monsters attack NYC as she walks toward where Green Lantern and Samuel went to peek inside. Lots of interesting emotions in there. Humiliation being at least one of them.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Fire into the ground now that her seat has mysteriously vanished? Hardly. Gabby was trained well enough that she reacts instantly to the newfound issue by smacking her thumb over the safety to ensure she doesn't fire willy-nilly all over the street while she tucks and rolls into a landing. Her poor belt was left to fall on the street but she really didn't need it anyway. There was no problem in keeping her pants up.

Now, standing in the middle of the dino-less street, she stands to quickly tuck her gun back beneath her hoodie jamming her hands deep into the pockets. Tilting her head upward toward the bank she watches as there's some commotion there earning a nod and soft 'Oh' of apparent understanding. It was a good distraction after all.

Still. She might have been seen by someone who could put her face out there. That wasn't acceptable at the moment. Ducking her head low she turns to run toward a alleyway intending to make her escape from this situation. It seemed like everyone was okay after all.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks slowly. "Oooh, they're all gone..? Illusions?" but no, they seemed soo real. "Magic, maybe?" and that causes her to frown, because she's only a beginner mage, really..Right now though, she checks around to see if there are any moderate to severe injuries and if there are she'll port them to the nearest hospital as well. Looks like that bank is the real focus of this fiasco, but she'll leave the heavy lifting to the guys inside. "Phew, are we done now? did we save the day or what?" she wipes her brow, stretching her aching bruised arm. And ouch, gonna have to put some ice on that neck.

Hal Jordan has posed:
Green Lantern has to chuckle. "That explains why no amusement park. Knew I should've scanned the dinosaurs. Alright, time for you two to join your pals in time out till the cops get here and give you more...permanent accomodations." A giant green hand will unceremoniously grab them and shove them in the green box with their buddies.

Presumably, the cops are enroute, as 'dinosuars everywhere' tends to get police attention sooner rather than not. Whenever they show up, Green Lantern will turn the 4 crooks over.

But then, his ring notifies him that something isn't right here...no, not Maxima, he got the dossier on her from the Green Lantern from her sector. Not the crooks, they're done. But...hmmm...

Cullen Bloodstone has posed:
As the raptor infront of his stumbles and vanishes Cullen ducks into a roll, coming up facing the other directions with his gun leveled ready to take out a raptor that's no longer there. He kneels like that for a moment, eyes darting around to make sure the.. well.. he's not sure it's a creature anymore, but whatever it is hasn't given him the slip. The fact that he's not seeing or hearing any dinos anymore is enough for him. He's not going to stick his nose in. That's just trouble

He glowers at his surroundings then slowly stands up, lifting his sweater to slide his gun back in it's holster and removes his hadphones to snap back on over his ears. Hand dipping into his pockets to flick his tunes back on as he turns to make for the nearest subway tunnel. Good knews is he could skip the gym tonight.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Alas, the culprits all disappear into a green box before Sam gets close enough to give them an abject lesson in the phrase 'with prejudice'. It's probably for the best, really. The best for the criminals, anyway. Looks like he won't be getting his hands on one of those laser bracelets after all.

    It's roughly at that time that he finally realises the situation he's in. He's a technopath, a known one at that, standing in the middle of a bank during a heist, with the vault both /right there/ and also partially opened. Chaos, confusion, and he's pretty sure the cameras weren't working since these robbers weren't wearing masks. So yes... there will be some things to explain.

    "Well, crap." Honestly, he wanted to say something slightly less family friendly, but he's in enough trouble as it is. So he looks over to the Green Lantern. "Hey, are you a known hero? Can you explain to the heavily armed response that's almost certainly on his way that I had absolutely nothing to do with this?"

    Nothing whatsoever... although he does fry the electronics on the robbers, while they are trapped in that box. Call it pique.

Colette O'Connail has posed:
With the dinosaurs gone, the fleeing has largely stopped but the streets are still full of milling people, and a goodly selection of vehicles that have suffered more than a broken mirror. The crowds shuffle around crashed and upturned vehicles, and early responders are arriving on the scene to help sort out the mess. Amongst the crowd, Colette makes her way towards the center of the action, still filming the scenes around her.

    Finally arriving close to the bank, Colette takes up position amid a circle of onlookers, to continue filming. She doesn't get as close as Maxima does - police are surely going to turn up any moment and she has no particular desire to get in their way. Maybe that means she doesn't get the best possible shots of whatever is happening inside, but then it's not as exciting as the dino rampage, anyway.

Maxima has posed:
And that's that. With the robbers locked up, it is clear that there's no one else going to be doing anything that could cause trouble. The situation is now under control and getting more that way as a helicopter floats over the area and the police start to show up. Meanwhile, Maxima simply steps back and away from the scene, not wanting to be in the way as she heads for the crowd and starts to blend in and away from it. She doesn't blend super well, being as tall as she is and with that hair but she is leaving.

With the police come the News soon to follow and already various posts are going up on social media all over the place about what just happened.