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Latest revision as of 01:24, 17 July 2020

Because it's a Tuesday
Date of Scene: 15 July 2020
Location: The Public House - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: A decent Tuesday night at the Public House
Cast of Characters: Sebastian Shaw, Tessa, Johnny Storm, Lorna Dane, Alexis Carr

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
It is not the most popular night for many people to visit the Public House, but there are the usual clientelle, and others wishing to rub elbows with the rich and famous, for a price. The microphone is currently occupied by a singer and a singer and band playing jazz standards.

The Public House is not a cheap place to eat, but you get what you pay for. This of course not a big deal for Sebastian Shaw, to him it is only a Tuesday. While more casual attire is permitted, he is not so bedecked. He has on a sharp suit and tie. He has taken a place at the reserved table for the time being, his glass mostly full, taking this chance to observe the room and to see who is here, who is arriving, and who is leaving, occasionally taking a moment to shake hands and have brief conversations with esteemed guests and VIPs.

Tessa has posed:
    In many ways today is part of a stretch of relief after... current events created a certain amount of tension on a global scale. Relaxation and comfort are in especially high demand. Business is good. But right now is a period of relative calm. Tessa, for her part, is largely concerned with Shaw's comfort at this moment. Sometimes this means checking on things on his behalf. Sometimes that means refreshing his drinks. And right this second it means hovering a repectful distance to politely ward off anyone Sebastian can't grit his teeth and make nice with right this second; short as that list may be.

Johnny Storm has posed:
The Public House is a far cry from his last public appearance, that being the skies above Manhattan battling the drones from Braniac's ship, though geographically this puts him rather close by.

This time, however, he is dressed to impress, a charcoal pinstripe suit, blue silk shirt, and a tie with a '4' tie pin on it, as well as italian leather shoes on his feet, all of this no doubt made out of the Fantastic Four's proprietary Unstable Molecules. Tonight he arrives at the public house on his own, stepping out of the elevator and into the main room of the exclusive high-end bar.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna had been... busy. While others had gone to save the world and possibly untold others from Brainiac she'd stayed in Genosha. She'd helped hunker down the mutants there that she could, make sure the refugees were safe, and that the worst didn't happen there. Her father may or may not be alive, but he wasn't around either. Which meant for now.. she was still the one in charge of the little ruined island nation.

The last few weeks had been hard, but this was her first time going out in weeks.

She let her green hair tumble around shoulders freely, and had put on a simple black blouse with a deep v-neck, and a pair of slacks. She spotted Shaw upon arrival, her green eyed gaze landing on him and earning a faint smile as she approached. "Evening," She paused as she noted Tessa and flashed her a smile. "How are the both of you?"

Alexis Carr has posed:
    On a stretch of relief, on that Allegra Caradenza can relate. She was sitting in a booth nearby Shaw, her dark hair drawn up into a neat and tidy bun, and in lieu of the Pink Floyd tee and burnt-to-a-crisp jeans she had been wearing during Brainiac's ill-fated attempt to never give up, never let down and the subsequent pictures that made the celeb rags online, she was wearing a nicer ensamble better befitting one typically found in Emma Frost's company. She wore a light, autumn orange peasant blouse and a gray pencil skirt, jut just to abov eher knees, and had a brown wrap poised around her shoulders. She glances up as Johnny Storm enters, looking a little surprised that he'd make his way in here. Lorna gets a sad little smile as the dark brown eyes of Allegra's land on her, but as she's speaking with Shaw and Tessa, she keeps to herself.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Shaw nods to Tessa in approval as she runs interference, making his time in the Public House even more convenient, as one departs he sees the arrival of Lorna and gives a smile, "Your majesty," he says politely without a hint of sarcasm, she is a monarch. "I am doing rather well, or as well as one can in these times, though at least perhaps there is some hope with whatever was threatening us gone?" Shaw has noted others coming and going, but he keeps to the area around his table as he arises and walks around to stand near Tessa and Lorna, picking up his drink. "I hope you have been doing well, yourself?"

Tessa has posed:
    While properly socialization is an... ongoing challenge, Tessa's a very goal oriented person. And part of the goal is making very important people feel welcome. And they don't come much more important than Monarchy, so Tessa puts the effort in. She smiles, and it actually looks genuine! Though it errs more towards 'polite' than 'pleased'. Work in progress.
    With a gentle bow of her shoulders, Tessa greets her "I am well, Your Highness, thank you. Please let me know if I can help you in any way."
    Goal oriented.
    She looks to Shaw as he speaks, and nods once in agreement at his assessment of the... recent situation, but otherwise lets the important people speak, though she does briefly incline her head to whisper in Shaw's ear "More 'Noteworthy Clientele', Sir." Indicating the arrival of Johnny Storm, just to make sure he's aware of it.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna vaguely knew that everyone in the club had to have important ties to important people to be there.. but it didn't necessarily mean she stayed on top of celebrity gossip. For the moment at least, Lorna was more occupied in greeting the few people she knew in the room.

"Busy, as always. But things have finally calmed down somewhat for me to come here and get a chance to relax." She turned her focus to Tessa then, "If I need anything I'll be sure to ask. Though I think I can manage to get myself a drink." She murmured, her lips twitching with faint amusement. Even as she moved to flag down a server to do just that.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Allegra continues to sit in her booth, thumbing through a sheaf of papers as she nurses something very fizzy and pink. She doesn't seem particularly concerned with Shaw's business.

Johnny Storm has posed:
Pleasantries and greetings are offered by Johnny Storm as he meets and greets people as he walks past, doing the typical chatting up the crowd when you first arrived game, with smiles flashed and all of that. Boy does Johnny have a great smile!

With the initial greetings given Johnny then starts making his way across the room and over towards the bar to fetch himself a drink!

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Busy is good, busy keeps people out of trouble, normally," Shaw says politely to Lorna, though he leans over to hear Tessa's whisper to which he responds with "Thank you," also politely. He gives a nod to Johnny and Alexis as he sees them, to acknowledge their presence, before looking to Lorna, "The drinks are good tonight, so that is helpful, can not go wrong with our bartenders." He gives a smirk and drinks, "Just like this old fashioned."

Tessa has posed:
    "Of course, Ms. Dane." Tessa says politely. If she's embarrassed to have offered unneeded or unwanted aid, she doesn't show it. She bows her head politely to Johnny as he passes, almost in odd unison with Shaw, and returns her attention to Lorna until she moves away. "It seems quiet will not need to be enforced tonight, Mr. Shaw." It makes as much sense as anything. Everyone's kind of cautiously easing back into 'normal' as a concept.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna returned with a simple sour beer in a glass, she smile firmly fixed in place. "I dunno if busy means I'm out of trouble.." She offered, a smile on her lips. A glance was spared for Johnny Storm, but she didn't really know the man. Sure, the Fantastic Four had ties to the X-men in some ways.. but she hadn't worked with him, nor had she spoken to him previously.

"But thank you Tessa." She paused, considering. "Actually, at some point I would like to pick your brain for doctorate programs?"

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Allegra draws herself out of her booth, and draws up to the bar with her empty glass, giving a bit of a smile to the bartender as she turns to face Johnny Storm.

    "PRetty well dressed when you're not lighting up the sky." she states wryly, taking a seat at the bar.

Johnny Storm has posed:
"Well, I've on occasion had to light up the sky with a suit on." Johnny says with a laugh towards Alexis as she approaches and offers her little quip towards him, shrugging his shoulders lightly towards her with a grin, "But, when you go out it pays to dress up a bit, if you ask me." He says, gesturing a little across the club, "Especially when you come out to a place like this. Never know who you'll meet."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Good, it is one thing that is more of a pain than anything, having to remind people to respect this place," Shaw nods to Tessa, "It also helps that it seems nobody is insisting on trouble, anyway." He looks to Lorna, "I am curious, which field are you looking into?" Genuine curiosity, though he does note a couple of new arrivals in the room with a polite nod and a gesture of needing a moment before joining them, a moment being however long he decided it would be, as he is currently in a conversation.

Tessa has posed:
    Tessa actually looks a little bit surprised; or at least her expression falters a bit before she puts it back on, pondering this before saying "It'd be an honor, Ms. Dane; our schedules permitting." Lorna is a busy ruler, after all, and Tessa devotes most of her time to Shaw's company. Shaw has already asked the question on her mind, so she merely awaits a response.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna sipped at her drink, the condensation collecting on her fingertips as she shifted her grip on it. "Geophysics. I had started looking at graduate programs a few years ago after I got my master's degree, but Genosha happened." She shrugged once. "It covers everything from the center of the Earth to outer space. I find it particularly useful in the theoretical usage of my powers and what I might yet do with them in the future." She mused, and inclined her head to Tessa.

"Of course, I wouldn't want to take up too much of your time, I'm sure Shaw keeps you busy." She murmured, and exhaled a breath, a glance spared for the pair at the bar she'd just come from.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Wouldn't have known on Friday. Hard to see, what, with all the fire." the British musician states with a little smile to Johnny. "Oh, well... I come down here on occasion to play," Allegra gives a small pause. "Piano." she tacks on, hurriedly, making sure there's no mistaking what she meant. "I'm not typically here people-watching in the evenings. Can be a bit showy."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Shaw nods to Tessa and Lorna, "If you need time, take it," he says to Tessa before turning to Lorna, "It is an interesting field, to say the least. Education goes a long way to understanding, and at the very least you will be able to do your own research, get it published, and so forth."

Tessa has posed:
    That has... potential. In keeping tabs on Lorna's development, if nothing else. Not that Lorna's an enemy, but...
    Tessa is nothing if not a glutton for data.
    Nodding once to Shaw when clearance is given, Tessa looks to Lorna. "I'd be happy to help, of course; any time you need." She may have to bone up a little on geophysics, but that's fine, it should only take a few evenings. Benefits of a computer brain.

Johnny Storm has posed:
"Well, and I for sure wasn't in a business suit then when the skull ship came down." Johnny says with a laugh, "That was the standard fantastic four super suit." He says, gesturing the bartender over and ordering a drink, "And whatever my friend here is drinking too." He says "So Piano, huh." He says with a nod of his head at that, "I'm sure I've heard you play at some point, must be quite the gig."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna smiled sipping at her drink still as she shifted her weight upon her heels. "Well, it'll be something different to be certain than what I've worked on for the past few years." She murmured, and she nodded to Tessa. "Lovely. So long as I don't take too much of your time." She added.

A glance was spared once more for Johnny Storm and she arched a brow upward as the man's laughter carried.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Another sprite with cherry, Miss Caradenza?" the bartender asks in amusement, and Allegra gives a nod, not being embarrassed by ordering soft in the least.

    "I wouldn't mind a decent pair of shoes in that material." she agrees, good naturedly to Johnny.

    "Ah... if you have, probably not here. I used to perform for some pretty big crowds... nothing so large, lately." she replies good naturedly, though quiet. "So they let me play down here every once in a while, when I'm tired of the piano up in my flat. This one's just the tiniest bit flat in the lower registers. I think someone hit the side too hard once or twice."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Shaw sips from his glass, "Good, expand your horizons, build upon what you know from a different angle and you will further expand each." He again waves to a new arrival, and then turns back to the conversation, "Indeed, I have full faith in your success," he says to Lorna.

Johnny Storm has posed:
"Ah, if you haven't played here much then maybe I haven't." Johnny Storm says at Alexis' comment, "But I'll keep an eye out for any performances you might be putting on here in the future. As for shoes? Well, maybe we can work something out, I'll have a chat with Reed at some point about it and we can go from there!"

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna smiled, and she shrugged, though her focus was largely drawn to the display of Johnny Storm and Alexis, both brows lurched upward. But she shifted her focus back to Shaw and she sipped at her drink again. "It's my plan, certainly. I hope to expand horizons.." She tilted her head, her attention shifting back to Johnny again briefly and back.


Alexis Carr has posed:
    "... it would actually be really nice to have some shoes at least that don't get destroyed." Allegra gives a smile, and then she offers her hand to Johnny Storm.

    "Allegra Caradenza, by the way. It's a pleasure to meet you outside of costume, Mr. Storm." she smiles -- and after the handshake she steps away, with her sprite and cherry juice, to leave everyone to their business.