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(WHO will save the city from the heated streets of Gotham? ICE CREAM MAN!)
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Latest revision as of 22:38, 25 July 2020

Hot Day In Gotham Perfect Time For Ice Cream
Date of Scene: 25 July 2020
Location: Midtown - Founders Island
Synopsis: WHO will save the city from the heated streets of Gotham? ICE CREAM MAN!
Cast of Characters: Joan Wright, Lucius Fox, David Corriea, Phoebe Beacon, Slips

Joan Wright has posed:
It is hot.

No, not hot. HOT. With the high temperatures today there is a visual wavy effect from the steam just rising off the pavement and most people who have access to climate control and don't have to leave are staying indoors.

As for the rest, well you have to get creative. It appears that some merciful soul decided today would be perfect for flushing out one of the hydrants near GCPD headquarters and some kids have migrated over to said hydrant upon discovering this.

Joan is not a kid. And while her home in Long Beach has climate control, this is NOT Long Beach and up until just now, she was working. Dressed in a professional yet functional attire. The brown haired woman steps out of the Gotham Royal Hotel, sliding a notepad into a satchel that is slung diagonally across her shoulder. A reminder of the blazing heat as she opens the door causes her to frown. "Oh Lord."

Lucius Fox has posed:
Lucius Fox meets with start up owners from time to time to mentor them. Today is a no show. Its to be expected with the young and flakey who have no idea the value of Lucius's time, but it is....frustrating. Many times his wife has tried to convince him to focus on other more normal persuits and over time he has, but his first break changed his life and he tries to pay it forward as he can. As it is, he finds himself 15 minutes past the socially acceptable 'late' window and it is indeed hot.

David Corriea has posed:
    Frosty creams has been in business since before Gotham was declared no man's land. It was a small ice cream shop and trucks and offered ice cream sculptures of heroes. One such truck began driving by, slowly as the familiar ice cream music plays. It was actually the frosty creams jingle. David was down a driver so he left the shop in the hands of an employee and was doing the rounds himself. He drives to the corner of GCPD and stops to let people order ice cream. He opens the side window so he can take orders.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    It was pretty hot. Phoebe was wearing a tank top, shorts, and had a tote with #GOTHAMHOPE scrawled accross it in extra artistic sharpie and a couple extra waters tucked into it, slung over her shoulders, a pair of bright yellow sunglasses are perched on her nose, and her hair has been carefully allowed to hang in poodlepuffs, separated by rainbow beads as she walks down the street.

Joan Wright has posed:
There's already a small line of dripping wet Gotham kids holding just as soaked bits of currency in their hands. Smiles all abound it is true. In these temperatures, in this sauna of a city. For the time of his stop. David IS the hero this city needs. ICE CREAM.

As the anthem to the weasel's plight reaches Joan's ears, her frown fades and is soon replaced with a look of relief. "Oh thank you." She murmurs, stepping down to the sidewalk to stroll over to get in line. Okay, she's been working a lot today. A cool sweet treat seems in order...

Lucius Fox has posed:
Lucius Fox spots the ice cream truck and beams a wide smile as memories come glooding back of a youth chasing such behicles. He stands slowly, and stretches. He isnt going to be chasing anything but moves languidly in its direction to see what he might buy. Its a very good cure for a very hot day.

David Corriea has posed:
    "Just take it easy now." David says to the rushed kids. The sign on the truck said children get half priced and he was giving them all their orders. Theb flavors were as numerous as some other brands, but they also claimed to have no sugar ice cream and low fat delicious flavors for diabetic customers and those who wish to partake and lose weight. The ice cream sculptures were probably the most expensive of the ice cream, sculptures coming in from the avengers to even the famous batman sculpture.

Slips has posed:
One such snot-nosed, okay not /snot-nosed/ (yet) child is off to the side with two others.  "I'll give you these two magic buttons for three dollars."  The little boy is rightfully laughed off.  "Well what do you think happened to the girl who refused the magic beans!" he insists, his fiery hair flopping down into his face as if to thwart all credibility even further.  When the kids are turned though, he deftly slips his fingers into the outer pocket of one's backpack.  Yoink!  he mouths as he nicks what looks like is simply a folded up paper. "Try to get an A+ now..." He looks down at the paper, "Howard," as he walks away to get in line, jamming the paper into his pocket.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    There were, as expected, a whole lot of kids crowding the ice cream van, and Phoebe gives a slight grin, watching them have so much excitement with just the idea of a cool treat. She can bide her time. She leans back on her heels, looking about a moment before spotting one not-quite-snot-nosed-kid nick a paper from another kid's pack. She checks that the zipper on her tote is tight before she breezes her way over to the kid, the teenager speaking up "Now, that's not sporting, is it, shrimp?"

Joan Wright has posed:
Many demands were made upon the ice cream man today. And small metal ledge where the transactions were made became wet with the water dripping off the bills and the drips of ice cream escaping from their respective cones, popsicles, and cups.

Joan is a bit late reaching the line, since she had left an air conditioned building, she opted to walk slow to allow for those in the heat longer to get ahead of her.

Finally Reaching the line, the architect peruses the displayed list of flavors. The height of the patrons in front of her affording her the view. Hmm. There's a lot to choose from. OOOHH Coffee! YES! And chances are good it won't be bought out before she gets there either. No wonder he stopped near the police department.

Joan turns her head and upon seeing the older man reaching the line steps back, gesturing to the spot in front of her, giving him a smile.

Lucius Fox has posed:
Lucius Fox has a cane, and leans on it. He is immaculately patient and beams again as she offers him the spot. There was a time when he would have none of it, but he is now old enough and since the stroke will genuflect when offered a concession. He spots the dynamic between Beacon and the would be kleptomanic. He may not have powers, but he does have a lot of situational awareness. "Thank you." He spots Joan and considers a moment and then recognizes the face. "Ms Wright?" He also has a phenomenal memory.

David Corriea has posed:
    David exchanges money for ice cream and he smiles as he finally looks to his next customer, Mr. Fox. He smiles. "So what brings you down from Wayne Enterprises, Mr. Fox? Your usual?" He asks as he watches the older man. He then looks about then turns his attention back to Lucius. David inherited Frosty cream when he turned 14, showing a knack for business. There have been several times when he would donate the profits from a day to various causes like homelessness and the gotham police department.

Slips has posed:
The freckled scamp squints up in the direction of the voice that utters that nickname and insists, puffing his chest out, "The doctor says I'm perfectly well-sized for my age!"  Upon a closer look, his sneakers are worn, one sole splitting from the heel.  His hair is well past the haircut phase, but it isn't just some hipster layers or something.  Apparently though stealing Howard's homework is last on this kid's list, because when Joan offers her spot to the older gentleman, the kid glances to the side as if tempted to seize the moment.  Lose a tail and get a better spot?  Unlikely.  "What can I get for 2....zero dollars?" he garishly asks Phoebe in his outside voice as his eyes slip about her person, the purse first, then back up to her with seemingly even bluer baby blues than they were a second ago.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe was 5'7 in her sandals, and she gives an arched brow as she leans over slightly. "How about you return that kid's property, and I'll buy you *two* ice creams. For good behavior." she offers, eyeballing Slips. Her Healing Aura was always on, and there's a warmth that radiates from it as she sweeps one of the poodle-puffed trails of hair out of her face, straightening up. "My treat."

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan turns her head back to the flavors listing, confirming that the coffee flavor was not imagined and indeed is an option.

Upon hearing her name, she glances to Lucius once more, deer in the headlights look brought about. Alas, Unless it's LEGO, she doesn't have much of a head for faces. There's a pause as it's very obvious as she's trying to go through who she does remember. But eventually, it does register. The face brightens again. "Mr. Fox? Oh hi! How are you?"

Hearing David address Lucius, she blinks. Wow! This guy is fast!

Lucius Fox has posed:
Lucius Fox again beams, "Yes please." A double scoop of Butter Pecan and Mint Chocolate Chip, "How is the truck?" And he had enjoyed the fund raisers with David. If more of those blessed with such inheritances acted as Bruce or David, the world would be a better place. He smiles at Joan, "I am very well thanks. And how goes the work with Damage Control?"

David Corriea has posed:
    "Doing well. We appreciate Wayne enterprises for modifying them to run off electricity." David says as he begins scooping. One scoop butter pecan and another mint chocolate chip. He wraps the cone with a napkin and hands it to Lucius. "Tell Mr. Wayne he is welcome to spend his fortune at Frosty creams." he says jokingly to the head of the company.

Slips has posed:
The little boy's lips push up into an obstinate pout, brow furrowed as he places Phoebe's offer under careful consideration, scrutiny even.  It's as if he expects, "No trick?"  After mulling it over for two more seconds, he jams his fists into his pockets and scuffle kicks the dirt as he makes his way over to the group of boys.  "Here's your damn F in science Howard.  Looks like you get to tell your mom after all."  He drops the paper and it swishes back and forth to the ground while 'Howard' blushes in his wake.  At that age, it's not yet cool to be the slacker.

The redhead shuffles back, peering up at Phoebe under his brow, chin lowered slightly.  How dare she inspire him to return his trophy!  Still.  Ice cream.  "I only did it for the ice cream."  It must be known.  "Why do you care?  It's not like anything was going to the likes of him anyways."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe seems happy that the paper got returned, and the girl gives a warm smile to the boy as he returns. She's already gotten a ten dollar bill out, and was going to get in line.

    "Because he might be in my mom's class. I'd hate for her to be disappointed in one of her students. It would make me sad." she replies to him.

    "My name's Phoebe. Do you have a name, squeaker?" she inquires, still keeping things friendly as she gets into line a couple places behind JOan and Lucius.

Lucius Fox has posed:
Lucius Fox's ears perk up at the mention of science class. He is always a champion of science education but doesnt intervene immediately. He smiles at David, "I will tell him to stop by," he grins, "I doubt it will take that much arm twisting.

Joan Wright has posed:
"Very good." Joan responds to Lucius's indication he's doing well. When the inquiry directs to her time with Damage Control her expression brightens. "It's doing well. It's actually why I'm in town."

Her eyes drift back over to the flavors again. YEP. Still there!

David Corriea has posed:
    David nods. he takes the money from Fox and he nods. "Remember to stop by the shop. We actually selling cooked bratwurst sandwiches." He says as he looks to Joan and nods. "Whats your poison ma'am?" He asks as he waits for her order.

Slips has posed:
"I think she already is.  He's not exactly a model student."  Spoken with the tongue of a child who has taken to aping the adults around them, maybe?  The boy eyes the ten-er like there's more where that came from, but slyly begins to eye the choices.  So many choices.

"You know I'm not four right?  You don't have to talk to me like that."  If true, he does look awfully...underdeveloped.  Phoebe wasn't wrong when she called him shrimp.

"I have a name," the boy finally answers, "and it isn't Squeaker either.  Howie."  Like any kid, 'Howie' seems susceptible to the nature of good deeds, as long as he doesn't have to do them.  He squints one eye up at Pheobe, tilting his head discerningly at her comment about her mother, "How /old/ are you?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "My mom's pretty proud of her students. They work really hard in spite of some of the challenges life slings 'em." Phoebe gives a grin down to Howie, adjusting her sunglasses so her warm brown eyes can peer directly at him.

    "I talk to a lot of kids like that when I don't know their names when I'm putting books back in the library. Mostly because the boys don't like being called 'sweetie', and I respect that. Just been a while since I've been back to volunteer."

    Her sunglasses slide back up her nose and she gives a soft 'hm'. "Raspberry Swizzle? That doesn't sound too bad -- and I'm sixteen. So I don't get the kid discount." she gives a slight grin to Slips, and she looks at the listing. The #GothamHope hashtag was plain on the tote-bag side facing the boy.

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan's attention shifts over to David as he finishes up with Lucius, "Hi!" She greets, "Could I get one scoop of coffee in a cup?

David Corriea has posed:
    "As you wish." David says cheerfully as he gives the woman a scoop of coffee in a plastic cup. "New customers get their first order for free." David says as he hands her the cup with a plastic spoon He then looks to the other people nearby. "Come get some ice cream!" He calls out to try and get stragglers.

Slips has posed:
"How come you haven't volunteered lately?  Feel rejected?  Because they don't like the 'sweetie's sweetie?"  The little kid asks, still unafraid to stare straight up into those warming browns.  Memorizing them or falling prey to them?

His study interrupted by the question of ice cream, 'Howie' tries to keep up his front, thrusting his hands back into his pockets, more a mimic of teenagers than passing as one.  Too exaggerated.  He squinches his mouth up to the side in careful consideration of this "Raspberry Swizzle?  What if I buy you the ice cream?"  His clear blue eyes drop to the hashtag on Phoebe's tote. "Yeah.  I'll try it...if that's what you're getting?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Developed a couple new hobbies that I'm trying to make sure get attention. Still doing some good out there in Gotham, though." PHoebe states in a friendly tone to Howie, unconcerned about that information. She steps up closer to the ice cream vendor.

    "Hello! Could I have a single scoop of raspberry, and whatever my friend here would like." she gives a smile up to David. "What would you like, Howie?"

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan was already getting ready to grab a few dollars when David mentions it being free. "What?" She blinks, looking over to David curiously before she ends up taking the cup and spoon being offered. As he is already tending to the next customer, she dumbly shuffles aside to not block the others. She looks to Lucius who did visibly pay. "Is that true?"

Wow. Good thing she didn't go crazy with the ordering.

Lucius Fox has posed:
Lucius Fox smiles, "I think it depends on the new customer," he beams, "But I can certainly treat either way." It is, after all, obscene for him not to, putting the money back into the community only does so much and he is too good at moving it around to spend it all quickly. "But I am curious what you think of the Narrows project?

David Corriea has posed:
    David nods as he watches phoebe and he looks to howie. "The kid gets half priced." He says as he begins to scoop the raspberry flavor into a cone and he offers it to Phoebe. "New Customers get their first order free, including your son." He says as he watches

Slips has posed:
"Strawberry," 'Howie' predictably strikes out on his own.  "As many scoops as the rest of Mom's change gets me."  He brandishes a big, charming smile, undermined by having to blow his hair out of his eyes.

"So, you ditched the kids for...what kind of hobbies?"  He talks in that way all children do.  Innocent of the norms and propriety of adulthood that would prohibit such prying.  "I mean.  I get it.  Children are liars and annoying."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Started dabbling in witchcraft and sorcery and tutoring college-level English." Phoebe replies. The first part of that was a joke, the second part of that was just a small stretch. She comes to the counter, and she hands the cash over regardless. She's good for it -- but she balks a moment.

    "OH no, no, no, I mean I'm like six years older than this kid!" she comments, blushing.

    Aside from the fact that she's dark hair, dark skin, dark eyes, and Howie's a ginger!

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan glances back to David for a moment as she steps away alongside Lucius. She uses her little plastic spoon to get a bit of ice cream but pauses as Lucius asks for her opinion. "Personally? I know that can't always be the case but when it is possible I'd rather preserve a building than to give up on it entirely. There's history in old buildings. History is important to learn from."

She overhears David repeating the phrase and nods, seeming a bit more relaxed as she puts the spoon in her mouth. A brow raises as she looks down to the ice cream in surprise. "Oh that's good." No wonder the first hit is free. "I'll have to keep this guy in mind when work brings me here in the summer."

Lucius Fox has posed:
Lucius Fox waves to David and Joan,"I must be off, but I agree with you, preserving our history is very helpful. A long term thinking is good thing." He smiles and nods, "keeping the ice cream in mind is a good thing." He moves on.

David Corriea has posed:
    David smirks at phoebe. He then gets strawberry ice cream and gives a cone to howie and a raspberry one to phoebe. "As I said the first scoop's free." He says as he hands her back her money. He notices everyone has ice cream and he begins to close his little window. "Well I need to continue my route. Remember, Frosty creams is the largest and best ice cream service in gotham!" He calls as he begins to drive away.

Slips has posed:
'Howie's eyes widen at the witchcraft and sorcery and stick to Phoebe as he reaches out blindly with both hands to take the cone.  "Thanks ice cream guy," he says as David gets mobile again.  It's as if David bought Howie the ice cream.

"You don't look like you're in college...but my mom?  Apparently."  'Howie' snickers to himself as he leads the way from the spot where the truck once parked.  "Thanks...for not trying to turn me into the cops or anything," he finally mutters when they get further from earshot of the others.  His head dips to lick, perhaps just keenly familiar with the physics of an ice cream scoop loss.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Let alone the fact that you and I don't look a thing alike?" Phoebe questions, and she looks at Slips a moment.

    "Oh, so much worse. You behave too badly here in Gotham, and you get swept up by the birds, or find the Batman at your window." she replies spookily, knowing it was a ploy her own mother used to scare Phoebe into going to bed at a decent hour. She even wiggles her fingers in an 'oooh, spooky' manner as she licks her raspberry ice cream. It was a hot day, after all!

Joan Wright has posed:
Hearing the announcement that the ice cream truck is closing up, Joan turns to look towards the vendor, lifting a spoon in a wave of farewell before turning around once more, slowly making her way towards the ArcTerra. This was a great break. A little bit of ice cream and then, well, its back to work.

Ice cream acquired and the source of it closing up, the newly treated kids start to gradually make their way towards the fire hydrant. Not within reach of the spray but ever ready to hop in after they eat their treats.

Slips has posed:
"I guess according to that guy, yeah," 'Howie' laughs in a real break from attitudinal armor.

"Eh.  I could take Batman.  Raptors beat bats any day of the week," as if this were somehow relevant.  "Sounds like he's just a creepy stalker anyways," 'Howie' says as he leans away from the spooky fingers.  "Well, I gotta split.  Got some important business."  He sounds like he means it.  "Thanks for the treat.  Maybe next time you get a scoop for free, no me."  He winks over his shoulder as he scampers off, showing excellent cone balance as if the threat of it falling isn't even a factor.  And it really isn't. No casualties today!

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Take care, Howie -- and stay out of trouble!" Phoebe warns.

    She didn't really have the heart to correct about the creepy stalker business, as she returns to the shade to eat her ice cream.