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Outsider Downtime
Date of Scene: 16 August 2020
Location: The Robin's Roost - Chelsea
Synopsis: Casual hanging out at The Roost among the Outsiders. The only one without drama is the robot pirate butler.
Cast of Characters: Phoebe Beacon, Tim Drake, Carrie Kelley, Conner Kent, Hope Summers, Cassie Sandsmark

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    There was very little time that Phoebe had that was 'downtime'. Everything was either spent active, activity, or study -- or doing chores or at school. At this moment,, her sock-clad feet, this time with happy little sushi rolls, was up against the wall. Her legs were against the back of the couch, her trunk on the seat of a couch, and her head hanging off, engrossed in a college level A&P book that was open (and upside-down, so that she could read it easily). She had a mug of something that smelled a little like tea, but also very herbal and almost flowery. Her braided hair hung down to the floor, and she had a pair of glasses perched on her nose that was continuously sliding up to her forehead thanks to gravity as she studied.

    On her stomach was perched a bowl of popcorn, with flecks of black pepper and parm cheese clinging to the kernals, and to her side a notebook that lists HUMAN ANATOMY TYPES - T, R, L? -- and a bunch of codified notes with a code key scrawled in the margin. Her earbuds are in her ears, and her head nods to some music.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim had arrived with his sister in tow... but instead of staying in the front half of the theater, he had popped open the door on the second floor leading into the base, where he promptly escorted her up to the fourth floor where the rec and dining areas are...

And then abandoned her slightly in the rec room where Beacon is reading to go get cokes. "Hey Pheebs, this is my sister Carrie, I'm grabbing drinks--" and he's across the hall in the kitchen rifling through the fridge.

Oh nice, Cherry-Vanilla. Go AHAB, nice ordering skills.

He'll be right back with about a half a dozen of them in a moment.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley is dressed rather casually in some comfortable-for-the-weather shorts that were perhaps a bit on the short side. Fashion. A button up blouse in a pale shade of blue, and a pashmina draped around her shoulders adding a bit of lacy style to the outfit. Still casual, cool and comfortable. The length of her ginger-red hair is pulled up into a ponytail that swishes from side to side as she follows Tim through the theater to the 'secret' area.

A grin flashes toward Phoebe as she spots the girl in such a relaxed lounging position while clearly studying. "Hey. That brings back memories," she remarks with a chuckle. As Tim vanishes she glances after him rolling her eyes slightly in a good-natured manner. "I'm Carrie, nice to meet you." Then she calls out after her brother, "You better at least have name brand, Tim! None of that discount store BS!"

Conner Kent has posed:
One of the few good things of Kryptonite poisoning is that Conner super-hearing is not working much, so he is enjoying the first quiet week since he started developing enhanced senses a couple years ago.

On the other hand, he had no idea so many people were around. The door of his room has been closed all the day. He has been there, doing some reading and generally feeling shitty. Because poisoned. It is only now he finally drags his sorry ass out to find the place is crowded! "Hey folks. Hmm, this is starting to feel like the old hangout. Where is Tim?"

Hope Summers has posed:
While Hope is the independent sort, a few months of this new world have proven to her that she needs a team and a mission in her life. She's just not built for a life without purpose. She got Tim's text with the address while on her way back from Genosha, so instead of going back to the school, she headed for this place.

She stands outside for a long moment, vastly overthinking the entire thing. Should she try to prove something by sneaking in? Should she call out so as not to startle anyone? Or- Right. Phones are two-way communication devices.

<< Hey, it's Hope. I'm outside. Okay to come in? >>

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe pulls one earbud out and gives a wave to everyone assembled.

    "Hey Tim. Hello Carrie. Hi Conner. Don't mind me. Studying." she states distractedly, shifting her weight slightly to cross her legs as she sits, upside-down with her legs in the air on the couch.

    Then she gives a start, and slowly pushes over the book in curiousity, and her eyebrows draw up a moment to Carrie, and the dark-skinned teen gives a wry smile.

    "My neck was cramping from leaning forward." explains, "Phoebe Beacon, how do you do?" she inquires, bringing her hand up to offer a hand-shake to Carrie.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Cassie hadn't been staying at the base much in the prior weeks. First it was because of whatever social friction, but after the encounter with Slade, there was a whole different (and far more embarassing) reason for her absence: An encounter as brutal as that one was not something they could really keep to themselves, and however /exactly/ it moved through the adult-hero grapevine (wanna take bets on Batman being involved?) the story had eventually reached, in however many steps removed, first to Cassie's mentor. And then, almost certainly through her, to the worst place possible: to Helena Sandsmark.

So, short version, Cassie got grounded from superheroing!

After some days of this, and a great deal of whining, she's finally managed to get permission to come back to Gotham and see everyone, but it's a very different Wonder Girl who shows up. There's no high-speed aerial arrival. Instead, she drives the used car Diana bought for her after she got her license. Tim's cameras probably spot it on the street outside. It takes her a few minutes from that to negotiate her way inside, carrying a couple grocery bags with her from the car. And apparently, on the way in, she finds an unfamiliar person!

"Uh, hey," she greets Hope, looking pretty normal-teen in her street clothes and no apparent wonder-gear. "Friend of Tim's?"

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim totes a armload of Cherry-Vanilla Cokes into the rec room, his phone going off with a buzz. "Whoop, hey Conner, feeling any better?" he asks, neatly and carefully dropping the cans of cokes on the coffee table nearest Phoebe. He looks to Carrie. "Ugh, of course actual brand, what do you take me for?" as he pulls out his phone. Idly, he mentions, "Conner, this is my sister, and she has a boyfriend," as he reads the text.

His fingers tap the phone as he replies, <<Yeah, but come around back, I'll unlock the door on the second floor fire escape. My living room is a mess.>> Since the front side goes through his actual 'house'. <<Up the stairs, 4th floor, stairs or lift should drop you off where we are.>>

Then he looks up. "Uh, also, there's a girl I invited to join us, it's a bit complicated..." he glances to Carrie, "but you two have a lot in common."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley glances over to Conner when he steps out of his room offering him a smile as well. "Hey," she greets simply. Stepping forward she reaches out to take Pheobe's hand in a quick shake of greeting. "Nice to meet you. I've heard so very little about this place. Timmy's been a bad boy." Of course she's teasing as she says it loud enough for him to hear just as he steps back into the room.

One of the Cokes is sniped with a quick movement and she snaps the can open with a quick fingertug of the tab. Raising an eyebrow slightly she just looks amused. "He hasn't done anything but say hello, Tim. And what in common? Redheads that can whoop your ass at Smash?"

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope looks up from her phone as Cassie's car pulls up, a wry smile curving at the question. "Acquaintance, probably?" she replies, holding out her phone in illustration as it buzzes again with his response. "I'm Hope." A bit on the nose, it's been said, though to someone who doesn't know her it probably seems a little chipper compared to the girl who offers in. Cargo pants that look like she's carrying half her life in them, a plain dark t-shirt, and sneakers that look much newer than the rest of it.

"I was just figuring out the best way to get in. Sounds like it's the back to the second floor fire escape?" she says, pointing a thumb in that direction.

Conner Kent has posed:
"Hello, sister of Tim," greets Conner. "He never told me he had a sister, some best friend. So, for revenge, I will tell you all the embarrassing things he has done in the last three years." He also picks one of the cokes. "I am well, too. Stop worrying about me. Most people stabbed like I was would be in the hospital."

It is not the stab, anyway, it is the kryptonite.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "There's nothing wrong with generic drink. Half the time it's made by one of the name brands!" Phoebe replies in incredulousness to Carrie's complaint about *generic* -- and then Tim's follow up. Her nose wrinkles, and she shakes Carries's hand -- and then attempts to sip from her teacup -- while upside-down. She's very careful, and does manage to do it without spilling it everywhere.

    "-- Tim, are you capable of being bad?" the younger teen calls out from her place on the couch. "I didn't think that was possible. And I've only actually known you for like, a week!" Phoebe replies.

    And then without looking up from her teacup.

    "You know, I *could* help. At least a little." she comments, airily, to Conner.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Cassie," the blonde echoes Hope's introduction.

"And uh, we can go in whatever way Tim suggested," she concedes. She is familiar with most of the entrances, and complains about the security for all of them! So the choice doesn't really that matter. She hefts the bags. "Let's go."

... an annoying amount of doors later ...

"Hey, I found this outside," Cassie calls down, as they make their way through the last of the many trials and tribulations. She is obviously not terribly paranoid about the security stuff herself, and seems to take it for granted that Hope must now be part of the circle.

Tim Drake has posed:
No one is as paranoid as Tim in this group, it's true, except maybe X-23 and Ravager... neither of whom are here at the moment. Tim lifts a coke can in salute to Cassie and Hope as they come in. "Hey Cassie. Finally off double-triple-not-secret-probation from Mom?" He grins a bit. "Hope. Welcome." He gestures to everyone present. "Meet the team. Or.. well... some of it. Guys, this is my sister Carrie, and this is Hope, who is... really good with guns." He mutters under his breath, "so she'll probably get along well with Jay and Rose at least." He takes a swig. "Uh, Carrie, Hope..." and he gesture to each as he introduces them, "Cassie, an Amazon... Phoebe, the team healer and flashlight... Conner, half-Kryptonian, all bad pickup lines."

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner looks at Phoebe thoughtfully. "You know, maybe... I mean, it is annoying to be tired all the day." Among other things. "Can you handle poison? Because I think I must still have some tiny bits of Kryptonite and it is what is keeping me so-so."

And then he hears Cassie, and turns to greet her with a grin. "Cassie did you...?" Beat. "Hey, I know Hope. And her gun hobby. Nice to see you again. Pay no heed to Tim, he is cranky today for some reason."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Hello, Tim's friend," Carrie greets back with an amused grin at the way the introductions were being done. "I imagine the reason he didn't tell you about me is the same reason he specifically mentioned I'm dating someone." Which just gets an amused look from her. She was older than him after all, if only by a year.

Phoebe's talk about the generic sodas earns a helpless shrug from her. "I know, but I swear Coke tastes different than other colas. I think they put cinnamon in it though no one ever believes me. I totally taste cinnamon."

Glancing to Hope and Cassie she raises a hand to wave. "Hey. I'm Tim's sister, Carrie."

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope actually laughs at Cassie's casual introduction, raising a hand to wave to the gathered crowd as she walks in. "I'm also good with things that aren't guns," she notes for the record. "But, yeah. Guns are handy. Today's guns aren't really- Oh, hey!"

She blinks when she sees Conner, grin flashing. "Conner is aware of my preference for non-projectile guns. You should see what I've managed to do to the one from the restaurant. I tweaked the power supply and added a few adjustments for the strength of the fire and the width of the beam. Really cool," she rambles in Conner's direction before turning to Carrie and Phoebe. "Hey, nice to meet you guys."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe knocks over the A & P book as she eyeballs team "Team *Flashlight*? What the--" she shrugs, and she shakes her head and gives a smile to Hope. "Nice to meet you. Hiya, Cassie!" she greets the Amazon, then looks over at Conner, giving a considerate look to him, and she rubs the back of her neck from where she sits, upside-down.

    She closes the heavy college tome, and then breathes out, crissing her arms a moment.

    "To be honest? I'm hoping that my abilities will work. I know that they work across kingdoms and species, but to the best of my knowledge? You'd be the first ah... not-earth-type-person?" she states, awkwardly, but the teenaged healer swings her legs down, revise-summersaulting off the couch and into a crouch as she stands up.

    "But I think it's worth a try. I'd like to try."

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"I'm still grounded in the more literal sense," Cassie answers Tim, sounding a bit grumpy about it. This would explain the car. Mama Sandsmark has her on the power time-out!

"But I told her it wasn't helping anything for anyone, me just stewing in my room while people moped around here." Not that things actually look all that mopey, as she walks in! "So I grabbed some stuff, thought we could at least make a bit of a night of it. Just hang out a bit-" -while we lick our wounds, she could add, but doesn't, although a bit of the sentiment is in her demeanor. Either way, while the hideout is doubtlessly already stocked with junkfood, she's brought along a decent haul of options for anything that might be missing, or just extra bulk quantities of the most popular stuff, in case Bart shows up and decimates the stockpiles!

"'Sister?' Jeez there are a lot of you," she can read between the lines, there. "Hey Pheebs," she calls back while making her way down and around to the kitchen to offload her goodies. But catching a bit of the conversation, there's a notable pause in the rhythm of her unloading stuff onto the counter. "You're still feeling weak?" she wonders, obviously asking Conner even though she pointedly doesn't look over.

Tim Drake has posed:
"Of course," Tim comments dryly to Conner. He doesn't finish the 'you have a /type/' comment, nor the follow up of 'female and willing to kick your ass'; instead he states, "I am not cranky, actually, I'm feeling quite happy with life as a general rule at the moment." He takes another swig from the can. "Hm. Energy beams are far easier to make into something non-lethal but still capable of disabling an opponent..." and he's already considering this, glancing towards the door to the stairs down to the labs. "And yeah, Conner, you should let her try." His tone is already a bit distant and distracted though. Labs. New things to work on... and no Rose to prevent him from locking himself in there for the next day or two.

Actually this is the first day in several that she wasn't practically within arms reach of him, or at least somewhere in the Roost where they could put eyes on each other within moments.

As Cassie starts unloading items onto the kitchen counter, a vaguely humanoid robot with a jaunty pirate's hat emerges from the pantry and begins picking up the groceries, scanning them, and putting them away. "Hello, luv," it says in a very Jack Sparrow voice. "I-I see there's plenty of new additions!"

Conner Kent has posed:
"Funny thing is I am an earthling too," protests Conner. Although he knows what Phoebe means. His biology is compatible with human, though. Otherwise he wouldn't be there. "I guess we better find out now and no next time Deathstroke stabs me. What should I do?"

He glances Hope and rolls his eyes. "Girls and guns. You will get along well with Rose and Laura. Hey Tim, those were Intergang energy guns. Packed some punch. You know how they are. I doubt they had a non-lethal setting." And Hope stole them before the cops arrived. But those are minor details.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Not according to the reactions in the medical log, though in theory being stabbed with anything is, in general, bad for one's health." Phoebe counters to Conner, and she sits down on the couch, her back to the arm as she pats the cushion.

    "Basically, if I'm at work it amounts to 'try not to fall asleep and make me have to move you'. My healing is touch-based, works best with skin-to-skin contact but I've healed through armor before. I'm told it feels different?" she ventures, and she gives an embarrassed sound.

    "Mostly it was healing a bunch of guys with sprains and minor infections at homeless camps. Oh, and this one time when I accidentally made Jeremy Blanche totally sober when he threw a bender at his mom's riverhouse last year. That was an awkward night."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Guns are over-rated. I prefer bows," Carrie remarks before taking a sip of her soda and taking up a relaxed posture leaning jauntily against the side of the couch near Phoebe. She falls mostly silent to listen to the banter and get updated with what's been going on. Talk of Deathstroke however earns a snap of her head toward Tim with her head tilting to the side, and a 'really!?' expression.

That would explain his injuries. Huh. To Cassie she shrugs. "Yeah there are, but I'm the only woman unless we get into cousin territory."

Hope Summers has posed:
"It does now," Hope chimes in on the topic of non-lethal settings for guns. "Part of the tweaks. Laura?" she echoes, arching a brow and looking around. She even seems to have perked up a bit. "About yay high, dark hair, stabby?"

The robot definitely gives her a moment of pause, though she eventually settles on amusement before setpping over to cautiously pick up a soda, keeping an eye on the robot to see how it reacts. She's listening to the rest of the conversation as well, mentally cataloging information.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"... the hell is this?" is Cassie's moderately alarmed and significantly more surly reaction to being accosted by a robot pirate... butler? She looks a bit put off by the strangeness of it at first, although by the time it makes its first return trip and starts gathering up another load of goodies, she looks like she might already be warming up to the practical advantages.

"Uh thanks. Yeah, just put them- Tim this is great and all, but why does it sound like a Disney ride turned relatively charming movie turned souless franchise? Did we get a boat? Tell me we got a boat." She'd tolerate a weird robot pirate butler for a boat. Yachtin'!

She doesn't join the weaponry debate, since 'lasso' is a fairly esoteric category that she really doesn't expect anyone else to appreciate, but does seem curious of Carrie's unique positioning in the extended bat-clan. Which, to be fair, she doesn't fully grasp the size and scope of, although there may be some supsicions! "Well, good thing you're there to keep it from being a total sausage fest. Did he mention I'm an Amazon?" He did, and she knows it, but it's an obvious segue. "Perhaps you'd be interested in our literature!"

The jokes cover concern, as she assembles a snack platter (and even enlists the pirate-bot to help), before walking toward Phoebe's couch and the accompanying coffee table to set it out. "You may as well let her try, Con."

Tim Drake has posed:
"Working on a boat," Tim replies with a flat expression. He could be serious, or he could be joking. "When I was up in New York at that--" he stops himself before finishing that comment with the appropriate word. "Uh, store, there was a pirate outfit that would look great on Ros--" he stops himself entirely.

"Boats could be all right." Is his voice a slightly higher pitch for a second at that? Noooo. "No specific reason, and I am //absolutely// going to the lab for a bit." And he is starting for the stairwell.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Oh, god, no don't talk about playing dress up with your girlfriend, Tim! Ew!" Carrie cringes, visibly shuddering at the very thought as her tongue sticks out in response. "I don't give you details about my love life!" Another 'yuck' face is thrown in for good measure before she lets out a sigh. Great. She'd have to get used to this no doubt.

Tipping her head toward Conner, and Pheobe, she adds in her own suggestion of, "Can't hurt to try. I'm kind of curious about seeing this myself, actually. Healing isn't something I've seen power-wise before."

Cassandra's re-emergence earns a wicked grin from her. "He did mention," she agrees with a chuckle at the other woman's enthusiasm. "But I think I like men a bit too much for that sort of literature from what I've been told."

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner takes the offered seat and grunts, obviously still in some pain. "Okay, skin contact. So, take my hand," he offers. The Tim-Carrie exchange makes him smirk. Yes, she seems a good ally against Tim constant ribbing at his own love life. Currently girlfriendless, thank you.

Hope comment, though, draws his attention. "Short, dark hair, green eyes, kind of broody. When she talks it is to give accurate reports, never casual chat. Rarely opinions. I think you know her, yeah. I think she is currently dueling our quiet ninja lady downstairs. Hopefully with not too much stabbing."

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope can't quite hide a grin at the conversation going back and forth, including Tim's flight to the lab. "Could be worse," she grins at Carrie. "Could be more than one pirate robot in the house." So helpful.

Now that she has a drink, she wanders closer to the others, nodding to Conner. "Sounds like the Laura I know," she says with a flicker of a smile before she looks to Phoebe. "Mutant or meta?" she asks, sounding curious.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Yes, THANK YOU," Cassie echoes after Carrie, FAR too enthusiastically.

And she doesn't stop there. Apparently, this is kind of a /thing/, and there's obviously some prior... /issue/, with how it sets her off. "As family, can you DO something about this? Tim has literally no filter about this stuff and it is like, REALLY starting to get on my nerves. He can't go five minutes without talking about what perverted crap they're up to, or gossiping about what /other/ people are doing." That might be the bigger complaint, ahem!

"Don't get me wrong, I hope Aphrodite smiles on them but... come on. He's supposed to be smart, but this is like, bad sitcom-levels of nerdy social obliviousness and I'd really like it to stop." Is his sister oversharing a good counter-strategy? Fighting fire with fire? Sure why not. Even his flight isn't going to avoid her getting some of this stuff off her chest.

"Oh it's not like we're all gay, although I guess on the island that's sort of the default option and uh..." What was she saying? Oh right. "Mostly its a warrior tradition. So I think there's a lot you might appreciate. Athena, and Artemis especially have no interest in romance, or even inherently shun it. And they're among the most popular patrons."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "The Amazons have great literature! I've borrowed some from the Embassy. ... I've got to return them to the Embassy... oooh someone's going to get mad..." Phoebe winces quietly to herself, and she raises her eyebrows at Conner sitting down. "I kinda figured it'd be more difficult than that." she reflects quietly, and then, to Carrie, she gives a slight, shy smile. "Ah, well, I'm the only one I've ever met who does it. I don't think it's anything like a mutant power, but..." she gives an embarrassed smile. "I'm still trying to research what it might be, so probably more metahuman than mutant ability." she explains, and she brings her hands togehter, forming what looks like a little miniature sun between her palms -- and then Cassie goes on a long rant --

    And she blinks. She turns back to Conner, and inquires, quietly "Are you jealous then?" to Cassie, before she closes her eyes, and draws her hands up, one going to Connor's hand -- the other palm reaching accross his back to his far shoulder, in something like a circuit as she lets out a breath, straightening up, and beginning to focus on Conner.

    And, should magic work on Conner, he might feel something like a cross of your foot falling asleep and warm water running along from where her hands are. Her lips purse a moment.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley lifts her eyebrows as apparently everyone, or a good deal at least, chime in about Tim having no filter. "Timmy? Really?" She looks amused though. Another sip of her soda is taken as her gaze flits over to watch Phoebe at work on Conner curiously. A tip of her head is given toward Hope in greeting when she steps over too. "I haven't met that one yet. Just got invited in today. My last group is kind of dead in the water," she admits with a sigh. Ah well. This would be better. It already was--She couldn't remember the last time she'd been around teammates chatting.

"Oh, I guess that's fair," she calls back to Cassie with a chuckle. "I've only ever met heard about Diana before. She was kind of a legend in my wor--" Here she pauses. Paranoia was part of the Bat philosophy. While she was less paranoid than others it had still been ingrained into her. Now here she was, about to blurt out about her past to these people she'd just met. A deep breath is taken before she continues stubbornly on. "My old world I mean. I've been here for years now. Nothing wrong with powers no matter where they come from," she adds to Phoebe with a wink. "My boyfriend's a mutant so no problem either way from here."

"And to be fair," she adds raising her soda up to point with one finger back at Cassie, "Tim *is* a socially awkward nerd."

Conner Kent has posed:
"Poor Tim, he can't stop thinking about Rose. It has hit him hard. First time and all." Conner shakes his head. "Then again, he is a lucky guy," assuming Rose doesn't break his heart. Noooo... all is going to go well. Probably. Maybe.

Magic, of course, works pretty well on Kryptonians. As well as in humans, which is often a problem when some guy with a magical sharp stick comes to stab them.

Fireballs are not fun either. But that is a well-known fact, right?

"Hmm, dunno if this is working," he comments, "it feels as if my hand is getting numb."

Hope Summers has posed:
"Hang around with enough telepaths and you sort of get used to people's inside thoughts becoming their outside thoughts," Hope shrugs, apparently unfazed by the oversharing. Uncontrolled telepathy is not the talent you want to pick up by accident.

"Okay, so I read about the whole...island of amazons thing," she says to Cassie, "But I wasn't sure if that was, like...real. It's really a whole island of amazons? Like the ones from myths?" There's a glance toward Carrie, sympathetic. "I'm not from around here either," she offers. "Though just by a few months. And there were no real amazons where I came from. Or if there were, they weren't public at least."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim actually sighs a bit at that, as he opens the door to the stairs, and then looks a bit apologetic. "Point taken, Cassie..." he notes, "Annndd I'm sorry-- and it'll stop." He considers Conner on the couch, and glances to Cassie. "We should talk later, without any wall punching, privately, anyway." He actually looks serious.

And then Phoebe drops what Tim was trying not to say, and he shakes his head slightly. "Seriously, I'll drop it-- but I'm trying to make a point about... you know... not hiding things, like a lot of other people do and don't do very well at all." He squints at Cassie. And then he glances back to Conner, pointing at him. "And you and I need to talk too, about... not exactly the same thing." He grumbles, "And my experience has been lately if I don't bring up having a girlfriend people make weird assumptions about... things." That's mostly in an undertone, but it's also fair.

Carrie gets a snort. "Only on Tuesdays and Thursdays, the rest of the time I have to pretend to be a real boy." Conner's comment gets a wince. "Yeah. It has, and it was, and she's //staying//. Not leaving like she usually does, so, yes, Con, I'm happy. I'm over the damn moon." He had looked apologetic at first, but that last bit makes the usually fairly even-keeled Tim look actually angry. "I'm never asking myself if we're never going to see her again, and that //feels good//. I don't have to worry about reading some report out of Gammora or Madripoor that says her body was found somewhere on some job she never should have fucking taken. Yes, she's my girlfriend, and yes, we're sleeping together, but more than that she's been our friend and maybe I've been a little stupid about it-- yes, I've been very stupid about it-- but here we are. And if you're going to be pissed at me for being happy that maybe we're not going to lose her to either the darkness she's been playing with for years, or to someone who is more meta than she is killing her? That's a you problem."

He pulls the door open. "Yeah. I'm probably absolutely in over my head and I don't care. It's what I've wanted for a long time, and I at least finally said something."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Fireballs are not good for your health, much like getting stabbed, generally speaking.

    "You tell 'em, Red," she murmurs quietly, mostly to herself.

    "That's normal. Ah... from... what I've gathered, from others I've healed, you feel a tingly warmth going through your body. It follows your nervous system. It might have to make its way back up to your shoulder before it goes its course, poisoning is... eh... a little tougher. Purification of toxins in the bloodstream. Support of the liver and the kidneys to prevent degeneration or renal failure. Early stage poisoning I made them throw it up, without the negative effects of 'sudden regurgitation'." Phoebe focuses, breathing out as her shoulders relax. The warm tingling may be progressing through Conner's body now, drawing from her hands.

    "But people respond differently. Wounds respond differently. It takes more out of me to heal something that has already progressed. Infection can take longer if it's began to spill toxins into the bloodstream, wounds beginning to scar. Everyone feels different to me, and apparently I feel different to everyone. It may be uncomfortable."

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"I am /annoyed/," is what Cassie is willing to answer Phoebe, leaving anything else unsanswered. "I would like to go a day without coming in here and hearing a report about a drugged-up sex party or a cosplay fantasy. Is that a lot to ask? It doesn't feel like a lot to ask!"

But then Tim follows on Phoebe's lead and she seems to have had enough. "No, and THIS," and she waggles her outstretched arms at both of them, "is what I mean, too. Both of you. The meddling and the matchmaking. It's what needs to stop. We started doing this when we were just kids. Kids have stupid crushes, and gossip about them, and all that 'oh does Billy like Sally?' crap. But at this point? I honestly feel like -you're- more in love with the idea of me and Conner hooking up than either of US is," she finally gets out, sounding weary, drained, and yes perhaps a little sad.

It may also be far from what Tim was expecting to get out of her.

"People grow, people change. Maybe they grow apart. Whatever? I don't know. But I'd like to not have to have someone getting in my business every time I come here," she finally asks. "Because it makes it really awkward to even come around. Anyway. Enjoy the food. I'm due back." Probably not /this/ fast, but the divinely-enforced mom sanctions are a convenient out. "Nice meeting you two," she adds, for the pair of redheads.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley pauses in her drinking of her soda when Tim lashes out in that fashion. Defensively, and with clear issue about... something she wasn't aware of. The disapearing. The leaving thing. That look he shoots Conner. It all comes together making her eyebrows draw together in a frown as he finally comes to the end.

Then Cassie is doing the same causing her eyebrows to jump back UP again with a small 'huh' in response. A deep breath is taken. "So... I think maybe we ought to steer clear of relationship chatter for awhile on both ends of this spectrum, for everyone's sanity," she suggests in an attempt to be reasonable. "And Tim? Love you, you know? Dorkiness and all. ... I sang the opening song to 'Grease' with my boyfriend at karaoke. So there, now you have ammo against me for being dorky." She smiles wryly before clearing her throat.

"It was nice meeting you too," she assures Cassie. "Don't be a stranger when we just met though, yeah?"

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner stares at Tim outburst. What did it happen there?

Yes, sure. He also worries about Rose. He has worried about Rose since the first time she walked away and vanished for a month. 'I am going to kill people for money' style statement when she wasn't even sixteen. He also worries the Joker will shoot Tim dead. Of all his friends, those are the ones that seem to take more risks.

He is not pissed at them being a couple, he encouraged them, after all. When Carrie looks at him, he responds by arching an eyebrow. Something has been brewing between Cassie and Tim he missed?

He can't think too deeply on it, since there is a healing thing going. "I don't have an infection," he notes. "The cut is healing well. Only slow for my usual healing speed. Not really slow for human norm."

Hope Summers has posed:
This level of drama barely registers on Hope's radar. Or rather, it registers, but not enough to cause her to interfere just yet. This is personal stuff. It's usually better handled by the people involved. "Nice meeting you, Cassie," she says, raising her can in salute. "I'd like to hear more about the amazons another time, maybe."

Tim Drake has posed:
"Assumptions on what I was going to talk with either of you about," Tim snaps to Cassie. It's not the first time in the past few weeks they've bickered. "But whatever, we'll talk later, and shockingly, not about whether or not you two hook up or not. Don't leave on my account-- I've got //work// to do, and I'm a lot better at dealing with //that// than..." he waves a hand, "whatever this is. Screw him, don't, I really don't care. Just try not to put any more holes in the wall when you hear about him getting laid again." He growls wordlessly in frustration, then steps into the stairwell, slamming the door behind him. (And if anyone checks the monitor screens, a few minutes later the computer labs lock so no one can come in from the outside without an override.)

AHAB steps out of the kitchens, beginning to pick up empty cans and bringing out new full ones. "Anyone request a new beverage?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "... is this what siblings are like? I feel this is what siblings are like." Phoebe mutters, and she breathes out, still concentrating on working the healing energy through Conner. She feels her blood rush to her ears, her braided hair brushing over her cheek as her head tilts forward slightly.

    "No, you aren't infected. It feels more like toxic effects. Like... dealing with someone who's drunk, but on steriods. Your body's fighting off something and it's affexting the healing. How fast do you normally heal?" she inquires, and she tries to push the energy through. Kidney and liver support. Cleaning blood. It was arduous -- especially with the temper of the Amazon and her recruiter -- and slow going.

    "What was it that you were stabbed with again?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Not usually my siblings. Unless it's Jason and ... anyone," Carrie has to admit. Maybe Damian. Eh. She wasn't going to namedrop anyone else at the moment but she knew Jason was in this group as well. With a small shake of her head she glances around the room at the others offering a sheepish grin. "So, hate to run out on his heels, but I've got to get to work soon. I've still got patrols to do in the city," she explains with a light clearing of her throat. Standing she dusts her hand off on her thigh unnecessarily, and knocks back the rest of her soda leaving the empty can to be deposited on the robot. Or with the robot. "Thanks, uh... When did he get this?" She mumbles curiously.

Conner Kent has posed:
"Kryptonite," replies Conner. "Only mildly toxic for humans, but extremely toxic for Kryptonians. It felt like getting stabbed with a radioactive red-hot knife coated in acidic poison."

Maybe he is exaggerating a little. But it was bad!

"Anyway, Tim extracted the blade fragments, but they were there for few minutes. Kryptonite is not a metal, it is a crystal rock, like quartz, but softer. It breaks easily," he explains. Hence the poison. "Usually it would have taken me a few hours to heal the cut. Maybe just one if I was under direct sunlight. So I guess I heal maybe a hundred times faster than a normal human."

Hope Summers has posed:
"Didn't have any siblings, but it tracks as pretty normal for a team in my experience," Hope offers to Phoebe, shrugging comfortably. "Nice to meet you, Carrie," she adds with a wave and a smile before moving to find a slightly more comfortable seat. There's information to take in, names to remember and relationships to map out in her mind.

"I've never even heard of kryptonite," she muses when Connor explains what he was stabbed with.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "His name's AHAB, like the Peaquod captain. And... Tuesday, I think?" Phoebe answers back to Carrie, before she frowns and lifts her hands from Conner, and breathes out, shaking her hands as she lifts them from the Kryptonian.

    "I wonder if there's too many fragments in there to actually heal... could try another session tomorrow? I thinkt hat's all I've got in me for now." she states, embarrassedly.