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Latest revision as of 19:38, 24 August 2020

A Bit of Hellish Socializing
Date of Scene: 22 August 2020
Location: VIP Lounge - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Four Inner Circle Members Walk Into A Bar....
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Slade Wilson, Talia al Ghul, Elektra Natchios, Sebastian Shaw

Emma Frost has posed:
The VIP lounge is relatively quiet, but then again, in a early afternoon most of the movers and shakers don't really start arriving until the later afternoon or early evening. There are staff members wiping down tables and otherwise making busywork happen, but it's generally a relaxed vibe. Light classical music plays over the speakers, at a volume just loud enough to suffuse the air with gentle piano and light strings but not enough to overpower the room or conversation.

The VIP has a very strange dress code, in that technically there is none at all, though often those in attendance tend to dress up rather than down.

For Emma Frost, however, down is the dress of the day, her long blonde hair twisted up into a french knot, but her feet in white sandals and wearing a bright crisp white summery sundress with a halter top and hi-low skirt. She's at the bar, a well-muddled whiskey cocktail in front of her, skimming a tablet with the feedback about the newly opened teen club.

Slade Wilson has posed:
It is, perhaps, a sign of the greater comfort Slade Wilson is feeling both living in and working with the Club that he too, is relatively "dressed down" even if for him that veers more towards a "business casual" ensemble than truly casual. Today a top-end designer navy polo, with a pair of khaki slacks and black shoes that border right on that line between "dress" and "work." The watch is still plenty expensive, but not outrageously so, and built more for function than decoration. Unless one has a distinct eye for tailoring and materials he could be any of a million "contractors" working in the security or military fields (just slap a flak vest and some sunglasses on him).

Of course the eyepatch (white today) and silver hair are distinctive, and certainly by the reaction of the employees as he enters and makes his way to the bar, he's known here. He sidles up beside where Emma is seated, giving her a nod as he makes a simple gesture to the Bartender, who starts preparing a double of a top-end bourbon over a sphere of ice. Apparently Slade's usual.

"Miss Frost." He offers by way of greeting. "Hope the afternoon's treating you well."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul is new to the Club, all things considered. So new, in fact, she's not yet been to an Inner Circle meeting despite having been named as the Black Rook most recently and the other Inner Circle members being made aware of such.

The daughter of Ra's al Ghul and second in command of the League of Assassins, then, has decided to spend a little time in the VIP room on the premise of meeting some of these other members, getting a feel for the people within that she would soon so closely be working with.

Today, Talia is wearing a v-cut black sleeved top that leaves her midriff exposed. A pair of black matching leggings hug her form, while her high-heeled boots allow her greater stature and a certain gait to her walk that makes her hard to miss.

Her bright brown eyes survey the room even as she confidentally orders up a glass of red wine from the bartender to savor.

"Miss Emma Frost, I presume," she greets Emma, cordially, confidentally. Her 'guess', educated as it is, is confirmed by Slade to whom she turns next.

Talia smiles, ever-so-briefly. She muses to the man, "We haven't had the chance to meet, yet." Her hand is offered to Slade, "Talia al Ghul. Ever so pleased to meet you."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
A nice summer afternoon and Elektra has an unexpected opening in her agenda. And where else would she be? Making her way into the VIP room at the Hellfire Club, dressed in a long deep-red dress of silk, flowing and free. No need for lace and leather today.. And besides, it's way too hot for that. Hair is held up in a warrior's knot and high heels are on her feet, posture elegant as she makes her way in, looking here and there..

She takes in the gathered, assessing, gaze lingering for longer where Emma and both Talia and Slade are at and she begins her approach. One hand takes a flute of champagne from one of the passing servants and when she is finally close she speaks up.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Frost. Mr. Wilson." All polite and courtesy in her tone, the richly accented tone of someone that may not have english as a first language. She takes in that last bit of introduction from Talia, her eyes immediately studying her. Al Ghul? That rings a few bells! The corner of her mouth arches ever so slightly in a smile.

"Elektra Natchios." She says in ways of introduction.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Shaw is also present, but that is not a surprise, the man literally lives in the Club. Not unlike his usual Inner Circle, attire, only updated for the modern era, Shaw wears a black suit and a dark red waistcoat to the club. His muttonchops are freshly trimmed, and the man is about as home here as if it was his personal domain. He makes the rounds, as expected, but today is a good day as there are a few others he recognizes, and does not find irritating, as many are that have managed to purchase membership.

Shaw secures a sherry for himself before approaching Slade, Emma, Talia, and Elektra and gives a brief nod, "Good afternoon. I hope you are all enjoying yourselves, today?" H

Emma Frost has posed:
"Mr. Wilson," Emma replies cordially, taking a sip of her drink. "I must commend you for your quick handling of the incident on the opening night of Purgatory. A pity, you know, that he and his father were banned for it." She rolls her eyes but looks good natured.

Talia's arrival gets a quick once-over. There's a light mental flick of a once-over as well, though Emma quickly withdraws. Something about the woman almost but not quite reminds her of Selene. Possibly the predatory feel to her thoughts. "Mm, yes," she replies to Talia's guess on who she is, but before she can ask in return, Talia is offering her name up. "Ah, it's good to meet you finally, Ms. Al Ghul. I've heard... many things."

Predatory indeed.

When Elektra slips up to the small group, Emma gives her bit of a grin. "Hey, Elektra. Love the dress," she notes, even as Shaw makes himself known. He recieves a nod in response. "Good, good. We had more attendance at the Purgatory club that I expected, and the subsequent nights have also been extrordinary. It seems we have tapped a need and filled it."

Slade Wilson has posed:
"Well, it would be a lie to say I didn't take perhaps a bit too much satisfaction in it." Slade replies to Emma with a flicker of an almost-mischievous smile, taking up the tumbler of caramel-colored liquor and sipping from it, before his attention is drawn to Talia, and then Elektra in turn.

The former's hand is taken, clasped firmly for a moment, "Slade Wilson. A pleasure, Miss Al Ghul." The polite smile is not forced, but there's a knowing glimmer to his good eye that suggests he may have some inkling what the "Al Ghul" surname entails.

"Miss Natchios, a pleasure to see you again." He notes to Elektra, though shifting a bit to allow for a more comfortable introduction to Talia, whom she is clearly directing it more towards. Which gives him the opportunity to reply to Sebastian, "Mr. Shaw. Well enough, thanks." He lifts his glass with a small smile, "Nothing but the best and all." He'd probably need near a dozen to get buzzed, and even then it likely wouldn't last long enough to enjoy, so it's purely for the flavor, on his part.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia inclines her head to Emma, "I'm certain you have," she returns back to Talia, in good nature. "Perhaps sometime we can sit down, and you can tell me exactly what things you've heard," she suggests with a bit of measured curiousity and interest.

As Elektra enters, and introduces herself Talia nods. "A pleasure," she says with a faint smile that may, or may not suggest she knows a thing or two about the name, much like Emma and her own as she addresses the woman in the lovely dress.

"And a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Wilson. I feel like we've met before."

She raises the glass of wine, sips, indulgently and watches as Shaw descends into the room with the bravado of one who owns the room - which, he certainly does. "Mr. Shaw," she greets. "A fine gathering of people, all told. I look forward to meeting the others."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Quite so, Mr. Shaw. As always during a visit to the club." Elektra raises her flute of champagne in a salute to the club owner and then takes a sip, a fingertip then brushing over the rim of the glass. The smile deepens at Emma's words about her dress. "Thank you. It's a simple one but no need to overdress all the time." her brow then quirking in a mix of curiosity but also amusement at the talk about the Purgatory opening.

"An incident? Worthy of an amusing story or just misbehaving teenagers?" Her eyes settled on Slade as she asks that, head inclining in a return greeting. "Still, it pleases me it's being a success so far." not that anyone would -ever- find her close to the place. But that's an whole different matter.

And finally her attention is on Talia, taking in the other assassin, the posture, 'feeling' the danger in the room between all these people. The ruthlessness. "Likewise. It's a pleasant surprise to to be honest." which is telling she may be aware of that surname. Yet the smile does seem genuine. But there's always been that sense of kinship between killers.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Good, good," Shaw says as the others speak, "Glad to see you are all acquainted, at least." The new 'board members' will work together enough as it is. "Also glad to hear Purgatory was well-received. Should be good for the legacy members and their friends of substance." He continues frowning espeially when Emma mentions an incident.

With a raised brow, Shaw says, "An incident? I am sure Mr. Slade acquitted himself well enough with it, though hopefully the troublemaker will no longer be such?" Less inquiry and more statement. Shaw has minimal patience for such, "Though I hope it sent a message to others that they are not to think of Purgatory as a sort of feeding ground for riff-raff."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma's tablet flashes, and she checks the message (it's linked to her phone). "I really hate to meet and run--" she downs her drink in two gulps, "but Alex and I haven't really seen much of each other lately outside of sleep, so we're doing dinner." She gives Shaw a mock-stern look. "Keeping him busy at work, mm?" But she seems relatively light-hearted about it. "It was nice to meet you, Ms. Al Ghul, Mr. Wilson. I look forward to working with you both. Elektra, Sebastian." She grabs her tablet and gets up. "See you all soon!" and she's heading out the door towards the Strait Lace downstairs.

Slade Wilson has posed:
Slade gives a silent nod of farewell to Emma at her departure, before turning his attention back to Elektra, "Someone being rather indiscreet about dealing MDMA on the Club Floor. He didn't argue much with his expulsion." Slade says it oh-so-casually, taking another sip of his drink. "Doubt his father will be stupid enough to contest it. He's not as dim as his boy."

Slade's attention seems divided between Elektra and Talia, though not for the obvious reason (or at least not solely for the obvious reasons). There's certainly a degree of assessment going on there. A sizing up, if one might. Not that it isn't likely returned in its' own way.

Whatever conclusions he comes to, however, remain secure inside his head, especially with the local telepath having excused herself.

Still, on the subject of incidents, Slade can't help but smirk just a touch around his next sip of bourbon, "But I'd say any night I get the opportunity to righteously throatpunch a snot-nosed punk and drag him out by his ear rates relatively well as far as enjoyability goes."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia inclines her head, "I would be happy to talk, at any time, Elektra, dear," the woman, so closely linked to the League of Assassins mentions, almost off-handedly. There's a meaningful smile that accompanies those words, genuine interest.

But then Slade, and his events are claiming her attention, "Surely it takes more than that to interest you, Mr. Wilson. While I can understand the satisfaction of - education - to those that have none, there are more challenging, and rewarding experiences to be had," she ventures, amused.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
When Slade mentions the guy didn't argue much on being expelled Elektra can very well imagine.. "I am sure you used all the right arguments.." well, she may be a killer who has seen death and violence hundreds of time but there are still some occasions on which it can amuse her, albeit briefly. "Children are often prone to these kind of mistakes though. Something to take in mind about that club." which will mean more work for those that handle security around the club. Ah well!

With Emma excusing herself Elektra dips her head in farewell to the White Queen, "Until next, Emma. Pleasure as usual." eyes then roaming towards Shaw, "And how have you been, Mr. Shaw? I believe last time we met was during ..., the masquerade ball." a faint smile at the memory. "Way too long."

When Talia then addresses her by her first name there is a grin. She does like the boldness. "Then lets make it happen soon, Talia. I find myself more and more in New York these days. It will be a good occasion for it." The League and the Hand in cahoots. Brrrr!

"Sometimes simplicity isn't too bad. There is pleasure to be had in the simple things of life." Not that she seems any less amused by the other woman's words.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Shaw nods to Emma, "He is a useful person, though if you wish for him to get leave, you need only ask," the usually stony expression cracks into a chuckle at that, "But have fun." He looks to Slade, and that stony expression returns, "I see. At least he could have been a bigger fool, and I doubt his father would be, that is a particular variety of dim." The tone is still serious.

"But you are correct, Ms. Natchios," Shaw says, "It might be the first, and probably not the last, but hopefully the memorandum has gone out not to risk that again." He continues, "I have been well enough, and I will neither confirm nor deny that we spoke there," a rare smile, "The illusion of anonymity is a wonderful thing, is it not?"

Slade Wilson has posed:
"Oh of course, Miss Al Ghul, but we make do with what opportunities we have in the moment, and that particular night no real challenge presented itself, so it was down to small, not-particularly-guilty pleasures." Guilt would imply remorse, and that's not a resource Slade Wilson has in abundant supply, though that's hardly unique for the folks gathered here near the bar at the moment.

At Elektra's words he smiles slightly and lifts his glass in toast to the sentiment, "Hear, hear. Complexity can be an engaging challenge, but I suspect we all know a bit about how quickly opportunities for leisure and simple pleasures can be set aside in the face of our work...or any complications that might arise from it."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia takes another sip of her wine, "We all make due," she says in agreeance with Slade's words, a hint of amusement touching her lips and her words. She moves herself into a nearby seat, crosses one leg over the other with a sensual grace and considers the other two members.

"One would think they'd be more creative," she mentions, dryly. "Ah well."

She lifts her wine glass to them all before finishing it off, setting the glass aside and musing in Shaw's direction, "It's nice to see appreciation for the finer things in life." She is not, it would appear, referring either to the wine, or the decor. Another smile.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
A brief laugh escapes Elektra, "The illusion of anonymity indeed." so fitting to this moment as well. She lifts her glass up and then with a toss of her head back takes the rest of her champagne, a moment to appreciate the flavor. "There's a time and place for everything. Seize the day as they say."

The flute is placed on the counter but then she reaches for her phone, just the faintest of frowns passing by her expression. "Speaking of seizing the day." dark gaze then sweeping over the gathered. "If you will excuse me, it was my honor. But I am quite certain we will be meeting again very soon." a promising tone on her lips along with that deadly smile of hers.

And then she is making her way out of the club, stride elegant, no hesitation on her mannerisms.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"The finer things are often the only things worth noting," Shaw says dryly, though he does raise his sherry to the toast dedicated to comfort. "But yes, make the most of what we are given to work with. It is one of the few things that we cannot control, but we can control what we do with it." Seems like a platitude, but it at least has some truth to it.

As Elektra departs, Shaw gives a nod, "Understood. It was a pleasure, Miss Natchios. Until we meet again, farewell." He salutes again with his sherry before sipping.

Slade Wilson has posed:
Slade nods to Elektra as she makes her fairwells, "Miss Natchios. Until later." He watches her head off for a moment, before his attention turns back to Shaw and Talia. "And then there were three." He notes with some amusement, though the lion's share of his attention is back on Talia, now.

"I don't know...I find most people to be reliably disappointing when it comes to any particular degree of creativity or inspiration. But then again I'm a notorious cynic like that." Slade grins once more, before another sip of his beverage is taken.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
"Mm. Most people? I wouldn't disagree with you there. But, perhaps you simply haven't met the right people then, Mr. Wilson," Talia suggests. "Though, to be frank, if I didn't find leadership here to be creative, I likely would not have bothered coming." She tips her head to Sebastian in compliment; an earnest compliment, and one, likely, that Talia doesn't give lightly; that being the investment of her time and resources.

"Though, I'll let you be the judge in how creative, or boring I am. I have a rather good feeling about you, howver, Mr. Wilson. You are quite creative, I would warrant, when pressed."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Shaw nods, "Indeed. The numbers are dwindling. But it is the way of things." He looks to the two and nods in recognition of Talia's comment. "Creativity is strangely a common trait amongst our membership," especially the board, but it goes unsaid. "One seldom gets far by painting by the numbers." He sips again, "Some luck into it without it, but they are the exception that proves the rule. Judging by your abilities," he nods to both of them, "Know that I believe, personally, in your capabilities," the specifics of which are unspoken, but easily can be surmised.

Slade Wilson has posed:
"I've been known to improvise a tune or two when I find myself on stage." Slade replies, studying Talia once more before grinning a touch, "Oh, I think I could safely say present company is excepted from my usual cynicism. Hopefully I'll manage to keep you entertained enough when you need it." There's certainly plenty of double-meaning in the statement. And he doesn't seem to mind either which way Talia might take it.

To Shaw, he nods, "I appreciate your confidence, Mr. Shaw."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia laughs, lightly, at Slade's words before she turns to Shaw. "I look forwards to proving your trust and confidence is not misplaced," in a slightly more somber tone. Business, afterall, is business.

She uncrosses her legs, rises and moves to set her wine glass back to the bar. "I do look forward to what the future brings." She nods to both of them, and then begins to head towards the door. "Don't worry. I won't be a stranger."%

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"I never knew you were an actor," Shaw says with a raised brow, before looking to the two, "But yes, you both have earned it. Your resumes speak volumes," and probably would be in long form. "But yes, the future holds many possibilities, our only hope is that it is the most favorable to us." Shaw finishes his drink and says to Talia, "Very well then, have a good evening."

Slade Wilson has posed:
"I might hold you to that." Slade comments at Talia's farewell, still grinning just a touch, before he looks back to Shaw and lifts his glass, "And on the matter of resumes, I suppose I'd best get back to work. Until later, Mr. Shaw." Slade smiles politely once more, and then heads off, whether back to his suite or the Security Office or any of a number of other places is a mystery for another time.