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Latest revision as of 12:05, 6 September 2020

Outsider Kitchen
Date of Scene: 05 September 2020
Location: Level 4 - Kitchen and Dining - The Roost
Synopsis: Cookies in the Kitchen at the Robin Roost. At least Tim is happy.
Cast of Characters: Phoebe Beacon, Conner Kent, Hope Summers, Tim Drake, Carrie Kelley, Bart Allen, Rose Wilson

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe had been spending an odd amount of time in the roost. Enough that she's beginning to use the kitchen to do her own cooking. There is a sweet and herby scent rising from the kitchen, wafting through the fourth floor, the cheery scents of lemon and lavender rising with white tea and sugar, and on the counter there was a mixing bowl, and a cooling rack that was piled with yellowish cookies.

    Phoebe herself was wearing a T-shirt with her highschool's logo on the back, and pair of leggings. She had a cup of tea, with a pot of tea ready to pour on a little platter.

    In contropose to the soft, delicate scent of the lemon-lavender cookies, there is a hard rock version of "Poor Unfortunate Souls" from some Disney movie.

    Feebs is singing-along.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner went to sleep right after the movie, to make up for all the time he didn't sleep during the week. It was the first week after the summer break, so college live was... very lively. Now he is wide awake and looking for people, but the scents coming from the kitchen have drawn him here. "Hey, good morning," he greets. "Do you know the plans for today? I mean, at we should go see that plane, right?" Pause, "what are you cooking?"

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope is an odd creature when it comes to establishing any sort of residence. She doesn't like to have a pattern or a schedule. She doesn't like to be predictable. And she doesn't like to feel like she's been tied down. So it's somewhat remarkable that she's been spending as much time at the Roost as she has been lately. Part of that can be explained by access to the labs, but there's something to be said for being around other people without close 'adult' supervision.

She did actually sleep here last night - after triple-checking the security of her room, including the vents (thanks, Batman) - and even managed to sleep in. She's in sweatpants and a tank top, her hair wet from the shower, as she pads into the kitchen in search of food. "Hey guys," she greets, stifling a yawn.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Morning Conner!" greets Phoebe as she leans over and turns down the volume on her Disney Metal, and manages to look a little embarrassed. "Good morning. My plans are to catch up on what I missed last night, since I had an Aikido practice session at the studio. Came in early this morning." she explains, and she reaches for an oven mit to check on the cookies in the oven.

    "Ah, Lemon-Lavender cookies. It's still a recipie in progress." she explains, and she lofts the hot pan out of the oven.

    As Hope joins them, she smiles. "Hiya Hope. Help yourselves to a couple cookies, I want to see how other people like them before I put them up on my blog."

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner blinks at seeing Hope. "Hey Hope, you stayed for the night? Cool," another one that got assimilated by Robin's super nice superhero HQ.

Conner has no idea Hope is subject to adult supervision. She is the 'girl that shoot Batman', after all. But with grandparents like Scott and Jean, she probably needs a place to hide. Who wouldn't? Besides: lemon-lavender cookies. "Are those ready?" He asks, addressing Phoebe, and peering at the oven.

Hope Summers has posed:
"Yeah, things are-" Hope stops herself before she can mention the joys of back to school at a school for difficult mutants. "Kind of crazy back home right now," she says instead, reaching out to take one of the cookies when Phoebe offers them. She's definitely not one to turn down food. "Besides, I'm waiting for the flight simulator and the plane reveal," she adds, smirking as she takes a bite of her cookie.

"Did you hear, Phoebe? We've got a plane now. From Batman. For missions."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "The ones on the counter should be cool enough to enjoy, Conner, ... I mean, unless you *like* super hot molten cookies from the oven?" she questions, pursing her lips a moment as she questions.

    "I... I hadn't heard... but as Team Healer and..." she looks a little bit ashamed "Someone who isn't comfortable around guns, I don't know how much use I'd be on missions. I might just remain back here and patch up others on their return." she gives a slightly sad smile.

    The cookies are good, the earthiness and floral from the lavender cuts the sharpness of the strong lemon. There's a honey-like after-taste. They are soft.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner picks one of the cookies (not directly from the oven) and takes a large bite, testing the flavor. Then gives Phoebe a thumbs up. "I want to see the plane," he comments. Flight simulator? Meh. The real thing, please. "But I guess we will have to wait for Tim to comer over. I hope he is not hungover." No one else knows where the plane is yet. "Do you know how to pilot airplanes, Hope? I mean, Tim probably does, but it is not a skill that is common among teenagers, not even in Gotham."

Hope Summers has posed:
"Tim? Hung over? Does Tim get hung over?" Hope asks, quirking a brow as she chews. She seems...dubious. Hung over would mean getting drunk enough in the first place. "You know, Phoebe, sometimes you don't have time to get back to base for medical treatment," she points out. "Sometimes you need it immediately, in the field."

Is that supposed to be reassuring? Because it's probably not.

At Conner's question of if she can fly, she just smiles slyly. Batman snuck into their base to pull one over on them. Hope...is probably not going to be happy until she returns the favor.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Most Gotham Teens skills are 'avoid trouble' and 'avoid getting killed by others causing trouble'." Phoebe replies in a dry tone, and she begins to dole out the next round of dough onto the cookie sheet.

    She also can't imagine Tim being so irresponsible as to be hung over. That thought's disquieting, but she glances back over to Hope, and then replies: "I... I know. But I'm not precisely combat capable. I can fight in a pinch, but I don't think Tim's going to want me out on missions. The more I use my powers, the longer I have to rest after wards. Besiiides. He's one of Them, pretty sure he has adreniline hypos and first aid items hidden in one of those pockets."

Conner Kent has posed:
"Because Rose kept pouring rum into his soda," explains Conner. Which, honestly, is a bit odd. Rose can handle ridiculous amounts of alcohol because her enhanced metabolism, but why does she want to share it with Tim like that? He is going to ask her.

"We can protect you, Phoebe," offers Conner. "And Cassandra can train you. Er... any of the Cassandras, really. But I mean the mute one mostly. She seems to be eager to, uh, get us into martial arts. She is very good."

Hope Summers has posed:
"You could also fly the plane," Hope suggests. "I mean, even if it's a really smart plane, a lot of times it's smart to keep someone back with it so you're ready to get out when it's time," she points out, taking another bite of her cookie. "Mmm. That's really good."

She heads over to the fridge to get herself a drink, looking over the various bottles and cans with a curious eye. "I mean, hopefully we won't need too much healing, between people who can't get hurt and people who are good at getting better, but you never know. Pays to be prepared."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Oh! Yeah, Cass and I are kind of friends now. I think. We spent a lot of time being pleasantly quiet and drinking tea."

    Phoebe, however, is blushing, just a little. Her cheeks and ears darken. "Thanks! The cookies are pretty great, maybe need a little tweeking-- it's hard to get lavender extract. It's expensive!" she exclaims quietly, and she rubs the back of her neck a minute, that oven mit still on.

    "No offense, Conner, but... the only person I've ever worked with in the field is Tim... and that was an /accident/." she winces. "I don't know how good I am in an actual event. Maybe it's better if I just stay here?" she states quietly, and she taps her fingers, nervously on the counter.

Conner Kent has posed:
"Whatever makes you feel more useful, Phoebe," admits Conner. "But Tim has no powers and he manages well. In fact, he is the boss." He gets a second cookie, munching thoughtfully. "And some of the perks of the hero biz is the chance to travel to interesting places and meeting cool people. I mean, Gotham is a pretty horrible place. No offense meant," he smiles.

Hope Summers has posed:
"I dunno," Hope shrugs. "Gotham feels kind of homey to me." Which is really an argument in favor of it being a horrible place, but nobody tell her that. "Anyhow, if you actually //want// to stay here, that's one thing." She takes a soda from the fridge, going over to a seat at the counter. ""If you're doing it because you're afraid of what's out there, that's a different thing."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Offense definitely taken. I"ve been working for two yeeaaars to try and make Gotham a better place, that's how I honed my skills as a leader. With the one exception of Red Robin having to bail me out of a gang war situation, I've been completely fine. This city has a lot of potential, and if people would stop being down her she'd be just as shiney as Metropolis or anywhere else!" she states defensively, perhaps a little attached to Gotham.

    And she purses her lips, and sits at the counter as well.

    "Well. To be honest, other than going to the Themyscrian Embassy and a couple of places in New York? I've not left Gotham. And I am scared of what's out there, since if I don't have my powers...?" she trails off.

Conner Kent has posed:
"Homey?" Conner peers at Hope, "did you grow up in...? wait, you said you are from the future, uh?" Maybe the future is not as shinny as promised. "Eh, you should come to Hawaii. Now we have a plane it might be easier. We had this plan to spend there some summer days, but things happened," like Deathstroke stabbing him. "But we could go at least a weekend. It is completely different to Gotham. And so much, much nicer."

Hope Summers has posed:
"A future," Hope clarifies, wiggling her hand from side to side. "A different reality. Future implies a sort of linear nature to things that I'm pretty sure isn't accurate. But Gotham is definitely nowhere near as bad as most of it was. See, there was someone who was coming after us, and he figured out that our timeslider could only move into the future. So his solution was basically to destroy as much civilization as possible to try to narrow the playing field so he could find us more easily."

She finishes off the cookie, then reaches for another one as she takes a drink. "So...Yeah. //When// we even had other people around, they were usually not awesome." Conner's mention of Hawaii gets a quirk of her brow. "Not the first thought I had about the plane, but I applaud the creative thinking."

Tim Drake has posed:
Morning is good. Tim comes into the kitchen from the elevators, barefooted and in sweats and a tank. He's surprisingly clear-eyed, despite the amount of rum he'd had the night before, and he snags a cookie off the counter without asking what they are-- they are cookies, that's enough. "Hey guys. Conner. Hope. Phoebe." He's carrying a travel mug that's filled with something likely caffeinated, but not coffee. Tim has never been a coffee sort, only drinking it at great need. He does come in on the tail end of Conner's opinion of Gotham, so he adds, "I love my city, actually. Born here, raised here, probably will die here. I'm a bit partial. She has her problems, but..."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Right. And she's got some friends helping her through it." Phoebe states, offering a fistbump to Tim. Gotham natives.


    The cookies are a tasty lemon-lavender! They're sweet with a little bit of a honey aftertaste.

    "Phoebe glances around to the others quietly, and ducks back down to check on the cookies in the oven.

Conner Kent has posed:
"Tim, you are a weirdo," replies Conner with a small grin, pointing a finger to the other boy. "But Phoebe has barely been out of Gotham. Once she knows Hawaii, she is no longer going to like much this city," he states, probably greatly underestimating Gothamite stubbornness.

"I have lived in Metro, Hawaii and New York, and traveled, well... crazy places," he shrugs. "I think everyone should get out more. Makes you smarter, I hear."

Hope Summers has posed:
"Well. We're gonna try not to let you die here," Hope says cheerfully. So helpful. "Or in Hawaii, or wherever, really. That's what teams are for, right?" She takes a drink, then clears her throat, looking a little sheepish. "Sorry about shooting Batman. Kind of. I'm not convinced it was a faux pas, but you guys seemed a little upset about it, so..."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim actually looks amused. Actually, HOW does he NOT look hungover? After Batman had left, he had finished off the overly-topped off cup Rose had been 'tending' to, and then another couple more besides. "It's all right, Hope. Pretty sure he was expecting it. Hard to surprise him, really. And Cassie is right, he sneaks up on Superman and Wonder Woman for kicks." He shrugs. "I'm just looking forward to getting ahold of the new plane."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "-- wait--" Phoebe turns to Tim "She shot /Batman/?" Phoebe states, "That wasn't hyperbole?" she states, and then she leans her head forward. "I missed a lot last night, huh?" she questions, and she wraps her arms around herself a moment. She mutters something, and then removes the hot tray out of the oven to unload another load of cookies.

Conner Kent has posed:
"Hope totally shoot Batman with her laser gun," confirms Conner, grinning again. "Dude snuck on us, so Hope shot him. Hell, not even Rose had shot him." And Batman deserved it, by the way. Conner is sure he loves to creep out them kids.

"Say, Tim, are we going to see the plane today," asks Conner. "I am... uh, curious. Maybe give it a test drive thing?"

Hope Summers has posed:
"The guy showed up in a cowl and a cape and all black! He's a big guy!" Hope defends herself. Mostly the Phoebe. Everyone else seems okay with it. "And it was the stun setting, which I needed to test anyhow, so it all worked out."

She takes a sip of her drink, pensive. "He's already got files on all of us, doesn't he?" she asks with a sidelong glance at Tim. "Access to the security system here to he can check in on training, know what we can do?" Hope is not a trusting person. Surprise!

Tim Drake has posed:
"Of course he does," Tim replies with a shrug. "The core of the systems for this base run off the same system the rest of the Bat family systems are based on. And we're prepared for anything and everything, all the time. When you don't have powers, it's basically the only way to manage when you're surrounded by..." Tim tilts his head towards Conner.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe shifts about slightly as she sits back down, looking over the pile of lemon-lavender cookies. "I don't see why it has to be Hawaii... such a long flight... plenty of beaches and places to swim around here anyway." she mutters quietly, and pours herself a new cup of herbal tea. She glances about at the assembled heroes, and holds the pot up in case anyone wanted to take some.

Conner Kent has posed:
Third cookie. Because Conner is greedy. "You will change your mind when you see Kaua?i and the beaches," points out Conner. "New Jersey beach pale in comparison. California, well, almost, but not quite. Hawaii is tropical weather, nice all year around."

Tea? No thanks. He goes to the fridge and takes a soda. It is what Kryptonians have for breakfast! "And I can teach you surfing," he offers, as incentive.

Hope Summers has posed:
"I bet it's not a long flight in our new super secret spy plane," Hope grins, waggling her brows. "Hey, plane aside, do you know when we're getting the flight simulator set up?" she asks Tim, far too innocently. She's definitely up to something.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
It was the first night Carrie had officially spent in the Roost. After everything that happened she'd needed to just slip off and crash, so she had. Unfortunately that meant she was wearing the same clothes as the night before even if she had freshened up with a shower. Hair still slightly damp with a towel draped over her shoulders to keep it from soaking her shirt, she follows her nose to the smell of... cookies? Curious, and a bit hungry, she steps into the kitchen with a glance around. "Morning everyone." Glancing to the fridge she asks, "Grab me one of those too, Conner?" Well he *was* right there.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim drinks from his travel mug and shrugs. "Early this week I think. What's up?" he lifts a brow at Hope. 'Too innocent' isn't missed by him. Not much is. "Hey Carrie."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe looks up from her teacup to Carrie, and gives a little smile and a wave. "Hey Carrie -- I have some white tea matcha blend if you want to try it?" she offers, holding up the teapot in offering.

    "I don't think I will change my mind. After all, you're always attached to where you spent your childhood, provided you had a moderately normal childhood, and just something about the shoreline in Jersey feels like home. As long as you're not swimming in the harbor. Most of the people who go into the river there have cement shoes." she mumbles quietly.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner passes the tray with the cookies at Carrie, and frowns when Tim says the simulator won't be at the base until next week. Chances are he won't have much time to visit until next Friday. Maybe he should cut down some of his extracurricular college activities, but actually those were the main reason to go to college.

"We will be using the plane plenty the second half of the month, right?" He comments. "We should start familiarizing with it as soon as possible."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley glances over to Phoebe at the offer with a hint of curiosity. Her weight shifts to one foot, then the other, with momentary indecision. Then talk of the harbor comes up. "Yeah don't... don't swim in there. You don't want to know what's in there." A little shudder of revulsion ripples through her in recollection to times in the sub. Or times when she was thrown in there by some criminal or another.

"I'll give the tea a go," she decides walking over to the table. Tim gets a look at his rather put-togetherness causing a single eyebrow to raise. "Did you really...? Good luck, Timbo." With a grin she reaches out to snag a cookie from the plate Conner offers. "Thanks. I'm starving."

Hope Summers has posed:
"Oh, you know," Hope shrugs. "Just want to make sure I can get qualified. Wouldn't want to end up stranded somewhere because our pilot got hurt, right?" Way too innocent face. Hope is not really able to pull off entirely innocent. Trade-off for all that life experience.

But she hides her grin with more cookies, because there are plenty, right? "Hey, Carrie," she adds to the chorus.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim tilts his head and regards Hope. "You've got piloting skills." It's not a question. "That's something that could have been useful to add to your debrief, Hope." His tone is light, and he grins a bit. "But that's good, we'll both spec on this specifically, and get a couple others as well. I don't think anyone but M'Gann can handle her ship, so." He's not a terrible pilot himself, but he'll gladly split the job as far as people are willing. Carrie gets a smirk. "BatMagic, sis."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe hops up to grab a mug from the cupboard, and she pours a half-cup of the tea for Carrie to try. The tea itself is earthy and floral, very grounding with a slight vanilla tone to it.

    Phoebe looks back and forth between Tim, Conner, Hope and Carrie as they speak, and her shoulders draw up, and she takes a deep breath, her eyes looking upwards. "Ugh, but everyone in one tin can suspended by hopeful science, duct tape and bubblegum, canned air..."

Conner Kent has posed:
"Thank Phoebe, she made them," comments Conner. About the cookies. He grabs another one, too. "I think any of us who is interested should at least know the basics about the plane. Me included. Hell, maybe I can pilot it too. This could be one of those things that I don't know if I know until I try."

Not this time. N.O.W.H.E.R.E. didn't bother programming piloting skills into Conner's head. Because, really, no point.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley is mid-bite of her cookie when Hope's interest in piloting becomes far more evident. She holds up her hand, fist out, toward Hope to bump. "Pilots, heck yeah," she offers with a grin. "I can pilot too but it'd be nice to get out in the field a bit more on occasion. I'm all for more people learning." Tim gets another look at that with a bemused grin. "Don't overdo it. Loses the effect."

When the teacup is offered she shuffles the cookie to her other hand to reach out for it with a quick nod. "Thanks, Phoebe. Don't knock science though. It's saved my butt tons of times. We can also teach you how to exit a plane safely... Which isn't always fun but also good to know." With that she takes a sip of the tea thoughtfully.

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope grins as she reaches out to bump fists with Carrie. "Yeah," she chuckles to Tim. "I can fly. Trained on similar crafts with a pilot who can be...pretty demanding. //And//," she adds, raising a finger, "I can make repairs in the field. I'm full of fun surprises." Seriously, the Summers family has some strong opinions about flying.

Tim Drake has posed:
"I know, I know," Tim replies to Carrie cryptically. "Figured I needed it last night." He nods to Hope. "I can understand demanding teachers," he mutters, but good-naturedly.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Three pilots. A boy who can fly on his own -- maybe -- and Phoebe. Phoebe just sort of stares down into her tea as her concerns are admonished, and then she takes a breath, looks up and states, quietly: "I've never been in a plane before. The whole idea of being in one and going out to far-off places makes me a bit nervous, is all." she admits quietly. "... just like when whats-his-face brought out all the guns and folks just treat it like it's nothing."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen comes into the room in a blur, and seeing everyone there he stops for a moment, to see what is going on. He is not dressed in his normal clothes, bit he is wearing a oversized bat costume. And no not Batman, Bat-halomew the Bat, one of the Gotham Zoo Mascots, complete with t-shirt with the Zoo's logo and over sized mascot bat head.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley smiles reassuringly at Phoebe only to dip her head in a nod acknowledging her concerns. "I'm sorry. I'm an old hat at this. It's easy to forget sometimes that others don't have the same experience as me. Is there anything we can do to help? I mean," a small shrug is given with a thoughtful frown. "The best solution I have is to learn more about what scares you so you know it. That doesn't always erase fear though. Just means you have the knowledge to deal with it."

Hope Summers has posed:
"Hey, never having done something just means you've got a lot of opportunities for new things," Hope grins over at Phoebe, raising her drink in salute. "There were a //lot// of things I hadn't done for most of my life. There...are still a lot of things I haven't done."

She finishes off another cookie, thinking it over. "I've never gone to a movie, for example," she offers. "Or...ridden a roller coaster."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim looks at Hope. "You could have come to movie night," he points out. "We'll do it again sometime. I think you would have enjoyed Fifth Element." He shrugs. "Hey Bart," he greets the speedster. "I'm sure all of us have things we've never done though, Phoebe. The best part is that means you get to experience something new." He grins a bit.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe sheepishly looks to Carrie. "I think that's why I broached the idea of me staying here, holding down the fort as it were." she states quietly, and then breathes out, rubbing the back of her neck with the oven mit again. "... hellaciously awkward to talk about it in the group." she stammers. "I don't know if I'm completely ready for all this. I like being able to help people, I'm truly," she swallows some tea in nervousness, but swallows a bit hard, coughing a moment "One hundred percent blessed with the power to heal others. I healed Cassandra of her wounds the other night. We had tea afterwards, it was awesome..." she frowns a moment, and puts another tray of dough-balls into the oven to cook.

    "... also I still went out alone because no one else seems terribly inclined to visit the homeless camps with me."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen pulls off the head of the costume, and sets it on a table. He looks over, and says "If you need someone to go with ya let us know. Not really sure what I would do to help, but willing to come try." He heads over to the kitchen area looking for a gatoraid.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley winces at mention of the homeless camps looking both guilty and surprised. "Ah. I must not have been around to hear that one. It's a good idea to go with someone, yeah," she agrees with Bart. "We can work on that part at least. And it is always good to have someone on monitor duty, too. I know it's a lot to take in overall." Another cookie on the plate is stolen as she'd finished off the first. Between Conner, Hope and Tim it was going quick. She knew if she didn't nab one now Bart was likely to finish it off before she could.

Hope Summers has posed:
"No one's born prepared," Hope shrugs to Phoebe. "We all had a first time." Sure, she can barely remember hers, but that's not the point! "It's..." She pauses, leaning back in her chair with a frown.

"You know what? Actually, if you don't want to, you don't have to. I- I had a girl on my team before. Laurie. And she got her powers, and we basically...well, we had to, but we just roped her into things. And she hated it. Every minute of it. All she really wanted was to be normal, to go to school. And then things came along and turned her whole life upside down. So if it's not going to make you happy, then don't let us push you into it."

She takes a careful breath. "That said, though? If it's just fear, then I think you owe it to yourself to try."

Rose Wilson has posed:
From the directions of where ever it is that Rose was, comes Rose. There is no effort to keep her footsteps quiet, so the passage of barefeet as she approaches the kitchen is likely easily heard. When she steps through the door she comes to a stop, glancing around at those gathered there before she starts towards the fridge. It's clear that she was somewhere inside the Roost, because she's wearing a pair of pajama bottoms that clearly do not belong to her, and a bra with her hair still up in that 'been sleeping' sloppy ponytail.

There's no hint that Rose was drinking the night before, or that anyone shot anyone, either. Instead she mostly ignores everyone as she goes to gather herself a bottle of water.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim keeps a perfectly straight face as his girlfriend wanders in, draining the last of his travel mug. Hope is not the only one who can pull off the 'too-innocent' look, it seems. "It's whatever you are comfortable with, Phoebe. Most of our missions will take out out of Gotham... some pretty far away. See the world, punch bad guys, throw them in jail, get a postcard and a magnet." He's slightly flippant.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Morning Rose, I have tea and lemon-lavender cookies if you're interested in them!" Phoebe chimes out, thankful for a forced segway into something completely different. She doesn't seem bothered in the least about the state of undress, in spite of the fact that she's totally dressed. Her T0shirt, sporting her local public highschool's knight mascott, has a couple yellow smudges on it from the lemon-lavender cookies. "Might wanna get them before the crew eats them all." she states with a grin, completely not addressing any of the items just said to her. She does, at least, look horribly embarrassed.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley pauses with her tea halfway to her lips to glance at Rose. Then at Tim with an eyebrow raising. Nothing is said. No. She knows he was getting tired of the ribbing, but darn if she wasn't gonna still shoot a look now and then. He was happy at least. Just keep that in mind. Happy Tim. Yes. She finishes her drink setting the cup back down with a sigh. "This is actually really good. I mean it's not stuff I would have thought to try before, but... it really is. You're a great cook, Phoebe."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will come over to get a cookie but only claims 3 of them making sure to leave some for the others. He has removed the gloves to the outfit now, but still has the main body of it on. "If it is just the plane, I can get you to Hawaii without a plane if it would make you feel better,"

Hope Summers has posed:
"Heya, Rose," Hope greets, finishing off her...is it the third cookie? She should probably take a break on the cookies. It's only then that she really registers Bart's costume, giving him a curious look. "What...are you wearing?"

Rose Wilson has posed:
"Hey." Rose greets, twisting the cap off the top of her bottle so that she can take a swallow from it, then she moves over to the cookies with a very curious look, "Lavender?"

New flavors!

Tim Drake has posed:
Yep, Tim is rather happy, which is pretty clear as Rose retrieves her bottle of water and Tim moves over to retrieve //her//, sliding his arms around her waist, drawing her to him and kissing her relatively thoroughly. Her clothing doesn't even seem to phase him, though it's fairly obvious the pajama bottoms were made for someone taller and slightly broader. And, considering they have bright red stamps and horned shields with orc faces along with stylized 'For the Horde'... No comment.

"The cookies are pretty good," he points out to her, tilting his head in the direction of the cooling confections and releasing her so she can go back to snagging one or two. "And by pretty good, I mean, I hope Phoebe is making more because these won't last long." He grins at Beacon, and does do something he would //not// do if Cassie were around: he actually grabs Rose's ass for a moment playfully before moving to take a seat perched on one of the tables. He eyes the tea, considering his empty mug, but for the moment opts against pilfering any.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Luckily the recipie makes sixty. We're a house full of young adults, this stuff won't last long." Phoebe comments as she slides another tray into the oven.

    "Lemon-Lavender. THe sweet earthiness of the lavender cuts the sharpness of the lemon. I sweeten with a bit of honey instead of table sugar, which helps keep it moist." she states, sliding the now-cool-enough cookiess off the last tray and onto the rack, and as Tim grabs at Rose's ass, the Gotham Beacon gives a 'face of mild disapproval' (aka 'Really?'), rolls her eyes and then, spotting him considering the empty mug, she pours him tea as well.

    "LEgit. This blend is called Silver Samurai. They don't make it any more, so I kinda doctor it from other teas. After... stuff happened, I kinda did most of the cooking for me and my mom. And cooking 'medicinal mood foods' is kinda my excuse for hanging around with people from school who need to get better. Basically, every recipie is made with an injury or affliction in mind. This all happens to be the best cure for nightmares."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over to Hope and says BAtholomew or Batty one of the mascots for the Zoo. The guy who is normally wears it got sick, so I got drafted as the newest guy at the zoo. It is ok, get to be goofy and make the kids smile. A little hot though. " He looks over to Tim. "Can you make me a mini portable ac to wear in it?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley narrows her eyes further at Tim when the ass grab happens. Her mouth hangs open just a tad, and she shakes her head. "Oh hey Jaybird I didn't recognize you," she teases only to shake her head again. "Man I apparently have been out of it lately. Missed a lot happening." Grinning some she adds, "You know I'm just teasing, right? I'm happy you guys are happy. Just... wow this is a difference. Feels like I'm in the Twilight Zone. And I kind of know what that's like. I'm still getting used to kissing Henry in public."

Glancing at Bart she just looks bemused. "You could get a job as so many things and you chose a mascot? Why not a courier or delivery boy? You'd kill at that."

Hope Summers has posed:
"It's definitely...interesting," Hope grins at Barry. "But hey, whatever you've gotta do. I feel slightly better that it wasn't really a choice though," she winks. She doesn't seem particularly fazed by the PDA, though the various reactions to it get curious glances. Like she's figuring something out by it.

"So, uh. What's our roster looking like? I realized after the whole Batman thing that I'm not one hundred percent aware of who to expect and who not to expect, so in the interest of not shooting anyone else..."

Rose Wilson has posed:
The kiss and the ass grab is accepted with the casualness of someone focused on cookies, for now. "Thanks." Rose offers before she goes to find herself a seat, offering one of the cookies to Tim.

Then she glanes at Carrie, brows lifting a bit, "You know that you call more attention to your uncomfortableness with the teasing than making anyone else embarassed or uncomfortable, right?" This is asked before she shoves one of the cookies into her mouth.

Tim Drake has posed:
"Portable AC, let me see what I can manage," Tim replies as he gratefully takes the tea. He glances at Carrie. "Wounded, sis. Also, this isn't like we're making out on a park bench or in the middle of class." He shrugs. "This is 'home'." He tilts his head towards Rose with a slight grin as she comments on Carrie's comment. "As for the Twilight Zone comment, probably would be more like the Twilight Zone if I were juggling six girls and... I don't know. What else is out of character for me?" He considers, taking the cookie Rose offered and munching on it. "Being cruel or something, I guess. I think stealing a kiss or two here and there isn't exactly... //that// bad."

He glances over to Hope. "You should have access to the dossiers. There's a short one for everyone on the team. Has a brief overview. Probably good stuff to know as a field leader." His expression is back to business. "They could stand some more fleshing out, but part of that is because I need to see more of how people fare in action. Computer should give you access to what you need, if you want quiet use the one in your room or the labs."

He hops down off the table, taking a drink of the tea and putting the mug down on the counter. "On that note, though, I think I'm going to hit the shower." He glances at his sister, a mischievious look on his face then leans down to give Rose another kiss post-cookie. "I'll set it to your favorite temp, hon," he stage whispers.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley gives a small shake of her head at Rose along with a faintly sheepish grin. "I know. I know. I'm just..." Her hand waves vaguely at Tim with a chuckle. "It's strange seeing someone you've known for years act differently. Things are changing though, for all of us. And no you're not out of line Tim. I'm not saying that." Though she wasn't sure she herself would be wandering around in pajama pants and a bra. Alfred would not approve at all.

At Tim's parting tease she just sticks her tongue out at him in defiance. Nyeh. She's grinning at least.

"Yeah there's some teammates I'd like to read up on too. I don't know a lot of people here yet. Dossiers is a good idea."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe shakes her head, and rubs at the back of her head as she looks to Bart. "Well, /I/ think entertaining the kids of Gotham is a noble and worthy job suitable for a superhero." she quips, and pours Bart a cup of tea, and then refills her mug from the last of the pot. There's some leaves and plant materials in hers as she sets it up to the side.

    And then the comment on juggling six girls. "Being a dumb, blond jock? Or maybe no interest in engineering? AH! You'd hate books!" she states, snapping her fingers and pointing at tim with a playful expression.

    "I've been taking notes on the cast of characters who've come in contact with me, Hope. If you need to review them let me know, I... I do want to be useful." the rookie states.

    And then the stage-whisper. And Phoebe, the youngest, makes a 'bleeeech' face, and slooowly lowers to the floor bemoaning that the sugar from Tim being a dork has killed her.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen takes the tea and tries it with the coffee. "There is a guy in metropolis who does the errand boy thing, and my cousin did it for a while too. I wanted to do something I thought was fun, and working with the animals at the zoo, seemed fun. Mind you cleaning up after them not so much, but most times I work the night shift, and can get the job done at speed, and then if needed can be about to help if I am needed.

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope smirks faintly at Tim, shaking her head. "Favorite water temperature," she snorts. "Like you just...pick what temperature your water is. And you //stand// in it. Seriously, you guys have no idea how great you've got it. The first time I took a //hot// shower? Wow." Also, uphill in the snow, both ways. She grins at Phoebe's comment though, not quite hiding it in her drink.

Rose Wilson has posed:
"There better not be anything about me in your computer." Rose warns Tim, getting to her feet before she grabs a few cookies, addressing Carrie as she picks up her water, "People change...not a bad thing."

Then with a salute, she starts after Tim, and the promise of water in her favorte temperature.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley watches as they depart a moment. Then she shakes her head. "I guess I am being a bit of a brat about it. Just... heh. He was always the little brother you know? Much as I've had a little brother." Another cookie is snagged to take a bite, and she relaxes back in her seat with a sigh. "I feel old. I know I'm not, but sometimes it really feels it."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe pops up as Tim and Rose venture off in search of a shower, and she takes a deep breath, holds it for a moment, then lets it out. She turns back to Carrie, and she rubs the back of her neck. "I... kinda look at him as a big brother, for what it's worth. I mean, I'm pretty sure that's how I feel about him. Close as I've ever had to a sibling, anyway."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over to them and says "Rob is a good guy, will admit, he is a bit different dating Rose, but He is happy and thats a good thing." He walks over and scritches the kitten you yawns up at him a bit. It has to be nice to date someone you can be open about both sides of the hero thing with though.

Hope Summers has posed:
"Real awkward if things go sideways though." Hope - not always good at being an optimist. "I think I'm going to go read over some of those dossiers," she announces, standing up. "Thanks for the cookies, Phoebe," she says with a quick smile. "Carrie, Bart, good seeing you guys again."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"That I'll agree with. Henry knows my identity, so I can be open with him about it," Carrie admits with a fond grin at the recollection of her own boyfriend. "But there's still so much I can't share because I'm keeping everyone else's identities secret. Thankfully he respects that and doesn't pry. Which makes it all the harder not to tell." There's a pause before she admits, "I was thinking of asking Tim and the others if they minded revealing to him, but that's a big step." Phoebe gets a grin as well along with another nod. "Yeah. He's a good guy. Just I was around doing the Robin thing before he was, so..." Her hands spread, "Little brother. Yeah, see you around Hope."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    There is something about a girl named Hope being a pessimist. "Sure thing, Hope, take care!" Phoebe gives a smile to Hope as she sits down on a stool again, and she breathes out.

    "I would rather not have anyone reveal my powers to anyone outside the group. There was a close encounter with Nightwing where he got hurt. Diana knows about it, as does Cass and Cassie, but I've been careful about not showing my healing powers to anyone in conjunction with my real ID... mostly for my mom's sake. She doesn't know."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and says "Henry is a hero type, anyone we would know? I have to think a bit about if I would be ok, I mean Max stressed the whole secret Id thing but other heroes seem different. Might have to talk to Grandpa and see what he thinks about it.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley snorts faintly at the question from Bart with a single eyebrow raising. She thought for sure he would have at least heard some of the teasing she'd gotten from her brothers about her current boyfriend. "Dr. Henry McCoy. The Beast. He's an Avenger," she points out with a little chuckle of amusement at the situations. "He's a great guy, but can't have a secret identity because of his mutation."

Nodding to Phoebe she grins faintly. "I wasn't really thinking of the Outsiders being revealed, just the Bats. He met Tim but doesn't know about him otherwise."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "... oh, right, I'm not..." Phoebe rubs the back of her neck, and she breathes out, then takes the last tray of cookies out of the oven. Her shoulders "That was who you brought to the party at the Embassy, right? If he's a doctor, and he's working with the Avengers, must be a pretty smart guy." she states with a slight grin, then brings the mixing bowl over to the sink.

    "Not that it's any of my business or anything." she adds on quickly.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen ahs and nods a bit and says "Ah have heard of him, seems a good guy and always seems to be in a pretty good mood from the times have seen him on Tv and such." He will zoom away for a moment and is back in jeans and a t-shirt.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley smiles softly at the response. "Yeah, he is great. And you're fine Phoebe. I understand why you're keeping your identity. We do the masks because it's how we protect those close to us. I'm not going to out anyone without their permission. He knows I'm on a new team, but not even the name of it," she explains with a wry chuckle. "But so much of my life is tied into what I do that it's hard sometimes to explain. Like 'why is Tim bruised up? Uuuh. Racketball.'"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Probably one benefit of my powers is that part makes it easy. At least, being in the Waynes, you have the 'dumb rich person' excuse. Bruises and scratches? 'I wanted to wrestle an anteater for charity'." Phoebe gives a grin. "And because you're rich, everyone will just nod and go 'ah yes, of course, eccentricism." Phoebe gives a grin, and then puts the bowl and her spoons into the dishwasher, and sets it up. She stretches her arms up over her head.

    "Well, I've got another chapter of A&P to study and then I'm going to make my rounds at the Forty-Sixth street bridge camp."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "What can I bring to help out?" He asks about the camp." He hmms and says "Yea and harder to hide the type of bruices we get from someone who gets those type as well."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley holds up a hand to point toward Phoebe with a nod of agreement. "That's true. I used the excuse of 'taikwondo practice in case I'm kidnapped' a lot when I was younger. Because it made sense for a rich kid to know about potentially being kidnapped." Pushing to her feet with a little sigh she nods. "I should get a change of clothes. If you two are good with the camp. I can help out another time."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe looks genuinely surprised at Bart's offer to help, but she gives a grin. "Well, if you don't mind making some of the sandwiches, I'll fold up the socks and we can head over once it gets dark. With your help, should be done -- in a Flash." she gives the biggest cheesy smile.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen smiles a bit and is there for a moment and gone for a bit but then he is back with like 6 bags of groceries, and sits the stuff down in the kitchen "How many do we need?" He looks over to Carrie, and says "Have a good evening."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe just sort of... stares at Bart.

    "... ah... I usually make fifty. This camp's pretty big. I've gotta stop by my mom's house too, my stash of spare deoderant's there."

    And phoebe leans over, and pokes into the grocery bags.

    "... you're a little ridiculous, you know that, Bart?"