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Love Letters Part 3: I'm not like a wordy guy
Date of Scene: 23 September 2020
Location: April's Apartment
Synopsis: Letters badly written, girl to win back, testing new tech. It's a cluster, but it seems to have worked out for Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael. April and Casey have a chat, and he is leaving the city for a bit, staying at his family farm.
Cast of Characters: April O'Neil, Casey Jones, Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael

April O'Neil has posed:
April got hom just about 5 minutes ago. She'd set her bag down on the chair that was beside the door, then took her hoodie off and draped it over the arm of said chair, both items still laying there while the woman herself has moved in to the kitchen. She's standing in front of her sink wating for a tea pot to fill up with water while her eyes are down on her phone.

Her fingers tapping away at a text message. Taptaptaptap.

When the teapot starts to overflow, she reaches up to shut the water off, grab the pot by its handle and take it over to the stove...

Casey Jones has posed:
All day, long Casey been thinking after leaving the Turtles, maybe he didn't do so good on the letter, maybe it not so hot. I mean, he is not like a wordy guy or whatever, that's right. He ain't a wordy guy, and he is a man of action! Casey is going to go see April, yeah, and I mean yeah, that's the best way, like law it down, tell her face to face, yeah I'm head over there.

Casey's bike is started up quickly, one thing he does right is this work, as he pulls out classic Harley mid 50's classic with a giant hockey motif, stick puck, goalie on the side of it, that sidecar is a goal, where ya sitting inside of it classy. As he parks outside of the apartment, he is nervous pacing up and down, back and forth along before. As he gets that nerves going, he runs through the shop, up the stairs, and knocking on her door as he waits, leaping from foot to foot.

April O'Neil has posed:
April is getting her tea going when the knocking comes. It's a frantic knock, so that mean's it's either Mikey... or Casey. Or someone else, randomly in trouble. But only a handful of people had the ability to get in through the basement to get up to her door...

It's Casey.

April turns to let the water boil and walks through the kitchen, out into the living room to the front door. She pops the lock and opens the door up to peer through it. "Hey---" She pauses. "Why are you hopping? Do you gotta pee?" She asks him, stepping back to let him come inside if he so desires!

"Are you feeling better?" She asks him furhter then, her left hand dropping down to the back of her hip as she stand sthere beside the front door, holding it open now.

Casey Jones has posed:
"I'm good, I mean yeah....feeling better kinda like clear-headed, for the first time. So, like Leo asked me what I wanted, and to think about it and stuff April." Casey's eyes on hers as he brushes that long brown hair out of his eyes as he looks at her, his teeth biting into his lip."So, I thought about it, and my crime-fighting has been risky lately, and I have been drinking too much, and well......I was like, why ya falling apart, Casey." He is rambling, he is nervous it is so apparent to anyone, but for someone that knows him, it is hard for Casey to do these deep dives; it makes his skin itch, and his brain burn.

With that he steps into the aparment, closing the door as he looks right at April."I figured it out, I had a choice to give up the crimefighting, or you. I picked the wrong thang, April ya are the best thing that evar happened to me and like, I wanna get back to good."

April O'Neil has posed:
April knew where his mind was headed before he even unpacked it all for her to hear. She closed the door about half way through his little monologue, and then stood there in front of it with both of her hands on her hips now. She just has her blue eyes on him as he pours it all out, lays it all out?

It makes her show a soft smile to him, and lightly tilt her head to the side as she stares at him a bit more... inspection-y.

"Casey." She says to him. "You had a really bad thing happen the other night. I think it put you way up here--" April raises her hand up in the air in front of her. "I think you've come down to about here now." She lowers her hand a few inches.

"But I think you're gonna come back down to earth again, in a little more time..." Her hand drops back down to her side. "At which point, I'm guessin' you're likely gonna want to dive back in to the stuff you love. Most people are like that, yeah?"

Her teapot starts to whistle, and she turns to walk toward the kitchen, glancing back at him as she goes. "I'm not sayin' I don't want what you want, I'm just saying' you've had a busy few days. You should just settle in a bit more..."

Leonardo has posed:
"Alright guys..."

Leo says, positioned in strategic locations near April's apartment, well within view of several windows on two sides of the building, "It has come to Donnie and I's attention that April is in possession of a note containing particularly sensitive information, a note given to her by Casey... Suffice to say, the contents of this letter must never, ever, be read by April." He has his swords, but there's no telling what kind of nonsense will happen, best to stay prepared.

He doesn't think he'll need them for this.

"This is the plan.. Donnie, you're going to hit the block with Miyagi, knock power to the apartment, and give us an oppertunity to get in there. Raph, you're a sweep... if Casey or April somehow manage to spy any of us, you run distraction.. I've got the replacement note!" Holding up an envelop which he tucks back into his leather wraped waist.

Looking from one brother to the other, "Casey may not be the boyfriend April deserves... but I think he's the one she needs right now." His hand goes out into the center of the trio, "Love is a battlefield on three."

Donatello has posed:
    "See, it's really pretty simple," Donatello whispered to Raphael on their journey over, trying to bring him up to speed on current events. "They let the power company's website run on a web server with a really weird vulnerability, and it has mismatched permissions /for days/!"

    "The admin portal would open up to HTTP commands on 8080 after port knocking on 7878, 8989, and 9191. Send the system a POST request and, well, there goes the power. Miyagi has learned a new trick."

    If we're being honest, Miyagi has an equal chance of just printing out the lyrics to Huey Lewis and the News' Power of Love on the printer back in the Lair. Still, we can hope!

    And that brings us to now. Donatello nods his head to Leonardo's plan and then moves his hand into the pile. When it's time to throw their hands in the air, Donatello does the motion, but dryly refuses the rest.

    "I'm not saying that."

Raphael has posed:
"This is fuckin' stupid," Raphael declared to Leo and Donnie when it was time to talk about this. "I mean, you know that, don't you Leo? Whoever April sees is her business. She's got Harley Quinn as a roomie, for cryin' out loud, and that girl's nuttier than a bag of peanuts but apparently they got some kinda friendship that's workin' out and I ain't gonna break my brain tryin' to make sense outta it."

He goes on. "And I told you guys about that thing with Casey the other night in Central Park. He's been actin' real weird lately and almost got himself killed twice if I wasn't there to save his ass. He was drinkin' himself into who the hell knows where, goin' on about how the world needs him to save it an' shit before he went an' passed out in his room." That pizza was devoured by the time Raph got back to the Lair.

"So remind me why April /needs/ Casey right now? 'cause I don't think we need to be playin' Cupid here, fearless leader, but if you want ol' Raph to run interference, I can do that."

One look to Donatello after Leonardo's call, and they both chime in, "I'm not saying that." He doesn't even extend his hand. "If this goes upside down, I vote for 'Raph told you so.'"

Casey Jones has posed:
"Nah, you didn't get it three nights ago, dudes with sword, I like didn't care if I died or something, and I rushed in just to hit the one in the middle, and I was going to die. Raphael saved my butt, okay, I was going to die, and I didn't care, April, I didn't care.....I can't do this anymore. I'm becoming something I like dislike, not the rad dude you know like something like a monstrous thing, from like the lagoon of blood." Casey nods slowly, his hand is resting on his forehead, as he walks over to the couch to slump down into it, as he looks at the closet."I aint' quitting it for ya, I'm quitting it for me, and well, I wanna be with ya. But, just cause I want something, aint mean I get it or easily. Just laying it out there, stuff, and ya know."

Casey eyes are closing now, as he leans back, his hand is rubbing along the bridge of his nose, so softly, as his teeth bite his bottom lip once more. His body is relaxing the words out, there is nothing left to say, he put it out there, just the letter, but she can read that later, he doubts it will help, as he laid it out and she told him it was in the moment, as his body is tense again."I mean, I've been trying to settle since we ended it April, and that peace, you brought ain't coming back to me, it's all been choppy seas, not made for the skating and missed goals."

April O'Neil has posed:
April comes out of the kitchen with two cups of tea, she knows Casey doesn't really care for tea, but he needs it anyway. "Casey..." She says softly as she offers him his cup. "This sweet, and it is endearing also." She says as she lowers down on to the edge of the sofa chair beside the couch. She puts her hands around her own cup of tea then and just stares over it at him. "But I'm gonna need to see how things go. You know I'm busy, with two jobs now. Going between Manhattan, and the podcast studio... it doesn't leave me a lot of time for much else these days. Heck, even Harley gets sad that I don't spend enough time with her. You'll probably get super angry at me. Remember the arguments about that stuff?"

April does a mocking Casey voice. "'Yo, Apes, why you never around? You love your camera more than me?'" It'd be borderline insulting if it weren't cartoonishly over-done in her cave-man like adaptation of his approach.

She raises her cup of tea for a sip them, but winces and sets the cup down. "Still hot..."

Leonardo has posed:
"Yeah, he's not exactly gods gift to boyfriend material, I get it." Leo chims in to Raph, if not both of them, "But what's a little gentle nudging in the right direction? Guys got some redeeming qualities and I think, probably, maybe he's trying to change. For real this time." Call it faith, how knows, even Leo isn't all that sure, but he /does/ know the turtles need this.

April is going to make the decision she's going to make with or without their help. So this isn't even wholly about helping Casey, as it is something for the trio - Since Mikey was doing Mikey stuff that supercede whatever Leo wanted him to do tonight - were in desperate need of getting the hell out of that lair.

Together for a change.

And with a plan.

Even if it was ill fated and doomed to explode.

Which it absolutely is, regardless.

"Besides, Donnie built the thing that does the thing." Motioning at the tallest of them with both hands. Motioning, expressively, "And I cannot think of a better way to test the effectiveness of a high preformance technical doohicky than doing something kind of fun."

Hands up, palms out at Raph, "I know, I know, you're too good for fun."

Their joint refusal to engage in his battlecry, though? "You guys are allergic to awesome. It's really kind of upsetting, if I'm being honest..." This is a well known, probably documented somewhere, fact. Leonardo does not know awesome.

"Donnie, do the thing." Waving forward, Leo's off, ready to get this trainwreck underway. "So much easier than swiping her phone and sending out 792 tender dates.. We can just get her ONE really bad failed one." Time effeciency.

What could go wrong?

Donatello has posed:
    Donatello shakes his head. "Raph," he begins. "You're not wrong, but..." There's a pause. Uh oh. Raph isn't wrong. Donatello turns his head quickly to look at Leonardo. Raph isn't wrong!

    Leo does make a good point. They really needed to get out of that Lair. There were some unusual vibes in there, today. Nothing that the chilly September air couldn't fix. Donatello reaches to his belt and produces his Shell Phone Mk 1, flipping it open with a flick of his wrist. "Honestly," Donatello adds, quietly. "April might be the thing that keeps Casey alive. He's been...all over the place."

    With a sigh, Donnie moves the Shell Phone to his mouth. "Okay, here goes," he whispers, looking up at his brothers. Clearing his throat, Donatello delivers the command.

    "Miyagi -- Empty the Penalty Box."

    Donatello holds his breath, staring at the Shell Phone screen for some kind of response. The Miyagi AI can't talk, but it can respond via text. He looks up, nervously making eye contact with his brothers.

    The die has been cast. But what will happen...

Raphael has posed:
"Yeah, and so far Donnie's thing hasn't worked very well," Raphael points out, adding, "But it did pull up some good pizza coupons." As far as he's concerned, this little mission was doomed to failure from the moment it was laid out, but it presented too good an opportunity to gloat if it did, in fact, go the way he was expecting.

One can gain great pleasure from an epic crash and burn, especially when it's a Leonardo idea.

He holds up a hand as Donatello says he isn't wrong. "You can stop right there, bro. I know." He ignores the 'fun' remark from Leonardo, saying instead, "Awesome is my middle name. And it's Tinder, not Tender. Don't ask me how I know that, but I do know the only thing you know about dates is what's on a calendar."

Boom goes the dynamite!

As they wait for the results of the experiment via Miyagi, he mutters, "April keepin' Casey alive because of some weird puppy love thing outta him?" Throwing up his hands, he concludes, "This is why I just concern myself with kickin' ass."

Casey Jones has posed:
Casey has not been right in the head. He has forgotten about the operation Test, the brothers coming to the apartment, his thoughts so focused on the right words or actions.

"Look Apes, you know what I did that shit, and I was an idiot. I was...." Casey stops as he stands up slowly, walking for the closet slowly, as if he is scared. His hand is reaching for the door, where the mask is, and the gear all of it. As his hand slowly going for the door, opening it as he looks at her for a moment, as his eyes close.

The debate seems to last a long time, with him standing there, as his right hand is reaching out for that hockey mask, the one from the start, he had others, of course. I mean, but this is it that one that lead to it all, the one he wore that first time, as he watches TV." I.....would do anything to show ya, but ya right, I missed dat shoot. I was raging all the time....looking for a place to put it, and it was the streets, then it was home, and now it's boiling."

As his hand brings that mask over his right knee, as he smashes it quickly as the crack."I'm over dis game; I'm take this stuff to the Uncle J, my pawn bro, first lights. I'll show ya the new me, just gimmie time is all I ask April. Aint' wanna lose without a chance to change all I asking." With that, he stands there, looking down at the smashed mask.

Donatello has posed:
    "No," Donatello replies to Raphael. "It's not that. It's just...Casey might need April in his life. And if he keeps insisting on that being a romantic thing, maybe we should just let that have a chance?"

    Back in the Turtle Lair, MIYAGI begins springs to life. The fans of Donatello's computer systems start to increase their speeds, indicating a sudden influx of processing. The only feedback, other than the fans, is the dot matrix printer. It powers up and starts to make an awful series of tones. As the print head moves back and forth rapidly, undoubtedly annoying Splinter with its noise, a sheet of paper slowly pushes out a response:


    Donatello breathes deeply, looking at Leonardo and then Raphael. He clears his throat, bobbing his head up and down, awkwardly. Nice night. Donnie raises a hand and smacks it a couple of times against the Shell Phone, as if it might help.

    But, suddenly! A distant twang of a power transformer going offline might be heard. One by one, the buildings in the neighborhood go dark. Boop. Boop. Boop. Boop. And finally, April's. Boop.

April O'Neil has posed:
April watches Casey rise up and start toward the bedroom. She knew his stuff was hanging on her closet door just inside her room, and as he backs up in to the room she moves to stand up.

"Casey." She says. "I'm not going anywhere. I'm right here, I'm not seeing anyone else either. Mostly because I don't have time... certainly not because of a lack of options--" She glances at Harley's room...

Harley had signed her up for Tinder, this past summer and, well, April got a lot of attention there. Let alone the meat-heads at Channel Six who always come after her, or the trainer at the Ggym, she really needs to cancel that gym membership.

All of the options, so many options, fly through April's head before she shakes it away and looks back to Casey.

"Seriously, lets just settle down an---"

That's the night the lights went out in Georgia--- April's building.

"Oh come on--" April's voice says, lost in the dark now.

Leonardo has posed:
"Yeah, I bet you know about tinder..." Leo groans, rolling over the roof of April's building as quietly as a wind passing through curtains, running in a low crouch towards the end of the oposite side ready to leap out and hook a line to slide down towards her kitchen window. "I can just imagine your profile, Hey ladies, I like punchin' stuff, an' actin' tough, an' doin' things that make me sound irreverently obtuse for the singular purpose of /being/ obtuse.".

Right outside her window, peeking in with a little sideways head jerk, looking across the living room where Casey has just smashed his mask... "I'm too cool to message you first and too rude to give you a half decent complement, so the best you can expect is a lowkey half assed series of emojis that translate to some kind of no sequester with an eggplant at the end."

Waiting for the lights to go out to get this nightmare under way. No, wait, there's more, "Hey girl, I see you have a bunch of things on your profile that you like... those things are stupid.. Wanna dumb ass and chill?" Okay, he's done now.

"Shut up, Raph, I could date if I wanted to."

Okay NOW he's done.


For real this time.

Out go the lights..

Leo pushes the window open with fingers pressed against the glass, slipping inside and side crawling around the wall to the kitchen in the direction of April's bedroom. RIGHT up against the wall. Crouch, move... ready to get this over with. If he sees them kissing, he's definitely going to lose it. First Donnie has a girlfriend, tells him they kissed, and then sees April sucking face?

There's a line.

Raphael has posed:
"Boop. Boop. Boop." Raphael actually makes the sounds to go along with every building and block in the vicinity going dark. Then, he slaps Donatello on the back of his shell. "Congrats, bro! Something of yours actually worked for once!" Sick burn.

Rolling his eyes at Leonardo, he laughs at him. "Haha! Here's where you're wrong, bro! I don't even know what 'obtuse' means!" He struts off toward the edge of the roof like he's just put Leo in his place, a smug expression nobody else can see as Leo calls him that name. Raph 1, Leo 0.

"You two losers go do the thing with the letter. I'll be over here waiting for a sign you need me to bail your shells outta the fire, something like 'Raph! Shit hit the fan! Save us!'"

It probably won't be that, he knows as he hops out of sight, but a turtle can dream.

Casey Jones has posed:
"Shit....." Casey drops the mask not broken quiet yet dented, as he dives in the dark to grab April in his arms. His eyes not yet adapting, but he remembered where she was, the joy of being a fighter and a trouble maker. That is when the light bulb dings in his head, plan test of man it worked, so cool good job Donnie. "You good Apes, I gotcha." His hand so tender, so strong against her, as he reaches to move them into the wall, she is facing it his back, for any sort of attack just in case, he is going to bleed for her, if needed."Just a power, outta and it'll be back soon I bet."

Donatello has posed:
    Donatello manages a slight grin towards Raphael. He graciously accepts his brother's complisult. He finally made something that works. For Donatello's part, he remains on the fire escape. Miyagi worked once, yes, but for how long? And how long would it take for the power company to notice?

    "Miyagi! Report -- how long will the power remain out?"

    Donatello watches the response on his phone screen:


    Donatello's eyes widen. 72?! 72 What?!

    "Leo," Donatello hisses. "Leo! You only have 72!"

April O'Neil has posed:
April used to be the type of girl who probably would've gotten a little jump scare out of the lights going out, but at some point over the course of the past year or so... she'd toughened up quite a lot!

Maybe it was being around the Turtles... maybe it was Casey having a positive influence on her... maybe it was Harley? Maybe it wa-- Okay look, April's been around a lot of tough cookies in the past year, some of it has rubbed off on her.

So when Casey comes to her rescue and gets all up close and personal, April just smirks at him, whilst he pulls them both aside to one of the walls. "We're okay. Casey. Look--" She points out a nearby window. "The power's out in the whole block. A transformer probably blew up."

She has no idea the Turtles are behind this, has no idea that they're infiltrating her apartment right now either. But everything she just said, at least Leo would've heard it.

Leonardo has posed:
72 what?!

That could be incremently; too much time or get your butt in gear time...

Leo is the turtle for the job though. Pushing open April's bedroom door just enough to slip himself inside, he moves twoards where Casey said the letter would be while retrieving the replacement from his belt... only to not see the letter.

Shellphone up, "Okay, snafu.. Casey is an idiot and the letter isn't on the bed, the dresser.." He checks the closet, starts to check the drawer and remembers April is a woman and he absolutely has zero interest in knowing what's in the sock drawer...

"If I were a moron where would I put a l- oh right under the bed." Down onto his knees, searching... searching... s- found it. The original is taken, crumpled in his fist, and pushed into a pouch. The duplicate side arm tossed onto her bed.

"Alright, I'm on my way out." Real quiet voice, very really quick voice. Slinking back out into the livingroom, he's gone radio silence, but he's listening. Counting on Donnie to let him know how close he's shaving it.

Eyeing April and Casey as he passes towards the window he'd entered through. He /does/ hear what she's said. ... it's kind of got him proud?

Everyone's getting all grown up.

Except Raph.

Casey Jones has posed:
"Of course." Casey let's go of April with a little chuckle, as he rolls his neck as the bones pop, with a solid sound of relief."Old habit, got to protect ya, so sorry and ya.....you good." He still moves in front of her, leaning against the wall, eyes adjust to the moonlight through the window.

"I heard this once on TV, only by losing everything, can one find dem selves, and well I'm starting to do that, I ever tell ya about my uncle's farm upstate?" His eyes are watching the room, missing the ninja, always missing the ninjas, too skilled for der own good."I might take a trip up there, and like farm it up, cut dat wood, and stuff. Maybe in a few weeks, and I wanted ya to think about maybe like visiting me up, there and dat nature is a good way to clear the head. But, I got a line of cars, around the block now that I be opened, again and I wanna do right by dem, for believing in crazy ole me. April, I have done like ten or so cars in like two days, working all day. It feels good, different, but good like I'm still helping out and stuff."

Donatello has posed:
    Donatello sits there, face pressed against the window. To the side is his Shell Phone and its screen, currently providing vague, possibly bad, news. The Purple One quickly looks over his shoulder, wondering if he should, in fact, call in Raphael to save their butts. His brow rises and he tries again.

    "Leo! C'mon! You gotta get out of there. You might only have seconds!" the turtle whispers. He pulls the device away from his mouth.

    "You might also have more than an hour...Or more than a year...What a pain in the shell..." he mutters to himself before bringing the Shell Phone back to his mouth.


April O'Neil has posed:
April steps up to the window and moves to pull it open. She doesn't know Leo just went right past her. The window is yanked upward, which allows the reporter to sit down on the edge of the sill. She reaches for the cat food dish beside it, and then for the small bag of Friskies she keeps at the base of the window.

"Farm living is the life for Casey?" She asks then, glancing back over at him to smile softly. "I think that'd be a great idea, you'd get a chance to really step away from the madness of the city. Just deal with peace and quiet, rather than the burdens of this ridiculous place."

The cat dish is filled up, and April moves it out on to the exterior of the build on the edge of the fire escape where she knwos the stray cats will come soon enough to eat-up.

"And I could probably find some free time to come up there too. It'd be a juggling act, with the guests I hav elined up for the show, but, it's not impossible."

April glances away from Casey then, still seated on the edge of the window with the cool night air coming in now. "what was that?" April asks. "Did you hear a thud? And... whispering?"

Leonardo has posed:
Dangle Leo down beside Donnie with a look on his face that basically screams, Sort your life out M8 "72?" It's a whisper, just a whisper. They don't have to be as quiet as he's whispering because the point is, "seventy...... two..." Squint. Lips puckered out in an ooooooooooo.

One arm wraps around the other turtles neck, knuckles running rapidly across the top of his head. "Seventy two, one for every I DONT KNOW HOW LONGS your machine just gave me.. I swear, if the power is out for the next seven decades, we're having a long, very drawn out, /strongly worded/ conversation about-" Releasing his brother, he did not noogie him seventy two times. "-procession and accuracy."

The crumpled note is held up.

"Let's get the shell out of here."

Donatello has posed:
    As April approaches the window and moves to open it, Donatello makes himself scarce! He pulls himself up the fire escape so that he's currently above the window, suspended by his arms, with the Shell Phone sticking out of his mouth. Great care -- and struggle -- is given to make sure his legs don't dangle into view. He's strong, but he's not going to be able to hold himself up forever. But, a moment presents himself to lower himself down, back onto the fire escape, and he begins to catch his breath.

    But then, LEO. Donatello scrunches his face up as he is given the first deposit for seventy-two noogies. "Leo!" he hisses quietly. "C'mon! It's a neural network. Deep learning. Tensors! It's going to make mistakes!" Donnie reaches a hand up, as if to fix a hair-do that isn't there, and makes his escape with his brother. They don't get too far before the power in the neighborhood begins to come back online, roughly seventy-two seconds after it went down.

Casey Jones has posed:
Casey nods slowly watching April for a moment, as he speaks something is different, like he is totally here, his eyes focus on Aprils."I think, the noise of this place, all that buzzing, all of it is making me unhealthy, the sound of the horns, the lights, all of this is too much for me April." The dark, the quiet of the block with no power, he can focus now, his hand is rising in the pale moonlight, to rub the back of his neck.

"Maybe, I can come back down when, like my shit is handled, but I would love to see ya up there, this lake up there is amazing." He slides his hand into his jacket to produce a picture from a long time ago, as he leans forward to show her it is a typical classic farmhouse."I don't hear anything; most be the kids outside." He knows, but he is not going to do that, as he digs into his bag to bring out a flashlight, as he looks at her."Wanna, go look around, see everything is cool. I'll be your lantern."

With that he clicks on the flashlight, as he watches April, as he nods towards the window, with a chuckle. His body is relaxed as he waits now, with a happy dopey smile on his face of pure contentment.

April O'Neil has posed:
April has no idea that Donnie was jut outside, and above, the window she was sitting on the edge of. "It sounds like a perfect idea, exactly what you need right now, and maybe what I do too. In fact---" She's about to say something, but is cut off as the lights come back on. This causes her to do that thing where you look around your general area now that the power's back on, and make sure that everything is 'right'.

Which of course it is.

April stands up then and moves to shut the window. "Well, that was fun. Whenever the power is out, I'm reminded of how there's about five minutes left before everyone whose effected by it is about to go apeshit without their electronic doo-dads."

April is turning around to face Casey when she takes notice of a letter on her dresser. She steps to it and picks it up, turns it over and then peers at the text scrawled on it.

It takes her a few seconds before she just smiles, bites her bottom lip for another moment or two-- lost in throught --and then looks back up to Casey. "I'm hungry, lets order something?" She sets the note aside and starts toward the coffee table where she'd left her phone beside her tea cup.