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Latest revision as of 05:48, 30 September 2020

Shell Of A Day
Date of Scene: 30 September 2020
Location: Turtle Lair
Synopsis: Kainashi and Sally Pride are introduced to the Turtle Lair as the gang returns Donatello's body. Sally tends to his wounds and plans are made to get revenge.
Cast of Characters: Donatello, Casey Jones, Kainashi, Sally Pride, Raphael

Donatello has posed:
    The Turtle Lair is as the turtles left it before leaving on this adventure. For Donnie's part, the robot mice from the other evening have been placed inside an out-of-commission microwave on his work bench with the door shut. A makeshift Faraday cage to prevent any wireless transmissions that might be coming from it -- it can't hurt to be safe. The computers that power MIYAGI AI have been searching online, nonstop, for information about the events of that evening, but has so far come up short.

    Two stacks of empty pizza boxes stand guard at the kitchen table with a set of paper plates, all still a little bit greasy from the slices that they once held. The turtles had left in a rush to respond to the motion sensor alert from earlier.

    Donatello is in rough shape. By now, the blood coming from his shell seams has painted Casey's shirt a deep red. Besides that, all the cracks about his weight have gone unaddressed and Casey Jones has been allowed, unwittingly, to hold Donnie's precious bo. And now, without Donnie's watchful eye, Casey would have free reign to do his machines. Not good.

Casey Jones has posed:
Casey loved Donnie like a brother; the bo is resting against the desk. The crazy sportsman is sitting on the desk chair, as he looks over at Donnie, with a worried look."Come on, Nerd, ya got this and got up! Ya got this bro, like come on, bro!"

Casey is worried, his eyes not moving, as he sips his water as he waits now, his eyes moving over the room."Aint' anyone know how to fix em up, should we ask his puter thang. That AI, is like mad smart and shit."

As he leaps to his feet, removing his blood stained shirt, throwing it over his bag, as he stands there, nothing but muscles, scars, signs of a life of violence, on the tanned human flesh, as he looks around the room."Ya'll, got like ninja healing powder or something. Or, some shit like in dem movies?!"

Kainashi has posed:
    This was not how Kainashi wanted to see the turtles' home.

    She was sitting on the floor, near the couch. She was making herself as small as possible. She knelt, leaning against the side, her hood up to help hide her own scars as she watches the others in the lair, and as Casey speeks up, she nervously works her fingers.

    "Miyagi is still learning, he s-said." she states as midlly as she could. She had already made a report to Alopex to appraise her of the situation in the sewers, but hadn't revealed the location of the lair.

Sally Pride has posed:
The situation with the fallen brother was serious, but not enough to keep Sally from pausing a moment to admire the surroundings of the former subway terminal. "To think something like this was still down here and intact..." To be allowed to accompany them back to their sanctum was serious and she wasn't going to make light of it.

Now wasn't the time to get distracted though, giving her head a light shake to refocus. Turns her attention back to Donatello with a concerned expression. "Do you boys have any medical supplies? That wound needs to be cleaned and bandaged to stanch the bleeding." No mystical ninja healing mojo, but Sally does know some basic first aid.

Donatello has posed:
    If Casey is waiting for instruction from Donatello, it's not coming. He is present in form only, lying on a dark puddle that is slowly growing on the floors of the Turtle Lair. The seam between his shell and plastron continue to ooze with blood, now completely changing the color of the tan panels to a dark maroon. The smell of energy weapon has been replaced with that of rust and iron.

    Intermittently, Miyagi prints out a number of responses from the dot matrix printer in Donnie's lab.


    A myriad of responses, bad ones, left over and combined from the various tasks Miyagi AI has been working on. That thing may be getting smarter all the time, but evidence supporting that is lacking.

Casey Jones has posed:
Casey sighs softly, watching the blood and then he looks at Miyagi."Whatcha talking about ya, aint helping ya master be dying idiot." With that, he looks over at Sally as he points to his bag."I got a first aid kit, in there ya wanna use it. I keep it in case I take a tumble or a beating. I aint' skilled but enough to like get me home, and stuff." Walks over, taking it out, offering it to her, with a sigh."I'm Casey Jones, aint' think like we meet or nothing."

Kainashi has posed:
    Kainashi looks to Casey as he calls Miyagi stupid, and her lips pull back a moment, her fingers curl, but instead, she makes her way to the computer. Donatello's scent was... everywhere. Mixed in with the iron and rust, and week-old pizza crusts somewhere. As Casey goes back to help Sally with Donatello's first aid, she gives a snort to the Human, and makes her way to the ancient printer. She looks at the papers a moment, and then she puts her hand on it -- very, very gentle. "You're not stupid, Miyagi. You're still learning, like me." she states gently to the AI, nto knowing if it could could hear her or not, but over here, at least, she was enough out of the way that she could guard Donnie's stuff and still keep abreast of the situation. Her tail was curled, her ears back and her hood pulled forward as she looks at the words on the paper.

Raphael has posed:
Raphael is a few minutes late in getting back to the Lair, full of an expression that suggests he's not done being angry at the world, angry at Leonardo for taking them to the pumping station, angry at Donatello for getting hurt and maybe killed if they can't fix him up, angry at Splinter for putting them in this situation to begin with, angry at himself for not being able to stop it.

But, at least some of that fled as he saw the others hovering around Donatello, replaced by concern. For two of them, it was their first time setting foot (or paw) in this place, a location they'd kept so secret that they'd all gone over ways to ensure nobody would chance upon it. This was different.

His arrival is quiet enough, for him, and it's a good half-minute or so before any of them will hear him speak.

"How bad is it?" Worry in the words, the mask tugged down to his neck, his eyes giving away conflicting emotions he's feeling. Then he's beside them, holding a breath.

Sally Pride has posed:
Sally Pride looks up from Don's still form when Casey speaks. "That will do. Getting the bleeding to stop is the main thing right now." She accepts the medkit with a nod. "Name's Sally. Sally Pride." She kneels down next to Donatello and opens to kit to get to work. There's quite a bit of blood to wipe off his shell to find were it's fractured. "Field dressing of wounds was covered in the pseudo-military training I got. I ain't a doctor but it will keep him from bleeding out at least." It's just some idle conversation to make while she's working.

She does look up for a moment when Raph speaks up. "It's rough... but it could of been worse. If he hadn't taken the hit to the shell, it might of... not pretty." She leaves it at that.

She sighed softly and got back to work. "That wasn't just a random breaking into an abandoned site. They were -prepared- for other mutants to show up, with that kind of firepower on hand."

Donatello has posed:
    Miyagi's growth would be slow going, but it was improving. It was obdurate, though, and often did its own thing. It could be occasionally helpful, but like the others who lived here, Miyagi was a teenager and had, seemingly, a teenager's attitude. It might cooperate, from time to time, but it required work.

    Kainashi's trip through Donatello's things would reveal a number of unremarkable items. Tools, electronic equipment, and various designs that must certainly be unfinished, unrealized designs of the Shell Phones that could have been. Of particular note, she'd notice a Game Gear and a couple of the absolute worst drawings of a dog that anyone could have put to paper. Donatello was not an artist, but he had thoughts.

    Sally's assessment is right -- the shell really took the bulk of it. Donatello's armored shell withstood the blast, protecting him mostly, but the shell experienced extreme blunt force trauma, causing splits where the shell met the plastron at his sides. Any pressure applied to the area, at least at first, would cause blood to push out a bit faster, but in general the loss was slowing.

Casey Jones has posed:
"Cool, Donnie is like the man he got to make it, ya know." Casey is worried, as he looks over at the computer as he sighs softly."Miyagi, sorry bro. Your good at whatcha do, that light stuff was epic. Like, I'm scared, man and I should not lash out at ya." Yes, Casey is talking to a computer and a printer, hoping it can hear him, as he looks down the passage way, as he starts to sighs softly, as his eyes going towards the exit, as he thinks for a moment."Good, glad dat is enough to help him and stuff. Nice to meetcha Sally." His eyes going wide as he looks at Donnie, than at Ralph."I messed up dat dude, that hit em pretty bad."

Donatello has posed:
    In response to Kainashi's direct statement involving the word 'Miyagi', the dot matrix printer springs to life again. It was enough for the software to get to work processing her words. The paper slowly inches out:


    It can't talk, in the traditional sense, but it did respond.

Sally Pride has posed:
The sewers may be home to the Turtles but that doesn't mean they want any of the nasty gunk that could be out in those tunnels getting into their bodies. So Sally makes sure the fractures are clear of any other contamination while applying enough pressure to get the bleeding to eventually slow. Then wrap bandages around his midsection to keep everything in order.

"As you can see by Casey's shirt, he lost quite a bit of blood. Couldn't be helped, trying to bandage up in collapsing tunnels would of done none of us good. He probably won't wake up until his body recovers from the loss." She wipes her hands off. "For now, keep an eye on him and let nature do it's part."

Kainashi has posed:
    Kainashi is trying very, very hard not to nose through Donatello's stuff, but she did find the picture. She gives a small smile at it, feeling her heart sink as Miyagi buzzes to life. She looks at the print-out, and winces.

    "I'm... I"m sorry Miyagi. I can't read." she expresses to the machine, "but I know you're smart. Just like Donnie. He's gonna pull through this." she whispers, and pets the printer slightly. She looks back over to the growd around the clever turtle, and crosses her arms, drawing close to Raphael as she looks over the damage.

    She looks to the angry, scarred up turtle, then looks back at Donatello.

    "... I might be able to track to where they came from."

Raphael has posed:
Though Donatello is the primary focus, it might be noticed that both of Raphael's hands have bandages wrapped around them. That's how much punching he was doing with them out there.

The rage has subsided enough to be a simmering thing rather than a conflagration, thankfully. His breathing is under control, but he's just holding things together right now. "It was a trap," he says to all, though he's looking mainly at Sally as he answers her. "It was a fucking trap set for us. Somehow they knew we'd show up." If anything, that's the most concerning part of all, because it suggests someone knows more than they thought anyone could. "And I ain't done making whoever that guy was pay, if he even got outta there."

But for now? He's more focused on Donatello's well-being, getting him stabilized, getting him to the point where he'll make it through the night and beyond. "If you can, I want to be there. And I want you with us too," he says, looking from Kainashi to Sally. "But until I know Donnie's gonna be all right, I can't leave. Maybe the two of you can.." He gestures with a hand, though he's tilting his head a bit at the touch from Kainashi to the printer. "If you have to do it on your own, make sure Alopex is with you."

Sally Pride has posed:
Sally Pride drops herself in the closest seat and sighs. "No, Raph, you are absolutely right. It doesn't take a master strategist to see it was a setup. They were heavily armed, but fortunately not very smart. But.. we can worry about tracking survivors down once we've all had some rest." She'll help keep an eye on Don's condition, but for now she's done all she can.

Donatello has posed:
    Sally's medical expertise has rendered a patient who could very well be stable. It's unclear due to the Lair's lack of medical equipment, but also Donatello's turtle physiology is just too unusual to understand completely. The bleeding has slowed, but the bandages fail to mask it completely. The faint traces of blood can be seen soaking into the bandages from where they wrap around Donatello's sides.

Kainashi has posed:
    "... he got the bad stuff on him. It'll hurt way more than anything you could do." Kainashi replies with an unusual air of finality to Raphael's statement about the cause. Her arms cross a little bit tighter, Her fingers curling.

    "I have to track while the scent's fresh... there were a lot of them. It'll confuse." she states, and then brings her palms up, pressing them a moment over her eyes as she rubs, giving a soft 'grrraaah' sound, and she takes off her sweatshirt, showing the ragged tee with a very, very faded Foot symbol beneath. The sweatshirt goes over Donatello's shell, in her mind, to keep him warm.

    "I won't be alone." she adds on, and she takes her own shell phone out of her pack, turning it over a moment, and she looks back to the printer that had spat out paper, then looks to her phone.

    "Every couple streets, I'll ask Miyagi to... what's the word... ping." she mutters, then looks to Raph.

    "Alopex was appraised, but she doesn't know where this is... but I've got to track before the scent fades too much or it rains."

Raphael has posed:
"Good," is all Raphael says to Kainashi's assessment of what Labcoat has in store for him, if he didn't get crushed. He was certainly getting his face caved in at the time. Maybe the debris finished the job. It wouldn't bother Raph that much if that was the case.

He stands by as she adds her gesture with the sweatshirt, whether it makes a difference or not. If she thinks it does, she can have that much.

He's looking her over closely, Sally as well, then Casey. "If you have to go with someone and nobody else can help, I'll go. It's not that I don't want to, but.." He nods in Donatello's direction, grabbing a few things he can use to keep the worst areas clean if they keep oozing blood. "You're gonna get better, because I'll kick your ass if you don't. You hear me, Donnie?" Quiet threats are still threats.

Kainashi has posed:
    "... I'd feel better if you stayed here." Kai replies quietly to Raphael, and with the utmost gentle hand, as if Donatello were made of glass in that moment, she brushes her scarred up knuckles to the turtle's cheek. "I don't think Sally knows Casey well enough to keep /him/ in line." she adds dryly, and then with a deep breath and a huff out her nose, she turns to make her way out of the lair, and try to back-track the Foot.