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Latest revision as of 23:18, 26 December 2020

Decking the Avenger Halls
Date of Scene: 26 December 2020
Location: Avengers Mansion - First Floor
Synopsis: Some of the Avengers come together to decorate the Mansion for Christmas!
Cast of Characters: Janet van Dyne, Wanda Maximoff, Thor, T'Challa, Kara Danvers

Janet van Dyne has posed:
For perhaps the first time in her life, Janet is decorating for Christmas with real sincerity.

Of course she's not doing the actual decorating. Creative input, sure. And plenty of hands-on direction. But there's a crew of two dozen decorators running around turning the Avenger's Mansion into a Winter Wonderland overnight. The pool out back is an ice rink and looks like the Snow Queen's palace. Indoors, boughs of holly, poinsetta, and mistletoe are nestled in with pine tree cuttings and lots of green and silver tinsel. Illuminated frosted globes hang from the ceiling. Even the fireplace has been cleaned out and is pumping a steady amount of merry cheer into the room.

"Okay, that's the stairway, the grand room, and the pool." Janet checks off on her tablet, looking down the list. "I think the foyer and then the outside, and we can call it good for now." Even dressed for winter Janet's dressed to the nines; camel-hair tan booties, black skinny jeans, and a sleeveless cream-colored turtleneck with a black leather belt slung loosely around her waist. Gold jewelry provides glittering accents to the ensemble.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda is late to the party, as it were, and in travelling down the stairs, first it's a rapid stacatto of steps, only to slow at the base, her hand on the ballistrade, green eyes watching the movements of the workers. She's dressed in red (of course), a red sweater with a black midlength skirt, finishing in a pair of boots. Her hair is down, brushed and laying neatly upon her shoulders. Fingers hold rings, and her makeup is mostly to the eyes, the dark ringing the green to accentuate the waifish look. Bringing her gaze up and around, there's a smile that crosses her face; it's not often there is such an expression on her face, but here and now? The sight is amazing.

She finishes her descent, and turning into the room, she's more looking up as she walks than actually watching where she's going. She does put her hand out on the door's threshold, and once she feels that she's taken in even a small portion of the decorating festivities, she looks for the 'culprit'.

"Janet," and the word sounds a lilt with her Eastern European accent, "Very lovely." She does approve, and a lot! The smile of wonder is pulled back to an amused smirk, the expression reaching her eyes with a hint of mirth, "I thought tradition was to do it ourselves?" Not that she minds!

Thor has posed:
     The Aesir enjoy this time of year, and for many of the Norse gods, they would decide to mingle with others in disguise in Midgar.

  Thor himself had been spending most of the day amongst the citizens of New York City. But tonight, he would bring cheer to the Avengers.

  Sans his usual regalia, but definitely unmistakable, Thor came bringing decorations of Yuletide. A Yule log to burn, and more, although they are quite...traditional. "Hail, friends!" He boomed, stepping in from the cold outside, sporting a blue shirt from Giving Wings, a charity serving up good hot meals for the homeless. On his left pec was a red 'Hello, My Name Is:' badge, scrawled in sharpie underneath was 'Donald Blake'. It was cold outside, but jeans, boots, and a t-shirt were enough for the God of Thunder. Under his arm was a medium sized barrel of Asgardian Ale, brewed by the finest of Asgard.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet looks up when she's hailed and beams a smile at the praise from Wanda, offering the witch an embrace as the redhead meanders over. When the Romani girl offers some thoughts Janet looks around with a startled expression that turns to a crestfallen regret.

"Oh, damnit, I should have thought of that," she laments. "First time ever doing this. I wanted Nadia to have a Christmas sort of thing, you know? First Christmas in the States, figured..." She waves her tablet at the decorations. "So, y'know, I cut a check and sent in the troops. Maybe we can--" Janet points at two people and snaps her fingers. "You two! Leave the tree alone, we'll decorate it," she says with a premptory tone.

When Thor arrives Janet's momentary disappointment is gone and she bounds over towards him for a warm hug. Janet elevates herself with a hopskip to try and plant a kiss on Thor's cheek, too.

"Hey big guy! Merry Christmas, or... what do you guys celebrate, is it Saturnalia or something?" She picks up a fingerful of tinsel and tosses it skywards to try and land it atop Thor's blonde hair.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda returns the quick hug easily before they separate again. Janet in decoration mode is very much like her moniker.. she flies around, though with purpose. Difficult to catch unless she wishes it.

"Leave room-" Ah, okay, and she nods quickly in her agreement. The tree needs to be trimmed by them, or perhaps Nadia. Who wouldn't give the young girl that opportunity? "Christmas in States is very different than Russia," Wanda concurs. Even she is getting used to all the decorations, all the -things- that comes with the holiday. For her? She's still on the 'handmade gifts' part of it; little tokens of love and gratitude from the year's course.

Turning around at the sound of Thor's entrance, Wanda moves so he can get a good look, just in case he wants to pop his head in. "Good evening, Thor." Her own voice is as soft as Thor's is booming, but she still manages to be heard. Mostly. Okay, sometimes. "You have.. oooo.." It looks to be an interesting night, if nothing else.

"Do you like decorations around house so far?" The hall is filled with red and gold plants, the ballastrade is wound with tinsel and holly, dotted with berries. The chandelliers ooze with the feeling of the holiday. She is interested, however, in the answer to the question.

"Let me guess," the witch begins, a smile in her tones, "lots of drinking? And eating?"

Thor has posed:
    The barrel of ale placed down on the floor before Janet came in for a hug, and a kiss on the cheek, smiling Thor as a result. "Yuletide, there are many a tradition around, most important:" He takes the twine-tied log from around his back like a messenger bag. "The log, must be burned, and not go out until it is gone."

  The tinsel flitting down and gathering in his awesome locks of hair. "You know well of the traditions of Yule, Wanda!" A quick slap on the side of the barrel he had brought. "A gift, from Asgard! Yuletide ale brewed by our best artisans. The Allfather's favorite, and taking a full year from brew to drink."

  "The decor reminds me of the halls of Asgard this time of year. Though Loki would attempt to hang mistletoe upon every threshold." Don't ask.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
"Drinking, my favorite holiday tradition. Crack that puppy open!" Janet orders Thor, and points at the cask in his hands. "Asgardian ale is on that list of things that money can't buy, and I hate it and love it for that reason."

Janet bounces on her toes in excitement and can't help but clap her hands enthusiastically with a rapid patter. Fingers interlace in front of her face and drop down to reveal a beaming smile. "You know I never once got serious about Christmas decorations. It was always either mandatory participation or because it's good for worker morale. Oooh, I hope I do this right. Wanda, I'm putting you in charge of the decorating subcommittee for the front of the mansion. You seem to know what you're doing. Go wild. Budget's not an object," she tells the witch. "Can you handle that?"

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda laughs at Thor's pronouncement, and a smile lingers as she dips her head. "It was not hard guess," is quipped. After all, Thor really is the only Asgardian she truly knows, even if others have been named and tangentially acquainted. And given his fondness for feasts, parties and drinking?

She does shake her head, however, in terms of even considering drinking it. "It is very kind," though she does watch Janet's reaction. Wanda raises her brows dubiously, her head quirking lightly to the side in consideration, her words coming slowly, "Is it good idea, Janet?" She's going to leave it for the men.

Soon after, at the suggestion of being on the subcommittee and nominally 'in charge' for the front of the mansion, Wanda is shaking her head quickly. "I am not good choice," Wanda begins. "I am not yet familiar with all of Christmas here." She has her candles in the window of her room, empty bowls in the kitchen for small portions of dinner when it is served, and has been the opposite of a rowdy holiday reveller. (Like usual?) "Perhaps would be better for..." and she shakes her head, coming up at a loss. "...someone else?" It's lame, certainly. "I would do if I had help." At least she's willing!

"And you are doing good job. Looks lovely."

Thor has posed:
     Thor's smile grows once Janet declares to open the cask. "'Tis ready." He declared, before setting up a stand and effortlessly heaving the barrel up, a spigot had been installed, and the serving side of the barrel had been emblazoned with holly and drinking horns.

  "Lady Van Dyne." He offered, before heading back out to the foyer momentarily before returning, a wooden box in hand. "Merry Christmas." He offered up, the wooden box was stained beautifully, and inside, an ale horn, from Asgard.

  "I figured to give your gift now without wrapping, per your custom." He had other presents too, for everyone else.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
"Feel free to appropriate or conscript anyone you need," Janet tells Wanda. "If anyone gives you any shit, tell them I told them to play nice or I'd be mad." A brow lifts at the redhead; seems Janet weighs the implied threat as sufficient to overcome any objection.

Simultaenously she's digging a cup out from under the bar and fiddles with the spigot for a few moments. Once it starts going she hastily catches the foamy brew before she spills more than a drop and then hastily turns it off again. "Damnit," Janet mutters, and flicks beer from her fingertips. It's a 'book club' pour, it looks like; she takes an experimental sip, then a much longer draught. "Oh well, poured it big, can't put it back, right?"

The rhetorical question is waved off when Thor delivers a gift and Janet's eyes light up. "Ooooh! 'Lady' van Dyne, I like that. Remind me to talk to you and Steve about the whole Duke of Earth thing, I've always wanted to be royalty." She examines the box with a thorough evaluation, fingers probing and testing until she figures out how to open it.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda watches the pair, the unplugging of the cask, and Janet's obvious delight in it. The gift for the other woman, then, seems perfectly suited for the evening's endeavor, and she nods her head. Thor's gifting is, so far, pleasantly appropos to the occasion.

Janet's warning, however, as she messes with the spigot, gains something of a chuckle from the witch. "I never worry about someone giving me 'shit'," the redhead begins. "Is easily fixed." Is that a shrug in her lilting tones? It's true; Wanda isn't meek when she wants something done, and she does make her desires known, when it comes down to it.

Wanda takes a couple of steps to the side, finding a place where she can lean, her hands delicately entwining her fingers before her. "Oh, now you have done it." Royalty! Though, she does consider it for a few more moments before, "She does wear nicest clothes."

Thor has posed:
     The box opened, and a velvet lining showed off the white ale horn, traditionally made. "Aye, would be a shame to put it back." Asgardian ale, much like all Asgardian libations were more potent than their Midgardian counterparts, but that was all part of the fun.

  "I am unsure if I can bestow upon you a royal title though. I will have to ask upon the Allfather." Thor offered, producing his own horn and opening the spigot, foamy ale filling the vessel.

  "Wanda, won't you join us for a drink?" He asked, holding out his horn with an inviting smile to rival Leo DiCaprio's.

T'Challa has posed:
Speaking of royalty, the main doors open to allow a man in, who pauses for a few quiet words with someone on the other side before the doors are closed afterward. There is a skeptical, yet mildly amused expression on the man's face as he turns toward the interior of the mansion. Wearing all black, consisting of a tailored overcoat, pressed slacks, and dress shoes, the King of Wakanda surveys what is before him. A cask of ale, along with Thor, Janet, and Wanda, along with the room in the process of being decorated by others.

As nimble fingers begin to work at the clasps down the front of the coat, T'Challa regards the others with a simple nod. "My friends."

Kara Danvers has posed:
    Kara lands abruptly in front of the Avengers Mansion, fairly sure she's probably triggers some alarms. She isn't sure just how well the mansions AI will respond to her unexpected visit. Though, she hopes it identifies her as friend rather than foe. She smiles up to the camera, with a hand on one hip and a friendly, kinda dorky, wave.

    "Hello. I'm Supergirl, here to see Power Girl, and Wonder Woman, and Iron Man.. and any of the other lovely Avengers who happen to be here."

    She reserves herself from peering through the walls. Firstly it's rude, and secondly she doesn't want to know if they've been paranoid enough to design it to block Superman from taking peeks too.

    Supergirl is not in her usual uniform. Instead, it's a long blue dress, still with golden belt. The left clasp holding her long red cape in place has her House of El symbol upon it. Her usual red boots and her T-comms pinned to her chest at the moment.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet squeals in glee and promptly upends her glass into the drinking horn. "-Now- I'm drinking properly," she declares, and takes two big swigs. Thor's comment about royal titles earns him a speculative eye and she sliiides over with an exaggerated coyness until she's well within his arm's reach, almost hip to hip. "Well you know, there's always the old tradition of marrying off the oldest son," she tells Thor. Her voice goes a little lush and thick. "How's your dating life these days? You still hanging around with that blonde skank with the big hips and the sparkle magic?"

T'challa's arrival prompts a beaming smile and a wave of welcome. "T'challa! Great timing, c'mon in. You can get in a bidding war with Thor over a dowry. For me. Two kings! I love Christmas," she sighs.

JARVIS pings the Avengers with a holo of Supergirl-- Janet looks up and nods. "Yeah, let her in, JARVIS. C'MON IN SUPERGIRL!" she adds, raising her voice just a little.

Hey, Kryptonians have super-hearing, y'know..

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda is happy in her lean, out of the way of the traffic of the decorators, and, well, just out of the general way. At the invitation for some mead, no.. some Asgardian mead, the witch shakes her head, one hand rising to echo her first gesture, adding, "No, no thank you. I could not.." There is a moment when she pauses, finishing up with, "I have heard stories about it." And in some cases, have seen the results first hand? Potent stuff!

The entrance of T'Challa brings the smile that has been hinting at her lips up, taking a warmer tone in greeting the newly arrived, "Sastipe. Hello." Before she can say much more, however, Janet's deciding that she needs to be bid for, and the witch exhales in a soft, amused sigh. "If you would exuse me. I will get door."

JARVIS does, indeed, allow for entrance, and as Wanda arrives, the door is opened without word. He's been distracted of late. When it does open, the entryway is filled with decorations; the corridor is festooned with red, greens, candles sit upon tables, and the sounds are mostly from the larger living area where the workmen continue.

As the door opens, there is Wanda reaching for the door, and finding it opening in her hand, she looks a little.. unprepared for that event and offers a 'Welcome', just following in the heels of Janet's yelling. "Everyone is in other room."

Thor has posed:
     Thor brings his ale horn to his mouth before taking a long drink, then turning to Janet. "I am as you say 'on the market'." He comments before he smiles towards T'Challa. "Welcome, Black Panther!" He offers, quite heartily. Already in the festive spirit.

  "Well met, Kara Zor-El." Raising his horn to the new arrival as well. He made himself at home, while putting the large Yule log in the hearth, but not lighting it. "Tell us, T'Challa, any seasonal traditions in Wakanda?"

T'Challa has posed:
Who else has, at least, enhanced hearing? That would be T'Challa, and while Janet's raised voice is nothing serious, it still leads to a moment of him rubbing at an ear. "It is good to see you all. I trust you are enjoying yourselves?" he replies, a polite smile passing over his warm, yet often neutral face, though a brow rises briefly at the topic of conversation. "What is this about a dowry?" he asks before a flash of understanding follows Thor's words, pausing at the undoing of his coat as Supergirl's arrival is brought to their attention.

He moves in further and steps to one side, looking back toward the doors with an equally warm and expectant expression in place. A keen eye may notice a hint of silver knitting below the neck, reminiscent of the Panther's habit. What could that be? "Ahh, more than we have time to discuss at the moment, though we do not celebrate the Christmas holiday, in particular. We do have a gift exchange and celebrations to honor our gods, so it is close enough."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara Danversara gives a small nod to the camera in appreciation as she hears the yelled welcome from Janet and Jarvis welcomes her in. The doors open and she steps through the way. Greeted by Wanda, someone she hasn't yet met she offers her hand, "Hi. I'm Kara Zor-El. It's a pleasure to meet yet another Avenger. You people are amazing. What is your thing on the team?"

    There's a lightness to her steps, a weight was lifted off her shoulders after some very heavy goings on of late, a chapter closed with a satisfactory outcome. She peers at the decorations with a touch of wonder, then notes the small workforce setting it all up. "Very.. festive."

    Further in she sees Janet, someone who she considers a friend, and T'Challa who even knows her secret identity who she definitely considers a friend, and Thor... she blushes. Also a friend. "Hey Janet, T'Challa, ..Thor. I was hoping to run in to Power Girl and or Wonder Woman and or Tony. But, it's good to see you all again"

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet sticks her tongue out petulantly at Thor. "Spoilsport," she chivvies him. "It wouldn't kill you to pitch an offer. 'Five hundred goats'," she says, grandly. "No, wait. Not goats. Something... um. Maybe my weight in gold?" Her eyes widen. "No, /your/ weight in gold. That'd do it."

She pushes off the counter near the ale, drinking horn in hand, and moves to give T'challa a warm hug. "As long as you're in New York, it's the holidays, so Merry Christmas or whatever-your-equivalent-holiday-is," she bids T'challa, and offers him a warm hug.

"C'mon in, Kara," she bids the Kryptonian, and reaches over to hook elbows with Kara with a slightly maternal sort of possesiveness. "Peej isn't here, Tony's off doing something, and I don't know where Diana is. You'll have to settle for the A-listers on the team. Wanna drink? Thor brought ale," she says, over the rim of her alehorn.


Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda closes the door behind the newly arrived, her head tilts and there's a moment when she just studies the woman for a moment. She must realize that there is that second that passes and she seems a touch abashed before she extends her hand. "Wanda Maximoff. Also called Scarlet Witch." Her moniker should pretty much clear things up, but just in case? "I am like Dr Strange, but not."

Wandering back to the room where all are gathered behind their guest, Wanda finds a spot to linger, once again at the doorway, and sets to a lean, listening to the conversations, the greetings of friends to the newly arrived. T'Challa's explanation of the fact that Christmas isn't //really// a thing as it is gains an understanding nod. Her own traditions are decidedly different than American festivities, but she's mostly been to herself as of late, coming out only when truly necessary.

"Thor's ale is," Wanda searches for a word that could best describe it, and ends up with, "...very potent. Be warned."

Thor has posed:
     "Oh, a thousand pardons. Five hundred goats. Hold, is your father even alive?" Thor questions, before looking over his compatriot. "Oh, gold? Is that all? No jewels? Heads of great monsters that are destined to bring upon us Ragnarok?"

  Thor finished off his ale horn before exhaling, satisfied. "Another!" The Asgardian headed back to the barrel, which was quite large. "A thousand goats. My final offer." He bellowed before raising his horn to Janet.

T'Challa has posed:
"Kara," T'Challa says to the Kryptonian, inclining his head toward her. "An unexpected but pleasant surprise." He looks to the others for an explanation as to the whereabouts of those she is asking after, as he seems not to know, and it is covered for him. "Is he bidding against himself?" he wonders of Thor's offer of goats.

Janet's offered embrace is accepted and he returns it politely before lowering his voice toward her. "You be careful. It would not do to have you falling over in front of everyone gathered here," he says, a mildly teasing tone. More to the rest of them, he states, "I will consider having a small amount later. I have heard stories."

This allows him the chance to finish removing his coat, and before he places it anywhere they can see what he is wearing. Prior to any reactions one way or another, he states, "Okoye explained to me that some people have a tradition during the holiday season to wear a thing called the 'ugly sweater.' I feel she simply wanted me to look foolish. Perhaps my sister put her up to this."

The sweater in question is black, with a multitude of designs down the front, back, and the arms, highlighted (or lowlighted, depending) by a Panther symbol in the center of the chest surrounded by a purple circle.


Kara Danvers has posed:
    Kara lifts up a hand and holds it up as a stop sign, "No thank you on the ale. I don't drink." She smiles with a touch of amusement and nods in acknowledgement. "I will catch up with them later. Peej is easy to find for me and Diana may be at her embassy. Or museum."

    She smiles and tilts her head a touch to Wanda, "Scarlet Witch is a very cool name. Like Strange but not hm? Well, just between us the man gives me goose bumps, so 'but not' sounds good to me. I don't really understand magic."

    She crosses her arms over her chest and dips her head to T'Challa and says, "That sweater is beautiful. Who is getting this dowry you're talking about. Someone is getting married?"

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet's smile freezes for a second when Thor asks about her father. There's enough general hubbub that her silence might go unmissed. Her ale's given an introspective look and then a hearty swig to push the momentary sorrow aside.

T'challa gives her the greatest gift of all, though: the cable-knit sweater. Janet gasps, and laughs, and laughs. "Oh my -god- that is-- I know it's supposed to be an ugly sweater, but that is a -look-, and I love it," she gushes at T'challa. All momentary sorrow seems to have abated. "JARVIS, quick, get a picture of this! We'll put it up on our official Facebook page," she says. Mirth dances in her eyes.

"Kara, I told Thor I wanted to be a queen or something, and Steve's a Duke but, uh, this--" she gestures at hersef-- "isn't /quite/ on lockdown, and I'm just saying, if I get a better offer... but T'challa declined, and Thor's dickering hard."

She casts a critical side-eye up at Thor. "Goats, huh?" There's a dry amusement in her voice. "Guess that's the best offer I'm gonna get today."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
As strange as it may be, the discussion regarding dowry hits Wanda a little closer to home than one would expect. She is a gypsy, after all. Roma. And for all that civilization has brought, the best payments are made in horses and goats. If her family, the one she was raised with, had survived, that dowry could have been very real for her, and as such?

"Is good offer, Janet," Wanda's accented words rise from her leaned spot. "Family will be rich. Though, I prefer horses and monsters' heads. Would help me sleep better at night knowing they were dead."

The revealing of the 'ugly sweater' brings Wanda's attention around, and she stares, her expression obviously confused for a brief moment before she laughs. "Oh.. oh T'Challa." She brings a light hand up to her mouth, and is more than glad that she's not drinking anything because the potential is too great that she'd have choked with the laugh. "It.." and she's nodding her head up and down, grasping for that word, finding it, ".. becomes you."

Wanda does agree with Kara in regards to drinking; it's actually somewhat dangerous for her to do so, however. Well, get drunk and lose whatever control she does hold over herself? She'd definitely need either a //fearless// friend, or her brother.

"Kara, if you would like tea, there is some in kitchen. I can put kettle on?"

Thor has posed:
     Thor was not going to say anything about the silence to Janet's question. But he did put a hand on her shoulder. "Goats and gold." He said with a wink.

  "This sweater, I like it." He comments to all involved. "Good, more festivities shall commence!" Thor's overall mood light and festive to match the season.

T'Challa has posed:
The Wakandan returns the salute from Kara with a customary one of his own. It would be improper not to. He does not have the chance to respond to her opinion of the sweater, or the question of dowries or marriage. "Now, wait. I did not agree to--" T'Challa reacts to Janet calling for the image to be obtained, but it's probably already been done by the time he's mid-sentence. He says something under his breath in his native tongue, letting out a small sigh of mock-exasperation.

Okoye will see it. Shuri will see it. They will no doubt mock him together, either to his face or behind his back.

Begrudgingly, but still with good humor, he adds for Janet's sake, "It pleases me this has brought you a moment of enjoyment. And we have more than enough goats, but I am afraid that would put me on the spot in a way I am not prepared for."

For Wanda's benefit, he remarks, "Yes, I suppose it does," after she has given her own opinion of the attire. "I do not even know who they commissioned to make it." He certainly did not authorize any mass-production of such a thing.

After hanging the coat up nearby, he mingles. "I would not object to tea, myself," the man says to Wanda. "If you are offering." Finally, a suggestion after even Thor's approval is expressed. "Perhaps the rest of you should have your own sweaters, if Janet truly wishes to have a photo to use for an update."

Kara Danvers has posed:
    "To be a Queen of Asgard, wouldn't you have to marry Odin? or is this marry Thor and be a Princess who is one day a Queen?," she quizzes with curiosity. Her eyes flit back to Wanda and she nods her head enthusiastically, "Tea would be lovely, though I'd best not stay too long. Just a short visit to catch up."

Janet van Dyne has posed:
"It's all good, T'challa, I'm like... ninety-five percent sure I'd pass," she says. Janet leans sideways to bump her shoulder against Thor affectionately. "But y'know, next time Steve and I get into a fight, I'll tell him I've got offers waiting in the wings. Y'know-- negotiation 101, always negotiate from a positive of superior strength." Her eyes dance merrily and she throws back the last draught of her ale.

"Whoo! I am... feeling the buzz," she admits. Janet dries the horn out with a napkin and carefully puts it back in the wooden box made for it. "Everyone, consider yourself enlisted in holiday decorations. Wanda's in charge of the tree, but I think everyone should put at least one personal decoration on it. Fair?"

"Good!" she says, without waiting for consensus. "And with that, I'm going to go make sure the caterers are all ready for Christmas dinner. See everyone at the table tomorrow!" she says, and gathers her tablet to head to the kitchen area and the catering crew beyond.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda could use a cup of tea as well, and with T'Challa and Kara interested, it'll definitely be a full kettle. She straightens in her lean, and with a quickly bobbed nod, murmurs, "I will put on kettle." Turning to head towards the kitchen as she'd offered, she adds, "You will like. From market." The Croatian market. With that, she leaves the room behind to do just that, making room for Janet to join her in her path.

T'Challa has posed:
"If we are finding things for the tree, I may have a thing or two in mind," T'Challa muses, going back to fetch his coat so he can take it with him. "Back at the embassy. Wanda, I will be happy to stay for tea first, but then I must be on my way again." After all, it would be improper to ask for it only to turn it down, barring an emergency, and finding a bauble or trinket to place upon the tree does not quite qualify as one.