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Ruth Wants to Hurt Someone. We Oblidge.
Date of Scene: 08 January 2021
Location: Recreation Room
Synopsis: No one knows how to fight, Warren gets mad Emma expected they could. Ruth beats up Nori, Nori zaps Warren, Jubilee drags Bird-o to the medbay.
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Quentin Quire, Ruth Aldine, Noriko Ashida, Warren Worthington, Jubilation Lee, Kitty Pryde, Remy LeBeau

Emma Frost has posed:
    Is that, a, gi?

    A White gi?

    Emma Frost stands in the rec room, not having been clearance just yet to run dangerroom sessions for students, and still emotionally unstable in some ways and in some ways, she's still a wild card to the staff, so she's making do with what she has. "Combat training isn't about just practicing, it's about honing previously learned skills and giving you all a place to improvise instead of just repeating the same junk over and over, especially because if you do that junk wrong a thousand times, you'll do it wrong forever." Emma says, standing at the front of the rec room having moved all the couches and chairs and everything against the tv and the console beneath it.

"Ruth, stand in the middle and -I was about to tell you to blindfold yourself- but I appreciate you come to class prepared." Emma winks playfully and gives mental instructions for where Ruth should stand. "As you stand there, you're going to have to feel the room around you, something I expect you can already do well enough." Emma notes and then motions with her chin towards Quentin and Noriko, time for trainning to begin.

Quentin Quire has posed:
Quentin Quire has a blindfold prepared, it seems, a neon pink thing covered with purple glitter with Omega symbols on either side of his head. He cinches it in place, his own gi a chartreuse affair with a belt depicting a dragon running from tail to tip from one end to the other. He floats about an inch in the air and slowly begins to roll his legs in sweeps and his hands in punches, slow motion fighting. He speaks Japanese outloud, but mindspeaks subtitles broadcasted for everyone to here.


Ruth Aldine has posed:
Training. Good. Ruth was feeling a wee bit cooped up, which.. made all of this surprising that Emma would call them down. She was her protege after all, the offering of a brand new outfit made some weird-ass psychic imprint upon Ruth and now would come to Emma begging for money..

Kidding! Maybe..

But they were all gathered, Ruth already blindfolded, holding her walking stick for no reason, near flinching at the mental invasion which causes her neck to itch. "Yes. Okay." She mutters, moving to that spot while scratching her neck.

Quentin's weird.. telepathic outburst made her itch even more, as the walking stick traded hands so that her fingers could do a light dig and claw at the back of her neck.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko rolls her eyes as she's paired up with the guy who has actually shown up with a blindfold on.  "You know I can speak English fluently right jackass?"  She has a very faint trace of a Japanese accent.  "And doing both is really distracting."

"Use that as a sweatband.  You are going to need all the help you can get against me," or so Noriko thinks.  She quickly notices where Ruth ends up, spaces herself in relation to Quentin, and then starts mimicking Emma's stance, keeping herself loose.

She's dressed in some short, bright green shorts made of thin parachute material, a nondescript blue tshirt, and her socks.  She did not bring a blindfold.

"Consider me your only demon," Noriko trash talks, sorta, to Quentin, ever ever so briefly considering getting a cheap shot on him just to wake him up even more.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Pushing a dolly cart stacked tall with a pile of cardboard boxes, most of them labeled with Japanese kanji on the sides, Warren makes his way into the rec room as he deftly maneuvers the dolly over towards one of the walls. He lets the cart move upright as he glances over at the group of students gathered, trying to figure out what it is they are doing. "What...ware we training in the Force now?" he asks as he casts his eyes over towards Emma. "And why here of all places. I was going to try and set up a Karaoke machine."

Emma Frost has posed:
    "Set it up if you want Warren, I'm just making sure they know about self defence and yet, it seems some don't quite understand what I'm doing here. Noriko, Quentin, stand around Ruth and get ready to strike. She's the target for both of you." Emma says, moving her hands to her hips in a bit of a defeated stance as Noriko quickly squares off against someone without making sure this is what the teacher had in mind.

    "Let's tone it down a touch Noriko, this is for Ruth's benefit and then we'll rotate who's in the middle as we get there." Emma says, lifting her hand to the bridge of her nose and closes her eyes. "Trying to do real life lessons Misster Worthington, a controlled environment isn't exactly real once you're outside."

Quentin Quire has posed:
Quentin Quire sighs, "I can't believe you want me to learn physical combat. Why? For what purpose? I'm not into labor, I"m more management. Or even more, the idle rich who lives like a leech off the labor of the lesser. Like you," he says, gesturing to Noriko with a grin. "You like spit lightning or something right? I can't remember. I try to keep the other students straight, but all your faces start to blend together after a while in this incredible melange of boring suck that if I stare into it too long, I can literally feel my pores start to clog. But this time, I'm on your side, so I believe in you, yay team and stuff."

He comes over towards Ruth and lazily flicks a foot at her ankle, "There, I assaulted her. Yay, violence."

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Chaos echoes through the halls. The vague sounds of surprise, hustle, and slight injury follow. A cheery voice that could come from only one mouth can be heard getting louder and louder, closer and closer.


    "I should leave a note!"

    "That tooth looks better chipped!"

    Suddenly, the doors swing open. None other than JUBILATION LEE is standing in the threshold, the bottom of her shoe visible from the kick she just delivered to that sucker of a door. She's not-at-all dressed for karate -- she's wearing a yellow hoodie with black lettering across the breast ('CASUAL FLOSSER') and a pair of too-short-to-even-be-considered-shorts, black and made of a spandex material. And, of course, her white Heelys sneakers. In her hands is a ukulele! A big pink bubble grows from her pursed lips before popping with a satisfying smack.

    "Oh.../THAT/ kind of karate..." she announces, glancing between her ukulele and everyone else, noting that she did not come prepared.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"I was joking," Noriko says flatly and moves into position equidistant from Quentin surrounding Ruth.  Of course she had to respond and not just do as she was told, but she doesn't seem remorseful about trying to get a jump on the exercise, probably because she thinks the disappointment is more related to her bluster.

The more Quentin speaks, the more Noriko checks out.  See if she slips into that hypervelocity (a luxury or curse not all speedsters have) all she has to listen to is blaaaaah blaaaaah blaaaaah while she's staring at the person she feels she has to listen to, waiting for their lips to move to hop out of it.

Yes, she's doing that now.  Noriko jumps out of it when she notices the tip of Jubes' Heely sneaker entering the room though.  "We're supposed to line up around Ruth."  Save me look is directed to Jubes....or "don't leave me."  It's unclear, but the look is urgent and lasting for around half a second.

Ruth Aldine has posed:
Yaay! Ruth's benefit! She would jump for joy if she could! But the girl had the personality of a fish! At least this time she wore a clean qi, hair in a half pony half bun, anything to stay out of her face to make her think that some weird bug was crawling on her. The squeaks of the wheels had Ruth's attention going to Warren, but she settles in and turns it inwards. With this many opponents, she was -definitely- going to cheat.

How? Do you say?

Quentin's approach was nearly missed save for the kick against her ankle. With skin so thin and the bone -right- there, it does provide a little sting, especially to someone who hasn't been used to pain in four years.

The walking stick is lifted, her wrist twirled so that she could toss the stick half an inch to quickly catch and *SMACK* Quentin clean across the face. Cause, kneejerk. That hurt.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
The sound of soft footfalls might be heard in the hallway by some. Kitty Pryde walks into the room, with Lockheed clinging to her shoulder. She's wearing a pair of jeans and a sweater that clings to her in pleasing ways. Her hair is just a little damp as if she's recently out of the shower, and has been left down, with a little more curl to it than normal.

She pauses in the doorway, her eyes going to Ruth, Noriko, Quentin and the others whose actions make them stand out so immediately upon entry. An eyebrow goes up and Kitty looks at Lockheed, who just gives her a quizzical look back. Sans eyebrow.

The young woman looks about the rest of the room, her lips pressing together just a little more tightly as she sees Emma. That expression reverses at the sight of Warren with the boxes. Kitty's head tilts as if reading some of the Japanese lettering on the boxes which is sideways from her perspective. She breaks out in a grin. "True to your word," she says towards Warren, and walks over to him. If he allows she lifts an arm to slide around him and offer him a tight hug of greeting.

Emma Frost has posed:
    "What Noriko said, Jubilation, get in the circle around Ruth and strike in turns against the blind folded girl, who is to protect and counter attack against you." Emma notes as she hides a smirk towards the youngest asian student entering. The look Quentin gets to the back of his head from the telepath is quick, but not upset, she's just, surprised he went for something so simple and rapidly. Shocked is almost the word.

    Emma turns her attention towards Warren just as Kitty enters, and the look the young mutant gives her is ... not surprising but no less scathing. She hasn't really had her chance to speak with Kitty and earn her trust and begin the path to redemption, not yet.

    "Care to help Kitty, and Warren? We could use more fists and feets aimed towards Ruth." Emma notes as the crack of the cane fills the room and she grins openly at that sound.

Warren Worthington has posed:
"This isn't outside, Emma. This is a rec room. If one of them goes flying into the TV, I am not going to pay for it." the winged mutant says with a laugh. Not like he, or Emma for that matter, couldn't afford to replace it with ease. The winged mutant starts to unload boxes off of the dolly one at a time, moving them over towards a spot near where the rest of the electronic equipment is...but hopefully far enough away that an errant throw by one of the students won't end up smashing into things.

At Kitty's arrival he stands though, chuckling as he places an arm around her to return the hug. "Of course. I said I would get a karaoke machine in here. Save you and the kids from having to head out just to sing. I still have to set the thing up and figure out how to program the songs in...but that is what I have you for." He picks up the manual from the top of the box and offers it over. The dragon gets a smile, as Warren reaches up to rub its head, "Hey Lockheed."

Emma's request gets a look from the Angel, a brow raised. "I am not sure this is the best place for this. Maybe this should be in someplace better suited for it, before something gets destroyed?"

Quentin Quire has posed:
Quentin Quire takes the whack from the stick and, as one might expect if they've known Quentin for more than 23 seconds, he has a rather overdramatic reaction to it. He flips in the air, his TK spinning him around (No, it's the impact, not the TK, she just hit him that hard, he SWEARS), flinging himself into the wall in a splat, his arms and legs spread eagle around him.

"OH I HAVE REAPED THE WHIRLWIND FOR MY DESCENT INTO VIOLENCE!" he says, sliding slowly down to the ground and hugging his knees.

"Gosh, Miss Frost, I think I might be severely injured, I don't think I can participate anymore in this lesson, I have no choice but to sit on my ass and watch the rest while making memes of it to store for later use. You should warn somebody before they fight a deadly assassin like Ruth. My god, I could've DIED."

Remy LeBeau has posed:
Does he want to be here, surrounded by people having fun and laughing? Arguably no, but he's contractually obligated to make one appearance at Xavier function events a month. Which is how Remy finds himself in the Rec Room where kids are being instructed on the best possible way to fight a blind girl.

Suffice that it's going to be /really/ funny.

Hands in the pockets of his jeans, hair wet from a recent shower, and shoes in a squeaky par of pink croccs that definitely belong to someone else, the layabout stands in the doorway with his shoulder leaning against the wall. Just waiting for the train wreck of super powered mutant teenagers to smash through expensive electronic devices with a devious, ney delighted, grin on his stubbled face.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Everyone in a circle around Ruth. Huh. Jubilee's eyebrows rise in amusement, reserving a smile for each of the students. Her eyes linger on Noriko a moment longer, giving her a quizzical look in return. ('What's wrong?' it says). The silent conversation doesn't go on for long before Jubilee is called into the circle by Emma. With a shrug, Jubes uses the toe of one sneaker to remove the other and gives her foot a little kick to send it flying into a corner. She does the same with her sock-toe and sends the second sneaker flying. The ukulele, however, is leaned gently against the wall nearest the door.

    Jubes reaches down and starts to pull her yellow hoodie off, revealing a white tanktop underneath. While jogging over to the circle, Jubes finds her rightful spot next to Noriko. She grins and then tosses her hoodie, the one that says CASUAL FLOSSER, into one of the corners where her sneakers lie in wait.

    "Hey, Ruth, you still blind, girl?" she calls out. Jubes tilts her head to the side to glance at Nori. "...This doesn't seem sporting, does it...?"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde watches the happenings from the tight hug she offers her long-time friend before letting him go and saying, "I think Warren's got a good idea there. The gym, outside, Danger Room, would be better places for people sparring," her eyes going over to Emma.

Kitty sees Jubilee and reaches over to offer her a little fist-dap of greeting. Then Remy comes in and Kitty looks over and breaks out in a soft laugh. "Great shoes, Remy," she says, going over to offer him a quick hug if allowed before turning back to everyone else.

The young woman tells Warren, "I seem to recall also that you're going to sing the first song on it." She walks over to Warren and takes the offered manual and starts looking through it. Lockheed meanwhile sits and stares at Warren for a few long moments. Finally he gives a tiny flap of his wings, crossing over to land on Warren's shoulder. A little purple winged being on the shoulder of a big white winged being.

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma watches Quentin the Qartoon fly himself into the wall after being hit by a seeing-eye cane and she simply allows the show to roll off her back as if it was simply Tuesday. "Get up and help Quenten, or you're next after Ruth, and I'll have Remy here not hold back." Emma says with a look to Remy and a twitch of the corner of her mouth at the man's attire and state of life. She's got to find him a new coat. At least.

    "Noriko! Attack!" Emma suddenly shouts, expecting the speedster to actually pay attention and obey, why she isn't sure, but Emma does have expectations of her students in a setting like this. A glance is given to Kitty once more, and Warren, a wink to the fellow blonde, the environtment isn't exactly a financial concern for the telepath. Rarely has been. "As I explained, this is fine." Emma counters to Kitty. She's not going to explain again that those places are too sterile, and Emma doesn't have access to lead Danger Room sessions, not yet. Something someone either forgot to give her access, or she hasn't earned that trust yet.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"It is," Noriko says to Jubilee without explanation.  "Trust me.  Just attack her."  Though she can't send anymore signals of why she sent that initial look to Jubilee, so she doesn't revisit it.

The speedster moves at 'normal' speed when commanded to attack, since she wasn't sure whether they were going clockwise, counterclockwise, or just going to be pointed to so Ruth wouldn't know who was attacking.  But Noriko briefly wonders if she just didn't realize how long she was waiting buffer and make sure she wasn't attacking at the same time.

Noriko does not have training.  She instead goes for a fake, punching from a little too far away to reach, but really looking to grab the cane, twist, and then kick the girl straight on in the stomach.  Of course this all predicates on Ruth using her cane.  Any attacks though, she does dart if not countered mentally.  It's just instinctive.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Watching the kids spar, and Quinten fly himself into a wall, Warren just shakes his head with a somewhat amused look on his face, giving a glance over to Kitty. "Well, if things in here get broken, I am sure between Emma and I we can cover it all and have it replaced quick enough." The wings of the mutant ruffle slightly, "Maybe I should hold off on putting this together now though....just in case. But yes, I will sing the first song. Promises are promises...you smell nice."

Warren looks over to the Cajun as Kitty points out his shoes, "Nice shoes. K-mart? Or would those be a Walmart special?" he jokes, "How ya doin', Remy? You look as thrilled as ever."

Warren starts to shrug out of his jacket, as he watches the ensuing spar session, "I don't know, Kat. It could be fun..."

Ruth Aldine has posed:
There were a little bit more people gathering, the room was filling and allowing Ruth's mind to work overtime. It was as if part of her were examining the room at all sides, not tactically, but with curiosity, until that 'gaze' rests on what was in front of her. And not.

Quentin's fly away -almost- cracked a laugh, a little huff blew from her nose and a smile, red face which soon clears away, Jubilee's call giving her a reason to drop her shoulders even though she was never really on guard.

"I'm not blind. I can always see you." Creepppyyyyy

Ruth gets on guard again, though her guard is getting stiff. She was still listening to the others in the background, her interest piqued with the kareoke machine. Ten days from now, she will be singing alone.

"Nothing, sorry, pardon. Nothing will break."

Just as those words fly out of her mouth, Noriko's fake has her head turning, the cane quite literally handed to Noriko as Ruth takes the kick to the stomach. The poor girl doubles over and wheezes, both arms held clutching her stomach as she breathes in and out quickly. "Ow.. sorry.. ow.."

Remy LeBeau has posed:

Remy wiggles his toes in the pink croccs and side smirks over at Kitty's complimentary statements regarding his excellent choice in stolen footwear. "Oy, dey are aint dey?" Side hugging the damp haired woman with one arm, it stays there laid across the back of her shoulders less she duck out from beneath it. "Oy! Attack de blind girl! She could be a mutant hater blinded by da fiery passion of dere finatical belief dat yer an afront to God!" Pointing dramatically at the heavens above.

"Ya gonna hold yer punches jus cus dey rich, white, and ninety? Non... now smack dat teenager in a blind fold around..." Encouraging words from the least likely, most unwanted, very unqualified, resident quote adult unquote, in the mansion.

Quieter, for Kitty, with a flicking hand in the direction of the fighting area, "Kids, amirite?"

With his head cant slightly towards Kitty, he turns just so to look at Warren. Eyes shift to his shoes, then back up, "K-mart... yee.." Definitely someone elses closet. "I got dem off amazon prime wishlist.. Dese are from a very special someone who been payin' tention to ol Remy's needs on da line." Wiggle toes. "I'm fine. How you doin' Wings?"

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko kneels down and reaches slowly to touch Ruth's elbow as she says on her approach.  "You okay?  Need a hand?"

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Instead of fist-dabbing back, Jubes gently sticks her index finger into the top of Kitty's fist, where her index finger curls against her thumb. She grins from ear to ear as she jogs on past, giving a little wave as she goes! Once formed into the circle, Jubilee hikes her eyebrows at Nori. Trust me, she says. Her head sloooooowly turns to watch Ruth, curious.
    Jubilation's bottom row of teeth stick out, hissing a little with surprise as Ruth doubles over.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a warm chuckle about the source of Remy's shoes. She looks over the manual, though she's not able to keep herself from frequently looking up at what is going on elsewhere in the room. "Good, we can hook it right into the server, run the music store directly from it, and also download whatever we want into its own memory if we wanted to take it on the road," Kitty says after a few minutes perusal of its capabilities.

She flips to the back and looks at something. "We can let it on the normal network though Doug and I'll probably rewrite it's programming just to be safe," she says. "Not like security is high enough on the list for most karaoke manufacturers," she says.

Kitty looks up as Ruth doubles over, wincing and eyes going to Emma. But she doesn't say anything about it. "So Warren, what'll the first song be?" she asks. "I'm sure we have it already but I'll make sure." She gives him a small smile. "And thanks," she adds.

Lockheed is mostly watching Ruth and company from his place perched on Warren's shoulder.

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma physcially winces at Ruth's gut kick, but doesn't audibly make a sound, and quickly erases the emotion from her face before speaking up for Ruth to be able to hear her most clearly, "You have to feel the room around you, and anticipate the actions. They're not holding back, and neither should you. Don't be afraid of your advantages, because those attacking you certainly will use any they can acquire, specifically your lack of sight. Use /that/ to your advantage Ruth." Emma teaches, and hopes, the woman stepping back and leaning against one of the unfortunately moved couches.

    "You two are cute. Brown and Brown." Emma teases Kitty and Remy, giving levity a shot, though it's likely way too soon.

Ruth Aldine has posed:
-That- was totally unexpected, her doubling over like that. Ruth was practically fine, or she will be in a couple of moments; Nori's checking on her was a little bit comforting. As she huffs out another breath, Emma's words give the girl some weird ass courage..

..For if Noriko was still too close?

"Pardon.. BWAAAAAAH!"

That warcry gave Ruth the guts and moxy to ball up her fists and start swinging. No, she wasn't swinging left and right as if she were in a boxing match, or fueled by the taste of a zenzu bean. This was all born out of desparation, Ruth becoming a little ball of black hair and flailing arms.

Yes. You got it. She was windmilling.

-LOOK- at those arms go! And she even -STOMPS-! Feet stamping against the ground in a frantic fury, body turning this way and that.. threatening to hit -all- nearby (probably with smacks that feel like rubberband pelts).

The Wacky Inflatable Flailing Arm Tubed man -really- has nothing on her. At. All.

Warren Worthington has posed:
"I don't know. Touched by an Angel seem apropos?" jokes Warren as he sets his jacket down onto one of the chairs. He reaches up to scratch Lockheed under the chin, "Maybe you should go do an attack run, just....no fire."

Warren looks like he is about to go give the kids a lesson when Ruth starts to flail about, and he just stops in mid track and laughs. "Emma, what in the hell are you teaching them? Man am I glad Scott can't see this. He would blow a gasket.

Slipping into Scott impersonation mode, "This is not proper technique! She is wide open! What tactical advantage does this have?! None I say, none!"

Remy LeBeau has posed:
"Brown and brown." Remy fires back at Emma with a raised brow. His arm hoops up and lays cross his own chest, coiled in with the other, and his foot hooks over the other ankle toe down in squeaky pink croccs! "Dis why ya don't put kids in blind folds for dere ninja trainin', ye no?" Then there's wind milling at Nori, which amuses Remy way more than it should.

Smirking to himself, hand drawing down either side of his mouth with nails scraping his stubble.

"Well den.. I feel like dis is a disaster waitin' to happen.." Hands waving outward to indicate the rec room. "So ol Remy gonna distance himself from it for da fallout comes when Jean stares disapprovingly at everyone.."

Snap glancing over at Warren before he's had a chance to actually leave... a wicked glint flickers in the Cajun's eye.. It practically SCREAMS, we should go tell Scott so he blows a gasket...

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko is too close, but instead of scuttling back like a crab on crack, she immediately cowers on the ground, curling up into a little ball with her arms going over her head, eyes shut tight.  Little waves of little sparks of electricity crawl over her body.

The girl continuously shudders and doesn't leave from her turtled position.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Before she knows what's happening, Jubilee is in the circle. She hadn't planned to do this -- she thought this was Ukulele Karate and that doesn't even exist! But, it made for a good excuse to bail on a boring conversation over by the snacks. Moments ago, Jubes was enjoying the confusing exercise but once Noriko goes down into a ball -- the toughest person she knows -- she's in like Flynn! She'd just have to accept the detentions if they come.

    "Ruth!" Jubilee shouts as she moves in between her and the Noriko Katamari. She starts jabbing at the air and bouncing energetically, something meant to remind the others of a boxer. "Float like a butterfly! Sting like a bee!" She shuffles towards Ruth. "Most bees are usually pretty nice! It's the wasps that are bastards....So..."

    Jubilee's ramble is cut short, however, as she suddenly curls down towards the ground, inverting herself into a sudden one-handed handstand kick, right in Ruth's direction!

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma actually slaps her face and the sound of it is audible. "What is that?" Emma asks, Ruth when the windmill comes out, and then as Noriko drops to the ground in the fetal position, Emma sighs. "Okay STOP!" Emma says, stepping up, putting a hand on Ruth's shoulder and pulling her slightly away and helping the blind girl avoid Jubilee's attack. "That... none of you have really had any combat training have you?"

    Emma requests of the group with a look over to Kitty and Warren, and even Remy. "Who's been teaching these kids all this time?" The blonde woman asks with a sour look on her face as she's pulling Ruth away from the circle and frowning deeply at the whole thing. "I'm embarrased. I'm embarrased /for/ you. I'm embarrased /because/ of you." Emma says to everyone in the room. These people rescued her from the cluthces of Shaw, and now Emma doesn't understand /HOW/ that happened.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives Remy a touch on the side. "I hope this is about hair," she tells him. "Or our Firefly allegiance." She goes back to looking at the manual and then looks to Warren. "This shouldn't be too hard to hook up though. Just a minute or two really once it is... safe?"

Kitty looks over and sees the flailing and Emma's reaction. "Blindfolding someone in the middle of a circle really isn't the way to start someone out," she says in a flat tone.

She glances to Remy and Warren but doesn't say anything. Lockheed hops over to Kitty's shoulder, not even bothering to flap his wings. The little empathic dragon nuzzles Kitty and she leans her cheek back into him.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Turning his eyes to Emma, Warren raises a brow and starts moving in her direction as his wings flare out a bit behind them, "Of COURSE they haven't had any combat training, Emma. That is NOT why they are here! This is a school, not a military academy, Ms. Frost. What did you actually expect us to be doing here?! My god."

Warren shakes his head, "Maybe in the past, well, things were a little different, but as far as I know that is not how we operate here. I may be out of touch, but last I checked combat 101 was not on the curriculum. If you expect it to be, maybe talk to Jean."

Remy LeBeau has posed:
"I have no idea what dat means." Firefly allegiences, "But given you said it, it is absolutely certain to be nerdy." Remy says good natured to Kitty, ruffling her wet hair..." Step back, steeeeep back... Hands up, hands out, hands flapping the bad juju air back towards Emma and away from him for a change.

"Dis is not my circus or my monkeys... but as god is my witness, I cannot wait for da fallout.." Snap pointing at her, big shit eating grin. With that, he turns on his heels and, having fulfilled his obligatory appearance written in his contract, departs the rec room. Comfortable that someone other than him is going to get the dog house!

Remy LeBeau has posed:
Remy's shoes say queeeek queeek queeeek as he departs. Unbashful, uncaring, unfashionable.

Ruth Aldine has posed:
Swing swing swing! Ruth was bound to hit -SOMETHING-! Noriko actually took the correct position, even though Ruth was hunched over and flailing she definitely wasn't going to hit -anything- that way. And she certainly wasn't -looking-! No matter the laughs! No matter the jeers! She was going to swing until she was tired and she caught a ride on someones back -or- dragged to her room to snooze!

Thankfully, just in time, Emma rescued Ruth from a pair of broken fingers by way of Jubilee. There was enough wherewithal to know to stop swinging right at the moment the woman touched her shoulder. Her arms flopped to her side, her head swinging left and right to take survey of the room, and soon she -huffs-.

As to what they were learning.. "What is the real value of x in the equation log(2)24 - log(2)3 = log(5)x? Sorry, answer is 125."

And that is on the test next week.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Where is Noriko's snappy dark retort to Emma's berating?  She's missing her chance to ever so lovingly bash a teacher, or even defend them!

Nowhere.  Noriko stays where she is.  Does she expect the exercise to continue?  Is she stuck in her hypervelocity state?  Her breathing is blurred, but such a little motion just comes out odd, looking like rapid vibration or a chipmunk hyperventilating.

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma looks to Warren as the man finally shows a sign of emotions beyond just kind of being there, her eyes widen briefly as the man seems to come alive. Good. "I don't expect them to be soldiers, I expect them to know how to handle themselves in the situation they've been put in. This is a failing on this school that they don't know how to react when someone is trying to hurt them." Emma retorts, "That you expect me to take them into 'The Danger Room'." She says actually lifting her hands for airquotes. "But that they've had zero lessons on self defense in /this day and age/." Emma scoffs, bowing up to Warren and taking her hand off Ruth's back in order to turn and face Warren fully.

    A breath is taken by Emma, "They live in a school that houses a team of freedom fighters that have countless foes that want them dead and a population that wants them erradicated. Maybe use your brains and not just the hopes of a bald guy who's never around." Emma says, wanting to turn on her heels and leave, but no, she's standing her ground. She's got a point in her own mind.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Jubilee's foot snaps down to deliver a size five ass-kicking but, thankfully, comes in contact with nothing, so it just looks like she did a one-handed handstand flourish. Without skipping a beat, her leg pendulum swings back the other way to put Jubes into a proper handstand, which she dismounts in a roundoff. Gymnastics is in her blood, sweat, and even that eye gook that accumulates during sleep.

    Jubilee slides forward on her knees, putting into a kneeling position next to Katamari Noriko. "Nori!" she stage-whispers. "Hey....Nori...."

    Tears start accumulating across Jubilation's lower eyelid. "Hey!" she cries out. "Hey! SHUT UP and DO SOMETHING!" A hand is extended towards Emma Frost, sending a flurry of harmless, but no-doubt eye-catching and annoying, fireworks in her direction. Blues, greens, reds, all exploding and fireworking with their own tiny shrieks of panic.

    "Nori!" she cries out, leaning over the other girl.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Opening his mouth to retort to Emma, Warren is about to spew forth some verbal assault if evidenced by the blood rushing to his face but his gaze is quickly distracted by Jubilee and the fallen Nori. Not even giving Emma another look Warren pushes past her, ignoring her as if she wasn't even there and moves forward with a brief flap of his wings to bring him over to the fallen girl's side. "Is she hurt," asks Warren as he looks to Jubilee, moving to take the fallen girl into his arms. "Come on, let's get her to medical."

Ruth Aldine has posed:
There were stern words; words that Ruth will decipher later, as the concern mainly falls upon Noriko. Ruth takes a step back, and decides to see herself out, trying her best not to get in the way, and already feeling pretty horrible with the outcome of the tiny battle (nonexistant battle, that is) between her and her friend.

Time to go into avoidance mode!

Emma Frost has posed:
    The bright flashes from Jubilee gets Emma to turn her head and scowls at the young woman, but that punishment will have to wait.

    Emma turns, and watches as Ruth goes to leave, and understands, she'll seek out the girl in due time. There is much to discuss. Not only with the blind one, but with all. Emma watches people crowd around Noriko and Emma remains composed and calm, with her hand held out towards Noriko from a few feet away, Emma lifts her other hand to her temple, taking the age old 'Telepath Pose' in order to show she's helping and doing something to the mutant's mind.

    "Everyone take a step back and hush. Then breath in slowly." Emma requests those present to give Noriko some air as she takes the girls mind in her mental hand and does her work.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko is pretty unresponsive at first.  When she hears Jubilee's voice at first, her eyes open, darting around in stop-motion barely slow enough to register, but then shut tight when she hears more shouting and the cracking of the fireworks.

When Warren touches her, Noriko's power flares and lightning shoots into him.  She must have been low on charge, because, well, he's still alive, even if it's enough to drop him unconscious.  And he does drop, like a rag doll.

Finally though, as Emma continues mind-poses, Noriko's power seems to recede and finally she opens her eyes again.  This wasn't something she could hide, and she seems rather disoriented when she unfurls.  Embarrassed, she looks around the room from the floor and then notices Warren.

"Did I do that?!"  Suddenly Noriko is there, instinctively checking his pulse...only she finds that her gauntlets don't help with that.  "Is he okay?!"

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Jubilee takes turns staring down at Noriko and glaring at Emma. On one of those passes, she catches the glare and sends one in return. "Do your JOB!" she shouts, snapping her fingers a couple of times, apparently increasing her punishment by the second. The snapping of her thumb and forefinger burns the air, which crackles and explodes in tiny, harmless explosions. From her perspective, Emma was just standing there giving a lecture while Noriko's having a rough go of it. Her breathing was heavy, her eyes reflective as she stares down at Katamari.

    When Warren comes over to bring Nori to medical, Jubilee nods up at him, a grateful double-tap of agreeing. But... BZZZTTTT. Jubilation's eyes widen as Warren goes down, her lungs emptying as he hits the mat. Emma's instruction to clear the mat and give some air, though, is a welcome one. Jubes reluctantly crab-walks backwards a little bit, using both hands and both feet to scramble away, staring daggers.

    But! A wave of calm washes over her features -- she's so relieved she doesn't even make the obvious Family Matters reference. There was plenty of time for that later. "You're okay!" she cries out. Warren, though? Is he okay? Jubes looks up at Emma for an answer, wide-eyed.

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma releases her breath and lowers her hands back down to her sides. She frowns at Jubilee and squints flamethrowers at the younger mutant. This is not her first rodeo either, and as such, Emma steps closer towards the down two, and drops on a knee to put her two fingers on Warren's neck.

    "He's okay, but hurt. Jubilee, help carry him to the wards." Emma then shifts from pale to crystal as she steps over one to look down at Noriko and shakes her head in disappointment again, but she doesn't voice it, or even show it on her crystaline face, as she scoops up Nori in her arms, electricty sparking down and burning her gi as it hits the mat and Emma starts to quietly carry Noriko towards the medbays expecting Jubilee to be behind.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko doesn't fight Emma.  After having already been kind of low on her charge to lessen the risks to her fellow students, the surge has made her look a little tired, along with all of the mental strain. The adrenaline wears off within 30 seconds, half to a fourth of the time it would take for a normal human, and then she goes limp., eyelids lazily cracked open as her eyes graze around for Jubilee.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Jubilee stares down at Warren. Just how the hell am I going to do this, she wonders. First, she tries grabbing both wrists and pulling. Then she tries the legs. The wings? No. Jubilee lowers herself and forces Warren's legs to bend at the knee so she can scoop an arm under. With the sound of straining, the young mutant tries her absolute best to get the taller, heavier, limper Warren up and off the mat. She lets out a sigh of frustrated air.

    Jubes looks up at Emma and glares, just for good measure, before... AHA! Jubes continues her glare as she stomps to the corner to grab her shoes, then to the door to grab her ukulele and sweatshirt. All four items are tossed onto Warren's chest and Jubilee moves to the end of the mat. She bends down and pulls at the edge of this section of mat, using it as a slippery sort of sled to drag Warren to the infirmary.

    And that's how Warren gets to medical. Ta-da!