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Apparently, Midgard is the Time-Out Room
Date of Scene: 24 February 2020
Location: Avengers Mansion - Study
Synopsis: Thor brings news of Loki's exile on Midgard to the rest of the Avengers. Opinions vary. Disappointed looks reign.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rogers, Janet van Dyne, Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff, Tony Stark

Thor has posed:
    The security logs were likely clear. Yesterday there was a visitor to the mansion. Five minutes after the visitor, a Lady Sif, arrived she spoke with Thor and then conversed at length with the Thunderer who became quite animated. Voices were raised though not in a combative manner, and upon resolution both parties departed via the energy relocation quantum gateway that is known to the Asgardians as the Bifrost.
    That was some time ago. Now...
    The sensors of the mansion's systems again offer the peal of their alarms letting those within realize that there is the same signature of energy beginning to build up back in the rear area of the Avenger's mansion. Seventeen seconds later that energy explodes into life, rainbow beams lashing the ground upon the concrete driveway, leaving a brilliant black charred image of the Seal of Asgard there upon the path that leads to the underground garage. And once again it discharges the Mighty Thor who emerges, dressed in full armor with the black and silver plates hugging the tight contours of the warrior's body. Even as he strides past those lines of burnt carbon, his boots kicking up black dust into the air as he pointedly /scowls/ and move to the back door, Mjolnir still held in his hand and his eyes grave.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
There is a dry click of a pistol's safety being turned back on as Natasha stands in a nearby doorway, her sidearm pointed at the point of arrival. "Some day," she says, fitting the pistol into her thigh holster, "someone else is gonna pop out of that, and we're going to have an interdimensional incident when I put a hollowpoint between their eyes." Natasha sighs. "Welcome back, Thor. Please do that on the lawn."
    There are way stronger automated guns pointed at the lawn.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Ensconsed in the study with a steaming cup of coffee laced with whiskey (thank you, Janet), Steve's got a book in-hand and spread over one thigh. It's Tolkien, 'Return of the King', and he's appearing to be enjoying the quiet pasttime. His other arm lies across the back of the lounging couch and a finger idly attempts to twine a lock of Janet's longer dark hair about it given she's settled beside him.

The sudden sound of atmospheric displacement and the consequential crisping of the asphalt outside has the super-soldier looking up suddenly -- the mansion's alert system makes the arrival an obvious thing moreso yet. Turning in place, he squints over his shoulder at the light show outside of the window.

"Thor's back," he comments mildly with a glance over at Janet. A squeeze of her shoulder indicates he's intending to move; the book gets swapped for the mug of coffee and he then rises to his feet in his jeans and comfy ARMY-green pullover. "Let's go see what news he brings from Asgard." Steve then leads the way out and towards the grand staircase.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet's propped up comfortably against Steve; today is a bumblebee yellow oversized sweater with asymmetrical black stripes. It hangs perilously low off one shoulder to reveal a thin black cami underneath it. The hem of the sweater would be indecently short were it not for sleek black mid-calf leggings. She's propped up against his chest with her feet propped up on the cushions, and balances a digital sketchpad and her mobile phone against her thighs.

"Y'know, I think Thor's got Tony licked for flashy entrances," she says. The fashionista lets Steve help her upright and wiggles her toes into stylish wedge heels with flashy orange straps before rising. Fingers finger Steve's automatically and she strides along to match Steve's urgent pace.

Thor has posed:
    For some reason Natasha's request brings him up short as he stops in mid-stride and sort of points at her, with one eye scrunching up. Then he looks over his shoulder toward the groundskeepers shed and points in that direction, before he returns to look at Natasha once again and then just shrugs.
    "Natasha." He says as he continues his stride into the mansion, his expression still grim despite his momentary distraction. He reaches that back door and pulls it open, "If you would be so kind as to join me, I would have words with thee and the others. For there is dire news I must impart, though I shall bear their burden alone."

    Whatever he intends to talk about, he just waits for her to walk through before he goes on as well, letting the door swing shut behind him and then moves into that elaborate well-stocked kitchen...
    And then it's straight to the fridge. And the bottle of vodka he had left there, unless Natasha or Barnes had finished it off. Digging around inside it he grimaces and calls out over his shoulder. "Computer! Tell the others I am come and would have their presence!" Ah, computer. Not Jarvis. He's in a mood.
    << At once, sir. >>
    And the Avengers will likely get their little buzzes and hums of notification shortly thereafter. All the while Thor continues to clink about in the ridge.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
    Natasha arches a narrow eyebrow and follows her unusually dour... teammate? Subject of observation? She follows the nearest Person of Mass Destruction and watches him scour the fridge before she notes, "Pretty sure it's just Rogers and Van Dyne right now. Is there-" she glances at her wrist as a device pings with Jarvis' notice, and flatly says, "Thank you, Jarvis." before resuming "Is there some trouble back home?"

Steve Rogers has posed:
Janet's fingers interlaced to his own must be released in order for Steve to fish his phone out of his pocket. He frowns down at the summons given he's standing at the top of the grand staircase now. His regard flicks over at the Wasp with the beginnings of concern while he slips the phone away into his jeans again.

"Must be something important if he's having JARVIS page us," the man murmurs. His arrival is heralded first by the brisk sock-footed thumping descent down the main staircase and then his silhouette in the kitchen's entryway.

"Oh, Nat, hey." In order to set aside his steaming mug of laced coffee, he steps to one of the tables tucked to the side of the space. "Is there trouble?" A deliberate echo of the Widow; he glances from her to Janet and then back to Thor, his hands now resting at his hips in an unconscious stance of readiness for this...trouble.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
"Ooh, are we guessing?" Janet asks with a sly amusement. "My money's on either Loki or interstellar invaders. Anyone wanna take two to one odds? Takin' all bets," she informs the little entourage.

"But that doesn't mean we can't behave like civilized people. Budge over," she prompts Thor, and tries to bustle between him and the freezer by dint of personality. "I'll mix you a drink while you tell us what's going on. Huh?" The petite fashionista rests a hand on his tricep, something almost reassuring in her voice. "You'll enjoy a proper cocktail much more than just slugging shots of Grey Goose," she soothes the big fellow.

Thor has posed:
    As Janet nudges on in, Thor straightens up, his features twisted a little with a scowl of exasperation but he knows his anger does not lie with her. So he just steps back and sets Mjolnir down on the prep island there in the middle of the kitchen with a faint /whom/ that sounds. Then he crosses his arms over his broad chest, metal plates of his armor clinking faintly as he looks one way, then the other.
    "There is no helping this. So I shall just say it."
    A deep breath is taken, then exhaled slowly in what would be a sigh it wasn't so growly.
    "My father has exiled Loki to Midgard." There, it's out there. He then holds and waits to weather the repercussions of this statement, seemingly hunkered down behind his severe visage.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
    Natasha is not known for verbal outburts.
    So it surprises her a little when she blurts out "*Excuse* me?!", eyes wide and arms crossed, gripping both of her forearms tightly.

Clint Barton has posed:
JARVIS' annoucement eventually brings Clint down from his room to peek his head into the study. It looks like he was mid nap. "What's going on? World ending? Tony declared, psych on the whole Presidency thing?"

The question stops when Thor drops the bomb he'd come to deliver.

"Your father did what?!" he asks. "No, no, this can't be happening, this is a trick, right, April fricking fool's come early, right?' he says giving a hard look in Thor's direction. "Right?"

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve's line of mouth flattens in total lack of amusement at the chance of Loki even //appearing// as an option in the betting scheme. He shakes his head slowly, solemnly, disapproval practically radiating from him like bitter sunlight. The news arrives with the same hefty thud of impact as Mjolnir's settling upon the the island-countertop.

First there's Natasha. Steve's eyes, gone wide, lead his turn to see Clint appear with his own dismay. The Captain blinks a few times, looking back at Thor in silent concern that speaks louder than the rise of irritation. Finally, a hand rises to span his eyes and rather than raise his voice, he mutters to himself a few choice things in Gaelic (and his mother rolls over in her grave).

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
The soft footfalls of boots slightly precede Wanda Maximoff into the room. She's wearing a pair of blue jeans and a sweater, white with a thick wedge of blue rimmed with green around the V-neckline. Her auburn hair is left to hand about her shoulders and down her back as she walks in and glances about those who have assembled.

"JARVIS said something was going on?" she asks curiously as she walks further in. Her eyes alight on one member of the team after another. Those she hasn't seen in the recent day or two, like Steve, Janet and Natasha, get extra smiles of greeting from her.

The Transian woman spots Clint with his mild case of bedhead and she walks over to stop beside him. "Woke you from a nap? It must truly be serious."

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet processes the news calmly. Instead of using the martini mixer, she pours vodka and gin into the blender container. All of the two bottles. Lime's added, and some ice. At least she shakes it manually, and then pours everyone a health couple of fingers in the handful of lowball glasses set out. Liquor churns and slops as ice and clear vodka clatter into the glasses.

Janet slides a glass to Thor, then one to Steve, and one for herself.

"Well, ****," she says, and as if it's a toast, she hefts her glass at the others and slams back the drink in a single smooth motion.

"Define 'banish', Thor," Janet prompts the big blonde. "Because there's a big difference between 'go to your room to think about things', and 'I'm going to cut you loose to wreck hell on Earth so you're not doing it at home," she remarks.

Tony Stark has posed:
"What we're summoning people now?" Tony asks, as JARVIS pressures him for the third time to make his way to the study and hear what Thor has to say, "You know what? I'm glad I moved you out of the suit. You know what you are? You're a nag. A digital nag. I don't know how they can stand you."

Stark is still talking to the ambient 'presence' that is JARVIS as he pushes through the door behind Wanda, frowning a little at the gathered Avengers and the altogether grim expressions on their face. He looks from face to face, clicks his tongue, and makes an assumption as the provenance of their expressions.

"Look, I was going to tell you, I promise ... "

Thor has posed:
    At Natasha's response Thor visibly winces, enduring the anger for now and instead choosing to look downwards, then forces himself to look up and meet the eyes of the others, his attention flitting from face to face to face. His brow knits and then he says levelly, calmly though in that manner one can recognize he is /forcing/ himself to be calm. There is a pause as he awaits peoples' attention and then he embarks on the telling with a resonant deep voice, the voice he uses sternly when speaking to warriors and soldiers.
    "Mine father, in his wisdom, hath declared that it is to be Loki's fate to be stripped of much of his power. To be rendered unable to speak the lies he is so famous for. And to cast him here to Midgard where he is to...."
    A pause and Thor's features tighten, expression severe as he looks over at Captain America and says simply, "Be. Of. Use. To me. Until he reaches a point when Odin finds him worthy of his place in Asgard." At that last Thor's eyes widen a little, and there might be the slightest smile. But it's not the smile of a pleasant Summer picnic, and more the wild eyes of seven hours spent in the DMV.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
     Natasha's voice is quieter now, but forceful as she shakes her head. "No. *No*. You do not send a child to their room when you punish them for *demolishing their room*. You make them pick between the belt or the closet."
    Natasha should never be a mother.
    With barely a pause between words, Natasha gestures to Clint and back to Thor as if to indicate him and his response in her appraisal, "You don't lock him up with the people he's hurt."
    With just as small a space between words, Natasha points at Tony furiously, "*Put a towel down next time*. Loki's back on Earth."
    She's breathing entirely through her nose as Thor elaborates. Nodding her head very slowly, so much that it communicates incredulity, Natasha just flatly says. "Community service." Another slow breath. "*Community service*."

Steve Rogers has posed:
Nodding to himself and then giving Janet a look teeming with further disquiet, the Captain reaches out to take the offered mixed drink. He doesn't shoot it like his gal, but he does sip deeply at it before looking around at everyone involved and arriving.

His attention returns to Thor and lingers on in a silence that surely grows exponentially more awkward as the seconds tic by.

Steve might be wanting to roll for disbelief.

But all that comes out of his mouth in the end is, "Don't know if I agree with your father's decision, but it sounds like Loki's already here. Time to figure out how we deal with it. You think you can corral him, I trust you. He steps out of line?" Those broad shoulders shrug. "We deal with him."

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint laughs in disbelief, "Your father in his /wisdom/ sent your brother /back/ to Earth?" he asks getting up in Thor's face now. "Whatever they're smoking up in Asgard must be some next level shit, because that's insane."

He turns from Thor to Steve when Cap speaks, "Nah, forget that, Loki already stepped out of line Steve, we sent him to Asgard to be punished and they sent him back, my vote is we deal with him now." He looks around the room. "Just tell us where he is and we'll take care of it. He had his chance two years ago, I don't think we owe him another."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda glances about from one person to another. The conversation soon provides enough of the answer for her. "Loki?" Wanda asks, glancing from one person to another to confirm she has it right. "Loki is coming here. Being 'banished' here?" she asks, still looking around at her teammates. "What, have we become New Jersey now?" she asks in her softly accented English.

Wanda moves over to pick up one of the drinks that Janet poured. She sighs and takes a sip of it. "I thought Asgard had a lovely jail of their own?" Wanda asks Thor more directly. "I imagined it quite progressive. With..." she says, waving her hand about, "comfortable chairs, maybe even loungers. There wasn't anything there that would serve the purpose of keeping him away from mischief?"

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet looks from Natasha, to the drink near her, then Natasha, then to the drink again. With a few awkward pokes of her fingertips Janet nudges it closer to the redheaded assassin. There's enough for everyone present to drown their woes, at least (well, at least make a good start at it, superhuman metabolisms notwithstanding).

There's a bit of a pause after Natasha's fierce outburst and Wanda's more mild observations, in which Janet's manicured nails can be heard clicking a frustrated tattoo on the marble countertop.

"So... what you're saying, is..." Her lips purse as if weighing her words with a careful gravity. "Your brother is truly a tool now." Her eyes flicker up to Thor's face, and lips quirk at him with an impish, only slightly suppressed smile.

Tony Stark has posed:
"Loki? I hate that guy," Tony says with an eye roll before extending a hand to point at Thor, "No offense. Or ... offense? I don't know with you. You two hate each other, right? Brothers are a complicated thing. I've heard."

There's a bar, and because there's a bar Tony gravitates towards it. He steps towards the bar, moving behind it and getting in Janet's way. He reaches for one of the bottles, finds it mostly empty, and shakes his head disapprovingly.

"Excuse me," he says, reaching past the Wasp obnoxiously to fetch a more full liquor bottle and upend a healthy portion into a glass, before reaching right back to put it where he found it, voice trailing out as he does it, "And thaaaank you."

Concentrate-on-all-this-juice now in hand, Tony edges his way out from behind the bar and glances towards Thor.

"So, we're sending him back, right? Along with a sternly-worded note that Earth is not Asgardian detention hall?"

Thor has posed:
    For now the thought of booze has escaped Thor, though he has accepted the glass and holds it, perhaps not even realizing it. There is that dark glower to the man's face and perhaps someone as gifted as Wanda can feel the tremulous gathering of power that outside causes the clouds to stir and darken, wending like a gyre high above the Avenger's mansion. Still he nods several times either agreeing with Steve and the others, or agreeing to some inner monologue they are not privy to. Whatever it is he exhales again that controlled scowl given breath.
    But then his attention is grabbed entirely by Clint and the expression Thor wears is still that clenched scowl. But his eyes soften and he nods slowly with what the archer is saying, apparently agreeing... or accepting the anger as merely his due. Again there is a cursory look at all of them, gauging the room, their opinions, their body language.
    Shaking his head he answers, "My next move is to find him. I will speak with him. My options are..."
    The words fade and it's clear he's looking beyond all of them, as if trying to see something in the future or just far away. "I cannot stand against Odin's decree. And I know in your place my reactions would be the same." The words falter, perhaps aided by his knowing how inadequate they are.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
    Natasha finds herself in the awkward position of agreeing with Tony Stark, and it's a shock to the system that forbids her from acknowledging it before she registers that Clint is now in Thor's face, She glances at Janet and very quickly says "NothankyouI'mworking" as she steps forward.
    A slender hand rests on Clints shoulder and geeently guides him a step back. "It isn't Thor's idea..." she says patiently and placatingly, and turns from Clint to Thor, "... and if what Thor says is true, it sounds like anyone with a nine milimeter could handle him right now, so let's not rush to kick any doors down."
    Natasha crosses her arms again, "I'm not against letting you handle this if he's as weak as you say, but... I don't like to speak for entire planets, Thor, but there's got to be a diplomatic way to tell His Highness we aren't his rehab facility. This is an *interstellar incident*."

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve sips at his drink, his own expression drawn and internalized as he listens. His brows meet and knit deeply. Another shake of his head is at his own train of thought rather than at opinions flying as they are within the confines of the kitchen. It's not the best news, truly, and he has his own old scars and early morning vivid dreams to wake him from last they dealt with the Trickster God.

Natasha seems to read his mind on matters. "She's right -- have to start with diplomacy before we get to kicking in doors. Trust me, I'll be there if we need to. For right now, let Thor speak with his brother given he's the one who's the other half of the equation. We'll be waiting to hear how that goes," he notes evenly to Thor in particular.

Clint Barton has posed:
Nat's hand on his shoulder gets Clint glancing back at her, convincing him to take a breath and a step backwards. He looks back up at Thor, "Speak with him? Heh. Well just sayin' nothing says get the fuck off my planet like a hammer to the face," he points at Thor. "Keep that in mind."

He goes over to the bar to grab one of those drinks and finishes it in one go, "Anyhow, Nat's right we can't let this fly for Loki or any of Asgards undesirable, or we'll be neck deep in these assholes."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda Maximoff sighs and takes a sip of her drink. The initial bout of emotion has passed and she walks over slowly to stand before the much larger Thor. She lets out another sigh then rests a hand on his chest. "We know this is not your doing, Thor," she says, patting with her hand briefly then withdrawing it. "And our... emotions... directed at the messenger are misplaced. You have proven yourself as true a friend as Midgard possesses. We know that," she tells him, looking up to meet the Asgardian's blue eyes to let him see the sincerity of her words.

Wanda turns back to the others, setting her drink down and crossing her arms. "Perhaps it is worth a trip to Asgard ourselves, to speak with the All Father?" she suggests, turning to look to Thor to get his opinion on the matter that would amount to Asgardian politics.

Tony Stark has posed:
"I get the feeling that if Papa Odin was interested in our opinion, he wouldn't be sending his bratty kid here to teach him a lesson."

Tony stews on that for a moment, lifting the glass up to his mouth and taking a pensive sip. When it's done he rattles the cube around in the glass, eyeing it critically.

"But," he continues, puffing out his cheeks and glancing down at the floor in momentary disbelief, "It probably is something we need to talk out. We all know what Loki's like, and I'd hate to see the kind of tricks he can pull even without his powers if he's backed into a corner. So, yeah, diplomacy."

He points at Natasha, raising his eyebrows. Agreeing on things! Friendship is wonderful.

Thor has posed:
    "My brother," Thor says, likely drawn forth in reaction to Natasha's and Wanda's words, seeking to aid in this at the least. "Even without his powers is still an Asgardian warrior, and capable. Yet I believe he may be under a geas that will alter his behaviour." He pauses and swallows then seems to be getting control of himself even as the clouds outside continue to grow and darken.
    "I fear that diplomacy may be a difficult path. My father likely considers... Midgard to be part of the Nine Realms and..." He uncurls a hand as he explains, gesturing in that old rhetorical motion for them to follow his train of thought. Yet it discomforts him to say as much, "Thus under the protection. Of Asgard."
    Which is likely news to the people of Midgard the ramifications as such.
    But then he strives to cut off the impact of those words, extending his hands as if to stay them. "But. My friends." He says those last two words with such heart-felt weight. "My dear friends. I would have you know. I will do all I can. I will not allow my brother to inflict upon this world further ills. I will do all I can to insure there is peace. And that I will insure that this shall not become a miscarriage of justice."
    "And..." He straightens up and looks to them all. "If this turns as you fear. Then I will stand in my brother's place. By my life or death I will not let this pass unaddressed and I will spill the last of my blood in defense of /Earth/." The strength of conviction of those last three words is wrenched torn from his heart heavily.
    But then he draws up and straightens to his full height, his animated entreaty having drawn him forward. "Let me speak with Loki. Find what I can. Then return to you with what I have observed. And there. Perhaps we can act from a better position."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha closes her eyes very slowly. "... So we would have to convince a very powerful old man that he doesn't rule us." She then mutters with a sigh in Russian, "Dom nikogda ne daleko" (Home is never far away)
    Natasha opens her eyes narrowly as Thor goes on. Though there's no outward sign of it, she feels a little awkward at the dramatic sincerity on display. Though her voice is level as she says "We... appreciate that very much, Thor."
    A beat passes and she gently elbows Clint.

Clint Barton has posed:
"Yeah, you're great," Clint adds at Nat's elbowed urging.

He pours himself another drink.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda picks her glass back up, drifting across the room away from Thor, though looking back to him to nod towards the Asgardian. She looks to Tony and says, "I don't imagine you thought you'd be negotiating interstellar treaties before you even took office." Wanda pauses a moment, considering the man she's talking to. "Or, maybe you did," she amends.

She walks over to where she can sit down on the arm of a chair. Her eyes go to Clint. "I hope you have some particularly sharp arrows. Just in case."

Tony Stark has posed:
Tony leans back against the bar, holding the glass at mouth level and peering at Thor over it. He listens to the impassioned words, eyebrows raised behind the glasses he wears but otherwise keeping a poker face. When Thor finishes speaking, he looks around for a moment to the other Avengers.

"Is anybody else getting a Mel Gibson vibe? I mean, Braveheart. Not, you know," he makes a scowling, overly-exaggerated drunk face with one eye half closed, "The other version."

But, sensing jocularity isn't called for here, he takes a step forward and pats the broad Asgardian on his shoulder. Once. Then retracts his hand, slipping it into his pocket.

"You'll do everything you can," he says, with a firm nod, "And more, I'll bet. We're - uh - lucky to have you in our corner."

He turns to face the rest of the group: "Group hug? No? Okay then."

To Wanda, he points a finger and grins: "I like your optimism, Maximoff. Secretary of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

Thor has posed:
    For a brief instant Thor meets Tony's gaze and nods, something close to a smile coming to the fore, but then abandoned behind the weight of shame he must feel. The Thunderer's eyes once again take the measure of the room. He chews on the inside of his cheek for a few moments and then says. "I will be off to find my brother. I will return as soon as possible with more information." There's silence then, at least from Thor as he nods a few times. Perhaps some further words are want to be said yet he grants them no voice. Instead he just shakes his head. "I will try not to be long."
    That said he turns toward the door from whence he came, walking a few steps then extending his hand to have Mjolnir leap across that distance and into his hand with that low /whom/ coming from it.
    The door /bangs/ open heavily. They'll likely hear the thrum-thrum-thrum of the hammer whirling to speed and in the next instant Thor leaps to the air and away.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
    Natasha gives Clint a subtly wry look that is the facial equivalent of a patronizing 'I'm very proud of you'.
    Natasha then fixes Tony with a very cold stare.
    This is more like the world she recognizes.
    As Thor moves to leave, she nods once firmly and says, "Of course. Take care."
    After the telltale sound of Thor's departure fades, Natasha lowers her arms and leaves the room with a casual, "I'm following him."