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Krypton or Bust: Argo City
Date of Scene: 17 April 2021
Location: Argo City
Synopsis: Argo City never made it to K-2 and the last of its people perished. But the last of Krypton -- Zod and the House of El, find a common ground laying the city and its people to rest.
Cast of Characters: Kara Danvers, Conner Kent, Clark Kent, Karen Starr, Maxima, Peter Quill

Kara Danvers has posed:
    Ever since Kara heard a message from her father she hasn't been able to stop pacing back and forth between the common area and the bridge. The trip from the Rao System toward the mysterious K-2 was a direct enough path, but it was uncharted. Her hands keep clenching and unclenching nervously and the implications that her parents and tens of thousands of other Kryptonians are alive is filling her with nervous hope.

    The other thought, of course, is that it's been 36 years.. her parents would be much older now. They have lived their life without her and who knows how many things might have changed. When she got to Earth she expected Kal to be a little baby still, but instead of he was a full grown man who helped her find her feet on the strange alien planet.

    Kara had also changed her clothing several times since leaving the Rao system, unsure just what would be the most appropriate thing to wear in front of her parents. Eventually she settled on simply her Supergirl uniform. It was a big part of who she is now for good or for ill.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner has spent most of his time since they left Rao's system reading about the life cycle of stars from the ships databanks. It is hard because he is not a science person type. But he is getting the general idea that what happened to Krypton was very weird.

So, who is good in science among the crew? Well, maybe Kara, but she is very upset right now. Maxima? Warrior princesses are probably not great at astrophysics. Wait, who is the science officer in the Milano. Time to ask the Captain. That means Quill. "Hey, Captain, got a minute?"

Clark Kent has posed:
Superman's here!

Much like earlier, this is perhaps Too Much Krypton for the Man of Steel. He's resorted to his default Superman expression, which is to say trustworthy, kindly, and a little distant. It will get him through this until the other boot drops, or he can unload with people he.

Well, with people he trusts later, that's the awful truth of it.

Karen Starr has posed:
    Since their excursion to Krypton proper, Karen has been... Silent. Utterly. She's been running numbers through her head day in and day out, trying to find- something. Getting information on what math she's been doing is impossible- when it's not in Kryptonian, it's mental, and what can be gleaned doesn't make sense.

    She is hopeful- hoping against all odds that probability is somehow, some way, on their side: That the slapdash last ditch efforts of a doomed scientist was somehow enough to save tens of thousands of lives for almost forty years.

    When finally it became a futile effort, she emerged from her quarters on Maxima's ship and joined the others, remaining silent for this last leg of the trip.

Maxima has posed:
The fate of Krypton was a heavy thing to witness for the warrior princess, and the part the Guardians of the Universe played in it as well. The fate of the Kryptonian Hegemony has great significance for Maxima, it could be a mirror for the future of her own empire as they keep growing in power with every new generation, a similar clash with the Guardians of the Universe seems all but inevitable at some point.

For now though there is the trip to this K2. Maxima perhaps having relaxed a bit over the course of this trip or maybe just in a nod to the gravity of things has allowed everyone to come to the command deck for this leg of the journey, even the crew of that Ravager ship should they be so inclined.

"We should arrive soon." She informs the others present from where stands on the raised command dais.

Peter Quill has posed:
Passing through a sudden nimbus of force and the crystaline Kryptonian battleship makes the transtion from hyper to real space in the span of a second. On the bridge Zod, dressed in the black battle armour of a the Kryptonian hegemony hovers by the holographic display, his eyes set upon the images before him.

"Jax-Ur, commence scans and do not stop until you've located the city."

However Ursa reports, "We're picking up an Almeracian ship in the vicinity, General."

With a wave of his hand Zod brings the ship into the center of the holo display. "Hail them, ask them their business and urge them to move on." The Almeracians were a canny and dangerous foes, worthy of respect.

Ursa nods and the message is sent out in Interlac. "General Zod of the Kryptonian Hegemony offers greetings, and requests to know you reason for being in this sector and if you are able we ask you depart immediately we are here on vital business of our own."

Kara Danvers has posed:
    It was like a perfect storm. As both ships converge on the same location. Not yet K-2, but in the deep dark between systems. Out here, no longer glowing brightly like it did when it left Krypton during its destruction. A dead rock with a Kryptonian city perched upon it. Circular, cut away from Krypton by the force field that Zor-El designed. Large pillars surround the city, but they are silent now. The trails of energy that followed behind it.. gone.

    Karen had done the math. The amount of power needed to survive the destruction of Krypton and make it to K-2.. immense. They should have made it further though. Now the city drifts lifelessly before them, on its doomed course toward K-2 with no signs of life.

    And then, of course, a Kryptonian warship arrives. Because why wouldn't it. Kara stares in utter horror at the dead Argo City. Her heart in her throat, she is unable to process the emotions. Nor that a Kryptonian ship was in their sensors. "I.. what? Zod!"

Clark Kent has posed:
"Are you kidding me." Superman says, leaning forward to look at the...

...well where, his caveman brain insists, there should be some ominous holographic display of Zod and his cult to glare at.

"We need to go." Superman says, "Zod's got too many people and..."

And what? Well, Clark thinks, who are the panicked people of Argo City more likely to end up following? By force, possibly. "Why are they here? Do they know?!"

Conner Kent has posed:
Although Conner was not there for the chat with the Guardians of the Universe, he is vaguely aware there are pretty nasty space empires out there. Like those who invaded Earth a few years back. The Dominators, the Khund. Why was the Kryptonian Hegemony worse for the old Oans?

Maybe because of jerks like Zod.

"What? He is claiming to be Kryptonian Hegemony? That is crazy talk," grumbles Conner. "I hope that is not what the Kandorians have decided to do. And... uh..." Argo city is not looking good. He glances at Kara.

Karen Starr has posed:
    Power Girl is all eyes on Argo as soon as it comes into view. She'd been doing so much math: The city shouldn't be here. That speaks to some of her worst fears. A single city isolated amongst the stars that didn't even reach where it mathematically should have.

    "It doesn't matter how many people Zod has. He can't have Argo. He can't have what's left. They're not his people. Not anymore." This declaration is quite solid- Karen is ready to burn every last iota of solar energy in the black nothingness of this space making sure that Zod doesn't have his way.

Maxima has posed:
Maxima is frozen for a brief moment, which is no small thing, but she can hardly believe what is before her on the large view screen. She's seen Kryptonian warships in history books, but there aren't supposed to be any left, let alone right in front of her and clearly fully functional.

She turns and looks at Kara, perhaps because Kara is the reason she agreed to bring them in the first place. "The Krytonian warship is hailing us, would you like to answer?"

Peter Quill has posed:
"No response from the Almeracian ship general," Ursa reports.

Frowning Zod studies the image of the ship as it hovers in front of him. "Give them another chance to reply," he says. "But move us between them and Argo city."

"Yes General," Ursa replies repeating the message even as the manipulates the controls to move interpose their ship between the interlopers and Argo city.

As they do, Jax Ur speaks up. "General," he swallows. "W-We're not getting and life readings from the city."

Zod was beside the man in a second, looking over his console. "Check. //Again//." He growls. It was impossible that the city should be dead. His people were stronger than that. "They have to be there," he says as much to himself as to Jax Ur.

Kara Danvers has posed:
    Kara does a shiver from head to toe as she's suddenly put on the spot. Her eyes are peeled on Argo City.. her _home_. Floating dead in space and who knows what else. Zod.. she nods to Maxima and says, "Fine." Her hands go to her hips in fists. She is not a happy Supergirl right now.

    "Dru-Zod. _Respectfully_ we ask you to turn around and leave. The Hegemony is dead and it insults us all for you to use its name. Especially now, of all times. You have no vital business here," she says and looks to her family, "We need to get down there.. before he does."

    Her eyes turn to Maxima, "Can you.. keep him busy? I don't mean with weapons.. your ship is lovely and powerful but that ship right there," she says pointing to the sunstone star snow flake warship, "will tear you to pieces."

    Kara turns to leave toward the airlock but pauses as a memory of Zod, dead, by her doppelgangers hand in another version of reality snaps in to her mind and she presses her lips together. What does it take to become the baddie? what missteps need to be taken to end up in that place.

    She turns on her heel and folds her arms, "...state your business here Dru-Zod. There is nothing to be gained by us fighting. I'm sure by now you have realised too that something has gone .... wrong." She chokes up a little bit.

Clark Kent has posed:
Superman's feelings towards Zod are less...nuanced.

"I'm getting my suit on." Superman says, moving to do just that, "It'd be a damn fool thing if we end up in a fist fight over..."

It's not nothing, though. Even if Argo is...Clark decides 'abandoned' is the word, the technology on board could power Zod's operation for deacdes, be enough to make the nightmare of the old world a real threat to the galaxy again.

He has to be stopped. "I'll launch out, check the place out myself."

Conner Kent has posed:
"Where did he find a Kryptonian warship?" Wonders Conner. "The military... er, warrior caste, I mean, must have depots outside Rao's system. So much for the Guardians vigilance."

They didn't even detect the sun about to explode. But neither did the Kryptonians, except for Zor-El. Really suspicious thing, that.

"I don't think we are going to get out of this talking, cousin," he tells Kara. "I better get my breather. Uh, we better warn the Milano's crew. They should get ready to fight or just run."

Karen Starr has posed:
    Karen doesn't hesitate for a moment. "I'm going with you." she remarks to Clark, stepping alongside him. "You know we're going to show up on his sensors. As soon as we make our move to get there, they're going to come for us."

    There's a short pause as Power Girl redeploys the suit, and while moving alongside Superman, she speaks again. "I think I prefer it that way." she notes, letting the helmet close around her face. If we're being fair, the suit isn't outright needed right now- but operating in space will dip into the ol' solar reserves, and the less they do that now with Zod on the horizon, the better.

Maxima has posed:
When Kara has finished talking to Zod's ship, Maxima turns towards her again, "Kara," she pauses like she is considering her next words carefully but in the end just says it straight, "The ship is detecting no life signs anywhere on that rock."

Maxima considers and nods when Kara asks her if she can keep Zod busy. "I will do what I can." Though there is definitely a part of her that clearly wants to test out the fighting option.

"Computer! Re-establish communications." She orders the command deck itself. "Kryptonian vessel, I am Maxima, Imperial Crown Princess of the Almeracian Empire. I am here escorting a friend to whom I owe a debt of Honor. Please identify yourselves and from what port you hail, according to our records Krypton was destroyed two generations ago." Her tone is very formal and diplomatic, every inch the Imperial royalty that she is.

Peter Quill has posed:
The image of Kara Zor-El on the Almeracian ship gets an arch of a single dark brow, though his words set him to frowning. "The Hegemony continues as long as there are sons and daughters of Krypton to carry on the cause. And we are here for the most vital of business, we are here to recover what remains of Argo City."

As for knowing that something that has gone wrong, Zod looks to Jax Ur who, simply, sadly, shakes his head. "Still no life signs."

Zod's face goes cold, flat, showing no signs of emotion, but the fist of his dominant hand clenches tight enough to crush coal into diamond and then some.

"It appears you are correct," he says turning towards the hologram of Kara that stands in front of him until the communications cut.

"What do you want us to do?" Ursa asks.

Zod is silent for a time. "Prepare to go to the city, Jax Ur, you will remain on the ship, Faora will command."

When comms re-open and Maxima stands in Kara's place in the hologram, he inclines his head. "Greetings Princess," he says. "Your records are mostly correct, but since our world's untimely end Krypton is wherever true Kryptonians stand."

His eyes shift to look at the readings from Jax Ur's station, no change, no life detected.

He closes his eyes a moment and lets out a breath. "We want no battle," he says reguarding Maxima with a look every bit as resolute as her own. "Tell your passengers from the House of El that I offer a truce, let us go to the city together, today is not a day for Kryptonians to die."

Kara Danvers has posed:
    She nods to Conner and says, "Who knows. I am not surprised though. Zod is... from a different era. The secrets he must know." She isn't even being given a time to catch her own thoughts. She nods to Clark and Karen and says, "Please be careful cousin, sister." She looks back to Conner and says, "I have to try. In that other time line, the other me and Zod were student and teacher. There must have been something my other self saw in him." She shudders at the thought though.

    Another bolt through her body like icy claws as Maxima points out the obvious about Argo City. "Thank you Maxima," she says with a soft, almost broken, voice. Her hands clench a touch as Maxima reminds everyone, Zod included, that they're an endangered species. "Now.. might not have been the best time to bring that up."

    Kara pauses as she hears a declaration that they do not want to fight, "Hm. I hope we can trust him as far as we can throw him," she adds using an Earth colloquialism. Kara puts on her suit and pats Conner on the shoulder, "Suit up. We're going to visit where I grew up." She sounds rather sad about it. They aren't going to be too far behind Clark and Karen.

    --- Argo City

    Once the jewel of the western coast on Lurvan. A home of great scientific advancement. Tall spires in crystalline shapes made of custom matter built with their advanced technology. Now, dark. Not a single light on, no power at all. Quiet bodies lay in buildings and on the streets. Some of them holding weapons.

    The city had been modified since its time on Krypton with large power ducts leading from the pillars at its edge to a central building in the middle of the city, the tallest of the towers. Here was the control centre for the cities energy and shield defence systems designed and implemented by Zor-El, thanks to Jor-El's warnings. It was a hail mary to begin with.. some how it succeeded in another timeline. But this timeline? it did not.

Clark Kent has posed:
Corpses. It's all corpses.

"Damn." Superman says, because what else is there? This isn't...home to him, like Kara, or even Karen. He remembers just enough of Krypton to feel a sense of loss at its passing, and his natural response to a necropolis like this is regret, and anger that something couldn't have been done. All of this for nothing.

"You don't think they're playing possum, do you? To stay out of it all?" Clark softballs to Karen as he lands, using his super-vision to get a better idea about the place. Awful thoughts about what Luthor, or other gene-manipulators like that Sinister guy, could do with access to these bodies. "Great Scott."

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner is still wearing his Tron-style smartsuit, so there is not much 'suit up' to do but picking up a breathing device. His solar energy reserves feel pretty low, though. It has been a while since Oa's yellow sun.

But he should be okay, he still has very strong telekinesis. He should be okay unless one of Zod's full-blooded Kryptonian soldiers decides to punch him. That wouldn't be good for Conner.

But as soon as he gets to the dead city, Conner has more important things to think about. There are dead in the streets, which might mean the forcefield failed suddenly. Maybe it run out of power without warning. But maybe some people managed to reach some kind of refuge. He has no X-Ray vision, but he can search in more normal ways, and even using his telekinesis as a radar through solid surfaces.

Karen Starr has posed:
    In silence, Karen moves forward- the grim specter of death lingers over the whole city. "I did the math. Thirty-six years alone in space. They would have had to come across a planet- or something- capable of sustaining life. If they didn't..." she states, looking around.

    "Rioting. Panic. Fear. It's possible if... If it happened quickly, that at the center of all of this there's someone still remaining." she states, "But it's... It's not likely, and we should hurry regardless."

    With that, she lifts up and off of the ground, allowing Conner and Clark to scan however they may. "I'll check the spire."

Maxima has posed:
"I.. apologize." Maxima says, a word she is not accustomed to using. "It seemed the best way to distract them." She tells Kara after relaying Zods offer of a truce.

"A truce seems like the best that can be hoped for under these circumstances if we are as outgunned as you say." Maxima considers for a moment, "I will come with you, my simulacrum can mind the ship. If nothing else it will reduce any advantage Zod might have in numbers should he not honor his word."

While Maxima joins the departing Kara and Conner, another Maxima appears and remains on the bridge of her ship. Completely identical in every way, it is uncanny. Not bothering with a spacesuit, her typical armored outfit seems to be enough for the real Maxima as she follows the others out into the void.

Meanwhile the simulacrum Maxima on the bridge hails Zod's ship again, "Your proposal for a truce has been accepted. Let there be no blood shed today."

Peter Quill has posed:
"Good," Zod replies to Maxima. "You have my word we will not attack you or your guests unless attacked first."

A short time lates three figures emerge from the Kryptonian warship, suited in the battle armour in their homeworld and moving towards Argos city. Zod had chosen Ursa and Non to join him on this most sacred of journeys, it was only fitting they had been at his side the longest. Before long they've arrived and Zod wishes he had come alone.

Dead. They were all dead. His face freezes again, locking in all his emotions. He wanted to rage, to scream to cry, but he couldn't not with his people with him, not with the House of El so close by to witness it. He swallows it all down and proceeds. "Spread out, search the city for survivors, I will inspect the spire."

"And if we meet the House of El?" asks Ursa.

Zod pauses a moment. "Do not engage unless they attack. We will keep our word."

Then he lifts off heading towards the spire leaving his people to scout the city.

Kara Danvers has posed:
    There are few parts of the city that cannot be seen by Clark. Those that are hidden are pipes or parts of large machines. Underground, there are vaults where people who have passed lay still. There are signs of combat in the streets, damage to buildings.

    The central spire presents a quiet homage to Kryptonian culture past. Murals hang from the walls and at its center a crystal console. A single light illuminates when Karen enters the room. There a flick, the last vestiges of power in the city.

    And then he is there. Zor-El, he looks so similar to Karen's father Zor-L. He sounds so similar too. "inah" the hologram says, the Kryptonian word for daughter. The computer thinks Karen is Kara, but of course. "I have left this message for you, in case you ever found us. Our days are numbered now."

    Kara nods to Maxima and then to the simulacrom of her. She leaves with Conner and splits off after Karen toward the spire. She enters to see her father talking to Karen. The hologram turns to look to Kara and repeats, "inah".

    The hologram of Zor-El continues, "Our escape velocity from Krypton was flawed. What should have been enough power to take us to K-2 had fallen short. When your mother broke the news to the people of Argo City, they were angry. There was disagreement with how we should proceed, how much time we had left and the best way to utilise the remaining energy." Kara stares in wonder at the last words, the last vision of her father. Hearing him call her daughter one last time.

    When Conner joins, the hologram nods to him, "Descendent." And when Clark steps in the hologram of Zor-El pauses and looks at him, "Kal-El." There is another pause as the hologram looks at Maxima, "You are from Almeracian, come in peace." He continues, "There was a coup d'tat and your mother was sent to the Phantom Zone. I fought to try to make people see reason. There was one way.. one way only for us to make it to K-2 where we could replenish our energy reserves. Unfortunately, it is no doubt clear by now.. I failed. There has been fighting in the city for days now... this is how we end, how Krypton ends. In fear and violence. Please do not let this be our only legacy."

    Dru-Zod, the last to join them in the spire, draws a long pause from Zor-El's hologram as he looks at the general, "Zod." He says it with a touch of distaste, "Zor-El considered the possibility that you might somehow one day reach this place." The hologram flickers for a moment as he paces in front of the console and addresses the House of El once more, "If you need to, with enough focused energy the central core can be overloaded to destroy this city. It should not be allowed to fall in to the hands of people who would use it as a weapon." The hologram pauses and looks to Karen and Kara, deeply, with searching eyes. "I love you my daughter, please find your mother. Do not think too badly of us for the actions we have taken."

    Kara drops to her knees as the hologram disappears. A crystal emerges from the center of the console, for them to take home. As Kara takes a long deep breath she whispers, "There are no words..."

Clark Kent has posed:
Superman gets out of his head for a minute, at the clear anguish on his loved ones's expressions.

And then, he thinks, there's this asshole. As Zod sweeps into the Spire, the Man of Steel straightens up, his shoulders squaring and his right hand idly curling into a fist, the muscles straining against the feeble constraints of the spacesuit. There's a faint increase of pressure around Superman as he assesses his family's old enemy, and thinks of the boy aboard the spaceship again.

"Zod." Clark says, echoing Zor-El; he's not quite as Kryptonian about it, though, a bit of Earthman swagger in his tone as he fully turns around to measure the man up. "Is this going to be a thing?"

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner hears Zor-El's words with uncharacteristic seriousness. There is not much too add. At least Kara's mother is still alive. Maybe some others used the Phantom Zone to escape, too. But wouldn't Zod know that?

He glares at the Kryptonian general. They had never meet in person, but he knows of his attacks against Earth. Last one allying himself with Mogul and other alien invaders. While Clark confronts him, he moves closer to Kara. "Kara, should we do it? Destroy Argo? Maybe it should be preserved for the Kandorians, when return to normal."

Karen Starr has posed:
    Karen is sturdy enough- after all, this is not the first time she has been through this- that she doesn't fall to her knees. It hurts her, her heart practically collapsing in on itself as she hears Zor-L's voice in the hologram, just a shade away from her father's.

    She strides forward in silence once the hologram disappears, and she picks up the crystal, storing it in her suit. "I think we should. There's nothing left here, for anyone. It's a mass grave. Let it serve that purpose."

Maxima has posed:
Maxima steps forward and places a hand on Kara's shoulder when she sinks to her knees. There are no words, just the simple gesture.

"There was a sworn agreement of a truce." Maxima states for Clark's benefit when he asks Zod if this is going to be a 'thing', the gravity with which the Almeracian Warrior Caste regards honor and sworn vows evident in her voice. But she makes no suggestions to the survivors of Krypton about the fate of this last fragment of their civilization, that is for them to decide.

Peter Quill has posed:
That flat expression returns as he is greeted by Zor-El's hologram. "Nice of him to think of me," he replies archly to the spectre of light and sound before he addresses Clark and Maxima,"She is right, Kal-El it will not be a 'thing' I have given my word to start no conflict here," he remarks, glancing back towards where the city stretches out around the spire. "Besides, I have seen enough of my people dead today, I've no wish to see another," he levels a long hard look at Kal before nodding towards Conner.

"The boy has the right idea, if the people of Kandor can be restored and the city itself cannot, they will need a home. Why not here?" he says, looking to the Kryptonians gathered around the hologram. "Certainly that is a worthier fate for this place than being blown to atoms and lost to our people forever." His look takes in them all, Kara, Conner, Karen and Kal as if daring them to refuse.

Clark Kent has posed:
"You wouldn't see a thing, Zod." Clark says, but that, as it seems, is that. Clark doesn't trust Zod to keep his word; at least, not to twist it to his advantage, but Maxima's right there and would take that a sa personal offense. And she's quicker on the draw than Clark is, if he's being honest.

"I think a lot of bad can be done with a city full of Kryptonian bodies." Kal-El says, softly, after a while. He feels like a heel, but it needs to be said. "We all have enemies eager to exploit the power in the Kryptonian genome. Logic says it's better to make a clean break, not risk either of us crossing the other or breaking any sort of truce we have to exploit these ruins."

"...but there's always a way." Clark says, after a long minute. "I don't know if hoping Kandor heals itself is the way to do it, but Argo deserves better than oblivion. Can you keep your pet maniac, Jax-Ur, from exploiting these people? Can I trust you, Zod, to honor the dead? To help us bury these people?"

"A secret memorial, to the last, best hope of our people. Surely, no matter our differences, we could respect that, right? We're not so far gone."

Kara Danvers has posed:
    Kara looks up to Conner from her kneeling. Tears streaking down her cheeks. She pushes herself back up and watches as Karen retrieves the crystal left for her by her father. Almost their father. Karen wants to take their fathers advice and destroy this place. Conner is unsure. Zod wants to keep it.. and Clark wants to extend the olive branch.

    She turns to look at Zod with a look of disbelief in her eyes. He's simply.. here.. not conquering, not killing, not destroying, not exploiting. May be what he claims is true, he only cares about Kryptonians. Not a great quality when the universe is filled with non-Kryptonians. But in this, it can be useful.

    Kara looks out at a spire in the distance. Her home is there. Was there. She says to Zod, "In another timeline, you and I were friends. You and I were student and teacher."

    "You survived on Argo City with my family and made it all the way to Earth to help defend them from a space horror. Things ended badly for us -- but the journey to that point. It tells me in another reality I saw something in you and you saw something in me. Something I don't.. yet.. see. But if you are able to do this, with us, then may be there is a future for us after all."

Peter Quill has posed:
Zod considers Kara and then the rest of the House of El and even their ally, his face unreadable. He replies to Kara first. "Each timeline plays out as it wills, but what you say does bear considering Kara Zor-El." His attention turns to Kal then, the old enmity there not gone but put aside for the moment as he replies. "I accept. We should see the bodies burn up in a star, a fitting end for these people and it will give us a star to look upon when we wish to remember them." There's a nod to Kara at that, a little bit of consideration for the woman who had lost her home a second time.

Maxima has posed:
Maxima watches the talks with Zod in stoic silence, somewhere in the back of her mind are probably still thoughts about Kryptonians joining the Almeracian Empire. What conquerors they would make...

But for now her presence is to support her friend and to help ensure the white flag of these peace talks and that is what she does.

Karen Starr has posed:
    "There's more to it than burying them. This city will always feel like a ghost town. Maybe what remains of Zor-El will help that serve as a memorial rather than a gravestone." she states, still facing away.

    "We can take them to K-2. The city won't stay, but at the very least its people can finish their journey."

Clark Kent has posed:
"That's an idea." Superman says, nodding at Power Girl. "Let's do it."

Clark moves to get in position; someone's gotta drag this thing after all, and some hard work will do his body and mind good.

Kara Danvers has posed:
    Kara's look of hope in her eyes is met with agreement from Zod, thanks to Clark's clearheaded offer. She feel much of her body react. She nods to Karen and says, "I'll make a slice." The city will wait for the day that Kryptonians can return it to life.

    For the first time since Krypton had been destroyed, the remaining Kryptonians found a common ground. Working together to take their fallen civilisations remains to the sun of K-2 where they are sent to extinguish in the yellow sun.

    It is a sombre and quiet affair, as the pilgrimage comes to a close. Not all but some of Krypton is finally laid to rest. This unassuming star now a memory for those that remain to look upon when thinking of those they have lost.

    Argo City settles in to quiet once more, powered by one of the generators Karen made with a slice of Zor-El to watch over it and provide insight to any who may find themselves here in the future.

    Dru-Zod's ship and crew depart in one direction, Maxima's ship with the Milano depart in another. Returning to Earth. The journey having come full circle back to the home Clark's father found for them.