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Latest revision as of 02:10, 16 May 2021

Happy Harbor: Prom
Date of Scene: 15 May 2021
Location: Legacy Castle
Synopsis: Category is Carnival Celebration, but make it Prom! Kids have fun. Adults do adulting!
Cast of Characters: Morrigan MacIntyre, Karen Starr, Heather Danielson, J'onn J'onzz, Atlee, Hank Pym, Leslie Willis

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Tonight. Is. The. NIGHT!


It?s one of those things that some teens will enjoy as they are going through High School. There are others that will absolutely despise anything having to do with Prom though and that is understandable. They don?t have to come if they don?t want to! Happy Harbor is always about making sure that folks are comfortable.

Prom is Carnival Celebration themed and that means that the grounds and inside ballroom of the Legacy Castle have been transformed to meet the needs of the event for the night. As people approach they will see the bright neon lights of a ferris wheel, bumper cars and other rides that have been set up for the kids (and adults!) to enjoy. There?s the smell of funnel cakes and other carnival type foods in the air outside.

Inside in the ballroom there are tables decorated in the school colors of purple, black and silver that make a bit of a perimeter of a dance floor. There is a DJ that is set up and already playing all the hits that the teens love these days. Some might be making teachers make faces even. The DJ also takes requests. Which might be good!

Doctor MacIntyre is standing near the doors to the ballroom and greeting students and those that come with them as they head in. She?s dressed in a rather plan, but extremely well tailored royal purple gown that is a contrast to her pale skin. Her long curly hair has been tamed up into a chic little updo to go along with things.

Karen Starr has posed:
    Her time back from space has been... Really, really eventful. Power Girl has taken on a protege, done the usual fighting of various threats, and beyond that... Been contacted by a number of people that have, through various means, convinced her to make public appearances.

    Tonight, she's appearing at the Prom of a high school that she's only heard of... But they'd asked for /someone/ from Metropolis to come down, and she was the one that was available.

    So, here she is, dressed no differently than when she flies around in Metropolis, the blonde form of Power Girl has occupied the punch bowl.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Sure, Heather doesn't go to this school. She doesn't really even know anyone from the school. But she is a member of the Titans, and a model who has her face plastered all over the world. She is also still a teenager, so yeah. It's not unreasonable to expect that some of the boys (maybe girls, who's judging?) might know who she is.
    So when one of the Happy Harbor seniors called her out on Instagram and invited her to his prom, she happily accepted. It's a chance to get some PR for both her modeling career and for the Titans.
    So, she and her date (One Stephen Henderson) arrive in a limo, and Heather is all dolled up in a royal blue tight fitting dress, on Stephen's arm. I mean what better cool factor fuel than to have that Sports Illustrated model come to prom with you, right? The fact that she is a superhero is just icing on the cake.
    And so, the two of them enter, pausing to have their photos taken. Heather even makes sure that in one of them she is kissing Stephen on the cheek.
    And.. then there is the ballroom where she grins at the sight of it.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
Prom night. For many students it was the pinnacle of the year, the mark of an end and a beginning in human life. J'onn had agreed to chaperone the event for numerous reasons, the two that played through his mind the most however were the need for protecting the students, and of course witnessing the event as a whole for his own enjoyment.

Arriving wearing a nice suit of deep charcoal, almost black, including a bow tie and vest, a pair of dress shoes, and as a change, no personna. Tonight he is green.

Arthur had given him a warning about children spiking the punch with alcohol, so that is where he has chosen to linger. Not right on top of it of course, but near it, to watch and see if there is a student who will try.

Atlee has posed:
It is true! Power Girl has taken on a protege of sorts and that very protege was not about to miss out on this. A part of her questioned the point of going to such a thing but another part of her really wanted to see what it was that was so special about a prom. They did not have these down in Strata. So, the Terran woman put on her own super outfit and joined Karen for this. She wasn't nearly as well known as Power Girl but she was making some news with her exploits.

With or without Power Girl, Atlee was going to do good where she could. She really just didn't fully understand the point of this part of the heroing business.

"So, this is a form of juice then?" She asks and looks at the punch, "It doesn't look like juice. It looks like colored water."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym is there. He is unattended by giant ants. He is well dressed in a tailored suit giving him nearly as sleek a look as his uniform. Hair perfectly in place. A small silver studded earring in one ear. A mid-life crisis? An attempt at acupuncture to alleviate some of his power strain? Just trying to change things up? Who can tell. It's Pym. He drifts over to the punch bowl and pours himself a libation. "Not spiked," the biochemist pronounces.


Leslie Willis has posed:
    Leslie Willis rides trends almost as well as she rides electrical lines. Which is to say with wild abandon and a cavalier disregard for safety, or common sense, or much of anything else.

    And what's a great trend? Social media stars taking their fans out on pity dates! Waitwait, no, social media stars accepting invitations to their fan's prom because they're so down to Earth and totally cool.

    And that's how she's wound up at an actual prom, decked out in full Livewire 'prank' gear. Sure, 'super criminal attire' is what it's listed as in all those arrest reports. But cops are nerds and just don't -get- her.

    She's got her arm around a lanky beanpole of a dweeb as she peers around, "So like... how's this work, Steve? I told you, you get like, two hours, I'll sign autographs or whatever, but no slow dances, I don't -do- slow dancing."

    Scott, for his part, is somewhere between cancelling his Patreon pledge and being traumatized into Stockholm syndrome. He stopped correcting her on his name a good 45 minutes ago. At this point, he's just hoping to get out of the night without anything exploding. He thought her whole 'Manic crazed lunatic' thing was an act. How is it not an act? Why does the justice system keep letting her out on parole?!

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's still doing her duties at the doors to the ballroom, she'd greeted those that had passed and thanked those for coming that made the trip from elsewhere. It was nice to see folks indulging some of the students after the last month they'd had. The red head had done a double take at J'onn being green, but there's a smile at that. Really no need for anyone to hide who they were at the school anymore.

Heather, Leslie and everyone else that comes in with a student gets a smile and told to have a good night. When there is a lull in the incoming, she looks down to the phone in her hands and gives an amused look at something that was sent. Then she's back to welcoming people in.

Karen Starr has posed:
    Karen nods a couple of times at Atlee, "It's... Uh, okay. So we've concentrated the tastes of fruits and vegetables into powders and whatnot." Taking another few gulps of punch, she offers a small shrug. "That's why it doesn't look like it, and it's mostly sugar, but that's delicious. Try it, you'll love it."

    Turning somewhat, she nods to Hank. "Yeah, that's one of the reasons I've stationed myself here. I want to make sure that nobody tries anything, but if you've got a flask, you're free to use it on yours, Hank."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Just as Leslie has rules for her Steve, Heather is indulting Stephen. He seemed nice, and she has no problem with helping make him look good to everyone else. As previously stated, good PR is good PR. She has no rule against slow dancing, and is happy to have fun with the kid who is only a few months younger than she is herself.
    As such, once in the ballroom, she lets herself be guided to the dance floor and introduced to Stephen's friends and such. Hell, to people who now -want- to be his friend. To her, this is a date, and a fun time. Not something to be endured.
    She laughs at his jokes, tells some of her stories and generall does her best to be pleasant company. But after a bit, she desires a drink, and heads for the punch bowl herself.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym strolls by Morrigan, a glass punch in one hand. Another is held and handed to her.

"Good evening Dr. MacIntyre. I was going to bring a student as requested, but Deliah escaped and ran for it. Picked the cuff with a hairpin. I didn't want to make a thing of it," he says deadpan.

"It's a pity Mike is in Europe. He'd have loved to play a song I wager," Hank says. It'd also let him hide backstage and work on the electronics. His last trip to Mike's studio resulted in a soundboard wired with a universal translator. Wonder when that'll get noticed?

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn continues his silent vigil over the punch bowl. He hasn't specifically decided if he will actually stop a student from spiking the punch, as his research indicates this is a prom tradition. Obviously he could just search the minds in the room and find someone intending to do it, but he decided, even before he got here, that he would rather observe the old fashioned way.

Spotting Hank, he offers a nod and a quiet, "Evening, Hank." Then adds, "Not yet, no. It may still happen however."

Leslie Willis has posed:
    Leslie's suffering through selfies, tiktoks, and the other general social media obligations that come from being ~a pretty big deal~ online. So it takes awhile for her to really focus in. There's a green guy. And a Power Girl cosplayer. And as she mutters about that, someone chimes up that that's the -real- Power Girl. For reals. Totes and such.

    And so Steve's cell phone is 'borrowed' for a second, Leslie holding it up and zooming in and out of a picture, holding the phone up right next to her line of sight on Karen. This some CSI enhance wizardry.

    Oh man. It really is her. And some quick Googling confirms Atlee's the genuine article. A search of 'Green Guy Super Hero' takes a bit more swiping. Oh jeeeze. That's Martian Manhunter, and he's hanging out with... some guy's dad?

    Leslie loops an arm around Steve's neck and -squeezes- as her voice comes hissing out through a -way- too big smile for the public, "DUDE! What the hell? You didn't tell me you went to some kind of... goddamn... super dweeb justice school! Anything else you wanna tell me? Does Spider-Man work the lunch counter? You guys have a dinosaur in the computer lab? ...Wait, do you? That'd be -actually- cool in case you can't read my sarcasm."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look to the glass that is extended and there's a smile as her eyes flick to who is holding it, "Thank you, Doctor Pym." she gives a dip of her head as she takes it. "One of our TA's thought it was a good idea to bring a student who might not have had friends or another to go with. Delia's probably off shaking down the puzzles over at the carnival, so don't fret." she grins. "And yeah, we could have used Mike, but...tour takes precedence." she admits to that.

Then she looks to J'onn and there's a smile, "Are you having a good evening so far?" she asks him.

Atlee has posed:
"Not sure why you wouldn't want the real thing but sure!" She nods her head and gets a glass and adds punch to it. She then looks over at Hank and then at J'onn before looking to Karen again, "Flask?" She asks and then takes a sip of her drink and her eyes go wide, "Wow! That's a lot of sugar." She shifts just a little on her feet, one turning slightly toward the punch as she looks back at the bowl and then down s the rest of her drink in one gulp.

"Why would anyone want to add anything to this? It is delicious as it is." She then looks to Karen, "Doesn't sound very healthy but it does taste really good." She smiles, "We should have punch more often."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    And now approaching the punch bowl, the public ID Titans member and model just points at the bowl, "Please tell me that's not spiked tonight." she inquires. "At -my- prom, someone managed to sneak some Jager in and poured it into the punch. So we had fruit punch mixed with licorice flavor. God, it was terrible."
    But she shakes her head, her teased hair moving about her head as she does so. "Hey. Power Girl, right? I think I might've bumped into you at Titans tower, not one hundred percent sure though. Lots goes on there y'know." she offers with a shrug.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
Turning his attention away from the area around the punch bowl, J'onn looks to Morrigan and offers both a nod and a smile, "This is a very intriguing tradition," he comments. "Dancing and music, a social formality for 'safe' interactions between male and female students. It dates back to times when chaperone's for such things were required to ensure nothing happened that was considered unacceptable. Although the culture has changed, the tradition has not. I find all of this quite enjoyable."

Now he looks to Heather, "I assure you most adamantly that at this time, that punch has no alcohol."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym nods. "Yes Deliah is no doubt playing mumblety peg or skinning some poor soul at craps as we speak. She might be president one day, if they don't hang her first." He takes a sip of his drink. Hmmm this would be palatable with a little vodka, purely to mute the sweetness, or gin. Hmmm... to optimize the taste, maybe some savory ingredient. Aphid juice would actually work but he won't bring that up.

Karen Starr has posed:
    Power Girl shrugs. "You can make it out of regular juices, but it's easier just to buy it premade, so people do. Thing is, the premade stuff is basically just... A tiny bit of concentrated fruit stuff, water, and a ton of sugar. Anything else you're tasting is approximations-"

    Heather's approach cuts off her statement, and she ponders it for a moment. "It's possible, I've been at the tower a time or two. Try to stay away though, the Titans should stand on their own- us Leaguers showing up tends to make them antsy sometimes. Glad to meet you either way."

    Looking momentarily to the punch, and then to J'onn, to whom she offers a somewhat knowing nod, and then back to Atlee and Heather.

    "A flask is a little bottle people keep around sometimes, that has alcoholic stuff in it. Usually whiskey, sometimes vodka and so on. Something to sip on when people realy need it."

    Idly, she spends some attention on Hank- who, at least to her, seems to be acting a little bit off.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "A flask is also small enough to sneak into a lot of places." says Heather with a smile to Karen. "And yeah. We really are working hard to make it on our own. But we never say no to visitors for social occasions. I mean I already hosted two rooftop poolside barbecues this year."
GBut she glances over her shoulder at her date and smiles his way with a wave, "But if I can get a couple glasses of punch, that'd be awesome."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Hopefully one that the kids won't have horrible memories of." Morrigna muses to that as J'onn says it's an intriguing tradition. "I just thought since we're trying to give them normalcy that Prom would make perfect sense. Even if Delia's ran off." she chuckles. "A lot of them will probably file out to the carnival after dinner and the rest of the obligatory Prom things are done." she admits. "And who doesn't want to ride the bumper cars while dressed up?" she grins. Then to Hank, "You can get a nice stiff drink when you go home." she teases him gently.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
Although he is not specifically staring at the punch bowl, J'onn is still keeping an eye on it from the corner of his eye.

"Normalcy would include this, yes, I fully agree with you there. This is a wonderful tradition to maintain." He glances around the room, one quick survey with eyes and mind, not about the punch bowl, but about ensuring there is no danger, then his attention goes back to Morrigan and Hank.

"Hank, would you like me to inform you if the punch is spiked?" Looks like he decided to let it happen, should a student try.

Atlee has posed:
A look over at Heather and Atlee smiles at her, "Nice to meet you as well, I'm Atlee." She grins and waves a hand before looking to Karen, "Ah. Yes, I have heard of it. Not sure why so many want to put poisons in their body voluntarily." She shakes her head.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym smirks. "Can't. I'm on my new meds, remember. No alcohol for me. I'm being facetious. But I don't want to talk about it tonight. This is the kids' night. I'll have to get my jollies sober." He takes another sip of punch. "Bo would love this stuff, seriously."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Accepting two glasses of punch, Heather turns to head back towards her date. Somehow she manages to maneuver around a bunch of teens moving fart too fast in far too many directions at once, without spilling punch on herself or on the floor. It's like she's done this before.
    Either way, she reaches Stephen's side and hands him a glass before she takes a sip. Small talk ensues for a bit before the two of them make the decision to break for dinner. I mean Heather is -always- hungry. So dinner is a no-brainer for her.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"I hope that it'll go on without incident. The kids have had a rough school year with everything." Morrigan nods to J'onn. Then there's a smile to Hank, "Aye, it is about the kids this evening. Though my date ditched at the last minute." she chuckles. "But...I'm going to go check on things outside, see if the police have had to bag any of our students for being terrors. Or just gingers." she chuckles. "If you'll excuse me." she nods to Hank and J'onn.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn lifts one brow slightly, looking between Morrigan and Hank for a moment, "Date ditched you?" It takes him a moment to realize what that means exactly, not because he's dumb but because he hasn't heard the term a lot. "I am sorry to hear that. I obviously did not ask anyone to attend with me, it would have distracted from observing."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a smile to J'onn, "It happens a lot, really it's no trouble. Just someone had expressed interest in attending and I asked them along. Nothing heartbreaking." she tells him. "I'll be right back. Seems like everyone is going to head outside and skip dancing...I really don't blame them." she muses.

She's gone for about five or so minutes before returning, "Well...the twins haven't set anyone or anything on fire, but the night is young." she chuckles.

Leslie Willis has posed:
    Leslie's been shockingly non-disruptive as the dance goes on. But then the music changes, a slow song comes on. The lights dim... and some kid asks her to slow dance.

    And she was -very- clear on her rules. "Hey! That's it! i'm out! There's like... super heroes here! And like... weird creepy uniforms!" She gestures vaguely to the school pep squad, "And kool-aid!" She points dramatically at the punch bowls.

    "You can't trick me anymore Stan! This is some kinda weird cult thing! Well Livewire don't play that game! Livewire's not about cults! Livewire's only about one cult! The cult of personality! Her cult of personality! And that's me! I'm Livewire!!"

    She stomps directly towards a power outlet on the wall, "I'm out! Screw you, Simon! Don't you -dare- stay subscribed to me you weird cult dork!"

    And with a bright flash and zap, she flashes into the power outlet and off to... somewhere she thinks is less culty. Probably a cult.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn chuckles softly, "Young indeed, still a great deal of times for Carrie." Perhaps he shouldn't use old movie references, but still he did. "Do you intend to go out and enjoy the carnival as well?" This is asked of both Morrigan and Hank.

Then there is an outburst and his attention is drawn away to listen to the rant. "Cult of personality? Is that not a song?" He looks again at the two closest to him. "What did I miss?"

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym sets his punch glass aside. He laughs a little at Morrigan's joke... wait, the twins aren't accounted for. Ehhh. He started a few fires himself. Still smiling, he holds a hand out to Morrigan and says, "Since we were both dumped (and your date is nuts) would you like to dance a little, Dr. MacIntyre? It'd be my pleasure." He does a couple of dance steps to demonstrate he can dance. Janet required him to dance. Her learned from YouTube. It worked amazingly well. Livewire's explosive exit gets a sharp look from Hank. "Flipping supervillains. Anyway would you care to?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"I'm going to go ride the bumper cars before the night is over. Yes." Morrigan tells J'onn. Then there's a look over towards Livewire and a 'huh', "Well, could have been a power outtage. I'll take dramatic exits over that." she smiles. Then there's a look to Hank and a quirk of an eyebrow, "I...I can try, Doctor Pym. I'm not much of a dancer." she admits. "But sure, lead on." she nods to that.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym's smile goes from a 6 to a 10. "The key to dancing is dance as though no one is watching you. The song is slow. I promise to keep enough room between us for the Holy Spirit." Catholic humor. SO he takes her on the floor and takes it slowly, waiting till she builds up some familiarity, ignoring any kids amazed their teachers are acting human. "Thank you for dancing, Morrigan. Thanks you for all you do."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a nod to that as Hank talks, "Well, that's a good point." she muses. "As good Catholics do." she chuckles as he leads her out on the dance floor. There's a bit of a fidget, a slight step on the edge of Hank's shoe before she falls into a step that is good. "You don't have to thank me for dancing or anything else like that." she tells him quietly. "And you all help with a lot. So a lot of the thanks should go to you guys as well." she smiles. "Also, I didn't have a date. Saying you got ditched sunds less traumatizing than I couldn't find a date." she laughs at that.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
Keeping vigil on the punch bowl, J'onn let's his eyes follow Hank and Morrigan the dance floor. He has never danced, it didn't seem like something important to learn, so he is watching to learn and for no other reason.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym head tilts. Apparently Bo learned it from him. "I would hazard a guess that you didn't ask anyone. You don't seem to be the type to wait my a phone if you desire company. It may just be the punch talking. Would you... like to go out sometime? I mean go out-out. I'd enjoy that. I enjoy your company and I think Occam and I have an understanding. I stay at least a foot tall around him and he won't eat me."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"I didn't, no. I have been playing tag with someone I wanted to go on a second date with, but our schedules are pretty busy sadly." Morrigan explains. "And honestly I've been more worried about finding Tyler than a date." she adds quietly. There is a look to him though, "And I would be happy to go out with friends." she tells him. "Occam is well fed, so you don't have to worry on being eaten by him." she chuckles.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn may be a Martian, but even he knows what that answer actually means, so he winces and looks back toward the punch bowl. A couple of students looked like they might have been considering something while near it, but thus far that punch remains un-spiked.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym nods. "Fair enough. Thank you for the dance. Good luck with your tag." You crash and burn enough you develop asbestos skin. The song ends and he walks back to J'onn. His look seems to be saying, "What?" But he merely gets another cup of that awful punch. "You. Were. Listening." Hank whispers. His tone is more amused than reproachful and he adopts a neutral expression as before if Morrigan approaches.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
Glancing over to Hank he nods once, quickly. "I observe," he offers quietly by way of explanation. "I apologize if that was intruding. I still have a great deal to learn about social interactions on a personal level. I can pretend to be any number of people, but who I am, another matter entirely."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym smirks. "Judging from your expression you figured that interaction out pretty well. I've been a few different people myself. Hopefully who I am is improving. I'm not storming off. I am going to step out and get some air, watch over the kids. Say hi to a couple of ants working with me. Excuse me J'onn." He walks out the exit, unhurried.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan blinks a few times when Hank does a 360 with his emotions. "I..." she frowns. "I'm guessing you and Saeko broke up then?" she asks after him. She'd not been given the news if they had broken up. "I'm not a mind reader, Hank. Well...I could be, but that's overbearing." she shrugs. "Either way, I am sorry for whatever happened between the two of you." she tells him. Then there's a look to J'onn, "Sorry." she tells him. "I think I need to go find Declan and Delia and get them back to the school. We've got clean up and things already scheduled. Thank you both for coming tonight." she tells them in a quiet tone. Then she's turning to head off to go find the gingery trouble makers.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn calls after Morrigan, just two words, "Bumper cars." A reminder, then looks back to Hank, "If you wish to speak some time, I am here, I will listen and be your friend. Be safe on your walk."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym shrugs. "I don't know we were ever on. She's an odd creature and her activities in the mortal world were being noticed and I believe disapproved of. I don't want to get her in trouble for what is a casual relationship at best. But in any case you are seeing someone. I respect your decision. And I advise anyone and everyone to stay out of my mind. Now excuse me. Please." Then he does push out of the exit.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a confused look towards Hank, "I said I wanted a second date with someone. That doesn't mean I'm seeing them. Jesus Christ. You are sitting here making me feel like I'm doing something wrong for being honest." she whispers. Then he decides he's leaving and the woman takes a deep breath and just walks away, "I'm tired..." she mutters as she shakes her head and heads for the ladies room.