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|Groups=[[Science and Technology]], [[Spaaaace!]]
|Groups=[[Science and Technology]], [[Spaaaace!]]
|Quote="Shut up, I'm doing MATH."
|Quote="Shut up, I'm doing MATH."
|DOB=01 Apr -16215
|DOB=01 Apr 16215 BC
|Weight=122 lb
|Weight=122 lb

Revision as of 16:27, 10 January 2024

Kenesha (Scenesys ID: 5124)
Name: Kenesha of Khera
Superalias: Savant
Gender: Female
Species: Kheran
Occupation: Archaeologist/Adventurer
Citizenship: United States
Residence: New York
Education: Multiple PhDs
Theme: Image (FC)
Groups: Science and Technology, Spaaaace!
Apparent Age: Mid-20s Actual Age: 18,238
Date of Birth 01 Apr 16215 BC Played By
Height: 5'5" Weight: 122 lb
Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: Around the World - Daft Punk

Character Info


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Kenesha is a Kheran adventurer and hero that goes by the codename Savant when she isn't working under her assumed identity of Dr. Kenesha Jones. She has been on earth for many thousands of years, giving her a unique insight into a number of subjects. A curious sort, she's chosen to part from the usual warrior path of female Kherans and has chosen instead a more cerebral life. Currently, she poses as a holder of mutliple PhD's in History and Anthropology, Dr. Kenesha Jones, an archaeologist and occasional speaker at university lectures.


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* 16215 BCE: Born to Zannah and Majestros, Kenesha is a noble Kherubim, but given over to her grandmother to be claimed so that her mother can remain a warrior. Grows up believing her mother to be her sister.

* 16220 - 2064 BCE: Kenesha is raised by her grandmother Harmony, the high priestess of the Adraestra. She has the best of teachers in everything and quickly shows to have a gifted intellect and innate curiosity about everything. She is trained in everything from technology to diplomacy to warfare, though she tends to prefer the less aggressive teachings.

* 2064 BCE: Kenesha is selected to join her mother's attack force to chase down far-flung Daemonite ships. Not brought for her martial prowess, Kenesha is there to act as diplomat for any alien races they might come into contact with.

* 1852 BCE: During an encounter with a Daemonite warship, both ships are badly damaged and crash on Earth. Among the survivors are Majestros, Zannah, Emp, Yon Kohl, and Kenesha.

* 1852 BCE - 1995 ADE: Kenesha spends her time on Earth learning about the different cultures and peoples of this world, meeting with other species and people that are likewise trapped and/or visiting the Earth. She begins a collection of artifacts, relics, and magical items that she finds along the way.

* 1995: Captured by her father Majestros in his attempt to create a 'New Khera' on Earth, she is rescued by the other Kherans and their allies, and manages to get her hands on the spaceship her father had gotten on the trip to Khera that she declined to go on.

* 2020: Uses her vast resources, advanced technology, and contacts to set herself up as Dr. Kenesha Jones, an archaeologist with multiple PhD's and Master's degrees across a number of subjects. This allows her to travel the world, seeking out the hidden sites that she knows of, discovering great works and occasionally speaking at a university or function.

* 2020 - Present: Kenesha continues to scour tthe world for sites of historical and personal significance. Some of the items she finds are donated to museums around the world, others are kept in her personal collection to keep them safely out of the wrong hands.

IC Journal

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Outgoing and eager, Kenesha loves nothing more than a grand adventure. Unafraid to try new things, she's always willing to take a risk if she feels the reward is worth it.

Whether it's a quip off the cuff or a sudden burst of inspiration, she is more than just intelligent, she's quick-witted and quick-tongued. This isn't always a great trait, as she can sometimes speak carelessly in her cleverness.

Kenesha is intimately aware of just how secrets can sour all manner of relationships. As such, she's scrupulously honest in her own life and will not lie. That is not to say she will blurt everything out, but when she speaks, she only speaks the truth as she knows it.

Having dealt with extremely strong personalities her entire life, Kenesha has had to learn how to stand up to them and make sure her voice is heard. This has translated into her becoming quite stubborn about things when she feels she's in the right.

Character Sheet


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Accelerated Healing:
Kenesha is able to regenerate on a level and at a speed that is nearly unmatched. The genetic tampering of ancient Kherans means that she heals at a molecular level, her cells constantly being scrubbed and regenerated. This allows her to heal from most wounds within minutes; with the ability to regrow lost tissues, brain cells, nerves, limbs, and organs within days.

Enhanced Durability:
Kheran physiology includes much denser tissue than humans. Impervious to most blunt and bladed weapons, as well as gunfire, Kenesha can be harmed by artillery fire and other explosives, though it tends to be the concussive force and high heat rather than the shrapnel that does it. She can also be harmed by any substances or weapons capable of piercing supernaturally tough skin. This also means that she is capable of surviving the most inhospitable of environments without issue, including extremes of temperature and pressure. She does still require oxygen, though her need to eat or drink is far less.

Enhanced Immunity:
Kenesha's physiology means that her system neutralizes all detrimental contaminants at a much faster rate. She is immune to nearly all known poisons, toxins, venoms, viruses, bacteria, diseases, disorders, parasites, allergens, and forms of radiation. While extremely high or concentrated bursts, or prolonged exposure, is capable of overcoming her natural immunity, Kenesha will recover with enough time.

Enhanced Senses:
Her senses are dialed up to 11. Kenesha can see farther and greater visual acuity than normal, even able to keep up with people or items moving at incredible speeds. Her hearing is such that she can listen in to conversations taking place hundreds of feet away. Even her other senses (tactile, taste, scent) are amped up, allowing her to identify multiple components in a single object by taste, touch, or smell.

Enhanced Vocals:
Kenesha's vocal chords are developed enough that she could sing the opera Tincoo writes for the Doctor in the Star Trek: Voyager episode Virtuoso (S6.E13). Able to span well over the human range, she can even harmonize with herself.

Genius Level Intellect:
Kenesha is not merely a polymath, she has a superhuman intellect that goes beyond the scope of normal humans. This allows her to learn, reason, and calculate at incredible speeds while retaining vast amounts of information.

As part of her Kheran heritage, Kenesha is functionally immortal. She does not age physically beyond her mid-twenties, and will continue to function in perfect health for eternity, barring outside injury.

Kherubim Physiology:
While Kherans resemble humans in appearance, they are overall stronger and more durable and extremely long-lived, to the point of functional immortality. The evolutionary drawback to this genetic tampering is that Kherans are almost infertile, only very rarely producing offspring.

Superhuman Agility:
Kenesha is able to react to stimuli much faster than the average person, or even many metahumans. She can not only see and track the path of gunfire, she can react quickly enough to dodge incoming bullets.

Superhuman Stamina:
Part of her heritage is the ability to operate at peak efficiency for days on end without need for rest. If conserving energy, she could potentially go for weeks without sleep.

Superhuman Strength:
Kenesha's Kheran genetics make her much stronger than the average human. While not on the level of their Kryptonian ancestors, she is still capable to lifting and moving up to 3 tons easily and up to 5 tons with effort.


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Being an adventurer means that Kenesha is quite athletic and acrobatic. She's well-versed in most sports, loves rock climbing and snowboarding in particular, and could be seen as something of a thrill-seeker or daredevil.

Biological Sciences:
Having learned from the best of Kheran teachers, Kenesha has a knowledge of biology, anatomy, and genetics that is staggering. Even scary. This also makes her a more than capable doctor for injured compatriots or bystanders. She can handle most injuries easily with the proper equipment, and can even jerryrig together something in a pinch when called to.

Kenesha is a capable hand to hand combatant, though she is nowhere near the level of either of her parents. She is, however, versed with all manner of firearms and energy-based weapons, and is an exceptional marksman. Still, Kenesha prefers non-lethal options, and will always go for the disable rather than the kill.

Disguise & Stealth:
Having lived through multiple eras where women were discouraged from doing traditionally 'male' activities or careers, Kenesha is quite adept at using a mixture of technology and more mundane techniques to disguise herself, even able to pass herself off as male for an extended period of time. She is also quite adept at hiding and moving silently when called upon, whether in rescuing a member of her team or in retrieving a artifact from unscrupulous hands, Kenesha knows how to be quiet when it's called for.

If it has a means of locomotion, Kenesha can drive it. From motorcycles to cars to trucks, to more exotic things like tanks, trains, and submersibles.

History & Archaeology:
This is Kenesha's true love and wheelhouse. Having been on Earth since the dawn of Man, she's dedicated herself to the knowledge and preservation of not just humanity, but of the various other races and cultures that have influenced the Earth and humanity.

There are no human-borne languages that Kenesha cannot speak, read, and write. This even includes some that have largely been lost to time. Beyond that, she can pick up quickly on even alien tongues, and of course, is fluent in Kheran.

Occult & Magic:
While she has no magical ability herself, Kenesha is highly adept at the use of magical items, and can read/speak/write multiple magical languages. She knows more than enough to know to stay away from true magic, but will make use of whatever magical tools are at her disposal.

Another of her loves in life, Kenesha is an accomplished pilot of mutiple forms of aircraft, both foreign and domestic. She even flew in more than one war, including World War 2, for the Allied Nations.

As the codename implies, Kenesha is a savant of the first order. This means that even when she isn't well-versed or knowledgeable on a subject, she can pick it up with a speed and understanding that is uncanny. Need an overnight expert on thermonuclear dynamics? Kenesha is your girl!

Kenesha is as comfortable on the ground with a rock pillow as she is in the comfiest of beds and fluffiest of pillows. She knows how to forage, how to hunt, she can even make her own clothing and housing if need be.

Coming from an ancient and advanced alien race, Kenesha is familiar with all manner of technology. More, she can pick up an unfamiliar item, even one of unknown make, and discern not only its purpose but how to use it. She is extremely familiar with all known forms of Kheran technology, including organic knowledge molcules, probability manipulation machines, and advanced robotics/androids.


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Kherubim Starship:
Gained after a misadventure with her father, Kenesha keeps a small scout ship capable of faster than light travel. Of Kherubim make, it is a techno-organic spaceship that was grown as much as built, complete with a super-computer of Kherubim borne liquid circuitry that is activated by floating tri-polar magnets.

Seven League Boots:
One of the better finds in Kenesha's travels and adventures, these boots allow her move at a speed comparable to most speedsters that aren't The Flash Family (topping out just under 4000 mph, the upper edges of supersonic speed), but also to move across impossible surfaces such as rainbows or waterfalls. They also allow her to teleport to nearly anywhere on Earth, though it has to be somewhere she's visited before.

Tesseract Tote:
The quintessential Bag of Holding, Kenesha uses this to store her vast collection of artifacts, relics, and magical items. She is able to call on them at will from the bag, removing them easily regardless of their actual size or shape relative to the mouth of the bag. It does not seem to have a limit.

If there's one thing it's easy to do as an acnient adventurer, it's acquire wealth and possessions. Kenesha has holdings all across the world, multiple financial portfolios, to say nothing of the wealth of treasures she's collected across the years.


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Family Ties:
Kenesha is the daughter of two of Khera's most well-known nobles, even if most don't know it. This means that not only is she susceptible to being drawn into the machinations of her parents, but she can become a target of enemies that she didn't even know existed, just by association. She also has a half-brother in Nikolas Kamarov that she knows absolutely nothing about, because her mother's selfishness and secrets know no bounds.

Kheran Politics:
Being a Kherubim noble is not an easy life. When the WildCATs returned to Khera for the first time, they were disillusioned by the changes that had occurred, and many of them were mistreated, and an attempt was made on more than one life. It also brought Kheran attention to Earth, including her father's, who is not known for being the most pleasant of people to deal with. While Kenesha has no interest in the politics of Kheran society, that doesn't mean they have no interest in her.

Older Than Dirt:
There's a sort of ennui that can settle in after a few thousand years of life. While Kenesha still finds joy and wonder in life, she's as susceptible to the weariness of old age as anyone. Occasionally, she will simply shut herself away and brood over the long span of years she's lived, and the longer span still to come.

Racial Enemies:
The Kherans have conquered a lot of world, and their Kryptonian predecessors even moreso. This means they've incurred a lot of enemies across a lot of millenia and systems. Whether Kenesha was part of it or not, she may find herself the target of many races subjugated or beaten by her people.

Having been lied to for the vast majority of her life, and used by both her parents on multiple occasions, Kenesha has some trust issues. While she can and will gladly work with a team, she struggles to form lasting bonds with anyone, never quite sure that they won't do to her what her parents already have.



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Kenesha has 29 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Investigating Mydon Inc April 24th, 2024 A massive explosion blows up the inner lab but Batgirl is aboe to copy sales files.
1917-An Invisible Mad Legion April 13th, 2024 250 lives are ruined by a madman's experimet. Three heroes and a time traveler stop it from being much worse.
Hydra vs SHIELD: Counterstrike April 10th, 2024 Hydra attacked the United Nations and made many people suffer. Now it's payback, and SHIELD is putting the blast back in them. Time to remind the serpent that SHIELD has bite and claws and vengeance.
Bat Cookies April 9th, 2024 Many cookies are made, many secrets are shared
Hydra vs UN: Inside the UN April 7th, 2024 Hydra invades the United Nations and forces good and unlikely unite to repel the attempt.
Revelations of Intruige April 7th, 2024 Talia, Kenesha and Alfred confirm that someone has deliberately messed with the exhibit even if identity and motivation are unclear.
Who Has the Olive Branch April 1st, 2024 A simple item retrieval goes awry, ending up in forgiveness and a joyful reunion between Johnny and Kenesha!
Two Kheran Meet...again March 29th, 2024 A cafeteria reunion, talking about parents, the war, and the future.
Dent for DA (The Split - Part Two)r March 28th, 2024 Harvey Dent shakes hands, makes a speech and survives an assassination attempt. Only he's the one who ends up with blood on his hands.
The Patron of the Hegemony March 24th, 2024 The mystery of how the Hegemony has such technological superiority is revealed. They are cheating. Their emperor is none other than Vohc, the Kryptonian god of Building. This battle just got a whole lot harder.
Aftermath of the Exhibit March 18th, 2024 Kenesha, Talia and Alfred discuss important data points and the likilihood of solving the problem.
Unintended Consequences-A cultural display March 16th, 2024 The Exhibit is a success; except for exposing the fact that an alien flower is alive and well and ready to create chaos.
In The Wrong hands - Through the Gauntlet March 10th, 2024 Alfred and KEnesha keep alien tech out of AIMS hands. Alfred gets a promotion (in the past)
In the Wrong Hands - Intro February 25th, 2024 In the 70's Alfred and Kenesha meet up for a joint assignment to keep alien tech out of the wrong hands
Luck Be A Lizard Tonight February 19th, 2024 The Lizard menaces Atlantic City but is corraled thanks to some effective teamwork.
Seeking Superman February 15th, 2024 Kenesha reaches out to Superman for that first meeting, taking the initial steps of mutual friendship.
Living Monolith p3 February 7th, 2024 The conclusion of the first chapter in the Living Monolith saga. The duo go their separate ways to handle the situation in their own way.
Do You Sell By The Slice February 6th, 2024 Kenesha and White Rabbit meet, pizza is had, and a thesis makes an appearance!
Living Monolith p2 February 1st, 2024 Kenesha offers Alex an extension on his contract and they discuss their recent past relationships.
Living Monoliths January 31st, 2024 Act 1. Kenesha and Alex work on the dig site in Uxmal.
Coffee Bean Hymnal January 23rd, 2024 A group meet for coffee and discuss their lives. Nothing interesting here!
Lord of the Monsters - Attacking the Beast January 17th, 2024 A group of members of SHIELD and Superman face off against one of the escaped Kaiju along the Siberian coastline. A brutal struggle ensues where the heroes go all out. But in the end are victorious. Exhausted, but victorious. One beast is taken down. And a whole mess to go.
Why Fly When You Can Drive January 14th, 2024 Kenesha finds Johnny working on his cars and they talk on what keeps him up and the future, which is promising.
CEO's and Snarkage January 14th, 2024 Empanadas for everyone!
Meet the Storms January 14th, 2024 Johnny introduces Kenesha to Susan. And boy do they hit it off.
WWII Veterans Victory Dance and Exhibit January 12th, 2024 Damian Wayne hosts a party for WW2 Veteran Awareness. Bucky, Steve and Diana are the true stars of the show!
So. You're Not A Skrull January 11th, 2024 Kenesha explains to Johnny who and what she is and lays bare some things. A serious conversation becomes more light hearted and moves along... (Caution: Himbo Flirting)
Book Night at Lulu's January 10th, 2024 Kenesha and Johnny enjoy a few drinks and a deep discussion on books.
Briefing January 10th, 2024 Fury has a quick meeting specifically for introductions. What one reads in files is one thing; in person is something completely different.


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Kenesha has 29 finished logs.

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Kenesha has been credited in 0 shows.

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Kenesha has been credited in 0 albums.

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Kenesha has authored 0 books.

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