17596/Bat Cookies

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Bat Cookies
Date of Scene: 09 April 2024
Location: Wayne Manor, Under Kitchen
Synopsis: Many cookies are made, many secrets are shared
Cast of Characters: Alfred Pennyworth, Lucius Fox, Talia al Ghul, Harper Row, Kenesha
Tinyplot: The Monocaine Conspiracy

Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
Alfred Pennyworth has had several charities quietly asking for cookies in bulk, and so je has assembled am army of bats and allies to help him make it. Now, deep in the underkitchen from the days when the manor didn't have electricity, away from prying eyes, he has assembled vast arrays of flour, eggs, milk, sugar, etc. There are bat cookie cutters, spices, butter, aprons for all the volunteers and boxes with a stylish bat symbol on them.

"Everything is needed," he smiles,"Go where you feel useful or ask me for an assignment. You may eat the product but remember this is for charity." He smiled warmly and then says,"Food fights will result in recriminations, elsewise have and please let me know if you need anything." He immediately begins putting ingredients into a mixing bowl but there are cookies at every stage of the process.

Lucius Fox has posed:
Lucius Fox comes in with an apron over his work shirt, his sleeves rolled up as he nods at Alfred. "Mr. Pennyworth, your kind heart is such a blessing in this world." He walks over to help with the baking, with mixing bowl in front of him with a little chuckle, standing beside his old friend. "I hope you have been well?" His voice is friendly towards the butler, as he looks over at the rest of them. His glasses is moving to watch each of them, to make sure if they are doing such things in need of recriminations, it will be seen by sharp old eyes. "Now, than which charities have we been giving these to as of late?"

Talia al Ghul has posed:
She's here at the Mansion, and Talia has long since come to defer to Alfred as the true Lord of the Manor. When she wants to do something or has a question, it is him she goes to, not Bruce. Not as she feels that Alfred may be more lenient with her or not, but it is ultimately -his- Mansion as he takes care of it. And thus it effects his domain. So to follow proper etiquette, bfeore she does something which might change it ever so slightly, she seeks his consent. Apparent or not, some of the others at the Manor may find this amusing if they've noticed it.

Talia is there, otherwise working at mixing things. Apparently a life spent working with poisons lends itself quite well to this.

Harper Row has posed:
Harper chews on a hair elastic as she does some hair yanking and pulling back in preparation to bind it in the name of charity. And not to get hairs in her face, or unwanted strands in the batter. Snap-whap-snik and she's next onto getting an apron on and cinched over her street-casual digs, the sleeves of which are getting rolled all the way up.

"Hey, and, does this mean we learn the secret ingredient? I've heard word that there's something special you pinch into these. Hush hush." Harper offers some fake illuminati hand gestures, winks and clucks of her tongue in good natured jest. She side-longs to the others gathering and in attendance.

Kenesha has posed:
Kenesha has come to help bake cookies! She's not overly familiar with most of the crew, though Talia will get an upnod as she shrugs out of her jacket and strips off her gloves, tucking them away into a satchel that never bulges, never looks like it's carrying anything at all.

"Alright Alfred, we both know that I'm terrible at timing, but I can certainly mix and fold and beat and roll out dough. Is there a recipe to follow, or is this more of a 'cook with your heart' thing?" Chuckling, she moves to one of the stations to start setting up ingredients and tools into a configuration that she can work with.

Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
Alfred Pennyworth says, "The Orphanage and Clinic near Crime Alley." He smiles and diligently mixes a batch by hand. To Harper, he smiles,"I dont tell anyone but if you observe closely its in plain sight." His eyes twinkle as he seems to force multiply himself seeming to be alnost everywhere in the kitchen at once.

He smiles,"Each station has written directions for what to do" to Kenesha,"But please let me know if you have questions. I always encourage experimentation in the kitchen but not when in the service of others.""

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would keep her thoughts to herself on her own sorts of experience with experimentation. THey weren't polite for such mixed company. Well, KEnesha might appreciate discussion of them but the rest would probably not. Instead, she works through the recipie and things exactly as presented.

She seems rather content and quiet.

Lucius Fox has posed:
Lucius Fox keeps on mixing as he nods at the others for a long moment, quiet at the words spoken by Alfred. His eyes on the man as he his hands is moves to mix it all and than he starts to place the dough down on the little baking tray, making the little bats using the cookie cutters. "That is good things to give to, very good things." His voice is sounds off, sad, as he starts to work the dough with a lost look on his face.

Harper Row has posed:
Harper arches an eyebrow. "Oh really? Good. I like a challenge." Well, that settles that then. She's going to see about methodically trying to work her way through the available and vacant stations, such as they are. She'll observe Talia and Kenesha, as that seems to be right at where this all gets crackin. Nothing directly over the shoulder, mind you, but being the observant little punk she is.

"This kitchen has some history I'll bet." She ventures over towards where Lucius is putting his paws to the pudgy dough. "Sir, you have obviously done this before." she says in erudite tones.

Kenesha has posed:
"Excellent, I always prefer using a recipe over 'winging it'... at least in the kitchen," Kenesha flashes a quick smile Alfred's way before diving in to get started! She works with quick efficiency, keeping her eyes on the recipe as she measures and pours and mixes and stirs. Once she has a decent dough going, she pulls it all together into a large ball then drops it down onto the counter to start rolling it out.

Glanceing towards Lucius and Harper, she offers a smile, "I'm Kenesha, by the way. Pleasure to meet you both. Mr. Fox, I have to say I have great respect for what you've been able to accomplish at Wayne Enterprises."

Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
Alfred Pennyworth puts on a light 80's sound track and says,"It is for a worthy cause, but as the song says, Girls and Chefs just want to have fun." It is unclear how funny he thinks that is, but the spirit of it is definite. He smiles at Harper and nods, "Indeed, this kitchen is now used mainly for sandwich making late in the night by erstwhile students and their friends whilst performing shenanigans but it was used previously to assemble the base ingredients before being sent upstairs to the main kitchen for preparation for service. There are dozens of stories."

He smiles and nods, "I will wing some things, but these cookies nary a one. Oh, my apologies for not introducing everyone." He smiles,"I'm Alfred, pleased to meet you all." He winks and pours out the dough he is making and rolls it flat, "And people wonder how Master Bruce makes his dough....."

Lucius Fox has posed:
Lucius Fox looks over at Harper with a little chuckle, he starts to make the next cookie with a wink at her. "Indeed. There is much history all throughout the mansion, but yes I have done this a few times. We use to make these, in many shapes long ago." His voice is teasing at Alfred, with a warm smile at the butler.

He looks over at Talia with a nod of his head. "Miss Ghul, how are you today? Better than the last time we spoke. Feeling more at home?" His hand is motions to the kitchen with a little chuckle. "You seem to be doing well, on the baking is it a secret hobby?"

Looking over at Kensehsa now with a little smile, and a wink. "I'm Lucius Fox, it is good to meet you. I would shake your hand but it is coated in the mixing of bat-cookies. I figured that would not be a good combo, or maybe a great one. We will discover that another day." His voice is so friendly and warm, as he keeps on working cutting into the dough with the bat symbol.

He turns to look at Harper. "The secret is love, and three kisses and a hug. You do it to the bowl, to make them taste extra yummmie." His chuckles slightly and than he turns to look at the rest of the crew with an over the top wink. "Keep that only in this kitchen, Mr Pennyworth made the last one to share that secret vanish into the night."

He looks over at Kenesha, with a humble grin. "Oh bless you Miss. Kenesha, you are going to make an old man have a heart attack. I do what I can for Wayne Enterprise, it's a simple job anyone could do it. I'm just so old, they had to give it to me is all. One of those you been here since we poured the cement kind of deals." He dismisses her words with a wave of a dough covered hand as it makes it's way back into the bowl to gather more, to cut into them placing them on another tray. "Also, winging it is a bad way to go in this world. A plan is always needed in this world."

He grins over at Alfred. "Indeed, many stories. Shall we tell them of Mr Wayne, secret sandwich making days. When he would tip toe through the shadows, lurking with the desires for deli meats?"

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would glance over at Lucius, "Perhpas." She doesn't go into more details than that. She has her own affairs. Her own sets of things she's focused upon. "Alfred, have you considered.." Talking to lucius about his own end of a project that has him rather wary and paranoid as of late? A look is given to Kenesha as well on it curiously.

Harper Row has posed:
Harper settles on a station, finally. She salutes to Kenesha, and will have to chat-chat more in depth later. Talia is probably a bit intimidating, so that'll have to be arrived at sideways if an opportunity presents. Cause there are questions. Alfred gets a grin and Lucius gets a giggle-snort. Time to get her hands to work.

Kenesha has posed:
Kenesha grins at Alfred, "Perfectly alright, Alfred. I think on a scale of 'baking cookies' to 'infiltrating an AIM bunker'.. introductions fall more on the baking cookies end." Winking, she starts cutting out the cookies from the dough, laying them out on the tray carefully before balling the dough back up to knead it back into shape again so it can be rolled out for further cookie cuttings.

Glancing to Talia, she lifts a shrug before looking to Lucius with a chuckle, "And he's excellent at dissembling, as well. I appreciate the 'kindly old grandfather' front, Mr. Fox.. but I daresay it's a little.. misplaced.. in current company. You have a quick mind and a quick wit and I can appreciate both! You also seem to have a better hand at cookies, which is less surprising. Alfred can tell you, I'm a menace in the kitchen. Really, it should be illegal for me to touch anything other than a cooking pit dug out in the dirt." Yup, Kenesha is a terrible cook! She can prep with the best of them, but do not, under any circunstances, allow her near the actual cooking!

Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
Alfred Pennyworth smiles warmly, "It never hurts to reintroduce yourself." He enjoys the music and begins kneading the dough with redonkulous vitality and alacrity, flatting it out again and again, and then wields two bat cookie cutters as if he had done this hundreds of times before.

Because he has.

"I think menace is overly harsh, but culinary skills are not your best opporunity to show how you are unique BUT your presence is still appreciated."

He looks at Talia, curious about what she was saying, and now from her to Lucius but not prying. Talia will talk on her own schedule.

"I never stopped making them" to Lucius, as he wields the cookie cutters. "But some day we should write a book of all the stories, that or a cook book on Secrets of the Underkitchen" he chuckles.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would mm, "It's not all too that different then from preparing ointments." Or poisons. She means poisons. " I will however admit that I'm not particularly one for the improvisation and naturalness that you bring to the matter." Poisons must be prepared ever so exactly, after all. Or they don't work as intended. Measuring things so precisely often leaves little room for moving beyond the concoction.

As Alfred glances at her as she would muse, she would let out a sigh then. "Very well then. That which brings you distress." If anyone would be capable of gathering information on the monocaine, it would be Lucius.

Kenesha has posed:
"I am a scientist first and foremost. I can follow a recipe as well as anyone, but all this 'cook with your heart' stuff drives me up a wall. If I was any good at 'cooking with my heart' I wouldn't be following a recipe," Kenesha sniffs sharply and looks towards Alfred with a faint grin. She nods to Talia and chuckles, "Exactly. Recipes exist for a reason!"

Rolling out the dough again, she cuts out more of the cookies, laying them out on the sheet before balling up the remaining dough and starting all over with the kneading and mixing. A little flour spread across the cutting board to kepe the dough from sticking to the cutting board.

Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
Alfred Pennyworth begins to wrap up the first phase and slowly move people to putting cookies in the oven and then begins removing them and putting htem in boxes. MAny of those present are put to that task but he stays near Talia and Kenesha as they make and cook the final batches. "Your aid is appreciated on both matters..." Cookies and the Monocaine; both matter to him.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would mm, "I fear that my skills lend themself more to one than the other." Her skills better lend to the use of the drug, the toxin, the weapon. Than they do in stopping it. Such a wondrous, effective thing. Even though for now she aids in it's disposal.. There is a respect for such twisted perfection in extermination. How such a thing came to be. This does not show on her face, however, while she muses.

"So does this bring you a sense of relaxation when you do it?" She cannot believe that Alfred's life lends him many chances for personal respite.

Kenesha has posed:
"You know that I'm happy to help, Alfred. With both. I hate that the monocaine has cropped up again. I thought we'd taken care of it in the early 1900s." She glances at Alfred and quirks a faint smile, "One of those reasons why I don't *always* trust a government when they say they will do something." After all, the British had been the ones funding the project originally. Even after they'd 'agreed' with the other countries that it shouldn't be used. It had taken Haddock to finally end it, and that... came too late to save a number of men on the base the experiments had taken place on.

SHe banishes the darker thoughts and smiles towards Alfred, "Always happy to help."

Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
Alfred Pennyworth says, "Life happens he says with stoicism as he puts cookies in boes with almost supernatural acummen and seals them with a small wax bat seal.

"Governments do things for their own intersts and given how large and copmlicated they are, things can happen, hopefully they all live up to the honor document they signed and burned to help stamp this out. We'll find out."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would muse, "There are more targeted ways to ensure it's destruction.. But they are in and of themselves rather prone to risks and mutations." Sure, they could whip up a toxin and spread it all around Earth to instantly make any of the drug on the planet ineffective.. But that had too far much of a risk factor involved in such a widespread deployment.

But, still covering far more bases than investigation. Of which they had a limited timespan.

Kenesha has posed:
Kenesha glances towards Alfred, then Talia, "You should look into Alexander Barracks, and a Major Haddock Mayflower. Around.. 1916? 1917? Yes, 1917. And pull anything on 'Glassblower' that you can find. That... that was the catalyst that got the last of the Allies to agree to destroying the monocaine. And it was used to persuade the others into agreeing as well." Her name will be REDACTED from the files, but the records will show someone very much like Kenesha having been on hand for the incident. Working with the Allies to halt all known projects with the monocaine.

Then she's finishing up her batch of cookies, making sure they go into the oven, a timer set for when they're ready. Leaning a hip against the counter, she smiles at Alfred, "It's the allspice, isn't it. That's the secret ingredient."

Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
Alfred Pennyworth nods, "I will do that..and I will write up a dossier for the family to lokinto it...see what comes up" he smiles and chuckles, "I like to think the secret ingredient is love...

He looks around and smiles, "But the Allspice doesnt hurt.