Corben Kelly

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  Corben Kelly  
Corben Kelly (Scenesys ID: 5155)
Name: Corben Kelly
Superalias: None
Gender: Male
Species: Metahuman
Occupation: Shop Owner/Slacker
Citizenship: US/Belgium
Residence: New York
Education: Home Brewed
Theme: Original (OC)
Groups: Mystic Arts, Branches
Apparent Age: 22 Actual Age: 22
Date of Birth 17 Mar 2001 Played By Emillien Vekemans
Height: 5'11 Weight: 180lbs
Hair Color: White blonde Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: Love Potion Number 9 - The Searchers

Character Info


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A rock-'n'-roll, potion slinging, Fate touched raven, with a trick or two up his sleeve. Corben owns Cafe De La Magie down in the Bronx. Stop in and snag a potion and don't miss his mad drum skills with his band, Death Omen.


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* 2011: Born in the USA to Patrick and Nadine Kelly.
* 2006: Nadine begins teaching her son in the fundamentals of arcane alchemy and developing his natural artistic ability. Patrick begins his son's musical education. Corben also begins speaking to an imaginary friend he calls 'Pup'.
* 2008: Patrick and Nadine move with Corben back to Belgium to be closer to her family. Corben's witchy education continues.
* 2010: The family moves back to the US.
* 2011: A freak explosion takes Patrick's life and leaves Corben deaf. Corben foresaw his father's death in a vision four days prior but didn't understand what he was seeing. This was the first manifestation of his gifts from his father's bloodline.
* 2012: Corben undergoes cochlear implant surgery.
* 2013: Corben transforms into a raven for the first time, much to the surprise of his mother.
* 2015: Still distraught over the loss of her husband and confused by her son's growing gifts, Nadine takes her son back to Belgium to be near her family.
* 2019: Much to the dismay of his mother, Corben strikes out on his own and returns to the US. He moves into a small flat with a cousin from on his father's side.
* 2023: Using money his father left him, Corben sets up a business, Cafe De La Magie, in the basement of a building in the Bronx where he sells his wares in the form of minor potions. He also starts as the drummer for the metal band, Death Omen and begins playing dive establishments on some weekends. This is the year he has a run in with Nettie Crowe better when his consciousness tries to view a hundred years in the past. It was his first lesson in the dangers of pushing his gifts too far. He has not seen Nettie since.

IC Journal

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C'est La Vie:
That's life, it is what it is. Corben takes this to heart most of the time. It's done, it's over there's nothing to be done about it now so move on with life. He has a sort of devil may care way of approaching life that might make him seem a little shallow, until someone digs deeper...

Loyal isn't even a strong enough word for the way Corben will stick by a person's side if they're one of his 'people'. He may act like he doesn't care. He may tell you he doesn't have your back if you decide to pick a fight with the Hulk, but at the end of the day he'll be right behind you. However, you'll know it from the jabs and bitching that will take place through it all. Many people claim they would die for their friends, but if you're one of Corben's inner circle, he wouldn't even hesitate to step in front of the Devil himself and say, "Take me instead, his (or her) kind of ugly would set your minions to screaming and hiding behind your skirt."

The Deep End:
Underneath that 'it's water off a duck's back' attitude, Corben is deeper than the ocean blue. He's philosophical, compassionate, conflicted, confused, happy, sad and a little cracked in the head. The center of him is pretty squishy once you get through the hard candy shell.

Character Sheet


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Peru de Magie, little magic. The spells Corden can utilize are simple cantrips. Nothing more than parlor tricks. The most useful one he knows is one that allows him to open simple mechanical locks.

Corben has the potential to be a master in the art of mixing potions and elixirs, little bottled spells that can achieve all manner of amazing things. Currently, however, he has no real desire to put the work in to get to that point. He pretty much sticks to what he knows well enough that a mispronunciation of a single Latin word will have his work blowing up in face. Some of his favorites include: Hey, Over here! (Voice Throwing), Not the Droid (Look away potion), Minor Healing, Fog and Smoke, Lost in the Crowd (look like someone else for a short duration), along with an array of happy drugalike potions and little things to keep the general population coming in to give him their hard earned cash. For a little extra, he'll even attempt a custom brew.

The Raven's Gifts:
Centuries ago, Corben's father's bloodline included some that were granted the gifts of a raven. Through the years, these gifts went dormant. It wasn't until Patrick created a child with a woman of magic that something stirred and those gifts reappeared in Corben.

*Shape Changing - Corben has the ability to change forms into a raven. In this form he isn't deaf, a bird's cochlear hair cells regenerate. He can fly and poop on cars and all the stuff a normal raven can do along with speaking. He's also small and vulnerable to the threats any raven would.

* Visions:

Past - When Corben touches an object, sometimes the fates decide to show him a snippet of its past. This can work on people as well, but only if they (and Corben) are willing to make it so. With people, the snippets, the exchange of information, is a two way street. It is possible for Corben to expand upon his post cognitive visions. If he can find the thread of the snippet in his mind, find the tether implanted there by the Fates, he can grasp onto it and allow it to lead his consciousness further down the rabbit hole into the past. If he pushes too far, holds on to that thread too long, he could find himself with his consciousness stuck in the past while his body lays comatose in the present.

Present - Clairvoyant visions of things that are happening right now. They kind of suck. It's not like he gets much other than to know that there's probably someone about to die and it's not like he can typically get there fast enough to change the outcome. But C'est la vie, right?

Future - This is the biggie and, really, the worst. Thankfully, it doesn't happen often. To know that something bad is going to happen, but not be certain when and have no real idea how to stop it? It's a heavy load. Like the past, there are threads he could grasp to show him more. However, with the future, there are so many of them that he would quickly become overwhelmed by them and lost. The future, unlike the past, is never set in stone. Just one hair thin thread to the right or to the left could be the difference. But knowing the difference would come at too great a cost.

Medium - In addition to being 'seers' connected to the Fates, Ravenfolk also serve as messengers for the dead. Corben sees the lingering dead. It's not often that they badger him or follow him about, but when they do it's the one noise he can't just turn off by taking off his cochlear processors.


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Arcane Alchemy:
Corben's mother is a powerful witch. While Corben doesn't share her abundant affinities for the craft, his mother made sure to train him in the mixing of potions. Despite being disinclined to bother with all the effort needed to create powerful potions, he does have a rather vast knowledge of all manner of witchy type ingredients, what they do and how to mix them.

Corben is a naturally gifted artist, as is his mother and mentor. If he ever got off his arse and put his mind to it, he could have pieces selling in galleries. But he can't so he doesn't. Instead he puts his talents to use in the adrenaline pumping world of street art.

Before Corben went deaf, he was well on his way to becoming at least a B level guitarist. He didn't lose his passion for music when he lost his hearing, he just turned it in a different direction, one that he could feel even if he couldn't hear it. He's a decent enough drummer to hold his own in his metal band, Death Omen.

Duck, Dodge, Run:
Corben isn't a fighter. That isn't to say he couldn't be, but he would rather run when it comes right down to it. He's perfected the art of ducking, dodging and running away to a dark corner where he can turn raven and fly away. When he's forced to stay and fight, he can hold his own with a slightly better than average person, but he still prefers to fight defensively until he can find an opening to duck, dodge and run.

Lip Reading:
Corben is an expert in reading lips. His aptitude is at a higher level than most due to the fact that he's had to figure it out with several different languages.

Corben knows several languages to different degrees. He's fluent in English, ASL, French, LSF (French Sign Language) and he has a conversational understanding of Flemish Dutch. Latin, well he knows enough of it to not have every potion blow up in his face when they need a Latin incantation to complete. Ask him about the time he spent two weeks with a purple face, he might just cuss you out in bad Latin.

Occult Knowledge:
Corben was homeschooled and his mother was determined that he would learn about things of the arcane nature. He's not a walking encyclopedia on the subject, but he would be a champ at Trivial Pursuit Occult Edition.

While Corben isn't up there with the masters, he knows how to use his surroundings to leap, run, flip and climb quickly and efficiently. It's just another way to duck, dodge and run from trouble. It also helps getting into those high places to display his artwork.

This goes hand in hand with his sleight of hand, but adds elements of subtle distraction to make a person even less aware that they are being liberated of their possessions.

Sleight of Hand:
Is this your card? Magic tricks, palming of objects in a way that the owner isn't immediately aware that they are being liberated of their possessions are all things that fall in his wheelhouse.


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Cafe De La Magie:
Corben's little potion shop where one can also find a cup of coffee, a soda, maybe some pastries and salty snacks. And don't forget the mystical magical hooka bar.

Nadine may still be in Belgium, but it doesn't mean she wouldn't move heaven and earth to get to her boy if he needed her. Don't mess with the only child of a witch of a mother.

Occult Contacts:
Corben hasn't been in New York very long, but he has established a network of contacts that can help in the acquisition of components he needs for his potions.

The ghost of a little old man with an Irish brogue, Pup has been following Corben around since he was a wee lad. Pup won't tell Corben his name or what he wants, he just cryptically replies, "You'll know in due time, lad." Pup can be useful. He's a great lookout. He can even momentarily manifest long enough for someone else to see him if Corben needs help. He's also a pain in the arse.

The Weird Box:
It's a pretty, shiny, weird box. It's not your typical box. It's flat and thin like a laptop. Looking at it, it's easy to tell that it opens - somehow. It came into Corben's possession, well he saw it and it was shiny. He knows it's magical, he just doesn't know anything else. It's actually a very old Grimoire. For one who can use it, the pages will change with a hand wave and a murmured word, much like swiping a finger across a screen - but with way more cool swirly smoke under the 'glass' effects.

If he could get it open, it could become a resource for Corben and his mystical magical friends. Also see the Weakness entry related to this item.

Gaining access to the Grimoire itself will come as a +sheet update, as will each particular part of the Grimoire that can be used. At the moment, Corben is unable to access it.


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He really can't help himself. Corben is drawn to shiny, pretty things. He doesn't steal for money, he steals because he's entranced by something shiny. Given his choice of a wallet full of cash and a sparkly piece of costume jewelry, he'll go for the latter every time.

Corben is profoundly deaf. He does have a cochlear implant but the thing isn't always a blessing. Sounds are distorted and mechanical and distinguishing individual voices in a crowd is difficult.

Potion Shelf Life:
The ingredients to create potions are not necessarily expensive, but they can be difficult to come by. Combined with the moderately short shelf-life of most of the potions, Corben doesn't tend to keep too many potions on hand without a purpose for doing so. While it might not be onerous to create any given one, he may need some advance notice of the need to have something specific on hand.

As much as he can be a valuable resource, he's also a damned pain in the arse. Ghostly voices and anything else related to his gifts, can't be turned off by Corben removing is cochlear processors. Pup gets immense pleasure in popping in behind Corben and barking his head off like a dog. This is where the old goat got his name.

The Weird Box:
It's a pretty, shiny, weird box. It's not your typical box. It's flat and thin like a laptop. Looking at it, it's easy to tell that it opens - somehow. It came into Corben's possession, well he saw it and it was shiny. He knows it's magical, he just doesn't know anything else. It's actually a very old Grimoire. For one who can use it, the pages will change with a hand wave and a murmured word, much like swiping a finger across a screen - but with way more cool swirly smoke under the 'glass' effects.

If he could get it open, it could become a resource for Corben and his mystical magical friends. Or it could be more danger than it's worth. Too bad someone way bigger and badder than Corben is out there looking for it and they're not happy that he took it. There's also the possibility that he'll blow himself up the first time he tries to read an incantation from the thing.

Gaining access to the Grimoire itself will come as a +sheet update, as will each particular part of the Grimoire that can be used. At the moment, Corben is unable to access it.



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Corben Kelly has 33 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Bureau of Lost; Never Found May 25th, 2024 Our heroes find themselves at the Bureau of the Lost while tracking down Frank Noble's missing shirt and have to magic their way out in rhyme and find out that everything lost is just waiting to (never) be found.
DOOM: Rescuing the American Dream May 18th, 2024 A journey into Hell offers nightmarish sights, sounds, and scents. A brutal fight for survival results in the retrieval of a national landmark.
Portents of Peril: Something Wicked May 18th, 2024 Corben calls a meeting to discuss an encroaching darkness in the Otherworld. Getting out is the easy part, it's the getting in that can be a little hard.
DOOM: Discussing the American Dream May 14th, 2024 Castle Doom hosts a dinner of parties interested in the retrieval of the National Museum of Immigration. The wrinkle in the ordeal comes in the form of its current whereabouts presently being in... Hell! Doom hatches a plan to send people to Hell and not permanently for a change.
No Choices Given (Alright, maybe one) May 7th, 2024 Sara drops by Corben's lab to inform him he's the third and final leader of the Justice League Dark. This is probably a terrible idea.
No One Should Eat Bacon Alone May 4th, 2024 A ginger wolf shows up just in the nick of time to save Corben from angry vampires. Tied to Corben by fate, Liam likely isn't going anywhere - ever - even after the bacon's gone in the morning.
Nursery Nightmare: It's a Gas. May 3rd, 2024 Members of the Justice League Dark come together to save the school, and possibly the city, from a lonely fart.
Raven's Nest Grand Opening May 1st, 2024 Juggernaut and Loki walk into a bar. It's still standing when they leave - that's a story to tell the grandkids. Corben's left uneasy when Sara mentions needing to speak with him about 'something else'. ...and why the hell is High Society Jan hanging out in a hole in the wall in the Bronx? All in all, a good start for The Raven's Nest.
The Open Door: Salty Wounds April 28th, 2024 After being dragged to a strange demon ritual, heroes work together to attempt to stop the slugs from offering them treasures untold.
DOOM: Reclaiming the American Dream April 27th, 2024 Dissenting voices and allies of convenience converge on Ellis Island while Doctor Doom seeks to abscond with the National Museum of Immigration. Proclaiming that it will be safely returned when the United States shows it's responsible enough for it, Doctor Doom steals the Museum! The arrival of Victorious, the Herald of Doom, reveals that an ill-programmed Doombot was responsible and assures Doctor Doom's full cooperation in retrieving the misplaced landmark.
Sh*t Never Just Goes Bump. April 20th, 2024 Sara recruits Corben to the JLD, it could be the most terrible idea ever.
The Library Aftermath April 17th, 2024 The Zealots attempts one of the rituals from the book of Cagliostro...but it doesn't end well for any of them.
Happy Harbor: Bump In The Night April 15th, 2024 There's something weird happening in the cemetery...lets go poke it!
Hydra vs UN: Outside attack April 6th, 2024 Hydra launches a mechanized assault on the UN during a meeting of world leaders. Numerous heroes including Superman, Thor, Iron Man and others arrive to halt the attack.
Metal Mayhem, Literally March 11th, 2024 Rock and Trolls collide into chaotic mayhem at the appropriately named, Metal Mayhem bar. But the day is saved by a few of the Xer crew, a fallen angel, a vampire and a slacker potion slinger. Only in NY.
Mxyzptlk At Joe's March 6th, 2024 A fifth dimensional imp comes to Joe's Diner and there is much denunciation of pronunciation. How /do/ you spell or say his name!?
Meeting Daddy Ted. March 3rd, 2024 Corben meets Clara's 'father' and survives the encounter and Blue finds herself burdened with a new responsibility.
The Open Door: Maybe we should talk February 27th, 2024 Information's shared, the heroes learn a little more than they knew before, but of the utmost importance, Kib's wasn't really running away.
Are You My Mummy February 27th, 2024 There is something strange a foot in the Temple of Hibis. Cameo by Moon Knight.
The Open Door: The Demon Ank'galah February 25th, 2024 A demon presence is found at an Apartment in the Flatiron District, NYC -- and is far worse than any of the previous locations. A demoness is confronted!
HHCC Community Night: The MET February 20th, 2024 Happy Harbor Community College has its first official outing!
On Finding and Writing Books February 18th, 2024 Billy, Corben, Donna, Lara, and Michael help Clara retrieve the second in a series of magical books related to paper mastery. Only the book (and the woman retreiving it) had to have their stories a bit more fleshed-out before this could be done.
The Open Door February 16th, 2024 The hellgate in Chelsea gets addressed by SHIELD and friends.
Greetings in Ink and Paper February 16th, 2024 Clara comes to invite Corben on an adventure! Surprisingly, he agrees. The two share the secrets of their powers and will definitely meet again.
The Open Door: Cracking Open February 11th, 2024 Demons bubble out of the house in Chelsea, NYC ... and several heroes are there to stop them.
The Open Door: The Slugbat February 10th, 2024 Corben shares his demon 'pet' with Atrice.
7 of S.W.O.R.D.s, 5 of W.A.N.D.s February 9th, 2024 SHIELD agents and allies respond to a breach of the Triskelion's Secure Storage area, and discover it infiltrated by magical means. Various items are targeted for removal through magical portals, though most, if not all are secured (the TP is all safe). Richard and Nat get to play with big guns, Lara wields something that was probably once in a tomb, and a little Raven flies to Baltimore. In the aftermath, some of those captured are revealed as former WAND agents or consultants.
The Open Door: New Friends February 7th, 2024 Corben, wearing a cursed bracelet from a demonic ritual, finds he has a 'friend' following him that thinks he is a warlock.
The Open Door: The Obsidian Crow (NYC) February 5th, 2024 Various heroes respond to a house of demonic influence, and find mysteries within ... and on the lawn.
HHCC - Opening Day February 5th, 2024 Happy Harbor Community College officially opens!
Along Came A Wizard: Bill's Folly February 2nd, 2024 This D&D succubus sucks...and not in the fun way!
To Kiss a Frog January 31st, 2024 Who knew that one kiss would end with three heroes saving the Frogling Kingdom?
Last Exit and Last Call January 30th, 2024 Drinks and conversation are shared, it's all wisequacks until the duck becomes a raven


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Corben Kelly has 33 finished logs.

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Corben Kelly has been credited in 0 shows.

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Corben Kelly has been credited in 0 albums.

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Corben Kelly has authored 0 books.

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