Corben Kelly
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Corben Kelly (Scenesys ID: 5155) | |||
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Profile | |||
Name: | Corben Kelly | ||
Superalias: | None | ||
Gender: | Male | ||
Species: | Homo-Magi/Fae | ||
Occupation: | Shop Owner/Slacker | ||
Citizenship: | US/Belgium | ||
Residence: | New York | ||
Education: | Home Brewed | ||
Theme: | Original (OC) | ||
Groups: | Entertainment, Mystic Arts, Branches, Happy Harbor | ||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | 23 | Actual Age: | 23 |
Date of Birth | 17 Mar 2001 | Played By | Emillien Vekemans |
Height: | 5'11 | Weight: | 180lbs |
Hair Color: | White blonde | Eye Color: | Blue |
Twitter: | @LittleBlackBird
@PotionSlinger#9 | ||
Theme Song: | Love Potion Number 9 - The Searchers |
Character Info
A rock-'n'-roll, potion slinging, Fate touched raven, with a trick or two up his sleeve. Corben owns Cafe De La Magie down in the Bronx. Stop in and snag a potion and don't miss his mad drum skills with his band, Death Omen.
* 2001: Born in the US to Patrick and Nadine Kelly. Nadine is a powerful witch. Unbeknownst to any of them, Patrick is a descendant from a cursed bloodline of faeries.
* 2006: Nadine begins teaching her son in the fundamentals of arcane alchemy and developing his natural artistic ability. Patrick begins his son's musical education. Corben also begins speaking to an imaginary friend he calls 'Pup'.
* 2007: Corben's mother begins teaching him the art of Arcane Alchemy, her family legacy.
* 2008: Patrick and Nandine make the move to Belgium to be closer to Nadine's family and so that she can pursue her art career.
* Early 2010: Tragedy strikes when a freak explosion claims Patrick's life. Wrapped in Patrick's arms and shielded by his father's body, Corben survives but with profound and permanent hearing loss. The magic of his father's bloodline awakens in Corben, the curse on the bloodline lifted with his father's death. Patrick leaves his son a healthy inheritance.
* 2011: It's discovered that Pup is really the spirit manifestation of a member of a faerie clan - Clan Raven. The story of Corben's bloodline and legacy unfolds and the boy's education into all things Fae and Magic begins in earnest. Corben makes the first of many visits to the Otherworld with Pup.
*2012: Training continues for the next 10 years. By his 21st birthday, Corben has learned all Pup can teach him. Pup fades into the background, still a watching presence. Nadine continues to teach Corben Alchemy, determined that he'll have all the knowledge he needs to survive his destiny.
* 2023: Corben, much to his mother's dismay, departs Belgium for the US of A where he hopes to find some more of his father's bloodline. He settles in New York, opens a bar as a front for the magic that happens behind closed doors.
Timeline Backstory:
Once upon a time, so very long ago that time really doesn't matter, the Cumhnant a' Bhais (The Coven of Death) brought terror to the land. In the hopes of defeating their evil reign, the Cumhnant na Beatha (The Coven of Life), because there must be balance in all things, forged two powerful stones - The Stone of Death and the Stone of Life - the former to be used to trap the souls of the thirteen witches of the Coven of Death at the time of their passing and the latter meant to bind the souls forever, with no chance of escape. But, The Coven of Death was a crafty lot with immense power.
The battle between the two covens was long and brutal, spanning decades, with losses to both Covens including the loss of the Stone of Life to the Cumhnant a' Bhais. With half of their plan lost to the other side, the Cumhnant na Beatha called up a benevolent clan of faeries to aid them in their battle. The Clan an Fhithich ( Clan of the Raven) was known throughout the lands for being powerful seers with the ability to transform into ravens. But they weren't powerful enough to see the end of their own story.
The devastatingly beautiful Prince of the Clan an Fhithich took it upon himself to trap one more witch from the Coven of Death. Using all of his charm and his silver tongue, he managed to trick the witch into believing that he was in love with her without ever uttering a lie. They planned to meet and he was to leave his world behind and stand beside her in the mortal realm. His plan worked up until the moment he drove a dagger into her back, piercing her blackened heart. What could not be foretold was the death curse she would utter in her last moments, the curse that would steal all of the magic from the Prince's bloodline until such a time that someone of his blood fell in love with a witch and kept the promise to love her until death.
Her soul trapped, his magic gone, the battle continued to something of a stalemate. That is until the day that Corben's father died protecting his son and without ever losing even one precious bit of the love he had for Corben's mother
Now the keeper of the Stone of Death, Corben's fate is sealed. Defeat the Cumhnant a' Bhais and reclaim the Stone of Life before they manage to take Death from him? Or allow them to free their long lost sisters and reclaim the power they once had.
IC Journal
C'est La Vie:
That's life, it is what it is. Corben takes this to heart most of the time. It's done, it's over there's nothing to be done about it now so move on with life. He has a sort of devil may care way of approaching life that might make him seem a little shallow, until someone digs deeper...
Loyal isn't even a strong enough word for the way Corben will stick by a person's side if they're one of his 'people'. He may act like he doesn't care. He may tell you he doesn't have your back if you decide to pick a fight with the Hulk, but at the end of the day he'll be right behind you. However, you'll know it from the jabs and bitching that will take place through it all. Many people claim they would die for their friends, but if you're one of Corben's inner circle, he wouldn't even hesitate to step in front of the Devil himself and say, "Take me instead, his (or her) kind of ugly would set your minions to screaming and hiding behind your skirt."
The Deep End:
Underneath that 'it's water off a duck's back' attitude, Corben is deeper than the ocean blue. He's philosophical, compassionate, conflicted, confused, happy, sad and a little cracked in the head. The center of him is pretty squishy once you get through the hard candy shell.
Character Sheet
Arcane Alchemy:
This is what it's all about. From mixing biological reagents to grinding up minerals, elements and metals and mixing them, Corben is an expert at knowing what to mix with what, how long it should boil if it needs to do so, what color it should turn before it's ready to how many eyelashes something needs added to it in order for it to be specific enough, he knows it inside and out. Anything that can be done with a spell, Corben can replicate with a potion, elixir or powder. Spells that require rituals don't take him less time when it comes to brewing something up, but the end result can be used by anyone. Currently Corben can mix up his little spells in a bottle ranging from simple things like Hey, Over here! (Voice Throwing), Not the Droid (Look away potion), Minor Healing, Fire and Lighting (offensive spells that work against one target only, potency consistent with a flare gun or taser), Lost in the Crowd (look like someone else for a short duration) to more potent versions of these types of spells if he spends more time on them. Demon summoning and binding are something he's thrown himself into recently. If given time - sometimes LOTS of time, he can manage other things, but it requires research and gathering of new reagents. For example, if someone came to him needing an invisibility potion, he could do it... eventually. These special order items aren't typically something he has in his day to day arsenal. He also cooks up some awesome drug-a-like brews for a really good time.
Faery Magic:
This is nothing more than small things, faery glamours, illusions, faery lights meant to entertain a friend or distract a foe. He's not going to blow up the world with the little bit of magic he's gotten from his fae blood.
Raven's Gifts:
*Shape Changing - Corben has the ability to change forms into a raven. In this form he isn't deaf, a bird's cochlear hair cells regenerate. He can fly and poop on cars and all the stuff a normal raven can do along with speaking. He's also small and vulnerable to the threats any raven would.
* Visions - Clan an Fhithich, the Ravenfolk Fae, were powerful seers. Corben inherited their gifts through his father's bloodline.
Past - The easiest of the three, Corben can touch an object or be in a space and get a sense of its past. Events pass through his vision in ghostly forms of the people that were there before him. The further back he wants to go, the more effort it takes, but it is feasible that he can go back to the item or place's origins. Doing so might just leave him with one Hell of a hangover headache after and none of the fun of the night before to go along with it. He can read the past of a living being as well, but it requires cooperation from the person and often ends up being a two way street with them learning as much about Corben as he learns of them.
Present - Visions of the present can be much more disturbing. At least with the past, it's over and done with already. The present is happening, sometimes far away, and there's nothing Corben can do about it but bear witness or maybe call 911 if he manages to pinpoint an address. He can also actively use this to hone in on any place he's seen before, even if only in pictures, to get a glimpse of what's happening at that moment. He can even hone in on a person this way, but he has to know them well and there can be no nefarious intent in his 'checking in'.
Future - From time to time, Corben will get visions of a potential future without trying. They're never happy when they come on to him suddenly. It's always death and destruction. He can also divine the future if someone asks him to do so or pays him to do so. However, it isn't something he does often no matter the amount of money offered. Futures are messy business, someone sneezing at the wrong time can set everything off in another direction so nothing he sees is set in stone.
Slow Aging:
He's not immortal, he can't heal himself, he can most certainly be killed just like a mortal, but Corben's fae blood will have him looking 22 for a very long time.
Corben is a naturally gifted artist, as is his mother and mentor. If he ever got off his arse and put his mind to it, he could have pieces selling in galleries. But he can't so he doesn't. Instead he puts his talents to use in the adrenaline pumping world of street art.
Before Corben went deaf, he was well on his way to becoming at least a B level guitarist. He didn't lose his passion for music when he lost his hearing, he just turned it in a different direction, one that he could feel even if he couldn't hear it. He's a decent enough drummer to hold his own in his metal band, Death Omen.
Duck, Dodge, Run:
Corben isn't a fighter. That isn't to say he couldn't be, but he would rather run when it comes right down to it. He's perfected the art of ducking, dodging and running away to a dark corner where he can turn raven and fly away. When he's forced to stay and fight, he can hold his own with a slightly better than average person, but he still prefers to fight defensively until he can find an opening to duck, dodge and run.
Faery Lore:
While not an expert in all the ways of the fae, Corben has learned a lot since the curse was lifted from the bloodline and the magic of the fae began to flow through his veins. He makes it a point to try and keep up with the shifting politics and the current who's who of the realm as well.
Lip Reading:
Corben is an expert in reading lips. His aptitude is at a higher level than most due to the fact that he's had to figure it out with several different languages.
Corben knows several languages to different degrees. He's fluent in English, ASL, French, LSF (French Sign Language) and he has a conversational understanding of Flemish Dutch. He's also familiar with several dead languages, but only as they pertain to his magic - Latin, Aramaic, Coptic and Sanskrit. His knowledge of these languages comes from his field trip to a library in the Otherworld.
Occult Knowledge:
Corben is a walking occult encyclopedia when it comes to Alchemy in a very literal way. During one of his trips to the Otherworld with Pup, Corben was granted entrance to an occult library to rival that of the masters. He needed only to touch the pages of a book to learn its secrets. He felt up a whole lot of books that day and didn't even put a dent in the entire library. While nowhere near as extensive, his occult knowledge does go on to include more than the average witch in regards to other important information. He's no Strange, but he knows enough to more than get by and, if need be, he can call on contacts or do the research himself to find out an answer.
While Corben isn't up there with the masters, he knows how to use his surroundings to leap, run, flip and climb quickly and efficiently. It's just another way to duck, dodge and run from trouble. It also helps getting into those high places to display his artwork.
This goes hand in hand with his sleight of hand, but adds elements of subtle distraction to make a person even less aware that they are being liberated of their possessions.
Sleight of Hand:
Is this your card? Magic tricks, palming of objects in a way that the owner isn't immediately aware that they are being liberated of their possessions are all things that fall in his wheelhouse.
Patrick left Corben a sizable inheritance when he died. Between sound investments and interest gained, that amount became even more sizable. While he spent a good portion of it buying and remodeling the building for The Raven's Next, there's still enough left to be sure that, between that money and proceeds from his bar and his 'side business', Corben shouldn't have to worry about money - that is unless something happens to the bar and his little shop in the back room.
Nadine may still be in Belgium, but it doesn't mean she wouldn't move heaven and earth to get to her boy if he needed her. Don't mess with the only child of a witch of a mother.
Occult Contacts:
While Corben hasn't been in New York for very long, he's still managed to put together a network of occult contacts. This is likely because he has as much to offer as he has to ask. His reputation is growing as someone that can be trusted, gives fair offers for items sought, offers fair prices on what he sells and is always willing to make a trade. He also maintains his large network back in Belgium. While they're mostly his mother's friends and colleagues, they're still more than willing to help Nadine's son.
Otherworld Access:
While he may not be a full blood, Corben still has access to the Otherworld and isn't bound by the many pitfalls a normal human would be. It's still easy for him to get lost in there if he strays off the proper paths though. He can take others along for the ride, but it's an endeavor that takes quite a bit of effort. For each person he takes along, some sort of plant life from the area in front of an entrance known to him must be gathered for the potion. Too bad he never knows what might be lurking around and protecting those entrances.
The Raven's Nest:
Corben recently bought and remodeled the building that was once home to Cafe De La Magie - Moving away from being an apothecary at face value and turning the spotlight onto a Bar and Pub to draw a more mundane clientele along with the not so mundane.
Veil of Shadows:
A simple pendant with a closed eye at its center, the Veil of Shadows is actually a mystical talisman created by a powerful witch that's a friend of Corben's mother. It serves to cloak him from the coven that's hunting him, the eye will open if they manage to locate him via any sort of spell. If he loses it, they'll quickly find him.
Corben suffers from un-diagnosed ADHD. He's easily distracted. He can't shut his mind down, he suffers with racing thoughts and an inability to concentrate and focus. Often times he tries to self-medicate with the mystical drug-a-like potions he cooks up. Of course this only works for a short time. If he was ever to actually get the right help and the proper medications, he might finally start living up to his potential as both an alchemist and a painter.
Corben is profoundly deaf. He does have a cochlear implant but the thing isn't always a blessing. Sounds are distorted and mechanical and distinguishing individual voices in a crowd is difficult.
Dependent Magic:
Most of what Corben can do can be taken away from him in a blink. If he's ever in a situation in which he has nothing to work with to make his magic happen, he's defenseless other than trying to fight his way out physically. The minor faery magic he's capable of isn't all that much help to him in truly dangerous situations. And, while he does tend to carry a leather satchel with many possible potions and powders and ingredients to throw stuff together on the fly, if he loses that bag, he's in trouble. He's also not guaranteed to have exactly what he needs when he needs it. If he knows what's coming ahead of time and has time to prepare, he's deadly. If it's a 'grab what you can and throw it in the bag' immediate situation, he has to guess his best as to what stuff into his grab bag. When he's just out for a stroll, the bag stays at home and the only thing he has is what he can stuff into the many pockets of his long duster.
The witches that are after the Stone of Death aren't just after the stone. They would love nothing more than to see Corben dead. His very existence will always be a threat to their own even if they succeed in destroying both stones. Other traps could be made and he would still be the one able to make them work.
He really can't help himself. Corben is drawn to shiny, pretty things. He doesn't steal for money, he steals because he's entranced by something shiny. Given his choice of a wallet full of cash and a sparkly piece of costume jewelry, he'll go for the latter every time.
Potion Shelf Life:
The ingredients to create potions are not necessarily expensive, but they can be difficult to come by. Combined with the moderately short shelf-life of most of the potions, Corben doesn't tend to keep too many potions on hand without a purpose for doing so. While it might not be onerous to create any given one, he may need some advance notice of the need to have something specific on hand.
As much as he can be a valuable resource, he's also a damned pain in the arse. Ghostly voices and anything else related to his gifts, can't be turned off by Corben removing is cochlear processors. Pup gets immense pleasure in popping in behind Corben and barking his head off like a dog. This is where the old goat got his name.
Seer Suffering:
There's no arguing that Corben's visions are useful, not just to him, but others. He can use them to stop tragedies from happening, see who committed a crime and maybe even send help to someone in the moment. But if a vision is intense enough, Corben can become stuck in it until an outside source shakes him, slaps him - something to jar him back. If the vision has anything to do with a violent death, he feels the victims pain himself. This is the reason he's very reluctant to handle anything that could be related to a murder and will only do so after every other avenue fails to bring a killer to justice.
The Stone of Death:
An obligation he didn't ask for or want. It may be his destiny but Corben would like nothing more than to be rid of the thing. But he can't be because no matter what he does with it, it always shows back up.
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Corben Kelly has
35 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Look! I can't do commands! | July 28th, 2024 | Caleb has a talk with the JLD leaders about a problem of his that should have stayed in Gotham. |
Take a bite out of...Ok I'm out of vampire puns | June 11th, 2024 | Call a meeting they said. It'll be easy they said. Well THEY never had to deal with JLD members... |
Bureau of Lost; Never Found | May 25th, 2024 | Our heroes find themselves at the Bureau of the Lost while tracking down Frank Noble's missing shirt and have to magic their way out in rhyme and find out that everything lost is just waiting to (never) be found. |
DOOM: Rescuing the American Dream | May 18th, 2024 | A journey into Hell offers nightmarish sights, sounds, and scents. A brutal fight for survival results in the retrieval of a national landmark. |
Portents of Peril: Something Wicked | May 18th, 2024 | Corben calls a meeting to discuss an encroaching darkness in the Otherworld. Getting out is the easy part, it's the getting in that can be a little hard. |
DOOM: Discussing the American Dream | May 14th, 2024 | Castle Doom hosts a dinner of parties interested in the retrieval of the National Museum of Immigration. The wrinkle in the ordeal comes in the form of its current whereabouts presently being in... Hell! Doom hatches a plan to send people to Hell and not permanently for a change. |
No Choices Given (Alright, maybe one) | May 7th, 2024 | Sara drops by Corben's lab to inform him he's the third and final leader of the Justice League Dark. This is probably a terrible idea. |
No One Should Eat Bacon Alone | May 4th, 2024 | A ginger wolf shows up just in the nick of time to save Corben from angry vampires. Tied to Corben by fate, Liam likely isn't going anywhere - ever - even after the bacon's gone in the morning. |
Nursery Nightmare: It's a Gas. | May 3rd, 2024 | Members of the Justice League Dark come together to save the school, and possibly the city, from a lonely fart. |
Raven's Nest Grand Opening | May 1st, 2024 | Juggernaut and Loki walk into a bar. It's still standing when they leave - that's a story to tell the grandkids. Corben's left uneasy when Sara mentions needing to speak with him about 'something else'. ...and why the hell is High Society Jan hanging out in a hole in the wall in the Bronx? All in all, a good start for The Raven's Nest. |
The Open Door: Salty Wounds | April 28th, 2024 | After being dragged to a strange demon ritual, heroes work together to attempt to stop the slugs from offering them treasures untold. |
DOOM: Reclaiming the American Dream | April 27th, 2024 | Dissenting voices and allies of convenience converge on Ellis Island while Doctor Doom seeks to abscond with the National Museum of Immigration. Proclaiming that it will be safely returned when the United States shows it's responsible enough for it, Doctor Doom steals the Museum! The arrival of Victorious, the Herald of Doom, reveals that an ill-programmed Doombot was responsible and assures Doctor Doom's full cooperation in retrieving the misplaced landmark. |
Sh*t Never Just Goes Bump. | April 20th, 2024 | Sara recruits Corben to the JLD, it could be the most terrible idea ever. |
The Library Aftermath | April 17th, 2024 | The Zealots attempts one of the rituals from the book of Cagliostro...but it doesn't end well for any of them. |
Happy Harbor: Bump In The Night | April 15th, 2024 | There's something weird happening in the cemetery...lets go poke it! |
Hydra vs UN: Outside attack | April 6th, 2024 | Hydra launches a mechanized assault on the UN during a meeting of world leaders. Numerous heroes including Superman, Thor, Iron Man and others arrive to halt the attack. |
Metal Mayhem, Literally | March 11th, 2024 | Rock and Trolls collide into chaotic mayhem at the appropriately named, Metal Mayhem bar. But the day is saved by a few of the Xer crew, a fallen angel, a vampire and a slacker potion slinger. Only in NY. |
Mxyzptlk At Joe's | March 6th, 2024 | A fifth dimensional imp comes to Joe's Diner and there is much denunciation of pronunciation. How /do/ you spell or say his name!? |
Meeting Daddy Ted. | March 3rd, 2024 | Corben meets Clara's 'father' and survives the encounter and Blue finds herself burdened with a new responsibility. |
Are You My Mummy | February 27th, 2024 | There is something strange a foot in the Temple of Hibis. Cameo by Moon Knight. |
The Open Door: Maybe we should talk | February 27th, 2024 | Information's shared, the heroes learn a little more than they knew before, but of the utmost importance, Kib's wasn't really running away. |
The Open Door: The Demon Ank'galah | February 25th, 2024 | A demon presence is found at an Apartment in the Flatiron District, NYC -- and is far worse than any of the previous locations. A demoness is confronted! |
HHCC Community Night: The MET | February 20th, 2024 | Happy Harbor Community College has its first official outing! |
On Finding and Writing Books | February 18th, 2024 | Billy, Corben, Donna, Lara, and Michael help Clara retrieve the second in a series of magical books related to paper mastery. Only the book (and the woman retreiving it) had to have their stories a bit more fleshed-out before this could be done. |
The Open Door | February 16th, 2024 | The hellgate in Chelsea gets addressed by SHIELD and friends. |
Greetings in Ink and Paper | February 16th, 2024 | Clara comes to invite Corben on an adventure! Surprisingly, he agrees. The two share the secrets of their powers and will definitely meet again. |
The Open Door: Cracking Open | February 11th, 2024 | Demons bubble out of the house in Chelsea, NYC ... and several heroes are there to stop them. |
The Open Door: The Slugbat | February 10th, 2024 | Corben shares his demon 'pet' with Atrice. |
7 of S.W.O.R.D.s, 5 of W.A.N.D.s | February 9th, 2024 | SHIELD agents and allies respond to a breach of the Triskelion's Secure Storage area, and discover it infiltrated by magical means. Various items are targeted for removal through magical portals, though most, if not all are secured (the TP is all safe). Richard and Nat get to play with big guns, Lara wields something that was probably once in a tomb, and a little Raven flies to Baltimore. In the aftermath, some of those captured are revealed as former WAND agents or consultants. |
The Open Door: New Friends | February 7th, 2024 | Corben, wearing a cursed bracelet from a demonic ritual, finds he has a 'friend' following him that thinks he is a warlock. |
The Open Door: The Obsidian Crow (NYC) | February 5th, 2024 | Various heroes respond to a house of demonic influence, and find mysteries within ... and on the lawn. |
HHCC - Opening Day | February 5th, 2024 | Happy Harbor Community College officially opens! |
Along Came A Wizard: Bill's Folly | February 2nd, 2024 | This D&D succubus sucks...and not in the fun way! |
To Kiss a Frog | January 31st, 2024 | Who knew that one kiss would end with three heroes saving the Frogling Kingdom? |
Last Exit and Last Call | January 30th, 2024 | Drinks and conversation are shared, it's all wisequacks until the duck becomes a raven |
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Corben Kelly has
35 finished logs.
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Entertainment Credits
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Corben Kelly has been credited in
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Corben Kelly has been credited in
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Corben Kelly has authored
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Group Memberships
Corben Kelly has been listed in 1 groups.