17053/To Kiss a Frog
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To Kiss a Frog | |
Date of Scene: | 31 January 2024 |
Location: | Central Park/Amphibora |
Synopsis: | Who knew that one kiss would end with three heroes saving the Frogling Kingdom? |
Cast of Characters: | Corben Kelly, Mary Jane Watson, Nettie Crowe, Michael Hannigan
- Corben Kelly has posed:
Just because it's January, doesn't mean people can't be out enjoying the park. The sun is just setting, there's definitely a winter chill in the air. It's quiet, but sometimes quiet isn't so bad. Quiet is good for thinking, clearing the mind and all that jazz. At least the starts are twinkling above.
In one of the dips in the park's landscape there's a drainage ditch all locked up behind a gate of rebar. It's not so far down that it's difficult to spot. It's also not so far down that it would be terribly difficult to hear something from down there. It's still a drainage tunnel and it's still dark and a little foreboding beyond that gate. 'We all float down here'.
"Riiiibbbbbittt, ribbit, riibbitt, RRIBBBBBBITT, RRRRRRRRRRRRRIBBBBBIT." That's one loud frog and somehow it sounds distraught. One can almost hear the 'help me' in its croak. Do frogs float down there too?
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Why is she in Central Park in the sewers? Well, dear reader, that is a story in and of itself involving a Moloid, a Deviant, and a mutated alligator. But, the melee a monsters is over, and Mary Jane is trying to work her way out of the sewers, right when she hears something about to croak.. And goe sto let out a sigh as she heads in that direction.
"So much for being able to get in a shower.. OR a decontamination bath.. And burning these clothes."
- Nettie Crowe has posed:
"You know, a little bit of a cantrip, flip of a coin , what not, could just store it for you. Found it right handy back in the day." Comes a voice from down and below to Mary Jane's elbow, and lighting an electric torch (flash light), Nettie Crowe, diminutive leader of the JLD, peers up as she raises her eyebrows.
"Downright odd for a frog to be croaking in January, in New York, innit?"
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
Considering the amount of money spent to maintain a place near Central Park, you BET Mike is taking advantage of the green space all months of the year. It's just going to be for shorter durations during the colder months. Bundled up for the weather, hair tucked into his knit cap and a full bookbag resting upon his jacket covered shoulders, the musician is walking very quickly through the park.
Ok so it's not really sight seeing as taking a short cut while doing errands but he's using the park nonetheless. But this shortcut leads this case study in bad timing towards said drainage ditch. The croaks are not enough to draw him off of the nearby path, but the faint sounds of a familiar voice escaping from the pipes is.
Slowing to a stop, Mike turns curiously, listening a bit closer. "Watson?" The second voice pops up."...Nettie?"
- Corben Kelly has posed:
Once all are close enough well.... The frog it's not a 'normal' frog by any means. First off,the Crowe was correct, what frog in their right mind hangs out in the cold? Second, its about as big as a football - explains why it's so loud.
"Ribbiiiitz, Kiiiibiss, Bibbbizz, Riibbbbiiit, Kiiisssbrit." Is the poor thing trying to say something? It looks positively miserable, little froggy head all bowed, little froggy smile turned upside down.
And along comes Corben. Dude does not hear a damned thing. Could be he'll notice if people start gathering at the entrance to that tunnel. He /is/ walking that general direction and is typical acutely alert of his visible surroundings.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson looks down at the frog, and then over at Nettie, "Really hoping that we're not expected to kiss this one to see if it turns into a prince." She would quip. "Or a princess." Definitely not a normal frog. Maybe it's something mutated? Or another Deviant. She would just glance over at it.
Not moving to test whether that old fairy tale is true or not.
- Nettie Crowe has posed:
"Huh. Hrrrrrrrm...." Nettie begins, and she reachess for her pocket for her pack of smokes, and she goes to light one -- sans lighter. She's in the company of the Weird. They might not even notice it to be honest.
"Mr. Hannigan." Nettie gives a small smile to Mike as he joins them, and then she scooches down to look at the frog.
"Well. I've got one or two counter-curses handy at all times. Could be, depending on the nature of the affliction..." Nettie trails off -- and then she looks up at Corben. Her lips twist a moment, and her head tilts.
"Digging the hair." she comments up to him.
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
As the familiar voices continue coupled with the croaking. Mike's curiousity starts to win out. He steps off the path a bit closer to the rebar. He's not exactly INSIDE with the two ladies but the gap is providing sufficient visual to both parties. A glance is given to the football sized frog. Well.
That IS a big frog.
He looks back over to Mary Jane and Nettie who are discussing possible approaches. "Well, if it comes to Watson's suggestion, Not it."
When Nettie pauses and comments to someone behind him, Mike pauses.% Mike turns around, eyes setting upon the other drummer. A smile forms. "Oh hey Corben." Mike greets, "Small world."
- Corben Kelly has posed:
Mr. Frog just keeps on going with his sad little song before he finally manages to get closer to what he wants to say, "Kibbitme, Kibbme, Kissbre." Sure sounds like Mary Jane was right on the money. As if this all wasn't odd enough, the football size frog pushes up onto just his back legs and hops from foot to foot. Now that he has it as close as he's going to get it, he's excited and repeats, "Kissbre, Kissbre."
Corben is an expert at being deaf, not only did he spot the weirdos down there by the pipe - who hangs out at a drainage pipe in the middle of a part in January - but he immediately recognize one of them. He raises a hand and calls, "Hey, Mikey!" He doesn't /sound/ deaf at all. His speech is clear other than the barest hint of a French accent. Then lil white haired woman. She said something, but he didn't catch it. He's too busy dusting off the light shock from seeing another familiar face, one he didn't expect to see in a hundred years, or really ever again. It can't really be her. As he moves closer, the pulls a little case from his pocket and before he's all the way there, his cochlear processors are clipped in and ready, ears are a go.
"Not as small as we think," Corben begins. But with a rather pointed look in Nettie's direction he adds, "I was going someplace all philosophical with that, but you could be right." Seriously that cannot be her. He offers Mary Jane a little wave with a fingerless gloved hand, fingertips stained that same weird purple Mike saw last night. "Holy shit, but that's a big frog!" How did he not notice /that/ first? Because it can't really be her? Right? Distracted. "Is it dancing?"
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would fold her arms over together and then glance over at Corben, "If it starts singing hello my honey/hello my darling/hello my ragtime gal, just remember that you're the only one that sees it, you can't take it somewhere and expect to get rich and famous off of it." She would glance at Michael. "Well, you probably could." She would quip at him.
But he's already rich and famous so it probably doesn't mean much in the grander scheme of things. Whle looking at Nettie to see if she has any idea.
- Nettie Crowe has posed:
Nettie leans her head back a moment, and her eyebrows rise up as she gives a small smile. "Aye, philosophical, and aye, dancin', looking to get a kiss. Now. I'm not so good at the kissin'. I think if Watson tries someone else my protest. Mike doesn't seem inclined. But -- lemmie try somethin' first."
Nettie seems to watch something in mild curiosity, over Corben's left shoulder.
"Odd ladd. Friend of yours, Hannigan?" she asks mildly as she begins to set up. She grabs some chalk. She grabs a silver medal. She grabs some herbs, and she grinds the chalk and herbs against the medal in her palms. And then she brings her palms down and blows the chalk and herbs, mixed with shavings of the medal, towards the frog.
"Let's see what sort of curse is set on this fellow, shall we? Lungwort, chalk, and silver. To clear the ah..." she coughs "Frog in its throat."
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
With the return of the greeting, there's the slight waver of the smile once the second syllable's added to the name but it recovers. "Just Mike, please." He responds quietly facing Corben directly so he can see his lips when putting in the request. He continues facing Corben until he sees the other musician put his ears on.
Mike turns to face the others using his hands to do a quick introduction between the others. "Nettie and MJ. Corben. Corben. Nettie and MJ."
The rocker looks over to Mary Jane at her joke, giving a chuckle. "Well, I wouldn't make anything off him as he is now. He's definitely lacking in the rehearsals department."
Mike turns at Nettie's inquiry to how he knows the other man. "Met him last night after Wade and I swung by Last Exit to watch Death Omen play."
- Corben Kelly has posed:
"Ribbiss!" Awwww, poor frog isn't quiet as close as he was a moment ago. His little excited dance turns a little more toward stomping feet in frustration. "Riiiiiiibbbbbbbbiiiiiit," That one sounded like froggy for 'Dammmmmmiiiiit'. "Ribbitribbetbrksiribkiss, rkiss.... KISS ME!" Definitely sounds male. He sighs a big sigh of relief. "Thank you, thank you m'lay," he gushes at Nettie, "but there's no time to wait, we're late, so very late." For a very important date? No, that's a r/a/bitt, not a ribbit. "We must go now!"
"Nettie," something pointed in his voice just like that look. He doesn't have to look over his shoulder to know what she's looking at but he doesn't acknowledge that she obviously /knows/ one of his little secrets. "MJ." He's about to hold his hand out to the latter when the frog actually /talks/. To his credit, he doesn't miss a beat with, "I'm pretty sure it wants someone to kiss him so we can go." ...and damned if he doesn't push right up between everyone, bend over, and kiss the frog on its little froggy nose.
And that's when things start to get /really/ weird. The talking, football sized frog gets /bigger/. Seems this magic isn't gender specific.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would cross her arms, "Well, looks like the situation is handled. Well done." She gives a very bright smile oer at Corben - making sure that she's facing him so that Corben can read her lips while she does so. Then she turns back over to the frog, "Is it supposed to do that?" SHe would speak softly.
Hoping that it's not going to turn into a huge monster an attack them.. Or if it's just an ordinary giant mutant frog. Which is probably something she needs to work on her own prejudice towards if she's reacting that strongly.
- Nettie Crowe has posed:
"NO NO! That's possible FAE magic you don't just go on and kiss any random amphibian you come across! That's how you end up married to a hamster in Yonkers!" Nettie yelps out, reaching to try and knock Corben to the side, but it's too late.
They have a growing problem on their hands now, and Nettie Crowe gives a sharp whistle.
A big, black crow shows up, and drops her wand into her hand, and then lands on her shoulder with a harsh cry and a flap of his wings.
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike is very much not death, and with the general proximity to Corben he does end up picking up on the vocal change in response to Nettie's name. Looking away from the kiss demanding front, he looks over to Corben curiously. "So...let's say someone DOES kiss him. Will it break whatever spell he's under, transfer over to the other person, or is that frog just a magic frog that likes to-"
Whatever ponderings over the potential backlashes of such an action is stopped when Corben just goes over and does the thing. "...Or we could just do that and find out."
As the figure starts to grow, Mike steps forward to take Corben's hand, gently tugging him away from the amazing inflatable froggo.
Just in case this turns into a Monty Python Restaurant Sketch. "Just in case." He states, hoping the device is picking up his voice. Because right now his eyes are on the still changing frog just in case. As Nettie starts shouting, Mike gets the strange feeling he might be making the right call on this.
- Corben Kelly has posed:
The frog grows, it's body thinning out to be more tall and long than short and squat. It takes about thirty second before what was once a football shaped frog is now a man shaped - and sized - frog wearing a crown upon its head. Looks like it's Prince Frog now? Or maybe Sir Frog? He's dressed head to toe like a fairytale prince charming. He bows deeply in Corben's direction. "Thank you my good Sir! I owe you and your friends a debt of such great magnitude, but we simply must go now before my evil twin brother is coronated in my stead! Then he will have my beautiful Thalassa Ripplefrost forever!"
"I dunno," he says to Mary Jane. Then Nettie is yelling at him and one thing everyone should know about cochlear implants? They sound like shit, they make everyone sound like a robot and now Nettie is a screaming robot. Corben cringes, his teeth clenched until that sound fades into the night. His tongue, just the tip of it, peaks out from between his teeth when he looks down at the hand pulling him back. "Awwww, aren't you just the sweetest?" It's hard to tell, is he joking? No? Maybe? "Damn, I was hoping maybe it was one of those psychedelic frogs." Dark lined blue eyes are a little too intense in Nettie's direction when he says, "You know, psychedelic enough to make a person think their consciousness is floating around in 1895 Tibet, lost and alone." Apparently that conversation will wait until later because...
With a mutter and a handwave, Sir Froggy causes the rebar grate to shimmer. "Hurry, you do not want to get stuck when it becomes solid again!" That would suck, yes. He darts off down the tunnel as fast as a frogman can dart. The girls will probably be able to stand upright inside, but the boys will need to stoop just a little. Around the corner into a more narrow tunnel, down to another intersection and a left, it opens back up again. At the end of this tunnel, and it truly looks like the end, Sir Frog runs right through the wall!
Through the wall and right into a mystical swamp that stretches as far as the eye can see. The air is thick with the sweet scent of blooming water lilies, and the gentle croaking of frogs creates a soothing melody that fills the atmosphere. Tall, willowy reeds sway with an otherworldly grace, and iridescent fireflies dance in the air, casting a soft, ethereal glow over the entire marsh.
At the heart of this magical swamp rises the grand Castle Amphibora, a majestic structure that seems to emerge seamlessly from the water. The castle is constructed from shimmering lily pads and translucent vines, adorned with bioluminescent flowers that radiate a soft, enchanting light during the night. The castle's spires reach for the sky, adorned with intricate carvings depicting the history of the frog people.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would go to take a breath over while looking about, "THis is totally reminding me of Chrono Trigger." She would quip over while moving to glance about. "Grand Sir." At least the place they're going isn't called Froggy Bottom.. She wonders idly if there's going to be any sort of thing like Thor joining them. Would that be Throg or something? She would look amused over while going to glance about, looking through the swamp. The smell doesn't pahse her at all, nor does she comment about hwat it's going to do to her clothes. Sonja's been through a lot worse. Just as MJ has had to in SHIELD. So there's no real minding of it.
At least this outfit isn't one she's super beholden to so she doesn't mind that ti's going to need to be burnt after. She goes to look about over and scan around to see what else there is about to hit them up. No mongooses? No large pelicans or other things which might dive bomb them for a snack? None of the giant falcons from the Lord of the Rings series?
Despite the surreality of it all, she's fairly peppy and chilling. Maybe if only as this is fairly normal by the chaos of things that life and her friends end up having to go through on a regular basis.
- Nettie Crowe has posed:
NEttie frowns. She chomps down on an unlit cigarette in her mouth as she looks through to the strange monet-like twilight lilypad kingdom. She crosses her arms. She shakes her head.
"Nope. Nope. Not doing it. I'm not giong into any fae kingdoms, nope, not about to --" and then, Mary Jane goes out. Nettie looks at Michael and Corben. She motions to MJ and then throws her hands up in the air.
"Be on the look out you lot. This is a BAD IDEA mark my very words and breath!"
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
As it appears the Frog is NOT going to blow up or attack them or anything of that nature, Mike stops tugging Corben back. Releasing his hand, he slides his hands briefly into his pockets. It is cold after all.
The musician listens to the plight described by the frogman. Kingdom at risk. Evil twin brother taking throne. Yep.
One of those days.
Mike looks over to Nettie expectantly, glancing to the opening and then back to the tea shop owner. Once he gets some form of confirmation that they're actually doing this he steps forward. Crouching down probably a bit more than he needs to to get clearance. Drainage pipes can be yucky on the top too... There's no way he's rubbing his head against that when he doesn't have to.
Mike looks over to Corben. "We might need to have a discussion about kissing randomly enchanted amphibians. Imagine if it ended up like the Disney version."
Hmm. Is this going to be Wonderland all over again?
Nettie's warning about walking around there is noted. Mike nods. "Also mind what you say so you don't accidentally enter into some contract."
- Corben Kelly has posed:
As far as swamps go, this one isn't too bad.
"I am Glimmerglop Mossweb prince of the Froglings, but you may call me Glimmer," their guide informs them. He steps onto a lily pad and then makes a small leap to another, there's another leap after that and another; each one glows softly when stepped upon. It doesn't take long to figure out that the path he's choosing will lead right up to the castle in the middle of the swamp. "My evil brother Bulbog was banished years ago, but he managed to return, curse me and take my place and only days before I was to be crowned King after our father was... Oh dear, it's a travesty, just a travesty. No no no, my dear lady, this is not this Chrono Trigger of which you speak, this is the land of Amphibora!"
After about twenty leaps he finally remembers to warn, "Please do not fall in, there are things most frightening that live beneath the lilies."
"And you thought I was crazy for kissing the frog," Corben retorts to Nettie. He seems on the same page with her in regards to 'don't wanna go there'. "Well, it was either someone kiss it or we stood there all night debating it." Despite his trepidation, he follows along anyway, but he's not going to be silent through it. "Am I trippin'? I feel like I'm trippin'," Corben comments to no one but maybe himself. "Did I finally mix the wrong this with the wrong that and end up cracked in the head?" He's doing a fine job of playing leaping lily pads, but he can't help but to glance back toward the way out of this crazy dream. "It was a psychedelic frog wasn't it?" He rambles on a bit more, sometimes in French, sometimes in English, but ever word one of complaint. He stops bitching and looks down at the mention of bad things under the lilies.
Leap, hop, jump, almost there so long as no one falls in.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would walk along and let out a sigh, "Aware of that. Normal rules. Don't make a contract, don't eat any of the food, don't touch anything, and don't let yourself look at anything for too long. Don't wander out of sight, and don't move away from the group. Don't go off into the fog and stay on the main path." She would know the basics, even if she hadn't actually done something of that herself. But, WAND briefings included things on fae realms, which she was aware of and had read. Mary Jane goes to look along and would 'hmm' while taking a few steps. Watching teh lily pads..
And then turning over to Nettie with a gesture of her hands and an 'after you' gesture. The woman knows about this place the most, MJ is guessing - so probably best to not stray too far. And she presumes as an old woman that Nettie is going to be heckling them with each and every step that they take along.
ALso no making frog jokes. That's likely not going to make anyone happy.
- Nettie Crowe has posed:
Nettie gives a :| expression, and then brings her fingers to her lips and gives a shrill whistle, like she was calling for a cab.
In lieu of a cab, a broomstick appears, which Nettie very neatly sits on, side-saddle, and lifts off the ground. She's not chancing the lily pads.
"I'm afraid you're not tripping, Corben, but lord I wish this was. My acid trips weren't nearly this vivid. I feel slightly cheated." she explains, and she looks to Michael again as she leans over and asked "What's a Chrono Trigger? Is that... some sort of weapon? DId I miss that one?" she asks of the servant of Dream, and then lifts off and zips in a little bit, keeping up with Glimmerglop.
"So, your majesty, how do you propose we get into contend with your most evil brother Bulbog?"
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
"I'm more stating that for the benefit of him." Mike states to Mary Jane, tilting his head in indication of Corben. Nettie's question gets a glance before he looks back to her. "...I don't know. I'm guessing some obscure tv show or something like that."
Having enough forewarning, Mike does a bit of a flip with one of his leaps to a lily pad before continuing. The bounce was just too tempting not to.
Well, sometimes you do have to enjoy the moment.
- Corben Kelly has posed:
"If it is as it should be, I must choose champions three. One shall be challenged with a task of wit and intelligence, one empathy and kindness and a third with courage and strength," Glimmer explains along the way. They truly are making quick progress through the swamp as Glimmer could chart the path blindfolded. It's not long before they are standing in front of the Grand Castle. "My champions must win all three, because only a true king could choose so well for himself and his kingdom."
"Hey, not fair, you get to fly!" Corben grouses. But then the Frogling he so recently kissed is all talking about Champions and Corben's hands immediately fall behind his back so as to be certain one doesn't accidentally raise. Oh no, not volunteering for /that/. "Not it!"
Two guards stand at the castle entrance. Upon the arrival of the little crew, one of them steps forward and exclaims, "Halt, Bulbog the Evil, you and your," a little wave of the hand in the direction of Glimmer's companions before, "...whatever they might be are not welcome here!"
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Well, if they're having Glimmer with them does that mean they should look out for Bow and Swift Wind? Mary Jane would look over at the others with her and let out a sigh, "Got it. Questions Three.. Remember what the answer is if ti's an unladen swallow." Apparently resistance to jokes only went so far before it overtook things. "And, just to make sure there's not a spellweaver called Tim anywhere near there, is there?" Just covering the bases.
And figuring that it was the safe kind of snark to make here. The Fae -totally- had to enjoy teh antics of the Flying Circus, right? Mary Jane would go to fold her hands over into her pockets. Resisting the urge to go on with her snark-mentary and holding off before going into heckling mode. A challenge had to be made formally, and there were rules that had to be put up with in the presentation.
- Nettie Crowe has posed:
"When you're a hundred and seventy you can figure your own way into a flying broomstick. Nyeeh." Nettie replies to Corben, staying with the group as her crows flit about her before landing on the head of the broomstick.
"And I don't think we have a choice, young man. You kissed the frog. You're a Champion in the thick of it now." she flits down on her broom as they come up to the gate house.
"Now, is that any way to greet challengers to the throne?" she questions, her eyebrows rising up as she takes a deep breath.
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
"See what happens when you don't think before kissing?" Mike quips, glancing back to Corben as they start to reach the gate. "You pick up interesting things."
Mike looks over to the guards at the gate and then to Bul-Uh-Glimmer. Blimmer. Let's go with that. The challenges seem a bit odd. And there's a question in Mike's head about how they could assess the second one fairly if someone already knows about the test existing.
Well, guess they'll find out if Nettie can talk some sense into the guards.
There's still something bothering Mike but he can't quite put his finger on it.
- Corben Kelly has posed:
It seems, indeed, that Nettie's nettle might get them through the door. The Frogling guard that stepped forward steps back again and the other steps forward with a small, rather unassuming gong in one hand. For a small gong it sure makes a really big noise. "I know not of this Tim," Glimmer notes, with no small amount of confusion on his froggy face. "They're calling Madame Hoppera Pondwater, she is... was, my dear father's most trusted advisor." He sniffled and snuffled his way through that explanation. "Just a travesty."
"You /are/ her!" Corben blurts out before thinking about it. "Better to get it over with, huh?" is his reply to Mike. But he soon remembers that they're not in Kansas anymore. "Champions /three/," he points out while pointing out the his three companions. "I'm four, so not it."
The huge castle doors swing open with a groan only a few moments later. The Frogling woman that steps out is obviously an older woman and might even be considered a handsome older woman by Frogling standards. "What is this I hear, Bulbog the Evil has darkened our doors? Or is that not who you claim to be. Alas, I see you have brought Champions Three?"
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would give a nod over to the woman, "Yes, we are the chosen ones." She's having a really, really hard time not croaking up and going into full snark mode, but she keeps a window on it while watching and then going to Glimmer. "A somewhat infamous man and a wizard of a niche of specialization that is also known for time spent giving quests and challenges." NOt important here, not important..
Looking to Nettie. "So what exactly is the proper etiquette here that we should follow?" she would ask politely while going to cross her arms then and glance over the field while humming to things. And shall we answer me these questions three?
- Nettie Crowe has posed:
"I am her what young fellow. I've probably never met you in my life." Nettie refers to Corben's accusation (partially because there have been a lot of 'hers' she has been over her life.
"Madame Hoppera Pondwater, we are the Champions Three of this frog, bravely kissed and freed from a prison of being unable to communicate. He has introduced to us his name of Glimmerglop Mossweb, honorable names, and has chosen us three to be the champions three for the challenges set before us." she states, not stepping down from her broom.
"Plus a spare, since he kissed the to-be-king and thus probably has to be the queen." she states thoughtfully, looking to Corben. "He'd look smashing in a crown."
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike's brows raise as Corben flat out turns down a champion role in advance. "A-" The musician pauses, looking to Nettie, and then Mary Jane.
Yep. Bad feeling is still there.
And THEN Nettie brings up the potential of Corben being a queen. Slowly his head turns, giving Nettie a look.
Are you TRYING to leave him here?
Maybe this is the source of the bad feeling...
- Corben Kelly has posed:
"I see," Madame Hoppera Pondwater straightens, stands taller. "So it is the golden Prince you claim to be?" she asks of Glimmer, but it's not really a question. She offers a nod toward the guard with a gong and that earsplitting sound. It's all hustle and bustle behind her, Froglings running this way and that just inside the towering open doors. The first thing brought out is, perhaps, the most odd. It's a large aquarium set up on wheels. Inside is a tadpole, much much larger than a tadpole should be. Even in the water, its tears run down its little face as it cries and cries and cries.
"Who then, shall show kindness and empathy enough to soothe the cries of Tadwick who lost his dear mother only just yesterday?" Her gaze turns to Glimmer and Glimmer points to Mike. "He shall be the first of the Champions Three.
"You saved me," Corben replies, his tone, for once, isn't cocky or grousing. But that's not for now, for now is to protest, "Oh, no nononono. I may not be over particular, but frogs aren't my type."
"Do you accept the challenge, good sir?" she asks of Mike. "If so, please do state your name for the records."
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would fold her arms behind her back, "In turn over the state of the challenges, we can ask questions if need be. Three Questions each for our Champions Three?" She was totally going to go as far as she could with this. Nettie may or may not get it, but Michael might glare over at her if he could.
MJ's waiting to see how this goes now, even as her mind has fully given in to the field that she's potentially going to dig her own grave in. But in fairness seh's asking within the terms of the deal and it hopefully is a reasonable inquiry to make. And it's a request rahter than a demand as part of the contract and exchange here.
And she's not picking up on anything remotely that's giving Michael his Star Wars vibe either.
- Nettie Crowe has posed:
Nettie does glare at Mary Jane for the endless Monty Python references.
"Careful lass or we'll be in a meeting with Dr. Chapman." she murmurs, crossing her arms a sshe looks to Mike.
"I cannot touch the wee sprout. THey'll end up all the worse."
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
There's not much time to mull over the implications of Nettie's words as the sounds of youth runs about. Turning his head to the newfound noise, his eyes set upon the aquarium. The larger size of the tadpole does help with seeing the general state he is in. Even if the condensation on the glass does not.
When Madam Hoppera explains the reason for the state of the young one. He frowns.
The advisor's following words are generally ignored as he walks over to the glass box. There's a gentle knock upon the glass, trying to draw the tadpole's attention. "Tadwick?"
- Corben Kelly has posed:
The little one turns its head toward the knocking, its heart is obviously broken into tiny pieces. It's still crying, but Mike at least has its attention.
Madame Pondwater watches with an almost detached interest but Glimmer is a little less detached, he can barely contain himself. He's finding it really difficult not to hop from one foot to the other and it all just comes out in a nervous fidgeting.
Through his tears and barely audible through the glass, the little sprog asks, "Who are you? I miss my mommy."
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike crouches down a bit to get more eye level with the sizable tadpole. "I'm Michael." He replies back, "But friends call me Mike." A glance is given to the aquarium that hinders the speech a bit. "I miss mine too..." He admits, "..I thought maybe we could talk a little." He looks to the glass a bit more, "Would you like for me to come in there?"
- Corben Kelly has posed:
"You don't have gills..." Tadwick is a bright one for such a little tadpole. "Did your mommy go to the glowing pond too? I wish I could go there, but then I think my daddy would be more sad."
The little fellow is still all sniffling and teary. Perhaps he just needs to now that it's not over forever?
He swims back a little as if to maybe make room for Mike to join him.
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike cracks a small smile as the tadpole points out the lack of gills, "I'll figure it out." He replies, taking a moment to consider the dimensions of the aquarium, and the presence of any perch points inside.
His features shift slightly. And then his form shifts greatly to adjust for the space allowed to him.
And then he jumps.
Nettie is now comparitively a giant in comparison to the now Tadwick sized Mike in the aquarium. As for the whole air thing, that doesn't seem to be an issue at the moment.
"No. My mom didn't go there. We instead ended up in Gotham."
Mike floats in the water, Hair seeming oddly dry, but wild looking. "Being sad from time to time is okay." He responds, "And it's perfectly normal to feel this way." He pauses, "But, with time, the feeling's going to come and go like a gentle tide. Yes, there's the chance of being more sad at times. But there's also the chance of feeling less so. And with added experiences, also happiness."
- Corben Kelly has posed:
There's a little giggle at the jump and then some wide eyed wonder at the small little Mike. "Wow..." Only a child can make that word sound like the way Tadwick makes it sound. "That's really neat Mike. Mike is a funny name.
But then it's back to business. "I hope my daddy is less sad too. He cries when he thinks I can't hear. He never talks to me about mommy." The little sprog swims closer. "I'm still sad, Mr. Mike, but not so sad now that I know I'm 'posed to be sad for a little while. Will you come visit me again?"
It may not seem like much, but in truth, it's a lot; that tiny little smile and not so much sniffling. Perhaps an explanation of the way it's supposed to feel is all little Tadwick needed?
"I declare this challenge over and won!" declares Madame Pondwater. She turns a fond smile to Mike. "Thank you, good sir," for easing this little one's pain. You truly are Kindness and Empathy personified.
Glimmer lets out a breath he didn't even know he'd been holding.
"Next, Wits and Inelligence!"
Glimmer considers this and points to Nettie. "The answers to the following riddles will determine your win or loss. Do you accept your challenge, and if so, please state your name for the records." Madame Pondwater waits, arms at her sides, back straight.
- Nettie Crowe has posed:
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO--" Nettie starts off facing forward, and leaning her head back as the keening continues, and then she settles back onto her broom and states: "Well, all right I s'pose. Nettie Crowe." she gives the shortened version of her name. Not about to give the full name to a magician frog.
"I accept the challenge to the riddles."
- Corben Kelly has posed:
Poor Glimmer nearly faints dead away. He lets out a gasp of cry right along with Nettie. When the joke's over, he is nearly in tears. "Oh, thank you, Dear Lady."
"Very well then, listen closely as they will not be repeated. Answer the following riddles, in order, Ms. Crowe."
"I am tall when I am young and short when I am old, what am I?"
"The more you take, the more you leave behind, what am I?"
"What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?"
"I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with the wind. What am I?"
"Hurry now, lest time run out," Madame Pondwater prompts before poor Nettie has a chance to even ponder.
- Nettie Crowe has posed:
Nettie listens carefully, marking the riddles. Her lips curl in a brighter of smile the more answers she comes up with.
""A candle, footsteps and prints, the letter 'M', and an echo." Nettie states, and she gives a bright smile. "Well chosen, Madame Pondwater, those are some of my very favorites." she congradulates the frog, and gives a nod, a bow from her broom, and a sweep of her arms --
-- and falls right into the tank with Tadwick and Mike, sputtering.
- Corben Kelly has posed:
Poor Nettie may be all washed up, but it does give Tadwick a fit of giggles.
"I declare this challenge won!" Madame Pondwater turns her attention back to Glimmer and asks, "Who then shall it be that will accept the challenge of strength and bravery?"
Glimmerglop dances from foot to foot, he can almost taste his victory now. He points to Mary Jane. "Her, she will be the final of the three!"
"So be it. The challenge is to bring me the tail of Sperpenthra." From behind the frog woman, comes a collective gasp let out by the large crowd gathered just behind the door. The gong sounds once more and from the depths of the swamp just rises a giant cage, inside the cage is a giant and angry looking serpent. It's at least five times Mary Jane is tall and thick as a tree branch. A slender little thing like Mary Jane can easily slip through the bars of the cage. "Do you accept the challenge? If so, please state your name for the records."
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would go to glance about over, "Very well. In turn, I shall tell you my quest." She would be flippant over on the approach, "My name is Mary Jane. And my quest is to aid in this great story." Well, she's just being flippant over with this. Then she would go to advance, and move to take out the very, very long basterd sword that she had sheathed over on her back. "Tell me beast.." She would hiss.
"IF your tail is shorn off, will it regrow or will you be without it eternally?" She goes to advance on it with a 'here lizard lizard' expression on her face. Such smooth assuredness which might be in contrast to the rest of the adventure so far.
- Corben Kelly has posed:
There's no answer from the angry serpent, nothing but a wide mouthed hiss that shows dripping fangs. Serpenthra lunges, going straight for the kill and, hopefully, a nice meal.
The crowd just inside the doors goes deathly quiet, the buzz of fear and anticipation in the air.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane goes to quite merrily go to take her hand over to the bars of the cage, and to the lock. Then she goes to simply CRUSH the lock and tears the door open, yanking it clear off the cage then and throwing the heavy iron tot he side. "Now beast, I have not the time to tarry. And you are hardly worth the time. Now.." She goes forwards, huge sword in front of her as she would first move to try and kick it over in the jaw, intent on stunning it with a brutal followup punch aimed at the neck to send it toppling over!
Then she goes over towards the tail, blade going up and then down to quickly slash clean through it with a rather feral expression on her face. "I thought that you would have a beast worthy of terror and fear!"
- Corben Kelly has posed:
For just a moment there, it looked as if Serpentra might just wind up with a decent meal. That split second brought another collective gasp from the crowd. But, in the end, our courageous hero brought home a win for the team. Stunned and bleeding, Serpenthra is defeated.
"This challenge is declared WON! Three of three, the rightful heir makes thee, Prince Glimmerglop." Madame Pondwater smiles for the first time as she adds, "Welcome home."
As soon as the last challenge is won, a great chorus of 'All hail the new King Glimmerglop' resounds and all the Froglings rush from the castle. There's big to do, the evil twin ends up dragged off to the dungeon. Thalassa Ripplefrost are reunited to serve as King and Queen of the Froglings with Madame Pondwater as their advisor.
There is, however, the matter of those that made it all possible. Mike the Kind Hearted, Nettie of the Sharp Mind, Mary Jane the Brave and, last (but not entirely least) the Kisser of Frogs.
"There are not enough words, there is nothing I can offer that will ever repay your kindness and your bravery. You have all given me my life and my love back. I will never forget you and all you have done. The Kindom of Amphibora will never forget what you have done." Each of the heroes is offered a bronze coin emblazoned with the crest of the royal family with assurances that there are no tricks and no danger in taking them. "They will allow you passage into our realm any time. Should you need refuge, you will find it here. Should you need an army, you will find it with us. Should you need magic, you may take it from our flora. Should you need a friend, you will always be welcome at our tables."
And with that, the citizens of Amphibora move back inside to celebrate the return of the rightful heir to the thrown, leaving the doors open should the Champions decide to join, but understanding the need for them to return home. The way back will be well lit by the soft glow of dancing fireflies on either side of the path of lilies.
As they start the trip back home, Corben remarks, "See, I knew you guys had this."
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
After the battle has been won and the chaos that was easily handled by the locals settled, it was time for Mike to make his goodbyes to Tadwick. There is a slosh and out flies lil' Mike Hannigan- who soon becomes regular sized Mike Hannigan. And much to the chagrin of any others with unplanned dips into the aquarium. His clothes are still dry and hair now back to being tucked into a knit cap. Looking over to Nettie, he starts to take off his jacket. "Here Nettie."