16824/HHCC - Opening Day
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HHCC - Opening Day | |
Date of Scene: | 05 February 2024 |
Location: | Main Building - HHCC |
Synopsis: | Happy Harbor Community College officially opens! |
Cast of Characters: | Morrigan MacIntyre, Corben Kelly, Michael Hannigan, Cir-El, Richard Stadler, Colette O'Connail
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Happy Harbor Community College has officially launched!
That meant that there had been various things going on during the day. Open enrollments with enrollment counselors. Information of certification classes. Morrigan had talked at one point, but given the woman is not feeling her best she'd not made herself the spotlight. She instead had reporters and others speak with students, teachers and others.
There's HHCC swag bags, free food, give aways and all of that good stuff that happens at a Grand Opening.
And there are a LOT of returning faces. Like Tyler, Declan and Delia.
There are no classes today. Just a day to come in and get a feel for the buildings and the people that will be around.
- Corben Kelly has posed:
After a pretty rough night, Corben managed to crawl himself out of bed just in time to get where he needed to be and, apparently, that's here. Blue eyes are hidden behind oversize Lennon style sunglasses with amber lenses. He looks like he could be nursing a hangover.
His interest in most of what's going on is distracted at best, especially with Pup trailing behind him chattering away about nothing in particular. Poor old coot really only has one person in the world of the living to talk to - unless that is, someone else here can see or hear spirits.
"Pup, dude, give me a break," grouses Corben. His cochlear processors are still tucked away in a case in his pocket, but no amount of deaf can drown out Pup.
He flags someone down and asks, speaking and signing, "Where can I find someone that I can speak with about maybe offering a beginner American Sign Language class free of charge?" His speech is perfectly clear other than a very slight French accent, evidence that he likely went deaf later in life.
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike is neither a student, nor a teacher. And yet the knit capped musician is present at today's event. Considering the connection via the work study programs offered by Shaw Studios and the added connections to the Entertainment industry, it just came to be. However he has currently gotten out of doing the rep work for the program and is currently just taking advantage of the building tour.
It would stink to get lost in the building trying to bring in some simple paperwork after all.
- Cir-El has posed:
It's not too often that Mia feels nervous. Being bulletproof makes most situations a lot less stressful as a baseline. But every now and then she runs into a situation where bullets aren't even on the list of possible trouble and those are the ones that worry her.
Landing from flying was one of them for awhile, less from 'Oh no, danger' and more 'Oh god, people are going to see me eat it and I'm going to be a meme'. Typical teenager problem, really. And that one time she met Wonder Woman.
No one told her college enrolment was more nerve-wracking than meeting Wonder Woman. Aunt Kara's going to get an earful about that.
And so the young woman who has no problem going head to head with a runaway train finds herself slowly turning, eyes darting around like a deer in headlights.
This is fine, totally fine. She offers the occasional little up nod to other teens, adjusting her leather jacket a bit, and glancing over to the swag bags.
"Oh yeah... this is just... fiiiiiine... This was a /good/ idea... I bet they don't even /offer/ a journalism course..."
- Richard Stadler has posed:
Rick wasn't about to miss out on free food; it was in the budget, after all. He probably would even earn the two or three hot dogs he would consume, even if he wasn't on the administration side of things. It wasn't as if he could stick around in those new fancy classrooms or office with these tours trundling about through every corridor.
He's spent some time smiling to new prospective students roaming the halls, giving polite directions when asked, and trying to start up a conversation anytime anyone mentions transferring to one of the bigger biology programs New York offers. It's enough to bump into Mike, at the very least, trying to find out where things are. "Mr. Hannigan. Honestly, I thought you'd be handling some live entertainment today. Just wandering about the builidng, are you?" He notes. "It's the day for it, certainly a lot of people taking advantage of it."
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's eyes follow a few things after she has greeted the Trio of Trouble. She was at least out of her morose mood since she lost Benvy and Riordan. Or she was making a very good show of not being morose in public. The signing from Corben gets her attention and the Irish woman heads that direction. Signing a greeting to him.
"I'm Doctor MacIntyre, what can I help you with?" she offers in her calm and accented tone. If she senses anything demonic, she doesn't say anything. There were a lot of weird things that come through their doors.
Someone catches Cir-El in the panic, deer in the headlights and waves to her, "Can we help you Miss?" the asks with a smile.
- Corben Kelly has posed:
Well, someone's speaking his language, so Corben dispenses with the actual speaking and just signs, "My name is Corben Kelly," he begins, "But my name sign is..." he continues with signing 'music' but using a C shape with his dominant hand. "I was just wondering," he stops and casts an irritated glance over one shoulder before his attention returns to Morrigan, "If you would be interested in hosting a once a week, beginners ASL class? I wouldn't charge for the class. I just need a space more suitable than my shop."
Despite that punk exterior, he really is all manners, at least in this situation. "Can I ask, do you have any deaf students?"
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike pauses his exploration as Rick calls him out. "Well, Mr. Stadler, I have a tendency to defy expectations." Mike replies back, giving the teacher a bit of a smirk. He gestures further down the hallway, not precisely at something in particular. "Getting my bearings. Since the work study program will extend to the community college level as well. Also, taking a bit of a break from answering questions about that."
- Cir-El has posed:
Being called out makes the Kryptonian girl tense up for a split second... not out of being 'caught' of course, but because her face twists into something between a sheepish smile and a twisted, agonized grimace as she bobs her head to Morrigan with a bit of a heaved sigh. "Oh! I uhhh... hey! I'm Mia! I'm just... here to enroll, but I uhh... didn't think to look ahead at the /courses/ offered and..." She clicks her tongue a few times as her mind races to piece words together into some semblance of coherent speech.
"Journalism! I was wondering if the college offers anything related to journalism. I mean, I get it, I get it, print media's uhh..." She whistles slowly, high to low and then makes a little explosion noise, "Not got the brightest outlook and all but... like, there's still /some/ kind of journalism, right?"
- Richard Stadler has posed:
"Often." Rick says, before nodding. "And certainly can't blame you for getting the lay of the land down. Rather lovely building, all told. Reminds me a bit of Northwestern back in TC, though this seems to be build more in tandem with the high school instead of just nearby. Have to wonder if this place offers a maritime class this close to the ocean." He muses, before starting to walk over, a patrol closer to the opening to the festivities. "Maybe a bit... form over security, but concentrating on security might be the wrong thing, I admit."
He also gives a nod when Mike mentions work study. "Oh, I imagine you'll probably get more bites on the community college, side. High school can have some of those electives, but this is a prime place for those accepting job skills, or looking to get their associates." He says. It's a casual statement, and it could mean rather a lot, but the lack of a pointed look does indicate more of an offering.
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
Among the weird things that go regularly through the doors of Happy Harbor is English teacher Colette O'Connail. If Doctor Morrigan has ever sensed anything demonic about the English teacher she's never said anything, which Colette appreciates even if she's not technically demonic.
Some of her students may dispute this suggestion, however.
"I've been trying to set up a class in Xenolinguistics," Colette's voice announces to the back of Mike's head as she steps through a door close by where he and Richard stand. "You know, Kian and all that. Apparently the New York City Education Department feel it's..." airquotes. "an 'insufficiently developed discipline to allow for a standardized curriculum and testing'. Idiots. Hey Mike, hey Richard. Enjoying the chaos?"
She's got a cup of coffee with her, a suitable prop for hiding behind if she feels the need to avoid students. Whether it has anything alcoholic added to it is one of those mysteries of life that will probably never be uncovered.
"Looking forwards to more years with the bio students you thought you'd finally seen the back of, Richard?"
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a smile, "Nice to meet you, Mister Kelly, I'm Morrigan MacIntyre. Dean of the schools here in Happy Harbor." she signs to him. She watches his signing and there is a thoughtful look before she gives a nod, "We have rooms designed for classes and meetings like that, so you came to the perfect place really." she explains. "Would you mind taking a payment for instructing a weekly class?" she asks him.
"We do have deaf students and we have a lot of people that have been interested in learning it.
The woman that was talking to Cir-El smiles brightly, "It's nice to meet you, Mia! I'm Judy." she greets her. "And yes! We do offer an associates in Journalism! I've got a few pieces of information if you'd like to look over them?" she offers with enthusiasm.
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Sometimes the proper certification after a four hundred dollar course and a good proof of skill. works just as well to securing jobs as a two thousand plus dollar program." Mike replies, "Both of which could be offered here. No need to force someone to commit to more than what is beneficial to them."
It seems like Mike has fully side stepped the 'GET A DEGREE' landmine that Rick has so stealthily set into the conversation. And it almost goes untriggered. "...I have been thinking of maybe picking up a small course in Italian. I mean, I've gotten a bit of practice with the Italy tours, and talking with DeRossi when working on The Count of Monte Cristo but it's kind of a seasonal exposure thing."
Hearing Colette's voice hitting both ears at the same time, Mike turns his head to look to her. "I'm probably enjoying it more than the ones facing this 24-7."
- Corben Kelly has posed:
"No, I don't need money. If it's some regulation that you have to pay, I get it. Really I just want to teach young people, people close to my age even, to sign and about the deaf community." Corben reaches up and removes his sunglasses to let them hang from the neckline of his t-shirt. "Most people don't give it a second thought and I get that, I do. But if there's even one hearing person willing to learn, that one person could change the life of a deaf person, or at least let them know that someone cared enough to try to bridge that gap between the hearing and the deaf."
He offers a crooked little half smile before he continues. "Sorry, I sound like I'm up on a soapbox, but I'm really not. But standing here, with you, a person I know is hearing and using sign language to communicate with you, I'm not sure you know what that can mean to a deaf child."
Another glance is tossed over his shoulder and his attention returns to Morrigan again. "Did I see Mike..?" .... what was that last name again? "Musician, do you know a musician named Mike?"
- Cir-El has posed:
Cir-El bobs her head and clears her throat, makes a show of straightening the collar of her leather jacket, then tousling her short, dark hair, and bobs her head to Judy, "Okay! Sign me up! I mean... I guess /I/ have to sign me up. But uhh... y'know, let's see the info and such!"
She falls into step with Judy to be led off on the first steps to her journey of higher education! ...Which, given her scrambled memory, is really going to be her only education. Oh, she knows math and language and Geography but she doesn't remember /learning/ them is all.
- Richard Stadler has posed:
Stadler turns his head as Colette makes an entrance to their rear, giving a nod to her, and looking appreciatively at her coffee cup. The new ones had a proper academic look to them for a new institution, his own certainly will be well worn. "So you're telling me it isn't Professor O'Connail after all?" He asks, eyebrows raised. "There's always ways around it. Shove it into a cleverly structured anthropology course, for instance, though it might be a bit too much for the students we're expecting here."
He gives a tiny shake of his head. "A semester, at most, perhaps two, though my door's always open. It's going to take me some time to transition from high school courses; I at least want to see the current crop graduate, and after then... I'm not sure. So it'll just be the Biology survey course we're folding the AP program into, maybe a Human Biology course, as well, depending on the staffing. My door's always openm of course, but you know we're just a stepping stone for a lot of these kids on their way to Empire State. The bright ones like Ms. Gutierrez might end up in Columbia, though, or MetU, if they can afford either."
Mike might have dodged a landmine... but this was a chess game. Stadler was going to get him at once, even if the man didn't offer him an opening. "Oh, I think you'll enjoy getting something down on a transcript. Even if it's just to learn something interesting. That's the trap, you know. That being said, you're right. This is a place that's cost effective for a lot of students, and if I hadn't needed the scholarship, I'd think I'd come back to one of these if I had to do it over again." He notes, before frowning. "Scratch that. My options weren't in the Boroughs."
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
"L'Italiana e una lingua utile," Colette tells Mike. "Ottimo posto per le vacanze." Typically of the woman, she's probably thinking more about the ease of ordering drinks on the Amalfi coast rather than academic betterment.
"It's hard to really claim to be that qualified on a subject that doesn't have qualifications," she says to Richard. "There are a few distinguished linguistics professors out there who consider themselves experts on the subject, none of whom actually have my practical experience with the subject. I've had a couple of papers published in the linguistics journals now, and the sheer saltiness some of those old-timers have towards me is exquisite. Several of them have stated their outrage that I got to essentially figure out for myself how you go about teaching English to someone with entirely alien cultural referenda straight out of university, when they've never got the opportunity. I just tell them they should go and drag their own alien out of the sea if they want one."
She gives a smirk and a small shrug.
"Now we've got an actual starport my early advantage in the field is rapidly eroding, though."
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"More a thing that I like to offer. I don't want people to feel like they are getting taken advantage of in any way." Morrigan tells the young man. "I was told by my mentor while I was in college that learning it would be paramount and I have had more than a few patients that were deaf. I think it should be taught in schools regularly." she states to Corben.
"I don't think it's a soapbox, it's a truth." she grins. "We have...a lot of students that come from different walks of life. I think giving them a safe environment to be themselves and learn is the best thing that we can try to do." she states.
"And yes, that's Mike. He works with the schools here with the music programs. Do you know him?" she asks.
"Excellent! We'll have to get a picture for your student ID and things, do you have a problem with cameras? If so we can just have your name and things. We have a few that just don't show up on film and well...we still need the ID for security purposes." Judy explains. Bless the vampires going to college...or whatever else doesn't show up on camera! Judy is helping Cir-El get all signed up. There's a packet of papers given over. Information on how to sign up for the HHCC app and access courses and resources. And the swag bag is pretty nice! It comes with a sweat shirts and all types of snacks and goodies!
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike glances back over to Rick at the transcript comment, a brow arching. "I never said that I never took the occasional class before."
There's a pause as Mike looks to Colette, eyes glancing up for a few moments before responding, "La musica usa l'italiano." There's another pause. "...Il mio italiano- fa ancora schifo."
Mike glances up, giving a bit of a puzzled look before he finally nods.
Close enough.
Getting a general sense of being looked at, Mike turns his head, spotting Morrigan and Corben looking his way, he shifts, turning his body to better look at those he's speaking with and those looking his way. Mike lifts up a hand and waves to the pair.
- Corben Kelly has posed:
Morrigan's words get a genuine broad smile from Corben. It's almost as if he didn't expect for his offer to be so readily accepted, and more importantly, with such real enthusiasm. "Kudos to your mentor and to you for taking the time." He takes a moment to pull a small case from his pocket and just a moment more to attach his cochlear processors and get everything seated properly in his ears. "If need be," now he's speaking and signing, "I can hear. Most of the time, I prefer to not wear them, but I think they'll help with teaching a class full of hearing people. I won't miss as many questions this way."
He takes a loot around to see if he can spot Mike again before answering, "I've met him a time or two." The little smile playing about his lips and the crinkle at the corners of his eyes indicate at least a little fondness.
"Look there, speak of and it appears." He offers a wave back.
- Richard Stadler has posed:
"You did mention you've taken a course or three." Rick concedes. "But it couldn't hurt to have a record over at Doctor MacIntyre's brainchild here. It'll make it a bit easier to browbeat you into taking more of them. If anything, think about the sort of review you could give me on one of those professor rating websites."
Rick frowns a bit at the gratuitous use of Italian. "Greek to me, sadly. All my effort was spent on German. Still, I understand there must be some scholarship in the field, Ms. O'Connail, but hardly anything practical. We've been having these aliens visiting since that business with the Kryptonians in the oughts, at least, and Lord knows I keep looking for anyone who knows what the Badoon were saying without much luck. I would hope the State of New York in it's grand wisdom would see getting courses like these down to the undergrads might do some good in moving the needle long term. Just let me know who I need to start writing letters to."
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
"Disgusting is a little strong Mike," Colette says with a smirk. "But honestly mine isn't great either. Ordering food and drinks level, really.
Colette follows Mike's gaze (and wave) in the direction of Corben and Mo, and gives Mo a nod of greeting. She looks over Corben with faint curiosity, and lowers her voice slightly as she responds to Richard. "Most of the aliens we've had visiting have had the advantage of a shared language to work from. There was no Rosetta stone to work with when Kian first showed up at the school. He's also in some ways significantly less... human, than many aliens. For example in his language there's no real way to differentiate between lying and insanity. The real challenge in xenolinguistics is to figure out the teaching methodology when you've got very fundamental cultural differences."
She stops a moment to study Richard. "You ran into some Badoon?" she asks curiously. "Those guys are assholes."
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
Greetings given but with a bit of distance preventing much more in response, Mike looks back to those he is speaking with. Rick moves a piece and soon another one is moved in kind by Mike.
Mike shakes his head, "Eh If you insist, by all means, talk to Wade." He pauses, "At what time would I ever take one of your classes?"
Colette's response. "...See, I was trying to say my Italian sucks but it sucks so much I couldn't even say that right."
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a wave to the group and then there is a ringing of her phone. Dance Devil Dance by Avatar starts playing and she gives a bit of a surprised look, "Ah...if you'll excuse me, this is something I can't skip." she signs to Corben. "I'll be back!" she calls to the others. "This is Mister Kelly." she points between him and the others.
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
Colette gives Mike a wry smile. "I know the 'schifo' means disgusting. Like 'che schifo!' when you're served pizza with pineapple on it, that kind of thing. My Italian is far from good enough to say it's not used to describe something being sucky too, so you could well be right. I'm a lot better with French of Spanish. Or Akiar'shak for that matter." Or Interlac, or Martian. She doesn't generally tell people that though.
- Richard Stadler has posed:
Mike get's a shrug. "Well, there's no time like the present. I certainly have a lot to offer any student that comes through. Certainly you're curious about Biology, and if you're not, well, that's what a survey course is for." He notes. "But I'm sure I can run it by your manager, certainly he'll tell me what a bad idea it is." He mentions, before looking to Colette. "And... well. It's beyond me, admittedly, though you do make some good points. I imagine not having a base building block to build on makes academics difficult. Biology isn't chemistry or mathematics, certainly, but the life we've seen so far does bear a striking similarity to each other. I imagine it would be similar to finding a life form that was purely silicon based, or a collection of electrical impulses over a vast area-"
But Stadler is caught a bit off guard when Colette locks in on what he had mentioned. "Well, it's..." He says, his voice halting for a few moments. "It's close to 12 years ago, at this point. It's 2012, and I was in Maryland at the time, so it was... ahh..." Another pause. "...difficult, and..."
Rick takes a long breath. "Sorry, I have a bit more armor on that normally. It's not a path I'm looking to tread today, but I'm sure you'll hear it from me some other time. Have to apologize. I think it might be time for me to make a few more rounds about the school, see who we might be seeing next semester." He notes, before indicating the cup Colette still holds. "Take care of that!" He notes, before heading off down the halls to mingle.
- Corben Kelly has posed:
"Oh, nonono," Corben says, along with signing. "Not Mister Kelly, just Corben." He's not even close to old enough to be a Mister yet, at least in his mind. Catching most of Collette's language talk through reading her lips rather than being close enough to hear her, Corben calls out, "You should add sign language to that list of languages!" Gotta pimp the class, right?
He does wander closer to the other group, if only to bump shoulders with Mike and say, "QuackQuack. Catch up with you later, I need to get back to the shop before Bryan blows up the hookah or something." Before he turns to leave, he nods toward Richard's retreating back and adds, "He's a little intense?" Not really a question though.