17143/The Open Door: Cracking Open
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The Open Door: Cracking Open | |
Date of Scene: | 11 February 2024 |
Location: | Chelsea Residences |
Synopsis: | Demons bubble out of the house in Chelsea, NYC ... and several heroes are there to stop them. |
Cast of Characters: | Loki, Corben Kelly, Atrice Duckstein, Clint Barton, Tom McCarthy |
Tinyplot: | The Open Door |
- Loki has posed:
A SHIELD team was urgently called upon and deployed quickly -- as SHIELD already had eyes on this particular site. But now, horrors are spewing forth, and this escalated in a matter of minutes, to monsters upon the streets....
It was just last week that a strange murder, and following demonic possession, happened on the streets in the Chelsea neighborhood. The intersection of Harmony and Lewis has been contained well, after the bizarre occurances. SHIELD took the possessed man into custody, and were able to perform an exorcism. Unfortunately, the police officer doesn't know much, other than that he touched a black statue inside the home on the corner. That demon, reportedly gone.
Today, the cameras all informed SHIELD that the 5' black statue, with an odd shaped bird-like top of twisted wings with a knobbed one-spike 'beak' head, has broken apart, and large, horrific shapes of demonic slugs have fallen out of it all over the place, a mass of larva. They have since moved out of the building, squishing and rushing through the door, like a bizarre tumbling mass of black ichor worm-like shapes. Each slug is about a foot long, wingless, eyeless, but they have mouths, like leeches. They've made it to the lawn, and are starting to spread out -- must be eighty or ninety of them!
- Corben Kelly has posed:
It's bad enough when the Fates or Pup start groaning and complaining that he needs to be somewhere other than where he's at. Now he has a little demon slugbat thing doing it as well. He did, sort of, get the little bugger a carrier. He has a good sized duffel bag thrown over one shoulder. Each side of the bag has a black mess section that seems to have been sewn on after holes were cut into it. He even put a little blanket in there along with an open roll of new quarters, eat up lil' dude, eat up.
"Looks like you're having a family reunion," he murmurs, to the bag. He hangs back though, what with all the SHIELD activity.
Did Richard ever tell them that all their crap is in Baltimore? Corben doesn't really feel like this is the time or place to bring that up.
- Loki has posed:
Kib, the demon imp inside Corben's bag, presses it's sluggy face HARD against the mesh. "I sense.... oo! A boss. It's here. A boss, new-master," eagerly says Kib, in its funny little imp-squish slug voice. It fans batwings inside the bag a little.
- Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky is not in charge of this SHIELD operation, but she is VERY interested with figuring out what exactly is happening. She'd relayed the information that she'd learned to the others that had been working on said situation. Now she was with the rest of the field agents that had been called out, because everyone calls the BPRD when weird shit starts tearing through things.
"Oh that's a lot of big demon energy." she breathes out.
- Clint Barton has posed:
With the warming days in the City, it does get colder, near freezing again come the night. In some cases, it works to advantage, in others, not so much. At least the chill of night keeps most people off the streets and closed into their apartments in an attempt to stay warm, until the sun's rise again.
Clint has a small group of SHIELD agents; there are times when a single agent is sent in, and there are times when a group goes in. Black statue with the potential of possession has given Agent Clint Barton a small handful of (reasonably) knowledgeable men.. and women.
Their arrival comes in dark colored cars, and as they exit, they're getting their orders. Small perimeter, always making sure that they can see beyond their assigned partner for protecting their six. Clint looks every inch a working professional. He's got his quiver strapped across his back, his unextended bow in his right hand. A pistol is strapped upon his left thigh.. and as he looks at the scene before him, his expression shifts briefly to disgust. "You owe me a vacation," is murmured before he calls out, "Positions." There's a pause before, "Barricade, don't let them pass." In SHIELD language? Heh.. there's an invisible line drawn, and any that pass will be shot first. (And see how the creature reacts to normal weapons before they start getting fancy.)
- Tom McCarthy has posed:
Having been here before, Tom was dispatched as part of WAND. This time, he came prepared - already suited up in Digitabulum armor, a duffel in hand. The bag is set down, clear of the area, for retrieval later. It's best to have clean clothes after this sort of situation.
Landing near Ducky, the man nods to her. "Yes - quite a lot. The mass of them are potent with demonic energy." He says, looking over to Agent Barton, on the scene. A nod to the ranking officer.
- Loki has posed:
The mass of the slugs has come partially out the front door, now. Some of the slugs are staying in a really close mass, others are breaking off a few feet on either side as needed to fit through a doorway. As they move more onto the lawn, there's still a central mass of them. They slow, and stop there on the porch, as some in the back all rush to catch up and slime their way up over the main mass. Some tumble over to end up leapfrogging onto the front lawn over others. They aren't extremely speedy, moving at about the rate a human walks. The whole mass stays there at that front porch a moment, and then approximately eight of them break off, and start to spread out in a forward ring towards all the people they can see. They stop... and start to weirdly squelch and gyrate.
The first one in front finishes first: it vomits up a big stack of slightly wet money. Maybe twenties. It does that, and then sits there, waiting. The rest do the same, piles of money appearing all around the edge of the slug-mass.
- Corben Kelly has posed:
Bows, guns, arrows and all it, and here Corben is with an imp in a duffel bag and a few potions in his pockets. Why is he always so under dressed for these shindigs?
He knows he's at a crossroads with his little demon buddy. There's not any real way for Corben to keep up the ruse here. He backs up a little, more into the shadows, sets the duffel on the ground and speaks quietly to the lil slug. "Listen, Kib. I'm not a powerful wizard, okay? I'm just a guy that makes potions and can do a thing or two. I don't want you to ever have to go back to Hell, not ever. But I need your help. I need you to tell me what they're doing." His voice is soft, not only in volume, but gentle. He's speaking to the little thing like one might a child. He unzips the bag and gives the little guy something it probably has never had, a choice. "Up to you though, I can't stop you if you want to go back to them... but I have to help stop /them/. This is my home and people are going to die if I don't help."
He really has gone completely bonkers! Trying to reason with a /demon/, a small one, but still a demon. Corben is mentally smacking himself upside the head. But it's Kib's choice in the end.
- Atrice Duckstein has posed:
"A very fashionable entrance, Agent McCarthy." Ducky gives a look over her other half. "I got you an extra towel." she muses to that as she looks back towards where the 'slugs' are. It was a bit nauseous really. "Hey...not that I need to remind folks, but...don't take deals from demons. Mmmmkay." she states over comms. That was where they get you!
"Wonder if they gorged themselves and are...I have no idea what they are doing really. Not unless part of them got a tummy ache suddenly." she frowns.
- Clint Barton has posed:
Any sign of sentience? Well, they're demon slugs.. and they have method. At least a rudimentary level anyway. Those that moved out and pushed and climbed and jumped (slugs jump?) their way forward only to regurgitate money are being rewarded with life, at least for the second.
"Okay," Clint starts slowly, his eyes firmly on the one in front of him, with the pile of money, "I'd really love a translation here as to what they're doing. Trying to buy us off so they can have the city?"
'Ducky' gives a short answer, and it is absolutely appreciated by the guy with a bow. "Can anyone communicate with them?" What is he saying? "Give me something, anything, before we open fire."
- Tom McCarthy has posed:
The hold fire is really something that Digitabulum is not a fan of - especially when there are clearly demonic presences /RIGHT THERE/. Still, Tom is listening to the orders given. "Thanks - I am hoping to dodge this time." He smirks, looking back to Ducky.
To Clint he shakes his head. "No idea aside from them being demonic, and my partner wanting to evaporate them." Oddly enough, the sense is clear that he's not talking about Ducky when he mentions partner. A golden glow forms around one of his hands, the armor preparing to incinerate the unclean.
- Loki has posed:
Kib, the bat-slug demon with Corben, is confused. And misunderstands, based on what it wants to believe. It 'winks' twice at Corben. Since it has one eye, that is mostly blinking. It speaks very quietly, just to Corben. "I understands, we'll make good lies, hush hush, you are a nobody, yeees, I will call you ... Joe," it says, believing that Corben wants to do a good ruse here and pretend not to be a the evil warlock that Kib knows Corben truly is deep down inside.
"Can't see? Can see. Boss is inside middle. They will put out much bait, and sneak boss out. We can meet boss. You can have honor of the boss being inside you. Is great. I can guide you where to go to meet boss." Kib'kir the flying slug-demon does come out of the bag, and with its squat bat-wings flies up to try to rest on Corben's back, just on the back of his neck in his hair, using Corben for cover. It won't do to be seen right now. "Go Joe!" Encouragement!
The mass on the lawn has all finished placing the ring of money, and retreats. This could be thousands out there now, some of it catches the wind and begins to blow around loosely. In the center of the slugs, there are flashes of beautiful, bright shiny things. Glimpses of brilliant gold, like a string of shimmering gold chain, or perhaps jewelry. Amid the black slugs, it is a very odd visual.
The slugs continue to wait for a few seconds, and then start to creep sideways towards the garage, a few at a time; that way leads to some sidewalk, so perhaps they hope to leave peacefully after payment, as Clint has guessed. It is perhaps a dozen that have set off that way, splitting off.
- Corben Kelly has posed:
Okay, well, it kind of worked. Corben /almost/ laughs when Kibs calls him 'Joe'. "Okay, is Ank'galah here?" he asks before he puts the fingers of one hand to his lips and lets out a loud whistle just as he steps forward from the shadows he was in. "The people from the black cars are blocking some of my powers," he explains to Kibs, lies to Kibs in order to explain why he has to ask about Ank'galah.
He's trying to get Ducky's attention, but he might get Clint's too. Corben waves his hand, well it's more a little flapping. It's the motion generally understood amid the deaf community as 'hey, I'm talking to you, or hey look at me.
Here's to hoping that someone looks his way because after <It's a distraction, they're trying to sneak their boss out. I know where to go.> is signed, he's off to wherever little Kib takes him.
To Kib, he says, "I told them to go away, but I don't know if they'll listen." He's actually starting to hate himself for deceiving the little imp.
Armed with a few potions and a demon on his shoulder, Corben is off and trying to find 'the boss'.
- Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky gives a look to the bigger slugs and there is a bit of a moment where she tries to draw up that strange language she was speaking recently. "Let me see if I can, Agent Barton." she tells him over comms. She steps forward, then there is the flapping of hands that she sees and it distracts her. <CORBEN!> she signs. "Oh shit." she mutters as she sees what he's signing.
"These are a distraction, they are trying to sneak their boss out." she states over comms. <Over here!> she signs to Corben frantically. "Agent McCarthy, Digi might get her demon smiting on today." she grins at him.
Then to the slugs, "You guys are getting fined for littering." she points at them.
- Clint Barton has posed:
"Yeah, got that.. that whole 'demonic' thing." Which, of course, means one really can't trust it. Them. "Don't pick up the money, or the gold." His voice lowers, "Don't know if it's curse or something." Clint isn't well versed in the 'demon' lore stuff. Not his department. Never trained for it, not his thing. Shooting things, however?
He's all about that.
As the slugs finish their tribute and expect to go on their merry way, Clint calls out, "Stop." Whether they do or don't, it doesn't matter. The moment they creep away to access the city beyond, they're passing the invisible perimeter that Clint's set up. A 'no passing' zone, as it were.
It's the waving that gets Clint's attention briefly; blue eyes turn in Corben's direction and narrow. Watching a moment, the message is given regarding 'the boss', and a scowl creases his face, but he nods his understanding, complete with a brief handsignal; finger point upwards on the side of his head. <<Understood.>> before it's followed up with another, more militarily based of 'move out' to a couple of agents now assigned to watch his six. <<Not happening. Not today.>>
Clint's verbal command to the slugs, then, is followed up with a single gunshot, aimed for a slug headed to the sidewalk and out to the wide world beyond. One shot, then another.. and one more. Should be a hint that they're not messing around. Not now.
- Tom McCarthy has posed:
The frown on Tom's face says it all. He's clearly unaware, or perhaps simply unknowledgeable in ASL, so he misses the conversation between the other three. His eyes are on the demons, regardless - tracking them and ready to blast as soon as the go-ahead is given. At the mention of the distraction, he scans the area - looking for the most concentrated source of the energy.
Even so, as a shot rings out - there's an almost ecstatic cry of joy in Tom's head, as Digitabulum lets loose with an arcane blast at one of the 'escaping' slugs.
- Loki has posed:
If a slug could snort, Corben would have snot all over his neck. Still, it makes that sound. "Ank'galah? Pff, no; she is next ritual, maybe already over, you wouldn't let me go to it." Then, something clicks for the imp-slug. "You... don't know which boss you summoned here?" Kib asks, slowly. Click. "Not a master, huh."
..... ...
"Corbs is apprentice, this whole time. Lied to me," Kib complains, angrily. "Come on, apprentice, then. Walk casual." GRUMBLE GRUMBLE, Kib'kir saddled with a lowly apprentice. "You are now Joe for reals." Hmpf.
Kib'kir is leading Corben laterally along the street in the opposite direction from where the garage group has made their gambit, the other way down Emerald.
The huge pile of slugs has started to split apart more and more into subgroups. They suddenly decide now is a good time, and four subgroups start to go in different directions. Two down the left on Emerald, two down the right. They had meant to just casually go, but getting told to stop, and then getting shot -- everything suddenly starts to move. The slugs scatter at the sound of the shots, all starting to rush in all directions outward from the piles of material offerings they left! They leave a glittering pile of gemlike stones on the porch and lawn, glinting and reflecting expensively.
Clint's bullets cut down four out of the first group, turning them into wet yellow-black pulp, and leaving mounds of objects behind. Pieces of pizza blown apart, a cellphone in another. They are very very strange slug-pinatas!
The arcane blast cuts down a slug that had charged more straight towards Tom, and it pops and spews a fancy bottle of wine, which falls on the ground and cracks open, spewing foam.
- Corben Kelly has posed:
"I just tried to tell you..." But in the end, Corben just cuts off with a sigh. It's not going to do any good to get into all that with Kibs right now. The little Imp is taking him to where he needs to go, so that's all that matters. But is it really?
He walks on, letting Kibs lead the way. With each step, he fights the urge to turn back. He keeps seeing that vision from last night in his mind, all those eyes staring straight at him. He dares not whistle again to get attention, lest he give it all away for real. He can only hope someone is watching and will follow behind.
It's really really difficult to 'walk casual' when one might be walking to their death or worse.
"My name really is Corben," he finally gives up to the demon on his shoulder. "And I really meant what I said about you never having to go back to Hell again if you don't want to." His voice is pitched low for Kib's demon ears only. He does, as they walk, pull a vial from his pocket to paint his lips black with the powder inside it.
- Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Arcane blasts and guns, oh my! Ducky ducks when she was walking towards the slugs, but people open fire. She looks up to see where Corben is going. She hurries after him. Red hair wild in the breeze, "Woah where do you think you're going by yourself?!" she catches up to him.
<We have effectively split the party. That's bad.> she signs to him. <Where are we going?> she asks a moment later.
- Clint Barton has posed:
Two agents peel off and start following Corben and his as of yet unseen imp at Clint's order. They're leaving the shooting to the others left behind.
With Corben being tracked and protected (as much as he can be, of course), now that they've opened fire on the slugs, it's a veritable shooting gallery. Of course, safety rules still apply. But with each squelch and minor explosion, trinkets spill into the air and onto the ground. Some of the more desirable, ichor-dripping goodies are the newest iPhone, a coach bag, opera glasses.. and a couple of the 'hot new toy' for Christmas that has just passed.
"Hey, I wanted to get my kid that.."
"Don't touch it," Clint warns again, and takes another shot at a slug. He's on the move, now, tracking some that have gotten past. He calls back on the com, "Close it up again. Nothing crosses. I don't care how you do it." Of course, that 'how' could easily be with the aid of that second witchblade and its own form of magic.
Aaaand, there goes his //other// resident demon/magic/dead thing expert. Great.
- Tom McCarthy has posed:
Digitabulum is in the throes of zealotry - there's no doubt of that. Tom is all but a passenger in his own body at the moment, watching as blast after blast are fired at the slugs. There's no hint of remorse at the destruction of the evil creatures, no pangs of desire at the 'goodies' they are dropping. This is about wiping evil off this earth.
Still, Tom keeps his eyes open - tactics being a thing he's familiar with. He tracks where Corben and Ducky are going - even as he tries corraling those slugs to their destruction.
- Loki has posed:
"Wait wait wait," Kib urges, reaching foward with a weird side of slug-torso to pat softly at Corben's ear. It's lightly warm, soft fleshy feeling. Earlier, when Kib'kir and Corben first met, Corben did witness Kib turn invisible: and it does so again now. It has to stop moving, and so it does, squatting flat on Corben's shoulder and neck. "Hold on, Joe. Boss is in bush of red flower. Go pick up when nobody's lookin," Kib says, then. This DOES direct Corben into the the mess....
Because slugs are everywhere! Many are dead, or being shot, and are falling down. Three recently died on the street-side here by a rose bush, and maybe Kib means there is one stealthing in that bush, ready to be 'rescued' by Corben in all of the chaos, perhaps.
One of the other slugs EXPLODES when shot. It had what must have been ammunition in it: because fireworks go off, as that 'treasure' bursts out light and shrapnel, hitting some of the other slugs, and one of Clint's poor agents is likely going to take some of it in the body armor.
Ducky has caught up to Corben and Kib. "Hi!" Kib's disembodied voice says from near Corben, as he spots Ducky. "Go make a distraction for us!" he tells her.
The rain of objects from the slugs is making this mess even messier. It's hard to NOT step on anything, by now. Scattered strand of pearls have made a slippery mess all over part of the sidewalk. Everyone is crushing the slugs, and some could be either dead or playing dead -- it's hard to even tell, in this mush of demonic corpses and Christmas Presents. At least 40 have been murdered, but it's hard to keep track of that many squishy slugs all at once, when some are half-dead and still writhing, others limping, or squishing along while carrying the corpse of another-- there's a lot! In particular, tactics are being used to play a LOT of 'dead' by Tom, as they have identified him as super magical: so there's a wave of 'we are all playing dead' right near him, waiting for him to move on!
- Corben Kelly has posed:
Listening to the little demon in his ear, Corben sighs, <Boss in bush with red flowers>, and he heads for the bush with the red flowers. Of course he does. He seems to be paying little mind to all the chaos, all the gunfire, all the dying slugs. He's a man on a mission! Curiosity didn't only kill the cat, it might just kill the raven this time.
Once he makes it to the red flower bush, he squats down and reaches for something. It's SHINY, is what it is. Curiosity is compounded by his compulsion to take shiny things, he really can't help himself. His hand closes around what looks like a golden ribbon, about the size of an extension cord all coiled up. "What is this, Kibs?" he asks of his little buddy.
- Atrice Duckstein has posed:
"Hello Kib'kir, light of our lives, pudgy winged one, what sort of distraction am I supposed to make that'll distract them?" Ducky asks the little squidgy imp. She's out of Tom's earshot so she'll sweet talk the little guy. "Alright...a distraction." she whispers. "Wait, why are we distracting an Avenger and others? I work for them." she gives a sceptical look.
She then covers for Corben getting to the bush, trying to make sure she keeps an eye on him. "Corben just out here picking up demon bread crumbs." she sighs.
- Clint Barton has posed:
<<Adams, Clark, report.>> Clint did hear the explosions, the distinct sound of small arms exploding in an uncontrolled fashion rather than shot through a weapon. He's concerned about his agents.
<<Sir, Clark is injured, but body armor has stopped most of it.>> It's a couple of long heartbeats before, <<Sir, target is picking up an object that has potentially been dropped by one of these creatures. Orders?>>
It doesn't take long for Clint to make his decision, <<"ICER. Shoot him and fall back.>>
<<"Yes sir.>>"
In the next moment, Agent Adams draws his ICER and aims it at Corben. "Sir, don't pick up the item." If he does, the agent will pull the trigger, and a soft *thhhhht* will sound with a tranq dart sent flying towards him.
As for Clint and his agents? Clint's got the remaining agents shooting (still) the slugs; and as that slows, they're walking around the 'battle field' to be sure that they're truly dead. The SHIELD Agent and Avenger, however, is turning his attention to the interior location.. perhaps where the boss is?
- Tom McCarthy has posed:
Difficult terrain means it's time to take to the air. Tom floats upwards, about three feet off the ground, still laying blasts into those creepy crawly slugs. He goes up a bit higher, perhaps giving those Demon slugs a bit of hope?
Tom's hands come together, focusing all the energy of Digi down on those slugs playing possum - they aren't getting clear. They aren't getting ignored. And they aren't making it out 'alive.'
- Loki has posed:
Clint and the SHIELD agents are able to head inside the building, to find similar chaos here. A lot of the treasures that ended up outside are from here, it seems. And in the back, there's that big, 5' black statue: with the top totally broken open. It was hollow, and contained all of the little slugs, perhaps, which spewed forth like a big can of maggots. It's empty now, but there's a thick, ugly demonic black fog all around the statue and the ritual painted around it. Clint and his group can kill a few slugs that remain in the place, but it's THICK with items still, a hoarder situation. It'll just take time to find the slugs in the mess. And some are clever, hiding in the toilet, or inside stuffed animals, and so on.
Outside, Tom is laying waste to both slug and treasures, now. Waves of burning make the slugs scream and writhe and blister, dropping their contents, as he ravages the slugs and the poor lawn into oblivion. Its a deep purge, the masses dwindle to nothing left alive, in those main masses. It's scattered slugs, at the most, now. Maybe five or six, spread out, and the SHIELD agents can help pick those off.
Kib'kir doesn't answer either Corben or Ducky. It's quiet, cowed by the presence of the ribbon. No need to answer, maybe. Ducky's smart, she can come up with something!
The weird golden ribbon is animate, it moves in Corben's hand, attempting to swirl, soft and silky, around his fingers and wrist, at one end.
And the other end lunges at Corben's face, at the magic potion he just put on his lips. It seems eagerly interested in the magic, and pulling a thread of that magic from Corben's face!
<< Be still, my new friend, I mean you no harm. Only pleasures and wealth: and the power that comes with it. What do you say? >> broadcasts the ribbon, using Corben's own SPELL, at Corben and Ducky!
It also is attempting to swirl up towards Corben's face and his magically-painted lips, trying to loop around his neck like a most beautiful necklace ribbon.
- Corben Kelly has posed:
First, Corben wasted no time picking up the item after he spotted it, so that's a done deal. Second, even if he hadn't, he probably would never have registered someone saying 'sir' in relation to him. He has exactly 2.2 seconds of wide eyed surprise and What. The. Fuck. when the ribbon comes alive before he's felled by that ICER and goes down in a motionless heap with a weird gold living ribbon all wrapped around his arm and heading for his face.
Not a good look, Corben, not a good look.
- Atrice Duckstein has posed:
There is something going for Corben and Ducky sorta starts barking out in that weird language that she was speaking the other time with the demons. She reaches out to try to snatch away the ribbon and burn it away with the magic she knows. While she's pretty smart...she does make dumb decions sometimes.
She answers it back in its strange tongue, telling it to go back to Hell where it came from!
- Tom McCarthy has posed:
<<TOM.>> Digi's voice is booming in his head. <<THE RIBBON!>>
Eyes snap about the battlefield, Tom arcing up into the sky a bit further to get a better view. There. There... near Ducky. "Fuck." He growls, diving in that direction - trying to race to rescue the entangled Corben. "Keep clear of it!! It will possess you!!" He shouts, at the top of his lungs.
- Loki has posed:
<< Oooh, I feel you, love. Hell.... mmm. Sure. Let us join~~ >> says the golden ribbon to Atrice, as she grabs at it. She's fully able to grab onto one end of the ribbon, the other still being wrapped around Corben's neck and face. That end is trying to crawl into his mouth for probably really good reasons. The other end is now flaring with Ducky's magic all along the golden length. It STRETCHES horribly, a giant elastic monster, small hooks and barbs surfacing along it, as it tries to also go after Ducky's face; specifically the mouth.
Active and moving, the thing is true horror: a barbed, elastic demonic tapeworm with a silky voice. Will it manage to attach to one of them?...
<< I will soak in your magic >> warmly says the ribbon-worm, a flutter of that anti-magic from the house a week ago starting to manifest, starting to build. It is ignoring Tom, set on the 'seduction' of Ducky and Corben.
- Corben Kelly has posed:
Corben just lays there, oblivious, he'd probably be disappointed that Kibs doesn't care if he was awake.
- Loki has posed:
Kib'kir is smushed under Corben's head and unhappy about being mushed, but pauses as it comes in contact with the golden ribbon by Corben's neck.
- Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky...sounds very disgruntled in whatever language she is speaking it. Her eyes start to glow as she digs her hands into the ribbon, the stretching making her nails dig into it. ~You're not leaving with any of us!~ she shouts at it. The strength is new. She is desperately battling the demon, dragging it away from Corben.
"TOM!" she calls out to the man. "I can hold it...I think..." she calls out.
- Tom McCarthy has posed:
Landing right near the struggling pair, Tom is all but aglow with that crackling divine energy. "Toss it and get clear... please..." It's pleading, clearly not wanting to unleash that energy towards Corben and Ducky. His eyes are locked on the ribbon, even as a blade morphs into each of his hands.
- Loki has posed:
The struggling tapeworm is trying to attach to Ducky, as she rips it away from Corben and seeks to strangle it. She did get it all to herself! It is whipping about, stretching out to try to get at her head, as she drags in and squeezes with her nails. Now that it's off of Corben, it can't use his magic to speak, and there's no more talking, not anymore, as instead it goes into full fighting, twisting and stretching. It's going to be hard to entirely get it off of her as a big unit.
Kib pokes at Corben, at his face, trying to rouse him and also get unstuck. "Joe, wake up," it tells him, eying Tom and the crazy blades, opting to mostly stay under Corben, but it is watching the ribbon's situation too.
- Corben Kelly has posed:
"Nnnngghhhhh," Corben groans. "What the hell..." He's starting to come around but man is he confused. There's Ducky struggling with something that looks like it belongs wrapped around a Christmas tree. He has a demon slug poking him in the face and what's with that dude up there?
Did he piss himself when he was hit? Wait, no, nothing feels wet.
"Stay down, Kib..." he mumbles. He puts one hand over the thing to keep it /down/ so it doesn't get caught in the crossfire of whatever's happening.
He did his job, he found it. Now they can kill it, right?
- Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky didn't like Dune sized worms. She definitely was not going to like demonic ones. Minus Kib. "Hey Tom, sweetie. Just blast it!" she shouts back. "I will definitely not be mad after." she calls to him.
Was it a trap? Not really. In this case she's using strength she didn't know she had and it is fading as it nulls her magic. "It's nulling my magic so please just blast it. I'm not going to die here." she breathes out as she tries to keep the big squishy demon from getting too close to her face.
Tom, you will never get another chance to smack Ducky this hard!
- Tom McCarthy has posed:
It's a risk, and Tom knows Digitabulum is all about extinguishing the Demons with excessive force. A nod, the lesser demon beneath Corben ignored for the moment. There's a growl as the blade slides back into his armor - perhaps even a ruse. "I swear, if you hurt her." A growl.
"Get ready to heal her, Digi." And then he lays down the blast to end all blasts that he can - sizzling into the tempting ribbon-demon.
- Loki has posed:
The blast peels into the weird ribbon demon, forcing it to recoil backwards, the thorns torn out and flung in all directions by the potency. It's torn from Atrice's grasp, flung away into the street itself, smoking. It's a powerful demon, to survive all of that, twisting and untwisting, as it is actively ON FIRE. A loop of stretching horror, with both ends screaming fanged jaws.
The earth actually shudders a little bit, and those that can sense power will feel a STRONG siphon, a pull, as the demon draws on the thread it is connected to in that house, the one with the rituals and statue, drawing on that heavily. With that connection open, it can heal, and arc upwards, reaching the sidewalk now in a loop...
"I should---" Kib says in concern, but gets mushed flat by Corben, so Kib isn't able to go over there.
- Corben Kelly has posed:
When the blasting starts, Corben actually turns and shifts to pretty much throw himself on top of his little friend even more. Because, damn it to Hell (no pun intended), he's actually started to think of the little imp as his little friend. No one is demon smiting his friend on his watch!
"You should lay the fuck still and play dead," Corben finishes Kib's sentence for it. As for Corben? He's not moving. Hell no, he's not moving an inch. His head is still swimming and his body aches all over from being zapped by Clint's men. He's still way too under dressed for this party, so the Big Bad SHIELD people can deal with the rest of it.
- Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky's not arguing with anyone. She feels the blast. Nerves scorching at the pain it causes. But with the demon ripped out of her hands there is a shield that can take a smidge of the blast, but she is still very hurt. She crumples to the ground, her mismatched gaze looking up to the sky, "I'll be right there..." she wheezes out. Not the best move, but if that thing is healing then Tom's gotta get it dead...or back to hell.
- Tom McCarthy has posed:
There isn't a let up on Tom's blasting - though none are near the intensity of the big one. More designed to keep the thing retreating - and focused on healing rather than trying to entice anyone. "We need an excorcist." He growls, sweating under the exertion. He steps forward, stopping once he is between the downed pair of Corben and Ducky and the demon.
"I'm not a priest." He reiterates to Corben.
- Loki has posed:
Tom's blasts shove the thing around, keeping it from doing what it would like. It's drawing at the house heavily, but the power of this demon is significant. This is no little slug. It is focusing instead on promoting it's own anti-magic-- which could be why it hasn't been sizzled into sludge yet. It tries different directions, and then spots a sewer gutter... and tries to slide that way.
- Corben Kelly has posed:
Awwww, shit. It doesn't look as if he's going to be able to sit this one out after all. Corben knew he would be dealing with demons and a Corben with foresight can, sometimes, be a useful Corben. He shoves himself to his feet, wobbles and almost goes down again. Super special SHIELD tasers, don't try them at home kids. He reaches into a pocket of his battered black trench coat. It takes a few, but it happens quicker than one might imagine it would because he knows every single thing he has in those pockets by feel alone. Frankincense, Mandrake, Cedar, Ash, Anise - all used in cleansing and exorcism rituals. He has a few already mixed in one bottle, a few in another and a few in one more. He dumps each into the palms of his hands, rubs them together to make sure it's all mixed into one big Demon Stunning potion.
A few words whispered to add power to the powder. He claps his hands together twice and the damned stuff just goes floating out, filling the air like someone popped off some tear gas in the room.
That's it, that's all Corben has. He scopes Tibs up and runs the Hell out of the blast zone with his little friend.
- Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky is down, but she is somewhat here. There is something else seemingly whispering to her in the moment. Her fingers find the pool of her blood that is spreading, drawing arcane symbols in it as she speaks in Latin. It's rough sounding, but she's trying to help Tom and Corben...because that thing needs to be gone and it needed to be gone ASAP!
- Tom McCarthy has posed:
With the potion lobbed at the spaghetti-ribbon demon, Tom shifts his focus. He drops to a knee, hand reaching out to rest on Ducky's foot. More energy is channeled to start healing - trying to undo the damage done by the nasty creature and the proximity to the blasting. Digitabulum is more than just the wrathfire of the divine - she does hold onto remedying situations as well. "Just... go slow. Do it right." He offers to Ducky, sure in her skill.
Of course, all this work for Digi is taking it's toll on Tom - his energy stores almost depleted.
- Loki has posed:
As Ducky works through the exorcism sequence, the air gets tight. The demon resists. The exorcism ripples across the ground. The potion that Corben made in the air, drops and clings to the blood designs that Ducky is drawing in her own blood. The magic floods, through into the demon, and starts to tear it apart! Kib the slug cowers from this, entirely hiding with Corben as he runs away, even as the ground shudders when the connection to the house and ritual down the block is torn asunder. The heaving ground tosses nearly everyone, including SHIELD agents, off of their feet, and the house on Emerald shudders. Kib screams in fright.
There is enough time for the agents within to flee the building, before it implodes halfway, the walls jerking inwards, a weird undertow of demonic power fluxing there heavily. And then, quiet. A low rumble, that continues for a full minute. Only a burned mark is on the street where the long ribbon demon used to be remains of where it was banished.
And Kib's small voice, full of horror: "We have to flee. Hell will have felt that, they will find out what we were doing. Borrowing power that isn't ours, it ... oh NO---!" Panic now. "This is very bad. We will be disintegrated. We have to run right NOW!" It tries to hide inside Corben's coat, shaking. So nervous, is it, that it barfs up a few quarters.
Here and there, a stray slug has the same idea, fleeing in panic from the site mindlessly, only to be shot by SHIELD agents.
- Corben Kelly has posed:
Corben doesn't have to be told twice, he runs and he runs now. Hell or high water, he'll get his little buddy, and himself, out of dodge before anything comes to disintegrate his slugbat friend.
Sorry, Atrice - Sorry, Tom - but seriously, look how /cute/ it is!
- Atrice Duckstein has posed:
Ducky reaches out to give Tom a swat, "You keep your energy. Before you end up naked and in the middle of Chelsea." she coughs at that. She had to keep her sense of humor. "I...on the other hand, am going to take a nap...and avoid paperwork." she mutters to him.
- Tom McCarthy has posed:
Tom shakes his head - seeing the exorcism done is like having a happy choir in his head. "It's ok. We can relax for now. We need... to mark this and report it." He explains, laying back. On his comms, he calls for medics - giving the coordinates where he and Ducky are laying.
Corben and the imp are able to get away - Tom's in no shape to chase him. Naked.