6992/Bikers, Booze, and Blasting Music
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Bikers, Booze, and Blasting Music | |
Date of Scene: | 07 September 2021 |
Location: | The Chip Campgrounds, near Sturgis SD |
Synopsis: | Leg 2 of the concert tour has gone by without a demon in sig- Wait. Ghost Rider showed up? Crap. |
Cast of Characters: | Michael Hannigan, Thomas Blake, Cain Marko, Robbie Reyes, Tara Tsabedze, Stefani Houston, Damian Wayne
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
While the night hours are bordering upon the early AMs, the Chip campground located in Sturgis South Dakota is very much alive tonight. The small pop-up city that has a lifespan of about two weeks a year has just finished the evening's set of concerts. Those who paid for it only need to hop on to their respective vehicles to drive down the dirt road to their tents, trailers, campers, or RVs.
But for those who are staying elsewhere, they have a longer trek ahead of them as the winding dirt roads heading to the main one is bumper to bumper traffic. Despite the slow conga line of vehicles, the sound of motorcycles and cars revving allow for enough of a wake up call for anyone who DARES consider taking a nap anytime soon.
In a stark contrast to the roads outside, the amphitheater that was just a bit ago crammed with motorcycles and folding chairs looks mostly empty. There's still a few stragglers in the form of one motorcycle club consisting of about a dozen people between the left side of the stage and the main gate where a couple people linger, looking towards the stage. Due to the 'no colors' rule on the campground, any identifying marks that could indicate what group they belong to are not present. But the familiarity alone is telling. The members are sitting on their bikes, shooting the breeze with each other as they wait for traffic. A few others are heading to the secondary gate area off to the right. They're carrying up their folded up chairs discussing the night's events. A few more are making their final merchandise selections off to the back left side of the grounds now that the music's not there to distract them from that quest.
The Arena is a vast area of mostly level ground that could be approximated in size as two football fields (American) side by side with a road that extend from one entrance to the other that splits the two large patches of field. Save for the large wooden bar structure smack dab in the center that serves drinks on the lower level and has seating on the railing lined roof, most of the food, drink and merchandise vendors are situated along the perimeter. The bathrooms with actual plumbing are located to the far right when facing the stage. A dutiful attendant stands around there, still manning the front as a few people opt to have one last go before heading out. (Dear lord, please tip him. He actually cleans them and keeps the TP stocked. Not all heroes rock the stage.) The actual port a johns for those who can't wait are even further right. (Abandon hope all ye who enter there)
The stage is mostly devoid of the personal instruments of the bands that performed there. The earlier acts have already left, taking advantage of their earlier start times to beat the traffic. But the headliner for the evening is still here. In the gated area behind the stage, the chameleon skinned drummer for Nick's group is busy observing his kit getting loaded into the truck while the remaining players and a few of the roadies are gathered around a table set out backstage for them to eat some of the contractually provided and delicious prime rib sandwiches set aside by one of the nearby food vendor tents. Possibly not the best time to have dinner but weird hours are the norm, and they're going to be there for a while. Besides, sometimes you can't control when the hungry hits.
Despite the concert being in the evening, the warm temperature is enough to trade in the concert tee for a tank top. Having nothing himself to pack and there being a limited amount of seats at the table Nick already ate and moved his butt to the safety of the stage area. The wild haired musician relocated himself and a bottle of water to the VIP seating that's situated just off stage to the left. A few straggling fans who had paid extra for the seats are still there, collecting autographs.
While most security is likely handling the traffic, there's are about four left behind in the amphitheatre area. Each of which are wearing high visibility vests with the word security etched upon them. One for each gate
- Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake is drawing the ire of the hard working roadies by sitting at leisure and sipping a beer. He does a decent impression of a drunken lout security man. Except the beer is zero alcohol and his green eyes are hard, sharp and alert. Despite the heat he wears a leather jacket, armor really. He does spare looks at a few of the groupies. One walks by in a very small dress and says, "Hey Tom Cat." He gives her an up nod.
- Cain Marko has posed:
The ire directeda t Thomas probably won't actually be unleashed though. Either because of his own reputation, or because of the redhaired mountain standing near him with crossed arms, watching the now sparse crowd with an expression that seems to indicate this isn't really his scene. He snorts a little at the group talking to the shorter man, then leans over to say to Thomas, "So, is this all about done then? Never been to a concert like this before. Not sure I see the appeal of it."
- Robbie Reyes has posed:
Just outside of town the sun has set, but there's a faint orange glow as the road is bisected with a large circle and a star within the middle growing orange, yellow, then full white before the road falls into the design and fires lick through the ground.
A rumble shakes the earth, and a sound like thunder in the distance growls, turning into a roar before them Duke boys errupt from the road. The black charger with an oversized blower sprouting from the hood burns through the air, leaving a wake of flames and heat behind the car.
Trapped in the air for what feels like an eternity, the HellCharger falls, and the portal through hell behind it seals back up by the time the car slams heavily onto the road, skids to the left before the tires catch and the Ghost Rider in the driver seat slams his foot on the gas and pushes the car towards the town ahead.
Pulling up to the amphitheater, the flaming skull turns to look at the concert hall and the bikers, looking past Tara in the passenger seat, "There." The skinless skull snarls and hisses and the car rolls to a stop. Leaving it on however, the Ghost Rider opens his door and climbs out to step around the front of the still flaming black Dodge, and a chain starts to slide out of his hand until it hits the road as he approaches, the chain continues to lengthen, longer and longer as he walks closer to where his senses say there's evil.
- Tara Tsabedze has posed:
The night is a welcome thing for Tara, she bathes in the moonlight as others bathe in water. Climbing out of the car, she looks around the area. This was a new experience to her as well, this sort of setting. Dressed in black leather pants, a pair of combat boots, a tight fitting purple tank top, and over it all a long, flowing, white hooded trench cloak, the night was looking interesting in deed.
If she is phased by having arrived with Ghost Rider, it doesn't show at all, the smile on her face is broad and bright, revealing elongated canines. "This looks like it will be an interesting adventure," she offers in an almost purr, an East African accent touching her words.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
It was an awfully loud place for Quiet to be, but here she was none the less. Perhaps she was here for SHIELD or another employer, or maybe she simply liked the music.
Either way, at least here people didn't look twice at her attire here. A jacket thrown over her shoulders and a skirt around her hips and the mute mercenary blended right in as she made her way through the grounds.
- Damian Wayne has posed:
Red X was on the side of the stage off to the side, where he could watch the crowd.
He stood, leaning against a truss while the crowd dispersed. Or at least they were leaving the arena proper, some of them on their bikes waiting for the crowd to leave looked possibly a little unsavory, but they were not exactly doing anything untoward.
Still, Red was always on the lookout.
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
Due to the sheer loudness of the crowd outside the amiptheater, the sounds of 'What the FUCK?', 'OH MY GOD IS HIS HEAD ON FIRE?', 'This is Way better than the guy spitting fire last year.', and 'That cat girl is kind of hot.' are heavily muffled.
The noise of engines and cheers encompass the entire area as the dirt road behind the back stage gate is also full of traffic. The lights providing a full view of the backstage area end up catching on the dust being kicked up from the sections of road that missed getting sprayed down earlier. But with the table closer to the back end of the stage than the gate, the band members are not caring right now. That food is good.
Nick smiles to the last of the lingering fans as he caps the pen in his hand. "Alright. Did you get everyone then?"
"Oh yes!" The fan being addressed states, "We were able to get the others while they were packing stuff away." One of the pair of people lingering near the main gate steps forward, still facing the stage as they cup their hands to shout out, "AMBER! CRYSTAL! Hurry up!"
Giving off a squeal, the two fans, likely belonging to the names, look back over to Nick and then towards the backstage area. "THANK YOU!" With quick hugs and the thundering of feet upon the wooden floor, the duo end up scooting down the front set of stairs, pushing open the barrier gate to run past the bikers towards the waiting couple.
Giving a bit of a chuckle to the excited fans departing, Nick looks over to the security employee still nearby, mouthing some words in inquiry. The employee smiles, stepping forward to lead the way.
The pair quietly head down a set of stairs and walk along the barrier that separates the stage area from the public side. Skirting along the now near-nonexistent bathroom line, Nick and escort turn a corner. Shown where it is, Nick gives a simple nod as he pops off into the small closed off 'VIP' bathroom by himself as he pays the price for rehydrating. The security guy hangs back, looking over to the nearby attendant, giving a nod in greeting since words would be hard to hear.
- Cain Marko has posed:
The loud engine sounds don't stand out THAT much in a place with this many bikers. But it is a bit louder than a bike so eventually, Cain glances the direciton it's coming from. Seeing the flames coming out of the approaching HellCharger, one of his brows raise a little. "Hmm." He straightens up from his relaxed posture, and steps away from where Thomas has been relaxing. Starting to walk towards the approaching vehicle. When it stops and a flame-skulled figure comes out he looks Robbie over. A lot of the time when a random superhero shows up looking for trouble, it seems like they're after him. It might not be the case this time, but he's not aware of that.
"I heard you rode a motorcycle."
He plants himself squarely in the path of the Ghost Rider, staring down at the flaming spirit of vengeance. Absently cracking his knuckles, the sound like gunshots going off. For whatever reason, he seems even larger than he did a few moments before. Towering at close to nine and a half feet tall. It's kind of amazing he was able to get clothes made that actually fit him. There's an aura of threat that comes off of him. Not the supernatural kind, just the old fashioned 'This is a guy who's not afraid to hurt people' kind.
- Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake tries to hold Cain back. Like that is going to work. He gets up and moves to the stage door the smell is coming from. Skullhead is probably a decoy. Ok. Cain is occupied. Red X should see him moving and follow suit. Except he can't see Red X and can't track him by smell or hearing in this ruckus.
Thomas steps back stage into relative quiet and wait a moment for his eyes to adjust. Then he waits some more. Demons are impatient, arrogant jerks. He is a pouncer by inclination. Prey come to him, if he picks the right spot. The claws come out.
- Robbie Reyes has posed:
As the Rider, Eli tends to take control of their shared body, and in this moment, Robbie is taking a back seat to his uncles soul. The fire in the gaps of his teeth licks at the metallic skull as he opens his jaw and hisses a breath to Cain.
"Not me."
The car revs without anyone inside as if taking offense to Cain's remark. The rider looks up the impossible figure of Cain to look at the man's eyes and he snarls a second response. "Not here for you." And takes a step forwards, towards Cain, the chain pulling behind him, as the Rider moves to step closer and get ready to deal with that stink of evil in the area that called him from halfway across the country.
- Tara Tsabedze has posed:
This was an unexpected turn, but then Tara doesn't know much about the people around her. She has only the slightest clues about Ghost Rider, but even that is not enough information to make snap judgements.
Laying her hand on the roof of the upset car, her golden feline eyes look from Robbie to Cain and back again. Her voice drips with honey sweetness and calm, "Gentlemen, is this not meant to be a party? I do not see any signs indicating a need to flex testosterone or wave penises about. I am certain you are both very bad ass, but can we save the flexing for another time?"
- Stefani Houston has posed:
The arrival of the rider was kinda hard to ignore, especially when challenged by the immense bulk that was the Juggernaut. She'd read the dossier on the entity that was the 'Spirit of Vegence', but it was something else to see it with all her senses.
So far, the silent sniper was just another face in the crowd, but the arrival of the rider had her frowning and reaching into her jacket for the familier weight of a firearm.
That guy didn't just 'show up' without a reason.
- Damian Wayne has posed:
Red X keeps an eye out, though Mike's sojurn to the VIP restroom doesn't go far before Red X followed. At least posting up outside the door, crossing his arms and looking outward.
He does see Ghost Rider's approach, but unless he was going to demand to get in where Mike was, Red had other things to do. Still, he couldn't help but get distracted as Robbie had himself a little grouping of people paying attention at him, rather than Mike, which was good, at least.
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
There's a loud guffaw of laughter coming from the cluster of bikers. A couple give some glances towards the gate, seemingly gauging how long until it'll be fine to hit the road while others continued the conversations amongst themselves. Likely, they are also not staying on the grounds.
Over to the cluster of biker's another biker approaches. Rather big in size, he visibly dwarfs what most would have likely assumed to have been leader of the group. The pair do not speak but instead eye each other in some form of staring contest. A quiet falls over the group as they look at the newcomer staring down the other. A tense feeling comes from the group before the assumed leader gives a large smile and laughs, triggering the laughter to live once more amongst the group, elbowing each other at the unspoken joke that just occurred. Like most jokes, there's a lifespan to this one as the laughter dies away, the group growing silent as they look to the gates once more.
Business done and hands washed, Nick emerges from the bathroom in the back of the white walled nook of water closets. All in all a pretty peaceful ev-
'Resistance is futile that you should know;'
Oh God damm- Is that behind him? Nick doesn't look but instead starts running, looking at the security guard and bathroom attendant turning their heads. This is definitely not what they signed up for. "MOVE!"
Startled, the attendant glances up, seeing what it is behind Nick. Eyes widening, the attendant does what is instructed while the guard backs away slightly, reaching for pepper spray...
'These chains will bind you, with us you will go.'
Well the words may not be extensive but even the musician has to admit they're super effective, And fast too. With the only direction Nick could run being forward to get out to the open, it made for a rather easy time for the spell to reach its target.
A reddish glow flies towards the musician, as it comes in contact, the light coils around before taking the shape of chains, tangling up his legs making for yet another ungraceful landing. Despite Terry's questions from a prior evening, Nick is most definitely not part cat.
The metal barrier clangs with the force of the body slamming into it, knocking it into another metal barrier. And leaving a momentarily stunned and chained rocker rolling on his back. Getting just a glimpse of Red X nearby.
Oh good. Some of the ones who DID sign up for this are here.
Oh God.
Damian's never going to let him hear the end of this.
To the ruckus, the bikers turn their heads to look.
- Cain Marko has posed:
Cain's eyes narrow down at Ghost Rider as the metallic skulled demon speaks. "Not here for me, huh? Prolly smart of you. Don't want to make things impossible for yourself." He glances at Tara and raises a brow. "I don't know you, lady. Ole skellybones here doesn't seem like he's the chatty sort. Wanna explain what the two of you are doing here? I was just enjo- I was just here waiting for things to wrap up. I don't remember hearing about this guy just popping in for fun. So I take it something bad is about to happen, yeah? I'd like to know whether it's anything I care about enough to not just leave right now." His head tilts as he hears somebody yelling about... something in the distance. He glances around, but the source isn't immedietly obvious to him.
- Robbie Reyes has posed:
"Here for them." The Rider snarls out and starts to walk past the impossing Cain without seeming to even really notice the big guy. There's work to do, and it's going to get messy.
(Don't hurt any of the innocents... Eli. We have a deal. Right?) Robbie begs of Eli mentally as the flaming skeleton in leathers approaches the group of bikers having a hearty chuckle. ((I'LL HURT WHOEVER I WANT. I'M HUNGRY!))
The Ghost Rider steps to the largest biker and lowers his head, the orange flames coming up from his neck and sweeping back over his smooth skull crackles in the wind before he lifts a booted foot and brings it down onto the tire, bending the rim and making the bike instantly un-rideable. "Boo." He says calmly.
- Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Tara offers the large man a beautiful, broad smile, "I do not know you either, and yet here we are. We came all the way from New York, and Ghost Rider here was kind enough to take the fastest route possible to get here. Why do you assume he is here for you? Are you some sort of important person that needs a large flaming skulled person to come after you?"
Now the yelling, and she is starting to look around for the cause. She may not see the people yelling, but the energies of magic flowing, that she can see plain as day. What Ghost Rider is doing now, she has no idea, he was just a ride to get here and there is something extremely magical happening over there... so over there is where she heads.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Without the immediate threat to her, Quiet shifts lightly and tilts her head to the side. Whatever she'd been expecting, this hadn't been it...but at least things seemed to be calm enough. The woman actually makes to turn away. Not her demons, not her divine judgement headed her way. That was good enough for-
Then there was panic, movement and terror from the distance. Something was going on!
Exhaling a breath, Quiet turns and coils down before a moment before taking off at a run, the air around her seeming to warp as she surges through the crowd toward the panic.
- Damian Wayne has posed:
Mike's sudden crash through the door has Red X turn his head very quickly, removing his sword in the process.
Immediately Damian jumps up, tracing the red energy chains to their source, attempting to stop the demon from further attempting to take Mike back to wherever the hell Gentleman Ghost wants to do whatever to Mike at. Almost immediately, he reaches to his belt, and snaps an ampule of holy water to douse his blade in, dripping it all over the immaculately kept blade. "Not today, Satan." He quips, before attempting to catch the blade in one of the links of chain, and stabbing it directly into the ground.
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
Looking over to the ruckus near the bathrooms and then towards the gates, the larger biker, (lets call Biggie) frowns before looking over to the perceived leader of the unmarked motorcycle club. "Split up." He gestures over towards seven of the members and points over to the gate. With those instructions it should have been simple. What should have happened is eight men position themselves between the gate and the bathroom while the remaining five head towards the bathroom area.
Now, what DID happen was the five heading towards the bathroom area end up doing that. But upon Biggie and the suspicious seven starting to turn. There is Ghost Rider. Biggie does not speak as Robbie uses his foot to bend up the bike. That is a lot of restraint. Really it is.
Wait. No. He walked over.
That's not his bike.
He gives a slight smile, chuckling. The other seven start to laugh as well before they move in a blur, surrounding Robbie.
'I will make you stand back as I reflect; For these attacks to have further effect'
Oh hey. There are now Six Biggies. So that makes it. One... two... three... 13 around Robbie alone.
As Red X pops out, spouting off his quip about 'not today Satan' before cutting at the blade with his holy water enhanced sword, the chain does end up giving away at the point of the strike .
Not really appreciating that, the demon who initially made his appearance in Metropolis brings up a clawed hand to strike out at Damian. Only instead to have a Catman leap on top of him with his own claws extended.
- Cain Marko has posed:
Glancing back down at Tara, Cain can't help smirking a little at her return question. "Somethin like that. Don't worry about it." He turns to watch Robbie, or Eli, or whoever approaching the bikers. It seems like he might be about to attack them or something? He's not a hero, so he doesn't really care. Maybe they got it comin, he don't know. What is going on in there though? Okay, he might not care. But he is a little curious. So he starts to make his way inside towards where the demons apparently have arrived. He's taking a leisurely pace, but with his legs that still moves pretty fast. He arrives in time to see Catman attacking a... demon? Okay. Been a while since he saw one of those. He frowns slightly as he considers the scene, and also the... somethingtuplet bikers that are doing something. Those are less interesting. He continues to amble forwards, more or less towards T'Margathoth the Corrupter or whatever this guys name is. His size makes him stand out. Though, he's still wearing civillain clothess. Also demons are from another dimension, so it's possible they've never heard of him to begin with.
- Robbie Reyes has posed:
"Better!" Ghost Rider snarls and ... is that a smile?
He steps forward once, and with the motion the chain is pulled forwards, sliding up from behind the rider's stance and up into the air as he whips it around with a large motion from his arm and the shiny metal spins through the air fast enough that the wind behind it catches fire, or is that he hellfire he's pouring down the links to the final bladed spike on the end.
Eli's rage and Robbies fury errupts out of the flaming skull with a roar that shakes the very earth itself, as if he's loud enough to tear a hole back to hell. "DIE PISS ANTS!" The Rider screams as he swipes the chain down and around, aiming to slice, tear, and evicerate as many demons around him as he can.
- Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Tara was content to go looking into what was going on. In her life she had never seen an actual demon, but that didn't mean she couldn't sense them... and apparently they were everywhere. Now she was torn, there were still innocent people around who could get hurt but there were also a lot of those Biggies over there. Her tail flicks behind her, and though it seems like a long time in her own mind that she makes the decision, it really is only a matter of seconds.
White silvery magic begins to flow around her body, touched by Goddess Moon, it almost screams of some sort of divinity and yet not of the Christian God. The light envelopes her body, which grows and changes into something not at all human in appearance. A monster of legend, what some might mistake as a were-panther, eight feet tall, clawed hands and feet, covered in fur... a walking wall of music.
When the light fades she is already charging toward the Biggies as she shouts out, clear English with her same accent, "Ghost! This one is the strongest of them!" And to mark him, a bolt of silvery white energy shoots out from her hands to strike the one in question.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Demons, monsters, horrors. Quiet shrugged herself out of her jacket and levelled her handgun.
The mute woman might have been called the 'world's deadliest bikini model' in jest before, might have ruled the battlefield when it came to wars and pulled off impossible shots...she could even tangle with threats Captain America could face!
But she couldn't make a bullet hit any harder than normal, and so she raised the handgun and fired, hoping the demon wasn't completely bulletproof!
- Damian Wayne has posed:
Red X's sword is pulled out from the ground, and with luck, he got a backup in the form of Catman. Red X continued the assault by using that same sword to attack the demon's legs, making sure not to get too close at Catman's limbs as well. "What exactly is it with demons and rhyme?" He asks, even in combat, still quipping, it's a tactic at least, distracting your enemy could get you an advantage.
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
Quiet does indeed shoot true and because of her choice of targets, it was super effective. As the bullet hits one of the Biggies. The form immediately pops out of existence, allowing for the bullet to continue on into the demon across from it. That demon glances down at the entry wound. Taking his attention off of Robbie for the moment.
How fortunate indeed it was for Robbie to swing his chain where he does. As he spints it counter clockwise, he manages to start two people over from where Biggie was, the first one ends up howling in pain as the chains just slice through him like butter. But the second one it hits, who looks like Biggie ends up popping from existence with no reaction. And then the chain ends up hitting the actual Biggie.
Giving a loud growl Biggie twists, catching on to the chain to tug it off, but quite visibly hurt as he staggers back only to stumble forward as Tara hits him with a blast from behind. The four Biggies to the right of the actual one end up vanishing as the spell gets dropped leaving six untouched bikers with angry expressions running at the rider while Biggie starts to recover.
As Damian and Catman tangle with the demon, Nick is left to work on wiggling out of the chains he got wrapped in now that one end is loose. It's taking a moment but in the course of his struggle he's noticing the five bikers approaching, looking none too happy. "Uh Guys?!"
The security guard with the pepper spray steps forward, looking to the bikers with an authorative look to him. "I'm going to have to ask you guys to leave..."
- Cain Marko has posed:
Cain looks from side to side at the chaos. Going by his body language, he doesn't really consider any of this a threat. But, he's an arrogant sort of guy. "Hmm. Well. I guess as long as I'm hre." He notes the one that Catgirl pointed out and that managed to rebuff one of Ghost Rider's attacks. Rolling his neck, he begins to move towards him, picking up apeed as he he does. It's too close for a full speed charge, but he still manages to make it to a startling clip as he closes in on him. There's nothing subtle about the attack that follows, just drawing back with one massively oversized fist and letting loose at this particular demon right around the middle. It would be easily enough to kill anybody human, and would send most superhero strongmen flying at least. What it'll do to this thing, he's about to find out. If it doesn't dodge it.
- Robbie Reyes has posed:
The riders chain is rebuffed, and the demon's hand withstands the hellfire with a bit of a surprise to Eli, but the rider remains stoic. Another step forward, and a second chain slides from the Spirit of Vengance, and as he's about to whip it at the demon, a large dude appears to punch the hell out of the demon.
With that foe wrapped up in a human that doesn't quite deserve the hellfire from the Rider, he turns to face the other images of the demon around him, and with the motion the chains both go up in the air, high, before the Rider bends down and slams his hands into the ground before him, whipping the chains back down, in a long overhead slam into anything in front of him with fire bursting from the impact of the chains on the ground or foes.
- Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Tara pauses for a moment, watching Cain and Ghost Rider going up against Biggest Biggie, trying to determine if her claws are needed in the fight or if they have it under control. She knows there is another demon around the stage, she could see it's energy earlier and to her eyes, Biggest Biggie has his hands full.
"If you need further aid," she says to Ghost and/or Cain, if either are even listening. "Call me!"
Turning on her lower paws, she literally steps into the shadows of the Biggest Biggie, and steps out by the stage, already running on all four paws toward the back where the other demon was.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Well, it looked like bullets both worked and didn't, that...well, it was confusing.
Still, while she wasn't quite anywhere near sorceress catgirls or flaming hellfire chains? Quiet still had a few bullets left.
Then the spell was dropped and it was angry humans to deal with. That she could handle!
Crouching low her form curls before springing upwards and landing with more impact than the slender woman should rightfully make.
Landing at a distance, her gun snaps up and she opens fire at the demon's back, perhaps a distraction, but at the very least she'd put herself between the demon fight and the 'angry bikers' if they kept attacking.
- Damian Wayne has posed:
Red X continues to fight the demon, allowing Mr. Pepper Spray to deal with the bikers and to protect Mike from the human threats.
Red X takes the sword, and attempts to plunge it into an exposed part of the demon, at the very least hoping to force the demon to retreat.
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
Cain's charge to the back of Biggie ends up having some effect as he indeed does not get stopped with his approach. As the punch connects, Biggie stumbles forward several steps before slowing himself down, turning to look towards Cain. 'Go no further is what I desire; To stop you I will bathe you with fire!' pointing his hand towards Cain, he shoots a fireball at the man and then another. Feeling something strike his back, the demon turns his head to look in Quiet's direction, annoyed.
Robbie's double chain attack ends up slapping down upon two lessers. The chains end up wrapping around causing for two more bisected bikers to go falling to the ground. Ewww....
The bikers pause, looking towards the guy with the pepper spray. Looking to each other laughing. Looking a bit hurt, the guard frowns, "I mean it. We have a secu-" He doesn't get to finish as the bikers move forward. Whelp don't say he didn't warn them. The spray goes wild, and he's successful enough to get two of them in the eyes before a third biker manages to knock him out. And then there were three bikers approaching the bathrooms.
The combined efforts of Catman and Red X slashing at the Demon's feet with blessed weapons is a sufficient form of distracting, causing for the chain spell to suddenly give away. Great news for Nick as he's now scrambling to his feet. And with two of the approaching Bikers being taken out by Pepper spray that seems like good news as well. The two bikers that didn't get hung up by Sgt. Pepper start to turn towards the rocker. And judging by the expression, they're not here to play nice.
As one of the bikers rush at him, Nick does not return the favor and instead waits. Stepping aside at the last moment, allowing for the man to run past him. Does he do anything to attack the guy?
Because he's busy dodging the other guys running at him.
That is until the demon Catman and Red X are cutting up opts to run away (again) freeing Catman up to go bezerk on some human bikers.
- Cain Marko has posed:
Huh! That was surprisngly little effect. Cain skids to a stop and considers Biggie. "Well, you're tougher than you look." And then fireballs are being throwna t him. Magicla fireballs. He scowls and raises an arm as they come at him, and there's a sizzling sound as they actually scorch his skin. "Motherfucker!" Okay, now he's actually angry. He lunges at Biggie, grabbing the demon by the throat and swinging him around at any other bikers, or demons, or anybody else that he doesn't like the look of nearby, squeezeing down slowly on the things neck. Hiting however he can before hauling back and just... throwing him. Straight up. And with all of his strength at that. So, rather than falling back down after a certain point it's just going to keep going, and going, and going. And unless it has somne sort of flight power or other way to slow itself, probably going to end up just leaving the atmosphere. And then going some more.
- Tara Tsabedze has posed:
Not wanting to murder anyone, as it wasn't her nature, Tara chooses to use what she refers to as 'taser punch'. Moving in quickly, she selects the target by his placement and intent. As her body moves, the silvery white energy forms on her right hand. Once in range, she flattens her paw and slams it into the human's chest, not aiming to break anything, but the silvery white energy dissipates into the human like a huge taser just went off on him.
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
Cain's response to the fireball was great indeed and as the demon is sent sailing skyward, the remaining four that tried to surround Ghost Rider end up being made quick work of with another few swings of the chain. Soon the number of combatants over on that side drifts to zero.
Tara's more humane approach is quite effective. The man's expression doesn't have much time to change before he collapses in a pile. There one second, out the next.
The one not currently being shown the err of his ways by Catman is stunned, not just by Tara's quick taking out of his teammate but also how quickly the other one is knocked down by Catman. That level of distraction was sufficient enough for a very tired, and yet VERY pissed off rockstar to get a right hook in.
As for the airborn demon, he is soon nothing but a memory for those in the ampitheater as he ends up vanishing from sight.