11584/Mean, Queen, and On the Screen

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Mean, Queen, and On the Screen
Date of Scene: 13 June 2022
Location: The Victorian Restaurant - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: As the world turns in the Hellfire Club...
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Tessa, Selene Gallio, Alexander Aaron, Warren Worthington, Bella, Talia al Ghul

Emma Frost has posed:
It's a lovely evening over inthe Club. Emma Frost isn't particularly paying attention over to the servers. The woman has taken it upon herself to don an outfit somewhat more reminiscent of her early days in the club, if not quite matching as she no longer had the position in the Inner Circle. On the table, mostly to her own devices was an old chessboard setup. Pieces covering it carved out of ivory, the chess table itself made of marble.

Tessa has posed:
Tessa is a bit like the dinosaur hidden in the Magic Eye poster. She blends into the background wherever she travels in the Club, but if you look hard enough, there she is. The dark-haired, tan-skinned woman is standing off near the doors to the Victorian's kitchen, having a quiet conversation with the executive chef. It's nothing terribly interesting unless one is dying to know more about the minutiae of sourcing top-tier seasonal ingredients. Tessa's eyes occasionally scan the floor of the place, taking note of every VIP who comes and goes.

Selene Gallio has posed:
On the other hand, always a contrast, Selene is dressed every bit in the part that she is entitled - thigh high black boots, a tight leather corset to emphasizes her ample figure, a small cape attached to the back of it, with a black leather thong showcasing her pale but well toned thighs. She strides into the restaurant with the bearing every bit of the queen that she is. Long black leather gloves up halfway to her forearm accent her fingers as she gestures briefly towards one of the attendants, who goes scurrying off in search of something. Her gaze sweeps over the room slowly, and a little bit of a smile twists up on her face as she beholds Emma choosing to eat in her domain. And dressed like back in the day. How charming.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    It is soon to be that the young man known in the halls of the Hellfire Club as Alexander Aaron will have to make a choice. A legacy member though he does not frequent the establishment. But in short order he likely will have to either make a commitment in some form, or stop even those occasional visits. Which led him to a stop to request an appointment with Mr. Shaw at some time when he is at his liberty...
    Though nothing today for he is rather well engaged.
    Yet it is a shame to make the trip and to visit and not enjoy the really rather exquisite offerings in the restaurant. Late in the evening it might well be that he wouldn't be able to get a table. But fortunately a cancellation had occurred. So dressed in an impeccable black suit with a black tie, he is shown to the table as he espies those near. Any glances longer than a moment are given a smile, but after that he takes his ease in his seat and orders a drink.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren sits with one leg crossed over the other, leaning back in his chair. He is with three others, a couple in their late 50's and a young woman about his own age. Of the three he is the only one stretching the black tie dress code, just enough to show he can, because he can. His suit is perfectly cut as always, but he skipped the tie and left the top three buttons of his white shirt undone. The winged mutant carries on conversation, though he cannot help but notice Selene's entrance. He smiles, the young woman to his right nudges him. All four laugh.

Emma Frost has posed:
From her position at the table, Emma Frost turns up over to Selene with a smile that might as well be as cold as Shaw's sense of compassion. "Selene, I do hope that everything finds you well." With about as much sincerity in it as the same. "Might you care to join me?" Gesturing at the other end of the table. Emma glancing over at Tessa for a moment as well in invitation. THen over to Alexander Aaron and Warren. Raising her hand to the two of them in a polite greeting as well.

Tessa has posed:
Tessa pauses in her conversation with the executive chef, not so much when Selene enters, but when the Attache to the Black King notices Selene noticing Emma. With some quiet conversational maneuvering, Tessa extracts herself from the conversation, and begins walking toward the imminent confrontation. She keeps a deliberate pace -- her body language is casual, suggesting nothing is wrong.

Selene Gallio has posed:
"Well enough for me, yes. How about yourself?" Selene begins the slow task of sauntering over towards Emma's table. "If you are coming to beg for your old post back, I am sorry to inform you that you have already been replaced by a new and improved model." Selene allows her gaze to travel up and down Emma's form. "But I do appreciate the effort of trying to squeeze yourself back into the uniform of your younger days."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    When Emma offered him that small greeting en passant, Alexander returned it with an easily given smile and then couples it with a gentle, "Ma'am." As is polite and proper. Though for a moment he does take in her garb, knowing perhaps enough that that signifies a good bit for this particular club.
    A nod is given to the server that steps by and he places a small order for a light repast. But his attention is, for the most part, on those around.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren whispers something in the ear of the younger woman at his table, says something to the three of them and gets up when Emma waves. He straightens his jacket a bit. As he passes Alexander's table he shoots his fellow club member an amused grin.

"This should be good," he says.

Warren wanders over to Emma and Selene's table.

"Ms. Frost, MS. Gallio," he greets them, coming up from behind Emma's chair he stands beside it. The young mutant puts one hand on the back of her chair leans a bit. He is in time to catch Selene's barb. Any other woman, the young billionaire might play the gallant and reply in her defence. But this is Emma Frost. He knows better.

"Do you both play?" he asks with a nod to the chessboard and a grin. "I'd wager on that match."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would glance at Warren, "To some degree yes." Emma would turn in her seat as Alexander and Warren would approach over. She would gesture, "We've had.. Perhaps some exchanges over the years." Perhaps of trying to kill one another to some degree at least. Or worse than that.
    Emma would just smile at Selene, "So I've heard. I'm sure that you find her quite amusing." Emma would gesture and smirk, "And are we feeling somewhat outmatched lately I assume by the up and comer? And since there seems to be interest.>" Emma would gesture a tthe board.

Tessa has posed:
Tessa reaches the table just in time for a chess challenge to be issued. Her hands fold in front of her lap. She stands with the posture of a loyal attendant. "Miss Gallio," she says, dipping her head in a nod toward the minimally dressed woman. Then, her head turns: "Miss Frost. Mister Worthington. I trust that you are all enjoying the hospitality and services of the Hellfire Club tonight?" Her voice is sweet and non-threatening. She even smiles.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    For his part Alexander perhaps knows enough to steer clear of what seems to be brewing. A subtle feel of tension in the air that he can taste. A hint of... anxiety perhaps if not fear from one or another. Though, to be fair, that could just be from the chef that had to endure Tessa's steady gaze.
    Then the server returns with his imported German beer, so swank of course. Though for now he observes and tilts his head looking upon the others.

Selene Gallio has posed:
Remaining standing, Selene inclines her head towards Warren. "Please feel free - perhaps then she may stand a chance at notching a win." Her gaze returns to Emma. "You always cast these aspersions, my dear. It is a bit too much of projection. I am excited by the prospect of having someone with actual talent and repute to sit opposite me. It is a startling change from the past." Selene makes a slow shrug of her shoulders. "I am looking forward to not having to pull all of the weight myself."

Warren Worthington has posed:
"This always happens when you intimidate them," Warren says playfully to Emma with a sigh.

Warren gives Tessa a bright smile, and once over, when she joins them. He stays leaning on Emma's chair, a clear show of sides, but otherwise ignores Selene's comment. Warren winks at the woman at his table, who is looking over at the group.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would just smile, "I see. So you're scared of her then?" Emma would muse. "I suppose that's a fair thing. The woman could crush you to nothingness from what I've heard." Emma would muse to herself. "And you're not the type to win something simple when someone is willing to wager of you?"

Tessa has posed:
Where Warren is showing which side he's chosen by leaning on Emma's chair, Tessa favors a less obvious technique. All the same, one can read into it whatever they want: the woman is standing much closer to Selene than she is to Emma. "If there is an issue, I would be most willing to mediate as needed."

Selene Gallio has posed:
An eyebrow arches. "Sometimes, my dear, I think you listen to your own interpretations of conversations and substitute your own perceptions of reality." Selene taps the side of her temple. "I have seen people with your abilities fall into this trap too often in my years. Avoid the temptation, and focus instead on the reality of the situation." Selene laughs softly. "Why should I have any fear of an ally? I have little to fear from anyone at all." She glances over Emma again. "What fear of yours drove you from your post, to instead cower with the rest of the wretches in that little manor?" There is a bit of a look to Warren, but then her gaze settles on Emma again. "Afraid that eventually, your years as a charlatan would catch up to you?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    When his salad is brought to his table, Alexander lifts his gaze to the young woman who is so burdened. He accepts the plate and she swaps out his beer with a fresh one so politely. A perfect example of ordered and well-trained staff. Yet his curious hazel eyes are enough to give her pause as well as when he asks gently, "Pardon?"
    The young Olympian then turns in his seat, perhaps two tables away from the gathering of worthies so intent on drawing sides. It's really a rather interesting selection of souls. He tilts his head up and asks the server, "Does this..." A beat, then he lifts his eyes fully to meet hers, smiling easily enough. "Does this happen often?"
    Not too loud as to be easily overheard, but not entirely too quiet. And, of course, there is the issue of telepathy.
    The server, however, just smiles a little nervously and murmurs, "I'll be back shortly to check on you, sir."

Emma Frost has posed:
Letting Warren show his support Emma goes to casually lean back and glance up at Selene, "Oh, I have few needs to. And I left my post, as you put it, as I found quite better allies and position than the little cabal you've made yourself a part of." She would glance at Tessa, "No remote offense intended darling." Glancing up at Selene, "Little to fear then? With age comes delusion I presume?" The two in ful fledged barb mode now.
    Emma's not bothering to try and read Alexander's mind. Attempting to do so with deities is almost always more trouble than it's worth.
    As Selene's baiting would go on, Emma would finally admit, "Perhaps. But change can be a wonderful thing. Adaptation. You are the living embodiment of 'can't teach a old dog new tricks'." She would grin.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren is a far easier read, and far less interested or practised in this kind of standoff of than the women at the table. His eyes go cold and his smile is obviously unfriendly at the mention of the mansion. He studies Selene's features carefully as she exchanges barbs with Emma.

Tessa has posed:
Tessa glances back over her shoulder, surveying the other diners -- including Alexander. She can be certain that this standoff has an audience, now. She returns her attention to the discussion at hand. "Miss Frost," she says, still in her sweet and servile tone, "While the Hellfire Club is quite grateful for the patronage of VIPs such as yourself, I must remind you that matters of the Hellfire Club Board are not suitable for discussion in public areas. I would kindly ask that you adhere to this need for propriety on behalf of the Club."

Selene Gallio has posed:
"Certainly, it is easier," replies Selene, a brief glance again to Warren before her gaze returns to Emma once more. "You act as if my age is something to be embarassed about instead of a position of pride." She nods her head in the direction of Warren without looking to him. "Surely even he would say that I am far better preserved for my age than you are for yours. And let us not speak of how it shall be in ten years time." Selene's grin broadens. "Perhaps that is why you fled our halls - the time had simply come for you to retire to a place where one's appearance is far less...pertinent."

Tessa's comment earns a warm smile from Selene. "The Emma I knew and respected would never need to be reminded of such obvious things," she observes.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    If one were to imagine the God of Fear was a scoreboard, then his raised eyebrows at the comment about old dogs and new tricks would likely signify a point. Though his attention immediately flits toward Selene to consider the given rejoinder.
    Which again given his current role as scoreboad likely signals that Selene has tied up the match.
    The salad, for now, gets a little more attention. But it would be foolish to imagine he's not still listening.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would muse, "Oh, I'd hardly call it embarrassed, woman. More like stuck in an eternal rut. I'm sure that preserved is the best way to put it." the light smirk of her voice implies 'like plastic' but doesn't directly say it. Tessa's given a light look of all things apology before Emma would lean back. "And everything is fleeting, Selene. Appearance is not everything. Merely one weapon of perspective to be wielded like so many others. You seem quite intent on caring purely about it." The implicit tone implying 'how childish' if not directly said.

Definitely popcorn time for the others.

Tessa has posed:
Tessa's body language continues to convey little. Her hands stay folded in front of her lap. If she wasn't dressed in an elegant couture gown, the way she stands next to Selene would make her seem like a server attending the table. "Thank you, Miss Frost," Tessa says. The atmosphere of venomous tension doesn't seem to affect the dark-haired woman at all. She remains completely gracious.

Selene Gallio has posed:
Waving a hand vaguely, Selene regards Emma. "You are the one casting it in that. There are plenty of arenas we could square off in, if you would like. I am happy to entertain any of them." A soft laugh. "This one just seemed the one you were most comfortable in. I was merely curious why you were flitting about as if you belonged here, despite having run into the embrace of..." She trails off for a moment, looking to Warren. "Less stylish colleagues."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    With a slight twist of a smile, it's when Emma makes the comment about being 'preserved' that he lowers his eyes to suddenly realize. Wow what an amazing salad. As he pushes around the vegetables and chicken around with some measure of aplomb, the fork lightly drifting here and there. Eventually he even takes a bite
    Looking up he lets his gaze drift in turn to Tessa, though Warren is a point of curiousity too. Though it might be of small note were there those that were so inclined, that most of those within hearing distance of this encounter have those subtle micro-tells of cringing a little. A hint of shoulders hunching. Some possible signs of expectation for... something bad.
    Yet the Olympian youth has none of it, not exactly openly observing. For that would be impolite. But unafraid of whatever may come. Though at Selene's words he more openly appraises good Warren.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren's wings twitch slightly in annoyance at Selene, but he smiles a little bit at her comment about their relative looks. He has never been able to hide his appreciation of certain women. It has never taken a mind-reader to know that he finds Emma incredibly attractive, yet another victim of her psychological warfare on the weaknesses of men around her. And he knows it.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would dip her head over at Tessa with respect and then back to Selene, "Oh, less stylish? Is that envy I hear in your voice? If we're going purely by direct association with the highest ranks of the club membership on the board of directors then I associate with quite a few far more well to do. There are quite a few now amongst my more direct contacts that are quite better off financially than the board. Again no offense Tessa, but i fit's merely the comparison of direct worth.."
    And Emma would muse, "Why, because I am allowed here, until Shaw says otherwise. In which case I might respect his wishes. But given he's not said so in the matter I do hope I can continue to enjoy access to here on some occasions when I do fancy dropping by to see how things are doing."

Bella has posed:
Bella is an occasional sight at the VIP Lounge area of the club, but rarely ventures out of it, those more in the know with connections to the Inner Circle may actually be aware of Bella's nature. But the majority knows she's surprising reclusive for her apparent young age, and only holds discourse with the most esteemed members of the club. It mostly lead to gossip about the nature of her family, and what kind of old money she's attached to, but also serves rather well to keep Bella safe from unwanted meddling company.

Today she fancied entertaining herself by venturing to her least frequented place, the Victorian Restaurant level. Amusingly enough dressed in a red Victorian ball gown, she steps slowly into the room, taking quick glances of those about, before offering Alexander the slightest of nods.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Oh yeah. Talia al Ghul is here, and she's likely -been here- for some time. In one of those corner tables beneath dim lighting, plates of delicate faire laid out before her and flutes of champagne (or rose, hard to tell with the light) bubbling away. She's not alone, either. Rather, she's chatting up a smartly dressed man in his mid to late forties. The conversation seems pleasant and polite, loosened up a touch by sparkling wine and Talia's own natural charm.

"I must admit, I find the whole thing a little absurd. This..." the man says, and gestures over his shoulder to the Victorian restaurant situated within a... well. We all know what the Hellfire Club -is-. At its core, at least. Talia smiles.

"It is absurd," she agrees, and leans over the table to pluck a bit of something salty and dip it into something sweet. She pops it into her mouth and gazes thoughtfully over her shoulder. The thin straps of her black dress are adjusted while she crosses her left leg over her right and gently tips a high heel back and forth in the air. "But a splash of absurdity makes life a touch more palatable, don't you think?"

The man glances across the table to her and chuckles. He lifts his glass and takes a slow sip. "...Perhaps. Perhaps I'll consider your offer, as well. And your current..." he gestures again, "situation."

"That is all I ask of you, Mr. DaCourte."

Selene Gallio has posed:
Selene sighs. "Why must you make every encounter into some sort of contest between us, Emma?" She shakes her head. "I care not for engaging in any measurements of pecking order or appearance, or whatever it is that you wish to use to validate your experiences against mine. We swim in different waters, you and I - you are such a bright, striking, colorful fish in your pond, and I applaud you for that." Another slight shrug. "I am sorry that I lack the time or inclination to engage in a full line by line comparison of our current resumes."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    When Bella's attention falls upon him, Alexander sets his fork down and meets her gaze albeit briefly, rising partially from his seat. Then he lowers his eyes and murmurs, "Ma'am." Before he sits back down. It is a smooth progression of formality, well-practiced and well-executed.
    And then he's giving a smile as he returns to his meal for the moment. Perhaps missing some of what was said by the nobility and their ire aimed at each other. Yet he does tilt his head and return his consideration to the mild spectacle nearby.

Emma Frost has posed:
If that's a request from Selene to dial it back some then Emma yields to do the same, "Why thank you. And we do go in different waters, Selene. Lives do move on and change. I do appreciate these tete a tetes we occasionally have. They do keep us both sharp after all. Now.." She would gesture at the board, "Fancy a game?" Going to turn to watch Bella enter, and the quiet talk of Ms. Al Ghul in the background.

Tessa has posed:
Bella's entrance is noticed by Tessa. The Attache to the Black King notices everything, it seems like. She's been aware of Talia's presence for as long as Talia has been present, and occasionally glances over her way, like she's making sure Talia remains engrossed in her conversation.

Meanwhile, within the bubble of Emma and Selene's confrontation, Tessa remains as neutral as anyone can hope to appear. "Your VIP privileges are indeed intact," she says to Emma. "Though as you correctly note, they remain so at the discretion of Mister Shaw. While there are no rules of the Hellfire Club that require every member to /like/ one another," Tessa affects a small smile here, meant to indicate friendliness, some sense of good humor, other hoo-man emotions like that, "it is generally considered good etiquette to avoid needless antagonism of fellow members. Especially members of considerably higher rank than yourself." Tessa's smile remains intact. She's being so sweet and so nice! She's just a darling.

Selene Gallio has posed:
There is a slow smile on Selene's face as she regards Emma. "Yes, well, some of us are forced to move on to find easier waters to master. Some of us can simply remain where we are once we have mastered it." She nods her hear towards Warren. "He seemed quite eager to face off against you, although I suspect that he would be easier to distract within the game than I would be." She turns her gaze towards Tessa, and offers her a truly warm smile. "I think you speak on behalf of Mr. Shaw rather well, my dear. I appreciate the courtesy with which you are explaining what should require no explanation." Selene looks back to Emma. "I shall leave you to your game, and to your toy, Emma. I, unfortunately, have more pressing matters to attend to." She walks away from the table, a hand reaching out to brush casually against Tessa's back in passing.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul does appear to be, for the most part, entirely focused on the man across from her. She smiles and nods while he speaks. She laughs at his jokes. She looks from behind long lashes and champagne flutes with an intelligence that suggests she's -listening- instead of simply waiting for an opportunity to speak. It's textbook stuff, really. Carefully weighed and measured and spent. Talia is, of course, also aware of those around her. The tet a tet between Emma and Selene. The entrance of Bella within the restaurant. Alexander and Warren at their respective tables. But you wouldn't know it to look at her.

"And what of a... membership?" Talia inquires. She delicately walks a pair of fingertips across the spine of her previously untouched fork and applies a delicate pressure, popping its handle up from the table to tap against the palm of her hand. The man chuckles quietly and leans forward to stroke his beard.

"You are quite the saleswoman," he says, just as a young woman arrives in a pencil skirt and blouse. Definitely not a Hellfire Staff member. "Ah... I see. Miss al Gh-- Talia. I need to be taking my leave," he says.

"Regrettably urgent, I suppose," Talia says wistfully, prompting a grim nod from the man across from her. She smiles. "I'll see you soon."

With that, the man takes his leave, and Talia al Ghul is left alone at a table for two, candlelight flickering and champagne flutes bubbling.

"Delightful," she purrs.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren looks a little disappointed and smirks from beside Emma.

"Actually, I wanted to see you play her, Ms. Gallio. I know where I'd put my money," he says. "But Ms. Fox probably wouldn't approve if you lost with an audience."

Emma Frost has posed:
Tessa's asked politely so Emma gives a low nod, "Of course." She would reply over in acquiescence. If there's any sort of immediate regret at her current status in the club, it's not shown on her face or in her mind. Selene's final barb does not get a reply since Emma -did- initiate this fencing and Sage asked for her rather politely to stop on it! So there's no reason to continue.

"I do understand that you have many things to take care of." To Selene. "And thank you for this passing engagement." Emma goes to draw her hands away from the chess set. Talia's exchange with the man is noted - at least as much as Emma can passively pay attentionw tihout sweeping minds. Somewhat too blatant for something so seemingly unimportant in the background.

The chess set is gestured to. "Might youc are to take this then as my apology for yourself?" That's over to Tessa, "you were the one to remind me of the appropriate behaviors." The old oaken carved chess set with the ivory pieces. The offer is to Tessa directly.

Bella has posed:
Bella is not one to give away her connections or relations in public, it's a bit of a faux pas, and so she doesn't actually head towards Alexander to engage him in conversation. Isn't she meanders closer to Talia, a very rare warm smile takes shape on Bella's lips, as she looks over at Tessa and briefly remarks, "it is, as ever, a pleasure to bump into you, Talia...you've bloomed to perfection."

As Talia's company deigns to leave, Bella quips, "I do hope it is not for my interruption, apologies..."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    It is with Selene's departure that the young God of Fear is left to reflect. To go over the various sorties and advances which led each of the social charges. Considering the attacks and the battlements upon which they struck. Eyebrows rising in consideration he lets his gaze follow Selene's departure, though perhaps not in the same manner that others allow themselves to be distracted.
    Then it's back to Emma and Warren, their interplay and shared body language a curiousity if only for a moment. He only them seems to settle back into his seat, taking up his beer for a sip. Yet at Warren's rejoinder his eyebrows rise. Though the offer of a game of chess. That is enticing in and of itself as he considers the board. Then the proposed opponent. Then the board again.

Tessa has posed:
Warren's comment doesn't break Tessa's inhuman customer service vibe. "Au contraire, Mister Worthington. Games deserve to be won by whomever plays them best." With a dip of her head, Tessa then intones: "Please continue to enjoy the service at the Victorian. If you've saved room for dessert, I highly recommend the Mocha Dacquoise." Then the woman in purple turns, to follow after Selene.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul has taken on a more relaxed posture following the departure of her guest. One arm is elegantly looped over the back of her chair, and while her legs are still crossed, they are also sort of reclining out a touch ahead of her. That champagne flute is lifted to her dark lips and tipped back when Bella arrives, and the woman will receive a contemplative look that pairs rather nicely with those big brown eyes and that pitch black hair.

"Of course not. You know how volatile certain lines of work can be. Besides, it just means there's more champagne and hors d'ouevres for us to share. Sit, sit. Do not let me drink alone. The world is depressing enough as it is."

She straightens up a touch, but her body language never quite spins back up into what it was before the man had left. Predatory. Wound tight like a spring about to burst. She seems, for whatever reason, to be more comfortable and relaxed around Bella. Or, at the very least, she's not thinking about all the different ways to kill Bella with cutlery.

"There is rose and champagne, some cheeses and, oh, these," Talia gestures to what looks to be some sort of pastry. "Pastel de Nata. Portugese. -So- good."

Emma Frost has posed:
With Tessa and Selene disengaging, Emma gives a light nod over to Tessa, then leans back over. Well, this was interesting; a bit more aggressively against her than she had necessarily intended. But.. Illuminating.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The floor show completed, and the activity eased, it leaves one with more time to focus upon the matters at hand. Such as enjoying the bounty before oneself. So it is with a casual aplomb that Alexander Aaron, God of Fear, enjoys his choice of dinner. At times there are even touches of indulgence in the aforementioned beer. Yet it doesn't take too terribly long that he finishes his plate and is given the check.
    Of course the check is answered with the slight /fnap/ of a card being placed on it which leaves Alex with some time to consider the room now at some measure of peace. Those curious hazel eyes drift over Emma and her conversation with Warren. Then a tilt of his head brings Bella and Talia into the periphery of his vision without entirely looking in their direction.
    There's a scrape as his chair is pushed back. He rises to his full height, sweeping one hand along the curve of his tie and clearly not entirely at ease with such. Then he advances. Close enough to Emma and Warren he pauses to lift his voice not too terribly loud however. "Miss Frost," He offers. Then he adds, "You were up by one point when the match ended."
    He then starts on his way toward the door.

Bella has posed:
Bella casually invites herself to join Talia at her table, and snaps her fingers for a servant, as she calls out, "I'll have my red, if you don't mind," a charming smile offered, before she turns to look Talia over, pride breeming from her gaze. "How have you been of late, dear Talia? It's been a while since I last saw you."