12049/Ballet Recital

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Ballet Recital
Date of Scene: 24 July 2022
Location: Podium at Theatre Row
Synopsis: FyreMuse studios presents, A Night at the Ballet! Featuring Cassandra Cain as a main performer. Subtext includes: family reuninon, innocent beauty, and joy. Lots of joy.
Cast of Characters: Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Natasha Romanoff, Barbara Gordon, Summer Gleeson, Gabby Kinney, Samuel Guthrie, Sandra Wu-San, Phoebe Beacon, Conner Kent

Cassandra Cain has posed:
    The FyreMuse studies presents, young dancers sharing their ballet talents. Please enter, enjoy, and do remember to keep the noise down when a performer is on stage.

    This is posted on the entryway for the theatre, seats are open as well as standing room for those less inclined to sedentary pursuits. There are places to get drinks, though snacks are a bit less present. It is considered to be a higher-class event of sorts.

    While partly sponsored by the Wayne Foundation, this is primarily a sharing of the students' hard work. They did this, along with the proud teachers and parents of our dancers.

    "Please, come in. Welcome."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown, for a change is not late in arriving. She not only shows up a little early, but she's dressed up for the event, wearing a summer dress. The blond girl gets a drink as she mingles, waiting for other family members to arrive.

She pulls out her phone and snaps a selfie with a hue smile and a thumbs up, and sends it to Cassandra Cain.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff enters in quietly. This is something she's being present for rather demurely. A set of sunglasses is on her face and her hair is tied back in a bun. She's wearing a more relaxed set of slacks and jeans. A red purse dangles over at her side. She's just looking over around the theatre, and seeming at complete ease. Also quite difficult to spot as who she actually was unless one paid a great deal of attention.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara Gordon had arrived just a few moments earlier. WEaring a scarlet hued dress, she has her hair done up in a bun on the crown of her head with a few loose strands falling around the sides of her face. She wears a modest amount of makeup, and is smiling to those that she's interacted with thus far upon arriving.

Within moments, she's got a drink, though, and is waving to Stephanie across the distance toward her. She walks toward Steph and grins widely. "Drinks too. This should be fun." She tells the younger blonde woman, before taking a drink. "I'mk so proud of Cass too..." She softly adds.

Summer Gleeson has posed:
A recital that was being sponsored partially by the Wayne Foundation and it was something exciting? Count Summer in! The redhead has arrived alone this evening, but dressed in the quintessential black dress and not too sensible heels. She wasn't going to be walking that long and thank god there were seats! The news anchor is all smiles as she greets people that she knows and gives warm and friendly smiles to those that she doesn't as she is handed a program and then moves to find a drink like others are.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney steps in looking completely out of place. She'd opted to wear a nice green dress and some strappy sandals so she looked neat, tidy, and at least seasonably dressed. There's even a little clutch purse in hand that she holds onto for dear life. How did people not lose these all the time?

As she steps in she sniffs the air recognizing... Way more smells than she expected. Now if only she was good enough to match them to everyone at this point. It does calm her a bit though; familiar people were around even if she might not know their faces outside of costume.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie had showed up a bit early to offer his help if needed with anything backstage since he is connected to where Cass has studied. He brought a video camera to make sure there are recordings of it, one so Cass can have a copy of it and two to help others see themselves dancing as well. He is wearing a purple dress shirt, and black dress pants, hoping to be able to blend in a bit. While Sam is talking to the stage manager, another young man comes walking in. He is wearing a white button up shirt and kaki dress pants. One arm has a bag of snacks in it, either brought here or snuck in, the other pulling at his shirt collar. He finds a seat in the back of the room away from the main crowd, but does stand up and waves like a wild man at Cassandra if she is seen before the recital.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff has settle din and goes to look at those arriving. Those that seem more enthusiastic are paid attention to. Those that seem to be taking it a little lower key as well. Anyone who seems to have gone hte route like seh is of trying ot keep their presence minimized is definitely taken a notice of. The dark sunglasses esrving to cover her eyes and where her attention was going as she would just watch and go towards the seats.

Sandra Wu-San has posed:
Somewhere near the back of the room, there sits a woman whose black, gold-trimmed damask top hugs her body from the neck down, paired with a white skirt split down the sides, simple black leather flats, and a dark jade comb tucked into her raven-black bun. She entered--

-- at some point. Somewhere amidst the throng, with little to say to anyone beyond ticket takers. There's a glass of champagne in hand, cupped and waiting while she watches the stage expectantly.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    The FyreMuse instructor had been busy bouncing around back stage, her hair done up in a perfect bun as the short woman helps with slippers, ribbons, bobbipins and all other manner of performance prep, buzzing around like mad to get everyone ready. Her students may not be professional level, but she certainly is, and she wants them to *feel* like they own the stage, whispering encouragement to the six-year-olds, a last minute admonishment to the ten-year-olds, and a fist-bump to her oldest student.

    In the audience though, there is a young woman looking incredibly nervous and out of place as Phoebe Beacon sits down towards the back, repping some of the Waynes who can't be here at the moment, with a ridiculously large bouquet of flowers. She's wearing a gray skirt with a pink flower detail and a light pink blouse. She didn't pick it.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
    On stage, the lights begin to go down. A lady walks out in respectful garb, smiling as if she's been working hard herself. Likely she has.

    "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the first FyreMuse Dance recital review. We remind you that our students are not professionals, and are here to display the skills they have been practicing. Please limit your flash photography to end-of-performance bows and be respectful of our performers and the family that has joined to watch them perform' generally."

    She bows, then turns to exit the stage, and the first performer comes on. A young lady, she begins to dance the dance of the sugarplum fairy. She stumbles, but gets back up and continues. What a trooper! She's really trying, but it's clear that she's not ready for a movie deal -quite- yet.

    The dancers have begun. Cassandra is not yet on stage.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown smiles back to Barbara. "Yes, I'd have never thought we'd be here today if you'd told me a year or two ago. I'm so proud of her," Stephanie says, beaming to the redhead.

Moving in, Stephanie takes a seat and falls quiet as the recital begins. She leans forward, looking for Cassandra but not spotting her yet.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Babs is running her eyes over the other guests that are filing in as well. She spends a moment or two talking to members of the audience who are familiar with her father, and thusly interested in speaking to her... always a wonderful thing, that.

Soon though, and she's joining Steph to sit beside her, still enjoying that drink glass she'd claimed for herself. "Nice to be out of the Tower for an evening too, one that is a little more upscale than my usual outings." She notes quietly with a smirk.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner arrives just as the lights go down. Technically he is not late, right? It took him a while to find a good outfit for this event. His ties were all in the Roost and he had forgotten.

A glance is given to the young dancer on stage, but she is not the one he came to see. So instead his eyes roam among the crowd, trying to find friends and team mates. There is a Phoebe, and a Gabby and... where are the others? Probably lurking around the rooftop or maintenance shafts looking for ninjas. In their defense, Cass would be doing the same if she wasn't going to be in the stage soon.

Summer Gleeson has posed:
Summer obtains a drink and then heads to find her seat. The redhead speaking quietly with those she is sat next to. When the announcer is speaking she is the picture of good manners, listening to the speaker to get all of the information. When the show starts she goes quiet again, her dark eyes flicking over the dancers as they appear onstage.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
    The little dancer curtsies, almost falling over, and then sprints to one side to the open arms of her parents. The lights go down but she's clearly the star of the show. Nobody could follow that act.

    Someone has to try though, and the lights come up. The program says that next is 'Cassandra', and a young lady that very likely nobody would recognize appears on stage.

    She's wearing makeup. And a tutu. Impossible. Cassandra Cain, the fighter, is up there and about to dance.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie is helping out with those behind the stage as well. He is giving a bit of encouragement and last minute advice to some of the boys who are nervous, reminding them, he has been here done this, they can handle it. He does make sure the Camera is in a good position checking it every now and again, not wanting it to fritz out and him not realize it. Bart sits quietly in the back of the place, he does offer the lady with the champagne some of his snacks if she wants some. But as Cas comes on stage he gives her his full attention.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Huh. Interesting. Natsaha Romanoff does glance over and takes in the sight of Shiva. Not the one she remotely expected to make an appearance here. Shiva definitely has her passive attention. The Red Room deserter would turn her attention back to the stage and watch the dance about to start. The ex ballet dancer in herself appreciative of the movements.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney wasn't quite 'Wayne seat' material but she did recognize Phoebe with the giant bouquet of roses. So she scoots down along the row of seats to plop down beside her giving a nod. "She'll love those," she asides quietly to her teammate and friend with a broad grin.

As the little dancer stumbles though she lifts her hands to clap about to hoot and holler congratulations--Before stopping herself. "Oh, wait, they probably don't want cheering on right? Right. My bad."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown is excited enough she leans over, shoulder bumping Barbara, and then grabbing her arm excitedly. "There she is!!" Stephanie whispers enthusiastically. As if Barbara couldn't see that for herself.

Stephanie's phone is put and filming, a huge smile on her face.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Babs gives a grin over to Steph who gets her phone going, while Babs deactivates her own. There's going to be plenty of pictures, and videos from other sources for all of this. She just slips her device in to the black leather clutche at her side, then raises her drink up to her lips for a sip. When she sets it down upon the table in front of her, she goes about applauding softly along with the rest of the audience.

"I'm going to have trouble not making irritating noises any time I see her in these outfits." Babs quietly whispers aside to Steph.

Sandra Wu-San has posed:
A young lady that nobody's likely to recognize holds the unwavering eye of a nigh-ageless woman who few are likely to WANT to recognize.

Her hands fold in her lap once one leg's delicately crossed over the other; her gaze narrows a bare, expectant inch.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    There is plenty of cheering; Gabby's not alone since Phoebe is trying to clap over the boquet, and Phoebe's a couple seats away from Steph and Barbara, still very awkward as she looks over to them with a little simle, and then back to the stage. Her own face lights up as she sees Cassandra, wearing a tutu, with stage make up on, and her own shoulders draw up as she takes a small breath. Her fingers curling a little bit as her ears and cheeks darken.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
The dancer stands, her back to the audience. Her outfit is a soft violet, her legs bare beneath a classical tutu and a matching top. She has her hair done up, and her eyes are hidden. Pointe shoes are worn properly, and her posture waits to begin.

    It lasts a moment, just enough to let the watchers quiet. Then, ready or not, it begins with a step.

    Backwards, she steps and turns toward them all. Rising up onto her toes, she extends her arms outward, encircling her body, and her eyes...oh, her eyes, she's so happy. She shines. The port de bras is held perfectly, the arm position being performed. She looks like she's trying a bit too hard though.

    The turn completes, and she's looking to one side. She dips, her fingers brushing the floor by her feet, then lifts up to bring the sun above her head, her eyes looking above her. She allows her right leg to rise, behind her, as she slowly turns. No pause, it's simply a place to be, her foot extending straight upward, pointing to take the sky.

     She waits, then lowers her feet to the ground and steps forward. At some point she turned the other way, but it's hard to tell exactly when it happened. Standing on the tips of her toes, she lifts her hands upward. It looks as if she's doing nothing at all, but also as if she's preparing to dive. It's a moment, and she dances on.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown sees Phoebe and waves over to her with a big grin. The blond's attention goes back to the dancing quickly then. Seeing Cassandra up on her toes makes Stephanie's own toes hurt. How does she do that!?

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would maintain her gaze over at Shiva and give a low nod back at her. Then her going to turn her attention back to the stage to watch the performance. She had not danced more than casually in a long, very long time. Too long. But tha twould not change anytime soon. So she cuold at least appreciate the skill another put int it.

Conner Kent has posed:
It takes Conner a minute to spot Bart, who is behind him now. In charge of the snacks? Typical Bart. Well, Conner prefers to stay closer to the stage, although still behind the seats. It means he can get close enough to greet Phoebe and Gabby, but it can't wait until later. He does wave to Cass, grinning.

Summer Gleeson has posed:
Summer was seated next to an older couple and the older woman keeps commenting on how beautiful the dancers are, talking about her dancing days. It makes the younger woman smile as she wasn't ever a dancer. She gives a soft smile though as Cassandra takes the stage. She focuses her attention on the performance that is going on. Not wanting to take away from the performance with idle chatter.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
    Cassandra walks backward, her eyes closing for a moment. She turns, curtsies, and then pivots her leg about her waist. It curls inward, touching herself with the tip of her toe, and the dancer allows it to lower when she's ready to do so. But only to do more, to lean onto one leg, to pose on a single toe, facing away from them all. Her right leg is out, her left arm as well. She turns on that toe, a musicbox dancer in patience.

    To the floor, she drops onto her right shin. Fingers arch behind her, and she touches to allow her left leg to lift up, and to stroke at the sky above. She's not working at all, it's just like laying about, playing with a cloud's silky path. Like watching someone who doesn't know that we're there.

    She stays on the ground, turning to follow the cloud. She arches her other leg over her own head, pausing to look and see if she's there. It makes her smile light her face again, even though those watching would see the flexibility needed. A full upside-down splits, made to seem like a dancer's plaything. And it is.

    For no reason she rises up, only to fall again. Never does she move with any speed, the fall even kept within a gentle path. She kneels, and her hair brushes the floor behind her. Then and then she lifts to her feet, to pivot in a proper classical pirouette. It does not last, as she returns one foot to the floor to allow her other leg to lift.

    Out to one side, her foot traverses the entire arc. It takes time, it is allowed to take time. It touches the sky above, but does not stop to show of or brag, simply continuing through until it once again touches its partner on the floor.

    She pauses, and blows a kiss. But she reaches back and grasps her foot, lifting it above her with the hand's help, arching her back impossibly far.

    And then she slides backward, going into a proper routine. Leg lifts, turn. Leg lift, turn, she pays for the dance she's done with a gift to how it was born. The simple practices that create a dancer's form, she goes through them welcomingly.

Sandra Wu-San has posed:
The woman with the champagne does not take snacks.

She doesn't even sip from her champagne.

It's as if there's nothing in this theatre, in this world but the stage, the impossibly adroit dancer, and a yawning gulf of darkness between them, as intent as she is upon following Cassandra's movements.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney resists the urge to hoot when Cass comes out. Really she's having to bite down on the inside of her cheeks not to be the rautious, uncivilized patron of the arts she in fact was. Instead she opts to raise both hands in the air hooking fingers together to make the 'Heart' shape that was so famous in selfies these days.

Glancing to Phoebe she offers, "I can hold the roses if you wanna do that too. Cheer her on!" She whispers with a wink to her friend. Conner's own presence gets a grin and nod as well in silent greeting. She was TRYING to behave.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Now that has Natasha's attention. How rapt the assassin is for things on the stage. Natasha would watch and muse over to herself, curiousity filed away to be investigated later on. This was essentially under a sort of truce in the atmosphere. One did not interrupt art after all.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives another wave back to Stephanie, though her attention's on Cass, up on pointe, holding herself perfectly, watching entranced as she moves from form to form, and the young woman in the pink shirt eases herself back, watching Cassandra dance, impossibly light on her feet.

    To the side, the FyreMuse instructor has her heart in her throat, watching as Cass floats across the stage.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
    Nearly done. It's only a two minute act. It feels so much longer.

    She lets her legs out, lets her head touch the floor between them, and ever so slowly rolls forward. Until she comes up with a grace that most dancers would die to achieve, and as she's rising she lifts her leg behind her self, to hold it. Simply, to be there. To know how it feels, and her eyes are closed with concentration. Arabesque.

    She lets it rest, and walks to one side. It almost looks over, but she pauses. Visibly a pause, she shakes her head. Then she smiles, and she turns on her center, on her soul.

    Then for a while she simply dances. She speaks, then she shouts. And, eventually, she sings. She pirouettes with her leg up behind her, a non-classic pose but one she does instinctively. She performs a slow, touching the ground backflip, that never once does she allow to become power over grace. She arches to the side and what appears to be a legsweep is slipped in, with what appears to be a wink from the dancer's shining eyes.

    She chaine, she chains. She turns, then pauses in proper fourth position. A turn, a pirouette, and she pauses with her arms above and feet together. Repeated it becomes something to the rhythm, the song being blended and taken with happiness. It looks as if she's finally going to jump, but instead it turns into a simple pose, the leg raised behind and the arms up.

    As her body turns, momentum dwindling, she lowers to the floor. And the song ends, with her gathering herself together. And she looks at us all with tears in her eyes.

    Tears, and joy. And she curtsie to her friends, and her family.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara had waved to Phoebe with a little finger motion, before she'd leaned back to Steph. "Years of arduous practice. I think Bruce can do it too." She says with a little grin toward her friend before she puts her eyes back upon the stage, just all smiles at the event unfolding, her eyes solely on Cass. Though she does take another sneak drink from her bubbly.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Bart does hoot and holler bravo and way to go when Cass takes her bow, seems the young man is happy for his friend. Backstage Sam knows the act is coming to an end, and while he wants to watch like everyone else, he makes sure the next in line knows it is almost time for them, but at the finish he is there in the wings clapping for the ABC girl and the progress she has made.

Sandra Wu-San has posed:
It's only a two minute act.

Nowhere near long enough.

At the end -- on the other side of a fluid stream of movements that might well have taken any other woman in the city years to master, when Cassandra's feet finally rest on the ground once more and the dark-haired young woman's curtseying and crying--

-- the woman downs her champagne in a swift gulp.

She stands, setting it to her side so she may enter the aisle with only a bouquet of paper-wrapped bouquet of dark roses, colorful chrysanthemums, and orchids resting in her arms and approaches the stage at a pace which is somehow -- impossibly, improbably -- brisk and methodical all at once, as if she were a train inexorably headed towards its destination.

Soon enough, she's circling the stage, climbing stairs -- or vaulting if she must. Anything to reach her destination.

Soon enough, she's crossing the stage, eyes still locked unerringly upon Cassandra-- on her destination.

Soon enough, she's reaching to cup the young woman's chin, to draw her upright so that she may look into dark eyes eerily like her own.

It's a gesture that only lasts a few seconds before she lets go, steps back, and lays the bouquet at the young woman's feet.

Who but Cassandra is to say how long it feels?

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
EMotion. Not something that Natasha feels, for all one might say or presume. Here.. Here she can appreciate Cassandra expressing herself and something that has meaning to the girl with her.. Family and friends? That's likely what it is for whatever reason. Natasha looks around the crowd, and is about to slip out right over when..

Huh, now isn't that interesting. This is something that Natasha hadn't the least bit of idea what was up. So she stays. Still relaxed over and in her chair, taking a sip over from her goblet of whatever orverpriced wine they were selling while she watches. Now's the time for information gathering. And for the old spy.. Every time was the right time.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner is claps with many others when Cass finishes her flawless dancing. Although he is no expert, he is pretty sure Cass' was not an amateur performance and most professionals can't do that well. So he is grinning, until the point a strange woman climbs on the stage.

Is that part of the act? He throws a glance to Bart, and studies carefully Cass' reaction. One can't never be too careful in Gotham. It feels as if there is a mad clown in every corner and a ninja in every rooftop.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cassandra Cain saw the woman coming. She had no reaction, her arm raised to the audience, and was about to be pulled offstage when this happened. And then someone uses a flash camera and blinds her a little bit, before finding eyes like her own, up close. She wasn't ready for that, and as she finds herself standing over flowers, she blinks. And then the lights go down. And Cass is offstage.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    The ballet instructor actually tries to stop Lady Shiva from getting to the stage -- mostly because if *one* person does it, then *everyone* is going to want to do it, and FyreMuse doesn't want to have a crowd of people storming the stage at every opportunity -- but she doesn't quite make it.

    Phoebe, from her position, goes to stand up as someone approaches the stage, breath catching in her throat--

    The audience is a little restless, and the house lights come up.

    "Ladies and gentlemen, FyreMuse now invites you to partake in a selection of baked goods and refreshments, curtesy of the Wayne Foundation. The lights will dim five minutes before the second act. Thank you so much for your appreciation of our students!"

    The instructor's heels tap as she makes her way for Cassandra, backstage, to check on her.

    Sam might get a text with 'make sure no parents are making their way backstage; I'll escort the little ones up.'

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney stiffens a bit herself as someone approaches Cass. Someone unfamiliar yet who moved... She merely sits with a frown while so many others get to their feet, or try to stop the woman, who lays down the bouquet at Cass's feet.

She shifts to slide her hand down her lap searching for that clutch she'd brought with her and finding nothing. Fsck. It was somewhere she knew, but for now she's trying very hard to keep her eyes on the woman as she departs.

"Do we know who that is?" She asks quietly to Phoebe though she doesn't expect an answer.

Summer Gleeson has posed:
Summer's all to curious about what is going on with the person that appears on stage with Cassandra. Because she didn't think she registered Shiva until she was hearing the couple next to her gasp. Who was she?! The woman doesn't react to things. She just sees them as they unfold. There's notes made and then she's looking to see who else was moving.

Sandra Wu-San has posed:
It'd be fair to wonder whether she's even aware that she was almost intercepted by the instructor or not, because the other woman's approach didn't alter hers a single iota. Ditto the tremor of concerned tension which ripples through the crowd; none of it's even half as important as being here, in this moment.

Lights go down, then up; Cassandra's gone, and--

The instructor's searching, and--

The backstage must be kept sacrosanct, and--

"You move with a grace which far outstrips your age," intones from Cassandra's left, growing slowly but steadily nearer as it goes, "and experience alike-- your tension was only just palpable."

The instructor's coming from one side; the woman with the bouquet's passing on the other, eyes still locked upon Cassandra.

"But do not grow comfortable, flourishing within a walled garden," she continues, soft and certain. "Do not forget the pleasure of reaching into the unknown and taming it."

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner relaxes when he sees Cass is at most surprised, not alarmed. Then again, surprising Cass is quite the feat, so he will try to remember the mysterious woman's face. For now he steps back, looking for Bart and checking if the girls are going to leave their seats. Bouquet-carrier Phoebe might need someone taking the snacks to her, given the size of that thing.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
    The lights come up. Cassandra is looking about for that woman again, her finely tuned senses telling her that there was something special that just happened. Then she hears the voice, her eyes kept firmly ahead. Don't frighten her. Predator.

    Then she has to walk out to her family. She glances about for assassins, seeing none, and then with the rest of the girls, steps out into the room.

    Intermission time, she's still in her lovely dress and shoes. But she wears little booties, protecting them from damage. Pointe shoes are valuable! She's smiling, blushing even. But the makeup on her makes her look nothing like her normal self.

    Anyone worried about villains recognizing her from her night duties would be a bit more relaxed. You'd have to know her bone structure to know this was Cassandra in all her glory.

    "Hello," she says. Hey, gotta use the words once in a while.

    But she looks around, as others come close. As if expecting someone.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie is busy with the kids and parents as he is asked to. He trusts the instructor to handle the stuff on stage. The young man reminds the kids back stage "Just juice now, Pizza party after the show." He knows they will work up an appetite and also that eating while nervous is not a good thing on stage and the janitors may be thankful he keeps them from much besides water. Bart watches the woman, and sighs, a bit what is it about him meeting snobs lately.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Interesting. Natasha Romanoff can't track things as they go to the backstage. But the backstage is sacrosanct after all. One doesn't go there unless one is part of the production or of the family. So she just sits back and waits. Meanwhile she goes to play part of her role as woman in the background by moving to take out a cell phone and start to scroll down some news stories. Bugle ranting about Spider-Man, Superman retrospective on his death, Themysciran Embassy showing how to ride Kangas..

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara is out of her chair at the intermission and moving toward where the gatherings are taking place. She sets her empty glass down upon a server trailer, before she walks back toward the theater to peer at the stage from afar. Bat senses tingling? Or is this just paranoia after living the life that she's experienced...

When a older couple approaches her to speak to her, Babs has to put on a happy face, shaking hands, and exchanging pleasantries with them, since the older male was a retired GCPD officer, eager to tell stories about a little redheaded Babs running around the precinct HQ 'back in the day'.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    The air directly around the instructor is probably more-than-a-few -degrees higher than normal as she checks the backstage, though she escorts the younger dancers to meet their parents.

    Phoebe had shaken her head to Gabby -- it wasn't someone she really recognized, but she had a couple ideas who would have known. It'll warrant investigation... later. Right now, she was ore inclined to check on Cassandra and hand off the now embarrassingly plain bouquet of bright pink roses.

    She waits for Cassandra to notice her, standing off a bit awkwardly to the side as she looks at the throngs of people waiting to speak and congratulate the dancer on a fine performance.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney relaxes once Cass comes out. Weird person aside she at least was out and in view now. A few quick, furtive glances are cast around for her errant purse before giving it up for lost. This is why she hadn't put much in it to begin with. Pockets were so much easier.

Like most of the press of people milling about she tries to wriggle her way in closer to Cass with one purpose in mind: Gonna hug that girl.

Sandra Wu-San has posed:
At some point, the woman's out of the backstage area and close enough to Bart for plucking exactly one snack from his bag and popping it into her mouth; a wordless moment of lingering eye contact serves as thanks while she chews.

From there, she lets Cassandra's friends and family have priority on mobbing her, instead floating near the back of the throng, grazing here or there-- watching here or there. She has, after all, already had her moment with the star.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff is at her seat, finishing up reading on some current events while the family goes backstage. She's not paying seemingly direct attention to anything else if one were to look at her casually. On closer inspetion for those that can tell such things she is paying attention to -everything-.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cassandra Cain goes to Barbara, and hugs the woman. She gives no words. She didn't need them today.
She goes to Gabby, and whispers, "Heard you," with a smile. Because she so did, she makes a little heart with her fingers to match Gabby's from earlier.
Summer she doesn't know, but she curtsies to the woman and smiles. She too is welcome, and Cass is happy to have her added to the family.
Natasha gets a huge hug. Ignore everything, she's just glad the woman came!
Sam? He's hugged too, but with a different kind of grin.
Stephanie gets a kiss. On the cheek, you dorks. But she poses for pictures of course, letting Babs go nuts with her camera.
And then she's pausing before Phoebe. Her eyes twinkle with mischief, and she asks, "Did good?"

Fishing for compliments already. She's growing up.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara welcomes Cass with open arms, and a big warm hug. she will hold on to her for several moments, and whisper to her. "I'm very proud of you. You looked like an angel up there."

When she pulls back, she has emotion clear on her expression, and squeezes the young woman's shoulders before releasing her to go greet her friends.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe remains off to the side, letting everyone get their love on Cass in, and she smiles, the presently-mute magician stepping forward a moment, spotting that twinkle in Cassandra's eye, and she just gives a small grin, leaning forward and pressing a kiss up high on Cassandra's cheek, nose pressing lightly against her as she smiles, and gives a happy sigh against her a moment. holding onto the bright pink flowers for just the moment.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Bart will nod to the woman and does something he may not of should and leave his food unattended for a moment, as he goes up to congratulate Cass, offering her a hug and thumbs up "You were great with a like this and a like that." He clumsily mimics her movements a bit but makes sure not to hit anyone "But like tons better," He adds to his compliment. Sam smiles at Cass, and during the hug will say to her "And next time want you sing with me. You did good kid."

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Bart's hug is given one in return. He's good people, and good people better than her sometimes. She smiles, then shakes her head. No sing, no sing darnit! No sing!

But then, then Phoebe's there and she leans against her girlfriend for a moment. She takes the flowers, clearly more than happy with them. More than, her happiness right now exploding out of her heart.

But the flowers. The other flowers remind her, and she looks around again, trying to see a woman with her own colour eyes. And she thinks that she catches a sight of them, before they're gone.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff sits with one leg folded over along the other. She's taken out her phone again if only to blend in wth the other attendees. She moves to then slowly get up, fiddling with it once more and goes to scroll over a few more things as she heads to the hallway towarsd the concessions stands.