12279/YA Beginnings: Getting the Band Back Together

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YA Beginnings: Getting the Band Back Together
Date of Scene: 06 August 2022
Location: Starpower Publishing House, Morningside Heights, New York City
Synopsis: The first meeting of the Young Avengers at their (eventual) base goes off with only a few hitches. It looks like a new team is truly forming in the heart of the Big Apple.
Cast of Characters: America Chavez, Andi Benton, Emiko Queen, Donna Troy, Keli Quintela, Tommy Shepherd, Billy Kaplan

America Chavez has posed:
    The outside of Starpower Publishing is overgrown and looks rather dilapidated. It's been out of business for 3 years and no one has seen the need to demolish or refurbish or repurpose it since that time.

    Until now.

    The gate to the property and the door stands open for any and all comers to arrive and a dark skinned, latina leans against the doorframe with a smile on her face.

    America Chavez is dressed for the weather: black hotpants and a white cutoff tee with a bright blue star pattern all over it. Her hair is held back by a similar blue bandana. A pair of black bomber glasses rest over her eyes to complete the look. Also, she chewing gum, if that matters.

    Inside the building, the machines have been cleared away and the floor scrubbed clean. There are a number of couches and chairs set in a circle along with a pair of coolers and some folding tables. The rest of the building is still caked in graffiti and rust, but it's clear the place is in the process of being fixed up.

    As people approach the building one by one or in groups, America waves them on in. "Come on it, -amigos-! Grab a soda or an -agua- and a chair and we'll get started once everyone is here!" Her tone is bright, chipper even, and filled with the enthusiasm of a proud parent--who happens to be just this side of 20.

Andi Benton has posed:
Presumably, most people here are gathering in casual clothes or costumes of some sort. There is at least one who has a notably different appearance about her, including the approach. When America met Andi, it wasn't with her solely as Andi but instead as Mania, complete with the spidery motif in the front and back insignia.

It's a matter of trust. Aside from a few in the Spider Family, so to speak, there aren't many who really know the whole story about the bond between symbiote and young woman, even though Mania's had a presence on social media and has been seen acting in a vigilante-like capacity. This whole thing could be a step down the path to sharing more.

Regardless, a black form swings in via weblines, landing softly in front of the building before rising slowly. The look is whatever people make of it, but the base is a punk/goth aesthetic with spikes here and there to accent things. Of course, there are strange, solid white eyes beneath a few exaggerated bits of spiky 'hair,' and arms cross in a sort of aloof way. "Are we late?" comes a question, the voice a mix of female and something less so. Alien.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Arriving to the near-silent hum of an electric motor, a very sleek-looking black and red bike pulls up in front of the building, it's rider walking it onto the grounds before setting the stand and slipping off. A protective black bodysuit covers her complete, with the addition of flexible, segmented armoring in bright crimson, with a crimson hood and a black domino mask over the eyes. If the bow and quiver don't give it away, there's not much else Emiko can do to make her vigilante identity known.

She pulls the hood back exposing a short black bob of a haircut with a few longer locks framing her face, giving a nod and quick smile to America. "Nice digs."

Mania gets a once-over before nodding, "Nice look. I can appreciate a solid personal asthetic."

Donna Troy has posed:
    America appears to have a guest. Sitting comfortably on one of the sofas with a coke in her hands is a figure who may be familiar to those attending, even if she has not met them yet, as one of the more well-known entirely public figures in the superhero business -- Donna Troy, also known as Troia of the Titans.

    "Hey guys," she says with a wave as the group assembles. "Don't mind me. I'm Troia of the Titans. As you may know, America is a member of the Titans, and also a good friend. I'm here to give her moral support, but it's also a little more than that. What you guys are trying to do isn't the easiest thing in the world. I've been through the experience of being a young hero trying to set up a team. I'm not here to interfere in any way or tell you guys what to do, but I'm here to offer my expertise if you want it. And as much or as little of my help as you guys feel you need."

    "Additionally, I hope to be able to give some reassurance as to the practicality of American's plans. What she's doing has the full backing of the Titans. Money, equipment, help with legal matters, and so on. Exactly how much depends on what you guys want. This is your ride, not mine."

Keli Quintela has posed:
    This is Keli's kind of weather--hot, dry, a few puffy clouds in the sky. Keli's dressed in her Teen Lantern outfit, complete with mask, which really looks more like a footballer's outfit (not American football, what the rest of the world calls football) than anything else. Black shorts, a green jersey with something akin to the Green Lantern logo on it over a black tee, knee pads and sneakers and long black socks, a glove on one hand and her gauntlet on the other. Oh, and a large backpack, and a mask on her face.

    "Hey America!" she says brightly as she comes to the building and heads on inside. "Ohhh, so many new people. And Troia! Again! OhmygodhiInevergotyourautographdidI." She clears her throat, flushing darkly, and heading to a sofa after grabbing a soda, peering around at the others with very wide eyes.

Tommy Shepherd has posed:
    In the grand scheme of things, 3 years isn't all that long a time for a building to suit unoccupied. But in a city like New York, the City That Never Sleeps, a lot can happen in 3 years. Alien invasions, caped crusaders battling their palette-swapped archnemesis in the sky, bank robberies and murder sprees and arsons, oh my!

    Not a whole lot of car chases, though. Mostly on account of the traffic.

    Whatever this location has seen in those intervening years has been enough to attract some kind of visitor though. One that is unseen, sensed only by the sudden gust of wind that comes out of nowhere to ruffle hair and tug at the ends of clothing, the rattle of windows, the creak of floor boards, and... several beverages disappearing from the stash America has assembled for the occasion.

    Up on the roof, Tommy keeps to himself, an eye out on the street below from where he perches with his legs dangling over the edge. He cracks open a can of something fizzy and takes a swig before he pulls the brim of his cap down low against the midday sun.

America Chavez has posed:
    America smiles and ushers Mania and Emiko inside. "We might have a few straglers who show up later, but this is good enough start" she says before smirking at Keli's reaction to Donna. "So... welcome to the first unofficial meeting of the Young Avengers. There will be more meetings where more people might show but this is those I've already spoken to in some capacity, save one."

    She grins. "Yes. I know it's very much a girl's group. But that's not by design, just coincidence. Billy and his brother might show up since I've spoken to the former and given a wave to the later. There are a couple others who might slip in as well. But overall, this is the ground floor of the team."

    She moves in and snatches up a water, taking note of the missing drink from the soda cooler but not commenting on it. If someone is doing a good invisible impression, they might be a prospect. She's fairly certain any nefarious sorts would be hard pressed to try something with the number of heroes in the room at the moment.

    "So this is going to be our base... it's in the early stages of a fixer upper, I know, but I'm hoping to make it home. For now the building and the land are ours" she grins. "So -beinvenido a casa-!" she exclaims.

    "I think introductions would be prudent since we're all coming from different sources. Donna already got her piece in. I'm America Chavez, Ms. America to most. And I'm pretty much running this ship." She gestures for whoever wants to step up and introduce themselves next.

Andi Benton has posed:
Mania takes a look around at those who are here, but after a slow nod and a briefly uncertain "Thank you" to Emiko, everyone there relocates inside before long. It gives her a chance to at least see the building from the outside, and there's a pause as she picks out the sight of Tommy up there, causing the white eyes to squint briefly. This comes just after the sense of something having passed by, and at least the first time around it's too quick for even the symbiote to track well.

<<Mania>> What was that, Andi?
<<Andi>> What was what?
<<Mania>> ..nevermind. We are unsure. We are unsure about all of this.
<<Andi>> Just..try to have an open mind about this. If it doesn't work out we'll keep doing our own thing, but we need to try.

Internal conversations between symbiote and bond are always interesting, to say the least.

There is a brief wave of a hand America's way, showing off digits tipped with sharp-looking claws, and her head is on a bit of a swivel as the building's interior is given a few looks while they get closer to Troia. With the arrow-based one noted, the green-tinted one is as well, along with her enthusiasm. The sight of the Lantern logo on the outfit causes her to ask without stopping herself, "Another one? That is..we met someone else with that look. Before." The logo Keli wears is pointed to, and she goes back to eyeing Troia afterward. "We know of the Titans. We are Mania."

Emiko Queen has posed:
Nodding a greeting to Donna, Emiko fishes a water bottle from the cooler and finds a wall or post to lean up again. There's a quick smile for Keli's enthusiasm, and the sudden stirring of air has the smile tugging a little wider. She's entirely too familiar with what that means, living with a speedster has more than one advantage!

She straightens at the mention of introductions and nods, "Red Arrow. I prefer to keep the other side private for now, at least until we all know each other better. Transplanted from Starling City." Emi glances towards America and quirks a faint smile, 'ANd you know that I can help with whatever funding or, hm, mundane efforts might be needed with the building."

Resuming her lean, she smiles towards Andi/Mania and gives a nod, "Welcome."

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna gives Keli a bright grin and a little wave. She accompanies it with a cheerful "Hiya Keli!" Emiko gets a wide smile of greeting too, and Mania a "Hi Mania, nice to meet you," but Donna seems content to stay mostly in the background for now.

    With a small exception, perhaps. "I've known America pretty much since she showed up in this dimension," she says to the group. "She's a good person to have running the ship. You'll probably find questions of leadership will be something that you'll want to address at some point in the future in a more democratic way. But you have to start somewhere, and I suspect you'll find that America is more than just a really good starting point. I have a lot of faith in her to do this right."

    See? Moral support.

Keli Quintela has posed:
    "You met another Green Lantern?! Well. I mean. I'm not technically--" Keli takes a deep breath. /Slow down/. "Okay, so... I'm Teen Lantern." She waggles her gauntlet. "I'm not /officially/ a Green Lantern. I, uhh... I found a dying alien in a junkyard, and he gave me the gauntlet. And I'm /sure/ he was recruiting me to be a Lantern, but like, I haven't gotten the uhh--the sign-up papers or anything. I thought of finding one of them to ask for an internship, but that hasn't really panned out."

    Keli shrugs, opening the can easily. "I've been working with GIRL, mostly, but I'd love to--I'm still learning to use the gauntlet. There's a lot I don't know about what it does, how it works. I'm excited to be part of a team!" She grins at Red Arrow. "The Starling City heroes are /great/, you guys don't get enough respect."

Tommy Shepherd has posed:
    Tommy has absolutely no idea what's going on down in the building below. He knows, roughly, the number of people at America's recruitment event. At least the ones that've walked in from outside. But it's not like he's eavesdropping, because... well, he's all the way up here. It's too far, even if he wanted to.

    And he's only here because there's a chance his dark-haired doppelganger is gonna show up. Joining a team? Nah. Not his style. Tommy's just kind of over people showing up looking like him. Sort of a "if I had 2 nickles" kind of situation, in the sense that he'd only have 2 nickles but it's weird that it's happened twice.

    His sneakers scrape against the rooftop as he climbs to his feet and backs away from the edge, retreating into the shade from another building.

America Chavez has posed:
    America beams a brilliant smile at the words of encouragement from Donna. "I just mean for the moment I'm working to put it all together. I don't intend on outing anyone or requiring a divulgence of identities. If people want to keep themselves as Mania, Red Arrow, Wiccan, they can... I don't even know what's under Mania's suit and I'm not going to push on that matter. I just want her here as a part of the team because she's good people and I like good people."

    "Same with Teen Latern, I want people to be able to learn about what they want in life and to foster a family atmosphere" she smiles to those gathered. "Speaking of family," she turns and punches a hole in the air behind her.

    Reality falls away to reveal one of the tell-tale signs of her power, the large blue-rimmed star shaped portal. It opens onto a roof of a building and a young man wearing a baseball cap lounging nearby in the shade of a larger building. From her side of the portal America puts a hand on her hip and arches a finely cultivated brow.

    "Thomas Shepard, if you want to camp out on my property the least you can do is come have a drink with us like civilized people" she offers her hand to the white haired youth with a smile. "Billy is likely to show up sooner or later so if you're here for him, you're here for all of us."

Andi Benton has posed:
"Look, all we know is he is a Green Lantern," Mania explains to Teen Lantern, leaving out some of the other parts of the conversation that was had. Unable to help it, the more otherworldly side of that dual voice asks, "A dying alien?" The rest is paid attention to inasmuch as it takes to follow along the talk of GIRL and learning this and that and whatnot, a muted nod going along with it.

Adding to Troia, "It is..nice to meet you too," it sounds like simple pleasantries are a source of awkwardness. Following up on what Red Arrow says, she nods. "We are also working on trust. We are not comfortable sharing certain things yet. But we know Spider-Man, and he has taught us some things. He helped save us..before."

There could be a correction to what America says about her suit, but that'll be another time. Instead, the reveal of Tommy to the others coaxes a sniff from the place her nose would be, except for that smooth, 'masked' face. Eyes narrow slightly, and she awaits his response to what America has to say.

<<Mania>> We were told there would be chocolate, Andi. Where is it?
<<Andi>> Hold your horses. Everyone's just giving their names.
<<Mania>> There are no horses here, and why would we hold them when we want chocolate?
<<Andi>> ...forget it.
<<Mania>> But we--
<<Andi>> I'll explain it after this is done!

To occupy herself, she goes over for a peek around the setup, under the pretense of getting a bottle of water. "We could use others to..to count on. For help. When it is needed. And we could also offer it."

Billy Kaplan has posed:

Tonight hasn't gone the way Billy Kaplan planned. It was supposed to be a whole day to himself... until his mother called in some favors. A friend of a friend had to leave her house for a few hours and wouldn't it be nice of the Nice Kaplan Boy came over and babysat while she was gone because her kid was absolutely no trouble at all and he was practically an angel.

Everybody who knows Billy knows that it's impossible for him to actually deny a request like that. The kid, though, had been anything but an angel. He managed to remove the paint from the walls, but the rug will never be the same again, that's for sure- you just can't get soy sauce out of carpet that easily.

So it was either flying or attempting a teleport. His teleportation under duress wasn't something he had mastered yet, so flying across the city in his Wiccan getup was it.

And that's when he touches down at the gates to the property and almost goes into an Albatross landing... but not quite.

"Am I super late I'm so sorry you wouldn't just believe-"

As he races in, he's almost out of breath, clearly rather worked up.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko looks to America with a faint smile, "Sorry, I wasn't trying to suggest you were pushing for identities to be revealed. Just that I wasn't currently comfortable with revealing mine." To the matter of leadership, she chuckles and lifts a shrug, "Well, you've been putting in the legwork, America, it would make sense to have you at the top."

She looks to Mania and nods, "So am I, really. Overcoming a lifetime of ingrained behaviors isn't easy, but.. it's been worth the effort." She offers a quick smile, "I guess I'm just trying to say, I understand where you're coming from, and appreciate the effort being made."

THen America is punching a hole in reality to show their mystery guest, and she can't help but chuckle, offering a small wave towards Tommy. Only to have Billy come bursting in! Another small laugh and she lifts a hand in greeting to him, "You must be WIccan. Nice to meet you, feel free to grab a drink and join the party."

Donna Troy has posed:
     "Hey Wiccan," Donna greets the new arrival, with a small wave. Yes, another one who's on her radar -- Billy has been to Titans Tower a few times.

    She's sticking to her promise of staying in the background and not interfering, so mostly Donna's just doing the quick greetings when people show up rather than adding much in the way of commentary to proceedings. However when America punches a portal to the roof and the invited uninvited guest, she does add one small comment. "Headquarters security is one of the things you're going to have to look into setting up. We can help with that, and tie your systems in with the Titans' threat identification software. Let me know what you need, America."

Keli Quintela has posed:
    Keli peers at the portal, blinking. "Why were you sitting on the roof? It's hot out there. C'mon in, have a drink!" A pause. "Oh. You have a drink. Come on in and get cool!" She grins at Tommy, brightly.

    Then Wiccan runs in and Keli turns the grin on him. "Hola! You're not really all that late, we were introducing ourselves, I'm Teen Lantern, yes I'm kind of a Green Lantern but not really it's complicated." She waggles the hand with the gauntlet, because that's the hand that /isn't/ holding a soda.

    "Okay but /powers/, what powers do people have? I mean, I'm obviously Green Lantern-style constructs and stuff. I can fly, but not very /well/ yet. Uhh. Yeah. That's about it."

Tommy Shepherd has posed:
    The young man wearing the baseball cap on the rooftop looks up from his phone when reality shatters into a picture perfect star. Like, definitely better than he could ever hope to draw. Kind of ridiculously picturesque, if not for the whole... reality... shattering... thing. Which you'd think would earn some kind of reaction, but all that's visible is the deepening curve of his lips as he frowns.

    Okay he definitely flinched, but at super speed. So nobody saw!!!

    "Your first mistake was assuming I'm a civilized person," he says. And no, he's not getting up. Though Tommy does push his cap, revealing his face, up so that he can peer at America. He's repping the Gwinnet Stripers today.

    It's a fish. Striper. One P, not two, read it again.

    Clocking that face as being an identical match to the one that just rushed in, fashionably late, isn't hard. On account of that whole identital thing? Yeah, either they're twins or clones or alternate reality versions of each other. Hard to tell in this day and age. Said twin/clone/AU version's arrival does prompt Tommy to stand up, and then blink-and-you'll-miss-it (or don't, you'll miss it either way) and Tommy's inside the building, crushing an empty soda can between his palms. "So we meet again."

    He didn't go through the portal, to clarify. Just zipped down the side of the building and in through the door. Still not civilized, though.

    And by the time Keli has gone around asking about powers, he's somehow got another (fresh) can of soda in his hand. Which he cracks open and takes a noisy slurp from in lieu of answer.

America Chavez has posed:
    "Good enough for me" America says as Tommy makes his entrace. She wipes away the star portal as reality reconstructs itself around her invasive surgery. She smiles as Billy and Tommy make small talk. "That's" she says pointing to the sulking boy with the soda, "is an old friend of mine. He goes by the name Speed for... obvious reasons. Wiccan is also an old friend of mine. Or well, a version of him is a good friend of him in another universe." She shrugs figuring that's good enough explanation for that.

    She grins at Keli. "I can do a lot of things. I've got the standard package like most of the Amazons. Strength, speed, durability, flight" she says, gesturing to Donna. "And then there's..." she gestures to where her portal was moments ago. "The portals. Interstellar, dimensional, time travel... if you want to go somewhere or somewhen... I can get you there. With very limited exceptions."

    She pauses. "I remember something I promised you..." she says, looking at Mania. "A hand punches a smaller portal in the air to her right and she reaches in, fishing for something. "Aha!" she says, withdrawing it and tossing a chocolate bar to the sybiote bonded young woman. "Catch!"

Andi Benton has posed:
Mania keeps a hand wrapped around her bottle of water, held down at her side by the spiked belt that rests about her hips. The arrival of another guy is noted, his attire or costume picked out, filed away like the rest. Red Arrow is the recipient of a brief nod, and the mostly faceless visage considers her again before a shoulder rolls in a light shrug. "We are careful with who we trust. We must protect others important to us."

Teen Lantern asking about powers causes her to grow quiet again. How to explain this? Does Mania just come out and say essentially the same thing she'd told America when they met, or is a more careful wording offered? Is it all right to be more open about certain secrets around people who obviously have special things about them, too?

"Hmmm?" comes a response when America creates another star-shaped portal, digging around on the other side for..something. When it's revealed to be what it is, discretion and subtlety are forgotten. Where no mouth exists, one forms rapidly from the beginnings of a line seemingly drawn horizontally across the face, in the correct spot, but this is no ordinary mouth. It is oversized, with quite a full set of sharp, needle-like teeth and a lengthy tongue to boot. "Ours!" is eagerly announced, the edges of that mouth curling upward in a grin, and no matter the placement of that toss, she chomps down around the whole thing and consumes it almost instantly. Reaching up to withdraw what's left of the wrapper, she crumples it up and lets out a contented sigh. "Very good."

After a moment, that mouth fades back into apparent nothingness, leaving the original lack of features again. Waving a hand as if she were a dark version of some Jedi Knight, she adds, "You did not see that."

Billy Kaplan has posed:
"Oh hey, it's my mirror dimension self!" Billy says, grinning as Tommy makes his appearance, "You know it just dawned on me the other day that we didn't trade phone numbers? I can't believe we forgot, heh!" he then glances around at all of the assorted individuals, and he greets them with a slightly timid wave, clearly a bit taken aback at the number of people America has invited over.

"So... I'm Wiccan... but I guess you can call me Billy. Just not out of here because, you know. And I can- I can throw lightning, and I can fly. And I can also-" he glances around, gives Tommy a little nervous smile, and then back to the group, "I can sort of do magic, if I repeat things enough and I really really believe them. Like..."

He holds his hands out. "FlowerBouquetFlowerBouquetFlowerBouquet..."

There is a rippling, a glowing, and a small bouquet of gardenias materializes in his hand. He looks overjoyed at the fact that he pulled it off, and then looks a little awkward because now he's holding a flower bouquet and doesn't know quite what to do with it. "Like that..." he gives Andi a blank stare, and adds. "See what?" He is either a very good actor, or Andi has powers she didn't know about.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko might have been about to respond to the question of powers, but Mania's reaction to the chocolate draws her attention first. She pays careful attention to that mouth, the tongue, and the clear eagerness for the chocolate itself. Noted, she nods and responds to the remark made to her with, "Same." She protects others by keeping her identity secret.

Turning back to the group at large, she offers, "I have no powers. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career." She quirks a faint, wry smile at stealing the first part of Liam Neeson's quote from Taken. "Unlike Bryan Mills, I also have money, and tech. I'm a polyglot and autodidact, and I regularly scare Green Arrow, which may be why he decided that I needed friends and shunted me off to New York."

Clearing her throat, she adds, "I do /not/ have a butler, nor do I intend to get one." A touch of humor poking fun at Batman to move away from subjects she would rather not address just now.

Donna Troy has posed:
    "I saw nothing," Donna agrees with a grin in Andi's direction. "It's very strange. I smell chocolate, yet there is no sign that any chocolate was ever here. Perhaps Wiccan turned it into that bouquet of flowers. That seems like the most likely explanation."

    Of course Donna isn't joining in the declaration of powers, being here only in an observer role, but she does throw a comment into the mix. "Red Arrow is very, very good at what she does. There is no terribly meaningful difference between 'powers' and 'skills', and she has skills in abundance. I have seen her in action, and I am impressed. I was born on an island where literally everyone else has centuries of training and combat experience. I don't say things like that lightly."

Keli Quintela has posed:
    Keli's eyes widen. "Magic? Like, /real/ magic?!" She stares at Billy's manifestation of a flower bouquet. "Okay that is /cool/. And the, uhh--the thing we didn't see. At all. Everyone's cool!"

    She grins at Emiko. "Oh, man, Green Arrow is /incredible/ whether or not he has powers. I mean, him and Hawkeye both, just, /always/ hitting the target perfectly? That's impressive." She winks. "But if you scare Green Arrow then that's pretty impressive all on its own, /chica/."

Tommy Shepherd has posed:
    "It's because I'm a huge fan of Keanu Reeves' early work," Tommy says, voice deadpan. Unlike his body double, there is no flashy demo of his powers, though he does favor Billy with a low whistle as the bouquet appears in his hands. "Okay, that's pretty neat."

    And he also seems to be a fan of Liam Neeson's (more recent) work, because as Emiko starts reciting the Taken speech, he points a frantically wobbling finger at her, clearly recognizing it and maybe a bit too excited at the reference.

    Or maybe he's just on the internet too much. It IS a meme, after all.

    Before anyone has a chance to ask him any questions, Tommy pulls a piece of paper out of his pocket. It's, uh, actually a torn half of a takeout menu from Bushwick, but he slaps it into Billy's unoccupied-by-flowers hand and then shoots off a cheeky salute.

    "Text me. I don't answer calls because they're too slow. This whole team shtick isn't for me, but, uh, hope it goes well. Or whatever."

    It is with an extreme showing of willpower that Tommy proceeds to jog at regular human speed out of the building and make it to the corner before he speeds off.

America Chavez has posed:
    "I'm with Donna here. It's not about what you can do... it's about how you use the skills you've given. Just because I'm from another universe doesn't make me any better than Red Arrow. In point of fact, the range and accuracy she has with her skills gives her a distinct advantage over me. Get the drop on me and I can be taken out of the fight..." She gives Emi a wink. "Though, I hope to never have to be on the receiving end of such a thing, since she and I are legit friends."

    She looks at those gathered. "It's not a competition. It's a use of what we all bring to the table togeth--" Tommy's departure interrupts her. "And... he's out." She shrugs. "Maybe he'll come around, maybe not. We'll have to see. But like I was saying, it's what we bring to the table together. Mania, America, Wiccan, Red Arrow, Green Latern... we all have our strengths and our weaknesses. What I want is to see all those weaknesses shored up by the strengths we have over each other. If we can do that... I think we can make a real difference in the world and in worlds beyond our own."

    She realizes that she got sort of preachy there in the end and rubs the back of her neck. "Sorry, I probably needed a soundtrack with how much that sounded like a pep talk."

Andi Benton has posed:
<<Andi>> Good job. Now they know.
<<Mania>> They saw nothing. That is what we said, and they agreed.
<<Andi>> You're..you know what? Nevermind.
<<Mania>> Strong. Clever. And more. Yes. We know.

Mania's eyes turn upward slightly in a mixture of pleasure and embarrassment, and she proceeds to see about changing the subject in order for them to stop thinking about what big teeth she has. "We have learned many useful things from Spider-Man. Watch." Dual lines of webbing are shot out from patches of white at the backs of her hands, securing to parts of the building's interior, so she can swing up to claim a perch high above them.

It is from there that she continues to watch, now growing more quiet, but the angle of her head indicates attention paid to what the rest are saying and doing, including Troia's vouching for Red Arrow in relation to her own experience, Red Arrow's own comments about Green Arrow, Wiccan's flowers, Tommy's departure, and Teen Lantern's marveling at it all while America tries to keep them all headed in the same direction. "We will have to see. This is new to us," is said from above.

Emiko Queen has posed:
"I wasn't meaning to disparage myself, I know exactly what I can do. But you asked for powers. I have no powers, so I wanted to be upfront about that," Emiko offers a quick smile towards AMerica, then Donna, nodding to the latter in thanks for the vouching. She looks back to America, "But thank you for the vote of confidence."

Watching Mania, she can't help but smile at the show of weblines and stickiness. That too gets noted down. Then Emiko looks back to the group, "I've worked individually and as part of a team, so I'm definitely game to give this a go. We have a pretty wide varierty of skills and personalities, so here's to having each others' backs." She lifts her water bottle in toast and takes a swallow.

Billy Kaplan has posed:
"He, uh, gave me his number. So maybe he'll come around," Wiccan says, pocketing the piece of paper in a compartment in his belt. Yes, he has a belt. Yes. It has compartments. Yes, it was inspired by Batman. No, it's not large enough to be called an utility belt, because he has the impression that if you do that Batman comes over and glares at you.

"It's definitely, uh, important that there are skilled people here. I've got powers, but I wouldn't say I am actually skilled at them. And, y'know, there's people out there who can nullify powers, I hear- didn't the Fantastic Four fight- nevermind, what I mean is, when you are skilled enough at something, it's like a power by itself. Except people can't nullify it. Unless it's something that requires, like, electricity, and then you have to get batteries..."

His ramble fades out, and then he smiles, "I'm all in. And I definitely want to learn how to do things without powers, 'cause you never know when someone's going to come at you with, like, a nullifier and then suddenly you realize you don't know how to throw rocks."

He clears his throat, "I never could get the damned things to skip over the water."

He might be just a little nervous, but also excited, contemplating the team thing.

Keli Quintela has posed:
    "Teen Lantern," Keli corrects America. "But yeah! We're stronger together, for sure!" She lifts her soda in salute, grinning broadly.

    Then she adds, "Yeah I mean... even if someone can nullify the gauntlet, I'm still pretty smart, and I know, like, a /ton/ about superheroes and supervillains and all of that."

    She bounces a little, clearly excited by the idea of a team! Of people! Who are cool and hang out in abandoned warehouses and drink soda! And are aliens that eat chocolate! And have magic flowers!

America Chavez has posed:
    America smiles. "Then I guess we're doing this thing" she says. "Then I want to welcome you all aboard. Like I said, there may be more people involved as time goes on, but I think we're all agreed. Let's exchange contact info and if you guys want I can order us some pizza or takeout or something and we can just... you know, hang out, be friendly."

    Clearly she's leaning into this family business idea she has. "Just because some of us are in costume doesn't mean we can't be friends and have a good time. Maybe you guys can tell me what sort of places you'd want to explore for our first outing together. Donna, you're more than welcome to stick around if you want to as well."

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna gives America a grin. "I'm in the area a fair bit, I'm sure you'll see me dropping by from time to time until you get bored of me," she says. "And I'll be sharing contact info too, in case anyone needs to make contact."

     She looks around, blinking a couple of times, then leans forwards in her seat. "Small speech time from me then I guess," Donna says with a wry grin. "Just to make things clear to you all exactly why I'm here and what the Titans' role in this is."

    "Ten years ago, Superman invited all the supers who had fought against the Alien Alliance during the invasion to join a new team, the Justice League. A way to stay in contact, and work together. Turns out that didn't apply to some of us, because we were 'too young'. Well, when that became clear, we just told them we were forming our own team."

    "There were some people who didn't like that. And a lot who thought we were just saying it as an ultimatum, to get membership. There were some who talked about how maybe we could be allowed to become some kind of junior members until we hit twenty-one, and we might each get appointed someone as a mentor."

    "Thing is, it occurred to us they were letting in people who were a few years older than us because of their age, and some of them had less experience than we did. So screw that, we set up our own team. There were a lot of people who were dubious at first, and I'm not going to say we didn't make any mistakes -- but in the end we proved every doubter wrong. The kids showed the so-called grown-ups what they could do."

    "It is still part of the Titans' mission to make sure that young heroes get the chances people were reluctant to give us. The chance to do things their own way. When America told me what she was considering, I told her that I had been thinking of opening a New York branch of the Titans for a while, but you know what? This works better. This way it's not us insisting our experiences be the model, it's you guys doing what you believe is right. Maybe you'll figure it out better than we did, but that ain't going to happen with us looking over your shoulders the way some in the Justice League wanted to look over ours."

    Donna gives a nod of her head to America. "I've got a lot of faith in America. I believe you guys can pull this off. The support of the Titans in this is not contingent in you doing things our way, only on you continuing to do things in a way we can support. We aren't going to insist on any particular rules or regulations. We're not going to offer any advice unasked. But if you need resources, we'll make sure you've got them. If you want help with training, you get that." A quick nod in Billy's direction. "If you need help dealing with the business side of things, or getting in contact with people who are hard to contact, we can help out. And if you need us to provide back-up, you only have to ask. But all of that is down to you. This is your team, your journey, your choices."

    She takes a long swig of her coke and looks around the assembled group smiling very wide and raising her bottle to them. "Good luck, all of you. I have a feeling this is gonna be great."

Billy Kaplan has posed:
So they were actually doing this. And the Titans were giving them their thumbs up. Billy felt so amped up that he could probably grab a lightbulb and light it up without using his lightning! Now that everybody was properly introduced, he had time to gawk. While pretending he wasn't gawking. There were people who worked with Green Arrow. There was a Green Lantern here (that gauntlet was soooo cool). There was an Amazon here! Billy mingles and trades his contact information, all the while having an internal debate with himself as to whether it was appropriate to request selfies. He was sure he could get away with doing it with the others but... exactly, were you supposed to address a princess in order to get a selfie?

Did they have selfies, back in Themyscira?

Should he ask? Or is that a dumb question?

And what the hell is he going to do with the bouquet of flowers?