12725/Night at the Museum

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Night at the Museum
Date of Scene: 08 September 2022
Location: Cloisters - Metropolitan Museum of Art
Synopsis: A trip to the museum erupts into chaos complete with frost hounds, ghosts, and a cursed helmet!
Cast of Characters: Megan Gwynn, Monet St. Croix, Colborn, J'onn J'onzz, Daniel Ketch, Tabitha Smith, Padraigh O'Malley

Megan Gwynn has posed:
The museum usually boasts an extensive collection of medieval European art, but tonight, they are featuring a special collection of feudal era art and artefacts from Japan. To celebrate the new and rare collection that is featured for a limited time at this museum, they are hosting a special wine and cheese event this evening, with a mellow jazz band playing, a guided tour and of course a lovely collection of tasty cheeses and expensive wine.

Okaay fiiine, so she's still not old enough to actually drink alcohol, but at least they have. pop. Oh yay. Megan sighs as she sips her cream soda, eyeing the wine greedily as she munches on a piece of stinky cheese. But of course she's not here on a social call...Well, maybe not entirely..

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix is there along to partake in cultures. And also as she's been nudged on this whole 'personal engagement' thing. And Megan has spent some times in the past reaching out to her, so it's M attempting to retrun the favor in her own way. M being M.. is mostly doing this by being quiet while nibbling at the overpriced cheese and flat wine.

Colborn has posed:
    Museums are a blessing and a curse to an Eternal like Colborn. He has been crafting weapons and armor in the old way for fourteen to fifteen hundred years. But he both loves and hates visiting modern museums.

    He loves seeing the old artifacts. Some of which -may- have been his own creations. But there are times when he reads an entry that is wholly wrong, and he just shakes his head without saying anything about it. It is sheer amusement which doesn't quite reach his face. He is dressed in normal street clothes, and being September, he evn has a jacket on. He doesn't need to worry about whether he is carrying concealed weapons, as Mother-Box has his gear concealed extradimensionally.

    But there he is, at the museum, inspecting artifacts from Feudal Japan. Yes, he spent a couple centuries there, concealed as one of them, where he learned the techniques for the swordmasters there. What? He wants to learn -every- way to make -any- blade of any metal.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz had been considering taking of the Happy Harbor class on field trips around this place, so John Jones, molder of young minds, is present and checking out the exhibits. He's already mildly annoyed the tour guide, as he's pointed out discrepensies between the scientific facts and the thin brochures they had been gifted.

"I did not mean to irritate you. I only thought you would wish to know or would at least have the e-mail of the print media department. Which I'm guessing is an intern named...Pam?" he says. The guide flinches as the man uncannily guesses the name of the new girl.

"How could you know that?"

"Son, I'm a teacher. I know everything."

Daniel Ketch has posed:
Daniel is not much for social events and this kind of cultural events. Although the cheese is nice, and his fridge is mostly empty lately, so that helps.

But that is not why he is here. Megan called him, something about a clue about a cursed armor. Which is mildly interesting, until he remembers (like the Ghost Rider would let him ever forget) there was a nasty sorcerer involved and that VENGEANCE is NEEDED.

Yeah, yeah. He heard it. So, he is here. Cool armors and stuff. Where is the girl with the pink hair anyway?

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The X-Girls had her at free wine. The cheese kinda had a funk but it's classy and Tabby has eaten cheeses befote that were not supposedd to have mould on them in the name of avoiding starvation so not refusing food is a habit the blonde long picked up and never shed.

Turning up dressed not so loud but still in her hipster, punkish manner, in kneeripped jeans in faded blue while a white button down blouse with a blue and yellow striped tie covers her upperhalf. Cateye glasses keep the sun's glare off her eyes while toes wiggle inside yellow leather wedgheeled chuck style knee high boots. There's a yellow spiky leather belt and choker at waist and neck. She's wearing a tie and it's classy. She will fight to defend her choices.

"So like, most a this stuff is actually pretty awesome. So not sure if they wanted to do the east meats west comparisons." she states and threatens to poke something with a cheese covered toothpick.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn is dressed semi fancy, basically a lilac knee length long sleeved dress that flares at the hips, black ankle boots and a short black leather jacket. She smiles and waves to Monet and Tabby, leaning against the rail as she munches on her cheese and watches people come and go. A-waiter passes by with a tray of wine glasses and she sneakily snatches one up, taking a slow sip of it. "Heya you two, wassup?" she narrows her eyes, peering around carefully, and pulls out a weird looking pendant hanging from a leather thong around her neck.

"Soo like, I'm not just here for a social visit although the free food and drink is a bonus..Buut, this little thing.." she holds up the tear drop russet pendant that looks like a piece of red boiled leather shaped like a kind of scale from armour of some sort. "It led me here..Ohh it's a long story, let's just say some bad guys are after some pieces of cursed samurai armour.."

She spies a Daniel, smiles and waves him over, chipper as ever, "Heey how you been? I got another clue to the next piece of armour..It's around here, somewhere.." Nearby, the same waiter with the wineglass tray offers a drink to Colborn and Jon Jones.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix is wearing something -fantastic- this is out in public after all, and she's here to be seen. She would glance over at Megan as she would walk along with her in Tabitha. "I'm here to expose myself over to the culture and support a ready cause. My family is a long supporter of the arts and it is good as well to ensure there is more of a variety. There are far more than simply European displays and exhibitions. It's good to help get the word out on situations like these."

At the mention over of 'clue' she would glance down over at Megan with a 'please do explain this' expression on her face.

Colborn has posed:
    Accepting the wine absently, Colborn is studying the fabrication techniques of the various artifacts before him. He actually leans closer and looks closely at the Kabuto helmet under glass. He tilts his head and snorts softly before taking a sip of the wine given to him.

    "This is dated wrong. It's older than they have posted. I happen to know that this was passed down through at least three generations before the dates listed here. The crafting techniques changed little, but they -did- change a little in that century."

    This is said to one of the curator's assistance who happens to be nearby.

Padraigh O'Malley has posed:
    Museums are all a great place for those who are into the ancient secrets of the world. This is true even for Padraigh who wanders in taking a look around his eyes scanning the room as though he may see some things that others don't. "yes yes I get it I get it." He says to something or well more like nothing beside him.

Daniel Ketch has posed:
Daniel finally spots Pixie. He sighs, mentally preparing himself for an overdose of silly cheerfulness, and steps forward. "Hey, Megan. Yeah, I did some research at the Velvet Room library without much success," he looks at Tabby and Monet, and pauses. "Er... friends of yours?" He goes silent, not wanting to get more people involved in what is likely going to be a supernatural and bloody mess.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
There's enough heel on Tabby's shoes to make her look actually tall. And with her blonde hair down, the attempts at punk and maybe a little butch fight against the fact that she's also as easily able to work as eyecandy as Monet or Megan and it's an uphill battle.

"The stuff's prety bad ass. Is the thing supposed to do a thing Megan?" she asks and maybe suddenly regrets being on her third glass. The others gathering around get a smile as well and a cheery wave. It's not that she doesn't know alot about magical artifacts but probably more she's trying to front that she's clueless.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn mock pouts at Daniel, clasping her hands behind her back. "Awwwwe, cmon, cheer up, we'll have so much fun tonight!" er..Well depending on your definition of fun. She takes another too long sip of the strong dry wine and winces. "Woah, that stuff is er.." oh right, dont want to get in trouble for drinking under age or anything..

She sets the glass down, clearing her throat and fingers the pendant around her neck. "Yeaah actually I kinda..Acquired this after another attack, stole it from a frost hound, and..Well, I managed to cast a tracker spell on it and it led me here. But of course, it's gotta be somewhere in the Feudal Japan display.." she points towards the corridor to the right, the corridor on the left leads to the European medieval display.

"And if the bad guys who tried to steal the last piece of armour are here again, if they get all the pieces they'll revive an evil spirit attached to the armour!" she nods to Tabby, looking a bit more grim.

"Sooo, we should split up, look for some feudal era samurai armour that is similar in appearance to this scale, although, I'm not sure just how complete their armour might be."

Padraigh miiight be harassed by ghosts who keep trying to tug him towards the feudal display room, and Colborn might just be near enough to hear some of what Megan says or at least notice her strange pendant perhaps.

And then without further ado, Megan beckons the others to follow her into the Japanese Feudal display!

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would go to let ou ta sigh, "Lovely then. I'm sure that such a thing can't be difficult to miss. Split apart an dspread out, stay in touch and I'm sure that we can find it easily enough." She would go to grumble over as about how life could never be so simple while keeping her expression flat. The wine and the cheese are put back over on a random stand. They're not good enough to be worth trying to salvage for Miss Perfect.

Shegoes tos weep around, "So are we looking for some sort of skeleton wearing a samurai armor? If so does it have any sort of blazing about it's body?"

Colborn has posed:
    Having given his review of the items on display, Colborn set his empty wineglass on a passing tray in time to overhear -something- about an attack. His eyebrows lift, and he steps off to one side where he can whisper privately.

    "Mother Box. Can you alert me if anything.. wonky begins to happen?"

    The reply is a series of soft pings and he sighs, "I don't know what to look for. If I did, I would tell you." he whispers. A few more pings, and he adds, "I don't know. Scan casually."

Padraigh O'Malley has posed:
    Swatting at and shooing away the spirits trying to tug at him. "Gah...Gods damn it....what do y'all want? Ya be wantin' me ta follow ye, than lead the damned way fer cryin out loud!" He shouts though most may not see what he does in Truth most people just think this man is nuts. "Never had more persistent pests in me life." But Padraigh does relent and follow where the spirits wish him to go.

Daniel Ketch has posed:
"Wait, who are your friends?" Asks Daniel, looking at Megan with a frown. If she is getting non-supernatural people involved... not that he can do much about it, but grumble some more.

He is sticking with the pink-haired fairy, because she is a trouble-magnet and if a monster appears, there is a 100% chance it will be on top of her. Not that he wouldn't mind talking with Tabby or Monet a little. But no. His life is complicated enough.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
There's an Ugh sound from the almost vapid seeming blonde but she's still clearly enjoying herself and maybe slowly on the way to being drunk. "Totaly badass Monet!" she declares and grins. Well I'm half expecting if I tried the armor on it'd just turn into a bikini. But think it's gonna be a whole suit or just bits. Gotta wonder if archeology is like paleontology. Where all they're doing is putting peices together like a pictureless jigsaw. I bet T-rexes really have proportional arms but all they ever find are youngerv T-rexes and use those arms. Like how many dinosaurs are species are just the same species at differing ages?" she ponders and giggles.

Oh right. I'm Tabby, this is Monet. We went to school with Megan." she explains when the man asks.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
The Mother box seems unable to pick up anything magical sadly. Some people stop and stare at the tall crazy guy who is talking to him self, one kid pointing and staring at him so long that his lollipop threatens to fall out of his mouth.

"Mommy, why is that man talking to himself!"
"Shhh, quit staring at the strange man!" replies the mother, tugging him away towards the other display room.

Meanwhile, Megan nods to M about to head off, "Right, M, can you create a telepathic link? Oh! Right, this is my (kinda sorta reluctant) friend Daniel, Daniel, this is Monet and Tabitha. Annd, geeez, that is a totally creepy thing that I never even considered, Tabby!" she shivers at the thought, shaking her head.

"Ok, let's go!" and she skips off, being weird and standing out with her bright pink hair..But at least she's hidden those flashy wings under her jacket this time, not wanting to draw attention in a crowded place like this.

Okaaay, Daniel might have a point, trouble does tend to follow her wherever she goes. But this time, as she vanishes down the hall leading to the feudal display, something happens in the opposite direction, where the medieval room is. People start screaming and running out. Some people are turned to blocks of ice. Someone pulls the fire alarm.

Oh yeah, and there are about six or seven giant hounds made of solid ice chasing people around.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would go to let out a sigh, "Very well." She would go to work at setting up a psionic link over amongst the group. SHe's wary on doing it with anyone beyond the mutants, but with some prompting from Megan would extend it. She would go to walk along with the other two while sweeping, passing along any information amongst the link that she could. She's sweeping the area, trying to use her slightly enhanced senses to notice anything out of place.

Mystically enchanted samurai armor should be fairly simple to spot, correct?

Daniel Ketch has posed:
Daniel offers a guarded smile to the blonde and the brunette, but sticks to his plan to follow Megan and use her as lightning rod for the inevitable disaster. Only this time he was wrong.

The ice dogs of Doom come from the other direction. "I thought the cursed armor was that way," he comments bleakly. "Try to find it; and teleport it far, far away. I will have my flaming partner take care of the bad doggies." He turns back and heads towards the supernatural hounds, trying to avoid the people running the other direction. At some point he stumbles, falling to one knee, when he stands up, he is a much larger person, all dressed in black leather, spikes and chains grown from his outfit, and his head is a skull on fire.

Now the screaming, panicky people are running away from -him-.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The screaming and fear that starts floating around the place gets a frown and Tabby looks like she's gotten a sudden migrain from the telepathic noise. Monet probably knows exactly what it feels like.

"So like yeah, gonna go see what that's about. Did it get like chilly?" the punkish blonde states and heads for the medieval exhibits. "Like go find the armor!" she points out and starts heading for the colder parts of the museum.

And then ice dogs. Well better than skeevy ice giants. Putting her own shiny new telepathy to tye shared mindlink Monet was asked to starts. <<We'll try and like not blow anything valuable up. But if it does it's totally not my fault if anything expensive is destroyed... or goes missing." she states and flares up her own plasma in hand while the Ghost Rider ignites along side her. Maybe out of some jeealosy for the power she lets her own hair ignight and traiil down her back like a Tameranian. "Bad ass!" she states and starts streaming a gout of plasma at the closest of the frost hounds. "Think they'll melt or shatter? Umm. Probably don't wanna try this on the frozen people." she points out. They might shatter and that'll suck.

Colborn has posed:
    Okay. So nothing comes up on the scanners, and Colborn moves back into the main area of the displays. His hands go into his jeans pockets, and he doesn't really look like the Harvard educated elite types that usually attend such gatherings. He is in a leather jacket, a loose fitting tee shirt, and blue jeans.

    But other than that, he just wanders about, examining things as a cover to rtry to remain close by the folks he overheard talking about weird shit.

    And as he draws closer, he hears the screams and feels the cold. "By Zuras." he mutters as he turns and charges that way. Boldly going where no Eternal has gone before. Well, maybe a few. But he's the sort who runs towards the danger, not away from it.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
The medieval room is total chaos but there is some order thanks to the assistance of security guards and museum staff, a couple who have already called the police as they try to assist in evacuations. As Daniel and Tabitha turn on the heat, they will find the hounds do not melt or explode easily, but they do melt or explode or both, after some resistance.

There are still some frozen human statues left behind but the hounds attack with a seemingly random, disorganized system, almost as if their M.O. is to spread chaos and mayhem. But at least they are mostly focused on the heroes now, another charging at Colborn as he approaches them.

And while that's all happening, Megan is still headed towards the feudal display, wandering into a more restricted area as her pendant glows. "Ooh, what is thi--?!" she lets out a Yelp of surprised pain, and seems to fall off the telepathic link.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would go to let out a sigh over, "How banal." She would go towards one of the hounds, moving to try and quickly pick it up and then if posible try and hurl i tover into some of the others to try and clear the way some if she was able to!

<<Tabitha, please do give Megan some assistance with clearing the way. When the location is secure we can evacuate civilians>>

Colborn has posed:
    Okay, big bad ice doggos. Colborn shakes his head and says, "Mother Box. Sjarnbrandr." and with a tiny little rip in the fabric of spacetime, a sword is suddenly in Colborn's hand. A four and a half foot long blade, with golden glowing energy tracing along the guard and down the fullers on both sides.

    "Bad dog." he states as he goes in for a parry of a charging dog with the flat of the blade, leading to a kick to punt the creature away. Twenty five tons of force in that kick to be specific. Well, maybe a bit more. It is a roundhouse kick, and Chuck Norris shows that those are powerful.

    "Okay now. All you dogs. Down! Or I will show you what happens to a snowman in the summer!"

Daniel Ketch has posed:
The Ghost Rider falls on the hounds like an angry fireball. Using the flaming chains to try to ensnare the ice dogs and draw them close enough he can fry them with his flaming breath or tear them apart with his fists. "WHERE IS YOUR MASTER?!" He demands loudly. "HE WILL ANSWER TO ME FOR HIS SINS".

And what makes him even angrier is that the sorcerer is probably well away and this is just a distraction. But what can he do? Innocents are in danger. He is completely unable to leave. "YOU, woman!" He points to Tabby, imperiously. "Find the girl with the dragonfly wings. Use your fire powers to help her. There is a malevolent sorcerer loose."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
With Megan and Ghost Rider falling off the link Tabby frowns and tries to reconnect with the two. This probably isn't ideal for a novice like Boom-Boom but gotta try.

<<You sure? I mean we got enough heat here we could melt Jotunheim. Just be careful with the doggos. That's like magic stuff.>> she warns.

Wow! She's sensible for a change and while drunk as she sends a blast to one dog and starts heading to back up Megan and leave Ketch and Monet and the others to the mission while Tabby helps cover the other half of the scavenger hunt. "It's plasma not fire! Big difference!" she pouts at the Rider while she lets the plasma trail in her hair go out. So much for being cool. But she does chase after Pixie. "Coulda loaned me a chain or something!" she mutters under her breath and blasts at any dogs on her way.

Padraigh O'Malley has posed:
    Padraigh looks around a bit here as he sighs thoughtfully he speaks quietly with his companion before shrugging again with a laugh. "All right boys lets get ta work." He grins pulling out a cigarette and lighting it up. He than looks to those spirits that have been egging him on. "Ok lets find that armor shall we?" He asks looking through the veil and into the Astral planes trying to determine what he might see.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
More people are fleeing, leaving only the occasional stragglers and quite a few frozen human statues. Can anything be done to help them..? The frost hounds are now focusing on the heroes, a couple getting shattered by Colborn's powerful strength, more getting blasted by Tabby's bombs, enough for her to cut a path through them and towards the Feudal room if she so chooses. M had no trouble hurling a couple hounds at some others, causing them to fall into each other, one shattering the other.

And yet more seem to rise. Daniel may be onto something. These fiends are a mere distraction..But if one is particularly observant they might just notice the tall Asian man in a black suit calmly walking around, seemingly focused upon the hounds. This may well be the sorcerer that Daniel speaks of.

Meanwhile, whoever reaches Megan first may find her laying on the ground unconscious, a shadowy figure dressed all in black with a mask covering his mouth, hovering over her and reaching for her pendant...

Meanwhile, those ghosts may just lead Padraigh right to the location of the cursed armour, through the restricted back door that Pixie didn't quite reach before she went down. The shadow clad figure about to steal her pendant is interrupted by his arrival and tosses a smoke bomb his way before dashing towards the restricted room, trying to reach whatever is there first!

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The frost hounds are hurled over and around while Monet goes to trust Tabitha to keep pace over with Pixie and protect her. She's not bothering much with the mental link over. There's too much going on here for her to coordinate. Magic is ever so much a pain and she needs her attention. She goes to try and grab one of the frost hounds from the tail, then goes to try and hurl it through the nearest wall. Her aim is over at the platter of cheap, exorbidantly overpriced wine.
    Even moreso than a fundraiser should be permitted to markup!

Colborn has posed:
    Details are noticed. Colborn is not a furious fighter. He fights with his brain, not his heart. he doesn't charge in like he is a raging barbarian. He takes a step back and lets his muscle memory handle defense of the self while he takes a look over the overall battlefield.

    But that sorcerer... while Colborn can't sense magic, he -can- discern intent. The nexzt hound that charges him gets a foot on top of its head. He uses that to shove downward, and to spring up into the air.

    Floating over the hounds, he comes to land before the Asian man. "And where are -you- going?" he asks, his sword blade leveled at the man's face.

Daniel Ketch has posed:
The Ghost Rider rages as more ice hounds appear. He is tireless, but he can feel he is missing the point. Yet he can't leave while there are humans in danger, even if they are already frozen. They can still be saved. Therefore he fights on, sending flaming chain links flying to slash at the dogs, kicking and punching, blasting hellfire when he can get more than one on sight.

But they keep coming.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Eventually Tabby catches up with Megan through a bunch of ice mutts and skids to a halt and almost topples because wedgeheeled sneaker boots are awful for traction.

The figure tring to take the pendant from the draginfly winged girl finds themselves with an angry looking Tabby trying to tackle them to knock them back and away from putting a hand on the downed girl.

"No means NO asshole!" she yells and if the sorceror ends up impaled on a sword. Tabby probably won't lose sleep over it. She might sometimes be kinda the barbarian type even if the bio-electricity she's been controlling psionically might mark her more of a monk if you really wanted to pick a class. Well Rogue/Monk multi at least.

Padraigh O'Malley has posed:
    Padraigh runs passed Megan. "Ya good Lass?" He calls back as he keeps moving deeper in heading for that hidden door. The smoke bomb doesn't seem to stop him after all his sight is through the veil and he has ghosts leading his way. "I ain't lettin' ya get there ye dirty shite ye, I'll get ye I will." HE calls towards the shadowy figure as he sprints off to the deer. Tapping into his deepest core trying to gather as much strength and energy as he can.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Between M, Colborn and Ghost Rider, the next wave of frost hounds are quickly reduced to shattered ice and puddles of water. The sorcerer is about to raise a hand to summon more hounds before Colborn blocks his path and he smirks, stepping back and blowing a freezing storm of ice and snow at him, trying to freeze him in the spot. "Oh, I'm the least of your problems." he smirks.

Meanwhile, just before the shadowy figure can flee, he is tackled to the ground by the unexpected arrival of Tabby. He snarls, climbing swiftly to his feet, tossing a few shuriken her way, before trying to flee towards the restricted room.

But it's enough of a distraction for Padraigh to reach the room and the ancient leather samurai helmet first. It lays quietly on a table, seemingly unobtrusive and harmless, but his spirit sight may sense the curse laid upon it, the evil powerful spirit somehow still attached to it.

Pixie meanwhile is still unconscious. That must have been some knock on the head.

Colborn has posed:
    And with a thought, a pulse of cosmic radiation imbued thermal energy flashes out from the blade of the sword in the sorcerer's face. "Just because I am no wizard does not mean that I am helpless." he says simply. "Now. I suggest that you surrender unless... oh skip it." he mutters as he steps in and strikes the sorcerer across the fact with the pommel of that sword in his hand.

    Then he stands over the man's prone form. "Why does everyone insist on doing things the hard way?" he asks, sword-tip touching the man's Adam's Apple.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The blonde with the tackle grins as the sorceror is knocked about but she has to scramble as the ninja starts are thrown and a couple of them in her back and shoulder with a pretty loud scream of pain.

That blouse soaking up and trurning red in spots. None of the points went in too far but she'll need stitches again. Thankfully there's probably still booze to be swiped.

"That was a Van Dyne!" she yells before throwing a bomb at the exit the mage leaves for and Tabby is left crawling on all fours over to Pixie to check on her. "Hey, Megan? You okay? C'Mon, wake up sweetie. Bad guy's gone. and god damn he's a minion!" she guesses based on what he said. she does check the amulet was not swiped along with anything else nearby.

Padraigh O'Malley has posed:
Padraigh O'Malley smirks looking at that helmet through the veil seeing the spirits curse he grips the helm and starts to come back from the place. "Got it I got it yall." He calls back out as he returns.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
The sorcerer could be a bit exhausted from all the magic he recently expended. Or perhaps he's just too arrogant for his own good. Either way, Colborn sees an opening and takes it, knocking him across the face with the pommel of his sword, with enough force to knock him to the ground, but not quite enough to knock him out. Either way, it's enough of a shock to stun him, to undo his magic..The frozen statues are rapidly thawing, returning back to very wet, very cold, very frightened looking people. And then suddenly the sorcerer is nowhere to be seen..Did he just teleport out..?.

But hey, at least they're still alive!

Meanwhile the shadowy thief narrows his eyes at Tabby, about to flee before she hurls another well placed time bomb at his back. With a roar of pain, he scrambles to the floor, but doesn't die. It's enough of a hit to injure him badly enough that he doesn't bother pursuing Padraigh. Instead he too flees, teleporting in a puddle of shadows.

Megan finally wakes up slowly, groggily, groaning as she rubs the back of her head where a nasty goose egg has formed. "Ugggh...Head hurts.." she groans, but hey, at least she's alive! And the pendant is safe for now.."Ooh, the helmet! Did you get it..Ugh.." she's a bit out of it and has no idea who the tall mysterious weirdo is. But right now sleep sounds good...Yeah she'll worry about it tomorrow...Zzzzzz...