13125/Fall Fesitval Harvest Celebration and Sppoky Season Gala

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Fall Fesitval Harvest Celebration and Sppoky Season Gala
Date of Scene: 27 October 2022
Location: Bushwick <Mutant Town>
Synopsis: A wonderful time was had by all. And the MutantTown community is introduced to X-Corporation.
Cast of Characters: Roberto da Costa, Kitty Pryde, Scott Summers, Micola Maximoff, Emma Frost, Jubilation Lee, Pietro Maximoff

Roberto da Costa has posed:
    On one mystic, magic night,
Jack O Lanterns glowing bright,
kids with bags of candy sweet,
roam door to door and street to street,
all dressed up for trick or treat!

Wizards with wands, pirates with hooks,
monsters and clowns with spooky looks,

kings and queens with capes and crowns,
a princess in her royal gown,

witches with warts and fairies with wings
movies stars with sparkling rings,

vampires with fangs that bite,
ghost that boo all dressed in white.

Imaginations taken flight,
on that one mystic, magic night.

Oh, the fun of Halloween,
be young or old or in between!

Roberto da Costa has posed:
    MutantTown is decked out for the holiday season. Cobwebs and jack-o-lanterns, masks and lights strung from tree to tree, leaf piles have been brough in for jumping. There are tanks for bobbing apples, an empty lot has been set up with a pumpkin splatter contest where contestants can punt pumpkins against the wall to see who can make the biggest splatter. There are booths of goods and treats in addition to the sidewalk food vendors and the stations set up by the neighborhood merchants to peddle their wares. There is a farm themed petting zoo as well as carnival rides, including a pony ride tilt-a-whirl, merry-go-round and even a ferris wheel the is four or five stories high, almost eclipsing the Centinel Hotel. A warehouse has been set up as an urban variation on a haunted house.

    Roberto is circulating and handing, working the booths, eating copious amounts of food and talking amiably with the members of the community. He addresses concerns and makes sure that everyone?s needs are being met. He makes eye contact with friends and waves easily as he makes his way around the neighborhood, punting a pumpkin to make a nice broad splatter. He laughs and nods enjoying the game.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
The trip down from the school is a familiar one for those who have lived there for much of the last half dozen years or more. Scott and Kitty arrive at the edge of the festivities. Kitty's wearing a costume, having dressed up like a Man in Black, and carrying around a little flash thing openly which she flashes at a kid who turns to look at her in the suit and sunglasses.

"See," she says to Scott quietly, "having one of these must be what it's like to be Jean or the Professor. How cool would that be?" Scrambling people's brains. One can dream.

She looks around the festive carnival and says, "Ooo. Petting zoo! Definitely going to visit that. Look at the little baby goat. He's adorable!" she says, pointing over to where she spots the little kid within the enclosure.

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott discreetly scans the crowds of people that have come out for the festivities through ruby shades. Some of the windows. The roofs. He is dressed in a matching black suit and black tie, carrying a ridiculously oversized plastic alien-type rifle. The rigid bearing adds to the effect of something for once.

"This is why we /don't/ have those," Scott replies dryly.

He spots Roberto and waves, then turns his attention to where Kitty is pointing.

"I'm not going home with a baby goat," he cautions. "No livestock allowed at the school."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola was just finishing out with her volunteer hours and there was a pumpkin pie shake that she wanted while she was awaiting his Royal Zippiness. The blue haired woman was giving a look over the decorations and the atmosphere of Bushwick and it put a smile on her pale face to see things going on for Halloween. She tapped out a quick text to someone and then finds a place to settle in and watch while she's just enjoying the night. She didn't have to be back at work...so she had nothing but time really so she decided just to take some time to enjoy the Halloween atmosphere.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost wwalks on in over and would glance at Scott as she would etner, "Why, I almost swear you were trying to go as something Liefeldian. I thought you had at least some standards before you went to take something off the bargain bin." Emma is dressed over in a female tuxedo along with a top hat and a half opera mask concealing over her face, wearing white gloves. A rose held over in her off hand. Over at her side is an underslung, somewhat unusual looking revolver which looks like it came off some sort of movie set doing a live action anime.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa is dressed in a well tailored suit, more a uniform than a costume. He slips his hands into his pockets aa he approaches with a grin, "You're a bit far from Chicago there Elwood." He nods to Emma as well. "Black? A bold choice." He looks around the fastivities, "So, seems like it's going well, the food is amazing. Glad you all could make it."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a quiet chuckle to Scott. "Hey last time I brought an animal home it worked out ok," she says, reminding Scott of the kitten. She walks with the flashy thing in hand as they make their way further into the carnival. Spotting Roberto when Scott waves to him, Kitty adds her own wave.

Emma's arrival causes Kitty to a pause a moment in thought. Then she holds up the flashy thing and flashes it Emma's direction. "We were never here. You attended the festival, ate too much pumpkin pie flavored ice cream, and decided you need to go home and do six hours on the treadmill to make up for it," she tells Emma in the wake of the flash.

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott does not rise Emma's bait, and just shakes his head with a wry smile at Kitty's antics.

"Nice to see you, too, Emma. I'm getting a drink drink, I might need it," Scott says. "Anyone else want one?" he offers.

Scott makes his way towards one of the stands.

"I'm an alien! Rawr!" A little girl with a rabbit costume, but actual rabbit ears, jumps from her mother's side and in front of Scott. Scott stops in his tracks.

"Sweetie..." the girl's mother starts.

"Don't cause any... trouble," Scott says, reacting after an overlong pause. "Or I'll zap you."

"Rawr!" the girl replies.

"I'm sorry," the girl's mother says and drags her daughter off.

"It's al... And they're gone."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would just smile over at Scott, "Oh, the normal student body doesn't cause you to do that?" She would glance over at Scott, "Or if only you could do such a thing for real to make one forget.." The constantness of a school of teenagers?
    Then Emma goes to give a quick telepathic 'strobe' to Kitty and Scott right as they do the 'flashy' thing.
    Emma just smiles, even as Kitty gets an image of Scott in full outfit singing Aqua's 'Barbie Girl' and Scott gets the same of Kitty. Now they might very well wish they could do the same for real.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola sips her shake as she gives a look down to her phone. She wasn't in a hurry or anything. There's a smile as she sees a few kids run by and she gives a nod of her head to them. It was almost Halloween and she still wasn't sure what she was going as really. They'd been so preoccupied with other things that it had been over looked. She takes another drink of her pumpkin shake and gives a little look up to the sky and adding more things to the mental to do list.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Mutant Town at night. There's a perfect combination of factors for anyone interested in sampling the local, ehem, flavor of mutants. The free food and drinks lower the inhibitions. The costumes and haunted house make it easier to blend in, too. The blanket invitation announcing that all are welcome even smooths over any tension some might feel about showing up somewhere uninvited. One thing, unfortunately, stands in the way: a decree, inked in the Duchess' handwriting, that rendered Mutant Town completely-and-utterly off-limits. Some, however, are keen to test how serious she was about it...

    A feeling of dread seems to spread from inside the haunted house. Screams become louder, more concentrated, more intense. The screams are no longer paired with embarrassed laughter. It's just screaming. Trouble. Fear. Something's wrong in there. Something bad is happening inside that haunted house...

    And then... as quickly as it started, it's over. The exit of the haunted house opens and a pale, forever-young woman steps out. Her long, black hair is pulled up in a tight ponytail. She's wearing a bright pink hoodie with 'A/S/L?' printed across the breast in large, black letters. The bottom of her black, bicycle shorts just barely peek out from the bottom of the sweatshirt. A pair of black Ray Ban sunglasses cover her eyes.

    Jubilation's hair, clothes, and sunglasses are covered in a thin layer of grey dust. As soon as she steps out of the haunted house, Jubilation tosses a held object towards a nearby garbage can. It misses by a foot or so, briefly filling the air with the sound of wood bouncing against pavement. Jubilee reaches up and starts brushing the dust out of her hair and from her clothes. She looks /pissed/ about something, but that's quick to pass as she notices some familiar faces. "Kitty, cool costume," Jubes announces with a grin. She reaches up to cover her mouth -- so her teeth are hidden from the nearby kids -- but... wait, it's halloween! She lowers her hand and looks around, taking inventory. Scott Summers. She must be cautious.

    Wait. Jubilee isn't a student, anymore. "Hey, Scott!" she announces loudly. Just an obvious, defiant use of the teacher's first name.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
A nippy autumn night, where Pietro was set to meet up with someone in Bushwick. It wasn't that he was late, it was just that things needed handled before he could come out. Some personal, some Avengers adjascent. Still, the blur that is Pietro comes to rest near where Micola is sipping her drink. He had a rather good record of finding her, and tonight was no different.

Falling in step with her as she walks, he grins over to her. "Fancy meeting you out here. Just out and about for a walk?" He wonders, offering his hand to her as they stroll along. He glances around, taking in all the decor for the upcoming holiday. "Are we dressing up for Halloween?" He wonders of her.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
As Emma pushes the thought into her head, Kitty grits her teeth and looks down at her MiB flashy thing. "Darn replicas," she grumbles before giving Emma a small, pointed stare.

The arrival of Jubilee causes Kitty to raise a hand and wave her way. "Hey Jubes. How's the night?" she asks. "I was just thinking of going and grabbing some of those baked pumpkin seeds," she says, and then pauses. Yeah, Kitty forgot. "Well, not sure if they are to your liking. Anyone else though?" Kitty asks as she looks at the others to see anyone wants her to get them some.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa pulls out some tickets from his pockets. Smiling handing the Mom some tickets, "Take the bunny over to the petting zoo." He winks to the mom, "And get some funnel cake. The food vendors are all free." He shakes his head at the Xavier's crowd.
     Roberto raises an eyebrow at Micola and smiles. He frowns and walks over towards the trash, picking up the stake with a raised eyebrow tossing it away, "Interesting costume choice. "

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott shakes his head. Then shakes it again. He frowns and turns. His eyes linger on Kitty, and a bit of a smile passes over his face, then he shakes his head again and gives Emma a pointed look.

"You're good at this," Scott says to Roberto while waving to Jubilee. "It's a skill. Looks like a success."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola has been around Pietro enough to know when he's zooming in. There's a smile to the platinum haired man and she leans in to plant a kiss on his cheek, "Avenging done?" she asks him. "Got done with my volunteer shift early and figured I'd scope out the Halloween stuff while I was awaiting the fiance." she grins to him. "What about you?" she asks him.

"I was going to talk to you about that tonight at home, but what do you want to do?" she asks him. Then there's a look to Roberto and a smile, "Oh...I'm not in costume, but thank you." she tells him.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile over at the others, "Yes, an excellent turnout for the event." Emma goes to watch over at things. "Jubilation, you seem to have fallen asleep in someone's attic." She would note idly while turning over to glance in PIetro's direction while going to click her tongue at something to herself.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa smiles at Scott and Emma, "Thank you, we alm have our special gifts, spending money is mine." He winks, with a chuckles. Then returns his attention to Micola, "Well, still lovely and festive, anyway. Oh? Congratulations, Pietro. I hadn't heard. Seems it's going around... I'll to see if Hank can inoculate me."

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Perhaps it's just her being stubborn. Maybe she's making a statement. Or, who knows? Maybe there's been some miraculous development in the areas of supernatural nutrition. Jubilation leans forward on her toes, just a touch, to make herself a little taller. "Oh, yeah, I'll take a handful," Jubes answers Kitty, nodding even! "A whole handful. I'll be right back."

    Scott's totally unplussed reaction to her using his first name earns a flat expression from Jubilation. Emma gets an even flatter one. By now, Jubilee's mouth is closed, nothing more than a straight, severe line going across her face. "I didn't..." Jubilee protests quietly, leaving it at that, finding no reason to explain herself to the likes of Emma Frost on her way towards Roberto de Costa. Jubilation walks normally, one foot after the other, but doesn't seem to bob up and down like everyone else. It's more of a glide. But, strangely, she's walking, just like everyone else.

    "Ahoy," Jubes announces, grinning a fangy grin up at Roberto. "Did I miss the fireworks?"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde gets one taker on the baked pumpkin seeds, so heads over into line to get some. The man ahead of her has his daughter in his arms, the little girl wearing a starfish costume and looking over his shoulder at Kitty behind them. She sticks her tongue out at Kitty through a grin on her face.

Kitty grins and sticks her tongue out back at the girl. The next two minutes in line are spent making faces back and forth with the little girl. Until her father has their snacks and it's Kitty's turn. She gets two small bags of the baked and seasoned seeds, as well as a mug of butter beer. She pays for them and then makes her way back over, giving one to Jubilee. On the way she spots a familiar face, that of Pietro Maximoff. "Hello," she says to him. "Nice to run into you," Kitty says, her smile taking in Micola as well. "I hope you're well, and your sisters? I haven't gotten to see Lorna in awhile now."

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
There's a brighter smile as he gets a kiss to his cheek, Pietro's arm going around the small of Micola's back. "Done for now. I suspect it will never be truly done, of course. Too many things to help with, problems to fix." A shake of his head. "Everything is so... festive. It is hard to tell if the holiday is more for children or adults, these days. There are aspects for both, during the spooky season." Quicksilver offers over, glancing around. "I'm just glad I could come out with you."

Looking to Roberto, he nods. "I don't suspect it's anything one would need an innoculation for - but thank you." A slight grin at that. Then as Kitty meanders over, he nods to her. "Hello Kitty. Nice seeing you as well. Have you met Micola, my fiance?" He offers over, by way of introduction. "Wanda is good - we celebrated our birthday recently. Lorna is doing all right, she's likely just buried under the responsibilities of Queendom."

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott lucks out and finds nobody in line ahead of him for drinks. He runs down a mental checklist of what the others like to drink, though he struggles to remember what Jubilation likes and has to guess. After hiding from the social side of things at barbecues by tending the grill on more than one occasion he has a pretty good idea of what the others like.

Scott makes his way back towards the others, handing out drinks as he goes.

"Pumpkin seeds?" he asks Kitty incredulously when he rejoins the others.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa raises an eyebrow wryly towards Jubilation, "Kind of you to bring your own. But no, you didn't miss a thing." Roberto checks his watch as the first of the fireworks go off behind him. He smiles as Kitty returns and hands Jubes pumpkin seeds. He takes a drink from Scott, "Sorrel lemonade?! You remebered." Berto laughs, then returns his attention to Kitty. "Did you get the habanero? They were soo good."
     That's when the fireworks begin in earnest, the colors more oranges, yellows and reds in honor of fall. There's even a Jack O Lantern and black Cat

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola seems a little confused, but she smiles to Roberto, "It's no problem." she tells him. Then she looks to Pietro, "I'm definitely a fan of Halloween, but, my work gives that away. And it's easier to talk to ghosts when the veil is thin." she tells Pietro. She gives a soft smile to the others, but doesn't know any of them so lets Pietro field this one. She's usually the talker, so he can take one for the team!

Kitty Pryde has posed:
"Oh! Happy birthday, sorry I missed it!" Kitty Pryde tells Pietro. When Pietro introduces her to Micola, the man's fiance is given a bright smile by Kitty. "Hello Micola. I hadn't realized Pietro had gotten engaged. Congratulations!" she tells her. "I'll just keep my fingers crossed for you if you two have kids. Because I can't imagine trying to keep up with a child of Pietro's," she teases, and makes a gesture as if someone zipping about all over the place at high speed.

She shakes the bag of pumpkin seeds and offers some to Scott. "Here, try them," she tells him. The seeds are baked and seasoned. "So Roberto how much of this is your doing?" she asks of the festival.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "Alright, then, let's see how you did," Jubilee replies, smirking broadly in Roberto's direction, even flapping her eyebrows a little as she conducts her mock inspection of the evening's pyrotechnics. She leans back and looks up at the night sky, still wearing those Ray Bans, and watches the yellow and red explosions. After a few fireworks go off, Jubilation's attention returns to Roberto. She gently tap-taps his belly with the back of her hand. "Eight out of ten. It would've been higher but you lost points for getting store-bought," she teases before turning away and letting the man tend to his guests.


    "I was joking!" Jubilee insists, grinning a little as Kitty hands her the seeds. "What am I going to do with these?" she wonders, shaking her head. It almost seems like she doesn't know.


    Jubilation finds herself with a glass of something, placed in her hands by none other than Scott Summers. She stares down at it for a long while before looking up at the teacher with a just-bit-into-a-lemon expression. "...Thanks," she says with a nasal tone, as though she's reading the word off of something, rather than expressing anything close to gratitude. "...Perfect for, uh, washing these down." The seeds.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa gestures at pretty much everything, "Oh? This?" He shrugs, "You know me, I just sign the checks, come up with theme, establish the vision, oversee the menu. Evaluate the rides and vendors for thematic representation. You know, free everyone up to be great while making sure they sound great together." Roberto snappoints, "Scott gets it."

Roberto raises an eyebrow at Jubes and smirks, "Thanks, I'll make a note."

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
A laugh at Kitty's suggestion. "We will see what the future holds. Apparently I have a family member, of sorts, who shares my speed." A shake of Pietro's head. "Micola, this is Kitty Pryde. A friend I've known for some time." He introduces. Pointing to Scott, Roberto and Jubilee. "That's Scott, Roberto and Jubilee." Simple right? Test after!

"Thank you for the birthday wishes and the congratulations." A smile. "We're still plotting a Genoshan wedding. Palace and all." Then his eyes go up to the wonderful fireworks display.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a soft smile at that talk of children, "Honestly, I'd rather the kids have super speed and not having to see ghosts and dead people all the time." she admits. "It's nice to meet you, Kitty." she dips her head to her. Then she looks up to the fireworks and there's a smile. The last time she'd watched fire works was in the hospital. So this was a nice change! She reaches out to take Pietro's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
The fireworks continue varying in size and frequency. they head towards a cescendo slowly and then the finale is here and the show hits its highlight. With the cescendo come volunteers giving out goidy bags to children and adults. They are adorned in stylized bumblebees that those from the mansion woulf find very familiar.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Jubilee makes a good-natured finger-gun in response to hearing her name included in Pietro's introduction. She's about to say something, but the buzzing of her phone catches her attention. She looks down at the drink Scott gave her and gently sets it down on a nearby picnic table before unlocking her phone. Some things never change.

    Jubilee taptaptaptaptaps against the screen, swiping this way and that. When she's done, Jubes looks up, sunglasses hiding her deer-in-headlights expression. "Huh? What?" she wonders. After just a moment, the words manage to finally make their way from her ears to her brain. "...Fiance? Married? Wedding? That's /awesome/!" Welcome to five minutes ago, Jubilee.

    While there could be a million possible follow-up questions coming, Pietro has been saved by whatever has drawn Jubes' eyes back to that haunted house she emerged from before. Trouble.

    "Hold that thought, hold it, gimme just one sec. I think I dropped my contact lens..." Jubes, not-a-glasses-or-contacts-wearer, mutters idly before starting an angry march to the exit door of the haunted house. She scoops up the heavy, wooden stick she ditched near the trash can earlier. After tossing the stick up and down a couple times, Jubilation pulls open the exit door and disappears into the haunted house.