13574/Discordants: The Synergy of Fear

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Discordants: The Synergy of Fear
Date of Scene: 07 January 2023
Location: Fogo Island, Brimstone Head Park
Synopsis: 107 souls are lost and one dark elf is slain in the horrible aftermath.
Cast of Characters: Alexander Aaron, Lara Croft, Daisy Johnson, Morrigan MacIntyre, Natasha Romanoff, Jane Foster, Monica Chang, Jessica Drew

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    When the threads of power and fate are woven into an elaborate tapestry even the skilled weaver knows not how far it does reach. For there are times when those threads tangle and kink and it is in those moments when the weaver is fully known.
    It had started in the Research and Development central room where the desks are located and where the vaunted paperwork is assailed. It was there when the figure of a young man appeared in the full uniform of one of SHIELD's tactical response teams, that he pulling the visored helmet off his head and raised his voice.
    "Something is going on. Something bad."
    Which for most of the souls in that room would be obscure enough for them to dismiss perhaps. But for some of those within those halls who knew the background of the youth they might realize that his words were not to be easily dismissed. The next few moments had been a gathering of like-minded individuals who chose to act upon these words. The information they had? His ill feeling and him pointing in one direction roughly 58 degrees on the compass or East Northeast a quar to East.
    When the Quinjet's engines fire and the ship takes flight, it leads them up into low-orbit, making the jump to a higher speed as they race across New England, then over Nova Scotia, across the water, and then toward Newfoundland.
    It was then when they were hurtling across the white snowy terrain that the young man in the armored uniform gestures down. "There... it's lower now."
    This time when he pointed they could see their destination. Fogo Island. Beautiful during the warmer months, and now still just as scenic only he pointed to the smaller peninsula that twists off the side of the island into a park all its own. Primarily because of the one grand feature it displays. That of a stony rise hidden in a hint of fog that creates a sharp cliff that leads down into the roaring ocean with white-capped waves splashing across its base. Brimstone Head Park.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara had happened to be in the WAND offices when Alex texted her to come to where he was within the Trisk. It only took her a few minutes and when she arrived she'd just quietly absorbed what information was given, and agreed to go to help where she could.

On the Quinjet ride, Lara was seated alongside one of the bulkheads, wearing a black canvas jacket, a black ballcap with her ponytail sticking out the back of it. Drab green hiking trousers, and dark leather boots makeup the rest of her visible attire, as she was researching various possibly related topics on her phone... up until the approaching arrival.

Lara stood there-after, her left hand taking one of the grippers hanging from the ceiling of the jet. She steadies herside as she watches toward the cockpit at their approach. She stuffs her phone in to the satchel hanging on her right hip, and then adjusts her cap atop her head, along with a scarf wrapped around her neck...

Daisy Johnson has posed:
It hadn't taken long for them to take flight and with an hand-picked selection of agents and contacts prepared to deal with the situation. Or at least study it. There was much unknown on it, or everything right now. Still, that the response had been near immediate meant this was being treated seriously, and as high priority.

Daisy is dressed in her black and blue SHIELD suit, black boots and hair held up in a practical ponytail. She is leaned over a digital 3d map of the island, pointing at the displayed fog. "This." she states, "Anyone that can tell us more on it from the readings we are getting?" she inquires of those around.

Eyes then go to Alex and she asks him, "What is it you are feeling there?" she has an idea, but specifics are good.

"Let's land it near the fog an establish a perimeter so we can study it." she says.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan had stopped in at the Triskelion to deliver a message to America's Ass. Balder had been wandering around looking for his brother and she thought it made sense for SHIELD and the Avengers to be aware of a God being on earth. Not that the man would cause issues, but he was too trusting and that might go poorly. She'd wandered past Mister Aaron and now, here she was! Blind and with Benvy seated on her knee, "Alright, don't get too far ahead of folks out there. Just keep it calm and we'll be fine." she tells the raven.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff has settled in over in her position in the Quinjet, going to work over on the weapons she has with her. She's otherwise quiet at her point, looking over one of the secondary consoles while moving to scan the infromation screens present. There's no talking from her as the Quinjet vectors through the air.

It's a combat operation, or at least close enough to one that she's going in loaded for bare. As Daisy gives the instructions, Natasha goes to get up with her weapons array. "Understood." A sign of her deferring command to Daisy in this circumstance.

Jane Foster has posed:
In other situations, a trip to Fogo Island might thrill Jane with an opportunity to clamber over Brimstone Head Trail down to the tide pools or prowl through the colourful saltbox houses in search of some nautical souvenir. Snowcapped, rocky flats rimmed in an ice-locked bay do not spell "friendly tourist opportunities," unfortunately. The Bangbelly Cafe's closed for the season and the pond-speckled topography illustrated on her projection of the map provides frighteningly few landing points if things go poorly.

"At least there's a road here going into the park, though after that, it's hard-going, I'd expect." She checks the heavy-duty microspikes attached to her boots, things that jingle and cinch in several different points. "Stay away from the sea ice, it's thin enough not to be stable and anyone falling through a rotten core or air pocket on the frozen shore might not surface where they can breathe." Not to mention the core shock and loss of temperature, but without Jemma here to scare them, she'll take over that role. Her gaze flicks from Daisy to Alex, and she nods to them both, the question she had following up with.

"I can drop a few sensors if we want a look through the mist through mechanical eyes." Oh, she's got those aplenty to go with the cool devices that essentially give her grounds to hide. Most of the time.

Monica Chang has posed:
Those words intoned that way from Alexander upon his entry to R&D had been enough to raise the hairs on the back of Monica's neck. That trickle of fear sliding down her spine and giving a chill to her body as she looked up from the design she was working on. It was enough to quell her usual sarcasm and she was one of the first volunteering to go see what might be happening.

Thus here she was, strapped into the Quinjet along with the others. She was still in her jump seat, also dressed in the formal uniform of SHIELD. A holster on her right, belt with various pouches carrying a variety of weapons. She was mostly silent during the ride, reading from a small datapad in the hopes of finding out what he was sensing but to no avail. She kept a close eye on him, when she wasn't sneaking peeks at /the/ Black Widow.

Now that they were approaching their destination, she unstrapped and tapped up information about their current GPS location and the isle down below. Still nothing that gave away what might be setting off Alexander's senses but knowing who and what he was? She was still anxious, though it didn't show as she prepared to disembark and investigate with the rest.

Jessica Drew has posed:
The senior agent had been peripherally involved in the younger agent's training. But more aware than some of the reach of his powers, having witnessed them herself one day entirely by accident. She had played a part in bringing him back into the fold, something that both he and SHIELD wanted for different reasons.

Seated not far from Lara, head back against the bulkhead, these facts floated back to her as they flew into the unknown - with nothing more precise than there is something bad out there. Knowing the source of the alarm, his warning had been heeded.

In light of them flying into the unknown, Jessica wears full tactical gear, complete with a balaclava mask that she has removed for the journey. At her feet she carries a mini-arsenal of explosives and guns. Belted around her waist in convenient pouches are all the little accessories a woman needs - flash bangs, gas pellets and extra ammo.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The wispy fog and the late hour hides the top of the Brimstone Head though the Quinjet's thermographic sensors depict a vibrant rainbow image. Yet it is an image predominantly black and blue. Save for one point that gleams with a bright red and orange. A figure or shape of a man that stands right at the top of those steps that lead up the rock and toward the plateau above.
    Yet what draws the attention of the pilot to his screen is not that single image...
    "Ma'am." The pilot turns his head, an Agent Cooper, and he says. "We've got one possible target below but there are..." The data on the Quinjet's threat assessment screen continues to trickle in and he frowns. "We have 107 unique images of... casualties." Which on the screen can be seen to be... figures strewn about that plateau, unmoving. And rapidly cooling.
    The pilot takes the ship down into a smooth arc around and lands at the base of the rise right before the stairs start. There's the whir of the back hatch opening as the engines of the Quinjet roar the ship to a halt, slowing its descent. Alexander who is still in the combat armor looks toward Daisy as he says, "It was intense fear, but... it was louder, orchestrated. Cultivated... but it's... stopped."
    Down further toward town one can see the beams of flashlights flickering across the fog as people are walking toward the rise, a distant voice calls out, "What's going on here, eh!" Civilians most likely, who might have seen something.

Lara Croft has posed:
A quick look is sent around to the others preparing to disembark, when Lara catches the words from the pilot. "What?" She has to ask, because... obviously that's a revelation to be sure.

With only a modest amount of jostling, the Quinjet is set down and Lara is turning to move with the others to disembark. She uses her phone's light to shine ahead of her as she starts to take in the scenery of the place, including those approaching lights from others.

"We have incoming..." Lara states, her free hand suddenly aware of her own sidearm which is tucked inside her jacket up against her left side...

She doesn't respond to the person calling out, she leaves that to someone else, as she uses her phone's recording device to start taking record of what they've just landed in the mix of...

Daisy Johnson has posed:

    Holstered ICER. SHIELD badge showing. It's time to move. "This just turned from a scouting mission to a rescue one. Weapons hot and let's move." The hangar doors open and Daisy is walking down to the ground, nodding at Jane.

"Let's get some of those DWARFs up." she agrees. Knowledge of the battlefield is one step closer to a successful mission.

"Agent Johnson, from SHIELD." She calls out to the fog, "Come out so we can help you." she does keep her hand on the holstered ICER though.

She gives no further indications to the Agents with her though, she trusts them enough to know they will do what they do best. She whispers to Alex. "From where are you feeling it?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's a death goddess. This is something that might be in department, but she's still new to things. The woman is using Benvy's eyes to see as well. "Also don't make me fall off a cliff, I know it's fun, but this is work." she mutters to the raven. The redhead steps up to the back of the group when Daisy is point where to go. She was listening to those that were in charge. Not going against stuff.

As for weapons, she'd just use her hands for now.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would glance at the others then and to Daisy. "Search and rescue first and secure a perimeter upon landing?" Or is whatever the possible htreat or circumstance here a greater prioity than going ot help casualties, which could take several hours or more, particularly if there is some sort of crisis afoot. This is her call. Natasha goes to scan through the area as the Quinjet sets down, holding a large rifle on her back along with her weapons loadout.
    She also goes to grab a set of telescopic binoculars to try and have available to get a read on things. Nodding at the comments from Alexander, looking to Jane for elaboration if any. At Lara's mentoin of incoming, she goes to get a pistol ready. Still, thier approach doesn't mean that they're hostile.

Jane Foster has posed:
"Any of them moving or showing stronger heat signatures than the others?" Jane asks the pilot, going so far as to risk toppling over a seat for a clearer view. "Send that to my tablet, please, and I can orient on any possible survivors." The DWARFs that Leopold Fitz produces answer better to him than her, but the programming on her tablet allows launch and distribution with some regularity. Two of them goes swivelling into motion out into the mist before she does, establishing a silent perimeter and performing chemical analyses, taking readings for temperature and humidity -- and maybe the occasional caustic wave of fire.

Her microcleats scrape and squeak on the floor of the Quinjet where any rubberized panels may be missing, but hopefully the annual maintenance budget makes allowances for extreme weather and Newfoundland pea-soupers.

Hope springs eternal on her lips, but they all might know the bitter fact of how often civilian casualties add up on the death rolls. The glaring lack of conversation about contacting the Canadian coast guard for transportation might ring in the aftermath.

She stays in the middle of the group by habit, though anyone at that UNOOSA meeting probably knows it's not for her own safety. It's for theirs. "We're not going to find anyone friendly out there. One target, ahead where he pointed. Possibly an amalgam, but..."

Monica Chang has posed:
Monica frowned as she adjusted her sleeves, sliding them upwards slightly so there was a glint of gold from beneath the cuff. Better to be able to utilize the wristbands beneath, especially at the mention of 107. She glanced to the screen and frowned as she saw those humanoid forms that were starting to change colors to match the surrounding air temperature.

The input from Alexander made this even worse somehow. The hot figure that was at the top of the stairs is now the one with her attention. At the words from Daisy, she was heading down that ramp out into the fog. She could hear people moving around as they tried to determine what was happening but she knew they needed to be kept from going up those stairs. "Definitely need a perimeter. If whoever did this is still up there, we don't need more civilians going up." At least she was guessing those people were civilians above. There was no way to know until they checked.

And she opted to head for the stairs. Toward where that figure had been last seen on the themographic display. "I'm going up to see about that one person still showing hot on the original scan."

Jessica Drew has posed:
Jess angles herself to study the nearest screen. There spread across the plateau, are painted the ebbing colors of death, the unforgettable fade of heat signatures as bodies cool.

She had already begun to wind her dark shoulder-length hair in her fist prior to clipping it to her head. The balaclava follows, making her anonymous. Fellow agents will recognize her vivid green eyes up close up.

Unbuckling from her seat, Jess rises as they angle in the final descent, one hand hooked into a handhold though she hardly needs it. Her modified uniform, boots replaced with thin slippers allow her to cling, and fingerless gloves with tailored wrist bands let her shoot webs.

She looks back over her shoulder when Daisy asks Aaron about the source of the fear, and wonders aloud, "Who or what cultivates fear?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The pilot answers Jane with a shake of his head and says in that tone of voice when one takes shelter in their duty to prevent reacting too much. "No, ma'am."
    Those flashlights approaching are only a pair so far, but more can be seen toward the town. What's more the town appears to have lost power as there are no street lights on nor anything in the buildings save perhaps hints of candles or smaller light sources. But those two flashlights are definitely coming closer. Though at Daisy's words the older man calls out warily, "Everything ok up there?"
    "The plateau. But I feel no fear anymore." Alexander steps off the ramp before it's fully down and lands next to Daisy who is calling out to the civilians approaching. He gestures with a nod up the stairway that leads toward the plateau above them where the fallen are and in the shadow of the night a tall figure is seen at the height of the hill. It's a figure that has its arms folded, powerful and armored in what looks like armor crafted from blackened ash and volcanic stone. Veins of lava or magma seem to surge over his armor as he suddenly spreads his arms wide...
    And announces to the world as he stabs a blazing two-handed blade into the ground, "Dez agh zee. Dez agh zenes. Ul markatji ro Malekith. Ul stranth ro ul skurjd. Tor bas kulknej haf zoaut. Tor bas kulknej haf zane. Jiak kij katu until lat daka alnej. Jiak kij katu until vras. Dez agh zee!"
    The words echo across the distance, and resonate against the ocean.

Lara Croft has posed:
Once Lara gets a little outside of the Jet, she's moving toward some of the fallen. She's soon to crouch beside one to put a testing hand upon them to check for life signs, before she rises up again, her eyes going back to the rest with her on this sojourn. The shouted words in the Dark Elf tongue have her looking specifically at Alexander, before Lara eyes the incoming voices.

"They should stay where they are, or go home." Lara quietly says before she reaches in to her jacket and pulls out her own sidearm. She turns then and starts off in a new direction, her phone held up again to continue the recording of the scene, trying to capture as much scenery information as she can with it as her boots impact upon the cold grass around them.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Alexander's helmet lifts as he looks up toward the figure, and as the figure speaks his voice rises, modulating electronically by the helmet and giving a curious monotone sound to the words.
    "Come and see. Come and witness. The might of Malekith. The strength of the scourged. Your best we have sought. Your best we have slain. I am here until you move me. I am here until death. Come and see."
    That causes the Olympian youth to pull that helmet off and toss it aside as he gestures with one hand and a crimson-bladed katana flashes into existence with the wash of silvery fire.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Not alone." Daisy says to Monica, a look to Natasha following it. She's just about to hook up the two Widows to go together but then the figure is fully into sight, and speaking in some tongue she doesn't understand.

"Yeaaaaa...., think we are done with pleasantries.", a deep frown starts growing on her expression.

"Engage." She does her best to not sound like Picard.

"And care with survivors. I will try pick them out from the fog." Because her vibrational powers are handy in figuring out where people are!

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"107 peoples lives ended abrubtly on top of the plateau." the woman states cryptically. Morrigan's hand reaches out to touch Benvy and her eyes shift to a more vibrant color, "Going to need to see for this, Benvy." she tells her. Then she's looking up the stairs to see if she can see WHO this Malekith is, "If his swords are named Twinkle and Icingdeath I'm going to laugh myself off this cliff face." she states as she starts that way. She then calls out something in All-Speak before Benvy caws and flutters off back to the Quinjet. Whatever it was, it made the raven cackle.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would move to spread around, moving away from the others to have a clear line of sight over. WEll.. She's going to take that mostly as a cue to treat him as 'hostile'. THe heavy rifle she has with her is picked up, slung over her shoulder.. There's al ight charge in the capacitor as it powers up.. Then the railgun she's carrying over her shoulder goes to fire a magnetically accelrated tungsten round. Which is aimed right between the eyes of the thing if she can. He took a sword to a gunfight.

Jane Foster has posed:
The DWARFs spin through the mist, unimpressed by such shows of atmospheric force. The pair move at irregular intervals, using different spectra to 'see' in. Sensors built in to the devices that spin at different altitudes relay the information back to those tied into SHIELD's comms network, gaining a lay of the land. Their uplink isn't reliant totally on Jane or the Quinjet, either, as the silent watchers give a better picture of what happened.

Jane remains among the team, keeping fairly close to Lara. The rest traditionally can kick names and take ass better than the rest, and the mortal cover story has held this long.

Her voice rings clear above the mist, though, to the figure with his rather impressive sword. By tone, she sounds wholly unimpressed. Aesir excels at putting other language families in their place, below it. "<Thu vaerir svo fljotur ath leita dauthans degar du stendur a autha slettunni og nafnith ditt er gleymt?>" A pause breaks the beat long enough to sow doubt, given so dry and matter-of-fact, she leaves little doubt of the truth. "<Thath er engin augnhar fyrir dig. Thath er enginn otti vith ath smakka og ekkert hatur ath drekka. Thu munt ekki avinna der fyrirlitningu etha vera laegstur af lagu, alfur. Thath er ekkert. Thu ert ekkert. Einn af oteljandi. Allt sem du hefur gert, eytt. Allur dinn styrkur, blekking.>" A hand waved dismissively about sums up her banal opinion of the scoured. If banal is the right word, instead of a cover for something very different. "<Eins og dokan er dath ekkert annath en slaethur sem lithur an efnis.>"

"There aren't any, Agent Johnson. Just that. Proceed with that knowledge."

Monica Chang has posed:
Monica had made it up two steps when the words came from Daisy, saying she didn't get to go up alone. Causing her to pause, one foot on the step above but weight still on the back one. Then the voice rang out from above and she watched the glowing figure through narrowed eyes.

Having quite an extensive library of languages, sadly this was not one of them. But they had their own personal translator in the form of Alexander thankfully. "Is he Malekith?" she asked automatically. If so, he was talking about himself third person and that was always annoying enough to deserve a bullet.

She pulled her own sidearm, a Glock 20 10mm. Some liked the model 41 which was a higher caliber but felt this one had the best stopping power for most targets.

Hopefully this guy was most targets.

She lined up the shot but as Natasha fired, she waited to see the results.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Jess, bag in hand, leaps nimbly to join the two as the craft settles behind them, facing uphill toward the dark unearthly figure. His unknown words carry resonances that hurt her sensitive ears. She joins the chorus of voices telling the people approaching to stay back, then falls silent.

Eyes riveted on Aaron, she admires the katana that winks into existence and listens with disbelief to the ultimatum laid down by the being. Like those briefed on the Starport attack she has an inkling of what he is and what his appearance portends.

At Daisy's word, she crouches and disappears into the dark to flank the thing. She doesn't wait for further exchanges with the elf.. As she climbs, she hears Jane's challenge. Over coms, she asks, <<Did we just say like hell you are? On your word, Johnson, I'm climbing to flank from the right.">> She nearly stumbles over a body dressed in a colorful dashiki completely out of place in cold Canada.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The fallen show no signs of trauma as Lara investigates, they show no horrors enacted upon their bodies. They lie there silent in repose though it seems anything but peaceful. It seems as if they were marionettes with their strings abruptly cut, sprawled with no care nor awareness with their limbs twisted and awkward.
    Daisy gives the order, and the team snaps into motion.
    Suddenly Natasha kneels and she brings her heavy weapon up into line even as the tall figure gestures openly, as if about to speak further. Only her rifle discharges with that abrupt enforced silence of the weapon cracking the sound barrier and the tungsten round hurtles faster than any eye can follow. It seems to strike something a foot apart from the figure, somehow melting the slug yet the slug still has mass and it /SLAMS!/ hard into his head, causing the tall figure to stagger back a step as he roars, "Dez agh drepa alnej!"
    Yet it gives the team what they need. Time.
    "No, he's not Malekith." Alex says and then suddenly he's running up those steps, rushing forward, faster than most have seen him move before. The tall figure shakes his head and then pulls his sword from the ground only for the red-blade of Grasscutter to ring loud against the hefty weapon. It's an abrupt and quick engagement. Two strikes from the blond youth...
    Then suddenly a backfist that sends him flying toward the cliff and the ocean.
    Yet that gives Jess an angle on him from behind, while Monica and Widow both have clean shots to the target.

Lara Croft has posed:
With the chaos unfolding, Lara is setting herself between the fight, and the people that were coming up from the town below. She glances over her shoulder at Jane, hearing her shouting words. "These victims, they're coming up as Missing Persons from all across the globe." Lara informs the other Agent, her phone automatically popping up dossiers on each face that she's gotten a clear image of...

The chaos though, it draws Lara's attention for a moment, long enough to see Alexander getting properly educated with a slap of epic proportions!

Lara turns then to the flashlights. "Return home! Don't come up here!" The Briton shouts in to the cold of the night, as she squeezes the grip of her 1911 Nighthawk in her left hand.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
There's a grim look on Daisy's expression as she barely senses anyone else around them. Only death. "Unforgivable." It's enough to get her to gather up power. Enough power that she begins rising up in the air, the rumbling of the earth moving under them heard as she calls upon her vibrational powers..

She is just about ready to start blasting when there's that epic backslap happening. It means plans are changed.

She shoots herself off to dive after the falling Secret Warriors member! It's good knowing how to fly.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan hears the call to come and kill Malekith and there's a bit of sigh as she rushes up the stairs. She reaches out and one second her hand is empty, the next there is a rather intricate spear that appears in her hand. She snaps it up into the air and focuses on the energy that runs through it, "Killing isn't the first go to, what do you want, Malekith!" she growls out at the Drow...he's a drow, right?!

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Well, this is going about as well as one could expect. From her position, Natasha goes to take a few moments while the capacitor of her weapon goes to charge up again as she mvoes to chamber another round. The weapon can keep the target off balance, if not particularly inflict damage. She moves to then take a trio of small cylinders over off her belt, each of which has an orange tag on it and symbols for 'threat' on them.

She moves to flip them over towards Monica to catch as she goes to cycle towards cover, even as the capacitor chimes to charge up to full.. And she goes to take another shot at the thing in the face. Basic SHIELD training of course teaches the application of battlefield use of thermite grenades and even something extremely damage resistant will -feel- a great deal of pain from being lit up to a few thousand degrees Kelvin.

Jane Foster has posed:
"Servant of Malekith," Jane corrects Morrigan, not unkindly. "Can you strip any of his protections? He wants us to kill him. Maybe we need magical zip ties. That sword and his strength could be reinforced by what he's done here." The blurring lines and multiple windows springing up on her tablet require monitoring, and the lack of an earthquake dousing the low-lying island in a tsunami probably suggests Daisy has their young Olympian agent. No paperwork to file later.

She directs one DWARF to support Lara, the friendly SHIELD device sweeping by to audibly repeat: "Please clear the area. This is an active combat zone. Please clear the area." It's saying please! The magic word for all Canadians.

Those precious seconds risk leaving her at a standstill, a nice tempting target for a rooted dark elf that refuses to engage fairly in the folly. The Widows unleashing an impressive amount of their arsenal while Spider-Woman triangulating on the target reasonably ought to leave a smoking crater. Good, smoke as a cover! That's used for her to slip off into the fog, using that mental map and hopefully luck to circle away from the SHIELD group and get behind the Svartalf while he's occupied.

Monica Chang has posed:
As she was about to squeeze off rounds, she caught the movement from Natasha. It's almost an instinctive thing after training so long in the Red Room. Though Natasha has far more experience and skill thanks to that, yet they still coordinate without having to speak. The gun is holstered so she can catch the three tossed items, hooking two on her belt for the moment but keeping the third within her grasp.

She moved to a different angle from Natasha. Then she focused on the task at hand.

"Fire in the hole!" she yells for those nearby and makes sure to transmit it through comms as well. Which normally one would not telegraph what they are doing but considering this? She wants to be sure all allies are clear. Thankfully the civilians have not been given access to get up to that rise so they should be safe as well. But the figure above that somehow is talking after taking a tungsten round to the face is another story.

She pulled the pin as Natasha was laying down suppressive fire. Then she lobbed the Thermite Grenade. Her intention was to hit the head since it was hopefully being softened up by tungsten impacts. And besides, it had eyes. They were usually vulnerable.

Jessica Drew has posed:
With a hand held to her cold neck Jess needs only a moment to determine the woman is dead. After a gentle pat on the woman's shoulder, she moves up the slope, constantly revising her plan of attack.

"Holy shit," she breathes to herself when the railgun only knocks the elf back. She has reached a point slightly above the elf and to the right when Aaron flies into an attack wielding his red blade. The blow that punches him back is audible. So much for ICERs, she decides and fishes out a flash bang and a concussive grenade from her mini-arsenal in a bag.

Great minds apparently think alike. Jess arcs the two explosives in a precise trajectory aimed at the elf's head, waits for the blast, and runs toward her target, wrists extended to web it down.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "What?!" One of the elderly people call back toward Lara, shining their lights on her, but then they shine it mainly on the Quinjet that's set down. They flash those lights on the little drones as well since they are yelling too. But something in Lara's tone of voice does seem to give them a sense of shock and surprise. They see the flashes of light and hear the crack of gunfire... which seems to serve. They start rushing back down the side of the hill heading toward the town and waving their arms for people to go back.
    As Daisy climbs into the air and hurtles skyward she sees that crack of the fist that sends Alexander flying end over end. Yet he twists in the air, skittering across the ground and digging his hand into the stone as he flashes toward that cliff's edge, then reverses his grip on his blade and stabs it into the side of a rock arresting his fall abruptly.
    Almost instantly Daisy is there to pull him back up and launch him back toward the Svartalf with a smooth spin move using both hands that starts him rushing back to the fray.
    When Morrigan rushes up with spear at the ready, the Svartalf armored in magma and hatred brings his blade up and laughs horribly, swinging it toward her as he moves to close the distance...
    Then Natasha times her next shot perfectly as her round is readied. Then fired witha short... -click- _WHACHOOM!_ and suddenly the great warrior in the flaming armor's slash slices toward Morrigan, only that second round to the head instantly staggers him and the blazing blade crashes into the ground beside the Goddess of Death, burying into the stone and setting it aflame.
    Yet in the next instant there was a crack SNAP of sound as that grenade slammed into the side of its face and washed a blazing white heat across its head. Suddenly its armored helmet is alight, blazing with righteous fire like a cheap Roman candle on the 4th, only for the burning to be accentuated by the BANG-CRACK of those focused charge explosives sent from the other angle. It's an abrupt rush of fire and flame as the explosives illuminate the monstrosity, stunning it as it staggers forward.

Lara Croft has posed:
With Jane's drone flying past her, Lara lets it usher the civilians back toward their homes. She spares a glance toward that town as her mind races. 'Why this place, why these people...'

When she spins back around, Lara looks to the combat taking place, everyone there having greater firepower than she currently has on her, having brought only the single handgun. Lara looks back to her phone, a series of commonalities brought up by the AI built in to the SHIELD element of the device.

Lara narrows her eyes. "A homeless shelter worker. A veteran counselor. A foster parent of... six. They're all connected via they're being 'good' people?" She asks no one in particular.

That's... interesting, but it doesn't give her a Dark Elf killing edge.

Out on the perimeter of the bodies, Lara starts to make her way back toward the others, weaving between the fallen, and staying somewhat crouched, her gun pointed down at the ground, she sees the Dark Elf fall down to a single knee and she does the same, but from a distance. Her gun comes up, and Lara takes aim at his forehead, popping off one shot for his dome as he burns!

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's not been able to check out most of her new powers and skills since she returned from the dead, "Oh, servant. That sounds like he's down the totem pole." she nods to Jane. "I'll see what I can do!" she calls out as she rushes the creature. She uses all of her strength, which sends the spear of hers stabbing into the Servant of Malekith with a tremendous force. Which leaves her looking a bit wide eyes as she feels it go through his form. "Oh shit." she whispers to herself as she rips the spear back out. Maybe she could learn some strength management from her new Asgardian friend!

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Well, this is going about as well as they could have hoped. The Elf seems to be at least slightly slowed by the amount of firepower upon it. Natasha goes over regulations in her mind. This level of threat alas does not permit for them to call for orbital satellite bombardment. Even if one of the solar arrays was in position for it and fully charged.

She goes to give another quick flip down of three small spheres at her hip over to Monica once more. These ones are colored a bright blue over on them. She goes to once more take up the railgun, moving to chamber another tungsten round, calculating where the previous rounds had hit.. And where the things eyes were in the giant burning pile of existence it was. She moves to evaluate the positions of Morrigan and Alexander that were attacking it, then moves to line up another shot.. This one again aimed over at the center of the head as the tungsten round would be accleerated over towards the head at approximately Mach 20. That was about as high as she could go without damaging the capacitor. Amongst the group hopefully they could at least slowthe thing.

Jane Foster has posed:
Snow and ice littered across the Atlantic beaches off Fogo Island harry boaters and form vast, tumbled blocks several feet high in places. Waves spurred against the rocky shoreline pile up great, frozen heaps that Jane warned against approaching. The astrophysicist doesn't take her own advice, settling a last command to send the DWARFs back to the Quinjet with her bag accompanying them.

She needs both hands to call to the distant horizon through the soupy condensation, a heralding cry to deliver its justice among SHIELD's unleashed firepower. Contact eradicates her humanity, leaving an Aesir goddess in its wake, for anyone wants to look that way.

Faithful Mjolnir finds her speaking an untold promise as ever, the jolt of a thousand storms spoken in a rumbling prayer. A running pass down the frozen beach kicks up a gelid spray, shards of snow and ice joining the tumultuous whirlwind when the reforged hammer spins, unsettling the bergs and a few rocks in the process. She may not have storms at her beck and call, but throwing winter into the dark elf is the prelude to their proper arrival. Hopefully the harbour is now ice free. Or somewhat ice free! SHIELD can also run a secondary gig as ice-breakers.

Said arrival: Jane winging skybound with Mjolnir at the fore, hurling it in a great arc to smack the scorched dark elf. Hopefully there's still space for woman and hammer to rejoin to hit it again together.

Monica Chang has posed:
Monica was prepared to send a second grenade but again caught that motion from Natasha. Automatically she caught the blue canisters then nodded as she got the idea.

Again she was moving, not leaving herself as a stationary target. Not that the dark elf seemed able to see at the moment with a blazing inferno around his head. The attacks were coming fast and furious from the team and still he only went down to one knee. At least he no longer had his sword so that was something.

Two spheres to her belt, the third in hand. Pin pulled. "Fire in the hole!" she yelled. Then she added a little more quietly. "Well, not fire but still."

And with that the Cryo-Grenade was thrown in the same manner at the blazing head. The hope? Sudden freezing after flash burn might make him more vulnerable to those rounds being fired.

At that moment she catches that change out of the corner of her eye and turns just in time to see the transformation of Jane into a goddess. With...is that Mjolnir? "What the hell?"

She forces herself to focus back on the target. Those questions will have to wait. Work to be done.

Jessica Drew has posed:
In reality, webbing doesn't thwip. That's a comic book thing. Webbing is silent. At a dead run, Jessica shoots the webbing at the weakened elf, aiming for his head. With exaggerated arcs of her right hand, she lassos his head, laying down steel strands to attach him to bare rock.

From her perspective, a spear materializes out of the dark. She only catches sight of Morrigan in the chemical glare of light, haloing the Dark Elf's head. It's an impressive thrust, allowing her to come in close.

An explosion freezes the air. Arms spread like a conductor leading an orchestra, Jess blazes lethal bio-electricity at his head. Actinic green light enrobing it.

The night rings with a metallic sound, heralding the unexpected arrival of a hammer of heroic proportions. Wide-eyed the agent looks up into the night sky.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The spear slices into him and with his head ablaze the monstrosity roars an angry shout of pain, his body alight and beaming like a beacon on this grim hilltop. He swings his sword wildly, trying to slice the head off this insolent goddess as she stabs him...
    Only for another round to splash into the flaming wildness that is his skull. Perhaps the round impacted somewhat intact, or perhaps it added to the already horrendous mayhem playing out upon his besieged features. Yet his movements became more staggered, more wild, as if he were functioning on some of the most rudimentary thoughts. Another slash of that sword...
    Which is the moment when Alexander slashes in and slams Grasscutter home into the monster's back, the point of the katana emerging from his chest, leaving him hanging from the grip of the sword as the creature lashes around, Alex's legs and boots kicking into the air as the tall armored form tries to shake him off until he's sent flying off to the side.
    There's a sudden snap-hiss as from the side a splash of ice crashes across the face of the Kursed as the cry-grenade explodes suddenly twisting the target's features as it simultaneously melts and freezes, weakening its entire form even as it is bound partially by a sudden lash of webbing binding it in place...
    Which is when there's the sudden crash of crackling ice and shattering stone as the grand hammer Mjolnir and its wielder are brought down heavily upon the back of the monstrous armored soldier, crashing home with a powerful _WHOM!_ and clang as the Uru metal weapon steals the Svartalf's balance as well as what remains of his life.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara is just down on one knee, with her right leg extended out to the side, her gun lowering in the aftermath of everything leading up to the seeming death of that Dark Elf foe. Lara just heaves out an exhale, her breath escaping from between her pinkened lips with a puff of steam in the night's chilled air.

Her 1911 lowers to aim its barrel down to the ground, and Lara quickly sweeps her eyes around everyone before she rises up again. A few more of the bodies are facially 'grabbed' with her phone in her left hand, as the Agent makes her way toward Daisy's location to report what she's garnered so far...

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan isn't invunerable, like someone else is. So she manages to duck most of the slash, but still gets her shoulder ripped open. She steps back from the thing that is certainly going to be DEAD after all the damage that's been poured down upon it. She then looks to the bodies of the people that probably had no reason to die and she starts to walk to each one, whispering soft words to them in different languages as she comes to each one. You always respected the dead.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
And Natasha goes over towards the body now with her railgun. Then she goes to fire a few more rounds into it and then goes to pop another pair of thermite grenades onto it. She's not taking -any- chances of it getting back up again. IF it is going to rise up, she's going ot ensure there's not enough intact material of it.

Jane Foster has posed:
Unimpressively statured brunette astrophysicist Jane is not, nor is she in her standard not-quite SHIELD attire. The most definite Asgardian armour goes with the Asgardian build, and the hammer coming straight back into her hands after it finishes its critical mission of plowing into the Kursed. "The devastation done by such a foul creature is a grim matter," she says, distaste writhing around every syllable pronounced in a distinctly Aesir accent. The others she gives a slow nod, their confusion likely as clear as the dead bodies all around. "I remain Jane Foster."

That question unasked is handled, then she heads in Lara's direction. Those burning blue eyes soften a little, and she kneels near one of the bodies. "They should not be at this place, but safe in their homes, surrounded by their loved ones. Have we the means at least to bring closure from their names? Each has a story. Each will be mourned greatly. They cannot remain here."

Monica Chang has posed:
As the body falls, Monica walks forward to examine the scene more closely now that the threat is eliminated. Her eyes scan over the fallen and she frowns as she pulls out her datapad. There she will find whatever has been fed into the system so far from Lara.

Then she types in the name Malekith to see if it is known to SHIELD in their inner private files, while she simultaneously is searching the internet for the name. Her eyes widened at what she found and she looked over at the fallen dark elf again.

Then her attention is drawn to Jane and she gave a little nod. "Guessing there is quite a story behind...this." The whole Asgardian change and that fabled hammer she is wielding.

Then she goes back to the datapad. "We need to identify them all. We'll need a full security team brought in to keep the townspeople out so the scene isn't contaminated further. We'll need to determine cause of death precisely for each. Any signs of magics potentially used since that is a Svartalfar. We're going to be here a while."

Jessica Drew has posed:
Still focused on the night sky, Jessica lists the number of wounds the elf sustained. Grenades, at least four, a magical spear, two dead-on rail gun rounds to the head, a magical sword cut, bio-electric blasts, a magic hammer to the head. Just as she finishes the list, Romanoff adds the coup de grace at close range. Nothing organic should survive that. Did she miss something, she wonders? Over coms, she comments: <<These things are hard to bring down. But we got him, I think.">>

She follows her colleague Janes's descent to the ground, mesmerized. Snapping into focus, Jessica steps to Morrigan's side, "Let's get you down to the Quinjet? How bad is it?"

The agent will leave the post-mortem to the others for now. Then, find out what happened to Jane.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Through the aftermath the team of SHIELD agents make damned sure that whomever this champion may be, there will not be enough left of him to mourn. Alexander stands over the fallen corpse looking at the others, then he holds his hand out and the red blade reappears in his hand, disappearing from its place embedded in the corpse. He gives a nod to the others, then sees Morrigan injured.
    A few steps and he moves to help her back to the Quinjet along with Jessica's aid.
    Yet around them is still some fire burning on the rocks, the silence of the dead, and far below in the town the lights come back on.
    In the depths of SHIELD the information is already being spread as more teams are dispatched. There is much work to be done, and much to be learned from this grim ritual.