14811/The Peace of the Rock

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The Peace of the Rock
Date of Scene: 30 April 2023
Location: The Rock of Eternity
Synopsis: What starts as a serious meeting devolves into camaraderie and the dearest of friends!
Cast of Characters: Billy Batson, Mary Bromfield, Freddy Freeman, Marie-Ange Colbert, Jon Kent

Billy Batson has posed:
Rock of Eternity

This is a place beyond places. It is unimaginably far away and yet all around. It was, is ,and shall be. Features seem to grow out of the naked rock walls and ceiling. A dais with seven stone thrones draws the eye. In the main corridor leading to it, seven grotesque statues sit. The light of eternal torches seems to make them move slightly. It may not be the torches.

The statues are labeled the Seven Deadly Enemies of Humanity: Pride, Envy, Greed, Hatred, Laziness, Selfishness, and Injustice. Each one is a horror. All their eyes seem to be fixed on a staff. The staff floats upright, an inch from the floor of equal parts wood and pure white radiance. Its head is ornately carved. Above the staff is a glass bauble that seems to whisper as you pass by.

This is a lair of the gods and their champions. Corridors fan out in all directions in a labyrinth where you feel it is possible to lose and find yourself. The corridors leading away have many doors and many mysteries.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson sits at a stone table. the table bears a crystal jar with a strange insect and several scrolls and tomes. In his mortal form the Champion scrutinizes the literature and then glares at the insect. "I'm going to find out who sent you to bother us, ya little monster. I have my suspicions but if anything, I've learned to do the research when time permits. You do not want to point the finger at the wrong god. Besides, the library here is a mythologist's delight."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
So, since Mary was able to see Marie-Ange's school and there's been a degree of trust opened there... she thought it was only fair to return the favor. Mary's currently here just as Mary, saving Thunderbolt for later as she looks around, guiding Marie along easily, "Just watch your step. It's hard to tell sometimes where things go... I think the Wizard was inspired by Labyrinth sometimes. Or maybe they were inspired by /him/.

Freddy Freeman has posed:
thunk-step-thunk-step-thunk-step. Freddy crutches his way across the room. In his free hand, he's carrying one of his favorite foods in the known universe: an Italian sub from Mac's Subs down the street from the Vaquez House. It's wrapped up protectively in paper that declares The World's Greatest Subs.

"In Greek mythology, Zeus used gadlfies," Freddy murmurs as he pulls out a chair and sits down to enjoy his treasure.

"Anybody wanna piece of sub?" he asks curiously, looking around the room. Freddy is a sharer for sure.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie, for what it's worth, trusts Mary completely. She'd gladly tell the brunette everything she knows on every subject...

...but some secrets aren't hers to share. Those secrets are the ones she begrugingly keeps... at least until she can find ways to let her in on those secrets, like when Xavier's relaxed their visitor policy some.

"Oui, I will be careful." she promises, giving Mary's hand a gentle squeeze. "...but with you here, I am sure I will always find my way."


Freddy's voice offering food is heard, though, and... well. Marie's rarely going to turn /that/ down. "C'est vous plait, Freddy!" ...hopefully that Italian helped him with his French!

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson nods to Freddy. "Zeus used a gad fly to sting Pegasus and make Bellerophon fall. Hera used one t torment Io, Zeus' lover." He pauses a moment as Zeus makes some angry sounds of denial. <Is nothing sacred?!?!>> "But, these writings give clues to who sent the gad fly based on various features. I eliminated the 12 major Olympians. That leaves a few dozen?" He waves to the ladies and then places a scroll over a tubular object made of wood. He rests his chin in his hand to cover it.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary overhears Billy, and arrows in on that direction, "Billy, you have a gadfly captive?" She squeezes Marie's hand, heading over towards Billy and Freddy with a grin. At Zeus' denial, she tilts her head, then looks at Marie, stage-whispering, "They get touchy about some of their past antics. /Especially/ Zeus." She winks, then laughs quietly, wandering over to join the rest of the family. Though she doesn't ask for part of the sandwich... yet, anyway. The day is young.

Freddy Freeman has posed:
Like he was unwrapping some sort of holy artifact, Freddy starts unrolling the wrapper to reveal an Italian sub so perfectly made that it could literally be in a commercial for Italian subs. It is cut not in half, and no not even in quarters, it is cut into EIGHTHS. Freddy has many foster siblings and is quite used to there being a swarm anytime anyone unwraps any sort of food in the Vasquez house. And it is the heart's delight of this kindly young man to share the things he loves with the people he loves.

He beams at Marie. "Help yourself, girl!"

Not waiting another moment, he grabs a piece of sub and starts to devour it. He squeezes his eyes shut and makes a brief whimper in his throat.

Yeah, so he's not exactly being helpful here.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Where Mary goes, Marie will follow. Especially here in unfamiliar territory where she was literally just warned to be careful of getting lost! Sticking to Mary like glue just seems like the far better option here.

"I see," Marie replies, blinking briefly. "They... they speak to you still?" Admittedly, the redhead wasn't quite aware of exactly how the connection between the champions and the Gods from who their powers came work. But, she /does/ know a thing or two about having other peoples' voices in her head, so she'd certainly be able to understand that much.

...and she'd /definitely/ blush.

As the sandwich is unwrapped, she takes one of the eighths and bites into it while she listens to Billy talk; as seen at dinner, the redhead's table manners might be impeccable, but her appetite isn't the most ladylike. Thank goodness for a healthy metabolism. Billy's words are considered as she chews, too, but not addressed until she swallows the bite. "These... gad flys," she starts. "They come from Mount Olympus, specifically? ...is there anyone there who you have wronged, or has shown a perchant for wronging /you?/" She doesn't know /too/ much about mythology. Her time with the Shazams has covered more than her classwork has. But finding /foes/ just takes some intuition.

...and yes, she sees the thing. And she smiles, but says nothing.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson glares at the beast. "Y-e-e-e-s. Pan. He tried to make trouble fr me int he past. I wanted to warn you guys. He likes to aim for friends and S.O.s. Be careful of your partners. He made Fire turn into a teenage girl, but only when I became Shazam. He figured I had a crush there. So be careful of your partners. He's nearly impossible to detect. You can do it. He likes to hide in a little pocket dimension and spy thrugh a wormhole. I yanked him out by his nose. Yeah, we are not friends. This time, I'm going to Olympus with proof he is still messing with me and my family. Siccing poor Krypto on us... I'm glad I didn't hurt him. He's a good dog."

He sets his bag on the table and begins pulling out some snack cakes and bottles of ice tea. "In other news I almost have the symbols you need t access the Rock, which will be good for our friends if Pan bothers them. I doubt he can get here... no. No he can't. The mentors' prime selves will see him and come down on him." He is careful about setting the bag down on a scroll.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary nods, "I haven't noticed him yet, but that doen't necessarily mean anything." She does, however, snatch a section of Freddy's sandwich for herself, sitting down at the table, hrmming softly, "So, I guess if I were a demigod with a serious grudge, how would I go after us." With that, she settles in and thinks about the situation.

Freddy Freeman has posed:
In the Vasquez house, snack cakes half a shorter life expectancy than ice cubes in lava. Probably without even realizing he's doing it, Freddy immediate sweeps two of the snack cakes closer to himself. Literally, he probably has no idea he just did that.

"I mean, we pissed off a lot of demigods when we got our powers. The list is long and distinguished, just like my..." Mixed company, Freddy! His ears turn red and he cuts off the rest of the sentence.

The young man devours a second eighth of the sub. "What makes you think it was Pan behind it?"

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"I have not, either... though, if he does come to target /us/," meaning the S.O.O.S-es, "That would certainly explain some of the cards of warning that have crept into my readings." She admits, frowning a bit at the thought. "Although... Freddy says there are others. This Pan... he seems to be a... what is the word... prankster? Do you think he would try to injure you as with what happened with Krypto?" The age-switch is annoying, yes... but dog attack seems like a-whole-nother level.

She does take a seat, though, and reaches for one of the bottles of tea. Something to help wash the sandwich down! "I try to avoid reading for us," she explains to Mary, "...but I will be more vigilant about reading for me. If he comes for me, I could narrow it down to the hour... and we could set a trap of our own, perhaps?" she suggests.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson says, "Well he's a person of interest so I'm investigating. Besides... gods hold grudges." <<Oooooh yeah!>> Atlas says. <<Shut up! I let you off for good behavior>> Zeus retorts. <<After five thousand years!! I wish Typhon got you.>> <<SILENCE!>> <<Juno was the ultimate evil step mom. Man, those fucking stables...>> <<I'll allow that>> Zeus says. Billy shrugs. Sorry, the mentors get amped up when I'm here. One reason I'm Billy and not... him. Yeah I'm afraid if I say the word here I change. Magic is way more powerful." Billy shows Marie his arm, "It's healed. Wounds I get as Shazam don't last terribly long. I guess he knew that. Or it did just get out of hand. I was more worried about his heat vision... the stuff hurts! Even us! I had a Daxamite criminal try to burn my face off."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary hrms, "Pan isn't one to try to actively hurt so much as cause trouble. Basically Q but not nearly so much with the "teaching" aspect of the Trickster. And that's a brilliant idea Marie. Especially since we're together he'll try to mess with that, I'm sure." She hrms, her own goddesses keeping a bit more quiet about things for the time benig.

Freddy Freeman has posed:
What two snack cakes? There are just a couple empty wrappers on the table in front of Freddy. Probably Marie took 'em. Those French!

Freddy gestures in Marie's direction with a quick flick of his chin. "Hey, Marie, speaking of readings, how do tarot readings work? Can you, like, whip up a reading to try to figure out who's screwing with us?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson rubs his chin. "They say Vulcan could make unbreakable chains. They could even hold a god. Maybe we find Vulcan and ask to borrow a set? Then deliver the little monster to Olympus trussed up for Satunalia. Say, did any of you see Jon? He came with me and I thought he was here. I mean he can't get lost, supersenses and such? Right?" Billy suddenly does look worried, . o O (Sorry Superman, we lost your son in an infinite labyrinth of magic?)

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"Oh, Q. How entertaining!" Marie giggles -- she's been educated on John de Lancie's alter ego. "Well, I will be militant about my readings, and I will reach out the moment something comes up. I would not be surprised if Fate speaks to the Gods as well," or at least /the/ Fates "...so it is debatable how much warning I will have... but consider your plans accordingly, as I have all your numbers, oui?" ...and as fast as the Champions are? Minutes of notice could easily be enough.

Billy's healed wounds get a slight widening of Marie's eyebrows... and then she nods. "That is... good information to have." She won't worry as much if Mary or the others come home wounded, now!

Though, she does look over towards Mary thoughtfully. "...if... I do something untoward in the coming days, please know that I love you dearly and it is not my intent, oui?" Just in case they /can't/ get to her in time. Plus Marie's an apologizer.

Then, to Freddy... "Oui, in a sense. My talents focus on the future... it is why I have some trouble living in the present." Another apologetic smile to Mary. Although /those/ days are mostly gone. "...but I could simply ask the cards, 'Will Pan attempt to interfere in my life?' and get a yes or no answer. However, it would not tell me, for example, if Pan was behind... what happened with Krypto."

Jon Kent has posed:

Jon is wearing a dark brown shirt with blue jeans and some work boots. He's wearing a hat on his head and those thick-rimmed glasses as he approaches his group of friends. Next to him is a white-furred dog, large and as tall as Jon's waist, with a red collar that says 'Krypto' on the collar. Without the cape, he might as well be a normal dog!

With a cool name.

"Hey guys."

He clears his throat. "Sorry, I was kinda..overhearing the conversation. I don't know much about the Gods, truth be told and honestly, they have magic...a concept I don't have a good relationship with." He pulls up a chair and sits down, giving Krypto a bite of a french fry.

Krypto looks at Billy notably and though it seems to be peering into his very soul? It leans forward to try and lick his hand.

"How's everyone doing?"

Freddy Freeman has posed:
Freddy's face lights up like a sunrise. "BRO, YOU HAVE A DOG?"

Grabbing his crutch and pushing himself up to his feet, an incredibly enthusiastic Freddy thunk-step-thunk-step-thunk-steps around the table to approach Krypto. "Who is bestest dog on any plane of existence?" the young man croons. He loves animals apparently.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson lets Krypto sniff his hand, then shows him the healed arm. "I'm fine. No harm done. I know this thing is what made you crazy. You're the last good boi of Krypton." He considers giving the dog of steel a snack cake but leaves that call to Jon. Instead he gives Krypto a good head rub. "Hrrrrrmmm. Jon how smart is he? I mean, they say dogs react to ghosts and those're just Earth doggos. You think he could sniff out Pan? He seems to cloak himself from us, mostly."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary hrms, "Well, that's true, dogs and cats are sensitive to supernatural things, so would a super-dog be super-aware of them?" She grins, "Oh, and hi Jon." She has a half-eaten part of a Italian sub in one hand, looking like she's just here to help brainstorm as she sits next to Marie. "Trying to figure out where Pan might strike next."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"Bonsiour, Monsieur Kent!" Marie waves a hand cheerfully -- at least until he says he doesn't really care for magic. That dampens her spirit a little. "...ah... I hope you do not think poorly of me based on that fact?" Because Marie /is/ magic. It runs through her blood. It's wildly untrained other than using the tarot cards... but it's /there./

Krypto gets a little wave, too.

Freddy's reaction to the sudden dog gets a good-natured grin from Marie, and she's quiet to listen to Billy and Mary suggesting how Krypto might be able to suss out Pan further. Mainly because she's snatched up a second piece of sub and is already munching. Don't mind the hungry girl.

Jon Kent has posed:
"Haha, yeah. Krypto."

Jon gestures to the goodest boi in the universe, as Krypto perks up when Freddy draws near, barking at Freddy and standing on his hind legs to put paws on Freddy's shoulders and give him licks.

Looking at Mary and Billy, Jon nods softly. "Krypto's senses are better than mine." And that's /saying something/. "Dogs are very aware of the supernatural. I assume a Kryptonian canine can too. And don't let his charm fool you, Krypto's very smart. Arn't you boy?" Krypto barks affirmatively.

"Pan..." Jon shakes his head.

"Bonsiour, Madamoiselle Colbert!" Jon tries, before he stage whispers. "Did I say that right?" and he shake shis head. "Oh, no you're amazing. I just uh...have had bad experiences." He admits, lowering his head a little shamefully, worried he's insulted her.

Freddy Freeman has posed:
When Kryto stands up for licks, Freddy's face -- already blazing like a new day -- lights up even more. Whatever shadows linger in the Rock of Eternity are no match for this young man's enthusiasm for drinking deep from the wellsprings of life. "HELP, I'M UNDER ATTACK!" he yells out in utter delight as he collapses to the ground. Because who doesn't want to wrassle around with a happy dog???

"Billy!" he calls out to his brother between fits of laughter. "Save me!"

It's really hard to have a serious meeting when Fred is around.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson frowns and says, "If you change to Pantheon and scare that dog... I'm telling Darla. Hey Krypto, come here Krypto! What's the matter? I gotta speak Kryptonimum? Kryptonia..." he trails off. "Just don't say 'Shazam'"


Billy/Shazam's comment is drowned in the crash of lightning. Then you have Shazam! Yay.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary snickers, unable to help herself, "I was always more of a cat person... Marie, does our new place allow cats?" She shakes her head a bit, hoping that Krypto has a modicum of common sense...

Well, he IS a dog, after all, so that should hopefully be alright. She glances wryly at Billy, "Yeah, Freddy better not change into Pantheon, that's for sure." She snickers a bit more, looking decidedly amused.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"Tres bien, Monsieur." Marie replies with a bright smile. If she's offended? She's hiding it really well. Marie's not the best at hiding things, though... so it's safe to say that she's not offended. Relieved, maybe, that's pretty clear in her eyes.

Still, she sits and eats. Trying to keep from giggling at Freddy and Krypto. ...fortunately she's already swallowed by the time Billy calls down the lightning, because that gasp would've definitely inhaled chewing in progress! ...but the shock fades quickly enough when she realizes it was Billy.

"From what Madame Frost said, Mary... I do not think we would have any difficulty having cats in our new home." They technically own it, afterall! Marie's radiant smile suggests that she's on board with the idea, too.

Jon Kent has posed:
Krypto is going to town on poor, entertained Freddy. Krypto likes him! He keeps Freddy decently pinned, though it's clear that if Freddy moves him, Krypto will 'feign' being moved. It's clear that while Krypto is a dog, he's a Kryptonian Dog with Kryptonian strength.

Though Billy's summoning of Zeus's lightning for transformation, Krypto seems to leap away from Freddy and hides behind Jon. "Shhh, it's okay boy. It's okay. Look, it's the sparkle guy." Jon points at Shazam and Krypto peeks his head around Jon.

"I promise he's brave."

He starts to chuckle, but called by Billy, Krypto starts to move towards him.

He turns his attention to Marie, looking relieved and calm, offering her a warm smile before he looks between her and Mary. "You guys moved in together? Hey, congrats." Jon smiles at the pair.