15597/Carcinization in the Boardwalk

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Carcinization in the Boardwalk
Date of Scene: 16 August 2023
Location: Orchid Bay Boardwalk
Synopsis: When giant crabs come out to play, the JLD chases them away!

(It's Gabby's fault)

Cast of Characters: Nettie Crowe, Hellboy, Talia al Ghul, Sprite, Mercy Thompson, Belinda Gutierrez, Gabby Kinney

Nettie Crowe has posed:

    Really you would have thought that the old witch would be chilling more often in a city named after another corvid, but she has a distinct allergy to arrows.

    She did, however, not have an allergy to to tarot cards, pendelums and dowsing rods indicating that a danger of magical proportions, enchanted imperilment if you would, would be occurring in the city, and quite soon.

    So she was sitting on the boardwalk, waiting for the danger to show up. OF course she attracts some attention, her hair braided to each side; dark round sunglasses on, and a crow perched on her shoulder looking exhausted, the two together sitting in the shade of a black parasol, with Nettie sporting a Starling City Coffee drink that's far more sugar than what anyone needs in a week.

    "Well. I *have* been wrong before." she mutters crossly, taking out her phone to check the time. "But it's just weird that 'The Moon' kept on coming up. Makes not a lick of sense. There's not even an eclipse." she mutters to herself as she rolls her shoulders.

    People are passing by, occasionally giving her weird looks, and at least one person assumes she's from Gotham. Emphasis on the Goth.

    Otherwise it's a lovely sunny day in Starling City, which obviously might be an indicator something is wrong.

    ... or about to go very wrong...

    ... clickity-clack!

Hellboy has posed:
Nettie says she feels a bad juju, Gabby says we investigate the juju, Hellboy shows up to investigate the juju. Seems pretty simple math. Only it ain't really math. Eh. Whatever.

Hellboy wears his trademark coat full of accoutrements and gear, the jutting grip of his pistol visible underneath. Normally, he'd be smoking a cigar, but Gabby's along for the ride so he doesn't indulge. He's thinking of trying this 'vaping' thing. Looks stupid, but any scratch for an itcher.

Investigating right now mostly meant just sitting on his hinders and waiting for something to happen. Which mostly suited him just fine. When he could have a cigar.


Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would be sitting over on the boardwalk (not having some fun) and just glancing over her shoulder and sitting on a bench. "So, do we have any idea as to what sort of specific calamity is coming? Is it in the form of a boxing glove arrow? Or have the Rogues already broken out of prison?" she meant the Flash's adversaries that had just been caught a short time ago. It had been at least a week or so, they were due.
    She goes to take out a hand of cards and was shuffling them together - just regular playing cards, nothing Tarot influenced about them. "Or are we calling this a vacation and seeing what tries to come out and after us?"

Sprite has posed:
    Sprite and Mercy have been out shopping. Or maybe Shopping; there's been a lot of money, a lot of stops, and right now, she's got Mercy carrying a lot of bags. When Nettie's divinations indicate trouble, though, who would she be if she didn't show up and lend a hand. So, straight from London, there's a BOOM sound as she teleports the two of them in, putting a long dagger away as they arrive.

    She looks around, but enhanced senses and detections aren't really part of her abilities. She looks over to Mercy. "Any ideas?" Meanwhile, she's trying to spot any teammates, but seeing people on a boardwalk isn't the easiest when you're sub-five-feet.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "Maybe that moon has to deal with me? I mean... my extended family is probably strongly tied to that card." She herself doesn't worry about it as much as some. The mechanic is dressed for their shopping trip she had with Sprite. Her strength able to handle all those bags she has been saddled with.
    Seeing Hellboy was a bit of a surprise and not a bad one. "Hey Red!" She greeted him and stood upwind from the demon as best she can. She is itching to see his gun some day but they not had the chance. "Better scenery then an abandoned subway right?" Then there's crab and that ocean smell. "Looks like it's game time. Those are some big crabs. Should we make some crab cakes?" She sets her bags down. "I'm going to need a gun I think. Someone got a spare they can share. Mine's in another time zone."

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
The beach! THE BEACH! It is wild! And sunny! And hot. Windy! And hot. Smelling of fishy smell! But mostly hot.

Not even clad in her fur, but Belinda is nearby, packed into place beneath her own parasol, a great beach umbrella practically sized for a whole family of plus-sized beachcombers and shared with anyone with an aversion to heat and/or excess sun. But Nettie's question has her working, thinking with her brow furrowed, thoughts stewing.

"If I remember rightly Abuela, the Moon could also mean something about hidden dangers, hidden enemies. Or occult-ish enemies. I think?" She snorts, eyes shielded behind cheap sunglasses, skirting across the beach. Mostly focused, though that hot dog vendor keeps distracting! So delicious. So unspeakably delicious. And yet, so not part of mission.

It is not fair.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney was all for listening to Nettie's intuition. Her own had been fairly good lately (if by good we mean resulting in trouble), so Starling City it is. She's currently browins through her phone looking over current news because, let's face it, this wasn't her usual city. A small frown has crept over her as she reads the news of some sort of 'wave attacks foiled by local heroes' which has her a bit concerned. "Huh. Might have to check up on Namor, find out why the water's been wonky lately. I mean... He does have his own agenda, but..." A little sigh is let out. Hard to knock someone for defending their turf. It was just annoying that his turf overlapped with like 80 percent of the rest of the world.

"We're outside, you can have a cigar if you're feigning for one that bad," she suggests of Hellboy with a grin even as she looks up from her phone to... "What's that sound?" That little clickity clackity chittenous sound. Her eyes narrow, and the phone is tucked away as she greets the others. "Hey Belinda, Hey Mercy! Talia. Sprite." So many were here. It actually gives her a bit of feel-goods that they had so many willing to be here, yet...

She was wary.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Aye Miss Kinney, you'll have to check on -- what was his nickname? Abs-lantis?" the old witch questions, and she tilts her head, looking to Corvax.

    "You'll not get confirmation outta me, Nettle. 'E's probably murdered a good lot of my mates from Jersey." the crow replies, giving a flap of his wings.

    Nettie was about to say something more when the bay began bubbling. She hops to her feet and takes her glasses off as the salt water roils, kicking up the flotsam of the ocean, old boots and car parts, cans of cheap beer long since emptied. At least three lost sandals come flip-flopping out of the water, one DIRECTLY aimed at Hellboy's forehead. A rusted-out bunch of motor junk sails towards Sprite and Mercy, and Nettie brings out her wand and attempts to dissuade things from hitting her, Belinda, and everyone not else mentioned, but manages to get sea wrack to the face and tumbles down off the place she was perched, with Corvax cawing in concern.


    Six foot wide crabs, scuccling forward sideways and onto the beach. Now crabs, you have to be careful with, because like every other bug of the sea, they will try to eat everything.

    Up into one claw a sunbather goes, screaming for his life, tan arms flailing around!

    Someone's (not-allowed-on-the-beach) pet dog is grasped by the leash and is yipping in terror as it's pulled slowly towards a four foot wide fiddler crab!

    The beach sand errupts with crabs that were buried in the sand as a deep voice BOOMS out over the beach side:


Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy is drenched. He hates getting wet. That was not his thing. That was a fish guy's department. He knew at least one really good fish guy and he knew there were a few others, so they could just call Abe but leave him out of it, but that was the old job and this was the new job and he didn't have Abe here and now he's irritated AND wet and missing his friend.

Hope these weren't no kin of his.

The Samaritan fills his hand as he lashes out with his other mighty Fist, driving the Hand of doom down on one outstretched claw while he lines his eye down the barrel and points straight at another right in the sight of his revolver.

"Feast on this."


Talia al Ghul has posed:
And then there is Talia Al Ghul. "Excuse me a moment." She wanders off camera. Then comes back another moment armed wiht a.. Large bib tied around her neck, a comically oversized fork and knife. "Can someone else handle the salt and butter? I presume setting up the barbecue won't be an issue with the array we have present." That.. Would beg an awful lot of questions for what her preparedness and to.. No, some things were best not ot ask. Not to ask at all.
    The sound of large oversized utensils going to clank against one another would echo along.

Sprite has posed:
    Sprite's glad to see people she knows, once attention starts to be pulled there. Hellboy, Gabby, Nettie. The redhead grins a little, giving a wave. "Hey everyone, I--" And then there's suddenly flying motor junk sailing at herself and Mercy. The tiny Eternal throws up a hand, telekinetically grabbing the biggest pieces of the junk coming at her and Mercy, looking annoyed.

    "Well, that's rude as hell. Who--" And she doubletakes.

    Even when you're as old as human history, that's not something you see every day. "Crab people are coming for vengeance?" She looks over to the crab people. "Are you a culture? How long have you been a culture?" She takes a few steps crabwards. "We should talk."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "A cylinder head cover??" Mercy sounds annoyed at the engine part thrown at her and Sprite as she is able to easily getting out of the way, she's not worried about Sprite. She doubts that debris could even HURT Sprite. She sees her thoughts are confirmed as the metal stops in the air. She pouts and sees what Talia is doing, "Now I want sea food." She goes to a clear area to set down all her back and rolls her shoulders and stretches out a bit as she looks around. Surely she can find SOMETHING to swing and hit them with besides foul language or insults. "Do you speak crab, Sprite?"

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
"Does seafood taste like chicken?" Belinda asks, eyes widening before she gives the beach umbrela a quickl kick at the pole, knocking it down like a colorful shield. A child of New Mexico, Belinda has never tasted a crab, or truly much in the way of seafood. But facing down giant crabs...

"They really do look a little like bugs. Or spid---"

Further words are utterly cut off by the mammoth hand-cannon that is the Samaritan. Wincing as her ears ring from the blast, Belinda ducks back behind her parasol, ducking away from the worst of the sudden lashing of ocean detritus, trusting in Nettie's mystic skills and.....

Pausing. Glancing about. Waiting for the attention of onlookers to be utterly turned away. And immensely grateful for cheap bikini-wear as she focuses, grimaces, a brief crackle and crick and creak.

Fur. Bone. Muscle. Cloth stretching to the limit. Flesh and bone to warp and break, crack and reknit and--


Nettie Crowe has posed:
    Oh, not crab people. Just.. crabs.

    Giant crabs, errupting from the sand, trying to drag people down into it! Crabs that are grabbing everything they can, disrupting the lovely afternoon on the boardwalk! Crabs rising from the ocean waves and skittering forward, claws nipping and clacking against the supports of the boardwalk!

    And the crabs keep getting larger. Six feet across. Eight feet across. A massive ten-foot across crab, its legs easily ten feet appeice storms where the JLD had been standing, rearing up and dropping its heavy, Fiddler-crab claw across the boardwalk to try and scatter the fighters!

    The Samaritan SHATTERS the crab that was about to slice the sunbather in half, dropping innards and broken shell to the sand -- it's safe to say none of these guys probably know Abe.

    Talia arrives with... cutlery. They clank against one another as a crab rises up from the sand in order to do battle, clacking its claws at Talia and then bringing its pincers forward, eyestalks googling about and tries to grab a hold of Talia to reduce her to half the woman she used to be!

    Sprite approaches the crab that was attempting to drag the panicking fluffy dog, and distracts the crab from its horribly inappropriate for viewing duty. ITs eyestalks wiggle.

    "Wuz kul-chur?" it burbles, in English, salt walter dripping from it. It begins to scribble back towards the bay, dragging the dog with it.

    Seafood may not taste like chicken, but one of those eight-foot crabstrosities are rearing up to try and take a bite out of Silverdane as she transforms, with a cry out of "EAT THIS!" as a claw launches for the werewolf's middle to try and slice her!

    Mercy is momentarily safe, except from the belching of another round of horrible refuse dumped into the ocean -- Rubberducks, Garfield phones, beer cans, all dumped from the shell of a large crab that has spun around to try and grab Nettie while she's down and trying to remove sea-wrack from her face!

    The deep voice booms again: "CONSUME THE DRYWALKERS! HUNT FOR OUR CREATOR!"

    A fifteen-foot crab errupts from the water. Attached to its claw via what appears to be several dozen rolls of sea-worthy duct tape is a no-dachi blade!


Hellboy has posed:
Red has to wade in, getting more hand to hand. He has plenty of ammo for the Samaritan, but still, with the increasing size, better to keep the most powerful firepowder dry until needed. His brute power was more than enough to crack these shells. So he's soon just wading amongst them, laying about with blow after blow. He throws in a few headbutts, too, feeling the satisfying crack of a shell across his brow.

"I ain't ever goin' back to Red Lobster," he mutters, wiping some crab goo from the Hand of Doom with a grunt of irritation. He sees the fifteen footer come up and the Samaritan rises to greet it.

"Hey, yo, Mr. Krabs! This is for Plankton!"


Talia al Ghul has posed:
this will be fun! Talia Al Ghul has a very, very un-Talia look grin on her face. "Remember, darlings. You came in here knowing the risks. And thus you shall face the consequences. And the reapings!" So much meat. The Daughter of the Demon backpedlas from the crab going at her, taking several steps away to parry over with fork and block with knife. Then there's a revving sound. Yes, a revving sound. The huge knife begins to howl with something more akin to a diesel engine as opposed to the normal sort of hellish scream of a chainsaw. Then it goes to blaze over with fire as the surface would be scythed along and burning hot like a forge taken to hammer.
    "Come, darlings, I'm /famished/."
    This scene goes to look moreso akin to something out of a slasher movie (admittedly from the undersea being perspective) as flame-chainsaw fury fills the air with hacks, cackles, and the hopes of someone who came here with enough butter and salt for them all to share!

Sprite has posed:
    "Culture. Stories. History." Sprite says to the giant crab. "For example, eating someone's pet dog is not cultured." She takes that long dagger out of thin air, and throws it at the leash, aiming to cut it and spare the dog. Unlike her teammates, she's still more or less trying to social-fu this. She scowls at the deep voice, and she starts to reach out telepathically. She's not the strongest telepath by far, but she's just trying to identify the source of the deep voice.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy glances over to Belinda, "if you are a bad cook it might. But generally not even close." She faired better with the Samaritan's roar because she heard it before when in an enclosed space. She then hears a noise she knows very well. "Huh... new wolf. We should talk later," she says to the changing woman. She thought she got a semi familiar scent before the dinner bell got rung.
    She keeps clear of any attack or rubble. But such attacks also mean a good piece of a sign that was in the pavement is free. "That'll do." She can swing that like a big hammer if need be. May be a bit 'wrecking crew' but it should work as the girl picks up the mangled sign and shoulders the weight. Her target is less about the stuff thrown at her and more on the one trying to smash Nettie. "Sorry if I mess up your magic by being close. Soon as you got breathing space I'll give you some as well." Seeing what Sprite is up to she calls out, "Keep on intact until Sprite says so, if possible."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney had been... distracted. Mostly by the fact that there were giant crabs coming out and lobbing things at people. Seeing the others get into motion to fight back she hops into back up mode just a second, calling out to those on the beach, "Okay beach time is over head home! CHOP CHO--JUST HURRY!" she yells to those who may be standing gawking or pulling out their phones in an attempt to film TikToks against such a backdrop.

Then the Samaritan goes off. Sure, she'd heard it before, but it was still a bit loud to her ears. The ringing causes her to lose her balance on the soft sand just a moment. By the time she rises again some few crabs had been dealt with, some were talking about stories with Sprite, and then there comes a very large crab... with duct tape and a kodaichi.

"Wait. Waitwaitwait," she states simply as a memory nags at her. Without warning to the others she runs toward that massive crab staring wide-eyed. "Let's talk about this!" She calls out in an attempt, however vain, to try diplomacy.

Hell it worked with a bunch of sirens not long ago.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Belinda-- Silverdane --is quick, responsive, but just after the Change-- the werewolf snarls as the claw closes around her midsection, a snarl growing louder as she protests! Hefted clean from her feet, the lycanthrope struggles as she kicks at the air, fighting to lkeep the oversized claw from crushing her in half as sensations and senses reel. Fangs bared-- focus. Focus, snarl, *fight*!

The crab's claw presses viciously, vengefully, and beady eyestalk orbs stare at her as she grimaces at the pain shooting through her from the pincer's grip.

She changes tactics-- once, twice, again she strikes down, claws against thick shellfish claws. Armored, but not nearly as thickly as the primary shell-- she smashes down on the pincer joint, cracking the link with a burble from her captor, a snarling fury as she strikes again-- cracking off half the claw, tearing its weaker 'finger'-joint free.

She lands on the wet sand, breathing heavily. "....ow!"

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    CRACK. CRACK. CRACK. Hellboy raises some hell, cracking shells as he goes about the target-rich environment, punching crabs and taking names until he sees the fifteen foot crab with the nodachi blade! He takes aim and fires, and the crab with the blade -- manages, SOMEHOW, to deflect the bullet.

    "I SHALL NOT BE DEFEATED BY AN OVERBOILED DRYWALKER!" the massive crustacean burbles, and begins to rush the beach!

    Talia parries and blocks. There is the revving sound and a lot of people look very, very confused as the knife turns into something more like a chainsaw blade -- on fire! -- and that causes the crab she was facing off against to SCUTTLE BACKWARDS AT A HIGH RATE OF SPEED.

    The leash is sliced! The dog is freed -- and without staying around to thank Sprite, the dog BOOKS IT OUT OF THERE, yipping in fear as it goes Anywhere that is Not Here. The crab seems forlorn. "Wuz lunch." it explains, and the crab clacks its claws in nervousness. "Has fire?!"


    Mercy stays clear of the attack and rubble, and picks up a sign. And people see the sign (which has a scottie-dog looking emblem on it with the big NO circle. NO DOGS ALLOWED ON BEACH. Surely they don't mean Mercy and Belinda, right? The sign is definitely not seen by the belching crab, which gets knocked with it pretty hard, splitting the topside of its shell before it whips around and attempts to rob Mercy of the sign with a clack of its claws!

    It's very distracting -- there's a lot of things going on, and and as people are fleeing the scene a few acknowledge Gabby. THE CRABS DO NOT.

    As several of them are curently being toasted, two of them decide to try and grab at Gabby as she tries to call a time out from the fighting, one going for a foot, one going for an arm as they try to catch the other leader of the JLD.

    And Belinda, striking down on the shells, focusing on that pincer joint, manages to rip the smaller pincer free, and the crab looms over her, one clackity -- and then it appears to burst into tears.

    "WUZ FAVORITE CLAW!" it wails "EAT YOU NOW!" -- and the toher claw comes down to try and lift Belinda to its mouth!!

Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy lowers his head and starts to charge forward, putting his gun away and reaching back to draw a great-axe from his assemblage of weapons strapped to his back. He comes in swinging for the fences, just like old Babe Ruth who is definitely dead and not a vampire living in Jamaica.

He'll probably end up clashing with the armed crab a bit, blade and axe bouncing, searching for advantage. Hellboy's mostly just got raw demon power and an endless supply of stamina to throw forward. That and a mean streak long as a sabertooth.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would go to charge along after the fleeing crab. "Pathetic germ! There's no escape!" She would go to shriek out in an even more crazed manner while going to switch to her next getup. Where exactly /did/ she get a power harpoon from!? But..
    HOpefully from there, the power harpoon is launched, the crab is skewere,d an dall ready to be put up over on the barbie when the group is done!
    The crab goes down, and Talia goes to look around for the next tasty morsel. And is humming the 'Jaws' theme while going to advance on the nearest hostile. Moving along then and taking out a large backpack with a.. Hose attached to it on a long nozzel, then putting down a large welding mask. Which first begs the questions of.. No, one didn't want to ask /where/ she got them from or /why/ she had them with her.
    Not safe for mind or body. Also

Gabby Kinney has posed:
So much for that. Maybe if Gabby had been a bit earlier... but she wasn't, the fight was already ongoing. Thankfully the pedestrians and civvies seemed to have gotten enough time to mostly book it out of here by now.

That leaves Gabby with two crabs coming toward her trying to play pinch-and-pull with her limbs. Not an ideal situation even for someone that could heal like she could. When the claws come at her she ducks down trying to go UNDER the crab. Not an ideal place, either, but it was hopefully a harder to reach spot on a crab.

She doesn't know. Crab-natomy wasn't her forte. It worked for a lot of combatants though so she's going for it.

The second crab might just swipe at the first she dodged under, she hopes. While under there she punches a fist up, claw out, to rake along the underbelly of it's shell.

Sprite has posed:
    Sprite frowns a little as her crab seems to be sad about the lack of dog lunch. "Yes, but that dog belonged to someone. You can't just eat it. Here."@emit She waves an arm, and a plethora of meat options seem to appear, out of nowhere. "I /have/ fire, but I would much rather talk than fight. But if your friends keep trying to hurt my friends, I'm going to have to use the fire. Why don't you tell your friends to stop fighting, and I'll tell my friends to stop fighting, and we can all talk?" She suggests to her crab friend(?) as she takes the high ground on this. Or tries to.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy is trying to keep tabs on Belinda and seeing as the crab that WAS threatening Nettie is now after her she tries to play 'kite the mob' like you do on an MMO and lure it closer to Belinda. "I won't attack you but you have to put the wolf down. I am not as nice as others. I give ONE warning. Back off and stop hurting drylanders." She will spin the 'weapon' around and use the sign to 'swat' at the grab that has Belinda after her ."BAD Crabs. Bad!" She shaks her head, "How is my life so weird," muttering to herself.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Toes digging into the wet sand, Silverdane is ready this time. This time, she does not linger, waiting for the Return of the Claw! It snaps down and the wolf woman dives; sand sprays as she barely dodges the powerful snik, letting the claw cl;ip air and hair-- head down as Mercy's swing rattles from the crab's last claw with a metallic thwang!

"Just lucky?" Silverdane suggests, growling as she digs her legs beneath her. Kicking off from the sand, she lunges for the slender, more tender section just behind the clawed itself; grasping, twisting, she digs in her claws and gives a throaty groan, pulling, twisting, heave--!

The crab's Second Favorite Claw joins its companion on the ground, wrenched off with a vicious finality.

"Get back in the water!" Silverdane orders, glaring at the not-nearly-as-frightening crab beast. "Vaminos!"

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    CLANG! CLANG! CLACK! The largest of the crabs is doing melee battle with Hellboy, and seems to be keeping up with the more experienced fighter, blocking the blows from the axe with a no-dachi that weirdly shouldn't be as nice looking as it is (due to the salt water), and appears to be burbling insults at him in odd languages: "Cad! Philistine! Curr! Knight-of-the-Post!" it burbles as it rears up and attempts to bring the no-dachi down right between the stubs of Hellboy's horns on his forehead! "Die with Dishonor!"

    Every Crab around her is fleeing from Talia. She will go down probably in their Clawture as some sort of demonic entity!

    Crabnonimy isn't Gabby's strong suite, but the two crabs end up grabbing each other, one getting an eyestalk and the other getting a leg, causing one to flip over and wriggle around helplessly on its back!

    It's over Crabikin, Obi Wan Spritobi has the High Ground! Morally and physically since she's standing uphill, and the would-be-dog-eating grab attempts to grab at some of the items that are now floating around it "Ham Ham Ham Ham Ham!" it burbles happily.

    The crab that was going after Nettie and took a crack from Mercy is scuttling to the side as a crow continuously pecks about it.

    And Corvax attempts to get the drop on one harassing Belinda, claws extende as it goes for the eyes! "NO WARNING FOR THE ENEMY! NO QUARTER! CAW! TO ARMS!"

    And the crab that was harrangued by two shapeshifters and a crow begins to retreat, bringing its eye stalks down as it waves its good claw threateningly! "Vaminos!" it repeats!

Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy kicks a crab like a football until it lands back into the ocean. He gives a few rude gestures and sweeps back his coat as he turns his back on them.

"God damn pests. Always god damn pests. I hate the ocean. I hate the sea. I'm only fishing in lakes from now on," he says.

"I'm having a cigar!"

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Going to 'hmm' over at hte largest of the crabs, Talia Al Ghul would pause from her considerations over with teh flamethrower while looking over the boardwalk.. And over to where has been put up a mockup of an old school Maine whaling harpoon. Going to hook the welding mask up and over her head, flamethrower on her back, huge weaponized cutlery at her side, she goes to run over towards it and goes to cackle madly, anyone in the area staring in total bewilderment just stepping away.
    She goes to rapidly start to work at putting the huge flaming chainsaw knife on the launcher, wrapping it down over and anchoring it in. A quick twist over of the spring lets her swivel about the harpoon launcher like one would a video game go-kart.. As she swivels it to aim it over at the five meter crab brawling with Hellboy. Letting out a mad cackle.
    "From Hell's Depths I Stab at Thee!" Moby Dick did /not/ have a quote like that.

Sprite has posed:
    Sigh. "You were supposed to tell your friends not to..." Sprite shakes her head. "Okay. Screw it. I TRIED it the boring way. I really did." The redhead flies up into the air, a good thirty feet or so, so she can look around. Her voice BOOMS out over the boardwalk. There's some serious bass and reverb mods on that. "All right! There will be entirely no "drylander massacre" today! Everything here of a crustacean persuasion has exactly sixty seconds to hit deep water, or I will bring the fire to end all fire down on your heads. I will boil the ocean and you in it!"

She points skyward, and...holy hell, it's like someone brought the sun down to visit. There is an enormous flaming sphere in the sky, about a hundred feet up. Crackling, angry. HOT. It's radiating heat in all directions.

    Sure, her Eternal specialty might not be transmuting matter or punching things like Superman...but sometimes it's good to be the uber-illusionist.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney runs out from beneath the crab she'd scuttled under. Imagine that. Out scuttling a crab. They were attacking each other even if unintentionally though so... That works. She's left out in the open then watching as the crabs appraently start to withdraw from the beach back into the water.

"Okay, first off I want to say this isn't my fault," she begins with a finger pointing after the duct taped and bladed crab. "... But it might be *kind of* my fault? Just a tiny bit. Maybe." Lightly clearing her throat she calls out abruptly, "Crabby McStabbington the Third! BE GOOD! Go cut up some drift nets or something, okay!?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    Mercy is not so dumb as to doubt Sprite warning. "Hey talking wolfy. Let's prove canines are the smartest." She will try to use the sign on the two nearest crabs by them not as a weapon but to harass them and see if she can trick the crabs to both fighting over Mercy's weapon as she will do her best to fling sand toward their eyes. All while saying stuff like 'Stop it!' 'Let go!' or whatever. More fun to get the bad crabs fight each other if possible.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Silverdane breathes heavily, panting in a rush as she drinks in the air. Exhale, inhale-- quivering from head to toe in barely restrained excitement. Frenzy. And glaring!

And... so totally upstaged. She covers her eyes, staring upward at the shining orb in the sky, staring at the Eternal shining in full-blown glory.

"....Dios," she murmurs to herself. A quick glance for the retreating crab, she steps back from the ocean waves-- lapping at the shore, as idle and eventless and uncaring as the ocean has always forever been. Even an onslaught of crustaceans and the threat of the Eternal Sun doiong nothing to disturb its watery placidity.

Silverdane grins her toothy grin at Mercy, nodding quickly as she stretches her neck with a crack, lunging forward at a quick trot!

"Back to water!" she growls, swatting a thin crab leg, kicking sand-- bullying with lupine ferocity! "Back, back, en la oceano for you!"

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "HALLLLLLT!" the huge crab bellows as his name is called. And ka-TOING the harpoon strikes it, right in the shell! It looks a the harpoon. It looks towards Talia, and one side of it goes a little limp.

    The other crabs begin to scuttle away, back to the ocean in fear as their leader has been struck, worn down by Hellboy's blows and called upon by its --

    "Mother -- my Drywalker Mother." the crab burbles, its voice sounding like the rocks scraping at the bottom of a well. BOOM! down comes the no-dachi claw, its blade digging into the sand to keep it aloft as it stares into the eyes of its creator.

    "For so long I have grown, mated, and spread my influence to others as you gifted me *life* with the cursed blade that you bound to me. Still I feel it, having struck through my claw, through moltings unimaginable.

    "Mother, it is to you I return, to seek gidance. To see *purpose* now that I have become a God to those who were once like me -- is that my purpose, mother? I am to cut the drift nets that drywalkers have set in my kingdom, to wreck their death traps for the air-breathers, the whales and the turtles?" he wheezes out, salt water dripping onto the sand with a little bit of crab goo.

    "Is that the direction I should take, Mother?"

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Well, this wasn't particularly useful! But, that's why she has a variety of weapons at her side! So, Talia Al Ghul goes to pull down the welding mask once more, and lifts up the nozzel of her flamethrower. And then goes to let out a cackling whistle over while going to blast through the beach over with the flamethrower, heading ou tto it at a slow walk.
    "Thank you for helping us to do our fresh barbecue!" Well, it's directed at the crabs that are NOT leaving. Or just to help encourage them to keep leaving. OR mostly just as Talia likes going around like a total lunatic with a flamethrower.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney lifts a hand to wave at Talia a bit, hoping to keep the flamethrower from being active again. So too does she look toward Mercy and Belinda, and even Nettie with an apologetic, "Okay can we tone things down a bit ... Just a minute? I think I need to deal with this." Which was to say... she definitely needed to deal with this.

Without fear (as if she ever showed much anyway) she walks closer to the large knife weilding crab that had spoken to her and called her mother. THAT was a surprise. Quite a surprise. "Purpose is usually something that one has to decide for themselves... But if you need guidance," she offers rather softly. "Then yes, that's a good place to start." She pauses close by, reaching out to rest a hand on one of it's claws. "Drift nets cause many creatures of the ocean to die. I don't mind if you go after those, it's a good cause." And she wavers a moment, before smiling up at Crabby. "You grew so much! Wow. Look at you now."

Another light pat is given to his claw. "And you're hurt, and your friends are hurt." Urg. They'd also done a bit of hurting. Looking around again she considers. "I can't guide you forever. Our worlds are too different. Keep that in mind though, and if you feel more confused or need more guidance, seek out King Namor of Atlantis. He's an old friend of mine and has more experience with the oceans than I ever will. He and his folks can probably help with your injuries, too," she reasons. "I'll let him know to expect you."

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Silverdane gives Talia a careful glance, tail twitching as she breathes. Dropping her arm, she gives the withdrawing crabs a long last look before turning aside, exhaling lustily as she rumbles for a moment's rest. Watching the interaction between crab and Gab with widening eyes.

"....I do not think I wish to try seafood," she states gently, gruffly. She settles to her haunches, straightening to keep an eye on the beachfront, ears quivering as she listens. "Shall stick with the best foods. Salsa. Pizza. Small lunch animals."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "THEN WE HAVE A NEW, GLORIOUS PORPOSE!" ... does he mean purpose? Nope. There's the call of a blunt-nosed, small, toothed whale somewhere in the deep.

    And the crabs continue to skuttle away, some carrying the remains of their brothers -- and munching on them -- others carrying off toys, beach chairs, and one dragging a police ATV away as the retreat into the plashing surf.

    "UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN!" CRabby waves his nodachi claw, and then also disappears into the deep.

    ... leaving a number of dead and partially parted giant crabs, and some very confused people on the beach.

    Nettie blows out a breath, and then looks at Gabby.

    "How the Bloody *Hell*." is all she says, shaking her head.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Oh well. They can't have them all. Talia Al Ghul has now setup a giant bonfire with a spitroast on top of it. She has a large Condiment King sized Salt Shaker and an equally large butter tub to the side. Large stakes and vats have been somehow setup off-camera to allow for dipping before roasting, and various picks are setup to crack the shells.
    Don't, don't ask for the sake of comedy as to how this works. Just enjoy it. It will be DELISCIOUS.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    With the crabs leaving Mercy has no interest in chasing. She heads out to where all her shopping was to be sure everything is okay. She dust her hands off and says, "Um if you're hurt I can give you all a look over. I know basic first aid, especially you miss Lupo. You don't want to heal over any grit or a bad break. It sucks having to break then reset a bone. I rather avoid it if I can." She's letting the other handle most of this and getting out of lime light

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
For herself? Silverdance drops to her belly, stotling to the beach and sand with a stoic rumble. And a soft, soft murmur.

"....towel," she manages carefully, voice low. "Beach towel. Long one, por favor, Miss Mercy."

Because: cheap sunglasses and beachwear vs growth and change and massive size.

"...Dios. El Casco Verde does not have to o deal with these things!" she mutters, complains. Sigh!

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney waves as they disapear into the deep once more leaving her standing there looking... befuddled. The ATV that's dragged in causes her to open her mouth, then shut it with a shrug. "You know what, let them have it. Everyone likes toy cars." Or real ones? Whatever.

She turns then to glance at Nettie and Mercy and the others looking a little sheepish. "Uuuh. I think I was around fifteen?" She hazards hesitently before explaining further. "I uh, duct taped a knife to... You saw." Lightly clearing her throat she explains, "Kept him about a week before Laura said I should let him go again."