17762/HH May Game Night

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HH May Game Night
Date of Scene: 10 May 2024
Location: Library - HHCC
Synopsis: May's Game night goes smoothly!
Cast of Characters: Morrigan MacIntyre, Yaretzi Acama, Michael Hannigan, Xiomara Rojas, Mark Grayson, Sunny Harlow

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
May Game Night has rolled around without too much in the way of problems. Except for those high school seniors who have misplaced where their graduation forms for their cape and gown had gotten off to and they were using the college library to print things off.

As per the usual, there are games for every skill level and some advanced. Some of the college kids had decided to wheel a TV and an xbox down and are playing fighting games to keep themselves away from the board games.

There is a ton of food in the form of pizza and other easy to take and eat foods like a party sub. No one should go home hungry in the end of this!

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Yaretzi's been attending for at least a while, now, working on getting her 'basics' out of the way -- and she's pretty well focused on that, and her own personal extra-curriculars. Lately, though, she's lucked into some scholarship money and things haven't been quite as 'active and exciting' in her home neighborhood. So, all caught up on schoolwork and having caught wind of the game night, she's decided to actually try and socialize on campus for a change. She doesn't stay in the dorms, and she hasn't headed home for the day -- so she's carrying her backpack with herself, still, as she arrives and, as young folks will tend to do, hits the food first. Carrying a paper plate cover with pizza and sandwich in one hand, and a plastic cup of soda in the other, she seeks out a table at which to sit and eat before trying to find a game to join in on.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Another game night finds Mike once again helping with setting up a couple games. Although this time around there are a few more glances to the table holding the pizza from time to time.

A glance does move to the tv at one point but the musician soon loses interest, opting to head to the refreshment table to get a drink first.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Game night. It was one of those few nights that Crush set everything else aside and went out to play... and not the punchy kind of play. Sure, she'd rather go punch something that deserved punching, but Monopoly wasn't going to play itself, right?

Truth was, it was still part of her 'learning to socialize and not lose her temper' training. So she arrived to the library at the appropriate time, carrying with her a bag of candy for everyone to munch on, and started looking around to see what games were already being set up. No, she didn't really play Monopoly, that game was majorly boring and could lead to her temper going off when she landed on Board Walk... again.

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Yaretzi sits down at one of the as-yet unused gaming tables, starting in on the pizza and sandwich she's already picked up, watching the group that's playing the fighting game on the xbox. There's a bit of a crowd, already, even if not all the tablespace is taken, and with her attention on the TV and her food, she isn't really paying attention to more recent arrivals.

Mark Grayson has posed:
Oh no, Monopoly can totally turn into punchy. Or at least into a spirited debate on things. Arriving a bit late, Mark trails in, making sure that he's presentable in his collared shirt, jeans and sneakers as he offers a wave, before noticing Yaretzi and makes his way to where she's settled, dropping into a chair. "Long time no see." he offers to her with a grin. "Do I need to reintroduce myself?"

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
After delivering the candy to the food table, and taking a soda, Crush makes her circuit of the room to see what games are being played. XBox fight game, right out. Monopoly, majorly out. Risk? Who the hell brought that game back into the library?! She'd destroyed it once.

Ending up near Mike at the table again she nudges him lightly, "So... what game you gonna play? I ain't seen one that won't tick me off yet."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Settlers of Catan, Seven Wonders, Stratego, TransAmerica, Apples to Apples, Guillotine, Carcassonne... Nope. No Monopoly here! Or at least, if it is here. Mike did NOT have a hand in setting out the tools of the eventual meltdown that tends to come with that game.

Getting his drink, the performer slips back into a general chaperone mode, pale eyes scanning the room for any potential issues.

Hearing somewhat speak to him, Mike turns his head, "Huh?" The musician pauses, considering. "Well, It's pretty hard to get angry playing TransAmerica."

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Mark's arrival catches Yaretzi by surprise, and she jumps a little as she turns to face him, eyes wide. She does calm down, though her face darkens a little with embarassment, on seeing who it is. "Oh, hi!", she says. "It really has been a while! How've you been?", she replies. She's already pretty well killed her food (not that she'd had a heap-ton on her plate to begin with), so she rests against the back of the chair while sipping soda from her plastic cup.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan is here...somewhere. The pizza and other things had been set up by her before everything got started with help from Tyler. Then he had settled down with Declan and Delia to hashing out what they were going to play. Declan suggests Stupid Deaths and Tyler sighs, "Alright man..." he states as he gets the box and starts sorting it out.

Mark Grayson has posed:
"Pretty good." Mark admits with a shrug of his shoulders. "Settling back into the grand scheme of things, getting classes in. You know, being a normal college type student?" Noticing Xiomara, he raises his hand in greetings to get her attention, mainly just to acknowledge her.

"So, what about you? Anything new in your world?" he asks curiously. "I've been really out of the loop since the whole falling out with my dad, so working on reconnecting."

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Crush hmms softly, finishing off the drink she took, only then does she notice Mark. She offers him a wave, before looking back to Mike.

"Alright, let's try that," she states, then puts some pizza on a plate and grabs another soda. "Anyone else wanna try this TransAmerica thing?" She looks around the room as she says that loudly, so everyone can hear and be included.

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
"Nothing new, really. Lucked into some grant money for school, so now it's easier on my folks -- they're not gonna hafta pay for my next couple of semesters", Yaretzi says, following Mark's gaze over to Xiomara... whose face she's seen at least once or twice somewhere else, so she lifts her hand to also wave in greeting. "I don't know that Transamerica game... guess I could give it a try. You wanna join in, too?", she asks of Mark, as she gets to her feet and picks up her trash to take to a nearby bin.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As it appears there's a bit of interest in the game, there's a slight quirk of the lips. "...Alright. You guys gather yourselves together, I'll go prep the card stacks."

Moving over to the table containing a mostly reddish orange box, he reaches over to grab the small deck. Gradually he deals out the cards into stacks so that each stack contains an orange card, a blue card, a yellow card, a red card, and a green card.

Once the cards are divvied up, he splits the pile of black sticks out to each chair at the table along with giving each chair a colored peg, and three sticks of the same color.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
With pizza and soda in hand, Crush heads over to the table to set them down, then offers a wave to Yaretzi Acama in greeting. Picking a chair she sits herself down carefully, still working on the not plunking and breaking things.

When it comes to color, she'll accept red, pink or black and nothing else... unless those colors aren't available.

"Never played it, no clue what to do with it, but I figure it can't lead to me punching anything, right Mike?" Yeah, she called him out for this, but she's grinning so clearly playing.

Mark Grayson has posed:
After sending off a text to Sunny to let him know where he was at, Mark nods. "Sounds like a plan." he offers with a nod to Yaretzi before rising to go with her to join the others at the table, since it seems like it's a Titans night at Happy Harbor. Though, at least one of those Titans he doesn't know and hasn't fully met.

So, it's to Michael that Mark grins and offers his hand once the game is being set up. "Mark Grayson, nice to meet you."

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
"I'm Yaretzi", says the girl who's come over with Mark. She has her plastic cup of soda still in hand, having refilled it along the way. As she sits down, she says, "I've never played this one before", directing her words mostly to Xio and Mike.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
One text message later and Sunny had sent back a picture of herself, a pencil tucked behind her ear and a few smudges suggesting she'd had an enthusiastic if not questionably successful work day that she'd stayed a little long for, but she'd be on her way. Of course, it wasn't going to take the blonde heroine that long to get there after she'd gotten changed, an in a matter of minutes there's be a little knock on the door from the 'other' viltrumite.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike glances up as Crush takes over the red pieces. Each seat has black sticks which seem to be to be common use pieces. "If you get upset over this game, you'll be the first one I've witnessed." He responds back. No guarantee that she won't. Just that she'd be the first.

The offered hand gets a smile as the rockstar reaches up to return the gesture. "Mike Hannigan." He supplies as he nods also to Yaretzi. "Well it seems so far I'm the only one who has played this so I'll do my best to explain it. If I'm too confusing, the rules sheet is still in the box and it's a pretty short read."

As those interested in the game make their way over, he gestures to the board that looks like the United States map with colored dots scattered across them. Each dot has a city name associated with them. The colors of the dots seem to be grouped together. Orange cities are to the east. Green cities to the west. Blue cities to the north, Red cities to the south, and yellow cities to the center.

"Alright. The main premise of this game is that you are competing railroad companies and you each have 5 cities across the US that you need to connect to the railroad. And you want to do that before any of the others do."

He points tot he back of the cards of one deck without turning it over. "Each round you will be given a stack like this and on each card will be one of your target cities."

He lifts up the rounded peg, "This is your headquarters and where you declare your starting point." Mike then gestures to the black sticks. "These are your rails. On your turn you can set two of these down on a route your headquarters is connected to. The only exception of this is if you want to build on one of these double lines. These lines are worth TWO of these sticks."

Mike then gestures to the colored sticks that matches the color of the peg. "THESE are your private lines. Only you can use these ones on a path. If you use these, others have to essentially build around you to be able to use the rest of the route. But you only get three of these per round."

He runs a finger along the board, tracing a path from one side to the other. "If you finish before the others, you win that round. And others will have to count how many tracks they are away from their remaining cities. And move their train down the scorekeeping line that amount. Then you start a new round. The game ends when someone goes off the tracks. The winner is the one with the least amount of penalties."

Mike cracks a smile. "And that... is TransAmerica. Any questions?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Tyler and a group of Freshmen college students are playing Stupid Deaths off to the side of the library, not too far away from the others. They seem to be paying attention to the rules that are being explained by Mike and there is a bit of an ah, "We should try that next time." he tells Declan and Delia.

The doors to the library are open and there is a sign for 'Game Night' directing folks to it!

Mark Grayson has posed:
"Nice to meet you, Michael!" Mark responds, as they're all setting up the game. "One moment, I'm waiting on someone..." And that's when his phone chimes and he glances at it with a grin. "Oh good, she's taking a break." That is said with a bit of fondness before he notices the blonde's arrival at the doors. "You don't have to knock!" he calls out to her, rising to his feet as he gets to his feet.

Heading over to greet Sunny with a hug and kiss to the cheek, his hand finds hers to hold it. "Come on, I'll introduce you. Have you eaten yet? There's pizza and sodas and snacks and I think a game is about to start."

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Listening as Mike explains the game, Yaretzi nods every so often and eventually claims the orange pieces for herself. "Sounds simple... but I bet it gets messy with everyone trying to do their thing, huh?", she asks. Then she purses her lips and -looks- at Mike -- it's that look that people get when they're into music enough that his name and his look are ringing bells, but when they're not into music enough to immediately put two and two together.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Crush listens intently to Mike then smirks, a soft chuckle escaping. "You of all people should know I'm easily ticked off, but let's see what happens... I can always just leave, then punch the ground or something."

Settling in she looks over the playing pieces, then when Sunny arrives she is offered a smile and wave from Crush as she says, "Hey there, long time no see."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Into the space Sunny steps, the blonde returning the cheek-kiss and lifting a hand as she moves in in greeting only to give a little wider smile at a familiar face in Xiomara. "Hey there!" she greets before the promise of food has her blinking and giving a little faux groan. "Noooo...I only got as far as a little snack bar thing in the morning. I was kinda in the zone and..." she trails off, hand to her stomach. "Pizza sounds amazing."

Game rules she missed, but Sunny would happily observe the others, enjoy the ambiance...and the snacks.

Mark Grayson has posed:
"I can sit out this round. Haven't really has a chance to eat myself." Mark admits as he gestures to the table he was at. "You apparently know Crush. That's Yaretzi and Michael. Yaretzi is one of the first people I met when I came to the big city." he says teasingly as they head to grab plates for food and drinks. "If you don't know her, this is Sunny. She's a costumer and really good at her work."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"It can," Mike admits, "But you can link your routes to other routes and use them to get where you need to go. So long as you got a path to your cities that isn't blocked by someone else's colored tile. It's good."

Mike looks to Crush, "There is the potential someone can block you in game. BUT with the limited pieces, they would be limited to how much."

He holds up a card that looks different from all the others. "This one just keeps track of who starts the next round. After the person starts the round, they pass this card to the person on their left to mark them for the next round."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Tyler gives a nod to those that enter in, greeting them as he and the Twins are finishing out their game. "Anyone got any trash that needs to go to the can. We're going to be making sure things get cleaned up later, but no reason we can't run stuff so no one has to miss others playing." the young man offers to others.

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Yaretzi gets distracted from her ponderings about just who Mike is and why he's seeming familiar by the introduction to Sunny. Smiling, she offers a hand and says, "Nice to meet you!" as she lifts a hand in greeting. Then her cellphone chirps in her pocket. Pulling it out, she reads the message on it and pouts as she gets to her feet. "I'm gonna hafta head out... sorry!", she says, hurrying for the door.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As Yaretzi excuses herself, Mike watches as one of the players exits out before the game starts. He looks over to Crush. "Well, technically this game can be played with two people..."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Tyler and others are on clean up duty. Which means that the library will be spotless for classes on Monday thankfully. In the end of things, Crush wins TransAmerica by a point and there is a good laugh had over the names of some games. A thoroughly uneventful...and welcomed quiet for Happy Harbor!