17929/Husking It Up

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Husking It Up
Date of Scene: 13 May 2024
Location: Breakstone Lake
Synopsis: An early morning run catches several members of Xavier's catching up.
Cast of Characters: Paige Guthrie, Monet St. Croix, Samuel Guthrie, Ruth Aldine, Bishop, Logan Howlett

Paige Guthrie has posed:
5 AM.

It's an hour where only serial killers and garbage men are out and about. And also, a Paige Guthrie.

Huffing and puffing about, dressed in some Xavier branded Lululemon, she's working up a sweat as she does her usual routine. A 10 mile run in the morning around Samen Center.

She's on her last lap by the lake, and she's all gross and grimey. Ewwwww.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix doesn't really need to sleep. Often. She just meditates. An hour or two is as good as a full night's sleep after all, isn't it? And her brain goes over too many things to really try. So on this morning Ms. St. Croix is up and about. she goes to head towards Paige as she catches sight of the girl running.

"Ms. Guthrie. A pleasure to see /someone/ here bothers with keeping themselves in shape."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
There's a soft chuckle at the comment as she runs her fingers through her blonde locks. "Round is a shape." Paige offers with her classic Kentucky accent and a smarmy grin.

"I felt restless so I decided to burn some energy because of the no Danger Room unless there's an X-Man rule."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would nod, "It is always possible to.. Requisition the Danger Room so long as it is not in use and it is not intended for a recreational pursuit." Monet did appreciate someone showing some level of initiative, after all, when it came to keeping in shape.

"I hope that your training has been going well."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Now that she's in her final lap and finishing up, she just jogs in place, continuing the conversation. "I gotta make sure Sam doesn't get too cocky, that's all." Paige quips

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would nod, "Yes, I'm sure that you have to remind the rest of your sibling sthat unlike them, you have a level of initiative when it comes to keeping yourself in shape and focused." she would quip.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
It's ass early in the morning, and Paige and M are just chatting about the lake.

For her part, Paige is dressed in Xavier-branded Lululemon, and M is impeccably dressed as always.

"So, I have to think about graduation and what I want to do with life." There's a sigh. "I still have no answer to that, other than become an X-Man." a beat. "What do you want to be when you grow up?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie comes flying in from the direction of NYC. As Sam spots people he will come in for a landing and smiles "Hey girls, fancy seeing you out this late, err early. " Sam is dressed in his NYPD uniform, so must have had a late shift in town.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would shrug, "Given my family, I can be whatever I wish to. I have a wide variety of options open to me and I have the potential to fulfill them all." By which if one translated M to normal was that she hadn't the slightest clue. As Sam would fly in, she would acknowledge. "Samual."

Ruth Aldine has posed:
Why is it that the early morning hours brings out all sorts? Well, because it does. Sometimes, the answer is 'just because'.

Stepping away from the Big City, Ruth Aldine is taking some time by still waters, and there is that saying that is twice as true for her. Dressed in monochromatic clothing, taking the hues of the different shades of brown, the blind girl sits at the edge of the lake, her covered gaze set to the water and beyond. If there was a 'stare into the middle distance', her manner and mien all support that.

The sound of steps, the patter of footfalls as they take the path around aren't the only things that alert the telepath to their presence; it's the, well, thoughts, the sudden bursts of visions that may or may not be directly influenced by them or for them. Digging her hands into the spot where her eyes //should// be, she murmurs, "No, please. That is not correct, sorry. It will not be found there. Sorry, it can, yes, only be found near the rock."

Words are caught, even though Ruth isn't above poking into thoughts, and she chimes in softly, though she does make her presence known. "I'm sorry. It is a little frightening, yes, but we all have been frightened before, no?"

Bishop has posed:
The early morning fog that rolls across the surface of the lake and drifts across the beaches does a fairly good job of obscuring the approach of the massive frame of future-cop, security enforcer extradionare - Lucas Bishop - as he draws nearer to the voices he hears drifting through the cool morning air. From a distance, given his size, as he appraoches it looks like some great brute is approaching from the direction of the docks through the haze of the morning fog, leaning heavily into matters looking like the beginning of a classic horror film, you know the type, the ones set at over at a lake at a generic camp full of misbehaving teens.

So you know, pretty much exactly like life at the Institute.

But eventually he does draw close enough to be seen clearly without the aid of enhanced eyesight and he emerges into view wearing a long jacket over a uniform of blue and reds with the X-symbol emblazoned upon the side one of several belts set above dark grey pants. So not exactly ..jogging gear. Especially when the wish of his dark jacket reveals his holstered XSE blasters.

"Good morning.." he offers as he nears the pair of Paige and Monet and then he is forced to look up as Sam comes roaring in, brightning up the area and putting an end to any would be attempts at setting up a horror film. "Sam." he says simply and then at the very end finally lays eyes upon Ruth where she is seated. "Miss Aldine..."

There's a pause as he considers the gathered group and the odd situation of so many being out and about this early.

"..Did I miss an early call for a combat training simulation?"

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Hearing a familiar voice, she turns to look towards her big brother arriving in that way he normally does. Her brow quirks as he's still in the uniform as she asks, "Late night?"

Then as more and more people arrive, Paige beams brightly. "Mornin', y'all!" she chirps before shaking her head at the mention of a combat training simulation. "Oh no. I've just been doing this for a while. Wake up really early and just... run."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would glance to Ruth, "We ar eall frightened, sometimes. Is everything all right?" Ruth is always a strange one and hard to read. If only as sometimes her mind would be on things ahead, possibilities, and things which may or may not happen. That made it even trickier to try and scan her. So M rarely did.

"And what brings you out over here?" As Bishop would come out, she would turn her attention over to him. "HOw have your security probes been going?" She presumed that Bishop was probably doing wide sweep and scans over for anything that might threaten the Institute, like she presumed he always did.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, a bit and says "If Ah am going to work patrols sometimes Ah get the night shift. Nothing much went on, but hey if me walking the beat added to that then good, if not well, sure it helped some find a bit of peace of mind." He looks over to start to ask how Ruth is but M beats him to it, he nods over to Bishop "Morning."

Ruth Aldine has posed:
It's not strange that perhaps Bishop didn't notice Ruth until last; she's good at remaining quiet, remaining so unobtrusive that her presence just isn't really consciously noted. She's still on the ground, arms wrapped about her legs as they're kipped up a little, and she's not even trying to turn her face in the direction of everyone. She can 'see' just fine without it.

Scanning Ruth would reveal.. a scattered, broken mind. As if the woman lives with a traumatic brain injury and perceives life half in reality and half in her particular brand of prescience- name a 'voyance and she's probably got it. Still, she functions. Managing to not only graduate, but consider having a JOB. And, eventually a career.

Ruth shrugs with a single shoulder, "No, I know what will happen, sorry." A hint of a smile ghosts upon her face before she finally turns her attention to those gathered. "Good morning.

"Sam, how is the city, please? Can you tell me, yes, where a good place to live is, thank you? I am moving there, yes, for work." There it is, 'how' she's doing.

"Paige, sorry, running? It is nice, yes, but be careful at the far side, thank you."

Logan Howlett has posed:
This aint far from Logan's cabin, tucked back in the woods around the mansion and this many people collected up together tends to make a scensory impression. Especially for someone like the Wolverine. Usually he'd stay his isolationist ass up in the cabin, drink some beer, watch some hockey, and lement the other pieces of his game of pictionary... today he doesn't do that.

With his shaggy hair hidden beneath a thread bare and worn wicker rodeo hat, a flannel shirt unbuttoned over a tanktop, and some blue jeans, Logan comes a padding down the path towards the lake. Chewing on a cigar tucked in the corner of his mouth. A cheap one. So he can stand just in view, but out of direct line of sight, and watch. Leaning against a tree with his hands in his pockets.

There, but not there.

Bishop has posed:
Monet would presume correctly.

-Especially- of late. Bishop's been all to focused, perhaps to a point of excessiceness, on matters of security, training and preparedness.

While the X.S.E. Commander could be said to be 'serious' and even 'dour' on average days, of late he's been especially 'super serious'. Even by his own standards -- although...

"I was joking." he says towards Paige though his rough deep voice doesn't sound particularly humored. Then again, deadpan humor is a thing.

As Sam speaks up, he nods his head and then says, "It wasn't my shift to patrol - but I still felt the need to double check the grounds. The sensors and security probes along the perimeter of the property are all functioning within expected levels. Nothing short of someone with Logan's capabilities would be able to get past them and fortunantely we have Cerebro, The Professor and Jean for a case like that. All is well..."

Speak of the hairy devil. Logan's arrival seems to go unnoticed by the large man, facing away from him as he is, but he does cut his eyes to the side slightly before looking back towards the group and then past them towards Ruth.

"You've found work in the city? That's good and not easy to do so quickly. The city is a very different environment from here but I'm positive you'll do well and that a good place for you to stay can be found. What 's the job you've been able to pick up?"

Paige Guthrie has posed:
The warning of what's up ahead causes her to quirk a brow. "Maybe I should just finish my run here then." Paige replies, taking the advice of the precog. As more and more people arrive, she frowns for a few moments and puts up a finger, "Um, if y'all can excuse me right quick..."

With that, she goes behind one of the trees.


Anyone who hasn't seen her husking before or anyone with a queasy stomach might not like the sight. And the nice thing about her oversized dandruff? It's biodegradeable and makes good fertilizer.

Stepping from behind the tree now oh so fresh n clean, she beams as she dusts her hands, "There we go, that's better." she says with a bright flash before giving Logan a bow of her head as he arrives.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would nod thoughtfully over, then turning her head over to listen to the sounds of Paige shredding herself to get herself fresh and ready. "I'm glad that nothing has stood out over on patrol. There have been too many hostile things as of late." Monet looks frustrated over it all. But what else is new there?

"So how stands it with the state of things?" That's an open inquiry to all of them in thought. Well, other than Logan. Whom she just levels her gaze over at then, crossing her arms.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, and says "My own patrols were in the city with the PD." He explains to Bishop. Then looking over to Ruth "Well, can probably get you a place in the building Ah am in, it is in little Italy, if your wanting one in Bushwich, I can suggest a few places, but there depends a bit on how much ya wanting to pay.

Ruth Aldine has posed:
"Yes, I would know too, sorry, if there was anything." Unless of course they were immediately blocking. Ruth isn't shy about poking around people's heads. There are a few that she doesn't touch, out of courtesy, but their psychic presences are noted, just so she knows where she is in the world, as it were. "No danger, thank you."

Ruth turns her face up to the group, her nose pointing in the direction of each of them in turn. At Bishop, she cants her head, the blindfold that is tied about her head shifting slightly. "Yes, please. Law and detecting, thank you. I think, yes, that I would be good, no. Finding, please, the lost." She pauses before her voice softens, "By the rocks, yes. It can be found, please. Why? There is one more piece, yes."

The soft fugues is par for the course for her, and in years past, it's made her presence anywhere just a little bit creepy. Paige's acknowledgment gains a wider smile from the clairvoyant, and she nods, "It will pass, yes, thank you, in an hour. The way, sorry, will be clear."

Ruth takes a few heartbeats after Sam's offer before she nods quickly. "Little Italy, yes please. Safe. No lost thank you." Perfect!

Logan's presence is felt; even blind she knows when the man is close and when he's a little more distant..

Logan Howlett has posed:
The lack of attention works for Logan.

He remains there leaning against the tree with his hands in his pockets, chewing on his cigar in an absent, second hand showman, kind of way. Until Monet glances in his direction and stares with ehr arms crossed. "What?" He calls out. Obviously he hears all this talk of patrols and it's hard not to notice he hasn't done any. He's actually standing there looking more than a little confused, eyes shifting between everyone.

Hairy lips twitch.

"Ugh..." With a groan, he pushes off the tree and trudges over. About as grumpy as people expect of him, adjusting his hat placement with one hand as he gets a little closer to actually being part of a conversation.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Now that she's all fresh n so clean, she listens to the conversation and raises her brows. "I just applied for graduation, so hopefully if it gets approved I'll be out and about. If you find something cute, I might wanna be roomies? We could always get a better apartment with two people than one!" Paige chirps before she looks to her older brother.

"Though, I'm crashin at your place until I get a place. So, no bringing home girls while I"m there, k?"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would nod, "Graduation is coming shortly. I'm sure that you'll do well, Ms. Guthrie. You've been focused and dedicated." No matter the girl's skills in academics. Focus and dedication goes a long way to make up for anything. So long as one is willing to put the time in that is required to learn how to do something, they can maintain it.

There's a rare look of approval in her face. "Is everything okay?" she would glance over to Logan. "you appear to be somewhat more disoriented than usual."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smirks a bit to this and says "Well, Ah guess, Ah can put up with you for a bit. " He tells her, and smiles "You have to cook at least once a week though."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie 's phone rings and he looks at them "Precient, sorrt let me get this." He steps away to take the call.

Ruth Aldine has posed:
"Logan," Ruth states as greeting. She doesn't need to hear his voice. "Hello, yes. I see nothing." Not a bad greeting, coming from her. "There is silence." She sounds almost relieved, and perhaps a little puzzled.

Stretching out her legs now, Ruth leans back, her hands propping herself up, palms in the cool grass and earth. ...Years of students have moved through, and before that, animals come to water...

Ruth perks up as if pulled from a reverie, and as she comes forward as it were, she smiles, "I would love that yes, thank you. It would be fun, please. When I look, yes, sorry, I will tell you."

Sam's call, however, brings a shadow across her face, and she rises to her feet quickly. "No, no, no.." and she shakes her head, looking around at all of them. "Please don't let him go. No. Please. Thank you. Field. Garden. Shoes. Help, please. No. Sorry.."

Logan Howlett has posed:
"The fuck are you talkin' about?" Disoriented. Logan squints at Monet, motions back the way he came. "I walked up on half a conversation already in progress... Aint nobody started watchin' Game of Thrones, or whatever the fuck you kids are watchin', half way through a season and knew what in the seven layer bean deep of fuck was goin' on." His brow remains furrowed.

Beneath the brim of his hat.

"Unless there's some recall function on these new fangled cellular devices that lets me scroll back through previous parts of a conversation, what you're seein'? That aint disorientation, it's catchin' the hell up and not needin' to be the center of attention while doin' it."

A grunt.

"Hey kid." greeting to Ruth. The fact that her greeting is a little odd doesn't really strike Logan all that off, given where they are and who they all are. Drop of water in the ocean, eccentricity.

Bishop has posed:
It's probably a good thing Bishop is facing away from Logan because that grunting "Ugh." from him actually pulls a slightly amused smile onto the mans face as Logan trudges forward begrudgingly as if compelled by Monet's glower.

His gaze then cuts back over towards Ruth as she explains the work she intends to get into and his eyes hood slightly with some concern. The smile he had formed already tugging into a slight frown as he considers what's being said.

"Hmm..." he rumbles softly, folding his arms now and lifting one hand up to cup his bearded jaw into a gloved hand as he ponders things very carefully.

"He glances to Logan now, giving him a nod in greeting as he draws close in and then unfolds his arms to rest his hands on his hips, beginning to speak ...only to pause and drop his hands down to his sides when Ruth rises and speaks out with such alarm. His eyes narrow a touch and he glances towards Sam, first assuming she means him but...it could have just as easily been the timing of it all.

"Ruth...what is it? Who?"

Paige Guthrie has posed:
And that's when her own cell phone rings as it's buzzing on her arm. "Oh, I gotta take this. It's about a potential interview!" beams.

WAlking off, she gives the gathered group a salute, "I'm sure I'll see y'all around!"

Ruth Aldine has posed:
Now on her feet, Ruth looks around and then freezes before she shakes her head. "Gone," she breathes out. She can't force images; they either come to her or they don't. Maybe with more practice, more help, she could, but right now?

It's just beyond her grasp.

Her head tilts down, dark hair and the tails of the blindfold rolling forward to sit in front of her shoulders, and she pauses, staying there for a long moment. "I need to leave, please. Yes, go." Her attention flickers between all of them, landing finally on Logan, and then Bishop. "I must, yes. Please. I can do nothing, no, if I do nothing, yes?" She nods her head again, and begins to walk slowly towards the Mansion once more, her pace more than easy to match.

Sam, meanwhile, is taking his call.. Paige is on her way with her own call.. leaving the rest to do what they will in the early morning hours.