17702/YMCAACP Course: Gun Safety

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YMCAACP Course: Gun Safety
Date of Scene: 16 May 2024
Location: YMCAACP (Warehouse District)
Synopsis: Deadpool teaches a few smart cookies about GUN SAFETY. Friday? BINGO.
Cast of Characters: Wade Wilson, Frank Noble, Gwendolyn Poole, Frank Castle, Rose Wilson, Bishop
Tinyplot: Devil in the Details

Wade Wilson has posed:
The Warehouse District. New York City has a bunch of them. But this particular one has a warehouse that's lit up like Sunrise on the 3rd of July. There's a huge sign hanging over the entrance, that's been painted in the most annoyingly bright of neon yellows that reads: 'YMCAACP' and directly underneath that is a smaller sign that's been shaped into an revolver and scrawled onto this horrible cardboard, in green crayon, is the word: 'Safety'.

Following the /actual/ gun shells into the warehouse will take everyone through a single corridor and into the huge open space of the warehouse where there are enough guns on racks to redo that scene in the matrix. Guns of all shapes and sizes and legalities. It really is like Deadpool robbed a gun convention or something.

Speaking of which, there's a door where there may or may not be muffled sounds -- who knows, just ignore it.

Anyway, there's a huge table that's very likely from one the dumpsters outside and lined up in front of it are chairs that don't match but this is the kind of thing that happens when you have to do your classes at the YMCAACP.

Deadpool is standing in front of half of a chalkboard that's barely attached to a pillar that's barely holding up the second floor of this warehouse. He's in his full outfit but also is wearing a cardigan over top of it and some cheap glasses that he may have stolen from the muffled voices that do not exist and are not in that room over there.

Welcome to Gun Safety... Question Mark?

Frank Noble has posed:
Frank is here because he lost a bet with a talking Mouse. Old joke.

He lost it with three talking mice. New Joke.

Not as Grenademan, but wearing a trenchcoat, two customized posh leather holsters underneath with hand crafted master fitted pistols in each fitted to his grip and reflexes customized with a new pistol mounted underbarrel grenade launcher, but as he touches the cool pommels on either they squirm in his hand. His alter ego does not like this, but Necessary is adamant..."You are Not Your Tools...."

So he's here to learn Instruments of Death. And not even with the super ICER ammo he is making for SHIELD. Regular slugs. The only thing thats anomolous are the tiny tiny grenade launches in each pistol....he looks around...dubious but saying nothing.

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
The Unbelievable Gwenpool is in the hoooooooooooooouse!

No, seriously. A female in a getup that looks like some pantsless arctic ninja got striped with Pepto Bismol (that also looks vaguely like Deadpool outfit minus the pants), traipses out of the door from which muffled voices are certainly not issuing, turning to offer a wave and smile, "Okay Jeff! You be a good boy with your petsitters! Have fun, cutie, and I'll pick you up in an hour or so!" Then a finger pointed towards the men that are certainly not tied up inside the room, "And you be good to my Jeff, you hear?"

Shutting the door, she turns once more and traipses over to the table with a bright smile and chipper attitude, "Hi Wwwwwwmmmmmmmmmmmiiiiiiiiiister Deadpool who I absolutely do not know and have not ever fought with or against or anything before!" She grabs up a chair and drops down into it, rocking it back onto the back feet and precariously putting her boots up on the table.

Super smooth.

The muffled voices that are absolutely not coming from behind the door are also absolutely not turning into muffled shrieks as Jeff gets friendly with his 'sitters'. Gwenpool remains blissfully uncaring as she awaits the start of the class!

Frank Castle has posed:
He looks like he might be a vagrant or something. Judging by the long, unkempt hair and great, big bushy beard; he probably hasn't had a shave and a haircut in at least a year or more. The hair - a wig, in all truth - is kept securely in place with the aid of a dirty Yankees baseball cap. None of that straight bill nonsense either. It's been properly rolled as God intended. He's dressed for warmth despite the fact that it's springtime with a workman's jacket atop a flannel, along with a pair of jeans and boots. For the moment he's seated, watching and taking everything in.

From time to time his head shifts, casting a glance toward the large quantity of weapons nearby. He doesn't chime in with comment or remark, but instead stoically sits with his shoulders hunched and his head lowered just a touch to keep show his attentiveness, without putting what little of his face is visible on full display.

Then there's a Gwenpool entering and the homeless guy glances from the Pepto Ninja and then toward Deadpool in his cardigan and certainly not-stolen glasses. The slight shift in his seat may very well signal his impending departure.

Rose Wilson has posed:
Going to a gun safety course might not make much sense in Rose's mind given her background and abilities, but with how difficult it is finding somewhere in this city where one can (supposedly legally) do some target practice? The ad did have some promise.

Of course, what she had been expecting to walk in on is FAR DIFFERENT than what is waiting for them all behind the main door. "Oh no way..." she wonders, eyes glazing over slightly at the sheer volume of firepower made available here.

Okay, this is /totally better/ than anything she would have counted on.

Considering how she wanders straight over to one of those many many gun racks and picks something up without asking, maybe she /should/ be here today. But there is something to be said about a short gal holding a .308 SCAR like she has more familiarity with it than the average gun bunny.

"We get to take some of these home with us, don't w--?" she abruptly stops, only now noticing Deadpool there in his glasses and sweater over uniform look. Flatly, in all seriousness, she tells Wade "You look like an idiot."

Rose's one-eyed stare then drifts toward Gwen...then the door...where she smirks slightly.

Bishop has posed:
Bishop has guns. He has really big guns.

In addition to having giant biceps he's also got firearms both oversized and normal sized. Some are somewhat futuristic and of tech that originated many years from now but he's got an appreciation for the classics.
Heo when word reached him of his fellow X-Forcer looking to hold a ...what is this class? Seminar? Ted Talk? =Something or another .to do with gun safety, curiosity and a...healthy bit of concern brought him here to this place and time.

Recent events in and around Didstrict X - Mutant Town - may have something to do with that as well and he'd love it if incidents centralizing around mutants were less likely to pop up in the news for awhile so anything to assist in that.

"What's going on here, Wade?" he asks, brusquely, upon entering the room with heavy steps and a dour look to his face. He reaches up and pulls off his dark glasses and just stares at the rack of guns on display. His mouth twitches slightly, resisting the urge to geek out at the collection of the 'classics' all on display right there. It's not as if the X-Men don't have access to firearms but something basic and simple and non Forge-enhanced or Cable-fied is appreciated.

"I hope this isn't some scheme you've cooked up.." he finally adds before moving further in and also really now taking in the measure of hte others present with an upraised eyebrow and a stern frown to his face.

Wade Wilson has posed:
"Do I? Aw man!"

Deadpool yanks the sweater and the glasses off. As they fall to the floor, the name 'Slade Wilson' can be seen on the tag of the sweater. "Never borrowing clothes from my monkey's brother again." Rose gets a pair of finger guns! "Thanks for the tip! Follow me on LexTok!"

Deadpool turns to address the 'class' which happens to be everyone that has shown up to this here location. But first: "GWENDABLE!" Deadpool cha-cha-slides over to Gwenpool and proceeds to make up a cool handshake on the spot that he's super sure that Gwenpool will be able to keep up with. There may be some five slapping, some butt bumping, maybe even some pantomiming of making an espresso behind the counter at the Daily Grind, some thwip-thwip fingers and a headbutt. Who knows. He's making it up on the spot. "Ummmmmm." Deadpool either asks this during the handshake or after, it'l work either way. "... did Jeff eat already?" Deadpool almost sounds slightly worried. Almost.

Maybe he's dizzy from the headbutt but he's NOW got time to address the class. "So! Welcome to Gun Safety everyone! I'll be your instructor: DEADPOOL!" Deadpool holds up a picture of Deathstroke without even realizing what framed 8x10 he's holding up like it's a diploma or showing his credentials or something. It gets tossed over his shoulder a moment later. "First order of business, before we get started, I have a super important question for all over you. None of you are cops righhhhhhey! Bishop!" Deadpool freaks out and shoves his teaching cart (which is just a cart with a giant cash register on it) away from himself! "Glad you could make it my MUTANT! COP! FRIEND!" Just in case anyone needs a little more clarity. "Oh, no scheme. Just me! Helping out! Teaching these lousy muggs how to pew pew SAFELY! This certainly was not a trick to sell guns to people without anyone knowing about it."

... pay no attention to the price tags hanging off all the guns on the racks.

"So! Who here has never shot a gun before? Well that ends tonight! Get on up here and CHOOSE YOUR WEAPON!"

Frank Noble has posed:
The mice....needless to say, are, thankfully, speechless. This is not AT ALL what they expected to find and they literally have no idea what to comment.

As, literally the only person here with no firearms experience (20 hours of practice on the SHIELD range and 1 hour shooting lizard monster vampires doesnt count...) he raises his hand...and is smiling...if for no othere reason than he can imagine the expression of those who got him into this mess...he realizes these things are likely hotter than Vulcan, and takes out a pair of gloves, puts them on...no finger prints on questionable evidence today and goes over and picks a gun at random that is an assault rifle bigger than his arm. WHY is he doing this when he has his own gun? Well, because...thats what he choose randomly and, is actually following the instructors instructions....it IS after all what he agreed to do in the class.

Frank Castle has posed:
Even if he's never literally every firearm to be produced, Frank Castle isn't one to turn down getting a weapon into his hands. He lifts a hand, yet his head remains tilted forward slightly to continue partially concealing his face. Though Wade's sudden exclamations about a Mutant Cop Friend, results in Frank casually slipping forward and putting hands on a weapon. There is no eagerness there, only the simplest determination to get himself armed. Especially as the weird continues to grow with each passing moment.

He collects an M16A4 from one of the racks and takes a moment to glance around, toward Wade, and then toward the weapon. He tilts it to the side to consider the design as though he's inspecting it for the first time. Finally he questions, lifting it slightly as though to draw attention to is as he asks in a gruff, grumbly voice, "This is one of those Assault Rifle-15s, right?"

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
Rocking up to her feet when Wade approaches, she grins, "DP-MAN!" She meets his made up handshake beat for beat and even tosses some bops, boops, and finger wiggles of her own in there. The headbutt at the end has her falling back into the chair with a laugh before looking over to the room, "Huh? Oh! Yeah, I always feed him before we go out. Worst case is he'll nibble. Maybe a finger loss or three. Maybe. He's a good boy." As if that means they'll be fine. Whether or not the hypothetical men in the side room WILL be fine is up to fate!

When his attention is turned elsewhere, Gwen will take the time to look around at the other contestants on the Price is Right, flashing a grin, a wave, or giving a thumbsup. Bishop gets a gasp, "You broke hero code! NEVER reveal a heroes secret identity to STRANGERS!" Hands to face, she looks like a ninjafied Kevin McAllister for a moment, then looks to Wade, "Is he a good cop or a bad cop?"

Frank (Noble, not Castle. Frank Castle is absolutely not in the room) gets a squinty-eyed look from Gwen, hwho angles her head this way and that. "Trippy." Like she's seeing something that's not actually there. Which may well be the case!

Then she's watching the others examining the guns but doesn't approach yet herself. Isntead, she calls out, "Hey Deeps! What's your best post-chainsaw boomstick on the rack?" Because a good shotgun is a girl's best friend!

....after Jeff, anyways.

Rose Wilson has posed:
Rose can't help but give Bishop a look who sure looks like he came to party and /what guns are THOSE?/

Somehow this isn't the biggest point of interest to her. There's an absolute record-scratch moment as Deadpool boldly throws the sweater on the ground and a certain name shows up on its tag...

Rose raises a hand but Wade's too busy doing his super-ultra-secret handshake thing with Pretty Crazy in Pink there.

THEN Deadpool holds up a PICTURE of Slade. Again she starts to raise a hand, this time with a clearing of throat, but again Deadpool is on the move to greet Bishop with the picture hitting the floor.

Now she's getting paranoid, looking around at the others and the room at large as if expecting a film crew to jump out at her with some coked up social media twit going 'you've been punk'd!' or whatever it is those twits do.

Then comes the enthusiastic instruction to choose a weapon to which she ...jumps the gun... and racks the charging handle with a satisfying bit of firearms-related ASMR.

That Bishop guy called Deadpool 'Wade.' But the tag on the cardigan said 'Slade.' She's certain of it! Even if her father would have never owned something like that. Totally the wrong colors. But the Deathstroke picture...

"Hey! Deadpool!" That IS the guy's codename, isn't it? "What are you d--"

It's Gwen's turn, acting shocked and talking about 'breaking the hero code.' Actually the pink chick's got a point there, Rose just about outed herself. So she tries again.

"What are you doing with Slade Wilson's sweater and a picture of Deathstroke?"

She can still chance outing her father though. Screw that guy.

Bishop has posed:

Bishop's heavy low voice emits a sound that's half english and half a barely restrained growl at Deadpool just outing him as some form of law enforcement agent -- even if in truth it's only in the far flung future and not at present.

At least yet. One thing at a time.

The breaking of the 'hero code' thing he just sort of brushes off though there's maybe a -tinge- of a begrudging grunt at that. "Future cop." he says, answering her, hopefully, before Deadpool can get a quip in. "As in from the future. X.S.E. Not NYPD if that's what you're all worried about... Besides I'm sure this -totally legal demonstration of firearms that are in no way going to end up in the streets in the hands of people who will make our lives harder--isn't going to attract any police presence. Correct?"

He strides closer to the rack as well and leans in to peer at the guns but...doesn't lay yand on one just yet. Instead, he straightens up and looks in Rose's direction as she asks a very perfectly reasonable question of Deadpool's choice of attire and photographic accessories.

This ought to be good...

Wade Wilson has posed:
Somehow Deadpool is sweating. There's sweatdrops all over his mask. It's really weird but it's happening. Not that he's doing anything illegal. It's just a gun safety course. Right?!

The Nobleman gets a look from Deadpool because he's totally not stalling to not have to talk to Rose at this. "Nice choice!" Deadpool gives a thumbs up! "If that gun were for sale it'd be a great deal, I bet!"

The turn towards Castle-y is one that Wade does with a bit of a nod. "Uh! I think so?" Wade knows guns but he also knows how to make a sale. "And you know you can't go wrong with one of those, am I right? Nothing's safer!" The forced behind-the-mask smile is one that he gives in Bishop's direction as he continues on his visual path through his students.

""Nice. I want a Jeff. I have a Bob. He's from HYDRA. I always misplace him though." Deadpool has a pet moment with Gwenpool before paying attention. "Best Boomstick?!" Deadpool points to the far rack. "Try that rack on for size!" There's even a sign on that rack that says: 'Boomsticks Galore'.

And now it's time to address the one-eyed elephant in the room. "Nice patch." Deadpool's speaking to Rose now. "Huh? Oh! I dunno! I found it on the way in here and wrote the first name that came to mind on the tag. Full disclosure? I couldn't remember Mr. Rogers' first name." Deadpool might be crazy but he also might be making a lot of sense. "A picture of..." Deadpool frowns. Confused. "What the hell is a Deathstroke? Worst. Name. Ever." Deadpool nods towards the gun racks. "You gonna' buy--" A quick glance in Bishop's direction. "TRY! a gun out or what, sister. Sheesh!"

Now time to keep trying to spin this away from Bishop's copness. "See that everyone? Even Demolition Man over here loves these guns!" Deadpool's pointing at Bishop. "By the way, did I mention, you know if these were for sale, that cops get like an insane discount. And by insane I mean Crash Bandicoot insane." Deadpool may be waggling his eyebrows beneath that mask!

As far as the hero code thing goes, Deadpool looks over to the side where a poster for Deadpool & Wolverine is hanging. He looks back at the screen. Shrug.

Frank Noble has posed:
All kinds of things go on Frank's mind right now, and the mice have finally started talking, all at the same time as he has to dial them down. Kind worried about the tension in the room and wanting Frank to lower the obvious social tensions, Necessary babbling about the threats but also telling Frank to go to the box of ammo marked, "EMP" and "Dragonfire" as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out precisely the amount of Gold Necessary put there to ludicrously pay for both items no questions asked and Right going berserk at the chance to harass a Time Traveler for future information about continuity...

Meanwhile, the insanity around him is bleeding around the edges...Frank doesnt have fourth wall breaking powers, but the insanity seems to want to peek and leer at the idea and think its swell and his Sanity is having none of that while deep down intuitively sensing the stark contrast between Chaos and Order, Gritty and Surreal and its just...oh and this meeting is Significant capital S, and the gun is and...

Frank sighs. His life is so weird now, but that just makes him no less weirdo than anyone else here, just nondescript as he grabs the two boxes of ammo and moves over to Wade, seriptioucly putting the gold in his hand at an angle Bishop can't see it.

Not that he expects Bishop to care....at all.

Frank Castle has posed:
There's plenty of eyes turning everywhere but toward Castle. He takes a glance this way and that, ensuring that he's not being actively watched while so many are busy encroaching on insanity toward one another. Which is enough time and distraction for Frank to quietly slide a couple more of the firearms from the rack, carefully depositing them into the deep pockets of his jacket. The banter abounds and Frank continues to help himself, finally casually tucking the Colt in against his side as he turns and begins to casually make his way for the door.

Invoking the spirit of Batman, The Punisher attempts to slip away while everyone's looking the other way.

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
"I mean, having a Bob is cool too. Presumably Bob can find his own way home, at least. Jeff is a good boy but.. not find his way home kinda smart." Gwen flashes a grin towards Wade before finally rocking on over to the racks of guns, angling towards the shotguns. "Ooooooooo, there's a couple of these I don't have yet! Sweet!" She starts plucking shotguns off the rack like Nerf guns, holding them in one arm even as she calls out to Bishop, "I know who you are, and where you come from. But unlike SOME people, I don't name and shame the second I walk into a room." Because if she can needle the Time Cop a little, well, it's all in good fun!

Looking back to Wade, she shrugs, "Don't feel bad, Marvel and DC have been going at it for so long. Have you seen the not-so-subtle Feud of the Fams that keeps happening? Every so often another one gets added to the mix just to one-up whatever the other side did last." Shaking her head, she motions to herself, "Hell, look at me! It's like they just can't help themselves."

She carries the guns over towards Wade and smiles brightly, "This was a great idea, by the way. Also, completely unrelated. That money you lent me, how much was it and do you take cards? Alternately, do accept gold bars and precious gems that absolutely were not stolen from some very bad people?"

Rose Wilson has posed:
Through all of this Rose does find an opportunity to tell Castle "Who cares what it's called? It suits you."

That Castle is being tricksy and sneaking a couple of extra weapons, well... If Rose notices? All she's going to do is give him a subtle grin. The guy's got himself a great idea, right there!

As Deadpool tells Gwenpool about the shotguns the gun racks are suddenly down one shiny looking .357 Smith and Wesson revolver. So weird.

Bishop, having been outed as a ...um. A 'future' cop. She's not sure how that works but the guy's given another Look, now with some extra effort being made to keep him within Rose's peripheral. This is harder to do on account of her being down an eye and it's not the most subtle thing in the world for someone who's used to watching other people on the sly.

But, yes, the one-eyed elephant in the room. Nuts to this, she's just gonna say it like it is: "'Slade Wilson' is my father."

And the fancy expensive SCAR-17 still in her hands is being held in a vaguely threatening manner. But only vaguely. There are (future) police present, after all!

As the weird quiet guy Rose hasn't been able to make heads or tails of looks to shift some gold she can't help but stare at the shiny valuable metal. Distraction! Who pays straight-up with GOLD anymore?? Actually wait, that one's obvious: Someone who wants to keep things quiet. But all of that gold for what appears to be some ammo? Oh, she's good at stealing an opportunity when one is presented.

"He's covering my tab, by the way" she claims with a quick incline of her chin toward Grenademan.

What's covering a four thousand dollar battle rifle for a complete stranger, anyway? We're all friends here!

Bishop has posed:
"I'm browsing." says Bishop in answer to Wade, "Window shopping." His tone is deadpan as he looks over the weapons rack and rubs his bearded jaw lightly as he examines the offerings there. He turns away -juuuust- in time for Frank Castle to begin 'borrowing' the firearms at his leisure.

In that same stroke he fails his next perception check and doesn't seem to notice Frank Noble casualy doing his thing either.


So of course he gravitates towards the biggest semi-automatic rifle present. "How'd you get this AR500 Auto-Max?" he questions before laying hands on the massive rifle and hauling it up with one arm to look it over more closely. Good thing he's got gloves on.

He turns it over, this way and that as he studies it before finally turning around to just blankly stare at Gwendolyn and then he sighs and gives a non committal grunt at both her needling and her rant on the feuding publishers that hold their very existence and revlevacy at the whim of fandom and bottom lines.

Perhaps he even understood her in some dark corner of his mind. Must be a Time Cop thing.

Wade Wilson has posed:
Deadpool is paying attention enough that he's ready when the Nobleman comes up to HAVE A CONVERSATION AND NOT PAY HIM about the guns. "Yes, yes. Great choices my STUDENT." Deadpool accepts the gold with so much relative ease and tucks it away into one of his hundreds of pouches that it is too smooth. "Now when you get outside, make sure you aim at the targets I've definitely set up! Outside!" Deadpool is so good at this. So good.

Actually, no he's not. He's not even noticing that Castle is on his way out. Why? Because Gwenpool is here.

"GIRL. SAME." Deadpool looks like he's about to have a full on YAAASSS QUEEEEEEN moment with the way he's so hyper aware of what Gwenpool's talking about. "I swear. Watch. One day they are going to come up with some angry one eyed version of me, right? He's going to have a sword and guns and probably even a suit just like this! But it'll be all gross and orange or something. Watch. And they'll name him something stupid like, I dunno, Deathjacuzzi." Deadpool frowns at the thought of his IP being ruined like that. There's even a shudder that follows. But then the question of monetary currency is brought up. "Oh! Yes! THAT MONEY I LOANED YOU, MY FRIEND GWENPOOL!" Deadpool nods with all the dramatics of a true helper and pillar of this community. "Yes, I will gladly accept ALL of those forms of RE-payment that has NOTHING to do with the guns in your arms. I appreciate you paying me back... FOR THE LOAN!" Deadpool winks. Somehow. Okay, maybe it's just a knowing headtiltnod. Like they do on Power Rangers.

"WAIT WHAT?!" Deadpool slumps back against the chalkboard. "I'M YOUR FATHER?!" Deadpool goes full Skywalker. "NOOOOOOOOOO!" He slumps down to the floor and grabs ahold of the pillar. "That's not true! That's impossible!" His Mark Hamill is pretty good too, by the way. Somewhere in the middle of that part where he's copying the breathing, he straightens right up. "... wait, would you be willing to take this to Maury? I'm going to need some actual evidence from the Prince of Paternity."

Deadpool holds a finger up to pause the bit he's doing because he has a customer. A law enforcement one. And he's back up and on his feet. "Oh that? Oh, you know, I just sort of stumbled into it same time as I stumbled into the rest of these. Just kind of fell into my lap! It's not stolen if that's what you're asking, OFFICER."

From that room that nobody should be inside there's a *CHOMP!* sound effect and a scream! But Deadpool is right there to cover it up with his James Brown, "I FEEL GOOD! DUH-NUH-NUHNUH-NUH! HAAAAAAY!" He's even doing the dance now. Lord.

Frank Noble has posed:
Frank Noble wants to stay and watch all of this, its fascinating....so many intersections of so many stories that Right will obnoxiously grill him about every molecular detail about later, but the longer he stays, the more hours he will have to answer ten trillion questions and he, frankly, REALLY doesnt wanna find out what it will be like if he breaks the fourth wall? You know what I mean? Its contageous like a literary virus like that one recently that DC mentioned Batman is; or the Weaponized Meme in Numenera but I digress...

Civilization likely saved....Frank takes his new purchases and makes like a Tree.

Frank Castle has posed:
Don't look back; you're never alone or, in this case, unobserved. Walk, don't run. Go with the flow. The Punisher's moving down the short hallway and soon into fresh, outdoor air. He still doesn't run, but walks with purpose down one street and the connecting alleyway to a van that's been parked in the receiving area of a local business. It's time to withdraw and give these weapons a once-over to ensure their proper function.

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
Gwen hands over a credit card that absolutely does not have her name on it and smiles broadly at Wade, "Here you go! In fact, you can keep that one, I still have like... five more. Oh! I'm gonna be getting a new pad this weekend. You should swing by sometime, we'll hang. You can see the awesome new setup for Jeff! There's some other stuff too, you might be interested." With her LOAN repaid, she turns and starts off with the guns carefully clutched in one arm.

The chomp and scream has her pausing, "DID I feed Jeff before we left? I know he had at least SOME of my soft tacos.... huh." Lifting a shrug, she starts towards the door again. Opening it up, she lets out a whistle, "Hey Jeff! C'mon, buddy, time to go home! We'll make steak bites, kay?" Something both cute and terrifying exits the room... a four-legged shark. A baby one! Jeff the baby landshark trots out with tail wagging and just the biggest smile... and perhaps a little but of something around his mouth. "Good boy, Jeff! Did you have fun?"

Girl and landshark head off in a direction they absolutely did not enter from, shotguns in arms and perhaps arms in mouth!

Rose Wilson has posed:
This is all feeling a lot less of an instruction class and a lot more like that scene in Lord of War where Cage's character has a cargo plane full of guns he needs to make disappear. Rose looks around at everyone else, one at a time, shrugs, and starts eyeing up a few more items of interest she fully intends to walk out of here with. After all, everyone's stupid crazy well armed now! Who's gonna stop them?

Okay, maybe that 'Bishop' guy. But he's seemingly alone in this theoretical battle.

But! Wade. Wade and his Star Wars performance. At first Rose looks around, confused, as if to ask 'Is this my fault?' "So...what. That'd make you 'Wade' Wilson? What are you supposed to be, some kinda cheap knock-off?" Slade, Wade, what the hell. "At least you got the sword bit right." And now the 'guns' part as well, as it turns out! One rifle slung over a shoulder, another one off the rack... She should have stolen--BROUGHT a bigger car.

Then the source of the scream is let out and--WHAT is THAT? Blink! Rose's mouth opens then closes. She grabs another ... two guns off of the rack. Then she follows the guy who had the best idea out of all of them (Castle) and makes for the exit. Well away from that happy shark thing.

Bishop has posed:
There's no telling what's going on with that scream but it does manage to shake Bishop free from whatever stars happen to be in his eyes about the assault rifle.

He grimaces and sets it down.

"Looks like you lost a sale. Maybe next time don't have someone screaming in agony while you're trying to move merchandise? A little common sense probably lost on you but it happens. Now.....do I need to ask nicely or should I just kick the door down and take care of wahtever nonsense you have going on in there.."

Bishop's own X.S.E. blasters are in hand now, spinning dramatically as he lifts them free from his holster and then casually looks them over.

"I love the classics but...sometimes I have to stick with what works for me."

He slowly lifts the blasters up, pointing them towards the door in question after doing a quick glance over he room and seeing that they are indeed down in number with others trying a subtle retreat themselves.

"...Or you can just explain -- as straight forwardly as you can manage...what's going on with the noises."

There's a final pause and Bishop offers a sardonic smirk, "..What can I say? It's hero code stuff... Can't just ignore screams of agony."

Wade Wilson has posed:
Somehow, somewhay, The Nobleman gets a receipt. How? It's Deadpool. Figure that one out. But with a pouch filled with gold? That's definitely receipt worthy.

Deadpool completely misses Castle in all of this. There's too much craziness going on! He doesn't even notice that there are guns missing!

"Whoa! Sweet!" Deadpool holds up the credit card from Gwenpool like he's obtained some sort of item in a Nintendo game. There may be a sound effect or something that goes along with it. Who knows. "Wait..." Deadpool's lenses squint at the card. "Who is... Race 'Al' Ghoul?" Deadpool frowns. "IS THIS A PRANK?!" By the time he looks back up, Gwenpool (and Jeff!) are gone. "... I hate it when she Batmans me." The credit card gets shoved into a pouch though because money is money.

Deadpool turns around and looks in Rose's direction. "Me?! A Knock Off?! What?! No way! I'm the original, baby! Look!" Deadpool holds up his boot and underneath, written in classic Toy Story style is the word: 'DISNEY'. "Read it and weep, daughter!" His boot drops back down to the floor. "By the way, you're grounded. Take some guns and go to your room right now, young lady!" He points. Towards an exit.

Deadpool wheels around towards Bishop. "Screaming in Agony? HAH! I say HAH! Who would I have locked up in a closet nearby that could possibly be screaming in agony! Really?! Does that look like something I would do?!" When Bishop goes to inspect what the noises are, Deadpool reaches for his Cash Register (which has a ton of cash from earlier 'classes' in it) and hoists it up, "Cheese it! The Fuzz!" And then Wade's running towards the nearest window so he can dive out of it Cash Register first!

"YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME A LIVE, COPPER! NYAH!" There's a crunch that's definitely a bone of Wade's. "Aw no! Not my femur again!"