2060/Hellfire Masquerade: The Public House

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Hellfire Masquerade: The Public House
Date of Scene: 11 June 2020
Location: The Public House - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Young folks socialize while old mercs gather in the Public House during the Hellfire Club Masquerade.
Cast of Characters: Slade Wilson, Thea Queen, Megan Gwynn, Cole Cash, Stephanie Brown, Roberto da Costa, Floyd Lawton

Slade Wilson has posed:
The Public House is outfitted like it's Carnivale: bold purples, bright greens, glimmering gold decor jazz up the normally staid bar. The servers and bartenders are all wearing black and red oversized domino masks with the flame motif of the club. Security has more simple black masks of their own, and the ever-present earpieces and flame lapel pins.

The signature drinks for the night are the Gin Fizz, the Vieux Carre, Mint Julep, and of course, the Hurricane... a lovely selection of New Orleans Mardi Gras themed drinks. Other drinks, should one prefer, are also available at the bar, which is fully stocked and ready for the night.

There is also a laoded table of hor d'oerves: muffuletta pinwheels, tiny mask-shaped cookies, king cake inspired petit fours, andouille skewers, jambalya balls, mini shrimp poboys, and colorfully powdered beignets. Some are a little messier than typical finger foods might be, but the flavors are utterly worth it.

Slade Wilson has managed to find a seat at the bar in this mildly less-hectic than the ballroom locale, but the Public House IS a popular "chill out room" from the main festivities so it's still quite busy up here. Slade's decked out in a white tuxedo coat, with black bow-tie and dress pants. It's all perfectly tailored to him, and accompanied by a Venetian-style half-mask that covers the upper right portion of his face, though the "eye" of the mask is "closed" which might be mildly off-putting. In truth it does little or nothing to hide his identity, but there are rules to these sorts of things, and he intends to remain within those bounds, if for no other reason than to insure his continued membership in good standing here.

He's nursing a tumbler of fine bourbon over a sphere of ice. Not a signature drink that's for sure, but a regular one for him.

Thea Queen has posed:
Indeed, the smaller room and the less noisy is a draw for some, and particularly so for someone who doesn't have an escort.

Thea Queen is in the room, though masqued. She's wearing a red, long sleeved stylized jacket that looks a mix of double breasted, copper buttoned band jacket and turn of the 19th century overcoat that goes to her mid-thighs, with a layered black skirt and tighter top; the skirt holding something of a flounce that, too, ends mid-thigh. High heels finish the picture, with a red-feathered mardi-gras mask to keep in the theme. She's talking with someone she obviously knows in low tones only to look towards the bar and nod quickly. The person she's speaking to heads quickly over to order two drinks. One julep, and something a little fruitier.. a touch more girly.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn is big on parties, but not when she doesn't know anyone at them! but she did Wanna check out this place so here she is, enjoying a slightly quieter setting, dressed in an elaborate peacock dress that must have cost a fortune, or maybe it's just made to look that way. She certainly did put in a lot of extra time and attention to make it herself - And elaborate long peacock blue mermaid skirt paired with a similarly decorated corset and shrug with long flared sleeves.

The entire outfit is adorned in real peacock feathers and glittering turquoise gemstones. Heck, even her wings looks like an extension of her costume, outfitted in more peacock feathers although their original glassy texture shine through, glittering in shades of blue and green. Even her pink hair is streaked with turquoise dye and feathers and an elaborate feathered mask covers her face as she strides into the room, swaying slowly to the music.

Too bad she's not legally allowed to drink alcoholic beverages and she might just get away with it, but she's not gonna take chances. Fruit punch it is then..

Cole Cash has posed:
Cole never gets invited to places like the Hellfire Club. That does not mean he has never been in similar settings, but always because he managed to bullshit his way through the door with fake credentials. Always during a contract.

This time it was not necessary, how novel. He even dressed up for the occasion. His tux might not be perfectly tailored, but it fits well enough. And he had to rescue it from the bottom of the closet and send it to the dry cleaner for the occasion, he has not used it in years.

The domino mask is new, though. He stole it yesterday.

Not one for snacks, no matter how good they look, the blonde man makes a beeline for the bar. The wide selection of drinks does give him a momentary pause. The have some good stuff, which means this is likely going to be a good evening.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Seeking somewhere quieter than the main ballroom is what leads Stephanie Brown and Roberto da Costa to this part of the venue. While the VIP areas of the club are an option for Roberto, the fewer acquaintances he has to deal with while still recovering from his memory loss, the more Stephanie thought he would be able to focus on just enjoying the night.

They step in together, the blond wearing a vivid blue dress that hugs all the way down her figure until flaring in a wider skirt near to the bottom. An asymmetrical slash of fabric goes about one arm and up around her neck. Diamond bracelets and earrings look the sort that are probably not worn in public. Possibly borrowed by the wealthy Brazilian for his date for the event.


Topping off the costume is a matching blue and silver mask. Stephanie looks over to Roberto, smiling to him warmly before looking back around the room. "Third time here. And, still quite amazed," she says, slipping her arms about one of Roberto's arms and staying close as they survey the crowd.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
It was a good thing the Masquerade was the event of the season Roberto had his outfit planned out months in advance of the date, well before a certain evil scientist ripped his memories apart. So, it's just a matter of getting dressed, picking up Steph and showing up. His outfit? Simple elegance, a deep blue jacket, white shirt and a golden necktie and a blue and gold domino mask that covered his eyes.

"Well this is technically my first time here," Roberto says with a smile. "And yeah, got to say, pretty amazing, glad you dragged me out for this," he says kissing Steph's cheek. "So, should I hit up the bar for a couple virgin rum and cokes?" he asks. The bartenders apparently knew he was a) not twenty three and b) not named Thomas Magnum like it said on his fake ID. In his defense this was, at least from what he can recall, the first time he'd tried that.

Slade Wilson has posed:
Slade Wilson finishes another sip of the dark liquor within his glass, and cants his head curiously, recognition painting his features as a certain Cole Cash makes his way to the bar.

"Cash. Wouldn't have expected this to be your kind of scene." He glances around, a touch of amusement evident on his face, "Not enough potential for mayhem." His good eye does take in the room, marking new arrivals, some more appreciatively than others(whether for the artistry of their costume, or simply being pleasant to look upon, or both) and generally keeping a sense of the room. Busy, but civilized. It's the din of many normal-volume conversations, not a few outrageously loud ones mixed in with a bunch of normal ones.

Slade shifts aside just a bit to make room for Thea's friend to be able to get enough face-time with one of the 'tenders to make their order. As long as he's not jostled he can manage some basic courtesy. "How did you manage to score a ticket?" He asks of his former squadmate.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn peers around the room, not recognizing anyone here, except for maybe Roberto from the school. But even then she doesn't know him that well. Stil, she smiles and waves to him cheerfully, "Hii Roberto, love the costume!" she peers around at others gathered, smiling and nodding appreciatively to their costumes as well as she makes her way over to the buffet table, and starts loading up her plate. Mmm all this tasty looking food...!

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie's eyes drift over her date, bringing the expected smile as she eyes how the ruggedly fit Brazilian wears that tailored suit. "Maybe it will spark some more memories," Stephanie suggests, the blond giving Roberto a warm and supportive smile.

She glances towards the bar, and is perhaps thinking about Roberto's fake ID as well. "I doubt Higgins or T.C. are about to get them, Magnum, so that would probably be best," she teases. When Roberto's fake ID failed on launch, Stephanie had slid her own, very well made by the hands of Jason Todd, back into her purse. Virgin drinks for them tonight.

Stephanie looks around the room for any familiar faces, though the masks make that task even more difficult than normal. Instead she watches people's body language and mannerisms, trying to put her latest training to the test, but still not recognizing anyone. "I don't know if Carrie and Doctor McCoy are coming tonight or not, I didn't have a chance to talk to her," Stephanie comments. "Did you hear anything from them?"

As Thea and Megan approach, Stephanie turns towards them, offering both women a soft smile though not able to place either. Of course with masks that is going to happen all night long! As Megan greets Roberto by name, Stephanie just smiles and lets him handle the greeting, which leaves her free to greet Thea. "Oh thank you!" Stephanie says, with the kind of relief of someone who probably worries about whether her dress was right for the event. "We had some wonderful ladies helping pick it out. I can't imagine something that I'd have liked more," she says, glancing down at it. "And yours is lovely as well. I'm Stephanie, and this is Roberto," she says, introducing them to Thea.

Cole Cash has posed:
That is a voice Cole didn't expect to hear ever again. "The hell... Colonel Wilson," Cole looks at the white-haired man, obviously surprised. "Fancy meeting you here," he adds, forgetting his plans for drinking for a second. Then deciding he needs something stronger than planned. "It has been a while," Cole is not even supposed to be in America, he is (was) a wanted man.

He shrugs at the question about the ticket, deciding his ex-boss either already knows or definitely doesn't need to know. "What about yours?"

Thea Queen has posed:
The young man shifts his weight from one side to the other as he waits, looking around the bar and then back to Thea before he smiles and waves, and then back to the bar, and the bartender. "Hey.. make that second one with the 'good stuff'," is stage whispered in something of a sly voice. "Thea Queen wants it.." and he's hoping he's going to get lucky. Help a brother out!

Well, there goes the name drop, and while the young man had his back turned, said Thea has stalked up behind him, and set a light hand on his shoulder, her expression almost unreadable due to the mask. "Not happening," is murmured before she smiles prettily at the busy bartender and nods her thanks as the drinks are set forward. Obviously not her first time here.

Once she has her.. tropical fruit drink (alcoholic) concoction in hand (complete with umbrella!), Thea takes a step away, still hovered over by the 'defacto date' met on premisis. He's got the mint julep, and after a sip, makes a face... not what he'd imagined!

Ah, youth.

Don't think for a moment that Stephanie's outfit didn't go unnoticed by the young heiress, and it had definitely been a 'breath taking' moment. Now that she has a proper drink, she sails towards Megan, the young lady clad in peacock.

"That is a lovely dress," is quietly enthused. "Really. If there is a dress contest, you have to enter. If you don't win, I'll challenge the judges." That last bit is said with a tilted smile, followed by a swallow of her drink. (How'd it get half drained already?)

She nods at the other two, Roberto and the arrived Megan. "Evening," and acting as an unofficial 'hostess', adds, "Oh.. yours too," is breathed. "I love these things." There's something behind those words, though.. they're carefully practiced and honed. <re>

Floyd Lawton has posed:
    It's not often that Floyd gets to attend one of these fancy gatherings. Usually it's to pop someone he was hired to go after. But tonight? He's here for some good old socializing and drinks. He makes no effort to hide his admiration of the lovely ladies present first, a scotch in his hand and sporting a nice tuxedo and domino mask. The tux itself is intended for operations during high society events, built to resist cuts and even bullet impacts. But that's not what he's here for, he's just being prepared.

    Sipping his scotch, he recognizes Slade and raises his glass to the fellow mercenary. Hard not to be distinctive when you have an eye closed in your mask, after all.

    "You're looking well tonight, Wilson." He greets with a grin, ambling over towards Slade and snagging a shrimp poboy to munch on. "Been a long time since Kasnia, Colonel." He also gives a nod to Cole, vaguely remembering him too. "Floyd Lawton, we worked together a couple times." He's fairly vague on the details, bad form to implicate the three of them, after all.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn peers back at Thea and beams, "Thank you! you wouldn't believe how long it took me to make this!" of course she had some help, and parts of it involved modifying pre-made parts of a skirt, but in the end she'd put in a lot if blood and sweat to make it. "Heey, you're is pretty too, I winder who will win?" she grins and winks, luminescent wings fluttering excitedly. Now those are either really convincing moving contraptions or the real thing...!

She smiles to Stephanie and Roberto too. "Hii! Nice to meet you, Stephanie, how have you been, Roberto?"

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto grins at the Magnum joke from Steph. "Knew I liked you for a reason," he says with a grin, before he's about to turn to the bar when a familiar voice calls him by name. "Hey, Megan," he greets his fellow student. "Steph, this is another of my classmates, Megan Gwyn. Megan, this is my girlfriend, Stephanie Brown."

When Thea joins them he extends a hand. "Good to meet you," he greets warmly before saying, "Hitting up the bar, anyone need anything non-alchoholic?"

Slade Wilson has posed:
"I'm a VIP member." Slade replies drily, a glimmer of amusement touching his expression, "I guess business has been good." But hey, if it's any consolation Slade is a wanted man in a whole host of countries, probably including the United States. This place, however, is a safe haven of sorts from that kind of trouble...if you've got the scratch. He cants his head curiously when he hears the "Queen" name, though, and does study the young lady when she approaches. If she makes eye-contact, he offers a nod of greeting, if not, there's a brief once over before his attention turns back to the conversation at hand.

"Lawton. I manage to take care of myself. You're looking like you're still keeping up, yourself." He greets briefly, then sips from his drink again and notes, "Well, you can't beat the selection at this place. Beer and wine, too." Slade chuckles, more to himself than anyone else, "Not quite the cheap stuff we used to drink." That directed more towards Cole, of course.

Thea Queen has posed:
Thea smiles a little brighter at new introductions, and somehow, that drink is emptied and set aside, fruit sitting sadly in the bottom of the glass, the umbrella gamely trying to stay upright but failing. "Thea.. but you know that's part of the game, right?" Her tones are adjusted low, but enough to at least carry. Three new people; but with her own name, it might be known from the papers over the years. Queen Consolidated, the occasional 'indescretion' that has made it to the fore of the gossip columns. More than likely, however, it's her brother or mother that's been mentioned more. The real movers and shakers. She's .. in the shadows.

"Are you all members? I don't remember seeing your names.." and she waves a hand. It doesn't sound as if she's really concerned by that as she extends a small, delicate looking hand. Though, it seems Megan does know the pair, and there's a smile that finds its way up, and she takes a step back. "I think I'm going to go for a second..." With alcohol.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown greets Megan with another smile as Roberto introduces the two young women. "Very nice to meet you," Stephanie says. "Are you in Roberto's class, or, I should say were you now that graduation is past? If so, congratulations. I just got out of that prions they call 'high school' myself. Heading on to Gotham U," she offers to Megan.

The blond looks back to Thea smiling and motioning to Roberto. "He's the member, I'm just the lucky girl in tow," she comments, though the warmth in the smile that is turned to Roberto suggests it might be a little more than just that. "This is an amazing party though," Stephanie says as she looks around the room. "Like something out of the movies."

Cole Cash has posed:
"Business as usual," replies Cole. "Well... I did manage to get myself off some shit lists, so perhaps slightly better than usual. It remains to be seen. Nothing I should talk about, to be honest."

The comment about good drinks makes his eyes return to the bottle selection. Now, Cole is not a connoisseur by any means, but he knows his way around a bar. In fact he is a world expert in cheap drinks of high alcoholic content. Which are scarce here.

"I think I am going to start with Scotch," he says, his eyes on a Glenmorangie bottle. One of the reasons Cole is not wealthy is how much he spends in Whiskey.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"Well, shall we all hit the bar then?" Roberto asks as Thea says she's making a run for herself, and who can blame her when she can get booze!

"And yeah, my dad's a member I'm a legacy," he says. "The da Costas out of Rio."

He leads the way to the bar, nodding to Megan so she knows she's invited. "What do you guys want?"

Floyd Lawton has posed:
    "I oughta join too, I got the cash for pay dues." Floyd grins. He's not so ignorant as to not know who the Queens are, but he's focused on Slade and Cole. "I hear that. THis place is well stocked, the scotch is absolutely fuckin' excellent." He suggests to Cole, grinning.

    "That the Queen girl over there with the da Costa kid?" he asks Slade in hushed tones, curious.

Thea Queen has posed:
"Da Costas?" Thea tilts her head, walking slowly with the others. There's no pity for the newly graduated from HS crowd, and she's not offering to buy them anything at the bar. It's a bad habit!

Once they reach the decorated bar, Thea looks towards the bartender again and nods. He knows the drink, and he's working on setting out what had been had the 'last time'. Thea's doesn't have quite so much fruit in it, but enough to poke the little umbrella in. Fruity citrus!

"I know the name," is smiled after a moment. There's something, though.. it's not quite reaching her eyes. While she's not distant, not by any means, and she's not warm and genuine, there's that bit that is unreachable.

Thea takes another swallow of her drink, and reaches a hand out to the two girls. "I have to go check in with my brother. He's.. probably over in the other room with his girlfriend." She makes a face at the thought of 'checking in', but follows it up with a 'what are you gonna do' sort of shrug. "It was great meeting you. I hope I see you again tonight before you leave."

Exactly how did that drink get halfway again?

Thea pushes lightly back from the bar, and begins to make her way to the ballroom. Drinks and dancing!

Slade Wilson has posed:
Slade nods to Floyd's question, finishing off his bourbon and setting the glass on the bar, where it's refilled without him even needing to ask. "Off of lists is good, Cash. Try the Balvenie 21. It's an open bar, may as well take advantage of it." Another grin, and the refreshed glass is taken up and sipped from. "I hope this encounter really is chance and not a sign of things to come in our...professional capacity?"

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown bids Thea a goodbye as the young woman heads off to meet her sibling. She glances to Roberto and says, "Speaking of, any chance your sister is making an appearance tonight? You've mentioned her before but haven't had a chance to meet her. I don't know that she's been in the area though. Will she be down in Rio for the wedding?"

Stephanie smiles towards Megan and says, "I do a little sewing but I don't think I could put together some amazing as your dress. You really did a fantastic job with it." As they reach the bar, her eyes go down the expansive of wood countertop, glancing at the men nearby who are talking amongst themselves. Just a nod given should they meet eyes as Stephanie turns back to towards the bartender. "You probably know best what kind of drinks to try," she comments to Roberto, seeming happy to leave the choice in his hands.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"You mean Bea? She's my cousin not my sister, though it feels like it sometime as close as she is to my end of the da Costas," he says. "And she should be unless she had to go off for a shoot."

Thea's departure is met with a nod, "Guess us new graduates were cramping her style," he says glancing back as she departs.

Then it was time for drinks, with a glance at the menu Roberto says, "I'll have a couple of those hurricane mocktails please," he says with a glance to Steph for her approval on the drink choice. "When in faux New Orleans, right?" he says with a grin as the bartender prepares a mixture of orange, pineapple, passion fruit and lime juice.

As for his family wedding, Roberto nods, "And yeah, Bea will likely come down for the wedding, she and the bride are close, /and/ down there I'm told we're legal so no mocktails."

A glance is given to the bartender. "No offense."

Cole Cash has posed:
Cole steps away a minute to talk with the bartender and get his drink. He is not picky, no, he is just asking him question because... research. He will also try Slade's advice; on grounds the man has been here before. VIP membership and all.

Clearly, the one-eyed man did better than himself. But Slade was an officer, he probably had studies and all that. Cole started as an underaged criminal in Chicago that got in the army to avoid the juve. "For better times," he offers, picking up his drink.

Floyd Lawton has posed:
    FLoyd has no issues behaving here, if only because the Hellfire club's policies were enough for him to take their rules seriously. "No arguments here, I'm just here to get my glass filled and maybe take someone home for the night." He grins. "So, how's business been for you guys?"

Slade Wilson has posed:
Slade lifts his own glass in response to Cole's comment, "Enjoy 'em when you find 'em." He sips once more, then glance to Floyd, giving the slightest of shrugs, "Steady as always." Being among those that probably turn down a dozen jobs for every one he accepts. The privilege of being (arguably) the best. "Never any shortage of people looking for hired guns."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie makes an 'Oh" expression beneath her mask. "Huh, how did I end up with sister?" she asks, scratching her head but careful not to upset the hairdo that the stylist had helped with. Stylists. For a party. This kind of lifestyle is still taking getting used to for the girl from Widowstone.

A quick nod is given to the choice of a hurricane. "Have always wanted to try one of these. Though I figured it would be down in New Orleans, with beads around my neck and worrying the next morning about what photos might be circulating in regards to how I got those beads," she comments with a quick smile over to Roberto.

"So what are the favored drinks in Rio? Do they have their own specialties like N'awlins does," Stephanie says, intentionally putting some Cajun accent into the city name. "And glad to hear that Brazil is a more progressive country. I will happily celebrate that fact with you when we get there," she tells her date.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn had stepped out briefly to use the washroom (Did someone spike the punch?) but quickly returns, giggling at Stephanie, "Ooh, you sew too? I've been practicing really hard, and I did get help. it was actually a fairly simple dress, a skirt sewn separately from the corset top which I actually bought and dyed and glued tons of feathers and sequins and rhinestones all over." she grins. she may not be a professional seamstress but as a regular cosplayer, she k it's all the trivia to making an outfit look like it's worth a million dollars.

She follows them to the bar but is cautious not o order anything beyond more lunch. "Oh hey, yeah graduated recently. So how did you meet Roberto?" she nods to Stephanie. She glances around to see the tail end of Thea and waves to her as she heads off. "Nice meeting you!"

Cole Cash has posed:
"There is always something going on," agrees Cole, sipping from his drink. "I set shop in Gotham. Of course, I was visiting Metropolis when some weird-ass aliens with a beef against Superman decided to invade. Just my luck." On the other hand, he brough back to Gotham some fancy alien hardware. One never knows when a blaster gun will be useful.

Then he glances at Slade. "This reminds me, do you have a sidekick? Because I met this kid with an armor much like yours while hunting down a Hydra asshole, not so long ago."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Once the drinks are done Roberto takes one and offers it to Steph while grabbing the other for himself. "Lots of sweet stuff," Roberto says of what's drunk back home. "Or so mom says, she says that back home they never met a drink they didn't want to put a little bit of cane sugar in." he explains. "I tried a Bombeirinho the other day and it was pretty good."

The comments about Mardi Gras earns a grin, "Mental note, make sure we go to Mardi Gras sometime."

When Megan rejoins them, "Yeah, Steph just graduated too. Got plans for the summer?" he asks Megan taking a sip from his hurricane.

Floyd Lawton has posed:
    Floyd cocks an eyebrow, "Didn't peg Slade Wilson to be takin' on apprentices. Even Kasina was a special gig." He says, curious as Cole brings that up. He nurses his bourbon, refilling his glass once it's empty and offering the bottle to Cole.

Slade Wilson has posed:
"You're either talking about that moron Wade..." Slade says the name with no small amount of contempt, "Or Ravager." In his mind, Slade weighs just how much information he's willing to give out. Cash isn't an enemy. Maybe not a -friend- per se...Team 7 didn't end on the best of terms, and every member is all too aware of how dangerous the other members can be. But he's not an enemy, either. A...cordially wary acquaintance? Floyd is sometimes a competitor, but he's a specialist. And ultimately he decides that if he indirectly endangers Rose by letting slip his connection...so be it. She should be tough and resourceful enough to handle that kind of thing.

"She's my daughter."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown breaks out in soft laughter at Roberto's comment about New Orleans, a hand moving up to rest on his shoulder as she leans lightly against his side. "I think more of your personality is coming back," she teases gently.

The offered drink is taken in hand, the girl's blue eyes studying the red concoction. "Sweet drinks are good. I don't know that I'll ever be a sit around sipping bourbon or whiskey sort of person," she comments. "I guess those are acquired tastes though. And no one will let me acquire them yet, Thomas Magnum."

The return of Megan is greeted with a grin from the girl in the blue and silver mask. "Oh, he was all charming and saw me wandering the campus of Gotham U trying to locate a few things. His mother is a professor there, and he offered to show me around. Ended up in a coffee house later, listening to some performers." Her eyes go back to Roberto, smiling at the memory as she takes a sip. "Have you remembered any of that day?" she asks him. It also sparks her own memory and she pulls out her phone, unlocking it and manipulating it to a certain spot to show Roberto. "Here's how you put your number into my phone" she tells him. The contact is entered as "Hot Latino Guy".

Cole Cash has posed:
"Ravager yeah..." uh? Cole blinks slowly. Now, lets see... he knows Slade married. He was invited to the wedding. He also vaguely remembers he had two kids while they were doing black ops and killing people all over the world. Male kids. No girls. Of course, Ravager might be from after Team 7. Which means Slade is definitely into endangering minors. The fiend.

"Uh uh. She is good with the sword, but needs to learn when to duck," he finishes his drink. Gestures the bartender for more. "Her armor held. Still, getting shot like that is no fun."

Floyd Lawton has posed:
    Floyd stares at Slade for a moment, "Holy shit. I thought..." He pauses, before he stops himself from bringing up ugly memories for Slade. It might be best for the three of them, really, for a number of reasons. "Well, guess I better watch out for her then. If she's your kid, and half as good as you then she can handle herself and then some."

Slade Wilson has posed:
"She's stubborn." Is all Slade offers on Rose. And that seems to be the extent of what he's willing to discuss. He doesn't seem angry about it, but there's a sense of finality to his words regardless. That drink disappears in a couple of swallows, and a wave of his hand halts another refill from being placed before him. "I expect a big uptick in our particular market when all of this alien business finishes shaking out."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"Somewhat, yeah, hoping to be back to myself when we take our trip down to Rio for my cousin's wedding," Roberto says taking a sip and nodding to the bartender in approval of the drink.

"I like to switch things up, depends on my mood," he say with a shrug about drink choice. "But definitely not the sort to just stick to one kind."

There's a snort at Steph's phone contact for him. "Yeah, most of it I think," he says of his memories and the day they met.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown slips the phone back into her bag after Roberto has seen the contact. "Well, I'm looking forward to my first trip out of the country," she tells him. She offers her hurricane in a little toast. Assuming they clink glasses, afterwards she takes a sip. "Oh, that's good. Now I wonder what it's like with the alcohol in it," she says.

Stephanie leans back against the bartop, not having caught the conversation further down it about swords nor other interesting topics. Her attention is mostly on Roberto and Megan. "I thought maybe after the gala we could go out like we did the last time we were here. It might help jog more memories loose," she suggests as she looks over to the Brazilian.

Cole Cash has posed:
"Really? I expect SHIELD and the air force getting a larger budget," replies Cole, "it doesn't affect us much, unless Fury changes operation procedures and he is back into hiring mercs, like he did in the early 2000s." He shakes his head, "unlikely, I bet now when he has a problem too big, he just calls the Avenger's Mansion and gets it solved for free."

Totally unfair competition, those guys.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Nodding Roberto says, "Me too," of the trip out of the country.

As for their last visit to the city for one of these Hellfire events and going out on the town after, he nods to that as well. "Sounds like a plan," he says knocking back his drink. "Shall we brave the dance floor a couple more times before we head out?" he says standing and offering his arm, before the couple depart to dance and enjoy the evening.

Floyd Lawton has posed:
    "We're gonna be busy soon, mark my friggin' words. We don't need Fury to get our wallets stuffed, Cash. But hey, if he wants to see the job done right, I'm not gonna tell him no if the money's good." Floyd says, sipping his scotch. "I'm expecting that Space Force shit I keep hearing about to actually become a thing, after all this we need a first line of defense that ain't just a buncha weirdos in costumes. Then again who am I to say that?"

Slade Wilson has posed:
"Most of the guys we work for aren't the types SHIELD and the Air Force are out to protect." Slade notes, glancing emphatically between his two fellow mercs. "Folks will be scared. And scared folks spend more than they ought to for more "help" than they need. The boom may only last a few months, but believe me, it'll be there." Slade rises from his seat, adjusting his coat and tie a bit, "Now if you gentlemen will excuse me, I think I'll see if there's anyone in the Ballroom worth paying some attention to."

Floyd Lawton has posed:
    "Sure. Might do the same thing. Good seein' ya again, Wilson." Floyd claps Slade on the back, and shoots (heh) Cole a friendly grin from beneath his mask. He brings the bottle and his glass with him, after topping off some icecubes, good to keep a full mag, so to speak.

Cole Cash has posed:
Cole hrms. Bodyguard jobs are good pay, low risk (except when they are not) but somewhat boring. Still, he is not going to complain if one of those drops on his lap. He could use a couple boring months in his life.

"See you around, Colonel," he says as the older man leaves the bar. "I am going to pay some attention to my drink, myself." He smirks at Floyd. "At least Waller has yet to grab him."