3149/On Matters of Security

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On Matters of Security
Date of Scene: 29 August 2020
Location: Level 3 - Spare - The Roost
Synopsis: There's a long conversation about security risks and breaches.
Cast of Characters: Tim Drake, M'gann M'orzz, Conner Kent, Carrie Kelley, Phoebe Beacon, Jason Todd, Hope Summers

Tim Drake has posed:
After sending out the first of what he was sure would be multiple memos sent out today. Not to mention at least one lecture if not three or four. Tim is not in a great mood, scowl on his face as he waits in the spare area on the third floor for Conner and M'Gann, who he had texted that he needed to talk to while he was still at least somewhat rested.

His knuckles are bandaged, a bit of red visible through the guaze on one hand. He is in jeans and a navy polo shirt, looking less dressed down than he has been in weeks.

And for the empath in the group, anger and frustration is emanating from him in waves. He doesn't normally get to this level... while he is capable of strong emotions, they are usually far more under control. And at least on the surface, beyond the Batscowl, they seem to be. But they aren't.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
    It doesn't take much for M'gann to make it to the spare area. After all, her quarters is just off the room. But...perhaps it takes her just a little longer than what Tim would expect. It could be that Tim is even louder with his emotions than he is with his thoughts, when he is not clamping them down. And yes, that is some major negative vibes for someone so sensitive to feelings.

    So, when M'gann does come out, it is with a bit of a cringe to her expression. She is pretty casual at this point as well....really only a pair of shorts and a blue Pac-Man t-shirt. And....she is also in normal 'Megan' mode...meaning regular human-esque skin tone. It is more reflex at this point than a conscious thought...but it comes from years of trying to blend in.

    And....speaking of blending in. M'gann cracks an eye open, the green iris peering out to regard Tim and his anger storm. "I....take it this isn't going to be a happy conversation."

Conner Kent has posed:
All in all Conner had a good time yesterday. Steph and Gabby seem super-nice and he wouldn't mind to see them more in the movie nights. He does suspect Tim might not be feeling as good as him, though. Some secrets that are supposed to be secrets got out and he is pretty sure Steph, Roberto and Gabby (and Dick?) realized the gang is a super-team of some kind.

He doesn't mind a few folks know he is a clone, but yeah. A bit odd.

Also, Tim stating he was stealing girls to people he just met was annoying, but not really important. He will maybe mention it at some point. Depending how he gauges Tim's mood today. It is certainly something in his 'to do list'.

For now, some breakfast and stuff. Maybe trying the training machines downstairs. He slept in the roost, maybe for the first time. "Megan," he greets, a bit surprised to see her there. "Hey, Tim, good morning. Just reading your message."

Tim Drake has posed:
"Probably not," Tim replies shortly to M'Gann. "Superboy. Morning." His eyes flit over to Megan. "Got your room set up?" he asks, forcing a conversational tone, though there's an edge to it.

"So we had a problem last night," he begins, without really preambling it. "Thank you, Miss Martian, for your intervention. I know it wasn't something you wanted to do, but it was necessary." He's using codenames. And even Conner, after knowing Tim so long, should be able to recognize that he's holding himself stiffly and... while not exactly aloof, distant. Even without the mask actually being on, his stance and bearing is more that of Red Robin than it is Tim, and more to the point, a very angry Batling at that.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
    M'gann lowers her eyes. "Yeah. I thought so." After all, it is kinda hard to hide that sort of thing from her. The question about the room is fielded and answered. "Almost. I just need to add a few more touches and then it will be all set. Thank you for asking."

    And....yes. There it is. The movie situation. Those eyes of M'gann's remain down, examining that interesting bit of floor at her feet, before looking up, the green irises replaced with red. "I....yes. You're welcome." There is no follow up. No use of names, code or otherwise. Because Tim is right. Whatever M'gann did the previous night....was not her favorite. A glance is stolen over towards Conner, but M'gann remains quiet. He doesn't know and it isn't in the Martian's place to tell him what exactly was done.

Conner Kent has posed:
"You moved in, that's cool," says Conner, walking closer to the others. "I still keep my apartment near campus, but..." okay, maybe not the right moment to talk about college stuff. So instead he asks, "what did you do last night that has you worried?"

He glances at Tim too. Serious Tim is not fun. He knows this side of his best friend from a few times Bart or him (or both together!) did something really, really stupid years ago.

Tim Drake has posed:
"I'm not worried." Tim's tone is clipped. Short. "I asked her to alter the memories of our guests," he explains, quietly. Though here they are alone, unless someone's hanging out at the hallway into the third floor dorms to listen. "And now I need to remind people of why we keep secrets. Some of us are invincible. But not all of us, and everyone here knows and loves someone who definitely isn't."

His scowl deepens. "I know several of you have always thought my demand for this level of secrecy is something to joke about. God knows Cassie's always bitching about having to put in a couple of codes or scans depending on which entry she uses. But //enough//. I don't want to hear any more complaints, and I don't want to deal with the eyerolling and the mockery."

"People have died because of this shit. And people will die again if people do not learn that //it's not just about them//. It's about their teammates lives, too. It's about the loved ones and family of those teammates. No one else should have to lose a parent..." and his eyes flick to Conner... "or a lover..." his eyes flick back to M'Gann, "because everyone around here is too busy thinking security //is a joke//."

"Around here, the punchline of a joke is told with a fucking crowbar. So maybe, just maybe, we might try thinking about this before we start shooting our mouths off."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
    There is a moment in which it seems M'gann can't decide if she wants to feel anger or shame. As an empath, sometimes it is hard to separate other people's feelings from her own. But....this time, the shame wins out. The shame of having to go into someone else's mind and pull out information...to change thoughts at will. To make them forget. It...isn't something that M'gann likes to do at all. And, even though Tim's anger is felt all too strongly, that sense of guilt wins over. Those red-tinged eyes drop down once more.

    Then...M'gann speaks. Quietly and audibly. She is not going into minds even though she could easily. "Secrets...are fragile to keep, but dangerous to give." And, for a moment, both people might actually feel M'gann's own guilt might be something more than just erasing a few minutes of people's conversations. That is, before the psychic walls are built up, blocking M'gann from all others. "There are some things no one are to know. I.....I understand."

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner is not one that has complained about the security. He is also someone that has seen people he loved murdered to hurt him, so he is unlikely to complain about security. In fact, he is making an effort to keep Conner Kent somewhat separated from Superboy.

So, he folds his arms and narrows his eyes. Tim is being mean to Megan. "I don't think we are the people you actually want to growl at, Rob. But before you do this to Laura, maybe you should stop and think who and what she is. You took her in very quickly. Maybe because she is clearly up to the high bat-standards in training and fighting skills. But I don't think you are trained to deal with her correctly. You'll need a couple doctorates in psychology for that, I am not kidding."

Tim Drake has posed:
"No, but I've got to growl at everyone. This is me being //nice//." Which, particularly for Conner, should say something about the headspace Tim is in. "I'll be sending out full security protocols later on this afternoon, and at some point I'll have to have this talk, a lot more firmly, with X-23. And Wondergirl." That will be joyous, absolutely. It's not like Tim and Cassie can get like oil and water when they don't see eye-to-eye on things. "But at the end of things, we all need to remember what the masks are for. It's not an affectation to look cool. They aren't just... a joke."

Tim's anger is tinged with a lot more things now after that wave of guilt hits him from M'Gann. His own guilt, for one, and frustration, and worry. And fear-- a sharp spike of it that bubbles out and touches on a lot of things, especially with everything going on in Gotham. The team knows about the ninja zombie owls, and they seem like more of a joke. But Tim knows they aren't-- and they know more than they should.

It's that thought that suddenly has him glance behind himself in the direction of his house. Just a moment, but the worry on his face is clear. Not for him.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     Those eyes of M'gann's are still focused on the floor. But, even despite the blocks she put up, to try to keep her emotions separate, a little of what Tim is feeling bleeds through. The guilt and fear. Certainly the fear. Is it because of her? Did she bleed through to them? Is it because?

     No. Not her. The fear is directed away. Not from M'gann. But, towards another. Even without telepathy, it isn't hard to know what the worry is about. But...still. Silence. Only one word offered.


Conner Kent has posed:
"You are not being nice," replies Conner, frowning faintly. "And you need to be nice because this team is a volunteer thing, and some people need nice things happening to them to make up for a lifetime of crap. Laura happens to be one of those."

He folds his arms. "Look, I didn't want to tell you because I thought you would be talking with her in length. But she has been used and abused all her life, forced to kill people and basically treaded like a slave. If she was a normal human, I doubt she would be functional, I think her healing powers keep her more or less sane instead of being a total wreck. You should have heard her speaking of lifetime of misery as if it was the... the freaking weather report. Completely detached of all of it. I also think she has nearly zero social skills and she might be unable of deception unless it is explained to her as if it was part of her 'mission' or some other concept she really understands. So be nice."

He sighs, looks at M'gan and pats her shoulder. "It is not your fault. Tim is angry at himself. But we can fix this. I am going to grab some breakfast first, though." He heads for the kitchen.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"What the ever loving hell happened here?" Carrie had been coming in on the tail end of the conversation but had to pause as the emotional wave of guilt and shame from M'Gann before she put her sheilds up hit. She rests a hand against her head, rubbing her temple, while the other is stretched out to rest her open palm against the wall. Eyes fix on the three here with a small frown as she fights to get her confusion under control... but thankfully those emotions cut off. The rest of what she hears has her eyebrows raising questioningly.

It doesn't take too much to figure out something related to security with identities occured as she peices together what bits of information she overhears. Pushing off from the wall she clears her throat lightly. "Okay I don't know what happened, but I think maybe a lack of communication was key." Another eyebrow raise and she asks, "Everything currently all right though?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe had arrived behind Carrie, Much more quietly and unlike the other Gothamite heroes, not one of the Batlings, her emotions of confusion and worry are plain on her face. Her braids are pulled back behind her, her ark eyes open wide as she sets down a box and a duffel bag, and suddenly feels a wave of awkward as she stands out of Conner's way, and looks to Carrie, and looks to Tim, and down to his hands, and then wrings her own a little bit. Seemed like a bad time all around.

Tim Drake has posed:
"It's not..." Tim lets out a long breath, willing himself into calm. At least on the surface. Underneath? He's not calm at all. "It's not that I'm angry with MYSELF, Superboy." Still with the codenames. But when Carrie adds the communication comment, Tim's eyes narrow and shoot over towards the dorm hall. "I'm sorry, Sparrow, I can't imagine what communication was lacking-- we're doing a thing, it will be in civvies, it won't be in the base. I could have, perhaps, according to Superboy, added in the 'that means use discretion and don't just chirp about how we have telepathic shapeshifting aliens in the room' but here I thought that might be a little condescending, as it should //go without saying//."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley lifts a hand to wag toward Tim when he snips in her direction. That was more info at least, and know she gets the gist of the situation. "I'd more meant in how--" Codenames were being used so she adds in, "Superboy was talking about how to communicate with this teammate." A deep breath is taken as she glances Tim over with a small growing frown. A slight shake of her head is given before she heads for one of the fridges to grab herself a soda. "Anyone else want one?" She asks more out of habit than an intent to try and play hostess for this little gathering. One is waggled toward Pheobe recalling she'd had that type last time.

"I go back to: Is the situation handled currently or do we need to play interference still? We're here to help each other out. It wouldn't be the first time we've had to do a 'so and so shows up in the same place as X hero to prove they're not the same person' scenario."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe is quiet, hanging back a little, her hands still wringing a moment as she looks between Tim, Carrie, and M'gann, and she purses her lips a moment, then accepts the pop from Carrie, and then looks to Tim quietly. Her cover was probably not blown; she hadn't participated in that particular event, though her shoulders rise up a little.

    "Thanks," she replies to Carrie softly.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim takes another slow breath, in through his nose. Beacon and Sparrow weren't part of this. He rolls his shoulders, then cracks his neck, closing his eyes. A few moments of silence. M'Gann might feel a dampening in the emotions rolling off of him during the silence.

When his eyes open again, there's less of a crackling flame of rage in the blue and more just resignation. "No, Sparrow." He glances towards her. "We're safe. Thank M'Gann." He gives the Martian a weak smile. "I sincerely hope it's never something you have to do again. Genuinely."

But that seems to break about half of the cloud over his head.

Or maybe it's just Pheobe's 'good vibes' cloud fighting with his own anger. Maybe a little of both.

"We can't let it happen again. I need to make that clear to everyone, because apparently it wasn't clear enough. Carrie and I know, maybe too well, the risks. There are too many people with too much to lose." He shoots Pheobe a reassuring look. She's one of them. "But what I said to Conner and M'gann earlier still stands... I'm done with the complaining about our security procedures. They aren't for fun or games. They are to save lives... ours and others."

He sighs. "I'll... have to make that clearer. Somehow. I don't know how at this point, but I'll have to drive the point home."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     "You are welcome."

     It is a quiet reply. Hardly audible. It is heard, nonetheless, as M'gann picks up her head, those red eyes focusing upon Tim. "I hope so, too..." The expression is reserved. A little residue of guilt, in her part. Both in contributing and in correcting. M'gann looks away, and, even though the thought is not broadcasted, the expression is enough.

     She hopes to never do it again...but that hope is slim.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner returns with a sandwich and a soda. He has been listening to the conversation, but not in a hurry to rejoin. He has not seen Tim this upset since his father was murdered. This is hardly comparable.

"It is okay. A couple of us talked too much. But we were among friends, and the damage was contained. No one got hurt." So, nothing terrible happened -this- time. "We might need to get to know each other a little better before we invite friends again. "Right now, we need to calm down and deal with this with a cool head." It is weird when Conner says that, isn't it?

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley gives a slow nod though she glances toward M'Gann with a small frown. The girl didn't seem overly happy about it. She lets out a breath, and cracks open her own soda with a nod. "Thank you for the save then. But yeah... best we nip this in the bud before it happens again," she agrees with a nod. A sip of the soda is taken and she grows quiet. "You going to be okay Tim?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Well... if you dont agree with the security measres, there's little to stop us from leaving. Any of us." she rubs the back of her head. "I figured the need for secrecy was pretty well there? But I mean, I'm new to all this, what do I know." she murmurs quietly, and then sips the soda, her eyes dropping back down to Tim's hand, and then over to M'gann.

    "You going to be all right? she inquires, voice full of concern.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim sighs. "Yeah. I'll be fine." He shrugs. "Some of us know the consequences, I guess. And it hits harder than others." He glances to Conner, then to Pheobe. "Walking away gets hard after awhile. I'm pretty sure the only way anyone gives up the mask is when they are dead." There's a grim sort of humor to that last, though. "I need to talk to everyone though, I think. Can't leave it up to assumptions of agreed on behavior at this point. And yes," he give Conner a look, "I'll try and be less... angry... when I talk to the rest of them. Well, until Cassie starts in, and you know how that usually goes." Note to self: talk to Cassie ALONE. At least then if they start throwing things it won't weird out the team.

Jason Todd has posed:
Time to check on the nerds. Okay, maybe he was just bored but Jason is at the Roost, passing through security as he drives his bike down into the garage and takes the lift up the various floors looking for signs of life. "So unfair, I live like a literal murderhobo and these nerds have so many floors." Okay sure Jason had a room here, but it was mostly for the nights when he was too drunk or exasperated by nerdery to trust himself to drive home, the rest of the time he stayed away and if he knew what he was walking into, he probably would have stayed away today as well, yet all the same the elevator doors open and Jay finds himself looking at the assembled Outsiders and a very angry Tim.

He opens his mouth to say something snarky about what did someone tape over Tim's episodes of Bill Nye, but stops himself short sensing the mood of the room. "Hey, what's up," he says as he steps off the elevator and leans against the wall.

Hope Summers has posed:
"Who wants to die in bed anyhow?" Hope was up late at the firing range, then back into the fabrication room for more adjustments before taking a cat-nap. In sweatpants and a tank top, she stifles a yawn with the back of her hand as she joins the others.

Catching sight of Tim's expression, she has the grace to look at least a little sheepish as she clears her throat. "You know. Aside from innocent civilians and family members." Quality save. "Talk time?" she asks, scrubbing a hand over her face as she looks around the room, though Jason's arrival gets a tile of her head and a narrow-eyed look.

Conner Kent has posed:
"I can talk to Cassie if you want," offers Conner, nodding to Tim. "You need to talk to Laura, because she is not... she is not a bat-ling. And she is not like me at all. I mean, I might have turned like her if N.O.W.H.E.R.E. had have like five more years to screw with my mind. So, I guess I was lucky."

The arrival of Jason is received with an inquiring glance. Who is this guy? But then Hope appears, and he smiles to the redhead. "Good morning. Yeah, yesterday movie session didn't go as well as expected. There are some genuine security concerns."

Tim Drake has posed:
Jason's arrival garners a mild sigh of annoyance from Tim. "For those of you who haven't met him, this is my other, slightly not dead brother Jason, who is the living embodiment of why we don't talk mask stuff out of mask or out of the base." He pauses. "Only slightly not pinin', passed on, no more, ceased to be, expired and gone to meet the maker..." Tim must be a little bit less furious as he's beginning to quote Monty Python. He coughs. "He is also fond of kneecaps and explosive rounds."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
     M'gann turns her eyes over towards Phoebe...and smiles. It is a small smile, but a true smile as the red irises slowly swirl back to green. "yes, I'm okay. Better than before." It...might be the happy aura, honestly. But...asking also works to clear that gloom of guilt that was looming over her.

     As Jason walks in...as well as Hope...M'gann shifts, watching carefully. A couple more people...and with Tim's maelstrom of emotions reminding the Martain of the topic of discussion, prompts the girl to remain quiet for now.
         Until Tim drops the Python. Which M'gann counters with her Goldman. "So, only mostly dead? You didn't have to go through his pockets and look for loose change?"

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason looks at the assembled group, before looking at Tim. "Sure, bring up my most traumatic moment why don't you," though he doesn't look too fussed about it all. There is a tight smile and a glance to M'gann as she brings up Princess Bride, he'd actually seen that one. "Except my miracle pill came with the side-effects of homicidal insanity."

He turns to the group now, "But yeah, I'm his brother, also Red Hood, you may remember me from the time I tried to kill Tim and most," there's a nod to Carrie. "Of the Bat Family last year. So what's the deal here did someone spill Family secrets?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Pretty sure I meant from the group. If you hadn't recruited me, I'd like to think I'd still be making my rounds and helping the others in the city." Phoebe replies quietly, rubbing the back of her head again, giving a look over to Hope. "I'm fine with a target on my back, the minute I step out my skylight there's one. My mom's a teacher who pays for lunch tabs out of my dad's life insurance pay-out, she doesn't even know I have powers." Phoebe points out quietly, "If anything happened to her I'd be --" she pauses and purses her lips, looking at Red Hood. "... aah..." she trails off a moment. as the group pulls monty python, and she sighs, palming her head a moment.

Hope Summers has posed:
"I'm just saying, the kneecaps thing is- The whole point of a gun is not precision disabling," Hope grumbles half-heartedly, though there's a faint twist to her lips that suggests she's at least //partly// joking. She tips her chin toward Jason with a simple introduction: "Hope."

With the stranger identified, she moves a little closer to the rest of the group, into the circle of conversation. "I could talk to Laura," she notes to Conner's comment. "But honestly, if it's a matter of laying down the rules, it should come from whoever's in charge." That with a quirk of her brow in Tim's direction. Is he in charge? Is there a...charge?

She nods to Phoebe, crossing her arms loosely over her chest. "By and large, we can protect ourselves. But people around us are another matter."

Tim Drake has posed:
"Is that homicidal insanity a side-effect, or just your normal state of being, I had forgotten," Tim's snark has a bit of an edge to it beyond the normal bantering and borderline verbal abuse these two throw at each other, though it doesn't seem directed at Hood himself. He shakes his head. "Handled, Hood." This time, he doesn't give details, not of the breach, and not of how it was fixed. "Jay's been around on and off, and technically if you need someone to show you firearms, he's who I'd suggest. Rose can be a bit twitchy." He glances at Hope, and gives her a half grin. "Well, until Hope showed up. She seems less likely to crack you in the back of the head with a pistol because she thinks you're learning too slow." Not that Jason would //ever// Gibbs someone with a glock.

"I'll talk to Laura," he says to both Conner and Hope firmly. Technically, he was in charge. Can you imagine it being Conner? Or Bart? Or, as much as Tim cares for her, God forbid, Rose? "I'll try not to verbally rip her head off when I do."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley grabs another soda out of the fridge leaving her with one in each hand. It's Jason's arrival that causes her to move across the room to him offering him the newest drink before suckering him into a one-armed hug. "Hey Jaybird," she greets with a small nod at his assessment of the situation. Her gaze slips across the room again realizing they really were getting full up in here. "Yeah, apparently a little snafu at a hangout with some civvies. Taken care of, but being handled," she finishes off her small asessment of the situation before taking a sip of her soda.

"I *might* suggest that there be a woman present with the talking to an Amazon. I'm sure she's very open minded, but..." A small shrug is given. "Y'know. Old habits."

Tim Drake has posed:
"Nonono. Conner can totally handle her ALL on his own. Just try and do it on one of the sublevels because those have better reinforcement." Tim schools his face into perfect innocence. Conner can take a Cassie punch or six.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner munches the sammich was others start quoting Monty Python and Princess Bride. Some humor can help defusing the situation, so yeah. He gives Jason an appraising glance, and decides if he is still around after trying to murder Batman and his gang, it was probably one of those mind-controlled things. He is probably okay.

It is not as if there are not a couple slightly psychotic gunslingers around here already.

"Laura was told the rules," he mentions to Hope. "However, I suspect that talking about clones and aliens in the room did not register as strange in her mindset. She didn't talk about the Outsiders. But I have the slightly suspicion that she has only a vague idea what passes as normal among regular humans."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason reaches for the bait and is pulled into that half-hug, only to sigh and return the hug briefly before giving the rest of the room a look that makes it clear that only Carrie has hug permissions. That done cracks the soda. "Heya C, signed up for Nerd Team 6?" he asks her in a low voice before nodding about the situation being handled. Apparently if C and Tim says it's handled it's handled.

"Oh yes, you guys should /definitely/ ask me to train you on guns," he says off Tim's remarks with a roll of his eyes and a sip of his soda. "That will be fun for everyone. And as for the psychotic thing? A little of column A a lot of column B."

Hope Summers has posed:
"Laura's got...issues," Hope agrees, grimacing. "And it's probably a matter of defining spaces. I don't think she'd say anything in public, but she probably thought of this place as a safe place, not...you know. An in-between place. There are reasons you couldn't get past the firewall when we first talked," she adds with a look to Tim. "//That's// a safe place. For now, at least." It probably hasn't even been blown up for the first time yet!

"Why would I hit anyone with a Glock?" she snorts. "If you can't hit anything, brain damage isn't going to help your aim." That's the only reason, obviously.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley mmms quietly in response to Jason's query. Nerd Team Six. She would remember that one as it causes her to crack a smile while she just listens to the rest of the room quip Monty and Princess Bride as if this were nothing new. It was just in stereo now. Another sip of her drink is taken, and she shrugs slightly. The tensions of earlier were still present but far more eased. It was much better now. She hadn't really felt she could do much otherwise.

"The Birds have been dead in the water for awhile, and I got a bit lonely solo-ing," she admits simply in regards to joining. One last chug of her drink empties the can which she then lobs toward a trash can.

Then she slides her arm around behind Jason to pull out the Glock 42 he had there. A single eyebrow raises toward him as she grins wickedly. It only takes a moment for her to dump the magazine into her hand, flip it around, and thunk it solidly on a nearby folding table. "Just because a lot of us don't *use* guns doesn't mean we aren't aware how to handle them. It's always good to know your weaponry and the weapons your opponents might use." She drags back the slide popping out the in-chamber bullet, and then proceeds to efficiently disasemble the gun itself laying each peice on the table in an orderly fashion. While it's a demonstration of sorts she's also partially doing it to annoy Jason. Just a tad.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "No one fights crime or injustice for a hobby for the healthy coping mechanism aspect." Phoebe replies wryly, and she reaches for her duffle bag and her pack, and eyeballs the group. "I'm... going to be in-house a couple of days, so in case anyone needs help--" Pointed Look to Red Robin "I'm here. Also please don't pistol-whip teammates..." she replies quietly, and she rubs the back of her head again as he looks at the grouping as Carrie disarms Jason of one of his weapons, "... some of us are a little gunshy."

    The color does drain a little bit out of her face.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim grimaces. "It is a safe place. But I'm not getting into the argument. It's been handled, and we'll need to just have an eyes-on conversation about it. That's all. I can handle Cassie too," not that he's arguing if Conner steps in, "and maybe a roster update so people know who's in and what everyone's roles are." He glances around. "I sent out the memo this morning regarding our mandate. Our purpose. And we're going to rise to meet it. Anything filtered down from the League will come from Batman, but mostly we're on our own. We have bad guys to run down and bring to justice." He pauses. "Quietly. I'll be putting missions on the board," there's a brief gesture to the room's wall touchscreen, which almost every room in the base has one of, "as they pop up."

He moves over to Phoebe and pats her shoulder. "In house is good. Your mom okay? And don't worry about Jay. He's about as mean as Rose is." ...that can be interpreted either way, actually, so.

"Last night was fun, despite the hiccup. We'll do it again-- I can think of worse movies to inflict. I //want// us to work as a team. Trust each other. We are greater than the sum of our parts." He looks to Conner and Hope. "I'll send out the memo in a bit, but Hope, Con? I'm assigning you both the rank of Field Leader. Conner, I've worked with you for years. I know you have it in you. And Hope?" He grins a bit. "I see you. You've done this before. This time, maybe without a magic, legendary space bird force," no one else may get that, but she had briefed him on it slightly before, "but you don't need that."

He looks around the room. "We're not all here right now, but most of us are. Some of the things we're going to be involved in will get messy. I'm not going to sugarcoat it. By the time this is all done, we're probably going to piss a lot of people off. Secrecy, not just on a personal level, but as a team? That's going to be our veil. We'll get more done if they don't know we're coming."

Conner Kent has posed:
"This remind me," commands Conner, looking at Hope again. "Did you manage to build the gun you wanted? A non-explody one this time." Looks like the security matter is handled. He is pretty sure Cassie and him are not going to fight. After all, he is not going to berate at her angrily anyway.

Besides, things have been going well lately. Why, it has been well over a year since the last time they punched each other through walls.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason gives Carrie a flat look when she steals his piece, one that grows a little amused as she starts to unload and then disassemble it in front of him. "Yeah, Tim's right, I'm all cuddly now, last year, that," he gives Carrie an amused glare. "Would get someone shot."

Though Jay shuts up as Tim drives home his points to the Outsiders. A gesture of respect for Tim and what he's trying to do with 'Nerd Team Six'? Maybe. Or maybe he couldn't think up a suitable burn in time.

Hope Summers has posed:
"First of all, the last one wasn't...explodey," Hope grumbles to Conner. "It was exposed to a very high level of electromagnetic energy from two different directions. That'll destabilize any small alien power source." But then there's serious business, and she focuses on Tim long enough to nod.

"Pretty sure the spacebird was more of a hindrance than a help," she smirks. "But I appreciate the confidence. Anyhow. Yeah," she turns back to Conner, ruffling a hand through her hair. "Was up late last night working on it. I need a few more tweaks to get the spectrum right on the adjustable firing."

She watches as Carrie disassembles the gun, then moves over to the table to quickly and efficiently reassemble it...hardly looking at it as she does. A flick of her thumb sets the safety, then she tosses it back toward Jason. "I like you guys," she grins.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "She's all right, haven't had any unexpected visits." Beacon replies quietly to Tim, though she *physically* twitches when the firearm is tossed.

    Her shoulder tightens beneath Tim's hand, her eyes minding that gun before it comes to a rest, her hands tightening into loose fists, ready for it to go off, to harm someone, ready to step in.

    ".. how's Nightwing? Has he recovered fully? she asks Red Robin quietly, tearing her gaze from the gun to look to him with her question, her eyebrows rising as she uncurls her fingers, turning her focus.

Tim Drake has posed:
"Yeah, Nightwing is good. Glad you were there. Probably better for him to have his guts inside than out, but at least the Ninja Owl Bear didn't slice his actual ass up, just his theoretical one." Tim squeezes Phoebe's shoulder again reassuringly before pulling his hand back.

He eyes Jason and tilts his head slightly. "Hey, after this, man, I need to talk to you in private. Nothing big." Which is usually never exactly accurate, but no need to concern anyone else.

He glances around. "Did anyone else need anything for their dorms? Let me know if you're having issues. Not like I haven't manufactured some custom storage solutions before," he gives a half smirk.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley grins when Hope reassembles the gun not stopping or stepping in her way at all. If she didn't let Hope do it she'd have to anyway on penalty of noogies from Jason no doubt. So she merely crosses her arms over her chest casually with a nod of her head toward the other redhead. "I usually do slingshots or bow and arrows," she adds with a chuckle. "But I know a lot more."

Phoebe's nervousness isn't unnoticed at all. Wincing a bit she lets out a sigh toward the other girl. "Sorry... You're still rather new to this aren't you?" It wasn't an accusation or even an insult, though she does consider. "It's good to have a healthy respect of guns and fear is natural. If you want to work on it some though so it's not quite a knee jerk reaction? We'd be willing to help. As I said; it does help to know and understand weapons. As well as fears."

Tim's remarks earn a small frown. "I heard he got injured, I didn't realize it was that much." Hmph. She's about to say more about the Owls situation when she decides not to. If that wasn't an Outsider mission at the moment, no sense in worrying anyone else. She hadn't found anything yet anyway. "I should probably look into setting something up here at least for an extra crash space in case of long nights."

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner smirks, "just teasing," he offers to Hope. He did offer go with Hope to try her new gun to the firing range, but maybe he missed the chance. He was away most of the weekdays.

Nightwing getting hurt is new to him, and makes him wonder if the whole zombie owl-ninjas is not too serious to keep waiting for Tim to ask for help. Every time he hears of the Talons, it is because yet another member of the batclan has been seriously injured.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason catches the gun in the air and sticks it back into his holster. "Right back at you," he grins to Hope. "Jason Todd," he introduces himself, even though Tim hand handled that before. "And yeah, Carrie and I are the cool ones in the family. She was trained by the best Bat,," he says with a grin for Carrie.

Tim needing a word with him gets a nod. "Sure, whenever," he says, settling himself back against the wall.

As for Nightwing, Jason doesn't seem surprised and takes it in stride.

Hope Summers has posed:
"The safety was on," Hope assures Phoebe with a small smile at the nervous look. "Part of knowing about guns means knowing how to handle them safely. I've been doing it since before I can remember."

"Hold up. Last I heard, it was zombie owl ninjas. Now it's zombie owl //bear// ninjas?" she asks, looking between the Bat-associated folks. "Seriously. Don't hog the cool stuff. I am here for beating up monsters."