17637/Honky Tonk Heroes

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Honky Tonk Heroes
Date of Scene: 04 May 2024
Location: The Corral
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: James Barnes, Opal Moirai, Pepper Potts, Michael Hannigan, Frank Noble, Clea

James Barnes has posed:
Afternoon is fading into evening, a few families with their children eagerly awaiting autographs are still milling about, but it's clear that the bar's gearing up for the not so adult bit of this little shindig.

Staff is scurrying around behind the bar. Bar-backs are making sure everything is stocked, tenders are tending to making sure the bar's surface is wiped down, napkins are stocked and the 'high shelf' stuff is well stocked. There's even someone making sure the mechanical bull is in good working order and the sawdust is a-plenty to help avoid injury and potential law suits.

Currently Bucky is standing, back to the end of the bar and elbows resting on it. Fortunately he's not so incredibly recognizable as to have been besieged by eager children and the parents that might have recognized him made certain their kids are no where near him - typical. What is not typical is the fact that he's dressed head to tow in western garb. From his blue denim shirt and bolo tie to his black pants and down to the tips of his boots, he's all cowboy. Last but not least, the black Stetson perched upon his head, tilted slightly forward to cast a shadow over his face.

Opal Moirai has posed:
Security at the Corral remains mostly in the background, but that doesn't mean they aren't obvious if one knows where to look. Big guys wearing the customary red and white checked shirts and jeans. Paramilitary or pro wrestlers, most likely, take your pick. Enough to cover exits as well as the main areas of the bar. For that matter, the bartender and more than a few waitresses also have tattoos, some with military unit insignia, where they peek out from under sleeves.

Opal simply knows these sort of people.

As for the owner herself, Opal leaves the preparations to her capable staff. She's wearing a denim skirt, checked shirt, cowboy boots and white Stetson. Even though it's after dark, the blonde has a pair of mirrored aviator shades pulled down tight to cover her eyes as well. She is behind the bar, chatting casually with the bartender and lingering close to Bucky.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Ms Pepper Potts isn't a superhero, the sort that poses with small children to bank a couple of dollars towards a fundraiser. She's not one that will make any money for an event unless she's the one offering up a check. In this case, that is why she's here. The discussion between her and her personal bodyguard, Happy, went something to the effect of:
"It will only be for a little while."

"I'm not going to have to dress up, right?"

"I think it'd only be right. Again, it's only for a little while, and you do need to fit in."

So, Pepper is there is a pair of casual pants, a light undershirt covered by a half-buttoned blouse. Low heels adorn her feet, and her hair is down, set in a lazy, wispy braid. Not far off is Happy, dressed in what looks like very new jeans, new flannel shirt and a pair of unscuffed cowboy boots.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
When one says Honky Tonk, Nick Drago is likely the furthest thing from their minds. He is a rocker. He is an actor. And apparently if the producers are convincing enough, he will also do broadway music.

But Country? Nope. Not his brand.

But under his legal name of Mike Hannigan, he has worked with several Country style musicians within the session rooms of the Shaw Studios locations.. He's aware of the style. Combined with a roommate who goes all out for themeatic styles of attire. Well-

He may not own the outfits outright. But he can sure as heck scounge together an outfit when given enough notice. The hat was simple enough. a bit of a dark number with a band wrapped around it adorned with similary sized alternating embellishments. Half studed and the other half, more wooden in nature. The rest of the attire is pretty casual. Blue jeans, boots, and a red and black plaid button up shirt that's undone near the top to expose a bit of an off white tank top peeking out from underneath, along with a chain containing both the medals of St. Christopher and St. Cecilia.

Now, his stage persona is not publicly known as a 'hero'. At least he doesn't think it. But one could possibly argue with the volunteer and charity work he has done that he'd probably classify under an everyday one. And he's also a celebrity. So either way, if showing up here pulls in more attendees. Why not?

And it's with this mindset, Mike puts on the name of his stage persona and enters the event.

All in the name of charity. Right?

James Barnes has posed:
Bucky notices Pepper's entrance. Bucky notices everything. He's probably even noticed that lone fly that managed to get in through doors that are repeatedly open and shut. He tilts his head back a little to make it easier to speak to Opal behind the bar. "Look, the power in Stark Industries power couple just showed up."

James Barnes, perhaps the only one to get that right?

He lifts his gloved left hand to try to get her attention an wave her over.

One of the last few stragglers looking for autographs is a teenage girl with her father. "Oh-em-gee! Dad, dad, dad! Look! It's Nick Drago!." This kid wasn't even interested in an autograph from Steve Rogers, but there she is rushing over with a little notepad and a pen in her hand.

Opal Moirai has posed:
Opal Moirai's gaze shifts towards the door when Bucky comments on Pepper's arrival. "So I see." she replies to Bucky. Turning towards the door as Pepper and Happy enter, the blonde behind the bar tips her hat with an almost formal nod.

"Don't let that guy with her try the mechanical bull. We have liability to consider." she offers in a soft voice, both to Bucky and to the bartender.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Ms Potts, I don't think.." Happy begins again, his voice canted low in the beginning of a quick private exchange.

"It's fine." Pepper, for her part, is looking around for anyone, then, that she recognizes, and if not, she'll write the check and leave again. (Not much chance of the money being anonymous..) After all, it's a 'hero' fundraiser. While she may look out of place, there is nothing in her manner or mien that would suggest that she's uncomfortable being 'out of place'.

The flicker of a wave does catch her attention, and there's a questioning, quizzical expression that rises as her brows crease as she tries- "Mr Barnes?" They haven't had lots of interaction, but she absolutely knows who he is, and she begins to cross the distance.

Michael Hannigan has posed:

While he had been expecting that his presence might draw a little bit of attention. He was more assuming it wouldn't happen until he was a few feet further from the door. But hearing the excited cry of a teenager. His head turns, looking into her direction before flashing a well practiced, game winning smile.

He makes certain to at least clear the door area before coming to a stop to allow for the girl to approach.

"Well hello there." Nick greets the teen, "How are you enjoying the event so far?"

James Barnes has posed:
Is that a smile on Bucky's face? Even those with limited interaction with the man know that his default expression is 'stare and scowl'. "Tony's not with you?" he asks before his gaze tracks behind her to Happy. A nod is offered, a silent sort of communication between two men. It's a polite, 'it's cool, she's safe' sort of thing. He doesn't expect the man to back off any, just maybe relax a little.

"...and just call me Bucky, yeah?"

The band hired for the night begins tuning instruments.

"It was super boring until now," the girl begins. "Now I'm glad my dad was waiting around to see if Falcon would show up!" She bounces up and down a little on the balls of her feet and asks, "Will you sign this?" She thrusts the notebook and pen forward and adds, "My name's Amberlynn! That's with a 'y' and two 'n's' and all one word!"

With Opal distracted by something the bartender is saying, Bucky doesn't make those introductions yet. He does look down at Pepper's shoes and asks, "Now, how do you expect to two-step in those things without breaking an ankle?"

Opal Moirai has posed:
Opal Moirai turns away from the chat with the bartender to face Pepper and Happy, offering a warm smile. She doesn't but into the conversation with Bucky, however. Not immediately.

"Would you mind making the introductions, James?" she asks him. "Of course I know you from the news media, but I'm a little old-fashioned in my manners."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Happy is serious about his bodyguarding. Tony would //kill// him if anything happened to Pepper, and he wouldn't want for that to be on his conscience for the few minutes he'd have left in his life before it was ended. The cool 'up-nod' is noted, and while it doesn't send the man away, he is able to relax his vigilance, if only for a little while.

"Right," Pepper offers a quick smile, "Bucky." She shakes her head quickly and looks back behind her before twisting back around. "You know how he is," she begins again. "Working on a second new project."

What.. shoes? Pepper looks confused for a moment and looks down at what she's wearing. There's a moment when she's silent before she brings her gaze back up to the partially metallic cowboy, "Ginger Rogers could do it, and while dancing backwards." Girl power in heels! "Though," here, she shakes her head a little bit, "I probably won't be staying long enough-"

Opal's attention turns to the pair, and rather than waiting for the introductions from Bucky, Pepper does it for herself, extending her hand, "Pepper Potts. A pleasure." Her tones are warm, friendly.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"I wouldn't blame your father for that." Nick replies, "Falcon seems like a pretty cool guy. I kind of admire people who put a lot of effort into things." He glances around to those gathered and smiles.

As soon as the 'Will-' comes out of Amberlynn's lips, Nick has a general idea where the conversation will go. By the time the notebook and pen are thrust towards him, his hands are all ready to accept them.

"Sure." Nick accepts the request, glancing down the notebook to open it up. "Would you like me to start a new page or put it on particular one?"

James Barnes has posed:
Bucky opens his mouth to make the introductions but Pepper, being the modern woman she is, does it for him. Still, he speaks up with, "This is Opal Moirai. She owns this place, puts up with me without too much complaint and has a mean right hook, she's good people."

The band's just about ready to start, the only kid left in the building is at least probably old enough to drive. The first page in the book is blank and Amberlynn says, "That one's fine!" Everything she's saying is punctuated by the excitement of a teenage girl meeting her celebrity crush. "Can you do one for Becca and Carlie too? They're my /besties/."

"Not staying?" Bucky asks Pepper. "C'mon, let your hair down a little, yeah? In a place that's about the safest place here is for you to do it." His pointed glances in the direction of some of the security personal are accompanied with, "Any one of these guys would give your guy a run for his money, some of them might even give me a run for mine?"

He turns to tap the bar top twice and says, "One of whatever my friend here's drinking?" The question at the end is aimed at Pepper. His next question is for Opal, "Whatcha got for me back there tonight?" - Meaning did we stock anything that can beat his incredible metabolism.

Opal Moirai has posed:
Opal Moirai accepts Pepper's offered hand in her own, fingers smooth and showing a nice manicure. "The pleasure is mine, Pepper." she replies. "And I don't usually start the fights. I have people for that."

Her head tilts, then, smile becoming more playful. "I'm sure we can find a pair of boots to fit, if you'd like to try the line dancing. The heel-scuffing is hell on pumps."

Releasing the hand, she chuckles softly to James. "I have a bottle or two of something that's -just- for you, James. In fact it would probably kill anyone else, so be careful."

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Ms Moirai. Thank you for putting this together. Any help is always appreciated." Pepper shakes her head, the humor in green eyes evident, "I really shouldn't. I wanted to be sure I did come to support the cause, and all I need is to know who to give my check to." She presses her lips together in a smile, "You'll find out soon enough why." That might mean, 'keep an eye on the news cycles'. "Thank you all the same."

Security does look tight, but honestly that isn't what is keeping Pepper from staying. The red-head really is a workaholic, and with new projects, well.. "I promise I'll find a time to come back. And it won't be because I feel that I should be here." Fund raising event, and all.

Once she retrieves her hand, she looks at Happy and back to Opal and Bucky, her voice dropping conspiratorially, "I might have tormented him enough, too."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nick nods, "Sure. We'll do separate pages for them so you don't have to rip any sheets. But first..."

The pen is clicked on and Nick considers the blank page for a second. "A-M-B-E-R-L-Y-N-N, correct?"

Once that's confirmed, he writes out a quick note to Amberlynn stating it was nice to meet her at the event. With that signed, he holds the notebook to let the ink dry. "Ok. Is it Becca with two Cs, or one k. And Carlie with the 'ie' or with the 'y'?

James Barnes has posed:
"That'd be Opal," in regards to the check. "Not my thing." Taking care of business and money is something Bucky missed out on learning, what with running off to join the military at such a young age and then... Everyone knows the 'then'. "You should come and bring Tony." Why? Because the very idea of Tony Stark two-stepping or line-dancing makes him smile a little broader.

He has a nice smile. People should get to see it more often.

"That's right," Amberlynn offers. "And it's two c's and it's Carlie, like Charlie without the h." She's still bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet from the excitement she can hardly contain.

Not wanting his special stash to wind up in the wrong hands, Buck just casually vaults himself over the bar. "Security code still the same?" he asks Opal. It's clear that he spends /a lot/ of time here and it's abundantly clear that the place is good for him for whatever reason.

... couldn't be the pretty little blonde with the ever present sunglasses, could it?

The band starts into the first few chords of Watermelon Crawl.

Opal Moirai has posed:
Opal Moirai tips her hat to Pepper again. "Stay as long as you like, Ms. Potts. If you like, we can settle business in the back or simply afterward." After all, it's not like Stark Industries isn't good for it.

"Yes, James, the code is the same." She doesn't need to tell him to be careful, of course. Opal has connections in unsavory parts of the world, and her 'custom' drinks are always very, very strong.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nick nods to the spelling instructions given for the friends and switches to new pages for each of them. Taking time between each of them to make sure the ink is dried. smudges aren't fun to have on the pages when collecting autographs. But, eventually the autographs are finished. The book is closed and surrendered back to Amberlynn along with the pend. "And there you go. Three autographs. It was nice meeting you Amberlynn. I hope you and your father enjoy the rest of your time at the event."

James Barnes has posed:
One teenage girl is nearly skipping toward the door with her father. She'll probably save that pen for ever and frame the autograph to set on her nightstand.

Bucky retrieves his 'special bottle' from the safe it's locked in and pours himself a few fingers full before putting it back. Now that he's behind the bar with Opal, he takes a second to place his right hand on the small of her back in a way that anyone that knows Bucky? Well they would know that it's way too a familiar gesture for the ever guarded Winter Soldier.

He leans in to press a kiss to her temple. ...and he's still smiling - did someone clone Bucky Barnes?

Opal Moirai has posed:
Opal Moirai turns her attention towards the main room when Bucky goes to get his special bottle, leaning both elbows on the bar. She offers a small smile when she feels his touch, reaching up to rest a hand on his shoulder in return. Her head tilts when he kisses her temple, and she gives his shoulder a light squeeze. Yes, it's good to see him in such a mood.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nick watches as Amberlynn heads out. The bounce in the step is noted with a slight chuckle. Well at least he made someone's day by showing up here. No matter what else happens, that makes today a win, right?

No longer tied in conversation now, Nick ventures even further from the entrance way to see who else has shown up.

Well. After he gets himself a beer.

Still smiling, the musician heads on over, not really taking in who is AT the bar until he gets there.

Eyes look over to the decorated handles of the draft pumps, getting a quick assessment of what is being offered here. Once he's sure of what he's going to get, he glances up to get the attention of the bartender...to find Bucky next to Opal.

The smile falters for a bit.

Blink. Blink.

Frank Noble has posed:
Frank Noble walks in as Frank. He does so wearimg professinal clothing but is otherwise low key. Frank is reasonably sure autographs from the insane dont generate much cash so Frank goes to the donation box and gives a hundred but also with a dash of sleight of hand submits an anonymous donation for a new Water Treatment plant with a revolutionary new eco friendly and powerful systek as well as a mine treatment plan to renew the mine to full productivity within seven months. Both are extremely anonymized and worth about twenty million even if the cost to Frank is considerably less (more like a million.) He rapidly moves away from the box and sits at the bar and orders an alcohopic saspirlla.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As Frank comes in and orders his drink. Nick recovers from his momentary stupor and orders a Guinness. He glances over to Frank for a moment and gives a nod. Sure he might be there as his stage persona. But surely someone who has seen him turn into a raven could kind of match up the face to the guy that was called 'Mike' during those missions.

Frank Noble has posed:
Frank Noble doesnt recognize Nick at all, but nothing gets by Mr Right and after a tiny buzz on his ear Frank gives a nod back that is polite and knowing rather than policte and clueless.

Clea has posed:
Clea's generally up for going and supporting her fellow team mates when it comes to Charity and other areas. And the PR team thought that it was good for her to get the hell out of her apartment and interacting with more humans.

She'd agreed, albeit a little grudgingly. She's dressed in black jeans, a purple western shirt with the black fringe and a white cowboy hat. She's not standing out, but she definitely looks more goth cowgirl than a proper cowgirl.

She'd take it. She's pointed to the bar on the way in and she looks a bit relieved that she doesn't have to mingle yet.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nine out of ten personalities agree. Polite and knowing is definitely better than the polite and clueless. With an unspoken acknowledgement of each other being encountered during events that aren't quite public conversation material. But having conversation material that can't be held in the current conversation leads to a lot of silence and being exposed to the 'Watermelon Crawl' sounds in the background. This won't do.

Nick parts his mouth to say something to Frank but pauses as he sees something goth come their way. Granted, he's not one to speak considering his usual stage attire usually consist of varying versions of 'black'. But either way. He does recognize her from other events that still can't be spoken about here.

Man who knew conversation could be awkward. Nick waves a hand to Clea, hammering the first nail into the 'don't have to mingle yet' idea's coffin. "Hey Clea." He greets, "Come join us!"

Frank Noble has posed:
Frank Noble sips his booze as if it were Camomille, watching the boys akd girls and not schulrping. He is a perfectpy normap hukan doing perfectly normal human things.

Opal Moirai has posed:
It's Opal's place, so she lingers at the bar, around front this time. The blonde wears a denim skirt, red and white checked shirt, cowboy boots and a white Stetson. Mirrored aviator shades cover her eyes, even though it's after dark. Every now and again one of the servers or bouncers will look her way, receiving some signal in response.

Clea has posed:
Clea's just about to settle into a seat and ask for a water when she gets called out by name. Her violet gaze lifts to see who did it and there is a curious look to Nick, she's not very familiar with him in all honesty. But the white haired woman gives a dip of her head and moves to take a seat that is closer to where they are.

"Good evening." she intones as she dips her head to those present.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Well she may not seem to remember him. But to the one who ended up getting mind swapped due to her running through dreams with an angry Hulk in pursuit, he apparently remembers her enough to invite her over.

Or it could be the celebrity side of him just working. "How are you doing tonight?" He inquires, as he takes note of the quietly sipping Noble nonchallantly imbibing in his chosen alcoholic beverage of choice.

Clea has posed:
Clea remembers the face and Bruce stating that he was a rock star, Bruce didn't really stick around to tell her much else about things. "Mister Drago, yes?" she asks as she sits down. All of her bad decisions seem to be coming back to haunt her these last few weeks.

"I'm alright." she tells Nick. "And you?" she asks him. Clea finally gets her water though and she gives a quiet thank you to the person delivering it.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nick nods to Clea's question. "Yes."

A glass of dark liquid is set before Nick to which the rockstar looks to the server and nods to them. "Thank you."

He looks back to Clea, "I'm doing alright overall. But what is life without some chaos here and there?"

Clea has posed:
"I don't think I ever got to apologize properly for the mess that was caused very early last year." Clea states in a rather serious tone. "So I am doing so now." the white haired woman comments.

"And yes, the chaos as of late has been a new breed really. I am hoping that we can get some peace at some point." she admits. "Bruce said that you were a rockstar and made music. Are you working on anything?" she asks him.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As Clea speaks about apologizes, Nick's head tilts.

Wait, they're covering that topic here? My Clea lives dangerously. But, as he listens he has to admit it was done carefully enough. He very well knows what she means but those without the knowledge would still be wondering.

"The apology is appreciated." Mike responds, "...People so rarely do that nowadays it seems." there's a slight shift of the eyes to look elsewhere but the expression is caught before it completes its move over.

Nick tilts his head down, looking to his beer instead. "But. You did correct that problem. And any ruffled feathers that may have occurred my person then have since been smoothed over. Just took agreeing to a few extra things here and there."

Fingers set about the side of the glass. "...I don't think we'll ever get away from chaos. It just shifts to another form... or forms."

Nick picks up his glass to sip the contents as Clea makes mention of Bruce's sharing information. The glass soon sets down. "Oh yes. I've actually just finished another round of promotions for The Count of Monte Cristo move. Which, we were filming last year. "I do have another album in the works And there's the annual seasonal charity album we do. Lining up acts that would be interested in performing on it."

Frank Noble has posed:
Frank Noble makes an actual note in his phone to see the Count of Monte Cristo...its the book that most influenced his life and a movie well done would be quite interesting. He sips his drink until he finally finishes and orders an Absinthe.

Clea has posed:
Clea's full of worry these days it appears. As Nick doesn't toss a drink on her or scold her about making wrong decisions there is a bit of relief that briefly crosses her pale features and she reaches up to adjust the white hat she is wearing.

"I appreciate that you accept and I told Bruce not to go out in the body. But...I think he was happy to be free of Hulk for a few days." she states to that. "That doesn't fix what you went through after that though." she adds.

Then she leans forward, resting her elbows on the bar, making etiquette classes void for the moment. "It sounds like you have a lot going on. I've read that book, but not seen any of the movies." she admits. "When does it release? The movie I mean." she clarifies.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nick shrugs, "People make mistakes. But you did what you could to fix things. Yes. It did mean having to make a few extra trips to protect a project but it wasn't like I had to make some type of blood sacrifice to do it. So... Things worked out."

He looks to his glass, "I got that general impression last time I talked to Bruce." He replies, "...Ran into him a few times. Also know his cousin so..." He doesn't offer more information to that. "It's already released in the US so, you can probably find a theater showing it if you're curious. The International release was delayed a bit. Issues with some of the subtitle programming... or something like that. But it's a movie adaptation of the musical that came out in 2009."

Frank Noble has posed:
Frank Noble sips relaxedly, glad no one asked awkard questions about the donation box, and slowly gets a pleasant buzz, listening to conversation and enjoying what he hears, occasionally nodding or commenting but not engaging in heavy conversation since he might need to leave quickly.

Clea has posed:
Clea gives a smile to Nick, "Thank you for being gracious, Mister Drago." she tells him. "And if I ever suggest blood sacrifice then it is definitely not me." she muses to that.

"I'll have to look into theaters then. I don't watch movies or tv a lot, but happy to go out and see new things." she tells him.

The woman gives a dip of her head to Frank in greeting before she takes a sip of her water. She can't get drunk, so she doesn't waste good alcohol!

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nick chuckles, "If you did demand for or suggest blood sacrifice, I'd probably not be as 'gracious'." He admits, glancing to Frank once more as Clea looks to him. "How's the evening going for you?" Nick asks of the quiet man.

Frank Noble has posed:
Frank Noble nods back to Clea. He only remembers her as Grenademan, so its a bit hazy, but he is also polite. He looks to Nick and blinks, suprised his cloak of insignificance is pierced but shrugs, "These drinks are stronger than expected but enjoying the intoxication and the music. And yourself?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Enjoying the beer at the moment." Nick replies back, seemingly skipping over the music part. "And apparently made the day of some teenager whose father dragged her here so- I figure it's already a win." Speaking of drink, Nick picks up his to sip it some more.

Frank Noble has posed:
Frank Noble smiles, "I got spoiled on foreign," Dwarven, "Beer so I tend to be picky there, but am always willing to try something new. Absinthe is good for me even if this isnt likely thematically appropriate given our beneficiaries. And what good is fame, if you cant light up the faces of fans?" He smiles.

Clea has posed:
Clea gives a smile to Frank and listens to him as he chats with Nick. There is a petite brown haired woman that comes over to tell her something and there is a quiet thank you from the Faltine, "I'll remember." she tells the woman, before the other is heading back off to wait in the shadows like some PR super hero. Then she's back to what's going on at the bar. "I'm Clea." she introduces herself to Frank when there is a lull in conversation.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nick glances to his drink in consideration. "I'm less inclined to adapt my drinking choices to fit to the theme. If they're still offering it, then it can't be bad for the event, right?"

As Clea introduces herself to Frank, Nick goes back to drinking, essentially tagging out of the conversation for now.

Frank Noble has posed:
Frank Noble smiles and waves, "I'm Frank, very nice to meet you in a non dire or combt situation." He sips his absinth slowly, methodically savoring its taste and enjoying it. "I mean, I once went to a fundraiser in Kentucky where they sold raffle tickets for each PBR you bought. I even managed to drink two, but that was before I knew about better stuff" he chuckles, "And I'm sure its not bad at all.....I dont mind drinking to fit in the local scene, but also dont mind drinking what I want" he chuckles.

Clea has posed:
"Nice to meet you, Frank." Clea smiles to that. "And yes, in less dire circumstances are preferred, but rare." she chuckles to that. She looks fascinated at the talk of drinks and for a moment there is a wistful look that crosses the sorceress' face, but she's practiced enough to keep her emotions and expressions in check in public.

"I can't get drunk so I tend to just not want places to waste it on me." she admits. "But for those who can I think that drinking what you want is nice." she agrees.

Frank Noble has posed:
Frank Noble says, "I picked up a few skills in alchemy and learned how to mix a mead for those who normally cant be intoxicated if you ever wanna try. But if you have no experience in the subject, that might not be something to do lightly." He shrugs and sips absinthe. Its rare for Frank to casually discuss such things when not wearing a mask with humans...but the drink has lowered his natural apprehension about revealing his other life, since the number of heroes alone here makes random crime and thus turning into a lunatic less likely."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nick lovers his glass looking over to Clea to the admission, "If you like a drink just because of the taste and the non-alcoholic equivalent doesn't quite make it. Is it really a waste?"

The mention of Alchemy brings his attention over to Frank. "Alchemy." He repeats, "How did you get into that?"

Clea has posed:
"Who did you learn Alchemy from? I love all of the stuff that can go into it really." Clea comments as she settles her empty glass down and asks for another water. "And I don't think I'd be a very...stable intoxicated person and it would be dangerous, so lets not." she muses to that. "Though I thank you for the offer." she adds.

Then there is a look to Nick and she gives a nod to that, "No, it's not a waste on that end really when you look at it like that." she states.

Frank Noble has posed:
Frank Noble says, "I originally stumbled into it when I had to build the giant robot to fight the Zombies....but didnt know it at the time. Later, in Sunfire, I had to pick it up since I'm a chemist by trade, and without modern infrastructure, almost everything I had available was 16th century level tech at best...I wanted something better than gunpowder to ....." he pauses a moment realizing that he is, as usual, gibbering nonsensical randomness to these people, but, given their backgrounds, it wont be TOTAL gibberish, "Anyway. I picked it up to be useful. I'm only an advanced apprentice level but given my understanding of chemistry I can act as a master by proxy in many instances. Most alchemists dont understand chemical engineering, just the science element of it. I doubt youd have met my teacher, since they were ...well, a Duck." He shrugs, "Wise about having the wisdon to understand when not to lose your mind as it were...."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Don't say it.

Don't say it.

"A duck." Nick repeats.


Were they all they were quacked up to be?

Did you have to pay for lessons or did they have to put it on a bill?

Don't Say it.


"...Like a talking Duck or was it more telepathic communication?"

Who are we kidding? Nick's been to goose hell.

"It sounds like you have a lot of interesting stories that you just hold back on."

Clea has posed:
Clea listens to Frank as he explains things and there is a curious look, "When are you from?" she asks him. She wasn't sure if he was from a future or another universe, but it was interesting!

"Are all ducks capable of such feats?" she asks quietly.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nick looks over to Clea, "If ravens and geese can talk, I'm not all that inclined to rule out ducks."

Frank Noble has posed:
Frank Noble says, "I'm from here, but I went to two alterate earths for two years while a fetch took my place. I dont tell the stories because if I go too far into a certain topic, strange stuff starts to happen, and I dont want to cause chaos....well...MORE chaos than normal. The two of you are tangental enough to the rather (to me) obvious truth that I suspect it isnt going to be as bad but we're not exactly dealing ith the rational...and it was an anthropamoprhic talking duck...High Duck, it turns out, is identical to Gaelic....and I dont usually tell stories like this because...it either sounds insane or might cause insanity" he slams the rest of the absinth and orders a PBR."

Clea has posed:
Clea gives a look to Nick and there is a bit of an impressed look, "I'm just imagining them tossing ingredients into a pot with their beaks." she admits. Then Frank clarifies that it was an alternate universe. "Fairies?" she quirks an eyebrow at him. Huh. "Well I am glad that you are back on your home planet." she tells the man.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nick chuckles, "If they're capable of talking they're probably capable of handling ingredients." When Frank orders the PBR, he glances around for any signs indicating raffles associated with them.

Frank Noble has posed:
Frank Noble says, "Aye. Most animals that can talk have a means of handling finer manipulation, especially rodents, birds and most predators. The horses and cows are....well...harder to get used to." He winces at the PBR but is drunk enough that it doesnt taste as much so he sips slowly and gets used to it.

"Aye...Fae....we can have that discussion some other time since the more I talk about THAT subject the more chaos happens and I dont wanna ruin the fundraiser....""

Clea has posed:
Remember when Clea is out in a park later trying to talk to a common Mallard it is Nick and Frank's fault!

She looks tickled by this news that ducks perform alchemy and other things. "Oh I won't speak on it then. I don't want to make anything uncomfortable or to bring any unwelcome things to the event." she tells them as she reaches to take a sip of her water.

Frank Noble has posed:
Frank Noble smiles, "I appreciate it. Its not that I MIND talking about it on a personal level, I just dont want to mae things difficult for a good cause, and some of the rules I am still figuring out...." He sips the PBR and finally gets used to it.


He considers, "I am curious though why you think you would be unsable intoxicated?

Clea has posed:
"You seem like you've got a good head on your shoulders, Frank." Clea states that with a smile. She liked level headed people. Then he asks her that question and there is a bit of a softening of her features, "It is...a long story. But I tend to keep myself very composed since if I loose control of my emotions I could hurt a lot of people." she tells him. "And that is something I never want to do." she adds.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Hopefully when Clea tries out her duckspeak, Frank or Nick will be able to advise her as to why her dialect doesn't seem to be working. When the question drifts over to unstability and intoxication, Nick cocks his head to the side in thought. "So with alcohol being a depressant you thought that might cause for you to lose your composure."

Statements of the obvious: The Drago Collection

"Well, I'm not going to push you to drink. that's a valid concern to have."

Frank Noble has posed:
Frank Noble says, "I can understand a need for self control. Even when its impossible to do the worst thing when not in control, lack of control means that..its dangerous every time." He shrugs and listens, "I am actually also a pharmochemist, so a lot more than alochol could do that though it sounds like it would take larger doses..." He sips the PBR and it no longer has a taste...well..much Of one. Frank could name over 450 things that could do that, but he picked up social queues very young about not drowing other people in science gibberish. LEarning how not to do it with weirdness is taking some adjusting."

Clea has posed:
"If it effected me, yes, that would be a horrible outcome." Clea states to that. "I'm okay though. I just try not to get close to humans anymore and that means I won't get my emotions hurt and we don't have to worry about myself exploding." she grins to that.

Then she settles the next empty glass down, "I have been asked to take a few pictures and I need to ask James a question before Monday. It was lovely speaking with you both, but if you will excuse me." she states as she rises and floats off like one of the Brides in Dracula Dead and Loving It.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nick nods to Frank's statement, glancing up. "Factors that can lead to emotional issues... Um Sleep, Stress, Environmental Instability, past trauma, being ignored or made to feel invisible, anxiety, depression..." Nick runs through the list reasonably quickly, but as he gets to the seventh he pauses, glancing to the beer. "Substance abuse... beer probably falls under that one."

As Clea excuses herself, Nick turns his head, Nice meeting you this time, Clea." He offers with a smile.

Turning back to his beer, he signals for another one before making work to finish off what he has.

Frank Noble has posed:
Frank Noble says, "It only becomes abuse when it is controlling you rather than the other way around. Thats why Clea knowing when to draw the line is good, though ..." he pauses as she leaves and nods, not wanting to say out loud he worries about what she said about emotions. That isnt....sustainable long term.

"I should go myself...I am going to get a ride home....hae a wonderful evening....""