River Banks

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River Banks (Scenesys ID: 4766)
Name: River Avon Banks
Superalias: Riptide
Gender: Female
Species: Metahuman
Occupation: Hero (Kinda)
Citizenship: United States of America
Residence: New York City, NY
Education: Some high school, on-the-job
Theme: Original (OC)
Apparent Age: 21 Actual Age: 21
Date of Birth 20 June 2002 Played By
Height: 5'6" Weight: 130 lb
Hair Color: Straw blonde Eye Color: Brown
Twitter: @RipTidalWave
Theme Song: "Losing My Religion" Mirror Lake Cover

Character Info


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A high school drop-out from the Deep South who doesn't have a stable address, reportable source of income or home life, River Banks operates under the moniker Riptide, a water-controlling thief and occasional bank robber with the tendency to short out equipment with high humidly. She has no big desire to hurt anyone, with the aim to get in, get the cash and get out, but has no issue using her powers to dissuade others from following her home or remain in her way.


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*2002: Born in a country hospital in Alabama to Christopher DeLancie and Jessie Banks

*2006: Christopher leaves for the military with the promise to marry Jessie after bootcamp. Chris decides the military is a better place for him and doesn't come back. Jessie takes it upon herself to raise River alone.

2008: River finds she can control water in the creek behind her house, making bubbles with creek water. This was the beginning of her water control skills.

*2009: Jessie meeets and marries Beau LaSalle. LaSalle brings Jessie and River to Mobile, then to Tampa and Miami. River continues to hone her skills with water. Beau and Jessie become aware of her metahuman abilities.

*2011: Beau starts bringing River along on cons for panhandling and light burglary. River manages to open locks with water, starting with simple combination locks and moving to more complex deadbolts and doorlocks. River learns how to use her bubbles to short out cameras from out of sight of the tech.

*Mid-2015: Beau is caught and arrested. Jessie and River move back to Alabama. Jessie is granted separation from Beau while he is incarcerated. River drops out of school and begins to work on fixing small motors and becomes very good at removing water from fuel lines and oil tanks.

*Early 2016: River's brother Rio Grant Banks is born.

*2018: River manages her first night-time heist at a small bank, triggering the water pipes to over-pressurize and the sprinkler system to go off, ruining cameras in the process.

*2019: River uses the railroad to move around from place to place in the Southern US, pulling off heists and theft. Beau makes a guess that she is committing the robberies, and blackmails her. She deposits cash from the banks into an account for Beau's use. Beau uses the funds to lobby for early release.

*Beau is granted early parole; he returns to Alabama and forces River into working for him by threatening Rio and Jessie. Jessie Banks dies under suspicious circumstances.

*2021: A heated argument during a robbery results in the accidental death of a guard. Beau blames River, which sparks a renewed altercation between the two during their escape. The resulting fight with River losing her calm results in Beau suffering from severe trauma due to his body overheating rapidly and is left in a comatose state in a hospital. Rio goes into foster care. River takes Rio from the state foster care and disappears with her brother.

*2021-23: River continues conman work, thievery and bank heists, paying for Rio's schooling over the internet as the two keep moving around, unsure if -- or when -- Beau will recover. River choses to operate under the moniker Riptide.

IC Journal

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Defensive and Secretive:
River doesn't want others to know about her life. She doesn't want people to be let in. She doesn't want anyone to get to know her or feel bad for her situation. She just wants to do what she has to do, and be done with it. She will actively push people away who decide they want to get closer to her, and take steps to ensure that her ways home aren't followed.

Almost all of River's criminal work as Riptide is, in her mind, going to build a better life for her brother Rio and to resolve the guilt she feels for nearly killing his father She continuously moves around to keep him safe and keeps him away from her criminal life, lies about the whereabouts of his mother and continues to live a public life as if their mother is always at work. Her brother is her greatest weakness; if anyone were to try and take him, she would be a force to reckon with her unbridled emotional outburst.

River carries guilt like a banner. After killing a security guard and very nearly killing her step-father, River tends to shy away from the more violent or 'problematic' uses of her powers, contributing to her work at being even-tempered and not letting her emotions get out of control. She may not seem like the most penitent type, especially given her standoffish nature, but she works hard to hurt as few people as possible.

Outward Presenting:
River presents herself as jaded a person as possible. She doesn't see the wonder of most things; outwardly, power are meant to be used, money is meant to be spent, people are meant to be played. She's slow to trust, and doesn't seem to care if others trust her as long as she can dupe them into monetary support. She's perfectly willing to use others' altruism against them in most cases.

With her fine control dependent on her emotional stability, River has learned to keep her emotions in check since the altercation that landed Beau in the hospital. She is rarely outwardly angry or happy. She often keeps her own counsel even with asked for her opinions, and rarely expresses her thoughts openly. She also tends to view those who openly show either end of the emotion intensely (either overly depressing, edgy or joyous) with suspicion.

Character Sheet


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Body Control:
On beings/creatures that are majority water (such as humans), River can partially control the fluid in their bodies. The strength of this force is enough to halt the forward progress of three average size/strength humans, gently move two, or sling one aside. She also has a limited ability to heat or cool the fluid inside people's bodies. At the moment this ability is significantly hampered by her guilt over what she did to Beau, but when River loses control of her emotions she may lash out with this to cause significant pain to her target, and even significant damage if the attack continues over a more extended period. River must concentrate while she is using this ability and cannot move or use any other ability while taking gross control of something's body, and her range with this is limited to about ten meters.

Molecule Agitation:
River innately controls the agitation of water molecules she is working with, and can superchill or heat the water she has under control. Over a period of three seconds, she can superchill up to five gallons of water into ice spikes to launch at targets. Doing so requires all of her concentration and she cannot be on the move when she uses this ability. The abiity works well for jamming locks, freezing doors shut, forming spikes to get herself up a building, reheating your soup or -- when her emotional control is at its lowest - accidentally frying your step-parent.

Water Breathing:
River is capable of instinctively removing and using oxygen from the water around her and can stay submerged for up to an hour at a time. She cannot speak underwater but can use all other water-related powers when submerged.

Water Control:
River is capable of controlling water and water-based liquids and pulling water from high humidity air and using the liquid water to form ropes, whips, bubbles and shields. Her maximum control is over ten gallons of water at once on even temper. This ability grows with anger to the amount of water she can control equal to forty gallons at once, but without any sort of finesse.

Water Purification:
An extension of her Water Control power, River can remove impurities from water and render it drinkable. This ranges from fine particulates to live organisms to liquid dyes used in bank tags.


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Combat Training:
River has been getting instruction in Martial Arts and weapons use from Red Hood and Cole Cash. She is able to augment her powers in tight spaces with martial arts and has begun to incorporate incidental weaponry and small arms in her fighting style.

Escape Artist:
Picking locks, wriggling out of ropes, knowing how to hit the cuffs just right to jog the locking mechanism, knowing at least two egresses out of any situation or room, and the best places to stow change bags when you need to change your outfit on the run. All important skills when getting out of someplace you don't want to be.

River speaks English and Spanish, and has a basic understanding of Cajun French thanks to her step-father

Small Motor Repair:
The honest way to come by money. Find broken things, fix them. Dumpster diving outside Big Box Stores can be lucretive if you know how to solder and rewire a blender or source out the right fittings to repair a burnt out drill and then sell them on the internet for clean cash. River has gotten quite good at repairing and replacing parts for small motor items.

The Con:
They say a smile can carry you far. River knows how to turn on the charm when trying to get information, case a place, or simply weasel bus fare out of someone. It's not easy to do when everyone's jaded, but sometimes the con's just about getting the information you need. And sometimes you gotta be patient in getting it.

River was trained by a conman and thief through much of her childhood and adolescence. She is skilled at picking locks, picking pockets, casing security details, climbing a few stories of a building and fencing goods for cash.


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Cash On Hand:
Though much of her criminal earnings go into laundering, paying for Beau LaSalle's hospitalization and being set up in bonds for Rio's use when he turns twenty-one, River keeps some cash on hand in order to pay off any incidentals, like bribing land-lords. It is never more than $5K US at one time.

Life of Crime:
River is knowledgable in where to fence goods, get faux documents like ID's and inspection stickers and fake plates for cars. She can track down activity for her life if needed, she knows the signs to look for.


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'bad Guy':
River's moniker is Riptide for a reason. She wants to be threatening, to scare others to keep them out of her way. She is a bank robber, a thief, a fencer of stolen goods and in general tends to work against the law more than she works with it. She can't go to high profile events, she feels she'll never get that sweet 'superhero' taste, but hey -- someone's gotta be bad guy, right? Even when in times where working with the 'Good Guys' is in her best interest, the more heroic side of life may opt to try and take her in.

River never completed 9th grade, and has a low reading level, no interest in higher, complex mathematics, can't discuss philosophy and generally tends to keep to herself when it comes to the educational highlights. She also doesn't like people touting their education over her, and since this is a sore spot she will be defensive about it and shut out people who try to get her to go back to school.

Emotional Control:
River's fine control of her metahuman abilities relies on her calm state of mind. The more frustrated she gets, the more water she can affect, but she loses her fine-tuning and effectiveness of her abilities. This has been responsible for one mostly accidental death.

Rio, River's younger half-brother, is the sole family River has left. After kidnapping him from foster care, they have been moving place to place together, with River working hard to keep him shielded from her activities. He does not have any powers, and is largely quiet and shy around strangers. River is very protective of Rio, and anyone threatening him should be prepared for her to go from zero to sixty in the emotional turmoil department in no time flat.

Thirsty + Hi-Calorie:
Due to the nature of her powers, River consumes 50 percent more water than average. She always has to have water for drinking, and has a much higher caloric intake requirement when using her powers on a day-to-day basis. Without keeping up with her caloric intake she suffers from migraines and bodily pains, without water she can dehydrate and cause herself organ damage if she uses her powers.



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River Banks has 50 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Such Pretty Lights March 8th, 2024 While staring at the lights of Coney Island, Kiana runs into River on the beach below the boardwalk.
It's a Splash March 1st, 2024 When the 'Tick Tacs' threaten a school outing at the GOtham Aquarium, Robin and Riptide form an unlikely duo to take care of business.
Windows for Josie's! February 23rd, 2024 Josie's will have all new windows and then some. There might even be toilet paper in the bathroom on the regular now.
Learning But Good February 23rd, 2024 Through a mutual, Helena meets River, a young woman who's looking to be a little more accomplished in her life. The two bond over coffee.
Return of the Living Creed February 13th, 2024 The Sabertoothed-Dee came out of the sea... he caught all the others but he cannot catch m--
One of the (Good) Guys... kinda February 9th, 2024 Red Hood's return to Gotham City takes him to the Narrows, where Riptide (River Banks) has adopted a couple blocks as her own 'turf' to protect. The two have a brief conversation at the rooftop afterwards.
Pincers, Are There January 16th, 2024 Dancing the night away at Club Sion!
What Happens To a Cat That Gets Struck by Water January 12th, 2024 ...the same thing that happens to everything else.
The King of Atlantis is the Other Guy. January 6th, 2024 Fish people are weird!
Universe-al Meetings December 27th, 2023 River Banks meets a whole universe in the park. It's true, Singularity is the most beautiful thing she's ever seen.
River Flows through a Powder Keg December 19th, 2023 Cole Cash and River Banks discuss what to do about a pestersome, bothersome cat.
Happy Harbor: Ice Skating Outing December 15th, 2023 The Holidays are upon us!
Neither Eloquent nor Lengthy December 12th, 2023 Sabretooth comes upon River Banks on an errand by chance. He kindly gives her a head start to run.
Winding through the Park December 5th, 2023 A chance encounter in the park when Rio Banks wants to see if the reservoir's frozen over improves the night for all three involved.
Narrows November 29th, 2023 Blood Spider meets River Banks on a rainy night in the Narrows
A River Flows Through It November 21st, 2023 Batgirl (the OG), Misfit, and Spider-Man (Miles Morales) come across a mildly injured River in an alleyway. Everyone establishles she's a good guy.
Rooks and Riptides November 20th, 2023 Rook (Damian Wayne) makes acquaintence of Riptide (River Banks). Neither wants the other's help.
The Buff Spider-Slayer Slayer November 4th, 2023 Miguel, River, MJ, and Julia meet a stainless steel tiger. Hey, it's New York.
We have guns, cheap! October 31st, 2023 No description
Luke's Place, Around Midnight October 25th, 2023 Ninja's attack, the trio dodge a nuclear explosion, a car chase ensues and all the while photographers at the scene catch them in eye popping fashion that makes the cover of November's edition of GQ.
Scent in the Water October 24th, 2023 Victor Creed tracks down a familiar scent of blood in the water, and informs very politely one River Banks that he's the new owner of her debt -- and he'll be calling in favors until it's paid in full.

Now all he has to do is think about what he could use the water-weilding former bank robber for?

Gotham Rooftops in Fall October 17th, 2023 Red Hood arrives for a small celebration of Rio Banks's first day of school. Trick-or-Treating is discussed, not punching people at the age of eight is covered, along with why glasses are cool, sharks are cooler than Red Hood, and Red Hood gets a sub sandwich to go.
Everyone Gets One September 30th, 2023 River comes across Cole while he's training. They have a talk and questioning of who she and he really is and he offers her a chance. Just one.
Training the River September 29th, 2023 Jason Todd gives River an introduction to 'how not to get beat down as badly as you normally do'.
Rip-Tide September 19th, 2023 Red Hood responds to reports of a figure in blue running through the rain. Concerned River might be sliding back into old habits, he arrives to find she's just out enjoying Gotham's legendary bad weather. The two agree that River could use a refresher in self-defense.
Seeing an Expert September 18th, 2023 River Banks attempts to purchase a weapon in Gotham City, from someone who absolutely one hundred percent does NOT want a Bat problem -- Cole Cash!
Too Nice a Place September 18th, 2023 A bar is too classy a place for a fight. And for M to run her mouth.
Pizza, Beer, Beatdowns September 17th, 2023 River invites Jason over for beer and pizza, and conversation that doesn't revolve around the interests of an eight year old boy. Instead she gets conversation about how cool Red Hood is and how Red Hood COULD beat up Jason Todd, and Batman, and probably Superman if he wanted to, and Jason gets an education in the production of a perfectly toasted marshmallow.
Down south dining in the Big Apple September 13th, 2023 Jacen stopped in for some Cajun cuisine and encountered River stuck in a bad job interview. He enjoyed watching her chew out the would be employer.
When It Doesn't Rain August 24th, 2023 River Banks invites Jason Todd for some leftover biryani and beers. The two talk about life, their pasts, and River's future.
Banks-ing on Trouble August 21st, 2023 Red Hood plays hero again, lending a hand to the troublemaking River Banks. Rio gets excited to find out Red HOod asked how he was doing.
Making Bank(s) August 19th, 2023 Miguel and River reconnect and think about the future. The IMMEDIATE future.
ACME Practical Joke Factory Reopening August 14th, 2023 River Banks and her teammate Robin face off against the fowl fiend the JOKER at the grand reopening of one of many ACME Practical Joke Factories in the Gotham Practical Joke Factory district. No, we don't know why Gotham has one either.
Angels We Have Heard On High August 13th, 2023 An art installation at night is the perfect place for a trap to be sprung.
Odd Horse Saloon August 4th, 2023 Jason Todd interrupts a potential bar fight when someone who doesn't like hearing the word 'No' encounters someone who loves using the phrase 'Get Lost'. He also drops the hint to River Banks that he's Red Hood.
Prada Dentata! August 3rd, 2023 When Caleb and Sheila Dykstra come across a strange mimic turning the tables on an armed purse theif, the situation proves to have teeth! Hand-led by Cyber-Spider (Miguel O'Hara) and Riptide (River Banks, who is trying SO HARD to be good)
High-Tech and Low-Light July 11th, 2023 Miguel seeks out River as she plots (hopefully) her last crime.
Hiring some Help July 10th, 2023 Jinx dips in to the toes of villainhood again to hire a thief to do the thieving she currently can't do. Riptide takes the job.
(King) Shark Week: 2023 July 10th, 2023 King Shark hits the beach at Coney Island...quite literally. Also, Shark Dates are a thing? THEY ARE NOW!
Byron The Bull July 6th, 2023 Byron
Water in the Park July 4th, 2023 Red Hood surprises River in the park while she's jogging, recently free of some of the stitches he scolded her for last time. They talk about expectations. River says Red Hood is the closest thing she's got to an actual friend. Red Hood is disappointed.
River Rooftop June 26th, 2023 Riptide and Red Hood have a conversation on the rooftop. Red Hood doesn't approve of her checking out of the clinic so soon after Sabretooth attacked her.
Not a Party June 22nd, 2023 When Red Hood gets a call from the metahuman bank robber Riptide, his timely arrival shows the criminal has been ripped up pretty bad by a big guy with sharp claws, on a mission from Byron
Maximum Carnage - Bloody Monday Morning June 17th, 2023 Carnage breaks out. Of jail, and of Hell thanks to Spawn. It's up to a rag tag group of heroes to band together to stop what will be a dead time on the ole town this morn!
Poor( June 13th, 2023 Red Hood meets with Riptide in a random empty lot in Gotham to discuss life choices and possible alternatives.
Robin' the Banks June 11th, 2023 In desperation, River opts to rob a bank in Gotham City. Unfortunately two dumbass taggers left the door open and attracted one of the local non-animal-named vigilantes as Red Hood SHOCKS everyone.
Chippin' In June 9th, 2023 Two complete strangers go for pretzels and get an Audrey wanna-be added on. They DID get charged for it.
Fake Diamonds in Manhattan May 22nd, 2023 John stewart does a favor and tracks dwn the source of some bait-and-switch diamonds -- and finds a desperate theif trying to get out of the game.
Heists by Night May 21st, 2023 When criminal element Riptide is trying to rob a bank in Metropolis, none other than STARFIRE (Koriand'r) arrives to convince her to stop. Riptide is convinced to stop, and narrowly escapes.
Withdrawl Concerns May 3rd, 2023 When Monet has banking to do, she's not about to let a little robbery with some know-nothings trouble her. She takes care of business, then takes care of her banking.


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River Banks has 50 finished logs.

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River Banks has been credited in 0 shows.

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River Banks has been credited in 0 albums.

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River Banks has authored 0 books.

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