10309/Welcome to Best-Mart

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Welcome to Best-Mart
Date of Scene: 28 February 2022
Location: Upstate New York
Synopsis: During a shopping trip to gather supplies, Inez, Sam, James, and Tabitha have to interfere with a domestic dispute.
Cast of Characters: Jimmy Hudson, Samuel Guthrie, Inez Temple, Tabitha Smith

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    Schools, like armies, run on their stomachs.
    It takes a heaping helping of supplies and materiel to keep a place like Xavier chugging along providing that high level of education that's needed to grow the next generation of young gifted students and sometime heroes. The food bill alone is staggering and fortunately is handled by the good Professor himself. But someone still has to buy the stuff.
    Which is why Jimmy Hudson finds himself in the parking lot of the local Best-Mart Super Store. A clipboard in hand and a pen in the other, he's got this way of looking so intensely concentrating, as if the fate of the world was at hand. Even when it's a grocery list.
    "Alright so we got the Molson." Check.
    "We got the fruit cups." Check.
    "Did someone get 'Roro's veggie burgers?"
    Which has the young Xavier's instructor looking up from that clipboard, shifting his gaze to the good people that chose to come along on this particular expedition.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie had loaded part of the bed of the truck with coolers, and cold pack, so any frozen stuff they got will stay that way. He starts going through the bags putting the cold stuff away, and holds up the veggie burgers "Got them." and into the cooler they go. He does pull a flavored water from the bag, and sets it aside for himself on the way home.

Inez Temple has posed:
Inez comes out of the pantry aisle, "Okay, I got frozen waffles AN' pancake mix... y'all really make yer own pancakes but not th' waffles?" She tosses a couple bottles of maple syrup into the cart as well, still shaking her head over the strange plethora of stuff they've been getting. "I'm still tryin' t' find th'... marshmallow fluff? Ain't that jes'... marshmallows? Is there -parts- t'marshmallows?"

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Got dragged into the food shopping mostly because she was there when the intentions were made and an extra set of arms when carying stuff onto the tray back of a pickup is always handy. Hence the blonde girl in yellow jeans and a red Xavier Hoodie and yellow Snakers struggling as she tries to heft a little more than is wise if only so it can speed the trip up. "How Ororo hasn't managed to set up a whole vegetable greenhouse garden thingy at the school eludes me." she states and giggles. "Make the younger kids work their butts off. We did all our self sufficiency lessons already!" she jokes. Her lessons sucked. "I say we load a whole freezer up and our delightful Ms Temple here carts us all out!" she states and chuckles softly.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    Some two rows over as the gang are putting the groceries away, a 2019 Winnebago Vista rolls on up across some of the sludge leftover from the last snowstorm, its brakes making a soft hiss across the way as it settles into one of the large RV parking spaces saved for those lucky few who get to travel the open roads of the country in their retirement.
    Around Xavier's crew there are a handful of people getting out of their cars or wandering to them. The sound of crinkling paper bags can be heard with people loading their vehicles and above the heavy overcast of the sky seems to threaten yet more snow. Though hopefully not until the team get their supplies back to the mansion.
    "Alright that's good, I caught holy heck last time fer fergettin' em." Indeed. Holy Heck. But Jimmy gives a nod to Sam as he walks over to one of the carts and with the last item checked he starts helping with the loading. Because he's the supervisor, you see.
    "Marshmallow fluff, darlin', is the thing used when you don't wanna melt your marshmallows yourself." His brow knits as he looks to Sam, "Who wanted that stuff again?" Since he didn't know anyone in particular that had requested it.
    Jimmy strolls over to another box of groceries and starts to heft it on into the truck as Inez and Tabitha emerge. When Tabitha comes up with the idea of having Inez tote everyone around he asks over his shoulder, "Whatcha think about that, Miss Temple? You up to the job?" His lip curls a little wryly.
    Of course that's the moment when the door to the RV some small distance away busts open with a heavy /thud/ and the voice of a man shouting is heard as a tall burly man emerges who seems intent to berate whomever is inside. "I'm telling you now, Margaret. I have had it up to here! You keep running that mouth of yours I'll shut it for you!"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and says "A few of the kids like to have fluffer nutter sandwiches, he tells Jimmy, some of the adults to perhaps. He will move to help Tabby, seems Sam is used to helping her when she bites off a bit more than she can handle. He is in a fun mood, the shopping and weather not bothering him, but at the man complaining, and threatening his wife, he frowns looking over that way.

Inez Temple has posed:
Inez looks everything over, doing some quick math, then flexes with a grin, "I c'n manage it. Technically, I could cart th' truck back t' th' school but that would would be cold." She flashes a grin before the surly male voice has her looking over to the Winnebago with a frown, "Mmmmmmm... mebbe I'll meetcha back at th' school... make another run through, see if'n I can't find that marshmallow fluff..." She's gotten locked onto the burly man, the marshmallow fluff is secondary.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabby sighs a little as Sam takes a load off of her arms. Fit as she is there is a limit to what she can do. "Marshallow Fluff is great but I melt my own. And I am not that slack when it comes to s'mores I take my camping junk food seriously!" she states and catchs her breath.

The potential domestic case gets a very very concerned look in Tabby's features. "Asshole better not even be thinking that. A brief flare of plasma around Tabby's hands giving away just how angry the explosive blonde might be. Sam well away of Boom-Boom's hiistory with domestic abuse.

"Careful Inez. Cops come they'll shoot us before they shoot the asshole that has it coming." she says loud enough to make it to the Texan wona's ears.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    Eyes wander as they inevitably do over to the commotion. Which sees the severe looking man stomping down the steps of that RV, already lighting up a cigarette as he hits the pavement. He stalks forward but stops, shaking his head even as the sound of shuffling is heard from inside that long bus-like vehicle.
    Though at that moment Margaret's husband looks up, looks over at the faces of the people giving him the side-eye and he squints as he hefts his chest up and growls, "Hey, fuck off."
    Which assuredly makes him friends.
    Though most of the supplies are loaded, seems like something else is going to be taking up their time. Though to James' credit he at least makes an initial token effort at disarming the situation.
    "Mister, seems like you got plenty of trouble on yer plate. No need ta borrow some." Said in that steady deep rumble of his voice, loud enough to carry easy enough.
    Which is when the fella gives them all the finger.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie puts a hand on Tabby's shoulder to try to help calm her. He will say softly so just those here can hear. "If you want to help, talk to her while he is inside, don't blow his finger off." He just looks toward the man, and shakes his head, like the rest not seeming to be intimidated by the fellow at all.

Inez Temple has posed:
"An' that's why y'all need t'get in th' truck an' head back t'Xavier's. Y'all got reps t'maintain. Don't need no dustups with th' cops." Inez flashes a quick grin towards Tabby, then over to Jimmy. "If'n yer stayin', make sure it's jes' her in th' camper, an' that ya get 'er safe, yeah? Ain't th' first time I've spent a few nights b'hind bars. It'll be alright." She flits a wink towards him before turning to stride towards the burly man. "Howdy! Ain't no need t'be rude. M'friends there were jes' concerned wit' all th' commotion. Ev'rythin' goin' alright wit' ya an' th'missus?"

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The pair have not dated in a long time now but even then Sam is a very calming influence on the explosive blonde. "I know. I may steal his keys though. I know a few shelters that will take her she can drive to on her own. " she points out. "No guarantees he won't lose fingers!"

Tabby growls and starts to move towards the abusive sounding asshole barging past and lifting his keys along the way. That's probably a new trick for Sam to see out of Tabitha. Some things she had to hold back a little more till recently. Including how she learned to survive on the streets nut she's also in a safer place to discuss them these days as well.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    The man drops the cigarette at the same moment that from the RV door 'Margaret' appears. Though she emerges from that thin exit port she seems to be rather tall and burly just like her husband. But what is more she's got a large weapon in her hand with a staggeringly big barrel.
    And with no warning she aims that barrel straight at Tabitha and /fires/ sending a spiraling expanding mass of wire and netting aimed to try and hinder her or peg her to one of the nearby vehicles.
    In the same moment the husband brings his arms up which /snap/ open, upper and lower parts of his forearm uncoiling like metal mechanisms that reveal four weapons all firing in a staggering rapid fashion, sending whirling blades across the distance slashing straight into Jimmy while he dives for cover. Bits and pieces of leather are left in the wake of the weapons /shump-shump-shump/ firing, and a small spatter of the Xavier teacher's blood.
    It's while this is happening that parts of the RV break off of the vehicle, growing whirling implements and hover skirts or rotors, spreading out from the now clearly disguised assault vehicle as the various mechanical beings get set to attack.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will frown, and while he wants to go after Boomer, he trusts his friend, and he looks at the flying parts, and he takes two steps and then is blasting. The orange force field around him, protecting him from most anything, as he aims to fly through anything the vehicle puts into the air.

Inez Temple has posed:
"Aw fuck..." Inez isn't strolling casually anymore, she's running headlong at the robot? cyborg? thing. She drops down at the last moment to skid and slide through the thing's legs. Kicking out with both booted (and spurred!) feet as the back of it's knees, intent on bringing it dwon and onto the ground with her.

"JIMMY! You good? Tabby? Ya hurt?" Its called out even as she watches Sam race past with an orange forcefield. "Damn... fancy shield an' stuff. Suddenly I feel like I got th' low end o' th' gene pool!" She lets out a laugh, because as long as you're laughing you're not dead!

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Now she is throwing a bomb as the 'wife' fires that electrical net. Or more acurately streaming bombs in as many numbers as she has fingers around the netting before the net flings her back into a nearby car and indeed hobbling her movement.

Luckily Boom-Bom no longer needs her hands to conrol and guide that plasma as they start pepperiing and blasing wiith as much force as being hit with a beanbag round. Which might do squat as the more mechanical nature of the opponents.

With her pinnned to a vehicle she kinda winces and tries to struggle before she just starts generating a larger bomb to throw at the RV Transformer thing.

"I've had better and worse dates that ended up like this!" she calls out before the basketball sized globe of plasma flies at the vehicle that brough trouble.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    With a loud /FAWOOMSH!/ suddenly Cannonball is in the air, rushing straight at the whirling clanking drones that are rising from the RV. The one that looked like the spare luggage container off the roof _shatters_ into pieces as he smashes right through it, sending metal gear and debris all over the nearby parking spaces and pattering on the roof like metallic rain drops. Several other drones launch themselves after him, small electrical weapons firing shocks and beams in his direction only for them to be absorbed by that barrier that surrounds him.
    Abruptly Inez is rushing forth and she ducks down along the pavement /sliiiding/ across the distance and then spinning to slice at the back of its knees only for the cuts to reveal metal underneath as she shreds the material causing its legs to buckle and for it to /thump/ down on the pavement. Only now she has its attention as it turns, trying to bring one of its arm weapons up to blast at her with those small reddish shuriken that slice from them.
    Meanwhile that net crosses the distance... only for Tabitha's explosions to crackle off like a steady stream of fireworks turning that orderly twisting webbing to split asunder like cobwebs burst by a brush of a broom. Until only the few smouldering bits of debris land around her feet as the attempt to trap her is foiled. Though 'Margaret' still seems to have her eye on the explosive ordinance in human form as she brings her arms up to track Tabitha...
    Only for Jimmy to /slice/ one of the robot's arms clean off with a triple bladed strike gleaming with steel or silver along its edge. His jaw is tight, expression serious as he spins and /slams/ a knee into the robotic creature knocking it back into the RV as Tabitha lets loose with that big blast...
    That /crashes/ into the RV's spine and explodes it outwards, a splash of parts and debris blowing across the parking lot in the direction of the explosion and causing the whole thing to topple over on its side, burning now most heavily.
    Though that leaves the Husband and wife still semi-functional, and a trio of drones that are chasing after Sam.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks back over his shoulder, and says "Ah told ya, Ah did not know the FOH were having a meeting next to that club." He will head up letting the things shoot at hi, drawing their attention but also taking a moment to see if any more is incoming or if it just those here they are dealing with. "Jimmy, Outlaw, if you can open them up Boomer can put a hurting on them." He calls out strategy, yea Sam is used to running a team.

Inez Temple has posed:
Inez laughs as the spinning bladesshred through her clothes only to bounce harmlessly away from the woman herself. "Oh, darlin', yer gonna hafta do better'n -that- if'n ya wanna git under -my- skin..." She rolls up and grabs her bot by the arms, putting a boot up to its chest and wrenching them free with a horrible squeal of metal and the pops and hisses of wiring being brutally severed.

"I wanna keep this one mostly intact fer pokin' at! Blast anythin' else ya want! Need t'find out where these things are comin' from!" Her answer by way of not wanting her bot blasted or exploded or otherwise 'capped'. She's just going to dismember it so they can cart it home with the groceries!

Tabitha Smith has posed:
There's groans as the net finally loosens and falls away when her work lets it drop in a smoldering mess on the paved ground. "Ouch. I swear I am giving up fishnet stockings and hose." she states and growls though she does get the tactical advice from Sam easy enough as she peeks about forn the mechanized married couple.

The blonde X-Intern's clothes taking a few extra cuts annd tears as does some of that skin but nothing too major. Just enough to engage Boom-Boom's ire once more. "But you know be careful they don't like Voltron or some shit. I'm getting mad sentinel vibes here." she states and extends her arms wide and starts focussing on which target is up next. "Bring those things my way Cannonballa when you're ready!" she states and grins.

"Outllaw! Still got the RV keys. Bet it's lowjacked!" she states and grins with a shove of her right hand and a spiralling stream of plasma concetrating in it's path at the cyborg Hudson is trying to get the attention of. The gout of concussively forced plasma aiming right at the mechanical married monstrosity's center mass.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    Those three drones chase after Sam as they continue to automatically assault his indestructible force field, spending a good amount of energy generating those beams to slash at him while in pursuit. One eventually reaches critical charge and /hurls/ itself bodily into his path trying to crash into him only for him to reduce it into so much debris spatting onto the ground.
    Down on the ground, the robotic husband continues to fire its weaponry at Inez even though it seems to not be doing harm to her, its eyes glowing red now as it blinks while the machine sends small silvery shurikens hurtling at her at amazing speed, only for them to /kaping/ off her durable skin, though indeed making a mess of her wardrobe.
    The wife reels as it tries to bring its other weapon in line with Jimmy only for it to suddenly be blotted out of existence as a stream of plasma /splashes/ all over it, sending it spinning in a death gyre as bits and pieces of its body twist end over end only for it to slam and become part of the wreckage of the RV as both of the pieces of heavy machinery start to melt together.
    Which leaves Jimmy rounding on the thing taking pot shots at Inez, which seems to twist his features into a growl. Or maybe it was because the thing gave him the finger. Either/or he rushes forward and /slashes/ with his clawed hand, slicing the spine of the thing open as he gives a loud /Grrrar!/
    Strong enough of a slice that the thing loses control of its lower bodily portion and hits the ground heavily in a mass of metal components.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will come heading back down with the remaining drones on his heels. He times the blast figuring how much time he has between bursts, and brings them in line for Boomer, as he heads towards a light pole. He reaches out to grab it, and engages a trick he learned from Kurt, cutting his blast field just long enough to let him spin around the post and direct him back towards the drones as he kicks his field back on hoping to not take any hits in that split second.

Inez Temple has posed:
"Awwwwwwwww, Jimmy, yer a peach!" Inez proclaims this as he slices the robot attacking her neatly in half. Lengthwise. He gets a peck to his cheek before she turns to watch Tabby blast the drones out of the sky, "Get 'em, girl! Ya got this! Lead yer shot!" She's still handing onto the arms of the poor robot guy, too. Jimmy gets a bit of a hipbump and a grin, "Sure know how t'treat a gal t'a good time."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Leaves the remaining Matrimonator to Outlaw and Jimmy so she can focus on the flying drones chasing Sam down. Being smaller they don't seem to need as much power but that means she can put more bombs up in the air. "Keep that field up Sam gonna get bright up in your face!" she warns. Boom-Boom folds her arms before her concealed chest glows and then arms fling out and a whole bunch of baseball sized bombs are flung up in the bath of the flying robots. "BEGONE BOTS!" she yells out as they start going off in their flight path as Tabby distributes plasma like Oprah does bees. Just Maybe less anaphylaxis and epipens. The benefits of psionically controlling the bombs. They adjust their flight paths before they go off. A miss never stays missed now. "Leading and coralling Outlaw Honey!"

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    The bots on the ground are settled and the RV is a shambles, but those two remaining drones take some New Mutant teamwork to put down. With Sam firing like a roman candle then cutting the power as he grabs and /swings/ around one of those giant lamp posts in the Best-Mart parking lot, he narrowly dodges a flash of firepower before he lines up and hits the juice again!
    As he bursts through the lead drone as the second ducks out of line only straight into that blast from Tabitha as her plasma smashes right into the flying weaponized tire-cover that had leapt off the RV. It gets partially melted before shattering as it hits the ground leaving a scattering of debris to pepper over Jimmy and Inez even as the the young Hudson looks on the others.
    "A'right, reckon we should beat feet. Inez you wanna take this one with us?" He says as he totes the half of the robot that will hopefully be useful and rushes over to the back of Sam's truck. He eyeballs it. "Crap, where'll we put it..."
    Which has him deciding... well, it's going on the veggie burgers. Poor Ororo. Even as the metal bot corpse falls in with a thud and a clank.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over to the others as he lands. "We take it to a field out in the middle of no where if your wanting to play with it, we don't take it home till we get one of the science boys to check it over and make sure there is no tracking devices in it. He does pull out his phone taking a few quick pictures of the wreckage, before he calls out "Everyone climb aboard."

Inez Temple has posed:
"WOO! Fireworks before dinner, gotta love it!" Inez lets out a whoop, then grins at Jimmy and gives a nod, "Yeah. Need t'look it over, see if there's serial numbers, trademarks, any sorta corporate stampin' that'll mark these as comin' from somewhere specific. If'n we know where they're from, we c'n go knockin' on doors." Then she's flashing a grin to Sam, "I'll take it home wit' me. Don't have t'go nowhere near th' school, an' if someone comes knockin' on MY door, they're gonna be in fer some nasty surprises." She steps up to the bed to smile at Jimmy, "I c'n head back up this way once I get th' bot stored. An' that way if there's any nasty lil surprises left on these things, won't go off round yer kids."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Well if we're bringing it with us might as well drop it something secure right or just wide open like Sam said. And yank the battery. I ain't no tech wiz but I seen enough evil robots up close that you don't want those things having power even if it's off. Robots always do that sneaky shit." Tabby chimes.

"Last thing we want is your firm butt being scorched by robots playing possum Outlaw sweetie!" she states with a nod as she ponders the wrechage she just created.

A Medium Amount.

"Probably wanna tie it down too. How much of it we need leftover anyway?" she curiously asks and widens her hands and then closes the gap between them in a shrinking gesture.

"And anyone wanna take bets on which of us was the prize?" she adds and chuckles